The Death of the Indominus Rex EXPLAINED - How it really died..

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the killer of dinosaurs and people alike the indominous Rex seemed all but Unstoppable right until this moment when it went up against the true ruler of isan nublar oh we're not talking about Rexy so what happened when the most powerful creature in the franchise got its jaws around the series most infamous hybrid monstrosity today on Goji Center we break down two possible ways the indominous Met its fate in that Lagoon for you to fully appreciate the kill simulations later we need to recap on a few important details of this mosa mosasaurs are a lineage of lizards that first took to the Cretaceous oceans just after the Jurassic period at the time the ocean was full of many other terrifying apex predators from iosaur to the plesiosaurs to Marine crocodiles a chance Extinction event cleared the board and these lizards quickly Rose to the top the earliest mosasaurs were about the size of monitor lizards today but as they climbed up the food chain they had to devise a whole new survival strategy becoming brutal killing machines the biggest of their kind mosasaurus and Tylosaurus specialized specifically in dispatching other large animals they were equipped with robust teeth that could split shell and Crush bone long Jaws for better reach and even optimizing a secondary row of fangs called teroid teeth towards the back of the throat to help hold and tear prey to shreds wounds on other giant marine reptiles show these apex predators were more than capable of butchering big game even battling or hunting their own kind if the situation called for it key fossils like Precision bites right through the armored shells of ammonites to disrupt their buoyancy and Chomps to the head on other predators to avoid them from fighting back also shows that mosasaurus were smart enough to have a specific strategy to kill different types of animals and mosasaurus in specific might have been targeting the most dangerous prey of all a 2013 study looking at carbon Isotopes found that mosasaurus specifically hunted large animals and even other big predators nobody was safe from the mosa they may not have met large dinosaurs all that often out at sea but if their jaws and teeth could dismember armored sea turtles and sliced through the bones of other giant ocean Predators mosasaurus could and did certainly kill dinosaurs in Jen's mosa would know exactly what to do when going after some land food still even land Predators caught out at sea have formidable weapons a fully grown mosasaurus would need to be careful tackling something like a T-Rex at Sea so was it possible for the ambushed indominus to use its incredible power and abilities to fight back offc screen after getting dragged underwater it was part cuttlefish and Dinos sucus both Adept in the water after all surely that gave it a chance to fight back underwater right no let's take a step back here and look at the big picture the mosasaurus Mass estimates might be all over the place but it is at least triple if not quadruple the indominus is weight it's faster it's much stronger and it's in its element so that said this isn't an episode of Monster Faceoff it's an execution straight out of worst ways to die starring the indom as the test dummy this indominous won't stand a chance we'll keep our two simulations loading here so we can witness this mosa have some dinner here and meanwhile we'll go ahead and tell you how you can avoid starving because you don't have the time to go hunt your own food and figure out how to fill up your tank with Factor 75 hey don't skip because if you're a gamer jimm junkie or just someone who hates cooking but likes good food and fast Factor 75 may just solve your problems just click on the link below and you'll get 50% off your first box and two wellness shots for life that's right you'll get two of these with every order with your active subscription oh you think just because you're V vegetarian you can't take part in this awesomeness no dude Factor 75's Got You with keto calorie smart vegan vegetarian you name it all you need for you to reach your fitness goals stay swole or lean you Gamers out there will no longer have to worry about having to get up and to go get food nobody got time for that man with Factor 75 just toss your food in a pot or microwave and boom right back to gaming or whatever you like to do scan this QR code or click this link for 50% off your first order and get two free wellness shots select your flavor and enjoy these for life as an active sub okay seems like our simulations have finished loading taking us to Method number one drowning wait wait no no no hold up hold up this method of drowning isn't going to be boring it kind of sucks just hear us out launching out of the water as it did the Mosasaur certainly mimicked the crocodiles you see on those brutal crock hunt videos online going off the official Jurassic World website at the time the movie released the inen mosasaurus had a bite force listed at about 13,000 PSI however the true damage might be substantially higher veteran viewers might remember the monster Faceoff episode starring this very mosa where we discussed some of the mechanics behind a bite like this if the bite is concentrated on a smaller surface area then the bite is much much more lethal and every ounce of that biting pressure for the mosa just got slammed down onto the indominus neck slowing down the footage we can hear the gasp of air being forced out of the hybrid's body after such a Chomp ouch and while the indominus did manage to thrash and struggle for a moment the mosasaurus wasn't done yet much like how some crocodiles will thrash and whip prey against the ground or water once they get a good hold the mosasaurus lurched back with enough Force to yank the indominus entire body off the ground this impact alone on top of the biting pressure could have been more than enough to break the indominus is neck once the indominus violently hit the water and was dragged against it all of its weight is going One Direction and putting all of that strain on the throat vertebrae could be easily dislocated if not outright crushed and with a ruptured spinal cord the indominus would lose most of its ability to move its body right then and there granted this is the same hybrid that was able to shrug off bullets and a muling from an angry T-Rex so what if it was tough enough to not have its neck snapped right then and there honestly ly it might have wished it did this is where a part of the theropod dinosaur biology might actually wind up working against the hybrid mammals and lizards can hold their breath easily underwater because their lungs open up and close with the movement of certain muscles in humans this would be the diaphragm birds dinosaurs and especially theropods have what is called a pneumatic system a series of air sacks through the body connected to the throat and lungs to constantly Pump Air instead of individual breaths air is constantly being pushed in and out this system increases stamina by venting out heat more efficiently and is the reason why today Birds dominate the skies in the age of mammals underwater however this is a critical disadvantage and might be one of the reasons very few dinosaurs ever took to living in the water with the mosasaurus crunching down on the indominus body and thrashing around the hybrid would be reflexively trying to get as much air as it could the pneumatic system it relies on to breathe which just suck in more and more water until multiple air sacks and the lungs got flooded the situation gets even worse if the Mosasaur lets go of the neck to Target the belly remember this is a predator smart enough to know vulnerable areas it would know exactly where one would be here on a dinosaur crunching down on the indominus midsection whilst keeping it underwater the indominus rib cage and gastralia wouldn't be able to take the pressure broken bone would be split and stabbed into the body even deeper than the teeth would go the crushing force of those jaws and broken ribs would perforate the interior air sacks and organs even more the indominus would be taking on water in record time and drowning in its own blood on top of that even without the teeth needing to punch in that far the indominus is effectively impaled with its own body skewered on the inside with more and more seawater rushing in unconsciousness could happen in seconds and death shortly after but there is an alternate even more Grizzly way the hybrid might have met its fate a method employed by the current Oceanic apex predator method number two dismemberment instead of just waiting for the indominus to drown the far Messier way for the mosa to get its meal would be to put those teeth and Jaws to work letting go of the indominus neck briefly the mosasaurus instead clamps down lower Biting Down firmly on the flank of the body up to 40 conical teeth stabed through the indominus hide that monstrous biting pressure would be more than enough to cck bone and punch right through any dermal armor shattering the osteoderms on the way in after getting a good grip the mosasaurus would then thrash side to side with the teeth gripping the hide and muscle so firmly tissue is literally wrenched off the bone this would not only cause massive amounts of shock making any amount of drowning even worse it would also rupture arteries and Shred veins there would be a lot of blood in the water very quickly all the while the mosasaurus gets to eat bite by bite not even bothering to shred chunks of flesh out with the serration on the teeth with the hybrid immobilized and unable to swim away the sea reptile would be able to pull back and Lurch in again and again taking the choice Cuts with every bite after twisting off its mouthfuls and once the belly was targeted with no more muscle and tissue holding the guts in well you can put two and two together we can see the same method used today by the modern-day equivalent to mosasaurus the Orca just like the mosasaurus these gigantic dolphins hunt a wide range of prey and have the tools to handle all of them with teeth quite similar in many ways to the mosa and Jaws so strong we don't even know their true bite force these sea Hunters make for an excellent analog to the mosasaurs and when hunting large animals like great white sharks elephant seals or ganging up on even larger whales Orca employ this same brutal tactic seeing the Orca dismember their prey like this might explain why the indominous was in pieces by the time we saw her in Fallen Kingdom why the Mosasaur was swimming away with her in its mouth at the end of the movie but bits and pieces of the hybrid have become scattered all across the Lagoon by the time the kids got there in season 2 of Camp Cretaceous by one means or another the intelligent and Dominus Rex learned one final lesson during its short rain over is nublar for as terrifying as it was on land any apex predator hits their limit when out of their [Music] element [Music]
Channel: Goji Center
Views: 550,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indominus rex, jurassic world, dinosaurs, kaiju, monsters, jurassic world dominion, t rex, rexy, blue, velociraptor, indoraptor, mosasaurus
Id: x7bjVxjlvJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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