The Cringe Evolution of Heal Off in Fortnite (Chapter 1 to 5)

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he off it's a problem a big problem it's just fortnite matches Ending by players just trying to pop heels to outlive the storm isn't exactly thrilling to watch but quey he was able to pop a pizza that's going to keep him in the game for even longer but unfortunately over the last 6 years Hof has gone from a niche trick that only a few players thought of to a core part of winning the highest level of competitive matches this problem started all the way back in chapter one when everyone was just a bit at the game originally the final few storm circles didn't move they instead just repeatedly kept closing in until there was no safe Circle left this meant that if a handful of players were still alive they weren't forced to fight by the storm as they were all on their individual levels however the vast majority of pro scrims still ended in good oldfashioned fights but there were some players pioneering the first heof meta to guarantee that they won the game The Final Storm Circle dealt 10 damage per second and sincey medkit took 10 seconds to activate and could only be used if the player had less than 100 HP using one to heal off in the storm wasn't possible as you would died to the storm before the med kit popped a lot of players were just carrying bandages to try to survive a few additional seconds however by intentionally taking one tick to the storm and then starting the med kit 2 seconds before the Zone fully closed this meant that the medkit would activate just before the player died granting them an additional 10 seconds in the storm and guaranteeing them the win this could be extended even further by using cozy campfires but the people hadn't really figured that one out yet but in the the season 5 update epic games would change the game Forever by adding moving zones now remember everyone is still pretty sh so despite the material C being 999 for every material it was extremely rare for players to survive all the way to the final moving zones which essentially removed heof entirely the general understanding was that heof wasn't an issue and that the addition of the new moving zones had fixed the problem on the surface this seemed to be the case as during the first real fortnite tournament in 2018 the submer Skirmish there was really minimal discussions rounding the mechanic despite some games still being won by heof but only 1 month later Pro players knew that heof was still possible and were developing strategies to ensure the games came down to this literally if you want to win you have to play for heal off hunt vending machines for slurps campfires medkits pretty insane turns out that adding moving zones really didn't fix the problem just masked it for a short period slowly more discussions started to pop up with suggestions on how to fix the issue most of their suggestions were not good I'm not going to lie but you know they were trying however one suggestion was to make the final moving Zone move infinitely which would have been a pretty good solution but epic games were about to drop a patch that would make things much much worse you see during the summer Skirmish and in everyday regular Pub matches a lot of players were dying to the storm remember everyone was a bit so probably without thinking about it that much epic games made the final moving zones a little bit longer which would mean that more players would run out of materials faster resulting in less heal offs but right here ladies and gentlemen Epic games made an oopsy they also changed the max damage the storm would deal from 10 damage per second to 8 damage per second to stop people dying in the storm as much remember how I said it takes 10 seconds for a medkit to pop well you now survive for a full 13 seconds in the storm from Max Health which if you're starting to do the maths on a medkit that it takes 10 seconds to pop this meant that there was an insanely broken heal off strategy in the game even better this was just one week before the fall Skirmish a $10 million L event here about half of the games in the finals went down to players healing off with multiple medkits slurps bandages and campfires thankfully though most of the players hadn't fully realized that you could just carry 12 medkits from the start of the moving zones and play them all back to back to back to gain easy placement points following this tournament many Pros would go into attempt this strategy in scrims with CaRu surviving for over 2 minutes and 15 seconds in the Storm still with six medkits left in his inventory it took 2 months for this to pass patch out where in patch 7.10 the storm damage was returned to 10 damage per second with this change some endg games still came down to heal offs during the world cup times however with the introduction of the 500 material cap in competitive and the longer moving zones any heal offs that did occur were just the old trusty single Med kit heal offs again with a bunch of campfires sped all around but with the introduction of fishing and floppers in Chapter 2 alongside the new chug Splash item many people feared that hofs would return but for the most part these were just utilized to allow players to tank storm damage in the early moving zones to allow the user to make nice storm plays for the most part there really wasn't an incentive to winning a game so it made much more sense for players to carry these items to help them get deeper into the game not just to win using one or more inventory slots just to win a single match when they might not even make it to that point just didn't really make much sense that was until fortnite introduced the reboot round you see for the entirety of 2021 fortnite's main game mode was trios for competitive and during season 5 the first fncs of the year 32 teams qualified to the Grand finals through the semi-finals however since a Trio's Lobby can fit 33 teams on it this meant that there was still some space for one single team left that's where the reboot round comes into play the best 33 teams who had yet to qualify into the finals all were loaded into one single game and only the winning Trio makes it into Grand finals everyone else cries on Twitter this was some of the best fortnite you have ever seen right here the tension in these matches was was insane but of course epic games decided over the year to add a ton of different reboot rounds and it kind of got crazy at one point as the grand Royale at the end of the year had 32 different reboot rounds which kind of completely defeated the point of having one single match to qualify but this focus on winning games to make it to the Grand finals slowly changed the mea to force players to figure out how to win with heof throughout the year players carried pretty much every white heel imaginable into endgame chug cannons floppers medkits and even cabbage and sweet corn Yes you heard that right cabbages and sweet corn the chapter 2 map had multiple Fields where cabbages and sweet corn could be found and since these slowly increased your HP players could pop a cabbage or two and their HP would slowly start increasing which gave them enough time to pop a 10-second medkit but all whilst this was going on a new incredibly controversial strategy was being developed and practiced the cre STP named after the player who was most notoriously known for it cre the idea was simple don't won't die now I know this sounds crazy a bit revolutionary some might say but by not dying they win the game it all comes down to a simple maths equation at the end of the day all they needed to do is figure out a way to survive over 5,300 storm damage and they did that by fishing all three teammates fished small fries and floppers at all times during the game once the storm started to close in the first two zones could simply be negated by standing in the water at slurpie swamps as this healed the same amount of damage that the storm dealt then when the Zone moved to a tic they use the campfires around to heal up all while still fishing for more floppers and small fries one player then drops a ton of fish inside of the drop spot and two of the teammates die so that only one player is left to use all of these heals for the rest of the game it's then just down to a matter of using fish campfires and all of the slurp Barrels in and around slurpie swamps to continually heal up that final player until no one else is Left Alive now there are many many roadblocks to this strategy the main one being Zone RNG as if the Zone pulled onto them their entire STP pretty much just doesn't work and of course it did heavily rely on other teams not knowing they were there and doing this and those teams not taking any of the barrels inside of the POI now this may seem like a meme but cre and his Trio were able to make it into an fncs weekly finals in Chapter 2 Season 6 and plac 25th which was better than eight other teams the thing is cre wasn't the only one attempting this strategy a player by the name Von TRX was also coming up with different ways to survive in the storm and found one which led him to getting banned actually I think he got banned a few times vontre had an incredibly complex route and the addition of the new medm item was key to his success because he couldn't move whilst popping heals mmus was the only item that allowed him to rotate from one are of the map to another whilst healing he placed multiple medkits floppers Med mist and chug splashes all in a looting path around the map allowing him to heal and rotate from campfire to campfire once storm surge hit he drop a shield keg to ensure he wasn't losing any health from The Surge and to survive through every single threshold this incredibly wellth thought out strategy managed to get vontre and Jason to a weekly fncs qualifier in chapter 3 season 2 where they managed to get a second place in game number two but all of a sudden vontre was banned people started to lose their mind as they thought that epic games had banned him because he was doing the heof strap however what had actually happened was the season prior he had been using an exploit with a guzzle juice which allowed him to stay alive in the storm infinitely and somehow epic games had only just found out about it now or just actioned it now because they were brought to his attention now this strategy was making a bit of a fool of the game it was incredibly smart and well thought out but let's be real it was pretty lame and gimmicky epic games attempted multiple ways of nerfing the strategy such as nerfing the chance of fishing a small fry changing the campfire relight cost to make it almost impossible to keep rekindling campfires and the removal of infinite heals such as bandage bazooka and the Chug Cannon but somehow these players were always able to find more methods to get around these regardless of the season so epic games made a major mechanical change to combat this storm sickness once a player takes 500 damage from the storm they'll get a warning telling them that storm sickness will activate then after taking 600 damage the storm will start dealing increased damage that is pretty much impossible to survive through this nerfed almost all heof strategies in the storm and with chapter 3 and onwards being Duos this meant there was one less person to fish on each team essentially just removing the crra alt together or so they thought in chapter 3 season 3 fortnite added reality Falls now around this POI where giant Shield mushrooms which when bounced on granted slowly recharging health or Shield this led to players like vontre and cre setting up complex paths using builds to bounce and fly from one mushroom to another now you may be asking how did they get around storm sickness well the answer to that lies in why they were banned they found an exploit that by rebooting a player they could lose all of the damage taken by storm effectively resetting the storm sickness counter this meant that by repeatedly dying and rebooting each other in the storm they were able to survive until the very end of the match without activating storm sickness of course this was an exploit so they all received bans the reboot bug was eventually patched as well and since at this point there had been so many different versions of the heof strategy people were a bit skeptical that the cray Strat had been removed oh yeah of course while this is all happening Hoffs are still occurring for regular players all of the time since the addition of the medm Miss titem but as professional players do they were finding ways to play around the storm sickness that were not exploits that was pretty simple take Zero Storm Damage for the entire game now if you've never played the highest level of Stack Tournament game this might seem like it's probably maybe not that hard but this means that you have to be perfect on your positioning on every single rotation every timing of those rotations and most difficult of all ensuring you never get stuck at the backside of the Zone in an end game and take even a single tick of that storm damage but it would be chapter 4 season 2 where this really became a massive pain and frustration for everyone watching and playing as almost every game would go down to heal off in the fncs qualifiers epic were trying to make Power ful healing items worth fighting for to promote mid game fights but this came in the shape of the buffed slurp juices that healed 120 HP and shield at the same time they also added the Pizza Time reality augment which each of the eight slices healed 25 HP oh yeah chug splashes and floppers were also rampant this season epic games also decided to change the way the zones work this season and you know they they hadn't got it entirely right yet so this meant that the final moving zones sometimes had over 30 people in it so tons of players were alive because of of the new zones they all had insane amounts of healing and most of them had attempted to take as little storm damage as possible you can only imagine the thrilling end games that we were able to watch into the top four we go with quezy trying to heal off he has multiple different Vari in this FL has some floppers and chug spashes as well anybody else can keep look what we have here slurp fishes chug spashes and even more who's it going to be there's three players left only naturally players were unbelievably frustrated by this and viewers incredibly bored epic attempted to fix this by ing the moving zones around in terms of the timings and naturally people were still a bit skeptical that this would fix the massive heal off issues eventually just before Grand finals the pizza was vaulted and the Chug splashes were made much less common so the issue was partially fixed but this meta was made significantly worse by the introduction of the solo Victory cup format in order to win $100 all he needed to do was to qualify to the second round and then win a game remember what I said earlier about sometimes people not having enough incentive to win games well now not only did the Rose have a reason to practice not taking storm damage and taking all of these white heels and winning a game the entire competitive player base was practicing how to win at this point with Victory cups being in place for over a year and a half the meta has developed massively but the mechanical changes made to heals in chapter 5 made it close to impossible to win a game without playing heof medkits had been almost untouched since the release in early chapter 1 but in chapter 5 they were altered to have a 1second activation time and a 9-second total heal time they still take 10cs t total to pop but they now no longer heal you all at once instead your HP gradually raises over time since a 10 tick storm kills you in 10 seconds you should know by now it was impossible to use the medkit in the storm without using another form of heal at the same time now since it gradually heals you you can pop as many medkits as you like and stay alive that is until storm sickness kills you this is meant that the solo cash cup meta has developed so far that people are only carrying a shotgun two slots of medkits some Shields or even more heels and whatever the relevant Mobility item is that season almost all solo cash Cup finals games go down to storm sickness as players pop all six of their medkits taking 600 storm damage while doing so and then hope and pray that storm sickness wipes out the other players before then solo Victory cups are at the point where you aren't playing to elim the other players you're playing to hope the storm wipes them out before it wipes you out which I think is pretty cringe
Channel: Reisshub
Views: 810,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, evolution of Fortnite, Fortnite evolution, fortnite update, all mythic weapons, fortnite mythic, fortnite mythics, fortnite battle royale, fortnite gameplay, chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 4, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, qrei, Vontrex, Heal off, Fortnite, chapter 5 fortnite, chapter 5 season 1, comp fortnite, fortnite news, fortnite chapter 5, epic games, fortnite tournament, fortnite meta, fortnite season 1, fortnite new season, mechanics of the pros
Id: nEbcsi_tc4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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