The Deadly Physics of GUM Ninjas! | The SCIENCE of.. Ninjala

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dragonkilla45 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
dear gung-ho online another sponsor finally we trapped another one yes sponsor me to tear apart your game fuel my ramblings okay i've calmed down thanks to gung-ho for this opportunity i swear i'll be nice ninjala is a cute cartoonish game that puts you in the shoes of little ninjas cute and you can choose their outfits and their hair styles and then be dumped into a multiplayer arena to beat the crap out of other child ninjas with no remorse well if you're a normal person i happen to be utterly terrible at the game and part of it may be because i keep trying to get measurements and numbers in the middle of a battle royale excuse excuse me excuse me i am trying to do some science here do you mind okay so the core premise is pretty simple you're a like 12ish year old kid who comes from a long line of ninja warriors going all the way back to the sengoku period of japan and this ninjatic potential is held within your dna sounds simple enough a little bit of assassin's creed meets splatoon the weird part is how you supposedly unlock this power it's gum you know bubble gum this stuff i mean in the game it's supposedly special gum probably full of pharmaceutical chemicals that do uh dna magic but that's not what we're talking about today well sorta i am talking about the gum because it's pretty much the main mechanic of the game but i am not touching dna magic dna memory stuff with a six foot pole instead we're going to be looking at how the gum itself is used in the game because it does everything from the mundane to the ridiculous it can form weapons it can be used to attack people lets you stick people in places like spider-man's web and will even let you fly and run up walls frankly the gum does a lot of the heavy lifting in the ninja department specifically we're going to be looking at a few things really really closely the wall running the double jump one of my favorite game staples and the gum boost which is essentially an air dash and just because i'm feeling vindictive and a little naughty we're gonna hazard a guess at just how potentially fatal the spinning tornado special is because you know i just do love me some internal bleeding okay first things first the wall running it's a pretty common staple in games and it is something that's possible in real life it works by an athlete using their legs and feet to transfer their horizontal motion into vertical motion by trading friction with the wall surface anybody can wall run as long as they're going fast enough the thing is gravity will constantly be working against you gravity helps you run under normal circumstances by keeping you pulled down and in constant contact with the ground that will not be working for you here every step forward you take on a wall will reduce your contact with it the contact that was originally only maintained by the momentum you had by running at it this is why people who wall run regularly can usually only pull off like a meter or two for a fraction of a second it only takes a couple of steps to cancel out all that forward momentum and leave your feet with no way to push off the wall without just falling backward and this is why the world record for the highest wall run is only four meters it's just too hard to do this without something constantly pulling you to the wall this is where the gum comes in in ninjala by gluing your feet to the wall using gum the idea is that the negative effects of losing your forward momentum will be mitigated and that is kinda true but unfortunately what it does not do is remove the negative impact of gravity you see while you may be able to mitigate the lack of forward momentum you can't just ignore that gravity will be pulling at your center of mass and in order to fight it you're going to have to be able to accelerate faster than gravity can pull you down which really isn't possible i mean i haven't even gotten into the gravity of the ninjala world yet we'll get there but the best sprinters in the world can only accelerate at about 3.09 meters per second squared which is well below 1g even they would not be able to pull this off spiderman shoes or not this is especially problematic because the center of mass is right here and would act like one big lever pulling whoever was stuck to the wall over like well a lever not even michael jackson had calves strong enough to pull this off and then you'd just be like dangling there helpless waiting for someone to come smack you in the face with a nerf katana now this could be fixed if the hands also had sticky gum on them and the runner were able to make a four point contact with the wall preventing their bodies from flopping over this would be a lot less like a wall run and more like a wall climb where you'd be treating the wall more like a massive flat ladder instead of a surface to run on but alas that is not what we have here but let's get to the really fun stuff now that we've gotten wall running out of the way double jumping gum boosting oh man this is gonna be some good stuff and not for the reasons that you were expecting but before we get there well we're gonna need to find a ruler i need one desperately i need to do pixel measurements but yeah these cartoony games are the worst when it comes to getting one of those a compass marker with meters nope no such luck a random yardstick discarded somewhere in a school setting nope but i always find something to measure with nothing can stop me and this video is no exception and i caught my lucky break when i realized that eagle city is an analog for new york city there's a statue of liberty knockoff and everything but more importantly there's a subway right here and more importantly than anything else is the sign the sign the sign is the key to everything [Music] the new york city subway follows a design standard to this day for this style of sign that was laid out in the 1970s in 1970 proper in fact in 1906 the metropolitan transportation authority commissioned the unimark firm to completely redo the subway system sign design because it was to put it mildly a chaotic imperceivable mess of cobwebs and disaster so two designers massimo vignelli and bob norda spent the next four years completely overhauling the subway system sign and communication design and they condensed it all into one document this one right here the new york city transit authority graphics standards manual which i have right here it's real and it covered everything anybody would need to know in order to efficiently navigate the new york city subway system and it is still in use today for all the signs when they're replaced in the city and it is today our bible that will unlock all the answers we're looking for in ninjala and our answers begin right here page 38 five and one half inch disks i've got you gung-ho you can run you can hide but you will never escape me okay deep breath knowing that these discs are five and a half inches wide is just the beginning using wall of standing we can use them to measure our character's stance from toe to toe at 166 pixels which at 229 pixels per meter gives us a stance width of 0.72 meters now we just got to transfer that number somewhere meaningful like oh i don't know man i wish i had like a grid or some sort of graphing paper and oh my god the training dojo is perfect look at this big squares subdivided with smaller squares holy crap i am in heaven more games should do this facilitate my ability to nitpick them apart i'd really appreciate it okay so a tiny square is 0.84 meters wide making a big square 4.2 meters wide we are in business okay so are we trying to figure out again oh right double jumps fun first things first though we got to measure the gravity of the game so we can know what we're working with for our force and energy purposes we're going to assume that the characters in ninja weigh the same as an average 12 year old 41.5 kilograms it's a bit arbitrary but it's close enough to make do and it'll be within a small margin of that number either way okay falling from a height of five ish meters at exactly two-thirds of a second gives us a gravitational pull of 24.7 meters per second squared not too shabby right in the sweet spot for most 3d games good so far alright so double jumping this is impossible in real life don't believe me just try it yourself it can't work without moving your feet somehow faster than the speed of sound so you can create a pressure wave platform out of the atmosphere to jump against to push against you simply cannot move air out of the way fast enough to create enough force on your body to really even slow yourself down let alone send yourself jumping back up into the air but here's where things and ninjala get interesting if you slow the game down and really look at it this double jump is almost less of a jump than it is like a propulsion boost look at this gum that appears all of a sudden almost as if it were like a rocket huh this changes everything gum man do not underestimate this stuff rockets at the end of the day are just fancy expensive very warm devices that take advantage of basic newtonian rules for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction rockets specifically take one action which is to shoot out huge masses of gas from their butts as fast as they possibly can this creates an equal reaction in the opposite direction or in this case a force that pushes something that we want to send up into the sky that's the basic way rockets work technically you could get into orbit by just like throwing rocks at the ground really really fast it'd be the same basic idea but it would also be wildly impractical this is more or less how the separatron rockets work in kerbal space program so in theory there's no reason why gum can't be a rocket fuel i mean as long as it's going the opposite direction quickly enough it can do the job the gum rocket seems to actually be doing most of the heavy lifting shooting out gum until a player is only 84 centimeters from peak height ah but this lands us in a tricky situation doesn't it if we don't know how much of this stuff is shooting out we can't possibly figure out how fast it's going or how much weight is being displaced making rocketry mathematics impossible right right which is where this thing on the back of the character comes into play the ninja gum bottle measuring it just over 14 centimeters thick and 44 centimeters wide and clocking an internal volume of over seven and a half liters this is the thing that stores your ninja gum the stuff that gives you all your power bubble gum can be made from many different materials from cycle rubber to synthetic gummy materials my bed is on chical though given how tacky it is regardless all gums average at about 1.3 grams per cubic centimeter of density which at 7.77 liters means this thing can carry a whopping 10 kilos of chewing gum lord given that from start to finish this stuff shoots out in 0.267 seconds we're looking at a flow rate of 37.85 kilograms per second or over 2442 newtons this means our ninja would be accelerating at a whopping 15.69 nice meters per second per second up to a top speed of 4.18 meters per second by the time the gum runs out leaving him with just enough kinetic energy to float up 84 more centimeters before stopping and falling towards the ground how fast would this stuff have to shoot out in order to accelerate him up that quickly not that fast honestly i had to estimate the nozzle size a bit at 10-ish centimeters pretty big which gives an exhaust velocity of 3.76 meters per second or just over eight miles per hour i'm gonna put this thing in the realm of solidly plausible just keep in mind that if you were to try this yourself it'd be kind of like trying to throw this 20 pound bag of cat litter at a wall at over 16 miles per hour not necessarily impossible but not easy and i have no idea what this gum is made out of that it's able to have nozzle velocities that huge c4 i hope not because uh c4 is toxic do not chew gum that's made out of c4 if you remember nothing else from this video do not eat c4 [Music] well with all that figured out the rest should be easy gum boost well your character reaches a top speed of 36 meters per second freaking 80 miles per hour or 130 kilometers per hour and maintains it for .47 seconds unleasing a metric but ton of energy in the process a 41.5 kilo child covering 15.17 meters in 470 milliseconds would require 47 102 joules of energy which is frankly an almost meaningless number what is not meaningless is the 58 076 watts of power it would require in that time which amounts to 77 horsepower that's not actually a lot but it is impressive from what is essentially a candy powered jet pack and it's around the same horsepower that a 2019 mitsubishi mirage g4 es puts out and that car has a whopping 5.9 stars out of 10. okay moving on this brings us to my favorite gum powered feet which is the tornadoe spinning special attack it's not technically a ninja parkour move like the others but it was far too much fun and i just couldn't help myself i smacked this worthless npc computer bot in the practice arena and sent him flying and he did not go in a straight line frustratingly but hey i'm a math guy and using the helpful grid system i was able to determine that he went to the left four tiny squares and forward by 19 which means i can use the good old pythagorean theorem to figure out that he was knocked over 16 meters by this nerf looking baseball bat katana thing along the way he reached a peak height of 3.79 meters and spent a total of one second and 150 milliseconds in the air with a gravitational acceleration pulling him down constantly at 24.6 meters per second per second this means we know all we need to in order to do some ballistics math although it will require some tricky algebra you see when someone is launched in a ballistic arc they're actually moving in two dimensions simultaneously they're moving up and they're moving forward the up down direction follows the basic rules of gravity someone falling in a ballistic arc that takes 1.15 seconds to hit the ground is going to require the same initial upward speed as someone just being thrown straight up in the air since he spends 1.15 seconds in the air we know he must undergo 28.37 meters per second of velocity change 14.18 meters per second up and then eventually 14.18 meters per second down and bam just like that using numbers we already had we have his vertical velocity now after that we can easily get his horizontal velocity the speed he travels across the ground this is even actually easier because we already calculated how far away he lands and we know how long it took him to get there distance over time in the horizontal direction 16.37 meters divided by 1.15 seconds bam 14.23 meters per second and from here we can figure out the last piece of the puzzle the angle our victim left the ground at and his speed and acceleration leaving pythagoras comes to our aid the square root of the squares of our two velocities gives us an initial speed of 20 meters per second 72 kilometers per hour or 44 miles per hour at 45 degrees accelerating in just 66 milliseconds our poor dude experiences a bone crushing 30 g's of force to whatever body part of his is hit there's no way he'd be getting up after that honestly they should stop calling this ninja gum and start calling it i don't know like plastic explosive rocket fuel the real power of ninjala isn't ninja powers at all it's the ability to harness solidified jet fuel as a weapon they are not ninja they are rocketeers anybody else remember that movie no just me okay i want to give a big thank you to gung-ho for sponsoring this video it was honestly if you can't tell an absolute blast to put together it's not every day that you get to you know i was gonna say something but i realize that this actually is pretty much what i do day to day if you want to check out ninjala you can if you have a switch it is free to download and play online without subscribing to nintendo switch online they have cool promos too and just finished a sonic the hedgehog outfit promo and are about to start a collab with kyary pamyu pamyu with a custom remix by steve aoki and will have outfits and emotes the whole shebang they have eight person free-for-alls or four v4 teams if you're into that sort of thing one cool thing is even though it's free to play there's no pay-to-win micro transactions it's all cosmetics for your avatar if you want to play you can grab it on the nintendo switch store or click the link in the description below sincerely austin [Music] you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 1,007,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninjala, ninja, ninjas, physics, gum, bubblegum, ninjala game, nijala gameplay, ninjala trailer, ninjala episode 1, ninjala episode 2, ninjala switch, nintendo, nintendo switch, nintendo ninjala, ninja sciene, ninja physics, the science of ninjas, science of ninjas, ninjala let's play, ninjala playthrough, ninjala multiplayer, world's loudest ninja, nintendo science, the science, the science of, game theorists, game theory, matpat
Id: p_bhKm6V28U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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