The Death Squad (TV Movie 1974)

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Arnold Pella the office of the district attorney has conceded that the indictment in your case was improperly prepared it is clear to the court that there was indeed improper search and seizure now some may consider this a technicality perhaps but in consideration of the gravity of the charges against you we we cannot Overlook it however I will say frankly that it appalls me and Grieves me considerably to have to put another drug Pusher particularly one with your history of violence back onto the streets there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are a very dangerous man capable of any crime however the court is helpless in this situation so let the records show that the charges against Arnold Pella are dismissed okay all right man thank you court is adjourned move and quietly come on hey hey I don't even know you guys and then what are you going to do with me man who you doing this for man I never held out on nobody leave me alone got no [Applause] hey man give me a minute man hey let me talk to you man let me talk to you man just give me a minute hey what's the rush give me a minute huh what's it going to kill you if you talk to me man let me talk to you man what is it nck Nick if it's if it's man I can explain that deal maybe I could tell him he listen please hey I could explain that deal man I could explain it he listen to me man please please man please wait a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] hello Benoy hello Jean congratulations I heard they made you Chief what else they going to do with a cop with one good leg get in the commissioner wants to see you the new commissioner it's important well I guess he couldn't be any worse than the olden [Music] I'll be [Music] inside ain't you afraid I'll get it dirty you told told him anything yet Jean just that you wanted to see him commissioner you were forced to resign from the force because drugs were found in your locker half a dozen sleepers why did you have them I'm a thrill seeker cut it out Eric I was going through a divorce working double shifts couldn't sleep so I barred them from a Narcotics officer hey what is this I got kicked off The Force because I kept busting a rich Waterfront Hood named Jerry Staley well you guys Department we're protecting we've had enough of that Beno do you read about the Pella killing Pusher put some battery acid in some smack you sold to a client must have made somebody mad you busted Edie Otis I know what about IR Goodman good clean crook turn rapist I could name nine of 10 more all killed exactly the same way in the last 6 months got any idea why I'm just a private citizen Jean all I know is some newspaper Jazz about gang Warfare no loss any of them and we have reason to believe that they've all been systematically executed by policemen a death squad like the ones they have in South America N I don't believe that no way hear them out there's a distinct pattern to these executions they're professional no phys physical evidence all of them men who have gotten away with some serious crime on illegal technicality and none of the murder weapons have ever been found what else you got a rookie detective named Bill Pell got himself killed in a Pursuit yesterday this was into stuff dat six of them they match up with six of the killings so we believe the death squads in your old Precinct probably no more than a few men I'll give you the most telling argument I know Beno considering crime in this country you surprised it hasn't happened before this we want you to find out who's doing it I go back on the force if I work shoefly for you is that it shoefly we're not talking about a bottle at Christmas time Eric this is felony murder you're talking about busting cops Jean what makes you think I wouldn't join up with these guys myself I think they're doing a beautiful job Jane I think we've made a mistake respectfully commissioner why don't you quit conning me you could have got me back on the force a long time ago if you wanted to you didn't that means you're coming to me now because you're in big trouble and you need me bad there are a lot of people people Beno who don't want you back at all what made you think I'd do this if this situation breaks into the media before we're on top of it every cop hater in the country will start to howl they'll have our blood all because of a few bad cops in one Precinct in a city of millions and what business is that of mine because you're a good cop who believes in the force and you know it [Music] now you know how glad I am to have you back we all are you got the dirty end of the stick and everybody knows that but that was rough times you came out of it okay Captain some of us stuck around to fight for a cleaner better Department Eric and we've got one now look booi you were had and I admit that but you wouldn't give an inch I didn't have to you gave enough for both of us okay I going to give you the oath don't bother I didn't do anything to violate it the first time the City attorney says you're back on the force you're back on the force Sergeant Berard Lieutenant Andre oh you're my Watch Commander huh oh we call them teams now we've imp Meed some new police procedur since you were here I'm sure you can to have a lot of questions so you check with me when you do let me see now Marine car college man police science took all the tests every policeman a professional for chief maybe president even huh Airborne now the only thing I have to find out about you is whether you're capable of being a professional policeman or one of the Cowboys we phasing out I'll do my job lieutenant I just hope you'll do yours and what do you see is my job in case I have to put a hole in some citizen out there you're going to back me up or not if what you did was justified but you damn well better be justified I'll see you in the briefing room H I'm Eric Benoy Connie Brennan I was pel's partner now I guess I'm yours I understand you wenter too anxious to work with me I understand you threaten to sue the city unless they put you back on I could just see myself up to my tail and paperwork every time you spit I understand that no sweat look as long as my part goes through that door the same time as me I got no complaint what if he goes through ahead of you be my guest hang right friend of yours Jerry Staley got me canned off the force want to toss him see if he's got your badge in his pocket nah I just want him to know I'm back all vicinity 10th and bendo officer needs help shooting in progress ambulance using ninth to Kingman code three one Nora 32 acknowledge all units three [Music] how many two one's got himself automatic carbine let's take it around the corner [Music] [Applause] [Music] please don't shoot all right all right they ran a signal and Mar stopped them they just blew him down they just blew him down bleeding I want this this was mine I going to waste you why don't waste you and I'll be the one to do it easy D easy dude get him out of here who's that hotheaded kid name's Alan Duke what was all that stuff about wasting somebody Marty was his best friend what do you want him to do kiss him come [Music] [Music] on Connie Marty just died Sharon's on her away how are we going to tell it we we'll fig it away how did you get it girls upstairs he came in for cobal treatment he wanted to come down with [Music] he Marty Duke [Music] Jo he's dead no you must be Eric manoy I'm Joyce kesy Captain ear's daughter-in-law yeah I knew your husband we worked burgly together a couple of years ago ears here in the hospital yeah he's upstairs 612 I know he'd love to see you he's talked a lot about you I'll go up and see him then thanks girl it's okay turn on the light what are you doing laying here in the de good news to the Grave my God I'm glad to see you I heard you to her back I'm glad to see you to her not like this well it comes to a home in they tell me you want to drink people usually do there's a bottle stash draw [Music] there you got glasses no here there we and give me a little that that's as good an anesthetic as any and they don't care what I do to myself now I keep it mostly for my men they all come around you were Padre to a lot of us yeah but who wants to sit around with a dying old man you're too mean to die early I always told you that move over you know how I feel about dying mad mad as hell all those years trying to make this a decent City risking my life and for what it ought have meant something 40 years on the streets and the city still got a bigger cancer than I do everybody expects us to hold it off while they take a nap it makes me sicker than I am just to look around my own neighborhood it used to be a decent neighborhood now they drive too fast they make too damn much noise they steal and rape my own boy got a you know just like today pulled a car over routine they shot him right through the eye seems to me Earl got to forget about all that I wish I could you're a good policeman Eric I can't think of anyone I'd rather have out there taking my place it's all I know and I like it I heard your wife left you a couple years ago yeah Janette well I guess she just couldn't take it any longer it's hard in a woman either come back drunk or dead or crazy yeah a good policeman's wife is hard to find except Joyce of course my boy's wife she was good real good I told her when she marries again she owes it to all of us to marry a policeman she better do it too you're not matchmaking on me are you Earl take a look at her on the way out I'd Die a happy [Music] man he's asleep in there you ought to go home I can uh drive if you want me to no I got to stay [Music] no please take me up sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing I'm going through all the files at midnight and off duty huh so as your supervising officer I'd like to know why now I can put you up on charges I don't think you need that Jerry Staley's in these files you weren't around then but he's the reason I got bounced off the force so you're starting a private war never ended well it's not going to be any vettas not in my precinct now that stuff does not go anymore Jerry Staley has got his rights just like you just like me Andre write yourself a report put it in my file just don't expect me to stand around here and listen any garbage about Staley's rights you understand T night now if you pull a stunt like that again I'm going to make sure that it ends your career I mean that I'm not sure a man like you belongs on a police force anymore [Music] [Music] Sharon if the department can do anything to help you you'll let us know thank you okay you have your door close we'll take care of you thank you okay we'll talk about it tomorrow tomorrow must have given up handball getting fat ver I can still beat you I understand you're with Connie Brennan yeah yeah we got a Watch Commander who's a kid promised to teach me how to be a policeman and D yeah he's all right a whole new setup I didn't think you'd like it no I like it I like it Eric whether you want to believe it or not I fought for you and I've been fighting for you all along good to have you back take care Eric are you leaving well I'm in no hurry you uh want to take a walk sure he's a good man we want him okay let's figure out what he wants you know what he wants that Waterfront creep that got him busted Jerry [Music] Staley look at that shop there now you're in [Music] trouble who takes it straight me thank you oh man would I love to run that in Connie what are we doing here been on the clock 15 hour I got the blind staggers relax enjoy yourself enjoy now I got to go to the [Music] John that Connie for can he drink never gets drunk for you his new partner well don't make yourself a stranger huh I'm not talking you apologize you creep what do you mean apologize hey Ma what kind of people you letting in here now huh what's Tuesday night now barbag night or something come on con what happened anyway nothing I just admired his girlfriend I just said I haven't seen a bill like that since the last time I was at the zoo [Music] all Maxi still love me which one of you drunks is going to buy me a drink I'm not drunk officer I I just have a disease that makes me act this way you know what you got Brandon we just don't know how you got it hey Benoy you heard about your old buddy Gerald L Staley no what HP found him out in Interstate 5 somebody blew his brains out want to go to the funeral aren't you lucky awful lot of people know where you were tonight yeah damn [Music] lucky and I'm pleased you feel you have enough to justify a meeting considering the risks I got nothing then what are we doing here I got an idea maybe it'll help checking it out you took a look at the ballistics reports in all the cases different gun was used each time different makes different calibers now where would you pick up so many guns I mean where would it be safe for a cop confiscated weapons you mean from the Department itself yeah I got into the weapons room records been messed around with at least seven guns missing including an old Smith and Wesson 38 a 45 automatic Arnold Pell is probably the 38 45 could have been used on that rapist you found in the Quarry any idea how many men involved half a dozen maybe I'm guessing names no if I give you names and I get stiffened out no it won't do us any good until we find out who's running the squad any evidence to nail them that it better be pretty soon will be they just done me a big favor Staley yeah well I'm not sure I understand why would they kill someone for you well it's kind of like when you're trying to get close to abroad commissioner you bring her to a dirty movie maybe you've never had that experience I believe I know what you mean they're going to recruit you for the death squad nobody ever thought of that oh boy there's a lot of risk in this sure there is for all of us I'm not sure I completely understand but then of course I realize it isn't necessary wait a minute wait a minute what do you mean you don't completely understand what are you coping a plea already of course you understand you knew exactly what was going to happen and what it meant if it did so don't go vomiting up your morality to me now [Music] this shouldn't take long I'll cover for you Baker 92 Baker Charles Warehouse okay Clark checks the runner on First and here's the two and two pitch I hit the short to be in there for a base hit hit with the third oron throws the second and hops first you better close the door that BR up right how you doing ear how's it going I'm still here in the bullpen H off to day it'll be his first time out who who's winning I'm the one Eric what the death squad I started it [Music] that's hard to [Music] believe well something had to be done it was Anarchy oh I know it they were taking over the streets I know it Earl but you were always the straightest cop I ever knew I mean generations of young guys learned it all from you most of them are still around they they adore you listen I was 22 years old when I first swore the oath you try to tell people what the world was like then they think you're seedi the other day across town a motorcycle gang captured these two little girls nice girls passing through town they dragged them out of their car and they to tortured him and raped him for 3 days one of those girls went out of her mind Eric her father came to pick her up and she screamed and ran from him because he was a man I know an officer who was there he told me he cried to see that well these animals did you ever smell them Eric in in court they laughed because the little girls couldn't bear to come into court to face him there's 20 of them the word is they'll probably beat the rap disturbing the peace maybe they always been animals out there oh sure they have what I've just described to you is Unthinkable 40 50 years ago that's what's so hard to believe people don't want to face it I know her I want you in Eric there's nobody else but us you know that we do the dirty work and they treat us like enemies the Richer they are the more they bleed for the crud Riot poison their kids with dope so I picked a Few Good Men ones I could trust there it is you're not running it now More's the pity [Music] who is her I've got a right to know the men I mixed up with in a thing like this no you [Music] don't it's a tough decision and there's no turning back I'll tell you what I'd say to my own son don't do it for me do it for yourself when the streets are safe when people can live decent lives again we'll [Music] quit right you are I'm in [Music] good good good good I feel better about a lot of things now I got his name your call was a real surprise well I've been thinking about you a lot I'm glad how's everything okay fine Captain all right about the same I guess he really enjoys a guys dropping over huh this this so line all that cop talkg must drive you crazy not me I stay as far away from them as I can get we really ought to do this more often you know I'd like eat some crab kid [Applause] well we could stop over at Teddy see if those hookers are still in business not now and bandar what's going on Kenny 1 l55 code 7 max is St out we're going to take kind of a long dinner hour but we're covered I asked you a question you'll see tonight's ton night sweethart [Music] you got him yeah he's in the trunk Duke will take care of your car [Music] right beautiful night yeah Moon all them Stars tough night to go good as any [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is he Conny I don't know he's one of them what's that mean I told you I don't know he's a pimp he beat one of his girls to death get him [Music] now you're one of us nobody likes it do keep it all up my shoes the first time why don't you go get loaded [Music] what alarm up [Music] the wagon [Music] hi Duke hi how you do hey great super how are you not bad how you doing all right hey don't say it too over easy hasb potatoes B those right easy on the olive oil easy on the olive oil how can eat anything easy on the olive oil give me a break will you give you a break hey what's the matter policeman's got to eat good in order to get big muscles don't you know that can't keep my food down when all you know yeah I know got me that same way yeah you got one soon tonight aren't you going No not tonight I don't even know who the guy is do they ever tell you I tell me it's better that way maybe but sometimes look dude get yourself a drink chew some gum one of these days a Meeker supposed to inherit the earth you [Music] know right thank you anyway this dumb rookie comes in off his watch and he's really moving cuz he's got this koozy daxy so he reaches into his locker for a can of hairspray only he also happens to have in the locker a can of Mace he goes s like he's BX we couldn't believe him brenon yeah booi just got in sick he's got food poisoning all if you go out alone and I all the better to shake down the citizens lieutenant how you doing with that hot shot partner of yours buto fine he's pretty tight with a Commish I drove him and the chief up to his house and I saw him come out of the pad where the commissioner keeps his little chicky I'm glad he's not after my cushy job don't worry there's not enough action a job for Beno uh Connie speaking of action will I see you tonight uh I'll call you later 18th [Music] [Applause] [Music] Precinct a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] hi hey can I come in my [Applause] how you doing okay coffee no no coffee you and me we got to talk all right what's on your mind well suppose you tell me what's going on in this Precinct something's on low boil and the bad mouth's all about you what's the charge let me cop a plea talk about you being shoefly and meetings with the commissioner can't stop people from Talking oh come on now don't give me that garbage Eric you're making enemies and I want you back here to stay I need you old Jean he's a fine Chief but he's a lousy liar I asked him about it about you you know he swallowed his Cane now come on level with me what's going on no I'm sorry Vern but I can't even talk about this not even to you you know I knew the chief was going to go to you but I didn't think you'd do it I know what's happening [Applause] Eric but the policeman and I'm not going to help you now you might as well know that you're going to have to take sze whether you like it or not Vern they're not anybody's cops anymore they're hurting us all of us they're out there blowing people's heads off like any hoodlem in the street they're hurting us all of us they're out blowing people's heads off like any other hoodlum in the street are you sure it's him maybe it's him Earl you can tell it's him that's why we bugged his apartment night after night he's been riding with me now this one is mine I don't give a damn what anybody says wait a minute what are you talking about killing this lousy thinkink you're talking about killing a cop my God what are we dead unless we get going I got a wife and three kids what if I wanted out would you kill me too listen we started this to make things right in the street we're not talking about some stinking push it we're talking about killing a cop all right now you think it over Duke are you anxious to go up to the slam how long do you think cops last up there oh come on Connie I can't tell the difference between us in the scumbag we're killing none none of my boys ever let me down take take it easy captain we're all here I think you ought to have something to say about this decision forget it well I guess we're going to have to do it only question is how and when Sarah oh my God Sarah no calling for his wife you better go try to sleep Earl I'll be right here why why would Eric [Music] stay away from him [Music] Joyce hello no I'm sorry Sergeant Beno the commissioner is at a convention in Cleveland yes with the chief I expect him back Saturday all right you give me a number that where I can reach him then well I don't know he might be angry with me all right then you call him lady but you tell him to get back here because there's going to be big trouble you understand good night hey I've been trying to get in touch with you for an hour come on we're not do on until 4:00 narco's ready to hit that dealer on 12 Street and they've invited us to the party come on let's go all right [Music] F had this place staked out for nearly a month and some shiny new dude blew it I figur they got about 30 bags of heroin in there you seen the place no it's a duplex front back doors toilet's on the far side of the house and I want that I'll uh go in through the way to make sure nobody flushes nothing right [Music] [Music] hey only one in there I think he's watching TV all right Jess take the FR you two take the back 10 seconds after I signal right uh look uh why don't you take the front with Jesse give him a little more muscle I'll take the back alone that all right with you okay let's just make sure that we all get in there together right let's go [Music] please open up [Music] [Music] H set up [Music] [Music] hello Joyce I got to talk to to Earl right away you can't look I don't care what kind of shape he's in I got to talk Eric he's dead they took him away [Applause] listen listen there's going to be big trouble no matter how this turns out everybody's going to hate my guts you didn't really know me you understand no but I'm used to that take care you [Music] too wait a minute wait a minute what makes you think I'm going out on a limb now I can't reach a commissioner the chief I got no place to hide and what if I don't they're going to kill me Vern I got the stuff to break the desk Squad okay okay look I got to make a check on a smack drop over at the Hippodrome rink I'll see you there at about 11: now if you're straight with me I'll try to help you out is that when I hit [Applause] him if I don't talk him out of it rest if you can do whatever you think is necessary to save yourselves [Music] anybody else here no what so what have you got Cony Duke Harman motorcycle cop named Henrick couple of Nars that's it maybe one more took guns from confiscated stocks I fished out three the rest will be there they couldn't have taken those guns without help Vern somebody to fix the records oh dear God you know my guns pointed at your belly Eric you're going to be the one to do it burn you're going to blow me up plan a little smack on me is that why we're meeting here in dope City I don't want to do this Eric why not because we're friends because you're a good cop you stop being a cop the day this thing started oh I don't know what to do there's nothing to do ver I may vomit every morning the rest of my life I didn't break my health you did and for guys like you and me Vern that's the only thing that ever counts Eric [Music] Eric D stay on him [Music] there a [Music] [Music] [Music] we are Pursuit 1 out 15 westbound on Franklin he's right nearby stay on him we'll cut him off at 17th in Franklin isn't that Brad what's he doing ask for the uh a description of the vehicle units in Pursuit request description of vehicle repeat describe vehicle you pursuing why is Brennan in that area what was the call I don't know I mean there there wasn't any call I Police Department yes thank you ambulance is rolling to Hipp drum skating rink man shot code to the units in the area units in vicinity of Hipp drum skating rink ambulance shooting code two try Brandon again 1 to 1 l15 1 to 1 l15 we keep trying and somebody in here from the jail I'm going to go out there 1 l55 to1 go ahead 1 l55 this is 1 l55 requesting immediate contact with Watch Commander you read me repeat 1 l55 requesting immediate radio contact with lieutenant and when L 55 to1 do you read [Music] me cod8 Union at 14th and Thompson two Victor 7 to1 do you read what's the matter Police Department yes ma'am there is an ambulance on the way as soon as possible what spite out of service [Music] Janice what the hell's going on here [Music] Jenis one unit 1 l55 one unit 1 l55 Andre this is Benoy I need help I got to make on the death squad i' be pursued by at least two police units but you get back to the station right now let's beat him to the station Ben Ben [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] take it around the corner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] drop the gun benoi all right get inside yeah this is Andre 18th Street division we've got an emergency situation here have all the units in the precinct report back to the station immediately I want an APB and the following officers Sergeant James Hartman motorcycle patrolman William Hendricks patrolman Alan Duke narcotics officers Harmon Bryce and Jesse molden make it a felony want homicide all of these men are to be considered armed and dangerous [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I
Channel: FroggyFlix
Views: 183,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BwOj7qHeTlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 50sec (4250 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2013
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