The Dark Side Of Ryan ToysReview

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i think the important thing is just make sure to put the kids first the kids first get the kids first [Music] nothing more than a tool for marketing to bury young children zero value to kids it's straight up dangerous and should be blocked by most parents i hate this channel everything about it seriously awful it's a giant commercial and they are always talking about freaking mcdonald's young brains are impressionable and this is completely not what i want my child to witness as fun garbage pure garbage just another way to manipulate kids to make money from this type of parents it has no educational purpose why does a child need that many toys he's gonna have girl issues because everything is about me and me ryan's toy review was like a trash reality tv show for small children it seems to be addictive for kids [Music] according to forbes throughout 2020 ryan's world took home an approximate income of 29.5 million dollars making him the highest paid youtuber for the year above the likes of mr beast and jeffrey starr the most significant part which i'm sure many of you are already aware is that ryan is only 9 years old making him younger than the angry birds mobile game the film avatar as well as the legal working age for a mcdonald's employee 29.5 million isn't exactly a bad wicket for anyone who's yet to go through puberty considering in every episode it looks like ryan is having the time of his life on the surface it seems as though the ryan's world channel is the spitting image of perfection itself however like all things in life the ryan's world channel has a dark side that's rarely talked about in the media we try not to capture any moment orion in distress legal battles to do with not fully disclosing paid sponsorships within videos the exploitation of ryan for the financial gain of his parents and most surprisingly the criminal history associated with ryan's mother luanne caggi who in her younger years actually went to prison seven seven-year multi-million dollar youtube star ryan coggy's mother has a criminal past in june 2002 when ryan's mum was 18 years old she was called shoplifting at a jc penney located in her hometown of houston texas the security of the store discovered that she'd been trying to steal six items of clothing totaling 93 dollars which is equivalent to around 135 today after being taken back to the police station she will be fined 150 for the theft given 40 hours of community service as well as being put on a six-month probation period on top of this she had to carry an offender identification card while also attending an anti-shoplifting program however here's where it gets interesting rather than simply showing up and doing her 40 hours of community service she sat around and did nothing luanne didn't report to her community supervisor didn't pay the fees she was supposed to pay and didn't even show up to any of the community service when scheduled for this reason she would be arrested again and instead of 150 fine and a slap on the wrist she'll be sentenced to two months in the houston harris county jail she will remain in jail for 30 days after which she'll be released and from the information available managed to stay out of jail from that point onwards now making a judgment about an individual's character based on what they did at the age of 18 is perhaps a little unfair people change a lot in 18 years so her going to jail could be totally discountable but at the same time i think it'd be unwise to pass off altogether as all she was just young and dumb it's not exactly like she was 13 years old stealing some food because she needed to eat and didn't have any money she was 18 years old and going out of her way to steal expensive clothing something that's more of a luxury than a necessity then as mentioned she would go on to double down on her mistake by failing to comply with the consequences she just ignored them giving us an insight into her character at a younger age perhaps this is a far-fetched assumption but maybe we could also say that it showed us she had an innate willingness to cut corners in order to get what she wants which will be an important factor for later parts in the video after this whole prison saga was over and done with luanne would meet her future husband cheyenne with whom she would later have her first son ryan in october 2011. in march 2015 at the age of only three and a half ryan asked his mum how come i'm not on youtube when all the other kids are i was watching other people and i was like why am i not on there following this statement ryan's parents would create the ryan toys review channel and begin making the videos with him shortly thereafter let's go get it then you want it uh-huh okay put in the car in july 2015 only four months after creating the channel they would see their first piece of viral success with their video giant lightning mcqueen egg surprise [Music] which gained 20 million views after only one month following this success the channel began posting new videos daily and while this was great for the growth of the channel it began the discussion about whether the channel was really in the best interest of ryan or was a borderline abuse to have the child doing so much work with the money ultimately going to the parents there's always been a question of ethics in any discussion relating to kids channels on youtube what are the labor laws about putting your kids in videos like what how do you quantify the value that they're bringing to the content are there is that value going back to them but is the criticism towards pre-teens making more than a million dollars a year on the youtube platform just pure jealousy from other people who might be in their 40s making 60 grand a year or is there a legitimate case for concern it's an extremely difficult topic to determine for a few main reasons firstly there'd be channels where the child being the main star legitimately wants to be a part of the show which is apparently the case with ryan what was special is that he wanted his own youtube channel and you have a lot of parents who like come on pushing their kids out there however there are other channels on which you can tell the kids clearly don't want to be involved in the videos and the parents are forcing them to appear in order to gain ad revenue so in order to determine whether ryan being involved in the videos is a part of the channel's dark side we have to first determine a few different things is it voluntary involvement is he being held at gunpoint to perform does he have to deal with the difficult parts of the channel like editing criticism and innovation how much of the spoils and rewards actually go to ryan in the present and future we see comment after comment talking about how they are exploiting him which would be awful if true but simply having him appearing in the videos isn't really exploitation we need to ask more questions now the first thing we have to establish here in order to determine whether ryan's appearance is a part of the dark side of the channel is whether or not ryan is being forced to appear in the videos now ryan stated that the channel was birthed because he personally wanted to be on youtube and it wasn't because his parents forced him however it's also important to question this statement with a healthy level of skepticism ryan was only three and a half when he was first put on the platform it's hard to believe that any kid of that age would already be keen to personally appear on any kind of public platform but i could be completely wrong with that as shown in the same video the number one most desired job for kids aged 8-12 is youtube star followed by teacher professional athlete musician and astronaut however if you did a study on the most desired jobs for kids aged 0-4 they probably wouldn't have an understanding about the concept of working a job for this reason i'd make the assumption that the idea for the channel was more than likely from ryan's mom and the story of ryan just seeing other kids on youtube and wanting to be a part of it as well is an over-embellished statement to go along with the channel's lighthearted branding however while this somewhat answers whose idea it was for the creation of the channel in the first place it fails to answer the more important question is ryan being forced to appear in the videos in the beginning perhaps there was a trade-off between ryan and his mum where if ryan's mum got to film ryan in the videos ryan would be able to get as many toys as he wanted a deal that makes sense for both parties involved you can clearly see in the beginning that ryan isn't being forced to appear in the videos kids aren't very good at hiding their emotions especially three-year-olds if they're sad they'll show it if they're happy they'll show it why do you want this because i like it oh does it is it fun does it look fun ryan is clearly happy to be on camera here and i don't see anything sinister going on in the beginning except for the fact that maybe ryan's mum is using the toys in order to get a nice reaction out of ryan but as time has progressed and ryan now has a lifetime supply of toys using toys as a reward isn't really going to be all that interesting to him anymore especially considering he's getting older which makes me think that unless there's some kind of other incentive for him the only other way to get him to constantly appear on camera is with a bit of force if we combine this with the fact that their channel has somewhat of a schedule and uploads almost daily we can almost be certain that there are days where ryan doesn't feel like making the content and would have to be somewhat forced by his parents in order to appear in the videos which would be an element of the channel's dark side however i could be wrong with this once again and here's why firstly because as previously mentioned even a nine year old isn't very good at hiding their emotions if he wasn't willing to appear in the videos you'd be able to tell straight away secondly ryan doesn't actually have a very big role on the channel in terms of workload he's the host and the face of the channel but compared to the rest of the work required those are probably the easiest jobs a lot of these comments that state that the parents are exploiting the sun for views must think that this kid is working 15 hours every single day being whipped by the parents in order to get out tomorrow's video but i would totally disagree with that he's not going to be doing any editing he's not going to have to worry about scripting he's not going to be dealing with sponsors he's not going to be constantly innovating with new ideas he's not going to be dealing with sets all of the hard work is being done by ryan's parents and their team behind the scene it's a lot more work than somebody might think it is very time consuming i would do all the editing after ryan goes to bed so i would stay up several hours assuming all of the back work is done by the parents each of these videos could probably be filmed within the space of an hour on top of this there are videos where ryan literally has three lines with the rest of the video being taken over by an adult talking in a kid's voice ryan's total quote-unquote work week is probably like 10 hours max which isn't exactly all that bad especially when considering how much the channel is earning which brings us to the question of finances revenue is being generated because these children are creating content where does that money go is it parents that are keeping that or is it one of the often perceived dark sides of the ryan's world channel is that the parents are pocketing all the money i hope when ryan's 21 he gets to sue his parents for not sharing any money with him now the level of idiocracy within this comment is immeasurable firstly because i've had a good look and there's absolutely no sources pointing to how much ryan receives for his contribution so first things first we don't even know how much of the revenue ryan is receiving for his portion of the work however let's make some assumptions let's assume that maybe five percent of all profits go back to ryan for him to use at an older age and that's probably an extremely conservative estimate assuming the channel made 29 million in 2020 that's still 1.5 million dollars for approximately 10 hours of work per week available for ryan to use at a later date and if that's the case i can't really see how that's such a negative he'll never have to work a crappy first job that he hates he'll never have to take out a loan just to go to college even if only one percent of the profit goes to ryan that's still three hundred thousand dollars a year in his name at the age of nine and while as long as ryan is being paid enough to set him up for life it's hard to see any problems there however a problem might raise when you examine how the money is being earned another element that's been associated with the dark side of the channel in september 2019 a complaint was filed to the federal trade commission claiming that the sponsor videos feel too authentic and cannot be distinguished from unsponsored content at the time it was revealed that around 90 of ryan's world's videos contained sponsored content all of which being targeted to pre-schools who were too young to distinguish between a sponsored video and a review ryan's parents responded by saying that the well-being of our viewers is always a top priority for us we strictly follow all platforms terms of service and all existing laws and regulations including advertising disclosure statements and i guess this one as a whole is just another question of ethics to what extent should they reveal to their audience that what they're watching is sponsored will it even make a difference considering it's stated that kids younger than the age of 8 or 9 cannot recognize advertising within media many reviews of the ryan's world channel state that the content targets your toddlers like cigarette companies should advertising be disallowed within the videos altogether what incentive would ryan's world have to continue making content if they completely removed sponsors a natural element of the channel's dark side is that in order for the creation of the content to be worth it they kind of have to advertise to kids and if parents want to distract their kids with youtube content they have to bear the brunt of having their kids advertised to all in all i think this might be one where you guys have to draw your own conclusion as to the shade of black that permeates the dark side of the ryan's world channel is ryan being exploited for the financial gain of his parents or is it reasonable as long as he's receiving a cut of the pie is it ethical to continue sponsorships to an audience too young to understand that they're being advertised to does the criminal history of luanne kadgy make an impact on how the channel is run today it'd be safe to say that their practices aren't perfect but hey for the many parents out there that appreciate his ability to stop their child from crying ryan's world has its place on the platform perfect practices or not
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 12,874,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, best of tiktok, ryan kaji, ryan, ryans world, ryans toy review, ryan toysreview, ryan world, kaji family, ryan toy review, toy review, ryans family review, ryans mystery playdate, ryan toys, tag with ryan, ryan game, roblox ryan, ryan vtubers, youtube, ryan mystery playdate, lets play, ninja kids, roblox gameplay, ryan toysreview roblox, the dark side, dark side, dark side of spotify, barely sociable, documentary, fake streams, sunnyv2, youtube documentary
Id: Ixf7wjYyZMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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