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okay guys today we're on a mission no room for dilly dallying this video okay quick one there's no time to waste i have absolutely no time to tell you to go to dennisdaily.com right now and check out all the new merch including this dad hat and the 2021 kitty of the day calendar which we get to start opening in like two days so we're here at broken bones four in roblox and if you guys remember the last time we were here we made some pretty huge discoveries we learned huh oh no oh oh i forgot how fast i was you can grind your body all over jaggedy rocks the whole way down with all of these new upgrades that we got we learned about these crazy combos that can give you insane amount of bone breaks here today to try to break our personal record which is like i don't even remember it's like 500 000 bones broken so let's take a look down here because here's the thing about some of these abilities you can only use them some of them once every few hours so we're only going to get one chance to do this right so we got to make sure we know exactly what we're doing you guys were giving me some very good tips last time i'd also really like to get to level 200 to obliterate let's quickly see how quickly we gain levels so we're level 137 right now so let's just go for a nice standard grind just your everyday standard grind try and grind grind break break break mmm i don't even know if this is my best work i think i can grind better than this so all right right now we're at 300 is that is that really it 400 000 wait okay are we breaking so much what like number are we trying to beat today because we're gonna go for more than we've ever done before this is the video guys this is where it all happens hey i woke up and i was like we have to revisit this a lot of you guys were asking for it especially after the last one i think we just do a whole bunch of this grinding does that mean on the left there that we're at like six hundred thousand oh my god it just keeps going okay go get it this way crying grind oh here we go come on let's get like a neck break or something oh yeah well it says actually down here the total breaks maybe that's what we should be paying attention to 2.8 million total breaks and we got from level 137 to 145 in a single fall i have a pretty good feeling we could get to level 200 this video but that means that we got to start grinding literally we need to grind our bodies firework i believe still takes like 10 15 minutes to recharge so i kind of want to make sure that i do all of this in the most effective way possible here's a good test we grinded down this hole we're just doing the classic grind grind grind what if we try now going down this way grind grind grind see what we get and then that way we'll have a better understanding of where would be the best place to use these abilities i have a feeling it's gonna be this one just because some of these i didn't actually mean to fall off but it's okay a lot of these abilities rely on being able to get shot up into the air so i feel like having this much more real estate in the sky might be very much worth it for us oh keep going don't stop yes this one seems a little more difficult to actually be constantly grinding it feels like you can easily catch on one of them rocks and then your grinding stops and the last thing that we want to be stopping is our grinding grind frank grind grind grind grind i thrive when i grind do you ever see me in public you can catch me grinding my heart out anywhere i can is it worth grinding or trying to get like a really big fall from really high up and you like land on your neck and you get like brain damage and stuff because i know that that can give you some extra bonuses and whatnot i love this game oh nice we did something okay so i think after this i'm now gonna go back to the comment section of the previous broken bones video i made a lot of you guys were giving me tips on how we should be using abilities and like a very specific order which is great because this is the exact like pro strats that i need to know i have a feeling this is going to be the mountain that we're going down not because it's going to give us the most breaks actually i have a feeling that we're going to get significantly less breaks don't stop yes yeah 3.4 whoa okay before it we had 2.8 million total breaks this time we have 3.4 million total breaks how does that work i could have sworn that we would have had less on this one okay hold on let's go to my let's go to the comments section and the last one wait people are saying that there's more upgrades than this oh wait there's a scroll wheel oh my god what wait wait wait wait wait upgrades oh my god oh no there's so many more upgrades okay we got some clicking to do baby [Music] yeah okay first thing i want to test before anything is the perk cool down so now let's try what does a firework do that like shoots you up in the air or something whoa okay there's only a one minute cool down on that which is fantastic by the time we're back up it's gonna be ready to go again like here what if i try dart all right so that shoots me forwards and that has a two minute cooldown so i'll still be careful with the cooldowns i'm not doing the full like grinding that i was last time i just wanted to test the perks wait 3.6 million total break oh i am so dumb man it must be really frustrating watching me play this game how many things i keep missing so total breaks is total breaks that we did today i'm almost certain because there's no way we got 3.6 million just now whereas previously we were getting like way more you know it's 2.8 was that because of that was our total breaks ever total breaks ever not just today ever i'm so confused okay so maybe we should just be paying attention i'm so lost i'll try to remember these perks here firework shoots you up dart shoots you forwards so i don't know if that's like one of the last ones we want to do i don't know man smackdown so i remember one of you suggesting that you should gravitate because it shoots you up and then smackdown oh no no you should do everything and mitosis do a bunch of crazy stuff and then you reverse and it makes you do it again i believe that's what you guys were saying is the best way to do it okay when you get this special head break and it goes ooh scroll all the way down on the power-up thing and there will be a special one is there something that appears bottom right here that usually isn't there whenever you go this is tough i want to make sure i do it like the right order should we look okay let's maybe okay let's look at a kindly key in video i want to see the order that he does because i kind of trust his judgment more than my own when it comes to the bone breakings whoa so if you obliterate it puts your body into like a whole bunch of pieces it's also insane so he said he accidentally reverted early you don't want to do that you're trying to hit a crazy combo and then revert it okay all right guys let's get to it so when we use firework it gives it's a one minute cooldown meaning it takes us about a minute to get to the bottom so then fireworks shooting us back up would be pretty good start i don't even know if we care about dart or sprung or anything like that but smackdown i almost wonder if we can do a smackdown like right away and then a time flip what's the difference between a revert and a time flip oh i don't know okay let's just okay above all else the last thing that we should be doing is clicking reverse i'm just i want to make sure i do it right we might as well start with a firework so we okay i just shot off hold on hold on no this isn't my run this isn't my run i want to do this the best way possible so if we start grinding and then we firework back up should we mitosis right away like how long does mitosis last i think it lasts like the whole time so maybe we should mitosis right away okay let's try it there we go oh god keep going you can do it yes so we're getting some grinding going this is good very very good stuff so now if we firework okay i will now i activated mitosis there so we're getting double breaking right now i think this is good we want this so now okay what's next we got a sprung here oh oh my god i'm missing i'm missing so much of the cliff here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna gravitate i'm gravitating because we missed a bunch of the cliffs i'm working my way back up here okay we're gonna fall back down is that even good i'm trying to hit that oof i really want the like ooh that like special break we're getting a whole lot of bones broken right now oh keep going keep going okay i haven't reverted yet i want to wait to get the oof and then i revert like that's what i'm waiting on i want to get a crazy oof let's try smackdown maybe that's how we can get here i'll try to land on that like flat area there still no special oof we can fire work again this is really good actually so firework we can work our way back up not quite not quite i want the special oof that's okay if we survive for another minute we can just keep infinitely fireworking which is great this game so let's just keep going around in this circle can we just do that infinitely just keep grinding oh we're going really far down we just need to last another 20 seconds it's fine everything's fine keep grinding don't go down that hole we're not going down the hole oh but we're not stopping either okay we can firework again go go go go firework it's not working firework hello the fireworks just not working i don't know what to i don't have to do the fire can we can you not do it multiple times i guess let's do a time flip is this another level this is where someone else starts man i didn't get the oof give me the oof on the neck come on all right we're gonna have to we're gonna have to revert here guys and sometimes we just get it you know you just get that oof the firework doesn't work can you not activate it multiple times well let's just keep going like this man i really thought i could just infinite firework like it i guess you can't do it more than more than once in a single run which i suppose makes sense my balance is allowing me to keep going around the water i want the oof there's no way for us to get the oof with what we're doing right now i'm just scared to stop that's the end of our uses here but if we got the mega oof then we would see what the special ability is at least we're gonna do a nice little finishing pose i mean that's a good pose right there this is also by far our biggest round ever let's not forget that 1.3 million bones broken and as we know from last time the human body has 206 bones i know guys educational channel thank you so much for subscribing yeah what is my guy doing i i don't like that please stop it okay guys i want mega oof that's what i'm looking for and i want mega oof i wanna see if something appears in this here power up thing whenever you get the mega oof so let's just try going for that give me mega ooh now that sucks give me mega oof on the head oh i didn't hear the oof though my firework just isn't working you have to land on the top of your head and then like breaks your neck or something i'm pretty sure it seems to be the best way to do that is by falling from a very large height also we're level 170 right now nothing's stopping us from getting to that level 200. no oof no oh man yeah my firework isn't working hmm that got us to level 171 so we just need to do that 30 more times 200 i think the main thing i'm focusing on on right now is that oof we just gotta land on our heads it's the only thing can we do it [Applause] oh i did land on my head i didn't get the ooh okay okay right here this is the oof time right here okay i'm not touching anything right now it's just still hiding everywhere let's try it down here i haven't done this one yet this is just a nice little classic grind grind grind but maybe it knows a thing or two about oofing oh here we go real deep hole and come on give me the oof right here this is the one this is the hole right here right here right here come on give it to me now i wanna i can't hop with this i'm gonna land i'm gonna go down this hole i'm gonna go down it so perfectly it's gonna be like the oh oh wow okay i can't even see where i'm going oh oh my god i can't see anything i want that ooh baby give me that oof dang 523 meters we fell there though that's crazy y'all americans asked what 520 meters that's about 1500 feet i say something like that this guy is the level 267 man i thought that i had it all just when you think you have something you realize you have nothing okay all right here we go oh yes perfect dodging no never mind hold on this will be perfect dodging right here oh no sorry okay not perfect dodging at all give me the u give me the u that sucked ah nice little slippery i'm not touching it i'm not touching anything slip and slide grind is he gonna stop is he ever going to stop i could just go afk okay there we go all right guys this is you know what no no no we've been on this level for so long i'm gonna do one level change let's go to a different one the sunken city let's do this guys we gotta land right there in that hole that's it oh i found myself a nice little home come on like a hermit crab maybe this isn't the way to do it i'm jumping off a alien ship though like what else do you want from me game there oh i see that nice big flat face right there hit my neck oh it was beautiful okay let's gravitate gravitate baby let's go yeah all right let's hit that big beautiful flat face one more time oh and then we can smack down actually oh man okay keep going oh my god smackdown what that's it no oof oh my god oh cause my head is jammed in the building oh my god oh wow that's brutal man i don't even want to know what my face looks like there i gotta tell you i feel great about that one we all learned something new or at least i did i learned there's a whole nother page of upgrade lists on that note guys i would like to thank you so much for joining me for another broken bones adventure we can make a series out of this out obsessed i am with this game i want the obliterate and the oof and then i can revert it and do crazy like guys tell me in the comments the exact strategy of like order of what you think works the best i think i have a pretty good idea but you let me know in the comments below and also check out dennisdaily.com link in the description below my cartoon show season one out on youtube and crave link in the description below for that as well you start code dennis to check out whenever you buy robux remember to subscribe because we're coming up on that nine mil which would be pretty nuts and i'm so excited for the new year because we get to start this 2021 kitty the day calendar i'm actually so excited for this thank you again guys so much for watching and i will see you in the next one [Music] meow [Music] meow
Channel: Denis
Views: 936,684
Rating: 4.9439106 out of 5
Keywords: Denis, Denis YouTube, Denis Roblox, DenisDaily, Denis Daily, Roblox, Gaming, Gameplay, No Swears, No Cursing, Kid Friendly, Family Friendly, Roblox Adventures, roblox roleplay, roblox video, Play Roblox, roblox broken bones, roblox bones, roblox broken bones 4, roblox but i broke all my bones, i fell from max height and broke all my bones
Id: 28iMZQtoxVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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