The Most Overpowered Item in Fortnite History

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the aspect of agility Medallion is fortnite's most overpowered item ever of course there's been incredibly overpowered Vehicles such as the mech and planes but when you think of overpowered items in fortnite your mind may go to the chapter 2 Season 5 drum gun the P90 on the day of its release the Primal shotgun the Infinity Blade or even the rail gun but all of these have one thing in common they're able to make worse players win fights against players much better than them which lowers the skill gap of the game the other common trait they have outside of the Infinity Blade is that they're evenly distributed so anyone can find them one of the reasons the drum gun was so frustrating on release was simply because everyone had one and it made such a massive percentage of the fights unskilled and just annoying but you as a player could also take a drum gun to counter a drum gun the Infinity Blade was just incredibly stupid and there was only one of them on the map however most players were so bad at that time that it was still relatively difficult to play out an entire match using it and not die plus it only lasted 3 days and only impacted one tournament now I'm not downplaying the strength of the Infinity Blade but it just didn't last very long unlike the aspect of agility Medallion which has remained untouched for the entire of chapter 5 season 2 in my eyes making it a top Contender for the best item of all time doesn't have insane damage output like some older overpowered weapons but what makes it so broken isn't even the item itself it's the meta and the context in which it's available in the mobility items in chapter 5 season 2 tournaments are the flury Fizz which grants a low gravity effect the banana of the Gods which increases movement speed and jump height while sprinting and the wings of Icarus which almost no one uses in Du tournaments both of the viable Mobility items in the game essentially just make you move a little faster and cancel fall damage all whilst taking 2 seconds to activate this can make rotations in the sixth seventh and eight zones in particularly difficult because it's incredibly easy for players to shoot you and get shot while rotating this essentially means that every team in the lobby must use their materials and most importantly their brain power which if you've ever played a low ELO match of a tournament you'll know can be a bit of a struggle but this does not apply to the holders of the aspect of agility Medallion since this item gives the user infinitely recharging dashes when the user faces a tough rotation they can just ramp up into the sky and as soon as they're chopped out they can just use the dashes to safely fly to the other side of the Zone since the player moves so quickly when using the dash it's incredibly difficult to hit them resulting in a safe fast rotation for The Medallion holder whilst everyone else below drains the materials and health to make it even if they don't do the rap Strat they save so many materials just by using dashes instead of running by food according to kinch analytics the dash Medallion Advantage is somewhere similar to letting a duel have 4,500 materials instead of 3,000 or three extra heal slots between the two players this Dash effect would be strong if everyone had it and if the Zone pools were in the northwest of the map to some extent everyone does as they can just get the dash effect from the river sticks however there's only a single aspect of agility Medallion on the map which means that there's only one player or team that has these advantages permanently this is similar to the caty launcher in chapter 2 season 3 on the face of it it's strong but it's not the most overpowered Mythic item ever it's basically just a lot of shock waves but in the context of that season where crash pads were the main Mobility item the C launcher was one of the most sought after weapons in the game compared that to the shock wave hammer in chapter 4 season 1 which was also just basically shock with Mobility but this time with infinite uses and yes it was overpowered and annoying for Mobility but what balanced it slightly was that almost everyone had one unlike the kit shock Rift launcher and this premise is what makes the aspect of agility Medallion so overpowered given the effect of Medallion is infinitely recharging and can be passed between the both teammates to give the effect to each other the one team with this Medallion in the lobby has a massive advantage in terms of conserving materials and making infinitely safer rotations I know you might be thinking okay so one team has it and it helps them rotate a little bit easier than the rest of the lobby but a contender for the most broken item of all time really well doesn't really make bad players good in fact they just use it to run away from you which could be hella annoying but this small Dash enhances almost every element of professional players gam playay and massively sets them apart from the other players of the same skill level firstly it's incredibly unpredictable which can make tracking players in a fight very difficult in this offs spawn fight poo jumps into the sky using the flobber effect something which would usually leave the player exposed and easy to hit especially since he can't protect himself but then builds from here however he completely changes the trajectory that he's flying and moves towards the opponent allowing him to piece them up and quickly end the fight from the opponent's POV he's looking down but he sees a shot from quite far away now he's full visibility and into the ti in front of him so it's safe in his mind to assume that the shot came from quite a distance away so he just places a wall to block any more shots from this Angle now his assumption was actually correct however he's thrown off after poo dashes after that shot closing the distance and then is able to just piece him up in this other example Peter spots that an opponent is started to tarp into the Zone but hasn't placed a wall on the end of that tarp because dashing has zero visual audio and like footsteps petb dashes at the end of the tarp grabbing the wall whilst catching himself on a floor now just watch this from the other team's POV and tell you how hard this is to predict this play now sure the players made a bad play by not placing a wall here however the dashes open up a huge amount of plays then otherwise just would not be possible for example whilst box fighting if you weaken the opponent's wall you can just Dash straight through it and break it removing any requirement to replace their wall and do any box fighting trickery you can just get straight into their box in this example the dash could also be used for quick rotations to allow peterb and po to set up perfectly around opponents here backet and PS are boxed up and peterb and po approach from the north however Peter but drops under the bridge and uses the dashes to wrap around to the other side of the Box starting off the fight with a perfect pinch on to Baca and pars being sprayed from both sides makes them Panic so Baka attempts to make a peanut butter Peak to try and get some counter damage but he exposes himself which allows peterb to open up the fight with a 97 damage shot whilst taking zero damage in return however since backa just reset the wall thus meant that it's weak which allows pball just to dash straight through the wall as he shoots a shotgun before wiping out backa in a matter of seconds now it's a 2V1 and Peter and poo basically just cannot lose this now these weren't bad players on the region by any means they're both fnc's Champions but with Peter but and Po's incredible fighting skills combined with the aspect of agility Medallion they look like complete floppers the aspect of agility Medallion is actually so strong it's resulted in some players dropping the aspect of siphon Medallion now you may think I mean swapping one medallion for the other but no that's not what I mean when a player is holding Medallion their rough location is shown to the rest of the lobby and the map so in this game after grabbing The Medallion from Grim gate peterb and po rotate Northwest to the underworld to fight the team here who has the aspect of siphon Medallion however as soon as this team sees them coming on the map they just drop the siphon Medallion and run the opposite direction in hopes of not getting W keyed for reference it actually worked temporarily as they escaped but of course they got W keyed later on in the game by petbot and O the aspect of agility Medallion also allows the user to conserve materials in ways that are extremely odd in this match petbot gets a knock and jumps off of a tall building holding the body then throws it down to guarantee the elim and uses a dash to cancel his own fall damage this allows him to get out of a tricky box at a ton of enemy builds without wasting any materials but also takes the opponent's attention away from poo which allows him to finish the fight quickly canceling all fall damage is also just incredibly useful in end game as poo gets an elim from height with his SMG and he can just drop down onto the body dash onto the loot not wasting any materials this could also be done with a floby Fizz however this takes 2 seconds to activate and you fall slower which would mean that P would more than likely take a few ticks to the storm just in order to grab this Loot and playing height is undoubtedly one of the most powerful uses for the aspect of agility Medallion in this match fbot and poo ramp up looking for height in the eigh zone however to their North is am minished in cam as they're also looking to take height usually in this situation if the next Zone pulls towards Cam and ammin they pretty much have guaranteed height going into the moving zones however just before the Zone pops Peter bot and poo flber Fizz in preparation for the zone to pull far and begin to ramp towards them to dash onto their heads but instead The Zone pulls to the southwest and instead they can just use this Fist and dash combination to claim height right before anyone else however they get sprayed out and dropped which usually would result in Peter taking fall damage but they can just use the dash to cancel that fall damage now he does get beamed in the process of falling resulting in him having to spend more time healing and nearly dying which for most people would mean that they get stuck in the backside of the storm and then the rest of the lobby would just shoot and spray you and then you probably die or just waste a bunch of materials however you know peterb and po both have dashes so they can just spend more time popping heels to make sure they're healthier here and then just Dash to the front side of the zone now when they eventually do take height later in the game petbot gets an elim in the back side of the storm onto Paco any better and most people here probably would waste the banana of the Gods to ensure they grab the loot from the storm to keep them moving but petbot can simply just use one dash to get himself back into safety which then allows him to use the banana to tank storm later to drop behind an opponent's tarp and pick up two more elims before doing the exact same thing later for another two elim on players who are trying to heal off for more placement here Peter got four additional elim all because he saved a single banana of the Gods by using one one single Dash on top of this their height holds when they're up there are naturally staggered which allows them to spray for longer leading to more pressure on the teams below since one player can just Dash to the front side they don't need to use as many materials holding height this also allows one player to be right at the front whilst another player is right at the back giving them full complete control and vision onto the players down below allowing them to get a higher amount of elims in the end game and here's the thing even if they lose height they have the perfect way to retake it now using a dash while looking directly up will fire the player two tiles High into the sky however this gets even better when you're combining it with the flowre Fizz effect how many times have I said that this season it's such insane in this du cash Cup finals where Peter bot and ho won five of the six games The Zone just switched from the nth Zone to the 10th zone now during this transition rise begins to tarp ahead on height and knowing this timing Peter button P FL is together and both Sprint drob and dash using this low gravity effect they fly from different angles at the exact same time creating a perfect pinch onto rise on height and the funny thing is since there's only one team in the lobby that has the aspect of agility Medallion which is Peter Boton poo once they're on height they don't have to worry about this happening to them since they're the only one who has the dashes and we can't forget you have to beat cers to obtain The Medallion which also grants you the best shotgun in the game the Mythic gatekeeper shotgun again very similar to chapter 2 Season 3 where kit would rock both the Shockwave wer and the Mythic charge shotgun so the real question is if it's so good why aren't more people landing at Grim gate and contesting for it well they are sort of in any tournament where winning the game is a requirement to earn money or to qualify to something there's no surprise that Grim gate is the most hotly contested drop spot on the map in any finals there's on average two to three teams landing at this drop spot but you would think it would be more in EU only one tier one pro team is actually Landing here and that's maluka and merach however the usual strategy at Grim gate is to 550 the god chest on the top but since malaba and Rach are not hard zero ping they're not guaranteed to get the loot from this chest and in fact might be at a disadvantage against some of the other teams in their first qualifier after losing two games off spawn they actually move back to fence the fields where they won fncs from season 1 the rest of the teams Landing here aren't exactly tier one Duos and the main reason the best teams in the region don't want to land at Grim gate and fight for The serus Medallion is because it is a complete mess not only are they guaranteed to have multiple teams fight them off spawn but they are guaranteed that teams like froxy and Tripp will push in in third party even if you manage to have a successful game off spawn it's incredibly difficult to get a good inventory of heals and materials because you're just constantly fighting more and more teams who are looking for this loot however what's currently happening with Peter bot and poo in na is a bit of an anomaly Peter bot is hard zero ping living in Texas whereas the majority of Na are playing on you know 20 ping or more due to the population distribution in the US and that's actually including poo as he's closer to 30 so nice a team 50/50 in them offs spawn is another Tier 1 pro team that currently lives in Texas on Zer ping the chances are that they're just going to get this loot from this 5050 chest and win the fight off spawn Zer ping obviously is not the reason that they're successful but in grabbing weapons from a chest in a 50/50 is absolutely beneficial currently no no other tier one pro team is willing to contest them as similar to EU most of the best na teams don't want to deal with this mess and obviously Peter bot and poo are the best fighting team in the region so they're just scary to contest as is so this results in way less teams actually trying to fight them off spawn however another massive issue with this drop SWAT is that as tournaments get closer to finishing players that need a big game to move up the leaderboards decid it's worth taking the risk of Landing Grim gate because they know The Medallion is worth fighting for in one of the last games from both fnc's qualifiers petb and poo had five teams cont T in them looking for the Grim Loop and unsurprisingly these were not Peter bot and Po's most successful matches ironically the one thing that makes the aspect of agility Medallion so good the fact that there's only one of them is also the thing that makes it tricky and inconsistent some items make bad players able to get lucky and win the odd fight against good players but the truly overpowered items enable Pros to dominate other pros and the aspect of agility Medallion does not make bad players good but what it does is massively enhance the aggressive teams to almost Unstoppable level in fact it's so good it's statistically worth the dying off spawn for in fnc's qualifier 2 finals where Peter Boton po won by almost over a 100 points they actually died early in five of their 10 games going for the coin they lost 50% of their games and still won the tournament because the aspect of agility Medallion is that good of course they are just the best fighting Duo so they're not hard carried bying it but it massively enhances their fighting skills and acts as a get out of jail free card in many situations but in fortnite's history I've yet to see an item so strong that it's worth dying in 50% of your games just so you can still win the tournament in the other 50%
Channel: Reisshub
Views: 460,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, chapter 5, chapter 5 fortnite, chapter 5 season 1, fortnite update, comp fortnite, fortnite news, fortnite chapter 5, epic games, fortnite tournament, fortnite gameplay, fortnite meta, fortnite chapter 5 season 1, fortnite season 1, fortnite new season, Fortnite OG, Fortnite OG Tips and Tricks, Fortnite Chapter 5, Veno, Veno Fortnite, mechanics of the pros, solo cash cup, how to get fast mechanics fortnite, peanut butter edit fortnite
Id: 9uhN7MYIY2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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