The Dangerous Mistakes to Avoid When Leading a Horse! | This Esme ad

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hello everybody and welcome back to my beginner series I actually did a poll on my community tab asking you lot what videos you want to see from me with my beginner series and the top one was how to like catch lead put on a head collar basically how to handle a horse so that's what I'm going to be going through today starting off you need to grab a head collar or I know there are a lot of you guys in different countries compared to the UK that call it a halter but because I'm British I'm going to be calling it headquarter I tell you what you know the sort of halters that are made out of rope that I would probably call a halter but I feel like this is more of a color so I'm going to call it a hair color so there are actually two different kind of places or two different ways that you can undo a hair color and do it up again which are kind of like the normal ones first off we have the left Buckle now with horses everybody kind of does everything from the left I think it was to start with like the military that's kind of how they did things so when handling horses everyone does everything on the left hand side um so there's a little Buckle here that you can just undo and that's one way that you can undo a hair color and then the other way which I feel like is kind of the if you're a more experienced horse person this is kind of like what I feel like most people do especially if you're a little bit more on the lazy side there is actually this little clip here which is called a um kind of grooming clip because often you undo that clip so if you're brushing a horse's face you want to get to some hard to reach areas so if we pretend this is the horse obviously this is the nose end this is between their ears and there's a little clip here that you can just undo and you can actually Slide the head collar over the horse's nose I will show you guys a little bit later and also if you wait till the end of today's video I will show you how I roll up my lead ropes like this to keep them nice and tidy in my tack room but anyway that is that is the hair color this is actually quite a good one for me to show you um to demonstrate because there's kind of like a darker green for um in between the ears and on the nose and then like a lighter yellowy green for all the other areas I feel like one of the top mistakes that a lot of beginners make AKA my non-horsey parents they'll like hang your hair color up by the nose bit and it drives it drives me insane so um there we go make sure you get your head collar the right way around to start with alrighty so I am now walking down to Casper's Paddock now with horses you want to kind of look at them this sounds weird but you want to kind of observe their behavior before you approach them at the end of the day horses are flight animals and they're actually really sensitive a little fun factual did you know that a horse can hear a human heartbeat from four feet away so horses are very in tuned into other people's emotions so if you're feeling a little bit nervous a little bit anxious a horse is going to really pick up on those emotions too so um Casper is probably gonna be looking at me a little bit funny today because I've already taken him in from The Paddock today and exercised him and ridden him so he's probably thinking why is this girl here what is she doing why is she back so it might be interesting today with me getting him up from the field but there we go also I just thought I would talk about other horses because if your horse is in a paddock with lots of different horses it's also really important to have a look at the herd observe what's kind of going on what behaviors so when I was first walking down Joey was kind of pacing up and down the field he was quite excited so sometimes maybe I'd wait for him to calm down he also has a fly mask on at the moment because the Flies are out I literally have just taken caspers off for the purpose of today's video so you can see me putting on a head collar without you know his own fly gear and mask on um also Joey and Casper are actually in separate fields and that is due to Casper is a good doer so he um his field is looking rather bare but that is for medical purposes he is on a bit of a diet but don't worry he gets lots of halogen things to make sure that he doesn't get ulcers but anyway on to Casper onto his Paddock so if I come on around I'll pull avoid it or I'll put your fly mask on soon um my horses if you couldn't tell they absolutely love me he is here ready and waiting by the I was going to say gate we actually have electric fences all a lot of the time the fences aren't even on because a lot of the time I will Zap for myself um but he doesn't know that once I feel like once the hall is very like a light um electronic just because then we can kind of change around the paddocks make them bigger make them smaller depending on how much forage and things again because Casper is on a very strict Veterinary diet anyway so I'm gonna normally I would say you approach a horse from the side because horses their eyes are kind of on the side of their head um and that's because they're again prey animals they need to be looking around everywhere to be able to see where the Predators are especially if we can imagine them being on like a big Savannah or a big plane um so normally I'd say when you're walking up to your horse approach where their kind of shoulder is Casper is already here ready and waiting so um it goes to show anyway I'm just going to quickly duck under obviously if there's a gate use that but again we have a a different kind of fence situation here so anyway um when you approach your horse this is probably not the best place for me to stand because you should never stand in between a hard place and a horse so if that's a fence on a horse a wall and a horse as you can see Casper and I have known each other a long time we've known each other 10 years and I know that he's not gonna do anything silly but again if it's a horse that you don't know it might be best not to be I would probably make him maybe back up a little bit just so I have a bit more space um there we go so when you are with your horse at the shoulder sometimes if they haven't spotted you it's nice to call out their name so they can be like oh yeah there's my human there's my person so you don't sort of sneak up on them and make them jump so again by the shoulder then we're going to to do is grab your lead rope and you're just going to pop that gently around their kind of neck and then slide up so here I've kind of got Casper in like a little bit of a rope situation and this means that I have a little bit more control over his head so if he was in a luscious sphere of grass he would probably have his head down eating so I can just kind of grab him by very gently with my hand here and you can see I've got a bit more control over his head I can move it towards my back sorry boy he's got loads of flies on him anyway the first way of um undoing the hair color as I said before is undoing the Buckle and then what you want to do is just gently slide it over his nose like so and then flip the other kind of side over and then also by having the lead rope over his neck like this it's not hanging on the floor you don't have to worry about him tripping up on it this is actually the first time I put this hair color on so hopefully it's not too all the adjustments are correct for him yeah that looks pretty good looks very nice one there we go caspy so that is the first way sometimes I just liked it if his you know main sticking out like this I'll just put it over and make sure it's kind of nice and comfy for him that his four lock isn't kind of sticking up in a funky hairdo so there we go Casper has got his hair color on that is the first kind of way of putting on if we're going to do it the second way so again I'll Undo It by the Buckle that's how you take a head collar off if you're wondering um so I'm going to do my Buckle back up as you can see Casper is a very chilled boy he is literally just standing here again if I needed to have a bit more control I can go like this so the next thing we'll do is just going to undo this Buckle here now this is the way I tend to do it I just find the clip sorry a clip not a buckle I find the clip a lot easier to just slide on and off because it's just a little bit less fiddly you can just clip it on like that so there we go that is how I put on and take off Casper's hair collar so anyway now I'm going to grab my rope now this actually something that you probably won't think about but it's really important for safety reasons when you're leading a horse so um I've just realized I should probably have gloves on um again these are my horses I lead them all the time but for safety reasons I would recommend wearing gloves especially if it's a horse that you don't know in case they bolt you don't want to get sort of rope burn um but again I've had this whole 10 years he's all good but you never know you never know anyway um so when you're leading a horse never ever ever put the lead rope around like this like in a loop it has happened to me once before where I didn't realize I'd done it and if a horse does bolt or does pull what happens is then the lead rate will get Tighter and Tighter and it will wrap around your hand and you can really hurt your hand you can hurt your fingers you could probably almost break a finger so that is not very good so what you want to do is kind of don't Loop it you want to kind of grab it in sections like this so as you can see I've kind of folded it into a squiggle like that and then I'm grabbing it don't ever ever Loop it okay got it have you got it okay again grab it kind of like a like a squiggle like this put it together and then you got your rope what I like to do is have um because obviously again you do everything from the left have the rope in my left hand like this and then my right hand I will hold never hold on to the Buckle again you don't want to get your fingers or anything trapped in the buckles always hold the kind of ropey bit and then I just feel like I have a little bit more control if I need to move his head for whatever reason maybe he's looking at the other horses in the field and again when you're doing this make sure that there are no kind of horses that are getting into your bubble getting into your Zone because when I'm leading Casper I'm kind of his protector I'm the kind of lead of the herd so um if any other horses came near us while I was kind of doing it do like being with him I just kind of again just like push them to the side or maybe kind of move my rope a little bit to just um tell them to get out of my personal space and then if I ever want to Casper to kind of move around so again like I said before if I didn't want to be too close to the fence or a wall um because when you're you've got to think when you're riding a horse this is where your leg would normally be and this is normally where you would push them so if I just gently push Casper here and I say over either over over he's a little bit lazy sometimes over there we go so that's just kind of pushed him so his bum's gone round and then if I want him to back up I just gently touch on his chest and go back back backpack there we go as you can see Casper's very good with voice commands and then that's kind of how I move around also if I was going to turn a horse out something that I was always taught when I was younger was when you're turning a horse out into the field always make it so they're either facing like a fence or the gate what you don't want to do is take their head collar off they're facing you know a big open field because especially if they're a little bit keen and they want to get back to their friends or get back to the grass when you're halfway undoing their head collar they can just zoom off so if they're facing some sort of fence just again for safety that's always a good idea so anyway now we're going to lead Casper up he literally looks like he has fallen asleep hey caspi he's tired he's like girl you've ridden me once today before why why are you taking me up again anyway at least all the Flies we've got now here anyway okay so I'm gonna say walk on walk on good boy um and then I'm just gonna undo the fence don't worry it is turned off I'm actually going to do the fence back up because I'm going to show you kind of how I would want Casper to walk around boy around we go there we go and then I would just shut it up so if there were for example any other horses come on over stand good boy so if there were any other horses in the paddock it's all safe and shut there we go alrighty so I've now shut my gate I've got to my horse and I am now leading him up to the Stables um he has got quite a slow walk out of all my horses so he kind of dawdles a little bit but I'm going to try and kind of stand where his shoulder is you don't want to be too far in front but then you also don't want to be dragged or too far behind I find kind of where alongside their legs is a good idea also if you're too far in front if something were to happen they could catch you with their front legs if they kind of lunged forward so that's why I was saying it's nice to stand by the side and then yeah just casually walk up to the yard so once we're at the yard I will show you how to tie up a horse correctly as well good boy alrighty we have now reached our destination we're in the yard and I'm going to show you kind of the way I feel like this is a very UK way to tie up a horse I know in America and things like ranches people tie all stuff a little bit differently but this is how I've always been taught to do it so um we're at our fence which is what I want to take Casper up to now I actually have added a bit of Baylor twine or bailing twine again this is something else that I feel like people pick up on like with pronunciation so let me know in the comments are you a Baila twine person or a bailing wine person anyway so basically it's a bit of a bit of orange string and what you're going to do is with your um lead rope you're going to want to make a little Loop like this I feel like Castle's gonna get very bored he's like girl this is the slowest you have ever tied me up before and so you're going to put the loop through and then with the other long bit of string you're going to want to make another loop yes thank you Casper for the little kiss on the hand there and then you've you create another loop and then you make another loop until it kind of becomes this kind of weird chain now what I like to do because um this is a quick release knot this is what it's probably called so you can just leave it like that my horses are very clever and will untie themselves because what you can do is if you ever need to get like a horse and get them away from somewhere in emergency all you have to do is pull this end bit here and then suddenly your horse is free so um because my horse is very clever I will show you it all again in slow motion sorry Casper can you just move your head to the side thank you gorgeous there we go so I have my little Loop I'm putting it through the string I have another little Loop putting it through the loop and then you just carry on making oh thank you Casper that's really helpful another little Loop chain and then what I actually do I'll tell you what I'll do one more because this is quite a long lead rope what I do some people like this some people don't personal preference again and what I do is I actually put this little end so through so then if my horse is for whatever reason decide to chew on it and pull it they cannot Escape but if I was in an emergency I know that all I'd have to do is just take the little Loop out of the chain and then Michael Halls is now free you're free to roam the lands but no um he is very good some horses can be quite sorry this is this I'm gonna do it in Esme speed now which is very fast um I feel like a lot of horses can sorry that is way too short again depending on how short or how loose you want to tie a horse up um that was a little bit too tight for you there Caspian that's a bit mean um but anyway um there we go that's how I normally do it shabam my lead rope is tied but no some horses can be oh where are you going oh okay you and you enjoy that grass while I do a little little chatty bit anyway some horses they can be quite nervous especially if they're a young horse and you're training them to kind of stand on their own and be tied up because you've got to remember horses are prey animals they're like natural instinct or defense mechanism when something scary is to run away so that's another reason why it's important to have Baylor twine attached to a fence because if your horse does spook at something and it needs to run away or it needs to sort of jerk away from whatever it is then you don't want your horse you know the Baler twine is there so it can break because if your horse is pulling really hard against the fence you don't want to number one your horse damage the fence by it literally pulling the bit of wood off or you don't want your horse to just gave the camera a kiss or you don't want your horse to damage their neck or damage like their head because again that's quite a sensitive area by having all this force that they're kind of pulling against so again that's why it's really important to have a quick release knotting to have a bit of bail or twine so if there's an emergency your horse is in the safest possible position also being in a enclosed yard like here I know that if Casper was to run away or something was to break he's not going anywhere dangerous he's in a safe place so there we go make sure you close your Gates a boy alrighty so Casper has been a very good horse model tell you what I even had some treats in my pocket for bribery but he didn't need any because he is very good I mean this horse I've had for almost a decade now I know him very like inside out he knows me inside out and what I've done today probably looks really easy and really simple but for some people it's not like for some especially um when I first got Joey he wasn't used to being tied up and I had to do a lot of training to get him used to it now now what I've done today with Casper is actually very unnatural I've number one isolated him and taken him away from the herd taken him away from his friends and his food which I'm sure a lot of horses would not be very happy about I've also restricted his movement and I've kind of tied him up and I put him somewhere isolated on his own luckily I am here but if you do have a horse that maybe is a little bit more sensitive or um isn't used to that it just takes time it takes patience takes trust as well and you'll get there but as you can see Casper is he is a pro he is the pro model horse I mean he he could be standing facing that way but I am here so that's why you're over here aren't you mister but anyway he has been very good I'm going to put him back out into the field and then I'm going to show you how I um make my head collars look a little bit more tidy by rolling up my lead ropes well done caspi very good I'll put your fly mask on as well because those flies are very pesky aren't they hang on I could actually show you how to put on a fly mask oh thank you Casper he's like yes put my fly mask on now so anyway I will show you that I will get custom slime mask and put it on out in the field how about that hey you can go back out with your friends come on in we are back in Casper's Paddock what I'm actually gonna do for putting his fly mask on this is probably how I would kind of like put a bridle on um so I kind of have my um undone lead rope around his neck again like before and then what I'm going to do is I'm actually just gonna slide this over his neck now never do this if your horse is tied up because if your horse Spooks oh my goodness the pressure on their neck not good anyway so I have my I have my caspy here and then I'm just gonna put my fly mask on him probably should have undone that before but he is a very good boy and then I always do the right ear first or the furthest away ear if you do everything from the left and then put the other ear through and then do up the velcro sometimes there's like a little hole here that you can poke the four lock through this one doesn't have one and then I'll just undo the clip and there we go we have a free child you are free to roam my boy he's not gonna leave me he's gonna stay here and be like hello I would like some attention anyway I'm going to no actually I've got to say my head collar looks proper funky right now it's all undone I always find it's easiest to do the buckle up first to know what you're doing and then do up your little clip also when you are leading a horse it might be you know easy to think oh I'll just leave them with this bit sticking out that's like walking around with your shoelaces undone or like one of your shoelaces undone like it's not going to end well like if something happened and that undid and your horse was just gone especially if you were in an unsafe environment like a not an enclosed space that would not be good so always make sure with your buckle you do it up nice and properly okay I've been left for food of course enjoy your dinner caspi that's sigh oh my gosh it is so sassy he was like yeah she's she stopped giving me attention now showing to the camera I'm just gonna go inside and eat little bits of grass as you can see Casper does actually have field have field have food in this field or in this Paddock it doesn't look like it but there is enough to maintain his tummy so there we go we do give him little bits of lunch and things because that's the one thing if you have a horse that's overweight the chances of them getting ulcers because you aren't feeding them enough is really bad so it's so tricky especially if you have Halls like mine horses like mine that are very kind of chunky making them not have ulcers but also making them slim again is tricky but he's doing pretty well he's doing pretty well we're now back at the yard I have my head collar here and normally what I do is I hang my hair color up on a hook we're going to pretend this is a hook because I don't have one out here um and then I will basically attach the little clip here to one of the Rings and I will um do it like that but for today to make things a little bit less complicated because I don't know what it is I think it's because there's just a lot of there's a lot of green going on over here so I'm just going to pop that down and we're just gonna do it with the lead rope I'm gonna clip it actually onto this bit of Baylor twine here to show you so I always find it's quite easy to kind of have something to pull against um and then what I do is I um kind of fold it I'd say Obviously it depends how long your lead rope is it takes a little bit of trial and error to kind of really feel the length that you need um so I'm going to kind of fold it like this kind of yay yay amount and then once you've got your kind of loop with all of the excess that you have here you basically just wrap it round and then you just keep on wrapping and keep on wrapping I'm going to do it a little bit faster because it's quite self-explanatory it's a little bit fiddly the first time you do it but once you get into the Rhythm it's a bit like learning how to braid you kind of get there quite quickly and then oh look at that I have I have done that perfectly you have a little loop at the bottom and then if you do get the length perfectly you have a little bit here and then you just tuck it through pull it and then there we go my lead rope is now all tied up and is looking pretty fancy also if you're going for like a hack or a trail ride somewhere especially if it's quite a long one or far away it's quite useful to take a lead rope with you and maybe like clip it onto something and just have it there with you in case of an emergency so there we go and then let's finish it all off of course I'm just going to attach it to my head collar also when you are leading a horse with a head collar always use the bottom middle ring to attach the lead rope to so there we go and that is how to lead a horse catch a horse put on a head collar tie holes up and do a little fancy lead rope trick at the end anyway guys I really hope you enjoyed today's video maybe you learned a thing or two if you have any other sort of beginner series episodes that you want me to do leave them in the comments below because I've been really enjoying doing them this Summer it's been so much fun anyway thank you so much for watching today's video if you're new or haven't I'm sorry please like And subscribe because it really does help me out and I really do appreciate it and I'll see you all next time bye foreign [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 76,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horse, pony, horse girl, girl, fun, how to, equestrian, horsey, satisfying, cleaning
Id: MfitdMwZEoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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