Received a Job Offer? Six Steps to Respond

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hello i'm alan sklover and this is blog site that's dedicated to your empowerment at work this is our video number seven entitled received a job offer six simple steps to respond hello i'm alan sklover and for 25 years i've been helping employees worldwide navigate and negotiate to their success at work our blog site is dedicated to that and this video is meant to help you respond successfully to receiving a job offer you know many of my clients come to me many of them very very sophisticated and they say al i have a job offer in hand what do i do now well i tell them and they know this instinctively that putting together a simple plan is almost always necessary to doing anything well this is what this video is about your simple plan for you to respond successfully to a job offer now once you receive a job offer whether or not it's done in person or over the phone or even in writing the very first step is to say thank you is to express appreciation now some of my clients actually are not very happy with the job offer either the pay is too low or the job is not the one they want it doesn't make a difference your first step is to show appreciation is to thank the offerer for making the offer no matter how inadequate or even negative you feel about that job offer you must first acknowledge that you appreciate receipt secondly and you should understand this is that though whatever job offer you're given it's important for you to confirm the essential points of the job offer particularly if it's done over the phone or in person you might want to send an email and say mr smith thank you so very much for this job will for now i just want to confirm and then lay out what is the title what is the role what is the compensation the essential points of that job offer it's amazing how sometimes people don't hear everything or they thought they heard something that really wasn't said if you in fact confirm simply confirm your job offer you will have helped yourself avoid many potential problems down the road the third step is to analyze that job offer and what i mean by that is to think about what are your hopes and what are your fears about this potential job i divide them into three categories the rewards of the job the risks of the job and most importantly the responsibilities and resources of the job the rewards the risks the responsibilities and resources the rewards are pretty easy and all my clients tend to focus on them the pay the vacation the benefits and the like sometimes they don't mention what the benefits are you may need to confer with their hr department to find out what are the benefits and more importantly when they kick in now risks of a job are generally of three kinds a what happens if you lose the job will you get notice will you get severance b is there anything accompanying the job such as a non-compete and c if you earn something is it definite is it assured is it guaranteed that you'll get paid that so again the risks that we focus on are job loss non-competes and those kind of restrictive agreements and lastly is there certainty of payment the third r that we look at after rewards and risks in the job are what are the responsibilities and what resources will they give you to in fact fulfill those responsibilities i think the third r is the most important are it really will help you define whether or not you actually enjoy that job the fourth step is to respond to the job offer again we always want to make the employer feel happy and important so you acknowledge that this is a job offer that you appreciate very much at the same time you acknowledge the employer's concerns you understand that they want somebody who will come in and do a great job and in fact you believe you are that person however you have some concerns of your own and this is where you say i like the job offer very much but might you increase the salary ten thousand dollars might you in fact give me vesting of benefits a little earlier might you give me an assistant to help me fulfill my responsibilities now when you make requests in response to a job offer they should always be accompanied by the rationale that these requests will help you be a better employee what do i mean by that well you will feel more committed you will feel more focused you will be more motivated to fulfill the that job and the job responsibilities if your concerns are addressed as well the fifth step out of our six step plan for you is in fact to close the deal when you believe it is a job offer that you've gotten everything you can out of the job offer and that you feel comfortable that the essentials are there is in fact to thank the offerer for the job offer to say i accept this job offer as we have modified or clarified and i look forward to starting and when can i start filling out the forms etc in fact closing the deal so to speak your fifth step is a very simple but necessary step you would be surprised how many people that i counsel thought that they had accepted a job but they were not absolutely clear about it your sixth and final step in responding to a job offer is to make a plan for one year from today what do i mean by that your employer has viewed you as sufficiently valuable to him or her to ask you to come on board and be part of his or her team well one year from now you or shortly before that you are hopefully going to make a presentation to that employer your boss about how much more valuable you've proven to be than even he or she hoped that is what responsibilities will you take on what successes will you achieve how will you show them that you are even more valuable than they anticipated if you're going to be asking for an improvement which to me is your next negotiation one year from today well that today is the day you start to make a plan for that next negotiation and for the next year you should execute that plan everything you negotiate is renegotiable and everything that you achieve now you can achieve more in a year if if if you first show that you have been a valuable member of the team now is the time to make your plan to start thinking about how you can become a more valuable member of the team i hope this has been helpful again i'm alan sklover and this is the blog site dedicated to your empowerment and your success at work if you come to our blog site you will see in fact we have a question and answer section and if you submit questions i will answer them we have a library of articles i've written newsletters and questions and answers that others have submitted we in fact have an archive of these videos to help you in each step both in terms of opportunities and problems at work and we also have a what we call our private library of model letters and memos and agreements and checklists that you can use to help yourself i'm alan slover this is sklover working wisdom the blog site thanks for listening and watching bye you
Channel: Sklover Working Wisdom
Views: 116,527
Rating: 4.8485713 out of 5
Keywords: job offer, job offers, reacting to a job offer, accept a job offer, accepting a job offer, reject a job offer, rejecting a job offer, Al Sklover, Sklover, Alan Sklover, Sklover Working Wisdom
Id: fOgHDb-5d-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2009
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