The DARK DECEPTION Mod! (Garry's Mod)

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how do pigs get to hospital in a ambulance welcome to the brand new dark deception mod in gary's mod it's something new we've added that will come in two parts this first part has hangry lucky mama bear and penny and part two featuring four new other creatures will be available if you click up here so remember to subscribe if you're new it's free and i'm yellow so first let us begin with hangry gonna devour you he's gonna devour me he loves ribs i'll be honest i'm not sure i have ribs am i one big rib maybe he's gonna love me he has 3 000 health let's punch him in the face and see what happens [Music] i don't think he liked that it did about 100 damage so you can fight him it's like a cross between patrick starr a pig and mr krabs look at the state of him has he pooped his suit oh no boop the snoot do uh should we turn him on i'm gonna try and fight him with my bare hands i don't have hands no he's just eating me just pick me up and ate me in one go that seems i mean fair he's pretty he's a pretty big but what the oh he's tired so uh his one weakness is just you know walking away from him well can i go and smack him now you jumping all right oh no but run quick let him get tired wear himself out that's it we're going in we're going in right on the booty cake attack unfortunately though he is regening his health and he regens his health really quick so uh and he's full health again we need something a little stronger maybe something even stronger than that he's telling me to slow down i ain't listening no i will not wait for you hey uh oh um oh no we exposed his bits so as you can see as you do more and more damage to him you reveal uh the the mechanical machine within and suddenly he's out now he started running but he's still tired doesn't matter he's angry but he but he's still a fat lazy pig where's my rocket launcher okay here we go one more and we've almost killed him uh well let's wait for him to get back up i think we can get him with our fists oh no maybe not look at the region we're going in oh no oh no we need a gun right in the knees oh we got him hungry you rest now pig so now let's take a cheeky little look at luck he's coming for me he's also pointing at his belly did he notice the pig was doing that can't i think he's scratching his fat belly was he pointing that oh is he scratching his belly too have you checked these suits for fleece i mean he's not very scary looking his suit's a bit grubby that in a way is scary but let's see if he's friendly oh what the dickens is this guy the king of reddit what's happening that's a lot of upvotes uh he's also yellow so i think we should be friends let's check if he's he's tired are you gonna get are you gonna get tired this bunny this is a duracell bunny is that a boomer reference am i showing my age can i smack you oh no i really can't look at him he's a maniac all right we're bringing out the shotgun in the face all right it does a lot i've revealed his eyes look within pause him no stop all right let's have a look there we go that's the oh and the teeth did the teeth look like that before let's compare and contrast no i i said before he wasn't that scary i i take it all back why has he got human teeth and his regen is nothing really in comparison to the pig which is good because he he doesn't slow down when he's chasing you let's turn him on again and uh pull out our shotgun and finish him off oh he got lost oh my what the did he just try and two-foot me in the face uh oh oh no he's still oh look at his regen what's happening he's feeding off my yellow he's stolen my powers right that's it 360 no scope where is he come here you is this regen oh my god wow he really feeds off murder you know who else is a rabbit oh he's dead jerry's brother is a rabbit too so we'll make them fight soon we're gonna we're gonna battle the pig against the ghost pig and then uh jerry's brother can have a go and then great mega mother phone can fight mama because that's a mama do we have a chicken my god we do all right we'll have a huge battle later but but next let's take a little look at penny penny what the did penny just throw an egg in my face that egg looked like it was full of farts penny you farting in your eggs oh penny i don't want that egg fortunately it does no damage i can take them or leave them you know eggs are okay i think i might need some fists to tank these eggs yeah they still they still knock me back but they don't do any damage so let's bring out old trusty and shoot this chicken in the face can i shoot the eggs i don't even know if you can dodge the eggs oh you can look at me go oh i'm a genius i want to reveal what's underneath will she be pretty under a suit uh only one way to find out and that's to strip off the flesh or fabric i don't know come here you oh there we go we've revealed it pause everybody stay still uh hurry jen as you can see she has even less than lucky well that's lucky is she fatter than the pig she certainly is you know later when we break their bones i think we'll also try and merge them and see what kind of monsters we can create but first let's finish penny off penny oh penny tried to two-foot me as well come on try and hit me with a two-foot i'm coming in stop throwing the bloody eggs at me penny penny penny i swear to god i'm gonna get you oh no man this chicken is opaque oh here we go oh look at those movements i'm an mlg gamer penny you can't mess with me okay fine that's it i'm getting my gun rock it to the face penny penny stop making me miss my rockets i've run out of bullets no shotgun it is all right she's going for the two foot and i'm going for the finish them off oh no way don't you regen your health penny look at the state of that all right it's slow it's slow it's fine i get reset on my rockets we got where is she penny benny i think i'm flying faster than the rocket is oh i missed die we did it but now it's the turn of the mama bear which when you compare to the others in size she's uh twice the size whose bits are these i dread to think what she looks like once we reveal what's beneath she has 23 000 health so we're gonna have to do some real beating but first let's turn her on uh she's just laid a child um what uh those are exploding children just how i like them no can i say that on the internet i've just done the splits all right i'm going in with my fists first things first i'm gonna take out these little babies that's it sort them out what's she gonna do she just lays another one no no problem lay two lay as many as you want i don't care shake your head at me how do we get these things to explode oh he just gets really angry and then he goes for it she's hitting hitting me with the double sw now let's uh let's see how much damage we can do to mama bay is she regening as she is but it's not too much we'll be all right you're pretty safe with just a regular gun as long as you keep your distance she's kind of slow she can lay as many kids as she wants she lays them behind herself that's quite a lot now that's i'm trying to get a little scared one more shot and then we go easy peasy took her out right now what do we do with these come around teddy bear picnic go on go for it the best way to get rid of them is to give them a bare sacrifice and that is gerald all right no jerry this way this way lad good work boy thanks gerald high five now are you thinking what i'm thinking who of these three is the strongest three thousand two thousand and three thousand four hundred mama's [ __ ] sh she doesn't count she's got twenty three thousand health she's cheating but let's find out and the easiest way to do that is to make them hate one another we'll start with these two ding ding uh reddit has one congratulations reddit not even close now who came first the chicken or the rabbit easter that's who uh the chicken's dead rabbit's the strongest can confirm all right glad we know and your prize sir is to you get to fight barry the cartoon rabbit i don't even think i need to make these two hate each other it's probably just gonna end in war ah barry's fleeing he's doing his oh he's just been kicked in the butt the baby that's a little embarrassing and again in the butt one more time oh right in the front that was enough to finish him off very did you he didn't do any damage lad maybe next time all righty pig this is pig pig look at his eyes i'll never get used to this fella let's turn him on who do you think's gonna win i reckon it's the pig with legs but uh ghost pig does have a lot more health and he's he's run away oh he's back hungry does regen uh a lot but i think only once he's got a kill oh he's tired he's tired where are you ghost pig he's so worn out from having to chase after him i'm like i think we can call this one a double l the ghost fled and hangry's just so lazy poor angry fig is but oh and he's gone again and he's tired again all right you both suck all right penny for your thoughts two very differently shaped chickens one's round and this one i don't know what this shape this is ten thousand health versus three thousand four hundred but penny is is she going to keep him at bay no the knockback is not working on the chicken ghost who is just screaming with rage it's actually kind of close uh she's flapping hitting him with the double stomp in the face they're both at about half health who'd have thought this would be close i thought the chicken girls had this in the bag but now the eye has come out uh oh and the execute with only 900 health left very proud if you lied you did it for the travelers sorry so i did say that i wanted to merge their bones together but unfortunately they have the same skeleton so they just kind of go inside each other and it's a bit weird but it's not as weird as breaking their bones and trust me you're in for a treat today with the bone break let us start with angry can we turn him into ham uh maybe this will be better where's your face going okay it's fine oh he's eating his own eyeballs i've heard pigs will do that oh his head's completely come off is that your tail no that's his tail oh god i could do this all day all right that's it we're making you cute be cute oh you're a cyclops that's not cute that'll do that's the cutest i think we're gonna get all right lucky you ready you've seen what happened to hangry will he still be scratching his belly oh he's still going for it look at him even with his fingers in that state he's still going for it lucky strapping where's his bow tie gone where am i the state of his fingers they're like cheese he's chewing himself look at him from this side look at that chin oh my goodness it looks like his bow ties his tongue and his ha oh he's being real sus that'll do nailed it all right you two go stand over there penny oh penny has eyelashes she's got slimmer though oh the mouth is upside down oh penny you're so much taller and you now you have no head i mean that is a vast improvement i'll be honest like a potato and then finally mama she's screaming oh the the fact that the eyes come out it's just terrifying well i'm afraid i don't think any of us will be sleeping tonight that's fine who needs sleep the gang's all here oh my what she just started rolling run that back why did she do that i can't get her to do it again look at her walking sideways oh now that's fashion there's the gang the new mod hope you liked it and if you did remember to subscribe so you can see part two tomorrow or click up here or on the end card or i don't know i'm yellow it's free you
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 884,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, dark deception, dark deception mod, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, new dark deception, dark deception npc, dark deception gmod, lucky, penny, hangry, nurse, reaper nurse, mama bear, trevor henderson, cryptid, leovincible, horror game, horror mod
Id: UXxChVl9Lww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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