Ken Ham Reveals Hidden Secrets at the Ark Encounter!

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foreign [Music] Museum in the ark encounter and I'm here at the ark encounter with the content manager for our attractions division Tim Chaffey and Tim and I are going to give you just a little sort of guided tour through a few of the exhibits at the arc encounter and just give you some insights into some intriguing information some of which you might easily Miss and so we're here actually in the q line Gardens area and there's a 12 Stones Monument there so don't just walk past it uh read the sign and actually you'll find out that when we open the arc encounter we had the board of directors lay down 12 Stones and one of those was Dr John Wickham who was co-author of The Genesis Flood who has now passed away and gone to be with the Lord but this is a great place to get photographs with your family the 12 Stones you know based on the 12 Stones of Joshua which was to remind them what Tim all the things that God had done for the Israelites that he brought them out of Egypt and led them through the Wilderness and that you know that he was their guard not to chase after the other gods but to uh to for the the fathers to tell their children what God had done for them in a similar way we want people we want a parent to tell their children what God has done not just with Noah and the Ark but also through sending his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins and rise from the dead actually getting your photograph here with your family and then in front of the door with the cross on it on the second deck I think uh two of my favorite places so that families can be reminded just as the 12 Stones were to remind the people in Joshua's day don't forget to tell your children what God has done well here we are under the ark as you lead the q line Gardens but most people wouldn't think to look up and look at the floor it's a wooden floor it's the bottom of the ship right that's right but actually our Architects called this the sandwich and you know why I'm going to guess it's because just above this we have a layer of concrete that was required for building code so we have the wood underneath it and then we have the the flooring above it so exactly and it's a sandwich and that pre-fabricated concrete is like a Runway when they first laid it down I thought you could almost land a plane on that it's almost big but we had to do that for fire code so I'm assuming Noel wouldn't have had a big concrete layer at the bottom that probably wouldn't help with flotation very much but people would look up there and think oh it's just the wooden bottom of the ship but actually to build a tourist attraction like this you have to obey the fire codes that's right so we hid the concrete yep and Noah probably didn't have those same sort of codes that we do I'm sure you didn't if he did he'd never be able to get all the animals on board that's right foreign as we walk in the entrance to the ark after you come up the ramp and go past photo FX and we're going in on the bottom deck into the Arc of course this is not how Noel would have entered we have the one big door on the side of it right there's a section here that is a great teaching Point could you explain that yeah a lot of people will say that there's no way you can build a wooden ship this large and have it float well there's an engineer from Australia that you know Tim Lovett who designed the Arc in such a way that it could float he showed how that's possible and so what he did is built this mock-up of the hole to show his design and if Noah would have built it similar to this it would survive it would float you've got a multi-layered hull you've got some outer layers on the outside what he calls sacrificial layers so it'll protect the ark from any collisions that it might have but they're not structural the structural ones would be the the fewer that are on the inside and then through here and my understanding is some of the ancient ships that he researched had something sort of similar to this yeah especially with the on the outside it's but it's easier to see on the other side you can see the you know the mortise and Tenon interlocking which we really start with the Creation Museum exactly now don't miss this sign here artistic license this is real important because the Bible gives us some details about the ark and the people involved but there's a lot it doesn't say and so we use artistic license throughout the arc encounter Tim explain that's right in order to flesh out the narrative another in order to help people understand that these were real people we we named the women at the ark even though the Bible doesn't give us their names as far as what the animals look like we don't know exactly what they look like and how the ark looked we don't even know exactly what that looked like and so we've got some signage explaining that we used our artistic license or artistic license and what we did is try to keep it within the biblical parameters so it's something that is consistent with the Bible even if the Bible didn't specifically say that so we didn't make the arc way bigger than what it what it was we're not using that kind of license you could actually look for artistic license that's been applied all throughout the three decks that's right and some of the exhibits where we featured a little little bit more we actually have signage in there telling people there's a lot of artistic license in this particular exhibit now as visitors enter the ACT you'll see the cages there immediately but don't rush past them these cages aren't just props I mean they're there to represent cages with animals in that Noah would have had on board but actually their work in cages Tim yeah they're functional and what we wanted to show is how can eight people care for you know just under 7 000 animals which is probably a little bit of a high estimate of the number of animals but when you think about it if you had efficient cages like this you don't have to feed every single animal every day you fill this little shoot up with with food and that can last for about a week for some of the smaller animals and this with water similar to what you might find with your hamster they're a gerbil cages at home and then as far as cleaning the cage goes you don't have to get in there pull the animal and clean it all the time because the flooring is made of the same sort of bamboo like this so the waste can drop through there onto this ramp system it goes all the way down to the bottom and then all you have to do is scoop out the bottom and so we've got all of our smaller cages set up this way just to represent how so you know if you're using a little bit of Ingenuity you can figure out how to make your job easier and more efficient and then on Deck two look for the exhibit where we show cutaway sections of cages so you can see more of how all this works that's right well as we enter deck one you will see animatronic Noah with his family praying as the flood begins and you can actually hear Noah praying what language is he praying in Tim well we don't know what language Noah spoke but the Old Testament most of it's written in Hebrew so we have Noah praying in Hebrew and if you want to know what he's praying there's a translation of his prayer there so that's what that's what we're depicting here so if you listen you'll hear the prayer in Hebrew that's right [Music] well as you walk past Noah and his family praying and then walk into the main part of deck one the second row of what are called Lodge poles right here these are actually Engelman Spruce that's right and they come from Utah they were dead standing trees and so harvested under forestry license because they were dead and we're able to get these now these you can look all the way up there and see how far up they go but I'm going to show you how big these are and I'll put my see I can't get all the way around okay Tim you're much taller than I am see what you can do you you can only get to there yeah if I get a little closer but I can't see if both of us can make it around if we put I think we can let's see there's your hand there we go and actually this is the biggest tree I think in the whole Arc this is the biggest one right here and you mentioned looking up you know you can see all the way up if you just step back into this area a lot of people will walk right through without ever noticing but if you just stop and look up you'll see all the way up to the top of the arc and you'll be pretty amazed and actually there's a number of places you can do that so remember that as you're walking through to look upwards when you see places where you can do that and you'll get a real good sense of the whole height of the arc that's right oh as you walk down deck one on the left you'll see an area here where there are bats and there's an important reason why we have this particular exhibit because there's a number of different species of bats we think there's probably only one kind of bat but will our multiple kinds which inflates our numbers in regard to the number of Kinds allowed on the ark but explain that to me that's right it's possible there's just one kind of bat there's a lot of similarities between them but we couldn't prove that beyond our shadow of a doubt so we had to separate them out into the 18 different living families about and then there's five or six extinct families so we have represented in here 24 different kinds of bats and because they're flying creatures and we chose to take seven pairs of each flying creature you've got to multiply that by 14. so we have over 300 bats on the ark and it's possible that Noah only needed to bring seven so this is a great illustration of how we might have overestimated the number of animals just to show that even with that higher number they can fit in the ark and if we could actually have documentation to show that they all need to breed then they're all in one kind that's right and that's what we're missing yep that's right that could be just one kind [Music] we're at the bow end of the Ark and we're on the first deck and this is a cutaway model of the arc that took six months to build and quite a number of people involved in this and one main person and you'll notice that the cages and the jars look exactly like the ones that we have in the ark and this is meant to show how Noah could have actually loaded the ark because millions of people have come through this Arc so it has to be set up for guests to be able to walk through and we obey barcodes and all that sort of thing but this shows you how it could have been loaded that's right you mentioned that it took a long time for we had one person working on it you know he was so dedicated to it when we were right before we were opening before the ribbon cutting I was upstairs helping to install an exhibit and I asked the guy said hey can you go down to the opening and grab this for me he said just so you know if I do this this will be the first time in over six months that I've done anything except for the half Arc model and here we also have a signage telling people how many kinds we think were on the ark but that's way overestimated yeah like we were explaining with the bats it's probably an overestimation because we're trying to be on the safe side and so if you're wondering if your favorite animal was on there well there's a list of every single one of them over there and this Arc is designed to show how every one of them could have fit on there and what we discovered and I think we would expect this the arc actually is the right side to fit all the different animals all the food that they require all the water needs and everything else everything fits just right even with a worst case scenario Figure 1 398 animal kinds you could fit all the animals needed on the app that's right foreign up the first ramp to the second deck don't miss what's on the left hand side as you look down what do we see down here Tim all the way up here there are all sorts of props yeah so we've got different tools or simple machines that no one has family might have used to help them in what they're doing so this one is actually a rope mix maker it's functional so you can take some of these different strands and combine them we've got a peg making machine which we've seen the pegs in the in the siding of the arc and how they put things together with the mortise and Tenon so just a lot of different props that they might have used while they were constructing the art and people can get so excited coming here to see the arc walking up the ramp they don't look over there and actually see all that and actually they're working props that's right and a lot of times because they're looking up here which we don't want to take that away too I mean make sure you're looking at this you get to see the structure and when you're in the ramp that's one of the best places to do that we're now on the second deck and as we're walking along the second deck we come across the restrooms now there are restrooms on each deck first deck second deck third deck why would we stop at the restrooms well first of all we have male and female restrooms because we believe in two genders right Tim that's right God made them male and female exactly Genesis 1 27 but the restrooms are actually in a tower in fact there are three towers that the ark is anchored to and you put all those towers together they about the size of a 200 room Hotel not only do they house the restrooms and sort of keep them out of the Ark itself but also for lots of exit stairs each one of those exit stairs is sort of like stadium stairs they're massive for fire escape and so on that's right you don't get to see the towers at all from the front but if when you're when you're in the zoo not if when you go to the zoo afterwards if you look back at the arc you can see those three towers and how massive they are and that's why when people say to me with the arc float I say not this one because there are massive holes in the side where the towers are connected building codes again building codes again we're now walking through the pre-flood exhibit and all the beautiful artwork on the wall there were some secularists who put together a supposed documentary that was shown on PBS and their geologist mocked at us having dinosaurs on an altar being sacrificed Tim are these dinosaurs no they're not dinosaurs and we talked about this when we went through the Creation Museum as well they're the members of the goat sheep kind but I think a lot of people are confused they don't recognize that they're skinned animals because here we have Adam Eve they're not wearing anything now we see Eve after this she's wearing something made of wool obviously that didn't come from dinosaurs and as a Ministry we've always presented the animals that were sacrificed uh that first appearance that God did because he made coats of skins for Adam and Eve we've always represented that as members of the goat sheep kind the Bible doesn't say what it was but it would be a great picture of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world Jesus Christ who died you know for in our place so this is that first sacrifice that God did for Adam and Eve so if you skinned the sheep goat kind that would look something like that they would look pretty similar to this and this is stylized artwork as well so I might throw people off a little bit but we've got a whole article on our website all about this I mean even from back in the 90s we were presenting this as the goat sheep kind and we've done that it's gone through various Renditions and you can see that on the website different artwork that we've got that always depicts that it's at as you walk through the pre-flood exhibit you'll see three really Exquisite dioramas and they're representing you know the violence the nastiness of that world yeah the decadence Before the Flood we had to be careful how we represent it we got to do it in a family-friendly way which is tough while I wanted people to look at something here look at Tim okay and then you see this one here it looks just like him because Tim modeled for this sculpture that's right they said they needed a giant and well who do you think they call but you didn't model in that clothing no I I had a pair of shorts on they did take away some of the muscle mass that just wasn't believable you know so they had to slim me down of course of course but he's pretty handsome and actually there are others of answers and Genesis stuff representing here but we won't go through all those and embarrass them yeah and you see that throughout the rest of the uh dioramas as well and even in the artwork that you see throughout here a lot of us did pose in certain things and then the artists used that um and it's important for mums and dads to explain to their children what the world was like before the flood I mean the thought of a man's heart was evil continually the Bible says so we want to represent that but we have children here as well there's a fine line to walk and it's really hard to figure out did we go too far did we not go far enough and you could complaints from both sides oh you should have made it a lot worse because the world was a lot worse but then other people say you've already gone too far and it's just a it was a tricky line to walk but you probably see a lot worse on television these days I agree well Ken here we are on Deck two still we've just come out of the pre-flood World exhibit and now we're getting to see a lot of the larger cages that have some of the you know the bigger animals people always wonder how could they fit them but one thing we don't want people to miss is they're here and as they're walking on the other side each member of Noah's family is represented once per floor so we saw them all at the prayer scene on the first deck and in this deck it's a little harder to find them but you can see shem's life up there on on this mezzanine or this catwalk because she's going over to dump some food into these suits for these animals and if you look over in that way that side you can see Sam up on another catwalk and the rest of them are scattered doing different working scenes that day I think that'd be a great thing for the family to do look for all eight characters on each deck that's right and see if you can find them the other thing you'll notice in the cages there are some animals you may have never heard of before because our artists and sculptors wanted to represent some of the extinct animals that we're not familiar with so you're going to see some very unique creatures that's right those that have gone extinct since the time of the flood that would have been on the ark foreign deck towards a bow and there are many themed exhibits and it's easy just to look at them and say wow that's fantastic and move on to the next one but there's a lot of teaching points within each of the exhibits and of course here you can meet animatronic Noah and you'll hear him talking and you can ask him questions and there's also sounds from the animals and so on but Tim run us through this exhibit and point out some of the interesting things we don't want people to miss that's right if you ask them all of the different questions he'll point out some of the things but not everything so for example we've got a globe here that shows one continent which is what we believe there was prior to the flood and you'll see that represented in maps in the next exhibit as well so we've got different Scrolls here in fact he's writing something right now while he's there so if you ask him what he's doing he'll tell you what he's working on he's talking about how they were saying they were riding before the flight that's right yeah people were intelligent and even back to Genesis 5 1 this is the book of the generations of Adam if that's how we're supposed to interpret that that he wrote that it could have been written about him but either way I mean they were intelligent people that could write we've got actually pictures of lamech and Methuselah so I know his father and grandfather and these were actually drawn by your nephew and my nephew David yeah nephew David and he didn't draw just these ones but also the ones that you see in that one in the answer Center of you and your wife Mallory if it's just it's photorealism that he does yeah if they look in the answer Center in the middle Lobby they'll see that my nephew David actually did this painting of my wife and I it looks just like a photograph he's amazing yeah so we've got different props that are here of course you see the dove and the Raven which will come into play later on in the in the narrative some of the cages and Scrolls that you see throughout so a lot of different props here we've got Noah's wife back here as well and he'll even interact with her a little bit as if you ask the right questions so actually you could spend a bit of time here looking at all the different objects that we see in here [Music] well Tim here we are in Noah's Library there's a lot to this don't just look at it and then walk on explain some of the things that we see here now each of the elements just like the last exhibit where we saw Noah writing the exhibit designers think through all of these things trying to figure out what can we put in there that they would that gas might be able to study and look at yeah so over here we've got the wooden figures that are detailing the account of Adam and Eve and and of course the forbidden fruit that they ate from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil so you see that depicted in these wooden figures and then over here you've got the genealogy from Adam all the way to Noah and that's written in Noah language and what we've got throughout the arc you see little notes from Noah or his family members back and forth to each other over on this end you've got the really each of the chapters of Genesis one through six up to the flood if you pay close attention to the six days of creation you see the fall you see uh Cain and Abel and go all the way down to the time of Noah and then we've got some of the the Scrolls here you've got clay tablets down here different wooden figurines that Noah might have carved our story that we've got our backstory of Noah has him as a woodworker you know a carpenter or shipbuilder from a young age and that's just a little further down the who was Noah that's right that gives you a little bit of a back the back story of how he could have acquired the skills he had so actually what I did is I wrote a Trilogy they're called The Remnant Trilogy of three historical fiction novels about Noah and so if the information that you see throughout the arc if it's not straight from the Bible it's coming from that Series so if people are wondering where do we get the names for the women and why do we have them doing these things so that we had one consistent narrative throughout that the designers could work with and that was the main reason for doing it and who invented Noah writing uh that was actually one of our graphic designers uh James de Leon did that and what it is it's it's basically just English but flipped right to left and then there's also a character in there for the for the space so there's 27 figures plus the uh the numbers and you could take that you get a little key for it and you can translate everything in here it all makes sense that's amazing so it's not just someone scribbling that's right on that yeah so if you've got a kid who really liked puzzles and everything they can interpret everything in fact what you see right here there's a creature called fight like a smile let's get some fangs that kind of look like a saber-toothed cat it's not one but here there's some writing in a different color and it's written at a different angle if you translate it says watch out for a sharp claws and the reason for that is in the story that I wrote not the biblical account ham has a scar right here from one of those and you can see that on the character of ham on the different decks and it's because of one of these creatures that got him so we've integrated a lot of different things and if you you know just check out the novels you'll see those I didn't even know that about him yeah Tim when you and I look back at our lives we can see how God used our experiences the training all of that to prepare us for the ministry he has called us to be involved in that's right and you're saying the same is true of Noah I would think so yeah a lot of people wonder what Noah did Before the Flood well what if he was already a shipbuilder and a lot of people don't think about it that way so that was the backstory we were presented for Noah in this exhibit called who was Noah how could he have acquired the skills that he obviously had to build the ark and we mentioned that we're using artistic license here the Bible didn't tell us exactly what he was doing but we know he was a preacher of righteousness but he probably wasn't an itinerant preacher making a living I don't think people would have made a living doing that in those days the world is so wicked but um we know he was skilled to do what he did God's not going to call somebody who doesn't have an idea what they're doing or at least give them the ability to do it so what you see when you go through this exhibit anytime you see what looks like parchment on the sun that's right from scripture and then the other things are elements that are part of the artistic license that come from that backstory that I talked about before [Music] foreign what's the name of this exhibit this is called the fairy tale Arc do you know what I call it uh batter Mark now I call it what not to teach your children okay because the bathtub Arc is how the ark is represented in most children's books most Christian children's books dealing with the flood all around the world and that teaches kids that the art couldn't fit all the animals on board it would have sunk real easily we want people to understand the real art didn't look like the bathtub that's right this turns it into something more like a fairy tale so even though people may have good intentions when they're doing those things it really is dangerous to be presenting the biblical account is something that couldn't have happened and I encourage them to read this book that's opened here before you called the seven D's of deception foreign [Music] here we are at the most photographed part of the Ark inside the ark besides doing my character besides your character in The pre-flood exhibit yes it's the door and has a cross on the door that's right and the interesting thing is that cross it's subtly lit with light but it shows up more on your smartphone when you take a photograph than it does in real life and because of that you've got an interesting story yeah we get people that will email us and say you know we never noticed it when we were there but when we when we looked at our pictures or when we got it developed you know like we've noticed there's a cross up there was that a God thing or was it really there and of course it's part of it sent him an email and say sorry it was just the light that was they thought it was a miracle you go home in a cross appeared on the door right but I love to see families getting the photograph taken at the door here it's a reminder as no and his family went through a door to be saved we need to go through that one door to be saved that's right Lord Jesus Christ I like the 12 Stones it's a reminder to tell people to teach your children and pass that on to them so get a photograph of you and your family at the door and at the 12 Stones in the queue line Gardens now as you walk up the ramp from the second to the third decks don't miss looking over to the right at the mezzanine and seeing all the cool stuff that's right we wanted to theme out the entire Arc and so what you'll see is some of the supplies that they might have used to help load the arc or just different things that they would have had at any time during the construction or to while they're taking care of the animals here in the ark and what we're pointing out to you actually if you take a bit more time and look around you'll see all sorts of interesting things that's right yeah it wasn't just do the exhibit it was theme the whole Arc and get people to to look around and see how much thought went into each of these now Tim this is one of my favorite places in the ark of course I got many favorite places in fact everywhere is my favorite place but this is one of my favorite places where between the second and the third deck halfway up the ramp and if you stand right here and you look down towards the bow end and then you look down towards the stern end you've got a sense of actually being in a ship and you're about midship that's right you've got a good idea of how massive The Arc is and then you can look up here and see towards the top as well and you can look down there and you can see some of the the props that we were talking about earlier and you really get a good sense for how huge this vessel is and I love to just stand here and you sort of get a sense we're in a ship and you can imagine the cages the animals and all the activity going on in the ark well Tim we're in the living quarters in the third deck one of my favorite places in the ark did I tell you I have a lot of favorite places yeah this is one of my favorite places in New York it's absolutely stunning and don't miss that shem's wife is making a vegetarian meal and of course there's signage there to tell them why that is so because we didn't eat meat until after the fight if we obeyed God's word that's right but what we wanted to look at was Noah here with the Dove and I've had people say to me but that's not a dub it's not white Yeah Tim can you explain yeah because what we're representing are the the kinds that were on the ark and the Dove and the pigeon and some other birds as well all come from the same kind of animal so what we're representing is what that may have looked like at that time of course we see it in the storybooks and everything we always see it as a white dove because we think in terms of the present species today yeah yeah and what we need to be thinking about is what it might have been like at that time so the kind dividing into different species out to the flood that's right and so white doves come after the flood foreign exhibit is very significant there's a lot of backstory to this too when I first debated Bill Nye at the Creation Museum February 2014. it was interesting he brought up ice cores as an example of supposed millions of years and I brought up an example of planes in the ice which you can talk about here in a second and we have an exhibit on that in the Ice Age showing that it doesn't take millions of years after I did that debate I was immediately interviewed live by CNN right there at the Creation Museum with Bill Nye Pierre's Morgan was the interviewer at the time and the first question he asked me was why don't you believe in climate change I mean climate change wasn't even mentioned in the debate why don't you believe in climate change and I said I do believe in climate change there's been climate change since the flood well when Bill and I came to the ark and I took him through all three decks and we recorded no one is the second debate no it's the second day after we opened second day after we opened and he wanted to start up here because he thought we were denying climate change so do not explain a little bit about that we actually have a saying about that is man responsible for climate change and and we show how over the last two thousand years that the climate has fluctuated it's gone up and down a little bit you've got the little ices you've got the medieval warm period we're not denying that the climate changed all and in that he goes right to that he says this is what makes me really angry he didn't bother to read the sign what we're asking is how why did it change so much before the Industrial Revolution because they would say it's all man-made climate change and we would say it it has probably more to do with the sun you know that really works in these guys there's been dramatic changes before the Industrial Revolution I mean the Sahara Desert used to be Lush yeah that wasn't you know Egyptians running around in chariots that were motorized or something and we've also got you mentioned the planes in the ice so we've got a diorama in there showing uh what's known as The The Lost Squadron so in World War II some of the planes were forced to set down because of a storm and they landed on the ice in Greenland and after the war they thought they'd go dust them off and fly them on well they couldn't find them and it wasn't until the 1980s that somebody discovered them there were 250 feet beneath the surface and it's not because they sank down it's because that's how much snow and ice covered them they know it's all these layers that were three miles from the original location as well and actually I used that example in the debate at the crazy museum with Bill Nye and we have a little video excerpt of him and I in that debate discussing that topic that's right and in that debate you you had a you know like 10 seconds to respond because he threw so many things in that little you don't have time to reap about everything so here we got a chance to give more detail and if people are interested in that in fact Glacier girl one of one of those planes they actually went down and discovered and pulled it up piece by piece they put it back together and they used to fly it around a different air shows it was called Glacier girl and there's a research team going out there I think this year where they're gonna try to bring another plane up interesting and that plane fly should go is in a museum now and yeah and it used to actually be housed in Kentucky too I think it's in Texas now I think so [Music] foreign deck in the rainbow Covenant exhibit and here's an interesting painting representing aspects of Genesis and it was done by an artist in Mexico although he's here at the ark now and he does painting and people can see that absolutely Exquisite but there's an interesting backstory to this so Tim do you want to tell us what happened his name's Oscar Nava and he's just a brilliant artist and he painted this piece while he was in Mexico City and his wife helped him as well and they said well you got to make it look like this Monument that was found in the ground so you gotta stain it and he he didn't want to because it was so vibrant and he made this beautiful painting and then he had to ruin it right and he sent them pictures and said please don't ruin it and don't make me do that and then he said no it has to and he took more pictures but can't you see please don't do it and so ultimately that's what they did and but one Liz it represents everything from uh in the if you could say the NOAA account so you can see here's the sacrifice After the flood you get the 40 days and 40 nights of of the heavy rainfall being represented there summer and winter Springtime and harvest those things will not season if you look at all the different individual pictures you can see different elements from those three chapters in The Bible so basically Genesis chapter 7 8-9 so people can look at this and look at all the elements of Genesis 7 8 9 represent here and think about how beautiful a painting that was and then they had to make it look like it was aged and a dug up artifact yep and one little fun bit about Oscar I think we can share this his wife was actually due with their their little baby girl their little girl the day the ark opened and she ended up giving birth a few days earlier and she named her daughter emsara which is what we named Noah's wife they got it from that so Olivia foreign a big exhibit at the bow end of the arc on the third deck it's called searching for truth but it's really why the Bible is true and when you walk through here it's a graphic novel presentation of the Gospel but there's a special video in here and I call it the bean video that's what we call it not Mr Bean no no no it actually Stars Mr chappie that's Mr Tim and you wore the same shirt today yeah in honor of this video that's right yep explain the video don't miss the bean video it's incredible so this is a representation of the different manuscripts and fragments that we have for the New Testament compared to the different manuscripts and fragments that we have for some of the other you know books of antiquity like Caesar and Herodotus and so people will say well we can trust what those that we have what those guys say but they don't trust that we have the New Testament ratings right that we can't really know what was originally written but the the evidence is overwhelming as far as the the manuscript evidence we have for the New Testament versus those other ones so this is what this is meant to represent each being represents one manuscript or fragment so what do you do with all the coffee beans after you filmed that I wanted to reuse them but those AV guys stuck their hands in them and started to redo it so they ruined it so they actually put them in bags and then we some Churches used them you know out in the not to not the coffee pot to drink for elements yeah we're here on the third deck and this is the last series of signs you will see the last exhibit basically if you've walked through everything you know in in order right and then you go down the ramp or the elevators down to the gift store underneath and this is teaching a little bit of apologetics in regard to can we trust the Bible so it's great to go through all these signs and it relates to what you just saw in the exhibit so what they're looking at on their screens when you read through the story that we've got there this is what they're seeing on each of those different things so it relates to the graphic novel presentation of the Gospel so but this ribbon up here it looks like it's got Hebrew on it what is this Tim so what we did is we took the the biblical account of the flood beginning all the way down there on the top with Genesis 5 28 where it starts talking about Noah and then as far as we could take it through the flood account that's if somebody knows how to read Hebrew they can come up here and read parts of the thought account oh so let me have a look oh and Noah did everything God told him to do wow Genesis 6 22. thank you for joining me on this exclusive look at some interesting behind the scenes features at the arc encounter now be sure to check out our things to do and events sections on the ark encounters website we're looking forward to your visit
Channel: Ark Encounter
Views: 258,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hxp-nekAZAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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