Looney Tunes 1932-1960 | 5 Hours Compilation | Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Porky Pig | Chuck Jones

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[Music] 8th man dvd cartoon classics [Music] oh enough is [Music] peak [Music] so [Music] it's a sign of the old world over it's the poor what gets the blime while the wreck has all the gravy now ain't that a blanket shame put out those lights [Music] shawls so [Music] schultz [Music] say later krantz what time is it when you hear the turn it will be exactly 6 45 on one quarter [Music] [Applause] [Music] may i present you with this little token of our esteem for me and donkey shane don't you say oh just a little going away present [Music] well see you around [Music] oh [Music] shorts [Music] [Applause] woohoo [Music] [Music] it's all yours fun limiter [Music] hello schultz i want you to oh is that you mute [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mr smith a whole mess mr smith [Music] a massive message [Music] um ah now try and duck this one you duck is [Music] my [Music] that's all folks [Music] hmm [Music] oh i'm free i'm free [Music] no more sergeants wow no more uniforms look at me [Music] [Music] wow [Music] my home town mom dad everyone i'm home i'll really be winning one year cool [Music] [Music] it was dark green honestly [Music] well i guess i'll drift down to the old sugar bowl and scare off the old gang okay okay [Music] hey gang oh ralphie's back old ralphie [Music] hello amazing mommy a man wants to talk to you hello hazel what hello jeanette i'm sorry i guess i'm married hi barbara sorry going out with your mother-in-law linda grandma hello betty no marge what's wrong anyway everybody everything seems different i i wonder what my old gi buddies are doing i wonder if if i want to reinvent don't say it don't even think it you're too smart ralphie boy and besides i'm here to help you you ain't got no more troubles here hold this now i just happen to have here [Music] let's get some sense into that boyish head of yours now uh first thing you gotta do is [Music] look ralphie ignore this joker he's in the pay of you know who yeah give me a drink off that thing [Music] all we want is the facts man facts eh i'll fax you buster this is what the average civilian in your age bracket earns a month you may fire when ready grizzly [Music] need i say more that's over a hundred bucks difference [Music] plus family allowances of course and automatic raises and foreign service pay and promotions sure sure but uh look what you got to do for all that dough slosh around in the mud all day and you can pick your career before you re-enlist re-enlist are you nuts we ain't re-enlisting in nothing we uh we don't want to look like no toy soldier look at these civilian clothes sharpie yeah yeah like i say but we're gonna we're gonna work our way through school nights study up be a big shot [Music] while in service of course don't be taken in kid we'll get ourselves a good job two weeks vacation every year at good old lake morsi log the army that is so what who wants to live in a barracks all your life [Music] stick with me kid we'll live in luxury uh government insured of course okay wise guy retirement [Music] in the army [Music] or [Music] don't listen to him we'll strike uranium in your backyard we can invent something dehydrated water just add water [Music] and with that fat bonus too holy cow come on hurry up we'll inherit fort knox we'll strike girl we'll invent the come wheel hurry up [Music] come on get the lid out step on it come on come on hurry up hurry up hey wait for me hurry up [Music] hurry up hurry up [Music] this is john mcroger airman first class that blissful smile on john's face is because john has reached the end of his first hitch and john is getting out he is now contemplating the advantages that all civilians take for granted like a solid gold jackalack a penthouse overlooking the river a good job and a beautiful wife [Music] and a panther sent home to me wife or wife no cares have i to grieve me no pretty little coil to deceive me here it comes the message as we go rolling hi mac rolling name is grogan technical gremlin voice class yeah yeah i know and you're here to show me why i should re-enlist about all the multitudinous is accruing to the re-enlistee look buster i don't know what all the trick sarcasm is about but i'm getting out of this man's air force capital o capital u capital t hey you getting out too wait that's different let's pick up our discharge papers together uh buddy are you kidding why the minute they start talking to you you'll go all soft and sign up again but i shut up sit down honest i've been dreaming about getting out ever since i got in all these guys are the same pushovers wild blue yonder pushovers i don't know why i'm so soft-headed but i guess i gotta brief this character so he won't be a patsy and get talked back in these gi magic wands always fouled up [Music] later later [Music] now then the first thing they're gonna try to do they're gonna try to tell you how much better off you'll be staying in the air force okay just for the record let's take a look that's you and that's your re-enlistment paycheck airman voice class four years soybes 137 bucks and 59 cents a month and this is what the average veteran of your age is earning in civilian life 253 bucks and 47 cents that's a hundred and fifteen dollars and 88 cents more than you make mac why that's an outrage that's that's of course to be perfectly fair the civilian does have to make certain minor deductions from his paycheck that you don't like food lodging clothes higher income taxes medical and dental bills and life insurance that minor deductions like that there well uh it's only 197 bucks a month only another thing i uh forgot to mention was that an air man can increase the size of his check by seniority advancement in rank allowances overseas duty and flying duty and as much as six times your monthly base pay for your first re-enlistment but the civilian still makes more money sure sure in any way the money isn't the important thing is it grogan it's the job that counts brother you are so right there today we find john mcroger apprentice trial passwinder happily at work hey mag there you are hey there you are again okay so you're a little lonely that's natural uh too bad they don't have surface clubs for civilians but wow look at him fancy duds nothing like pride in your appearance i uh i don't know grogan it just doesn't seem quite what i want to do look pal you can't back out now why now you take a retirement do you realize that as a civilian you can look forward to retiring at the age of 65 with a cool 85 bucks coming in from social security every month yeah well in the air force i can retire when i'm 38 and draw down 137 bucks a month for the rest of my life what are you a has-been or something where do they get off retiring you at 38 it's an imposition some imposition okay i decide i don't want to be imposed on i decide i'm going to stay in another 10 years till i'm 48 then they really impose on you 229 a month and and grogan i've already got four years time well uh you can retire on that kind of dough as a civilian too oh absolutely all i got to do is i gotta save up about 90 000 bucks and put it out at three percent interest a cinch all right yeah i know i know you saved 60 bucks a week for 30 years okay okay so it's ridiculous i'll admit there's a few good things about the air force like 30 day paid vacations and medical expenses and a 10 000 buck insurance policy thrown in and family allowances and housing and free education [Music] you know something else mac us guys in the air force know more than anybody else in the whole world how to keep these beautiful crates flying okay okay i've been briefed enough let's get going yeah i guess we both know what you want to do now right right look buster if you think you can get by in the air force without me you got yourself another thing coming [Music] all right [Music] hmm so so [Music] hey get a load of this folks it says here a constant menace to pilots uh the gremlins who wrecked planes with their diabolical sabotage gremlins oh murder gremlins what a fairy tale little man oh brother [Music] um uh what's are the hubbub [Music] these blockbuster bombs don't go off unless you hit them just right yeah yeah [Music] um hey matt let me take a whack at it [Music] what am i doing [Music] do you think that hey could that have been a kremlin it ain't vandal milky [Music] [Music] which way did he go george which way did he go that way well she thanks a lot george thanks a lot [Music] what's the letter bunny rabbit speak to me why don't you say something i'm only three and a half years old [Music] i like him he's silly [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] nice gremlin oh ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] snowing down [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] so [Music] sorry folks we ran out of gas you know how it is with [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] hey joe joe yes sam take a look at today's timetable only one of these trains can get through to washington 44 is a single track you know yeah but sam aren't the american people on board the win the war special well all but a few records [Music] you see that switch joe you've got to sidetrack the defeat is limited i'm just the guy that can do it sam look joe you can if you don't fall asleep at the switch like you did in november of 1942 don't worry about me they'll have to knock me out first [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] true [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] waiting for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who are you and it's all that at all glad you dropped him boy glad you dropped in if you're looking to be peaking though estate driver sam's been overworking you you'll run down high production pressure relax now relax [Music] let's talk this over my boy according to the papers you're on the wrong track it says here that the win the more special isn't going through all the workers are on strike that's a lie we're out to win the war i tell you [Music] [Music] you get high in the sky when you die [Music] [Music] it's perfectly clear to everybody sacrifices higher prices hit the axes low attack stone landlace negotiate a piece democracy [Music] joe he's allowed you to sleep again joel [Music] sales tax joe a little sales tax never hurt anybody after all joe business is entitled to a fair profit during this war but wages have to be frozen joe the workers are making too much money for their own goods and prices haven't risen very much [Music] wait joe there's a better way [Music] [Music] mind if i smoke yeah supposed to watch my smoke for a change no wait i have influence in washington this is crazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh we wanna have [Music] back now we're on the right track we're going to win the war right behind the president president president right behind the president for 1944 management and labor we'll keep our production coming so go and tell your neighbor that the new world special is to come in get your reservations [Music] soldiers fall aboard for severance pay disability insurance free training and education free employment with no delays farmer got your ticket for crop insurance floors under prices adequate credits decent marketing facilities fair price for what a man grows [Music] world trade but no pushing and no crowd [Music] small business protection from big business labor job for everyone full employment full production annual wage good housing social insurance security in your old age [Music] big red apples that hoover is promoting if you don't want to sell those apples start boating man start burning [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] what a place what a place why it's as pretty as a picture but if i ever told my favorite wife the awful truth i'd land right on the front page yes i read bobby cigars cigarettes butts oh hello kaylee am i sure i'll buy some of your cigarettes you got a light kid [Music] hello anne how's the aunt girl tonight [Music] good evening mr wise molar good evening miss rand [Music] listen you mugs this job is plenty risky get me you gotta be tough guys to go through with it because if you get caught you take your wrap alone see all right now let's try it [Music] once i hold high [Music] oh [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen hope you're all enjoying this little hoedown comes now a bit of the get away from me boy you should bother me there comes now a bit of the dance if you'll all gather around brother stakowski we'll give out with the helping of that south american jive la conga to be exact so naked melo fella oh jimmy that rhythm does something to me let's dance will you please oh oh sorry it's not that i don't wanna you understand it's on account of that oh jay wes i don't know any of these modern steps here oh come on jimmy please for me also uh uh heck i guess i might as well try [Music] it's me again [Music] fifty dollars dad yes andy i'd like to have a heart-to-heart talk with you [Music] don't go away folks this ought to be good comes now the feature attraction of the evening i'll keep moving boys i'll see you at the track here comes now the feature attraction of the evening miss sally strand and her bubble dance now if you boys will put away your bean shooters we'll get on with the show [Music] students [Music] i haven't seen such a beautiful bubble since i was a child [Music] mother [Music] g g g g you boys having a good time yes guess who you now listen babe i've about a few words see i've been chasing you all night now how about a little kiss baby well fancy meeting you here hmm [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Music] you will of course pay the bill now before you leave no no i mean yes and my partner daffy duck will be right back he's out there cashing a check come on seven be good don't fail me now oh snake eyes too bad you is a dead duck duck [Music] money [Music] [Music] hey look a dick tracy character blue face [Music] you have insult me we meet on the field of honor [Music] my card you've had your coffee racing for this week robespierre [Music] you have insult me we make down the field of onion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my card you can [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you don't get out until you pay up [Music] my card please hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] american [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] wasted [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i can't stand it i can't stand it it's kidding me i'm going stir crazy bastille becky cooler coco look at my prison peller i'm as black as a sheet gosh bugs bunny was only here yeah bumps bunny my hero he can't get out of anything but i saw him in a leon's lesson your cartoon once the hunter hasn't covered [Music] what a guy nothing can hold him he'll get us out of here hello central give me bugs bunny [Music] hello bubs this is staffy um what's up doc that palooka manager has got us locked up in the broken arms hotel we thought you could help us get out and did you try the elevator yes yes we tried all those ways [Music] ah don't work do they that's all so [Music] right pimento university pimento u good old peo he meant for you o sweet peel thy fragrant order [Music] a pox [Music] uh [Music] out and away the most popular fellows at old pu are the three doper boys tom the fun-loving member of the trio dick a serious lad of 18 summers plus a winter in florida as related in the dober boys in the everglades and larry the youngest of the three jerks uh brothers a gay outing at the park has been planned by the merry trio and they're off to fetch their fiancee dainty dora standpipe at miss cheddar's female academy close by [Music] with their usual punctuality the boys arrive at the pointed hour of three [Music] and are soon on their rollicking way forced to pass a certain public house a tavern of unsavory repute our young friends meet the distressing situation with their usual uncompromising moral fortitude little do they know that even now within this very tavern damned backslide the former sneak of rockford hall coward bully cad and feet and arch enemy of the dover boy squanders his misspent life hark the dover boys track them double track them they are escorting dora standpipe dear rich dora standpipe how i love her father's money confound those dover boys oh how i hate them i hate tom i hate dick and i hate larry they drive me to drink [Music] found them but let us draw the curtain on the sworded scene and turn to more pleasant surroundings where we find our young friends engaged in a spirited game of hide go and seek 25 30 35 40 45 60 55 no no in here [Music] no up here up here no no over here over here over here in here no no in here no in here over here over here over here over fifteen here hundred over here over here whoops sorry okay over here over here over here over here no in here the dover boys then dora must be alone and unprotected [Music] a runabout i'll steal it no one will ever know [Music] [Music] 1285 [Music] here i come ready or not [Music] [Music] poor dora will no one save her from this predicament will no one come to her hold on what's this it looks like an alert young scout and that's just what it is he'll not fail her i'll venture telegram for the dover boys mrs tom dick and larry carr away with having upper bottleneck new york sirs quote help unquote sign dora 35 cents collect [Music] [Applause] [Music] help tom help nick help larry [Music] oh dory dear sweet door a deer keep courage up and chin he'll die the stalwart sons of old you are here at hand to do or die piuki you we're all for you yay [Music] unhand her dan backslide unhander dan backslide unhand her dan backslide hey we're getting in a rut stand up and fight you coward bully cat and thief [Music] oh you haven't been flashed enough yet eh [Music] [Applause] and now it is time to say goodbye goodbye [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] in a happy barnyard some years ago a seemingly unimportant event occurred which was destined to vitally affect the future of that little world mr and mrs duck were expecting [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what's this a dark horse [Music] and so time passed a bud not so fast oh all right but time does fly don't it johnny time passed the bad egg grew to ma to duck hood and with artistic aspirations dreamed of brush and palate but ended up with only the brush his artistic efforts spurned he soon turned to other endeavors [Music] afresh in this land [Music] and there were some gullible ones who listened especially one goose more gullible than gooses mice miss good geese usually gold that's all right uh that's a really stuffy kiddo he's a smarter fellow at brams huh like a me [Music] i'm from south germany [Music] sir three [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh what has come to so erase all thoughts of peace from off this place have they forgot tis love that's right and not is gained by show of might [Music] then from out of the west came another partner to make a silly axis of himself [Music] crazy too [Music] [Music] oh i yeah and i'm mock turtle soup with spreading clouds of war once more the axis marched toward dreams of further conquest one two button on my shoe three four shuttle door five six seven sticks seven eight [Music] oh branch of peace forced on this fight [Music] kind sirs change your warlike [Music] stop [Music] now where were we oh yes [Music] [Music] is [Applause] i hate war but once begun well i just didn't choose to run so i can point with pride and say there's three that didn't get away that's all folks good [Music] hmm so oh [Music] [Music] victory let's go [Music] kitchen sinks garbage cans electric fans rubber boots spacing suits reels wheels run down heels bench springs stretches rings rubber bands bird case heads metal sniffs pillow [Music] [Applause] well how do you like that sickle grouper [Music] is destroy that is captive destroy that strip pile destroy that country [Music] destroy it and find [Music] pile [Music] destroy that empire [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mice [Music] you criminals are all alike i can see it in your eyes just a stupid ignoramus a no skull a knitting an income [Music] why it's just a poor little sick billy goat hey william this will fix you up a sodium acetyl silicon listen to it fizz [Music] [Music] say this tin termite is a nasty a folk wolf in sheep's clothing [Music] you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would [Music] [Music] huh [Music] i'm through oh would i give her a can of spinach now shame daffy same great great great great great uncle dillingham duck did i cry spin this when i stood a duck on plymouth rock did i in washington give up with their fortune hog bone and me quack quits when engine shaved our scalp did john paul duck give up the ship or ever [Music] americans don't give up no daddy americans don't give up that's right and i'm an american duck [Music] up there in the sky it's a bird no it's a plane no super american [Music] guys a dream it was all a dream include us out [Music] up [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] good morning good morning wake up everybody wake up everybody have you had your tasty toasties this morning good for you and now from don't touch that dial and now for our morning exercises open those windows take a deep breath hey birds [Music] hey on your [Music] we'll track him down and toss him in the clink come on let's go [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry up [Music] food [Applause] [Music] say have you seen a spy around here [Music] does he look like this yeah yeah that's him no i have not seen him [Music] ah [Music] uh well i'm not so sure that you're porky pig either there's your little license uh can't you see the the white line of everything there's the fire move along around run you in bob [Music] [Music] yeah pig it is one minute to tree do you see that little bag you mean yeah at exactly three o'clock that leads [Music] is [Music] you know that guy sure that it does act suspicious and that thing that it takes just like a bomb [Music] yeah that's all right that's it just my little old heart [Music] [Music] it never works never never works it works it works [Music] that's all so so [Music] greetings music lovers first we will hear a waltz written by johann strauss and as we hear the rhythmic strains of the haunting weapon listen to the whip-wing with them of the woodwinds as it rolls around and around and it comes out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] uh [Music] wasn't that wuv we and now we will present the beautiful blue danube [Music] quick break [Music] wait [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ten minutes to catch my plane hold everything faso [Music] this is your lucky day opportunity [Music] a very important appointment i'll say you have my card yes sir daffy duck personal representative of the most sensational discovery since the swifter girl he's colossal stupendous one might even go so far as to say he's mediocre i give you that paragon of pep and personality sleepy lagoon [Music] like this i'm just wild about harry and harry's wild about me mother heavenly blisses of his kisses fills me with sex does [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey he takes a bow like so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just a minute chubby you ain't seen half of the kid's repertory well here's one the kid does that you like [Music] [Music] over here [Music] laughs [Music] cowboy [Music] we watch the skyways or the land and the sea are ready to fly anywhere but he called ready to fight to be [Music] [Applause] you're just an free in disguise [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the kid goes into his finale and what a finale stop it stop it all right let's see what the kid can do okay sleepy do your stuff [Music] let's bring time blossoms bloom again in the garden [Music] that's all dear sally lou this is it they'll be shipping us out soon from the equipment it looks like the south pacific [Music] this is confidential [Music] so i'm staking this past the sensor [Music] we're on our way to the port of embarkation they gave us shots for tropical diseases so i know it's the south pacific hey bud mail this for me [Music] and can afford the terrible one [Music] ah [Music] oh is there a postman in the house technical fairy voice class yes savis you gotta get this to sally lou but have you forgotten the sensor ah it's okay we got a private code well if you insist but i'll hate myself in the morning i can fight in peace [Music] a letter from my lover our private code oh mother guess what uh-huh my snafu in a big surprise move uh-huh bingo bango island big surprise don't tell us soon bingo [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] be boy oh boy we caught them with their pants down [Music] could this be what we're looking for like i always said every man his own sensor looks very good on the hole [Music] [Music] you [Music] uh i'm trapped trapped i gotta get out of this [Music] boy they've dropped the weapons [Music] [Music] [Music] telegram for elmer ford [Music] uh what's up doc [Music] dear nephew i'm waving you three million dollars in my will uncle louie oh boy i'm witch i'm witch yes but you don't get one cent if you harm any animals especially weapons you're free now with the rabbit go and whomp and frolic in the forest oh boy i'm a witch okay fellas bacon and break it up three million dollars [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] i'm just an angel in the sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] please mr wabbit go on back to the forest where you belong being nice with the rabbit oh hey what are you trying to do kill me are you flexing my skull i'm gonna call it a louie that's what i'm gonna do [Music] operator operator hey you got a nickel hello operator operator give me walnut tree tree oh that's you murt how's every little thing please mr wabbit don't call uncle willy i won't hurt you again i promise well okay but what you step after this fat boy hey what do you got to eat around this joint eat eat fix this guy think they'll tweak me huh step right this way that'll fix them wipe that dirty double crossing here open up [Music] i'll die i'll die no i'm too young to die please please let me in hey this scene oughta get me the academy award [Music] uncle louie what have i done we million dollars all shot to pieces don't die with the rabbit please don't die walk a bite baby [Music] when the wind blows equator will walk when the bomb wakes the crater will fall down will come baby special delivery your uncle willy has kicked the bucket you now inherit three million dollars inheritance tax two million defense tax paycheck county which leaves you owing us 1.98 please we met you don't get the dough ant for the ball no but i'm gonna get you [Music] happy new year happy new year [Music] there it's dark [Music] good witness to bad rubbish easter greetings hey what's up [Music] hey um [Music] listen you want to eat don't you yeah baby i want to eat i love to eat well then go up and get the bird out of that nest and we'll eat but i don't want to fight no boyd i like birds i'd go hungry for what's the matter fraidy cat this is only a tiny little bird you mean a poor little finchy itsy bitsy defenseless boy yes let me out of let me out i don't get a better gang way out my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] hyperphobia no i don't want to come home don't push me you can't make me do it you can't make me do it [Music] come on stupid get the bird [Music] give me the bird give me the bird if the hayes office would only let me i'd give them to boyd all right [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] here i [Music] [Music] hey how'd you get away up here say babbitt are you sure this thing is gonna be okay of course of course everything's under control don't push me down in a box please don't do it don't do it [Music] what's the matter now i'm afraid of the dark well i'll let you out then [Applause] i thought i tore a puddy [Music] ten [Music] don't worry you'll get it all right yamino get it in the end yeah and you'll get a big bang out of it too well that sure takes a load off of my mind [Music] [Applause] well what do you know i went out of pities [Music] [Music] i'll save you where are you speak to me speak to me [Music] come on stop your clowning what's the matter with you aren't you ashamed i don't know why do you do these things i'm a bad pussycat oh i just can't seem to get the boy take no use don't worry i can't do it this will get you up there contact contact contact contact contact contact [Music] [Music] [Music] is there an insurance salesman in the house [Music] hey now's our chance come turn out on lights [Music] so attention let's join the army for a day and get a glimpse of military life here we are at fort knicks typical of the many training camps throughout the country [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] shunt well uh let's see what comes after three four four now now no coaching please uh no don't tell me uh four yeah you're four that's right now do you want to try for the 32 question well uh i don't know i uh you'll be sorry no no i better take the 16 i better sweet music to the ears of all soldiers is the mess call or come and get it [Music] so [Music] and so their appetites appease the army is ready to carry out the orders of the day one of the most colorful sites is the well-trained cavalry as it goes through its daily drills company [Music] arch [Music] the infantry is the backbone of the army marching mile after mile is a matter of routine for these hearty foot soldiers following close behind the camouflage troops the artillery tries out one of its new guns [Music] in contrast to the mechanized equipment used by the soldiers of today early conscripties were trained with makeshift substitutes here are a few examples the machine gun unit [Music] bang bang bang the tank core [Music] the parachute troops [Music] the army air corps has proven a vital link in our military chain during maneuvers pursuit planes engage each other in aerial games [Music] here is the anti-aircraft division in the midst of its daily target practice [Music] the largest guns of the army are those of the coast defense directions for firing these huge monsters originated army headquarters many miles behind the lines elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees north by east elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees north by east elevation 45 degrees direction 30 degrees north by east longitude 36 degrees latitude 58 longitude 36 degrees latitude 58 longitude 36 degrees latitude 58. ready ready ready fire fire fire [Music] i'm a bad general hmm so [Applause] [Music] it's 12 o'clock [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] duck [Music] so [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] so [Music] um [Music] sweetly piping loot he wins us through a delightful phantasmagaria with the deathless heroes of legend and history and the entrancing figures of fiction and fantasy and first among our illustrious hosts we want you to meet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um and [Music] boom boom [Music] [Music] that's when you should call to see me cause i've got swing for sale if you think the waltz is hard and you like your rhythm torrid till it makes you mop your forehead i've got swank for sale rims what this country needs for years and years i've said but not for credit [Music] [Applause] [Music] high [Music] when i was young i got quite a lot of the famous people in the story books i got as i grew inside so did i grow wise and i learned some things that really opened up my eyes but in spite of everything i learned there's one guy who still lays high as far as i'm concerned old king cole i'm a merry old soul but the old boy [Music] here is a man who never fooled around but they leave [Music] a noisy old soul [Music] a chance for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] such a lack of good manners you should swallow my book henry [Music] i'll get out my scissors that cut have you got any mortgages you want to have paid baby [Music] after all my adventures [Music] [Applause] [Music] you help help jailbreak help [Applause] remember [Music] i hope they let me sleep [Applause] this is your town crier again the music fades and the departing celebrants bid us adieu happy with the memories of the bookland frolic all is well all is well [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more step and i'll have isolated the virus of the common cold laryngitis hackabas [Music] [Music] uh [Music] illidium fosdex check anti-proton ballast check prepare afterburners for blast-off [Music] oh [Music] my biggest problem in this job is how to keep from disturbing the parents and getting them in a tizzy rock a by doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock and so after answering the 64 million dollar question correctly i decided to take a few trips around the world [Music] about time we threw a little light on the subject first thing you got to do is get their attention comfy have i got your attention okay let's straighten out a few facts about you and the army now then uh excuse me just a minute rock-a-bye doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock you know ralphie it's a funny thing but every high school senior i've ever known thinks that when he gets into the service all his buddies will look like a bunch of lower slobovians of course there's always one exception you actually they're going to be pretty much like the guys you're graduating with just plain old characters like roy robinson from jefferson high in portland oregon don osgood from page nebraska pete willoughby los angeles state college dick martin from saint peter's high and watches has just just a pardon me worcester massachusetts oh well nice guys who wash their teeth every day get their hair cut regular well fairly regular just a neck trim please yes sir just a neck trim well what do you know there was a human being under that pelt after all another interesting idea held by a lot of otherwise bright high school seniors is that the army has all the right size clothing but that it's mainly interested in getting it on all the wrong sized people well nice comic book stuff but actually the army's no more interested in putting you into the wrong sized uniform than your football coach would be and for the same reasons it's not necessary it's inefficient and it's just plain sloppy [Music] in other words you'd be pretty useless to yourself or the team you know according to some comic strip artists our fiend here uh our friend here is the kind of non-com you find in the army the way they tell it uh basic training supposed to be nothing but kp obstacle courses and being chewed out by a bunch of sadistic sergeants [Music] as a matter of fact the army's not about to use inefficient comic strip non-coms or officers any more than it would use outdated or inefficient weapons no the non-coms you're going to get acquainted with and basic will be very capable guys and they'll be there for just one reason to help you you'll get to know men like paratrooper sergeant mike cohan master sergeant johnny broderick from okinawa in korea corporal tommy webster a high school senior when you were a junior sergeant rod mccullum he carries the congressional medal of honor look as long as we're on the subject let's take a look at basic training and find out what it's really going to be like [Music] well uh you're gonna learn a few things at basic useful things like how to handle weapons safely and effectively and at 700 yards i let him have it you're taught to use a compass how to read a map very impressive stuff later to the girl of your dreams you'll learn how to pitch a camp and how to give first aid the sort of knowledge that other uh people will respect someday you're also going to develop muscles that'll be useful later some you didn't even know you had but then uh it's not a bad idea to keep in shape for recreation like boxing football skiing and other uh sports you're gonna learn to snap a salute to all officers now where'd that custom come from well way i heard it the only way one night could recognize another night under those cast iron tuxedos was to lift his visor it's a sort of hello among military men then one day you're going to suddenly realize that you're beginning to look like and act like a soldier or a man and you'll be surprised to find that you're very proud to be serving your country in the united states army oh a short intermission rock-a-bye doggy in the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock okay basic's finished now what well according to some comic strips more endless months of kp policing some forgotten post and learning how to artistically goof off but mainly the rest of your army career is supposed to be spent doing anything you're most unfit for humorous stuff no doubt but not good sense actually the army wants to send you where you'll be most useful and where you can serve the best where this will be is uh determined to a great extent by those interviews and aptitude tests you took in your first days as a recruit so the chances are that but wait just a minute maybe you'd like to know before you start how you're going to spend your army career maybe you'd like to choose the training you want and not leave it up to chance if so then the army has a special deal you'll want to hear about it's called reserved for you and in it you pick the job training you want before you enlist the army then reserves that position in the world's finest technical schools until you complete basic training and now let's go back to those dreams of yours how about laboratory work in the medical field the army has some of the finest laboratory facilities technicians and scientists in the world well that's just one of 127 courses offered by the army how about that dream of working with rockets or atomic power how about guided missiles you choose it the army's got it the only ticket you need to this program is one high school diploma sound good well i can make it sound better the whole deal is guaranteed by this letter written to you by the adjutant general of the united states army you don't sign anything until that letter is firmly in your hands fair enough let's see adventure pick your branch how about a real elite outfit armor tank commander phillips not bad travel man you do ask the nicest questions this is paris and it's no dream it's solid and it's yours ralph phillips usa sound pretty choice your local recruiter can fill in all the details today if you like but remember that you're going to look a lot bigger to the army with that high school diploma under your arm oh a quick warning though ralphie you can only grab one of these special deals before you receive your induction notice so why not call on the army before the army calls on you what's the matter with you you've gone nuts or something [Music] remember it's reserved for you [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] well what do you know another present hmm here's a card roses are red violets are blue i've waited ten years for this day so happy birthday to you the buzzard well no that's mighty neverlay in the buzzer [Music] what are you now a book just what i've always never wanted lions rarely live beyond the age of ten years ten years [Music] one two three four five six seven eight nine ten mccree leo absolutely right you're not getting any younger leo nope no younger not getting any younger he says well i'm not getting any organ either [Music] do [Music] [Music] the [Music] oh no you're not be after fixing one for yourself tis me is eating this one [Music] or uh just uh slip this on for size [Music] oh the everlasting nerve can't even wait till i'm decently deceased before you're trying to devour me oh i know you're wet and hurtful feelings i'll hurt more than your feelings your carnivorous canary [Music] mr you shouldn't exert yourself like that mr lyle come down [Music] prepare to defend yourself then i am coming up after yes [Music] oh [Music] you really ought to be more careful mr lion [Music] oh [Music] don't worry mr lyon i'll get you down yes sir have you down in a jiffy [Music] don't bother yourself at all i'll be getting myself down no friend of mine's gonna get himself down nope no friend of mine [Music] [Applause] feel [Music] huh [Music] now well let's quit stalling mr lyon your time's up and i'm getting pretty hungry you're pretty hungry well mr buzzard i've got news for you you're never going to get me never never never [Music] what capture [Applause] [Music] [Music] you might as well eat me now and have done with it but just hoping you're talking on me i am um sorry leo i can't eat nothing but marshmallows uber have one [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey what's your matter kid you're hungry well why don't you go in and eat oh you mean you're afraid of advice water don't be silly i just watch me kid and i'll show you how it's done oh justin uh [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hmm [Music] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you see how easy it is now i got an idea hey come here kid and i'll tell you how you can do the same thing hey come here now here's what you do you uh you're going to never see the money chris delivery suit now besides have you got your walked off his [Music] okay well you all said kid you go in there and do your stuff i'll see you later good luck [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] get out and stay out you unsanitary old fly you [Music] i wonder how that jerk fly made out oh well it's time for dinner i think i'll go in and have a little snack [Music] hey cut it off that's all folks hmm do so [Music] [Applause] hmm and pardon me doc fresh out of carrots [Music] i live here it's my home that's what it is [Music] look doc do i go around nailing signs over your house do i there's still such a thing as private property you know give it here at the inalienable right of the sanctity of the home forgive me my friend do you like blackberry spy and no no and did you say blackberry pie yum yummy what a hot song of course you realize this means war [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now from the empty heart i will press the gauge go across to get pressed [Music] yes [Music] guess who you yes me [Music] you didn't expect to see me again yesterday go away please you dumb rabbits bunny you are for ruining my act wrong doc i'm gonna help you uh let's see now um you was trying to press the gucci gate press the dance press the uh pull a rabbit out of the hat regarding [Music] foot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] carrot oh yes yes come out and get the nice carrot pretty bunny [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got him on the contrary i've got you oh [Music] oh [Music] ladies and gentlepeoples for my next illusion i will require the assistance of a small boy from the audience i shall be happy to assist you sir i shall now attempt to run razor sharp swords [Music] no [Music] wow [Music] [Music] very much sunny boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what a performance [Music] if i do it i get a weapon i do it oh [Music] uh here we are at one of the country's most interesting zoos [Music] here we find the wolf in his natural setting next a pack of camels a north american greyhound [Music] and here two bucks and five cents and here two friendly elves hello bill hello bill hello bill hello bear no zoo would be complete without a monkey consequences [Music] hey sister can't you read [Music] mother nature's own weatherman the little groundhog and his shackle [Music] over here we find [Music] hey hey don't annoy that time it's dangerous can't you read that sign you'd better take my advice and leave him alone shame shame you're a bad boy the skunk cage is always a center of interest well we're lucky it's feeding time for the giraffe [Music] this is the second time i've had to speak to you leave that line alone i'm warning you i'm a big boy [Music] and here we come to a family of white rabbits of course you all know how fast they multiply [Music] now over here in the birdhouse we find the wise old owl who you me yes [Music] an interesting bird is the south african talking parrot polly want a cracker [Music] i said uh polly want a cracker nah give me a short beer another interesting bird is the alcatraz jailbird oh he did so do it i saw him with my very own eyes so there [Music] over here we find mother ostrich on her nest [Music] well you do have something to grow about look out look out well a jackpot [Laughter] for the last time you'd better stop annoying that line if you know what's good for you i'm a big boy new to the zoo is an elephant just in from africa hello express company this is joe jumbo we'll send it up right away you know those guys have had my twunk for a week [Music] and here we have uh well these are some things we had left over from that last new year's party pacing back and forth in their cage we find two restless panthers bread and butter bread and butter bread and butter bread and butter bread and butter bread and butter well here we have jay wellington buttonhook mr buttonhook used to thrill thousands at the circus by putting his head in a lion's mouth in this cage we find the rocky mountain hey wildcats hey hey just a minute bud tell me just what made you wild what made me wild what made me wild well i'll tell you they called my name out at bank night and i wasn't there [Applause] well i guess that little fella finally took my advice and went home [Music] i'm a bad boy [Music] [Music] the tall man with a hi-hat and a whiskers on his chin we'll soon be knocking at your door and you ought to be in the tall man with the high hat will become went down your way get your savings out when you hear him shout and he borns today come on and get him folks come on skip right up and get him any bonds today bunch of freedom that's what i'm selling any bonds today scrape up the most you can here comes the freedom man asking you to buy your share of freedom today many stamps today give kitties we'll be blessed if we all invest in the usa shop my uncle sammy here comes the freedom man can't make tomorrow's plan not unless you buy a share of freedom today any stamps any anybody [Music] hmm ladies and gentlemen tonight it gives me extreme pleasure to present our entire thing intrepid in ge interpretation of a familiar fairy tale entitled the big bad wolf and a tree little pigs sent to the delightful music of johannes brams hungarian dances as the scene opens we find the three little pigs building their respective houses [Music] sticks [Music] i'm the smart little pig i build my house of bricks [Applause] you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] hmm foreign [Music] so [Music] it's here abc tv invites your whole family to enjoy the exciting new nighttime fun frolic of hollywood's all-time favorites don't miss the bugs bunny show yes everybody laughs at that carrot-eating character and his crazy pals daffy duck the big dame hunter pepe le pew yosemite sand oh mule and who else bug the oscar-winning tweeny pie i thought i [Music] and the fastest mouse in all mexico speedy gonzales and all the other cartoon stars your family and the whole world last set in abc tv's nighttime fun show the bugs bunny show [Music] abc delicious fun hmm it's empty i gotta get some more post alphabets cause alphabets are made from oats [Music] are power packed with energy come down rabbit [Music] oh well am i you're on your way home fuzzy oh thank you bugs now i've got all the letters of the alphabet yessiree alphabet spell energy from a to z with a capital e wait a minute i am home just a little bit better and stay out wabbit yeah doc i forgot my alphabets oh rabbit those are my alphabets they're abc delicious a b c delicious e f g g i'm crazy about post alpha bits h i i was robbed [Music] officer somebody wobbed my post alphabets i believe it was that crazy rabbit bugs bunny describe the good stock well post alpha bits is the only cereal with all the wetters of the alphabet they're made with real oats to make you strong and full of energy and sugar sparkle to taste just a little bit better you mean alphabet spell energy from a to c with a capital these letters happen to be just a little bit better crazy wabbit they're abc delicious get them quick like a bunny uh-oh what's new stranger a new taste ranger now post alphabets is brown sugar frosted brown sugar frosted does that make every crisp letter made from oats golden that's white mister our new golden alphabets more abc delicious than ever how to mister our new golden alphabets loaded with energy absolutely mister then start today a little bit better abc deliciously wait a minute you're that pesky rabbit those are my golden alphabets they were your new golden alphabets fudgy i'll be [Music] i'm back with the only cereal with brown sugar on it and the only one with all the lettuce too new golden alpha bits you'll get a kick out of them thanks bugs [Music] you'll go for new golden alphabets too [Music] just think i used to be a nine pound weakling but now paul sugarcrisp gives me the muscles of wheat mussels in his ears yet post sugar crisp is made of whole wheat that's why it helps make you big and strong so start your day a little bit better with a sugar and honey and hoey treat fresh from post it's stucky like daffy turkey like daffy get it sure they get it all us tough bunnies get sugar crisp [Music] darker day a little bit better i gotta have some of that sugar crisp [Music] welcome doc what can i do for you i'm all ears i'm hunting that ornery rabbit you mean the one who takes your sugar crisp because they're made of whole wheat to help make him strong that's the long-eared varmint haven't seen him darn nation give me back my sugar crisp [Music] well if you can't beat them get the muscles of whole wheat with post sugar crisp for breakfast it's indeed or eat it like candy start your day a little bit better get sugar crisp in post treat pack too sick sweet treats made just for kids like me and you [Music] howdy partner hey how come you're not over in cactus canyon they just had to be ghost right there tactus canyon where's that straight ahead to the third traffic light then turn left yeah you can't miss it much obliged to you sir will you stick around and watch my claim for me now that's what i call a wild gold chase here's what i'm after instant tang [Music] boy this cold mountain water makes tang taste like it just came out of the refrigerator which is the way i like tang best for breakfast or any old time and tang gives me so much pep i feel like a new rabbit uh-oh hold on there you furry varmint take my tang [Music] hurry folks step right up shoot a duck and win a jar of natural orange flavor tang it's the new improved tang that tastes better than ever boy i like instant tank but i hate the idea of shooting a relative just shoot one little duck duck and get this big jar of tang good bye auntie you missed but you can't miss with pain and if you really want pain at its best make up a pitcher full and cool it off in the refrigerator overnight great for breakfast or any tasty old time why you miserable tankster now wait i was just kidding step right up folks hit the rabbit and win a big jar of tang it's a living when i get all the tang i want i hope you do too on yosemite sam when our craves are shot a red eye sorry doc we only serve tang here time what's that it's new natural orange flavored tang greater than ever for breakfast or any other time yeah show me rabbit easy just mix with cold water all right but i'm aiming not to like it it's delicious it's even better when you chill a picture full all night in the refrigerator yeah we'll give me some of that too here's how okay you cotton-tailed rattlesnake dance all right but i gotta have me trusty rope all right all right i'm dancing it's the end of the line for you pal can't i have just one more class of time for a go one glass always leads to another especially when it's new natural orange flavor thing [Music] are you ready for the blast off rabbit all said to be the first rabbit on jupiter doc last away five four three two one the boom at first i tweaked that queasy rabbit he'll never steal my tang again i always tweak instant tang ice cold the colder the tang the better it tastes for breakfast or anytime the best way i know to get even with somebody is to cut off their tang supply so we'll just see how mr wise rabbit's doing without that delicious tank hey look at that he's rounded already hey what do you know i'm in tangrilla oh no get new natural orange flavor tang gang it's now by far the best drink on any planet post makers of post treat pack sick sweet treats made just for kids start your day a little bit better with post feedback post the cereals that start your day a little bit better post start today a little bit better start your day with a cereal from post start your day a little bit better better start out with the most with a little bit better cereal fresh from post tang the instant breakfast drink that helps you to be strong and healthy i like it tang the instant breakfast drink that helps you to be strong and healthy i like it [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] do [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] bye [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so hello folks tonight is amateur night next we have a talented artist my stroke had a whiskey [Music] [Music] wow [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] next on the program the hindu mystic swamy river and his biscuit trick first i must have a subject from the audience [Music] up [Music] give this gentleman his money back now we have the world's smallest entertainer teeny tiny teensy tiny tiny time [Music] [Music] [Music] the man was sure [Music] [Music] flea [Music] sit [Music] coast of maine to the sunkist jars of california [Music] [Laughter] that's a good [Music] to be or not to be to be or not to be that is the the balcony scene from romeo and juliet [Music] hear my love in the bushes at the bottom of the garden [Music] good night good night parting is such sweet sorrow rarely it is [Music] oh my darling my only one i love you more than [Music] oh juliet my love let me thrill again to the soft sweet tones of your voice [Laughter] [Music] and now folks are coming real quick and now folks let's see who wins the cup [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] right ah [Music] up [Applause] this is snafu [Music] snafu is a soldier he's a patriotic conscientious guy thinks the army swell the that is with a few minor changes you'll find snafu in all branches of the service such as the infantry in the matter of rolling a pack snafu has improved somewhat on the regulation army method resulting in a more compact kid [Music] snafu's a deep thinker [Music] [Music] [Music] stops [Music] [Music] you guys don't give me none of that stuff i'm not dummy i know my rights as a soldier i want a lawyer get me a lawyer [Music] this is snafu hmm [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] wow [Music] gee am i hungry i could eat a saber-toothed tiger well anyway half a one well this isn't getting me breakfast here fido [Music] well thanks now come on i'm famished well i'll bet you're cranky before breakfast two [Music] be quiet [Music] yum yummy my favorite vegetable duck [Music] oh [Music] um [Applause] [Music] gosh that duck acts like he's crazy that is correct absolutely 100 correct [Music] so that's the way it is eh all right then [Music] thank you [Music] fine thing no swimming other cavemen get to go swimming but i never get to do anything well what are you looking at don't just stand there do something now go get it the big llamacs well now isn't that clever the hunter's helper now come on [Music] wait here [Music] here you are girly [Music] gee thanks a lot well just what i wanted a duck breakfast gee i can hardly wait come on fido [Music] we're almost there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] you know maybe that wasn't such a hot idea after all good night folks hey in the morning in the evening think we got fun life is sunny oh my honey think we got fun we never worry no reason to fart take it easy that's all okay let's go december [Applause] [Music] oh there's nothing to be afraid of he can't hurt us he can't get in here the cat lights out [Music] hmm all clear the cat's gone [Music] come on out fellas hey where is everybody [Music] what's the rush i'm not going to hurt you [Music] look what i've got for you [Music] later listen you can have all the cheese you want [Music] [Music] and that's better now get going [Music] [Applause] oh that cat he done told me out there in the kitchen that oh he's come here to save us and not to enslave us that cats are right just the same oh no kids that cat is a two face a judge or a single neighbor [Applause] he wants to protect us from the ones who wrecked us please hear me he wants to protect us now that's what i've been saying that'll be fire then hurry and sign a true [Music] did you ever have a feeling that you wanted something um but you didn't know what it was yeah yeah oh sure i always get that feeling too i know i want a nice fat tender mouse yes [Music] [Laughter] you're a nice bad tender mouse you'll do [Music] shock [Music] i [Applause] [Music] we did it before and we can do it again and we will do it again with one for all and we're off for one and again before we're [Music] done we did it before and we can do it again and we will do it again we'll knock them over and then we'll get the guy in back the friends we did it before we'll do it now again man tobacco son of a guy just better leave a soccer teacher like this up see and remember above all so adam obama jimbo wrecking him foster fanny snipper at all on a philip doucher you got that okay [Music] [Music] a little oh [Music] wow [Music] we do it [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] don't you every time you drink your honey you just waste it and then you smooth but honey i i i'm like a bird [Music] oh [Music] like a woman [Music] [Music] i wonder you're too careless with your kisses that i want from you [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] they tell me i'm crazy but i'm not much [Music] [Music] maestro [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] me [Music] so [Music] hello mm-hmm [Music] and let's not get nosy bud [Music] would you like to be my girl oh [Music] no i wouldn't like to be a girl [Music] oh boy old boy oh boy she's a regular heady lamber [Music] how about a little kiss they're beautiful [Music] [Music] wow boys [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] beware of the voice of this no my base vicious door fishes dog wow [Music] [Music] i seen this done in a feature picture once [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell me a flange [Music] in your body [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow she still loves me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] noisy daisy [Music] [Music] i guess i've lost you daisy and i'll never see you again daisy [Music] oh my daisy what have they done to you what have they done to you they've changed you [Music] wow she hasn't changed [Music] um you thought i was gonna say as son of a didn't you [Music] hmm big me and hold the onions huh what'd you say oh oh nothing oh [Music] land [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh what's the good word strangers food [Music] hey [Music] ah white man welcome to huma huma is [Music] you know well thanks gee [Music] oh [Music] um hmm [Music] is [Music] the back please the back [Music] [Applause] look you too doc we're gonna have that we're gonna have room [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] ouch [Music] why you one fourth move out of you and out [Music] um [Music] a a ship [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going on a boat [Music] have a nice trip fellas farewell don't forget [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye don't forget to ride farewell [Music] um [Music] the typical american farm presents many interesting sites this show horse is the pride of the fire and the winner of many blue ribbons he is trained to perform in every game first let's see you do a trot now the gallop that's fine now do a canter i'm happy about the whole thing the way that you walk the way that you talk that's enough of that [Music] here we find the farmer's faithful old watchdog [Music] though he is no longer very active he still does a few little odd jobs around the house one of his chores is to fetch the newspaper oh there's the paper now [Music] i can hardly wait to see what happened to dick tracy here is a group of cute little piggies playing in the well what are they up to they seem fascinated by that clock oh well here's a proud mother hen carefully watching over her eggs anxiously awaiting the eventful day what a happy little family this will be [Music] what's this a weasel the ruthless thief of the barnyard watching his chance to sneak in and steal those defenseless little eggs he draws closer and closer and closer [Music] don't ever do that [Music] in the nearby trees we find many species of bird life the birds always oh look up there no no over to the left see a little owl nestling inside the tree trunk [Music] here's an interesting sight a young couple laboriously building their nest with a bit of string from here and a piece of straw from there a little twig a bit of string piece of straw a little twig a bit of string piece of straw a little twig but a string piece of straw a little twig string sauce twigs swings our drink string towards quick springs [Music] at the edge of the woods field mice make their home here we see one of the most common types say he seems to be a bit worried [Music] tell me little fellow what seems to be troubling you i don't know doc i i just keep hearing things [Music] even the tiniest of insects such as the ants have a language all their own [Music] emerging from the opening comes a female of the species if you listen very closely you can hear her calling to her young coming mother the modern farm is conducted on a business like well here are those little piggies again say piggies why don't you go off and play [Music] oh well suit yourself here is one of the strangest friendships that has ever been known natural enemies yet living together as friends a cat and a mouse tell me is it true that the cat takes good care of you [Music] and keeps you nice and warm well that's truly a friendship now before we leave you is there anything that you would like to say to your friends in the audience [Music] get me out of [Applause] [Music] and so as the day draws to a close and the sun sinks slowly in the west we reluctantly take our leave of the farm well the piggies again are they going to stay there all night what in the world can the attraction be [Music] inner time [Music] what all dear every day it's the same thing hey so uh backward turn backward old time in your flight make me a child again just for tonight and between these covers we find these immortal favorites sleeping beauty remember the lovely princess who was bewitched into a deep slumber until her prince charming came to break the spell come on wake up wake up you lazy good for nothing come on wake up tom thumb a little boy who got his name because he was no bigger than a man's thumb let's pay this interesting family a visit [Music] good evening mr and mrs thumb where's little tom are you tom thumb [Music] yeah that's me why i thought you were no bigger than a man's thumb how did you get so big vitamin b1 [Music] the grasshopper and the ant the story of the industrious little ant and the lazy grasshopper foreign [Music] you're gonna be sorry i've worked all summer and put away plenty for the winter but you you lazy thing you're gonna starve [Music] the bad boy of the fairy tales the boy who cried wolf whoa whoa he'll pump the wolf walls [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you'll learn his lesson someday jack and the beanstalk the story of the boy who climbed a beanstalk only to be met at the top by a ferocious two-headed giant who forced jack to run for his life [Music] say you almost had it why did you quit he's been sick [Music] the wolf in sheep's clothing the fifth columnist of his day by means of a disguise he preyed upon unsuspecting little sheep [Music] [Music] scram bum i'm working this side of the pasture [Music] the arabian nights gave us the story of aladdin and his wonderful land all aladdin had to do was to rub the lamp and presto the genie appeared i dream of genie where they like brown hair i dream a teeny wedding [Music] that nasty kid again [Music] what a joke what a joke hey young fella you're going to yell wolf once too often hey go on come on make your own business match your own business can a guy have a little fun a session in the woodshed wouldn't do that boy any harm and here's a bird you wouldn't mind having in your own home a goose that lays golden eggs hey wait a minute you're supposed to lay golden eggs not anymore brother i'm doing my bit for national defense [Music] old mother hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor dog a bone why you dirty double crossing food harder see the food harder food harder remember this little nursery rhyme this little piggy went for to marky this little piggy he's gone fortis their home this little piggy has have roast beef and smash and this poor little piggy he don't have anything all kinds things to eat and this little piggy has fought to crying like anything oh for crying out pizza mother be careful my corn cinderella and her glass slipper a little girl help somebody he's at it again wow [Music] haha [Music] so [Applause] wartime america faces the greatest demand for food in our history food for our army and navy food for the invasion front food for ourselves on the home front food to help our fighting alive and the people of the allied countries it takes pounds of food a day to keep a soldier on the fighting front millions of pounds of food each day the best way to supply our men overseas and our fighting allies with most of the foods they need is in dried form and in cans in addition to the military other factors affect our canned food supply take tin for example our major peacetime sources have been cut off by the enemy our railroads and other transportation facilities are being taxed to their utmost carrying munitions armaments war supplies and troops that leaves less shipping space for civilian food stuff and then there's the farm labor shortage all this means that we at home will have less canned fruits vegetables soups and other processed foods for our use without rationing of these foods some people would get more than their fair share others would not even get what they need but rationing assures everyone of his fair share that is why your government is rationing canned fruits and vegetables and other processed foods until now we have been rationing one item at a time like sugar and coffee but processed fruits and vegetables are not one product they are hundreds of products in hundreds of different brands grades sizes varieties in cans bottles packages in dried and frozen form one cannot say is in the case of sugar each citizen will be allowed two cans of peaches a week or four cans of spinach it may be true that some people don't like spinach some of you may want to buy canned corn others of you may want to buy canned peas or spinach so the question arises what method of rationing can be used so that each citizen may get his fair share of canned fruits and vegetables and other commercially packed foods and that will still allow freedom of choice the system which has been adopted and has worked successfully in england for over a year is called point rationing in the point rationing system all these foods are grouped together and your ration book is used to buy those you like those items which are not so scarce will take fewer points items which are more scarce will take more points point stamps to buy these ration goods are in war ration book two this book contains blue and red stamps blue stamps are to be used for canned fruits vegetables soups juices and other processed foods red stamps will be used for meat this is a typical page of blue stamps in war ration book 2. notice that the stamps are given point numbers eight five two one everyone will get 48 points each period that means you will use blue stamps abc for the first period def for the second and so forth point values will be the same in all stores every store in which you shop must post the official table of point values of all point ration items in all sizes from time to time point values may change and stores will post the new point values here's an example of how point rationing works this lady all decked out with her family's brand new ration books starts out to do some shopping first of all she wants to buy a can of peas she wants to buy a can of chicken soup and she wants some dried prunes well there's our list complete and all that remains to be done is to tear up 14 points in stamps and pay the grocer but wait just a minute just for fun let's take another look at that point ration table hey slow down there what about those string beans why they're only three points in the size we want if we buy those instead of p's we can save five points and what's this fresh apples don't require any points but why not buy those instead of dried prunes and save another point so there we are our shopping list complete with the same amount of goods and with six points saved for future use smart girl she's smart in more ways than one too because she used her large stamps first wisely saving her small ones for low point purchases later on because she shops early in the day and so helps her grocer because wherever possible she substitutes unrationed fresh fruits and vegetables for canned or processed ones this is point rationing this is the way to assure everyone here at home an equal opportunity to get the same fair share this is the way to assure food for our fighting men and for our fighting allies share and share alike is the american way to victory hey [Music] as everyone knows goldfish must have water in order to exist [Music] but goldfish hate cats [Music] while on the other hand cats hate water but must have goldfish in order to exist so [Music] foreign [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so hmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] as we were saying cats hate uh cats love water and goldfish hate cats hmm [Music] um [Music] [Applause] hmm rover sandy what do you say old boy oh boy what's a good void what's jumping how's every little team not very good bloody i'm in a streak of horror luck say hutman what are you doing in that grand car i belong in it i got myself a master now see three square meals a day no more bumming around the streets for me all i gotta do is wag my tail and make out i'm glad to see him when he comes home then it's nice doggie this and nice doggy dad that's a cinch that sounds very rigid but how did you manage to put it over in the first place well one day i did tournaments to get me a master so i goes to a red sea district way over on park avenue where all of them swelled penthouses is to the fancy entrance up to the top floor of a classy apartment house in our rings at one of the doors [Music] never fails hello bub hey i got a preposition for you look you ain't got no dog and i ain't got no master what do you say we gets together you know let's mortgage yeah try me for size and i'm affectionate too where are we going bye-bye i must sorry but i don't want a dog well yeah that's that i know all the tricks to you know sit up roll over even play dead watch me make like riga morris and i'm very affectionate too [Music] um [Music] guess whoa [Music] foreign [Music] hey i can take a hint you don't want me now don't deny it you don't want me nobody wants me i'm a dog without a country that's what i'm a refugee what good is life without love love without you that does it this is the end goodbye cruel world [Music] spatter [Music] did you lose something bud [Music] hey fatso look [Music] [Music] don't jump don't do it [Music] i'm a bad boy that's all [Music] [Music] i'll i'll be robin hood who's gonna be robin hood yeah you're gonna be robin hood [Music] who's gonna be robin hood you're gonna be robin hood all right you can be little john [Music] who's gonna be the rich old villain now who's gonna be the old villain now let's see who's gonna be the main old ritual villain who's gonna be the old me don't get so excited all you gotta do is march to the forest with your treasure and we'll rob you and give it to the poor would that be fun [Music] he wants to be the villain don't you [Music] [Music] i don't know why i always have to be the bad guy i'd like to be the good guy once in a while i guess [Music] so you'll never [Music] come on this time you were facing your enemy remember you're the terrible guy to [Music] [Music] the things we should do [Music] oh who's there it's me maid marion no who could make marion be [Music] get the book foreign [Music] [Music] gee she's my sweetheart we gotta save her where are you maid marian where are you mate marion here i am am [Music] where are you here i am where [Music] we better hurry [Music] here i am robin hood and i like little squirrels very very much [Music] i love little squirrels little fat juicy squirrels especially with carrots and potatoes and doesn't that just make your mouth water [Music] hmm [Music] guess we better break down the door look fellas get me out of here see [Music] look fellas please get me out of here guess we'll have fox stew tonight boys look fellas i'm young strong healthy don't let him kill me oh my gosh i'm afraid to [Music] thanks a lot [Music] hmm so uh [Music] duck shot [Music] those hunters couldn't hit the broad side of a duck [Music] ah they caught me oh oh yike [Music] get them while we more we tweet them we tweet them take it easy rover that's no way to retrieve a duck look [Music] gentle like see larimore [Music] hello sorry i had to plug you mr duck but i'm a sportsman a great great sportsman a great sportsman [Music] [Laughter] [Music] listen sport you don't know the meaning of fair play what chance has a poor helpless fluffy little winged creature like me against you you with your bullets and your shotgun and your knife and your dick call and your honeymoon and your honey and all kinds of stuff like that there what processing have i got a bullet proof vest i suppose how does that get there how'd you like to meet me in a fair fight with such support all things being called me and to man marquis of queensbury rules that's different eh yeah that's something else again yeah you don't like that do you sportsman no [Music] ladies and gentle ducks in that connor [Music] he's a dog you can have him [Laughter] [Music] what a elmer fudd hello [Music] [Applause] and in this corner a duck who needs no introduction that outstanding exponent of clean sportsmanship that champion of champions your friend and mine our own our beloved daffy good to his mother duck [Music] now boys fight clean oh brother no rough stuff none of this or this or this or likes a hole or this or this or this you understand yeah you mean uh [Music] how about a little of this [Music] absolutely you know there's something awfully screwy about this fight or my name isn't larimore and it isn't [Music] hmm getting a little sin on top how about a little something to stimulate the scalp [Music] now shake hands [Music] all right all right i'll take that over there ain't he a dope you sure this is the one you want [Music] you're right all right one and here's round one coming up 139.10 you're out the winner and new champion daffy duck [Music] [Applause] i'm not the one to complain mr wafflewee but i thought you said no what stuff none of this or this or this or like so or this or this or this [Music] that's all folks [Music] um [Music] um [Music] out [Music] who done that [Music] wonderful morning wonderful morning great morning a wonderful morning just said that didn't i fine morning [Music] can't sleep all day no i don't sleep all day myself insomnia [Music] i'll speak to the governor about that i'll have those mice parole good morning oscar hi look just get a load of that sea air [Music] no no you can't do this to me come on no no anything but this come on it'll all be over in a minute [Music] you sure got a tougher whiskers sir buddy [Music] watch this who threw that who wants to know [Music] why don't you bounce that ball off his dome drop that ball [Music] two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock two o'clock [Music] [Music] all night long i've been dreaming and [Music] they all bore me life in okay loving buddies a sorry a so very very very sorry warden dear of our timer screaming from here [Music] yes i am going to scram oh yes i'm going to go i'm going to scream i'm going to take it on the lambo [Music] [Music] bye-bye thanks there why don't somebody do something do something say that's a good idea maybe i can do something sure [Music] yes [Music] out [Music] hey ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] me [Music] whoopee [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha wow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] ha ha ha ha is it a boy [Music] [Music] pup [Music] oh [Music] i wish [Music] [Music] wings [Music] [Music] i wish i had rings wings [Music] now he's got wings wonderful wings there'll [Music] but here are we here [Applause] [Music] glory be he's so free cause he's got wings [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] so [Music] oh folks [Music] i live here [Music] man dvd cartoon classics
Views: 595,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Parody, Spoof, Satire, Slapstick, Classic Films, Vaudeville, Droll, TV Shows, TV Series, Entertainment, Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Chuck Jones
Id: Zmg8s8rswVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 332min 23sec (19943 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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