The deadly lie 2023 | Lifetime movie | Full movies #lmn Based on a true story

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[Music] body controlling my mind Lo these questions and back with time [Music] [Music] and the end when [Music] I'm David [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w 911 emergency some try to kill me stay calm they're trying to bring it down right now what are you are you there ma'am [Music] [Music] what [Music] I'm going to be honest with you Andrew Mason is not a kind man some would even call him greedy you don't have to like him I know I don't but that doesn't make him a criminal the district attorney has painted a picture of Andrew Mason as a tyrant someone who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted someone who would go so far as to murder his competition you know I have a lot of respect for the da but not today during this trial he has tried to manipulate you to use the anger that we all feel towards corporate bigwigs who think they can get away with anything but all he's offered you is innuendo and conjecture where is the evidence Where is the the proof there is none we had an expert witness refute the crime lab's DNA analysis showing that it was flawed that my client's DNA was in no way connected to the crime or the crime scene you have a solemn Duty a duty to ensure that an innocent man does not go to jail a duty to find Andrew Mason not guilty thank you thank you for all your help doctor oh anytime I do love watching you in action congratulations thank you Kate can't thank you enough the ACT about not liking me I think the jury really bother who says it was an act the truth is we're not so different you and I we both do what needs to be done Miss Wilson we were confident that Justice would be served today and that is exactly what happened thank you that's all [Music] got [Music] Kate Wilson now that'll be fine we'll schedule the deposition for late next week [Music] thanks shouldn't you be celebrating maybe later I've still got to sort out Congressman Johnson's plea arrangement I saw the News Press loves you I couldn't have done it without your investigative health so why aren't you celebrating I don't know when I worked at the public defender office felt like I was giving innocent people a chance who never got one like I was doing some good I miss that I think Andrew Mason would say you did a lot of good today you know there's no sin having clients who can actually afford to pay you what you're worth I guess take the afternoon off go celebrate with some friends or family or somebody you know I won't well you can't say I didn't try and uh if you need anything don't hesitate to call thank you Lance I've got Chuck bner calling put him through hey Chuck I got the discovery report to sent over on [Music] Simmons [Music] Kate Wilson hi Kate who's this it's David David Walker David it's been a long time huh it's been years I I didn't know who else to call did have you heard Beth told me I'm sorry to hear about Cheryl she also tell you that your father and everyone else thinks that I did it yeah but I haven't been there or talked to him in years I don't know what you want me to do I I need a lawyer Kate you're the best I know don't you already have one you mean the public defender that they appointed me I don't even think he knows what he's doing and you can't afford better with what money all our money was in a shared account they they froze everything I'm I'm scared Kate the whole town is convinced I'm guilty they won't even give me a chance to prove that I'm innocent look I I know it's been a while and this is probably the last thing that you need but I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important and we always said that we'd be there for each other if we needed something and I know I know you're going to do the right thing you always have I really need you [Music] Kate [Music] [Music] hey Lance it's Kate Wilson I'm heading out of town for a few days to go visit an old friend who needs some help I don't know maybe I'm making a big mistake I'm not sure you call me if you need anything okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi I just got this notice do you know where I might be able to find a release form straight through these doors hang right into the Hall thank you afternoon what can I do for you is the sheriff in are you a reporter cuz we said they weren't any interviews I'm not a reporter Kate hey Dad surprise what are you doing here uh David called thought I'd come and see what I could do why am I not surprised you don't come and visit your family for what a couple of years the minute he calls you come running he needs my help besides I thought that maybe we thought what other people needed your help Kate you didn't come dad what about your mother is he more important than she was when she needed you do you want to fight again I mean do do you not remember the reason I left in the first place he stabbed Cheryl 15 times with a butcher knife his Prince were all over the thing fine I just wanted you to know that I was here before you heard it from someone else great great have your back cake just great be back in an hour always nice coming [Music] home hey it's Pete you will never guess who just walked in here [Music] [Music] TR you came you asked me to come yeah I didn't really think you would some place it's more like a prison to me I step off the grounds and ship back to an 8 by8 cell maybe you should tell me what happened my life's turned into a lurd tabloid that's what's happened come on [Music] in [Music] she always loved to ride well that's right you knew her didn't you little bit she was more my sister's age but of course she went to Hill [Music] crest aren't you going to ask me ask you what if I stab the woman I love 15 times or not I'm not your attorney David I would never hurt Cheryl okay I swear on my father's grave okay okay the whole town thinks I murdered my wife and the best you can say is okay what do you want me to say I want you to say that you believe me that somebody in this world believes me why did you come here I care I found her uh in the [Music] bedroom I uh I came home and I found her just lying there I try to help her it was too late and I called 911 they found you with the body had had her blood on me and I was checking her pulse if I killed her why would I come back why would I call the police who do you think killed your wife I don't know a robbery I don't know some for things were were missing some of Cheryl's jewelry some cash sock draw stabbing someone 15 times seems more like a crime of passion David David it's so hard being in this house it's so hard I have nowhere else to go come on let's take a [Music] walk I came home a little after midnight working late no no cherl and I had been out earlier and we had a little disagreement and I just needed some time to myself you had a fight the night she was killed it was no big deal it was just an argument I came home and I found the back doors busted open and you then I found her next thing I remember the cops were here this is as far as I can go at least without giving your father an excuse to lock me up again what about your public defender oh he thinks I should take the deal did the da offer one life in prison no chance for parole yeah that's when I called you I don't know what I can do but I'll have a look at everything see if anything pops up I've got all the discovery in the house and I better get started it's good to see you again me [Music] too I know this is a lot to put on you I'm I'm really that's what I do I I'm used to it look David I just want to be clear I shouldn't represent you we have too much history I understand I'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] w h [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] hello is anyone there Miss Wilson Mike carnack Santa paa County district attorney you have a moment little late isn't it yeah I'm sorry about that I just figure you'd be up to your neck in case files come on in thank you hey looks like I was right well you don't waste much time do you miss Wilson go right into this stuff huh just helping out a friend boyfriend know what you mean old boyfriend AP you be careful Cheryl Walker fell for David and well you can see what happened to her you seem to know about me well David Walker brutally murdered the daughter of one of the leading citizens of our town and it's my job to make sure Justice is being served things would have worked on a whole lot easier if Walker would have Tak n plea bargain we could avoided all this nonsense I have never considered due process nonsense Now you listen to me we've got an airtight case motive opportunity and his fingerprints all over that knife from what I've read you've got a half-ass investigation sloppy scientific analysis and a case built mostly on conjecture you see I knew it I I just knew you were going to come to this town and try to turn this trial into a circus well let me tell you something you may get your headlines in the big city but you're not going to win this town over he's not even my client good well that's good because this town needs to move on put this behind us why Mike you up for re-election soon why don't you just go home Miss Wilson this doesn't concern you you know what my problem is Mike the more people tell me to leave something alone the more I just want to dig in funny that sounds a lot like my four-year-old daughter I think you're going to make the right decision David Walker is going to get exactly what he deserves now you have good night's sleep and enjoy your reading your honor the defense would like to request a motion for change of counsel your honor this is ridiculous a change of council the Friday before the trial starts my name is Kate Wilson with Stern Buckingham in San Francisco David Walker has retained me as lead counsel for his defense is this correct Mr Walker uh yes definitely she's the one I want then let me be very clear there'll be no extension on the trial date opening statements are on Monday your honor I can't possibly be ready that quickly then perhaps Mr Walker would like to change his mind and retain his current councel um no I want Kate Wilson your honor then the motion is granted we'll see you all on Monday morning this is a last minute stunt pure and simple a trick to delay a Killer's day of judgment Mr deza do you believe the district attorney is trying the right man for your daughter's murder I do nothing can bring Cheryl back but well if there is any justice in this world the jury in panel today will recommend death for the man who killed her he used to treat me like family he's grieving he's a good man but we spent so much time together how could they even think that I would do this victims families often need someone to blame someone to punish for the pain that they're feeling I was family Roy Dean is also one of the largest contributors to the DA's political campaign I got a visit from the da last night made a few calls it's important to know everything about your opposition especially their motives Miss Wilson are you prepared to defend David Walker this quickly it's easy to defend someone who's innocent Cheryl Walker deserves justice but I feel that the rush to find closure has led to misjudgment we're confident that that's what the jury will decide once all the facts of the case are presented that's all David is that true are you innocent yeah that's what I've been saying what the hell are you doing oh Mr Danza please for God's sake you used to sell Girl Scout cookies with Cheryl and now how can you defend this monster Roy Roy please I swear to you I would never hurt Cheryl I love her mention her name you son of a hey hope you're rot in hell relax Roy you do something like that again and I'm going to have no choice but to take you in come on let's go home so they don't understand you okay fine we still have a lot of stuff to go over see you back at the house hey look who's back Wen you even going to call and say hello oh this just this how's things at home not so good Eric's set of work he worked for David you know and they fired his construction team after Cheryl's death but I don't want to burden you I know you're very busy not too busy you didn't even visit I guess just after the fight dad and I had I family K doesn't mean they stopped speaking to each other after mom died he just never forgave me for not coming back I know you got a lot on your plate but I would love it if you could come to dinner tonight no I really Emily would love to see your Aunt Kate again are you sure that's such a good idea does it look like I'm going to take no for answer come [Music] on look I know I'm just a private investigator but how did you get yourself into this it just sort of happened explain to me how defending a murder defendant in a trial starting in 3 days just happens he's in an old friend you shouldn't be defending any kind of a friend that's a clear conflict of interest Kate what's going on this isn't like you like it's complicated I you know I wouldn't do it unless it was necessary all right look I heard through the grape vine that the firm he was thinking about making you a partner does this grap Vine have a name no and don't tell anyone I told you oh God what what is it thought it was a local Welcome Wagon again apparently somebody's not too happy that I'm on this case shouldn't you be calling the cops dealt with worse be careful you're the best that firm has over there yeah I will did you marry Cheryl for her money no I loved her but it looks like you've gotten used to the money I have always made my own money I had my own construction company before I even met her but you weren't overseeing the building of malls were you it's a pretty big step up for a local contractor that's ridiculous because I worked for a living I killed her for her money you killed her for her money is that what you just said no no I I didn't I you're you're twisting everything that I set around this is exactly why you can't take the stand at your trial look I just said that I want a chance to defend myself that's my job your job is to sit there and look like every member of the jury's brother son or best friend what's the use I mean I have no alibi people think I killed her for her money my prints are on the knife which was from your kitchen of course your prins are on the knife and money is a strong motive yes but I see nothing in your financials to say that you were spending excessively or or in danger of losing what you have why are you here why are you helping me when I work for the public defender's office I would get a lot of clients with no money and a mountain of evidence against them but every once in a while I'd look into their eyes and see that they were innocent maybe I should have never left it maybe I shouldn't have taken the job with the big firm just miss feeling like I can make a difference so you're here cuz you want to feel like you make a difference why why did you think I came back I missed you Katie David don't please I loved Cheryl okay I did but I thought about you sometimes I thought about what we might have had you and I it's a long time ago I can barely remember it romanticizing it isn't going to help I'm not romanticizing it I'm telling you how I feel felt look when you went away to college I waited for you I I I waited I supported you and then I finally realized you're not coming back that hurt it wasn't because of you I just knew my life wasn't here anymore after my mother died I knew I had to leave even though it meant leaving my dad even leaving you why I mean what was so important that you had to just leave I know I could have handled things differently but what happened between us that's no one's fault David no matter what we can't go back to the way things were no matter how wonderful they might have been too much has happened [Music] I need to change of [Music] scenery much better okay I'm ready go had far away was there anyone else that might have had a motive to kill Cheryl not that I know of you sure I mean she worked all the time or she was riding at the stages there were people that were against the all but nobody crazy what about men are you asking me if she was having an affair no no no absolutely not no you're that certain we had ups and downs just like any marriage but we were faithful okay what about what about friends anyone she was particularly close to um yeah Jenna Mayu I mean they rode at the Stables every day almost did you know her I'll be honest most of her Hill Crest friends weren't exactly thrilled that she married me look I'm going to need to know more about Cheryl things a husband might not know I don't want to drag her name through the mud we can only do that if she was hiding something [Applause] Kate Wilson who is [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] h what are you doing here I was wondering if you had a few minutes to talk about Cheryl yeah I have nothing to say you don't think that I'm sorry about what happened if you were you wouldn't be defending him all I want is the truth fine your ex-boyfriend was a lousy husband how's that for truth I don't know why she just settled she should have just left him why didn't she who knows I mean she had her chance what's that supposed to me was she seeing someone or was someone else yeah she never said who it was um but I think they used to meet here sometimes after work you have no idea who she said she was going to break it off she said she couldn't risk ruining her father's relationship with David and no one knew about it not even her dad hey Lance it's Kate Wilson I need you to look into a few things for me if you're available as fast as you can I'm on one hell of a ticking clock on this [Music] one what are you doing here Kate thought it'd be a nice day for a ride you know digging up dirt on my sister isn't going to help anyone least of all you am I absolutely clear are you threatening me leave her alone [Music] hey Dad come on dad please can we just get through this one night for bath fine daddy says you criminals get away is that what he says I think bad guys should go to jail I think they should too so why do you help them well the problem is sometimes the ones who we think are bad guys haven't done anything wrong I just give them a chance to prove it so you only work for good bad guys she'll work for anybody sweetie as long as they're paying her enough isn't that right Kate Eric let's grab the steaks we'll make it through this promise you can I be excused and go inside sure so Kate what's it feel like to defend a cold blooded killer honey does the phrase innocent until proven guilty mean anything to you not when we all know he did it I didn't invite Kate so that we could argue tell me dad did you even conduct an investigation what if you hadn't left that could have been you stay here stay here Daddy Daddy did you hear that Daddy Daddy right you okay damn [Applause] it Eric don't touch that are you hurt okay did you see anything no he's too far away how's Emily H she's a little shaken up but she's not hurt bastards same truck that ran me off the road yesterday what why didn't you tell me I didn't think you'd care Katie I'm your father of course I care did you see anyone no one's face but but what Kenneth came up to me at the equestrian center what Cheryl's brother do you know what kind of car he drives I don't know why I you don't think he did this do you he threatened me once Kate I don't want you near this house again you hear me Kate you stay away from my family sorry Frank Kate maybe you should just let this thing go it's just not worth the risk you know me better than that Dad I'm going to go back to the motel all right need be careful I'll be right behind [Music] you long night Deputy yeah uh Sheriff asked me to keep an eye on you last night ma'am thank you I appreciate it here to [Music] serve well you're going to have to sign for all this I am very aware how chain of custody Works look we've already rent all the DNA test the reports are right there you only ran an strr it's kind of old school well was good enough to find the murderous Prince all right well thank you for all your help and we'll see you on Monday yes you will and you're wasting your time that guy's a piece of work what does you think this is your first trial do you have time to run an amp flp analysis no but for you I'll make it happen thank you Cheryl was seeing someone I need to know who it is Mystery lover huh well I'll start with these texts and emails I already went through all the paperwor and I couldn't find anything you might have to dig a Little Deeper just the way I like to spend my weekends thank you both of you this means a lot to me you're very welcome Kate Wilson hey I I thought you were going to come by this morning I've got a few stops to make first where you going don't worry about it I'll let you know if anything comes up so I just sit here and wait I know it's frustrating but it's better than being in a jail cell small blessings I guess right all right I'll see you later [Music] bye the resident Kate Wilson for Roy is he expecting you no but tell him it's about his daughter's [Music] death [Music] [Music] excuse me right this way he'll be right [Music] here [Music] I don't suppose you've come to apologize I have nothing to apologize for I understand your grief is devastating but David Walker deserves a fair trial which is exactly what he's getting we don't need you for that we both know he's not getting anything close why do I get the feeling that you've been obstructing this investigation Mr deanza I have done nothing of the kind how many people have you paid off to keep Cheryl's reputation intact people like Jenna Mayu you know nothing of my daughter's life but you do don't you more than you'd want to know I'm sure did you know that Cheryl was having an affair get out of my house how do you know this mystery man is the one who killed her because they found David Walker standing over her body he did this he took my baby girl away from me you want Vengeance I understand that but I'm not going to stand by and let you withhold evidence from this investigation or use your money and power to buy yourself a conviction or to run me off you know something you should never have come back here but I did and if I find out you've been withholding information I will come after you and the district attorney with every weapon in my Arsenal and I will turn your life and Cheryl's past inside out now I suggest that you have a conversation with district attorney carnack immediately and if you have anything pertaining to this case or to your daughter I better have it by tonight I have nothing to say to you I'd check with your attorney before you say that you going to threaten me again father's been through a lot I don't appreciate you putting him through more I know what you've been doing Kenneth I don't know what you're talking about instead of following me around why don't you just let Justice take its course it's exactly what I intend to do you I don't care who you where your family are but David deserves a fair trial just as much as anyone else you're not going to scare me off you're not going to get any help from us am I clear if I find out that you or your father are hiding something I'll see to it that you both go to prison for obstruction of justice am I absolutely clear fine you really want to help your boyfriend look at this what is it chair was filing for a divorce they signed a prenup when they got married David wasn't going to get a penny see what that does for your case this is dated a month before she was killed yeah she didn't need to use it maybe she had second thoughts but this is motive and why would your father keep this a secret I don't know okay I assume that maybe he showed it to the DA but it never came up he doesn't even know that I know about it doesn't make any sense I don't want to see around here anymore this can't be right it's her signature I have my investigator tracking down the attorney who drafted it she never said anything she never even said she was unhappy it looks like there's a lot of things you didn't know about Cheryl Jenna Mayu told me she was having an affair what are you sure I'm sorry it's the way it looks how could I have not known look I don't need to tell you that this doesn't help our case but I have an obligation to present it to the DA yeah yeah sure go ahead present it to him I mean she's the one who's in the process of wrecking our marriage and I'm the one who's going to have to pay for it and we'll present evidence to the jury that you didn't know which you're never going to believe look I need you to hold it together that's all I've been doing for the past 6 months we'll get through this I've been all through her phone email and text records I did find something interesting interesting sounds like an improvement over the rest of my day there are a number of calls was made to the equestrian center yeah she wrote there all the time 10 11:00 at night now that is interesting a line was shared with a riding instructor's residence apparently he lives on the property you think this could be our mystery ma' could be and I'm going to check it out let me let me know if you find anything else [Music] uh-huh [Music] [Music] [Applause] Adrien Adrian I want to talk to you about Cheryl [Music] Dad it's me I'm at Standish Farms I need you to come [Applause] quick [Music] [Applause] what do you think you are messing with me I going to get you I know you're [Music] there I'm going to find [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you should never have come out of here on your own now you tell me is he worth your own personal safety I'm a big girl dad I mean why are you even here Cheryl was cheating on David with the writing instructor Frank I've searched this entire facility he's gone looks like it's going to be a long day you to me be careful all right I will we'll see you lat where's your car are we here [Music] yeah [Music] f [Music] the instructor's name was Adrien Romero two years ago he was accused of assaulting woman at an equestrian center down in ohigh apparently he was having an affair with the woman and when she tried to end it he lost his temper sound familiar what happened dropped the charges the victim didn't want to go through with the trial and there wasn't enough evidence to hold Adrian wow so your dad is looking for him my father said it looked like he skipped town I'm sending this to him right now I'm so sorry I should have never asked you to come here you needed help you know but you could have gotten hurt I was worried about you what I can't remember the last time someone said that to me people care I live alone and I spend more time with murderers and thieves than I do with friends or family not true you're just not around to see [Music] it why did you leave after my mom got sick I dropped out of school came back to take care of her and what happened she said it would be the biggest mistake of my life that she'd never forgive me I never meant it to be hard on anyone my dad was so angry that I left we had this huge fight and um that was it doesn't mean I don't have my regrets somebody's out there it could be him David where is he huh where are you why'd you come out show yourself like a real man you leave her alone you hear me there he is David David David your bracelet stop stop it's not worth it yeah he thinks he's Above the Law he's wrong come on let's go inside [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] interesting can you tell me where they came from look at this the tread size of the tire these are custom tires very high-end I know a guy back down in the city who deals in aftermarket modifications I want to make a cast to these and show them I have a strong hun she's going to turn up it's only going to take a couple of hours no I need you to worry about our killer first and what if he's dangerous what if you're wrong and that's the Killer and we've got him either way don't worry the city girl can take care of herself hello great are you coming here okay we'll be ready good news that was Dr Stevenson he's finished with his tests there are several sets of prints on the handle of the knife the clearest are a perfect match for Davids of course my prints are on the knife I cook I use the knife all the time however several of the prints have been compromised com what it compromised smudged somebody handled the knife after David's Prince were transferred exactly I strongly suspect the person was wearing gloves of course this is not disproving David's involvement but it goes to Reasonable Doubt has your father had any success finding Adrien not yet have you tracked down the lawyer that drafted the divorce papers his name is Dan Moore I've left him two messages but from the looks of things she decided not to go through with it according to Jenna Mayu she was going to break it off with Adrian maybe she was going to give you another chance sounds like a motive for Adrian jealous lover gets his revenge I could subpoena J Mayu compel test testimony that Cheryl was having an extramarital affair with Adrien that plus his record should be enough I can call down to ohigh maybe his DNA is in their database and I'll try the lawyer again and I'll look into those tires and get the information to your father after I'm done with the lawyer I promise case comes first thank you Lance I should get going I've got a lot of work to do before tomorrow oh no no no I don't feel safe with you being out there alone why don't you stay here with me what happened last night it was a mistake Kate you're my client I'm more than that you know it get plenty of rest you're going to need it for [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hey thanks for calling me [Music] back now I'm not sure exactly um a few weeks at least yeah I don't know family situations come up okay well I'll let you know when I know more why are you doing this to me do you know how hard it's been for me since what happened in ohigh how hard it is to find a new job a new home you assaulted that shut up that was a mistake I never meant to hurt that woman that's what I told the cops that's why they dropped the charges they dropped the charges because they didn't have enough evidence to convict you and I assure you that will not happen again what the hell are you talking about an innocent man is going to jail because of something you did wait wait you're talking about Cheryl I had nothing to do with her murder we have phone records Cheryl calling the acusan center your cottage I know about the affair wait wait wa wait first of all a lot of people have access to that line at 11:00 at night I wasn't having an affair how did it feel when she said she was going to break it off with you that she was going to choose her husband over you people know what you're talking about you know when they're done with you you're never going to leave I didn't do anything rero hands where we can see him you all right yeah I'm fine good come on De come on let's go phone records indicate that Adrien Romero was having a relationship with the victim 5 months prior to her murder we have sworn testimony by Jenna Mayu saying that Cheryl had gone to a lawyer seeking a divorce which we can prove with the actual petition I'd like to see that according to miss Mayhew Cheryl decided not to go through with it because of the business relationship between her father and and husband did you confirm this with her divorce attorney we have not located him yet but we are confident that his testimony will match Miss mayus we can only assume that this decision enraged her lover Mr Romero what evidence do you have on Mr Romero we have a detailed report of accusations made at his past place of employment as well as an arrest report from last night where he was arrested for assaulting me a clear insight into his aggressive and violent nature thank you and what would be the motive for him coming after you counselor apparently he wasn't too appreciative of me digging into his past or his relationship with the victim did he confess to the murder no your honor but the intent was clear do you have anything to add in light of what's happened we have no reason to keep Mr Walker detained pending further investigation Mr Walker I'm ordering a stay in this case you are free to go for the time being but please be advised that that is only until a proper investigation into Mr maro's involvement has been conducted court adjourned you did it take this man into custody on what charge stalking harassment and making threats that's outrageous the tires match the Treads we found at the scene what was that supposed to do you thought he killed Cheryl and she was trying to get him off thought it was what you want it you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to have an attorney present during questioning if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you do you understand these rights come on Frank what are you doing arresting kennet hasn't our family suffered enough Roy your son has been stalking my daughter ever since she came to town tried to run her off the road and he threw a brick through my window nearly hit my granddaughter this got to stop enough okay I I understand when I heard what happened I was just sick to my stomach I'm fine so are you heading back to San Francisco soon I'm not sure like the way that [Applause] [Music] [Music] sounds wow you really do know how to cook I have some talents I thought you said we couldn't go back to the way things were doesn't mean we can't try is there anything I can help you with no no you already saved my life that's enough for one day this will be ready in about 15 minutes I can make a salad no get out of my kitchen okay go on you're one of those Cooks I get it I'll keep myself busy you can do desserts we'll see hey Lance Kate I finally got a call from the divorce lawyer oh you didn't get my message they arrested Romero and dropped the charges against David Kate Cheryl was not the one having an affair what she wanted to divorce David because he was having an affair are you sure yes you're sure maybe the lawyer just had it backwards I asked him to double check his nose he and Cheryl had several meetings about it she wanted a divorce because her husband in her own words had been unfaithful during the course of their marriage all this time Kate I'm sorry I have to go I've already called your father he's on his way I'll talk to you [Music] later Jen I can't talk right now Jen I can't I'm going to call you later okay okay I love you okay okay I love you okay bye bye hey is everything okay Jen oh that's that's that's not what you think you told me you didn't know Jenna you told me that you guys didn't get along food's going to get cold come on it wasn't Cheryl having the affair it was you you let Jenna implicate Adrian you knew about his past and you set him up Kate it's over okay just let it go did she have any idea did she have any idea that you were cheating on her with her own best friend it's complicated not at all you needed Cheryl out of the way so you could be with Jenna but you you can divorce her cuz you would get nothing in the prenup so then that left you with one other option that's ridiculous you killed her just calm down okay cuz you you're getting paranoid then you call me your ex-girlfriend to come and defend you all this time using me to set someone else up for the crime the the late night phone calls from the equestrian center that was Jenna calling you do you hear yourself I mean do you hear what you're saying right now it's [Applause] crazy [Music] he w [Music] get off me get off you killed her I'm sorry be this fre it's [Applause] okay let her go you have to the counter one move get up [Music] on your feet friend Lance told me what happened you all right yeah I'm fine J Jenna Mayu I'll send someone down to pick her up come [Music] on you how could I have been so wrong we're all wrong Sometimes some of us more than others dad I I know I haven't exactly made you feel welcome here but uh if you want you could uh you come stay with me for a while at the house I'm sure Beth would love to have you around what' you say I'd like that let's go home yeah all [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sky Film
Views: 427,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XoZB2osGj38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 15sec (5115 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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