My Nitpicks About Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the by far most sold game on the switch with over 45.33 million units of the game being sold you would expect a game that sold that many copies to be pretty good and well it is this is certainly my favorite game in the Mario Kart series is its mechanics and tracks are in my opinion the best in the entire series however that's not to say the game is perfect no game is so today I want to take a look at a few nitpicks I have with the game and how I might have improved or fixed them keep in mind that these criticisms are by definition minors so it's not like I punch a hole through my wall whenever I think of any of these oh just like in the last nitpick video the second half of this video will be dedicated to nitpicks from the comment section you won't seem to really enjoy it when I did this for smash ultimate so we're going to keep this going for all future nitpick videos this time though we got a ton of comments in the community post so it was a lot of fun to read through them all also like last time I picked a few I disagreed with but still thought would make for an interesting discussion but anyways with that said if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel but let's jump right into my first nitpick let's start start off nice and simple here I kind of wish there was an option to do time trials in mirror mode now I do kind of understand why this isn't an option mirror mode doesn't really change anything gameplay wise besides obviously flipping everything having a 200cc option for example was something I think was a necessity as it completely changes how you play so I'm happy they at least added that in here mirror mode isn't really as needed but it still would be nice even though they are flipped versions of tracks it makes a big difference as you have to try and wrap your head around the new turns the amount of times I've run into the wall in Bowser's Castle mirror mode is incalculable while we're kind of talking about mirror mode and speed I really don't like how the speed and if of course is in mirror mode or not is random online I wish there was a way to select a speed type or if it's in mirror mode before joining a Lobby now yeah I know you can make tournaments for this but I'd want this to be an option for just the standard rank mode as well 150 cc and 200cc are almost entirely different games and I know a lot of people that strongly prefer one or the other whenever I play I almost never get to see 200cc even if every one of my Lobby has a really high ranking which is pretty sad since I quite enjoy the mode while on the topic of online let's go ahead and wrap it through a bunch of these that I have for the online portion of the game first off only allowing for two people online is kind of annoying I play Mario Kart with my dad and brother a lot which means if we want to play online one of us has to sit out usually it's my brother because he cheats more on that later now the reason I think they do this is because the frame rate gets cut when playing with three players or more but I'm just gonna hope that they eventually find a fix for that in the next game another online annoyance I have has to do with the items now I'm sure there's probably no great fix for this as it's probably lag related but nothing makes me more annoyed than hitting an opponent with an item seeing them get hit and they just keep moving like nothing happened it makes the whole online experience feel super annoying it feels like almost every other item I throw out is gonna fake hit my opponent so I just hope that the next Mario Kart game is able to fix this issue moving away from the races we have the battle mode which also has a thing that personally annoys me so unlike the battle mode in the Wii U version there are actually more than one battle modes some of them are better than others though my personal ranking goes five coin Runners four balloon battle three Bomb Blast two shine Runners and one Renegade Roundup if you're the robbers otherwise it'd be third oh wait now I can't make a battle mode ranking video but anyway the point is that these modes are very different from each other that makes it all the more annoying that the battle mode is chosen at random online this is much worse than the speeds being random at least to me the gameplay is so different between the different modes that it can strongly affect what course I'd want to pick my favorite battle course is Battle course 1 but I think it's really we can Renegade Roundup so I'd rather play on woohoo town in that mode it sucks because the battle mode is chosen after you choose a map so at the very least I'd swap which one gets chosen first there are a lot of better solutions for this though so here are some of mine first off have separate lobbies for each battle mode the problem with this though is that it may make lobbies a lot smaller with the battle mode players all being spread out in that case they could also have players vote on a mode just like they do for a map I'd combine the two votes together though as to make it not take forever but this would be a much better solution than just leaving the mode as random then again though maybe they have it on random so that coin Runners actually gets a chance because no one would pick that garbage stupid dumb mode if they had the choice but yeah I do hope they fix this because it makes me not want to play battle mode online that much moving away from the online sphere we have two item ones that I want to talk about now I have heard that some people think the item balance in this game is unfair and frustrating however I don't have a problem with that I personally think Mario Kart is supposed to be chaotic so even if it does sometimes make me want to throw my controller across the room I think that's kind of of part of the appeal with that said though the item system still isn't perfect one thing that really annoys me is when a defensive item like a banana just straight up doesn't work and you still get hit by a red shell or something despite it coming to contact with the banana this could also happen with the sound horn too where you use the item but you still get hit beforehand this has happened to me more times than I can count and it's super frustrating to lose not only some speed but your item was well for no reason I'm guessing this would be this is because they hit the player and item on the exact same frame but I think in that case it should prioritize either the player or the item my other nitpick though has to do more with how items function While most items you just press down once they get used certain items like the boomerang fire flower and especially golden mushroom require you to hit the item button multiple times to get rid of them personally I find this to be extremely annoying especially if you have a good item in your second slot that you really want to use there have been times when I've gotten stuck with a golden mushroom and bullet together but didn't get to use the bullet before getting struck by lightning because I had to get rid of the golden mushroom I wish there was some way to just get rid of these items quickly the boomerang works pretty well here with it going into your second slot after one use but the others are just very annoying to me heck I wouldn't even mind a button to just get rid of an item without using it at all I'm honestly curious to see how that would affect the game if at all now I want to take a look at the character roster now unlike a lot of people I think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe actually has a really good roster okay maybe that's just because Dry Bones is on it but still the only real thing I would personally change about it would be to give most of the characters alternate costumes Mario kartor does this excellently with most characters having multiple different appearances that they can use considering smash ultimate is able to have eight costumes for all of its characters I don't think asking for a few for each Mario Kart character is unrealistic as of right now only a few characters have alternate costumes Yoshi Shy Guy link inkling girl inkling boy the me's and Metal Mario it'd be super easy to add costumes onto more characters than just them too toad is an obvious one because they come in several different colors in the Mario series honestly I'm surprised they don't already have costumes Mario has got numerous different outfits from Odyssey to choose from on top of all the power-ups throughout the series Koopas could come with their own different shell colors too I'm sure blue Koopa Troopa fans have been miserable for decades now I just think this would be a nice way to spice things up especially if they give them to Waluigi because dear Lord I'm tired of seeing this normal look at Mario Kart 8. obviously new characters would be nice to see Pauline Cappy Funky Kong Etc would all be great but I think costumes are a much bigger missed opportunity alright I think we were away from battle mode for long enough so why don't I give you one more related to the mode in previous Mario Kart games balloon battle actually worked a bit differently than it does now in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the game mode is based on Kos basically whoever gets the most hits will win but if they have all their balloons popped their kills will be cut in half afterwards though they'll be able to respawn to continue playing the mode now as that is I do actually quite enjoy it I think it's a lot of fun and it's nice that people don't have to sit out and wait for others to finish on the other hand though the way battle mode used to work was equally as fun if not more fun basically it used to be a Last Man Standing game mode where the winner was determined by who didn't get their balloons popped this led to the game mode being significantly more intense so it's understandable that a lot of people are sad there's no option to play this way to make myself clear this should definitely only be an option many people do prefer the KO mode and I think it's better for online play but having the last man standing system would be so much fun I used to play battle mode and Mario Kart DS a ton probably more than the races so the classic balloon battle mode will always have a special place in my heart now the rest of my nitpicks are much smaller things that just affect certain tracks so we'll run through these pretty quickly first off I'm still a bit annoyed about the booster course Pax Graphics granted they are actually getting better Waluigi pinball actually looks on the level with the rest of the game and the other wave two tracks except for Mario Circuit 3 looks solid as well but I just wish the whole the whole thing was on the quality of the rest of Mario Kart 8. speaking of the booster course pack though the lack of anti-gravity is very annoying yes Sky High Sunday has it but they don't really design the track around it and it's also the only track to have it of the 16 we got so far I think anti-gravity would have been a great addition to certain tracks namely Waluigi pinball but it's not looking very likely that we'll be getting any good usage of this in future tracks as for specifics on the booster course tracks themselves I only have two first off Waluigi pinball not getting a new remix really annoys me that makes this the very first track in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to share a song with another track that being Wario Stadium now yes these two did share the same song in Mario Kart DS however I think they definitely could have gotten two different remixes don't get me wrong the remix they do have is still a banger it is Waluigi pinball after all but having a new song would have been nice my other nitpick has to do with Sky Garden to demonstrate my nitpick here is a clip I got from playing online with my dad just watch my side fix lakitu my next nitpick has to do with Yoshi's circuit as they actually entirely cut a shortcut from the original track this isn't a smaller unintentional shortcut either in Double Dash there's this pretty major hidden path it's just not present in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe version luckily Yoshi's circuit is a fantastic track as is but having more depth would certainly not hurt but of course my biggest nitpick with any of the base game tracks has to be the fact that you can't drive up to Peach's castle on Royal Raceway anymore in the N64 original you used to be able to explore the entirety of the castle grounds which were ripped straight from Mario 64. this is probably my favorite Easter egg in the entire Mario Kart series and the fact that it was cut from Mario Kart 8 is a massive shame luckily the track is still really good but man that stings and for my final nitpick before getting to the comments my brother cheats at the game like listen he gets way better items than he ever should however I'm sure you all just think he could be getting lucky but we got proof of him cheating I want you all to take a look at this replay see why shy guy here that's my brother and he is currently falling off the track seems like a pretty clear-cut case of being a worse player right well let's keep watching well now he's pretty much entirely below the track what a blunder I guess you'll just have to lose the race now he teleported back up how could I have not expected that it was such an obvious move well played honestly well played I'm just clearly not as skilled as him clearly he deserved to win this race over everyone else who actually managed to stay on the track oh anyways that's it for my nitpicks time to jump into the comments we got quite a few comments suggested nitpicks to run through this time around since a lot of you had some pretty interesting thoughts that I had never even considered first off June says that they wish that the me's weren't forced to wear their helmets now on the one hand I personally think that this is the best Muse have ever been because the amiibo costumes are really cool but on the other yeah the helmet thing is kind of stupid since you're gonna be seeing me from the back most of the time there's almost no customization for them anymore unless the me's happen to turn towards the camera definitely agree that they should have an option to remove the helmet keep it around for those who want it but also let us have an option sticking to the character select screen birthday boy bam is disappointed in the lack of needing to unlock characters in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe there is literally only one unlockable character that being gold Mario now I do think they handled him extremely well requiring the player to get first place in all 200 cc Grand Prix which is a fantastic place to put it the main problem though has to do with the fact that he's the only unlockable character now there's definitely a good argument on both sides for if there should or shouldn't be unlockables to be quite honest I'm not even sure exactly what side I thought on obviously having unlockables would give you more things to do however since this game is a port many players have already unlocked the characters in the Wii U version plus things like car parts are still unlockable so there's not a complete lack of content to try and get so for this one I'm in the middle of I can always go for more unlockables but I'm definitely not upset with how it is now one last minor character one red Faria says they want DLC characters and yeah I definitely agree with that it'd be super nice to have some more characters let's look at a few gameplay option nitpicks J games says something that has always bothered me is the fact that you can play mirror tracks on whatever CC you want as it is right now mirror mode only works on 150cc which I also think is pretty lame I would definitely like to try some mirror mode 200cc to torture myself and I'm sure some babies would probably want 50cc mirror mode too I can't imagine this would be hard to add at all I'm sure they could even do this in an update so I hope they look into that Xavier Lopez says I hate the fact that they removed the option to have three and five races from the Wii U version I didn't even know these were options but yeah I don't see a reason to have them cut metal Legacy says local players have the don't go off-road assist on by default you have to remember to genuinely turn that off for each player each and every time they join this is a problem I run into all the time since I play a lot locally I don't understand why the auto steering being on is the default at the very least it should save if it was turned off for that player before because as it is now we have to remember to remove it before playing there have been quite a few times where we haven't remembered too so having it off by default or better yet saving its status between play sessions would be fantastic onto a few item ones we have boss guy who is annoyed by the fact that when you hold an item behind you it won't be removed from your item slot like in previous Mario Kart titles this is actually the first one I disagree with if we only had one item slot like in the original Mario Kart 8 then yeah this complaint is more than fair but since we have two now it essentially works the same anyway all it would do is lead to even more items and I think Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is already chaotic enough Jasper wishes that the item system worked more like it does in Smash ultimate there you are able to disable any item you want to if you're raging too hard because your little brother killed you with smoke ball then you can just get rid of it in Mario Kart though you can't disable specific items instead they just have a few preset item rules I'm fine having the presets but the ability to disable specific items would be a nice change speaking of these item presets though gamien 8 says the fact that mushrooms only still has coins as an item does this look like a mushroom to you didn't think so this should not be a problem the final item thing is more of a suggestion which comes from Stuffy Cat who's just having a system to swap items between your first and second slot there are definitely upsides and downsides to this it adds a bit of strategy to the game as it lets you decide when to use your items however I also think it may remove some risk in the game as well as the game is you sometimes have to make tough decisions on whether or not to use an item say you have a soundtorn and a red shawl is coming at you do you use it or wait for a blue shell a situation like this would almost never occur if we could switch items as we could almost always keep the sound horn in slot too I'm not exactly against the suggestion but there are a lot of things we need to keep in mind about a system like this let's jump over to a few of your battle mode suggestions Alex cartoons wishes that there were more than eight Battle maps while it does kind of suck how few battle tracks this game has I honestly do think it's enough absolutely not saying that more would be bad I would love to see more but if they never add any I think I'd be okay with what we have almond clamp 8746 once the battle mode exclusive turnaround feature to also be present during races if you didn't know in battle mode if you hold break you'll be able to turn around in place which is perfect for the non-linear battle maps this feature however is not in the racing mode at all I'm not sure why they would go through the effort of separating these two modes like that but it may be helpful if you accidentally get stuck in a really tight spot I again don't really care if this one's brought over but it would be kind of cool I guess Iron Wolf 306 says why can't we play the battle courses from the Wii U version they were so good oh and for the rest of our nitpicks they'll all just be sort of random little things I don't even know how to begin to pronounce this person's name so um internet 864 says that they don't like how you can only select three courses or random while playing online now this may surprise some of you but I actually disagree with this being a bad thing due to the three tracks available being random you get to play on a much greater variety of them as people won't always say vote for the most popular tracks and I mean yeah the popular tracks are generally really good but you gotta mix it up every once in a while and I think this Three core system works perfectly Simon Domino says Berto is referenced multiple times throughout the game the women of Racing Organization signs the flags of Sydney Sprint and a piece of audio that plays on Sunshine airport yet she's not a playable character yeah I do kind of agree that's a little mean to Birdo I mean the spin-off games are her only real chance to shine and it sucks that she isn't in the biggest one ever oh and also I really like this reply from Adam LOL boo Berto has a big mouth ah it was just so stupid and random I don't know I thought it was funny the aesthetic Skyline which is that the game had custom emblems like a Mario Kart DS this was basically a really neat feature where you could draw pixel art for the front of your card and it is kind of sad that this has never returned granted I never really used it but I know a lot of people who did so this should definitely come back johnset radio says the fact that Waluigi pinball doesn't play the sound effect when you leave the pinball table like it does in ds7 and Tor but that sound effect is played when previewing the course before the race starts this is just a cute little touch in those games to make this track even more unique here's what it sounded like [Music] I'm not sure why this would have been cut maybe it was because Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as local multiplayer and that may be weird to hear overlapped over and over again but they could also just keep the sound effects single player exclusive if they really wanted to hope they consider adding this back in in an update like it did for the Coconut Mall cars Jake says ninja Hideaway being credited as a new course in the Grand Prix when it is in fact from Tor I have no clue why they did that but it's there regardless this one personally annoys me a lot too that's mostly because I got a lot of people commenting on my way one review saying I was wrong for saying this track is from Tor all they had to do was a little research but no because Nintendo messed up it's my fault don't worry I love you guys but yeah what I'm gonna guess happened is that this was supposed to be an original track for a deluxe but for some reason it got delayed and came out on tour first so it would have basically been the first wave Sky High Sunday Adam Benson says the trophies for every cup that has ever been DLC including Bell egg Etc aren't as detailed as the trophies for the OG 8 cops the main game's Grand Prix trophies are all fantastic fantastic they all have Unique Designs based on their symbol it's really fun to look at all of these however the same cannot be said for the DLC cops that includes the four from the original Mario Kart 8. all they do for these trophies is use the exact same model but swap out the emblem this just looks really boring and kind of lazy this is another one I hope they'll update but I don't think they will because not that many people are intensely hoping this comes and our final nitpick of the day comes from MooMoo cats 135 where they say the thumps have faces on both sides and once you notice it you'll never unsee it I did not know this I do not like this I am personally quite upset about learning this information actually so thank you for sharing moomoocat135 unfortunately you are now permanently banned from ever commenting on the channel again hope it was worth it but anyways that's it for this video are you my brother's Red Shell supplier and are helping him cheat to win let me know in the comments seriously I need to know but yeah this is just as much fun to make as the smash nitpicks video I'm having a lot of fun with this new comment format if you have a game you want covered in this series next be sure to let me know in the comments I've got a few other longer videos in the works right now as well so hopefully you all look forward to seeing those but anyways dry bones for Smash and I'll see you guys next time thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 225,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8, mario kart, nintendo switch, odyssey central, mario kart 8 deluxe battle mode, mario kart 8 deluxe nitpicks, mario kart 8 deluxe characters, mario kart 8 deluxe problems, mario kart 8 deluxe dlc problem, mario kart 8 deluxe booster course pass, mario kart 8 deluxe waluigi pinball, mario kart 8 deluxe courses, mario kart 8 deluxe mirror mode, mario kart 8 deluxe time trials, mario kart 8 deluxe 200cc
Id: 3YQuTAhlzKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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