The Actual Longest Run In History? | Repentance on Stream (Episode 78)

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okay new character um that's probably the last time we'll ever do a tainted cane run on twitch is my expectation let's let's keep the the bad vibes flowing and let's try to do a uh let's try to do a jacob and esau run we have so much left to do i mean to make boss rush will be something here man give it a try bad vibes only at least get the first item room it feels nice to actually have some damage for the first time in a long time like in terms of tainted characters i love the idea of tainted kane which is why like i play as him too often um it's kind of the same situation as uh as tainted jacob but uh after playing through the uh you know maybe like four runs on on twitch i'm like i kind of actually don't like them definitely farnikis hello again and thank you for the the gifted subscriptions thank you like it's it's the worst part of um minecraft streaming combined with uh isaac to begin with i think you just i gotta accept that it's my own stubbornness and i gotta you know look up the recipes and then just like uh you know steamroll the runs and pretend it's all skill i think that's the secret just doing endless like uh alabaster box place [Music] okay you know it now that we know that there's a bad trip in there there's a full health so you got nothing to worry about can of corn what's your favorite factory smell is that like a normal thing that people no i already know the answer to that question [Laughter] that's not a normal thing i immediately i merely ask you to explain yourself okay now this is good stuff you know a bomb for god's flesh it's not an item i have a great deal of respect for but we'll we'll take it either way as in like a new car so like your favorite new product smell i always like the smell of a dairy queen it's like a weird smell but uh it's like industrial coolant or something but a dairy queen always has like a weird kind of like aroma to it why though something to do with the refrigeration i think there's like like nitrogen gas gets pumped into the whole building or something this is tier size [Music] you gotta give this a try you know the the doubled up items you got to give it a try we could still do boss rush we gotta go a little faster to say the least but i was just making a guess i don't i don't know if it's actually nitrogen gas we've got a lot of whmis employees who have taken great issue with those those comments maybe they add the ice cream smell into the nitrogen gas so you don't huff it because that would probably be bad for your brain right it's not sulfur i know sulfur but like i think dairy queen counts as a factory smell because it's not the like when you go into the subway it smells like the bread you know that would be what's your favorite new smell subway what's your favorite factory smell subway i don't think so dairy queen on the other hand i'm like that's not that's not a food smell that's a chemical smell i think it counts okay okay subway smells gross wrong well someone's gonna have to spank him maybe you you know what that's not the wrong way to describe maybe it's some kind of chlorine like chlorine smells like a dairy queen smells like a swimming pool changing room i could definitely see that there it's not a dissimilar smell but i i kind of like the smell of the swimming pool chlorine as well yep i mean it's probably not chlorine gas now that i think about it that's when you mix cleaning products at home and accidentally like scar your lungs forget the deal with the devil man i don't think it's happening i we should try something even if we get a deal with the devil we should try to finesse some deals with the angel man because you could take multiple deals with the angel with jacob and esau that's the ticket it will become an angel room andrew or something like that let's not go with andrew let's go with um a different name that starts with an a how about andy here we go problem solved there we go okay deal with the devil hypothetically earned i'm not afraid anymore that's pretty good in fact i would say that that's very good [Music] boss rush is going to be a little tough the deal no we're not going to the deal we're going to deals with the angel now if you don't go this is what i've been told if you don't go to your first deal with the devil you get a guaranteed angel on your next boss fight put your question marks in your pocket this is true not guaranteed oh on your next deal not on your next boss okay well still that's still what i'm looking for but i i will say it puts uh a little bit of a monkey wrench into it because now i realize i've still got to not take red heart damage yeah i did um i i did read online that the smell that we think of as as swimming pool chlorine is actually just the chemical byproduct of when um the chlorine in the swimming pool reacts with urine um but like i know it's supposed to like gross you out but if you were under the opinion that like a swimming pool does not have urine in it to begin with especially like a big public pool you were just living in a naive world to begin with and honestly i'm happy that your your bubble has been shattered it's not a sanitary place to be i mean you're literally like you're in the same vessel of water as like little kids like little toddlers and stuff like that you really think they're not just letting it fly that's fake news it reacts with any urea so it could just be sweat yeah it could be could just be a bunch of like you know sweaty kids sweating it up in the pool suppose there's one that's one thing it could be i was at a friend's pool and it smelled like that yo what your friend has got a pool that has so much chlorination you can actually smell it like that what's it like oh you live in the upper east side all pools smell like that you got to go to some above ground pools in rural ontario they do not smell like that they smell like like leeches and flat dr pepper anyway even if that's not the smell this created when the chlorine reacts hold on this this is the thinking man's gamble here um i'm telling you that that pool is full of pee don't blow yourself up he's so smart um so i think forget the middle for now the other two items are pretty good you go here you go here we walk into them we're happy wait is the middle item still there hold on i always forget no okay it's like some of them you can take all three right wait if you take the middle and the left do you get to also take the third one as well you get to take the non-question mark right yeah yeah okay so in the future we should not do it like that fair enough donkey dunk okay this is your easy play still got a chance at a deal but dude the didn't get it didn't get it but that's okay we we put up an honest-to-goodness try there now i do want to go to the mirror dimension but like at some point we gotta acknowledge um the folly of this anyway the point is look you're you ever been on the highway those people that are driving used to be kids some of them still are you put you you look at them nobody's using their signal lights they're inconsiderate they don't care about anybody else i think we should have you both become the lost maybe not but it does protect your hp as long as you don't get hit two times um you're telling me that as as kids they weren't peeing in the pool i don't believe it 100 they were peeing in the pool [Music] you can lie to yourself all you want but uh i think you're you're swimming in urine it's just the price you pay for the recreation of going to a pool it's worth it i've been of the opinion ever since i was a a little kid that every pool i go into unless it's like private is gonna probably have somebody else's like urine in it still win swimming all the time it's just fun if that puts you off from uh from swimming then honestly good for me you know less crowded so i don't think this will actually work based on what i know from tinted jacob i don't know if this will actually work but we got it it totally worked okay never mind totally worked plus like i don't know anything about pool maintenance but like isn't that what the chlorine's there for to begin with i thought the the chlorine was there as like a a p neutralizer okay is is modestly spicy some people will tell you not to do this and and i mean like we we ourselves have gone through it many times and determined that it is almost never the right call to actually try to get this item but i'm gonna do it anyway because we got a plum flute i think plum flute can do it [Laughter] whoops i know gamers who don't fight the mirror boss and they're all cowards exactly man looks precisely okay drop it quick it's these flies these flies are the worst saved destroyed look at it just bodied okay now a tears upgrade belongs to you sir belongs to you serious question what does can of corn mean i'm gonna stop saying it it's not it's not like offensive it's only offensive that it's from uh the longest yard also known as adam sandler's money laundering scheme 2005 uh but i can't stop saying it because it's lodged in my brain all i'm gonna say is if you don't fight the mirror boss you probably pull down your pants to pee at the urinal you probably use a bag or a pair of scissors to open a bag of potato chips and i'll tell you 100 you definitely pee in the pool but on top of that you also tattle on other people you're the kind of guy you you pee in the pool but then you also go like hey i bet tony peed in the pool right pee pooler pool pier pool pier 100 percent the worst kind sorry this damage is just damage taken to whom much is given much is tested great start is too specific there's all i mean it's the it's the classic he who smelt it dealt it is there a worse legal defense than that hey who farted he who smelt it doubted it's literally like it's the most nonsensical defense you could possibly muster hey i'd like to report a murder i saw a dead body oh really have you ever heard of the legal defense of he who smelt it dalton and then i i wills of the two he who denied it supplied it i believe that that probably has a greater incidence of being correct there's a tinted rock there but need a bomb oh we're gonna get a bomb in baseball you say can of corn when it's an easy pop fly you know that i did not know but i will say by the way thank you to everybody who was like hey turn your tv on to uh game mode and then you'll be able to enjoy mlb the show you're absolutely right turned my tv into game mode uh and literally went from batting like 110 and just being confused about like like i'm pressing the button but it just feels wrong to uh i hit two home runs in my first game and i was like oh this is what the game is supposed to be like and then the difficulty adjusted upwards because it's dynamic difficulty and uh you know now i'm kind of like back at the a lower batting average but i'm having a better time like i feel like my swings are going when they're supposed to go yeah i guess it reduces input lag um at the expense of making the picture quality worse but i honestly noticed no difference in quality whatsoever um and an enormous difference in input lag tvs i dude i'm not a believer in the smart tv i'm definitely like i'm a stupid tv sort of guy we've been down this road before i just like i mean it's it's a pretty minor like first world problem pro i like that my tv remote has a button that just sends me to netflix khan it also has a button that sends me to cbs all access which i do not care about whatsoever and it also has a button for deezer and i don't even know what deezer even is um i know i know the joke that's being made right now but um huge con why does my tv take a control space why does my tv take uh three minutes well it doesn't take three minutes let's not go crazy but like why does it take 10 seconds for my tv to boot up when in 1996 like all you did was press a button and it went like and it was good to go are you dead where are you god's flesh okay whatever this is a bad item anyway i kind of agree dude i'm glad find some common ground here and then like sometimes like it just fails to connect to the wi-fi when it turns this hitbox man it fails to connect to the wi-fi when it turns on so then i turn it off and i turn it on it fails to connect to the wi-fi and then i turn it on off and i turn it on and it's like ah there it is it's a tcl i'm not gonna flex and be like oh it's the most amazing tv ever made but i'm like it's it's what happened is that when we were moving we were gonna like we bought a bunch of new furniture we bought a bunch of new electronics and also we were buying a house in vancouver so it was like 10 quadrillion dollars so kate was like hey do you want to get like an expensive tv or a smart tv or like a an expensive tv or a cheap tv and i was like ah let's just get one that we like find on the side of the road and she was like we can't do that so we ended up uh buying like a pretty i mean like a budget price tcl but like i'm still kind of of the opinion where i'm like like even if this is the budget brand like how was a budget brand in 2019 at the time worse than like a budget brand picture tube tv in 1998 [Music] but anyway hold on i gotta get my dissertation done to figure out how to use these pills as each character this should be okay one in one in five chance more or less one in five chance for a deal with the angel this could turn this whole run around what did i tell you okay don't accidentally walk downwards now we're talking okay now i see the value of the deal with the angel here give me a little bit of this a little bit of that we love it you know what i mean we got a little chance to fight mega satan i feel like we got to take advantage of that little chance to fight mega satan we never know when we'll be back here as uh as jacob and esau we may abandon our alt path we already did abandon our ball our old path even better flooded caves too all right so we should try to do mega satan then i was i was in the business talking about tvs i was in another world yeah i'm feeling like maybe i gotta start giving uh angel deals a little bit more respect key it might matter just as as a principle just put everything on that guy man don't be stupid and if we're going to mega satan we can take as long as we want and take as long as we want you definitely do not want to get rid of the sun card for luck down i don't even know what i hit quite frankly that you just got to get used to that kind of energy when you're playing jacob and esau we do have holy mantle so here's what you do walk in like that i got a great idea here now this it requires moving parts so here's what you do okay you get get them stacked up get ready to leave no we don't leave okay i'm not freaking leaving i'm leaving i'm then returning but hiding out safely then we're opening this up very quickly and that's why you do it that's why you do it that's a can of corn right there [Laughter] omega brain but why though i wouldn't expect you to understand don't care didn't ask plus your chat okay we got zero cents i'm gonna sun card immediately on the next floor don't care didn't ask plus you're a cloud control space control control q control space control control q he's done it i knew it never a doubt in my mind okay we're just chilling control space verb control q lock down now that's a good one glad i burped that it's you know like there's just a lot of stuff you got to keep your eyes out for like you're already playing as two characters and then you're like oh yeah one of them's got holy mantle so make sure you use him as like a human shield whenever possible oh and yeah like also on top of that like can you remember what pill you had six floors ago as this guy maybe yes maybe no but for me it's it's definitely no it's too much purple horde actually moon card is pretty good can you give me a control q on that one not control space two two very different things there's these are omega runs man i'm like we're 23 minutes in we're on the depths one that's okay because you know what we got a great great deal with the angel chance here have you tried sparkling ice bubbly uh we don't speak about that corporation anymore if they'd like to get in touch uh spark mouth if you'd like to get in touch my dms on twitter are open bubbly if you'd like to get in touch please contact northernlionbusiness that's all that needs to be said still holding the grudge it's not a grudge it's just business you know clearly i i wasn't worth the time to respond to them and you know maybe they'll feel that way forever maybe they'll maybe they'll change their mind at some point they know where to reach me you can reach me at the same place where i tell all other strangers and brands i have no interest in working with to reach me spark mouth the dms are open anytime it's on site but in a good way bubbly redemption arc balls in their court check this out okay watch this you pop it control space the man he's the smartest man has ever lived then you come down here and you got a great opportunity use the plum flute i didn't want to have to mess around with purple heart that's the whole reason i did that it's not a great reason um but it is the reason get get out of here stop hitting me yeah we're gonna have to add a new rule to chat which is like honestly i might even not put this in the rules because i'd rather you just be surprised by it but if i look at your message history and you have more than one comment per day that's three question marks instant actual ban unban request denied stamped mod comment from the streamer that says don't open dead inside get ready i'm not saying it's gonna happen i'm just saying you know i got a day to percolate on it on uh on saturday we'll see new rules have mostly done a pretty good job i think occasionally people get a little ornery during isaac i can't maintain the moral superiority of like any time i make fun of like twitter for i dash dash cause not what do you do you know like stammering over themselves i can't maintain the superiority uh and do that um well my audience whenever they see something on the screen that they disagree with they just type three question marks it's it's hypocritical insubordinate and churlish one question mark i'll allow two question marks usually a typo i think it's the three question marks which is like the first question mark is i'm confused the second one is like i'm angry and the third one is like i'm insulting you okay dude we're definitely taking this look at the coverage look at the coverage we're gonna get now finally he's done it bootleg triple shot yeah exactly this is like a pirated dvd of of triple shot poor man's conjoined i mean it's not like jacob is doing anything anyway like look at the items i've given jacob he has little brim and experimental treatment and everything well and holy water but holy water and little brim are like it's just a machine gun with an uh barrel mounted grenade launcher like he's basically just he he exists just to carry that's that's pretty useful right there though i'm not gonna say no to that um he's covering fire i think i'm gonna buy both you know grunted whatever i'm not hungry anyway as that's one of the top copy pastas that's a copy pass that you can you can hang your hat on i'm a fool i'm a fool i got even the second one was even worse okay hold on i was like i'll just kick the bomb in there can't kick the bomb and i'll be all right petrified poop okay hold on petrified not petrified poop the plum is gonna do this for us anyway like the the flute is gonna kill the boss all we need to do is hang out the flute is going to do some damage to the boss whatever man 7.2 chance of a deal with the angel 7.2 percent it's like a one in sixteen chance pick a number between one and sixteen hold on we're clip farming never tell me the odds pick a number between one and sixteen 4. i thought we got it for a second there i thought we got it i was very excited um speed up doesn't really doesn't really concern me verb speed up why not dude okay i mean that was three speed upgrades like that's pretty good i guess we're down to the next floor i'm missing too much here send me dude send me do the eddy room that's actually a good idea the eddy room if we if we were i mean we had hp there we could have we could have leaned on we should definitely do the eddy room next if we need the support and because it's 30 minutes and we're on necropolis 2 i would say there's a pretty good chance we probably need the support also there is no eddie room okay i could have told you that was going to happen [Laughter] got this character it's so frustrating to when there's more than like two enemies on the screen you know it hit the spot aoe coverage toxic shock i forget the like there's green biohazard in this red biohazard dyemonium tv thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you there we go that invincibility [Music] dymonium thank you thank you come on man lovers card control space good stuff we've dropped everything now what is this cursed conjoined setup oh this is the tcl conjoint [Music] if you wanted samsung conjoined you you've come to the wrong uh the wrong stream control cue just thinking yeah okay well you should take this invested favorite uh alanis morissette song that's a great question [Music] this can be done you just gotta do it like that um i do i'm not joking like uh you to know is like an all-time classic i feel um head over feet is pretty good i forgot that hold on there's something i think we want to do it like this although the the damage it might not matter i don't know dude there's so much going on in this run i hate to lose plum flute but i think this is the right way to do it anyway like the flute is a is a serious source of damage for us i don't know man like it's one of those things there's so much there's an endless amount to worry about if you want to i really want broken modem at some point we gotta we gotta acknowledge like the run's gotta it's gotta go somewhere you know in order for us to go somewhere we gotta stop talking we gotta start playing there's a lot to think about is that you gotta you gotta draw the boundaries of your own world otherwise you'll get swallowed up by ambition you know um [Music] but favorite atlanta song that's that's the real meat and potatoes head over feed is good i don't mind like one hand in my pockets pretty good i think you ought to know is like that that song is like you know it's it's acidic you know it gets the people going it's got it's got a real like uncomfortable anger to it like a canadian liz fair i don't know what you do let's put you on the unit we don't care for anyway liz fair is canadian um doubt it it's fruit fruitcake but good no way okay oh hold on hold on i like both mine both my boys equally you that's a good meme you could use a meme template there whatever we got golden keys i wanted to make sure make sure shielded tears went on the unit that uh shoots straight favorite avril lavigne song i don't know man they're all kind of like omega bad i don't shy away from them from liking some some stuff this top 40 but uh they're they're all pretty not good right like the best is probably skater boy it's got it's got a it's got a hook it was definitely it's a vestige of his of his era complicated is just like i don't know i find complicated it's too easy listening it's got literally like zero edge it's the kind of song you could play in a grocery store and like even tip or gore would be like yo turn that up i love this song like i think when your song comes out sounding like a less edgy cheryl crow like it's time to put some emotion into it i don't know hello kitty i'll i'll admit it okay i just i simply do not girlfriend's got a hook i'll i'll give it the credit for having a hook at least but that's all i'm giving it credit for what did tip or gore do to you it's just my classic reference for like someone who gets offended by art [Laughter] just my code my go-to reference for someone who uh is like but that song has a swear word in it so um nl did you know he says the f word in that song okay 23 chance deal with the angel now we're talking i choose out of four numbers i choose the number two let's see didn't didn't take damage there that's fine hey well okay first we need to make sure that jacob doesn't get hit in so many words we need to make sure that jacob doesn't touch it two please two [Music] not two that's life what does this mean nl only has nostalgia for mumble rock the heck is mumble rock oh are you talking about slint guilty is charged we're free we're free next floor we're getting that deal mumble rock is like rascal flats i don't i i can't name a single rascal flat song unless they sing that one that i saw on twitch that one time that was like thank god for country girls thank god for lyft trucks these are real lyrics by the way hubba stank no i have no nostalgia for hubba stank only good thing hubba stank ever did was the music video for the song the reason two of hearts no thank you this is slander what hooba's think is two songs okay so they they have the reason which is by far the most famous the the music video and they're in they robbed a bank and what's the other one that's the real question here don't take my rotten heart my my icky rotten heart i just don't think you'd understand cause if you take my heart we gotta do my i got a two of hearts crawling in the dark my wounds they will not heal no man i don't know anything else about hoover's tank i'm just being straight up with you i don't know if anybody else does either like i'll just come out and say that i think one of the big reasons hubba stank is uh known at all is because they got a funny name i think if they did not have a funny name that got people going you'd never hear about them if their name was like you know bill mccoy and the boys like you'd you would never hear of any of their songs including the reason you couldn't escape that song by the way in the mid 2000s you're just like you know driving through downtown dish network bagging through text for the location of the heiya music video or at least yeah by usher and mtv's like best i can do the reason by hubba stank over and over people were like calling in and requesting that you're like what you don't like to you haven't heard the reason in five minutes just wait again okay i mean this is how you can tell like i'm i'm going for broke on a run we're actually deliberately using a two room properly doesn't happen too often great yeah that's about the average yield from that chest so no no sweat okay i'm trying to figure out how i'm watch this okay this is gigabrain i don't want uh jacob to move because he doesn't have holy mantle so i just made sure i would just run to the right as fast as i could and make sure he ran into a rock over and over it's actually like at least we got one smart play today i'm trapped i'm free just hold control um control is how you only move jacob there's no way to only move esau that i know of yes sorry i realized after no problem i'm gonna become the joker um okay we got our deal with the devil it's still it it you know this is a good is a good thing because it doesn't matter who takes it then just say what you meant to say sorry you read it out loud okay get trapped in the blue fires of lake minnetonka this is actually going to be like an 80 minute long mega satan run this is absurd this is our chance for uh for the backlog on youtube to catch up to twitch [Laughter] do you listen to any foreign music i've been known to listen to some american songs from time to time but i'm feeling particularly exotic i've considered it then i come to my senses [Music] and then that there's the other one the one that goes to that one's pretty sick can con only baby have i talked yet about how um can con has ruined our version of hbo because all they can do is play canadian documentaries instead of what i subscribed for which is american documentaries i think i've talked about it is mega bad dude our version of like hbo max is fine but if you're trying to watch something like over the air best of luck to you no eddie room tower card i'm i don't possess the brain power i don't we'll be moving on interesting question here would we rather go to the chest or would you rather go to the dark room i don't know i almost feel like like the new meta for me is that the negative actually gives you more of a benefit than the polaroid on the average run which means that i could see myself okay cool um turning the negative into the default and then the chest run is almost like the most uh is the one that you gotta flex for so in that case if this run is good we would rather go to the chest because the dark room we would just happen uh we would just do naturally at some point anyway so i don't know maybe maybe we'll go chest on this one you have both anyway that's why i'm asking the question is because we can only go in one direction but we possess both of the keys so i i think you know when you're when you're spoiled for choice in this sense i think um i think it makes sense to take the non-default path but the weird thing is that i think the default path is uh is now the dark room now that's an idea what if you could send one guy up one guy down what if you could have one guy uh from up the sun up the sun down rolling around see where the bad guys are to be found send one up one down split screen drifting come on conjoined budget conjoined genius okay 24 chance of a deal with the devil i predict you know what i'm sticking with two number two number two baby who does number two work for he works for me that is right i did it okay you get a tears up with rosary now so that's how you do it oh baby and then you sir you can take that forget delirium forget delirium for now forget it for the time being don't think about it forget we can we there's a chance to go back in the other direction rosary it's the the greatest thing they did in this game rosary is no longer total garbage and uh the negative is no longer total garbage no i went up i just discussed it please refer to my earlier email i'm going to the chest because i feel like my new normal will be going to the dark room so i'm going to the one that is aberrant so that i can remember or i don't have to remember next time which one to go to because i'm going to go to the dark room because the dark room it might not necessarily be easier it's actually harder but getting deals with the devil is nice and also taking the negative is like the default because it's a damage upgrade now as per my earlier email doesn't matter too much get me out of here why am i going the wrong direction oh i'm not i'm farming uh spirit hearts i've got 60 hours in this and watching you play makes me realize i actually don't know anything dude it's like i was trying to explain it on drop frames it's really like i don't know i got 3000 hours and i feel like i know very little it's just it's a staggering game to to try to like wrap your hands around to get some kind of purchase on you know what i mean so i wouldn't feel bad about that in the in the slightest that's year no that's hagalaz we don't care and if you don't care then we don't care this should be like you don't have to take a driving test if you can get through this room without getting hit so uh i'll see you at the track i saw bear play team melt and it was glorious he had infinite lives but he could not win like oh like he was like mathematically like just gated from winning that's funny i mean that i've seen a couple like that as well like dan's team held run every team out run has like its own unique character right like dan couldn't lose but winning was very difficult and not just like um well i mean we'll just say it specifically you know he had infinite lives but he could never get more than one hp so he had to beat every room on the cathedral in the chest without getting hit a single time on it of course i had multiple wild ones including one where we beat the boss but the trophy turned into a uh a rocket bomb and then blasted off the screen [Music] everyone's doing t-melt man everyone's doing team melt just asking for one person on planet earth to find it in their in their heart to play mouths revenge in hitman please just a single a single gamer could find it in their in their spirit to play the custom homemade challenge i made in in hitman 3 specifically for them bro you're leaking you just just took out tomato town so much content waiting to be farmed dude i'm i'm actually getting a little stoked we're actually gonna fill things out on the jacob and esau post-it note now it's gonna be a run that is of an unbelievable length but still don't make fun of jacob and esau's damages please they're doing their best i'm sick of people treating tomato town like it's some kind of meme i like that's a good bit people died susan that's all right i didn't mapping is not good anyway um you're absolutely right use the yarra rune there you go 1.5 times with the era it's even better than double um okay well um why don't you take this why don't you take this dude i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna take triple shot on fake triple shot just to see how it looks that's funny it's double shot instead that's cool that's cute that's that's hip i'm with it you've already got familiars so why don't you take another familiar just in the hopes it gives you conjoined even though i know it doesn't and then um let's start making our way in the world today we're probably not gonna get a lot of items but it's okay it is what it is just fight mega sand you've already done blue baby [Music] you're absolutely right i have already done blue baby saved thank you that's that's good eats wait a minute now i'm like wait a minute is that it's that light path or dark path it's right next to the to the cross but that yes that's blue baby okay i knew that i was just testing let's just test and chat quick tears downgrade then we're ready to go i will say we should we probably should have taken teleport um just in case the you know things started going so badly we could have uh escaped but alas here we are guess we could get a battery charge oh my god do we haven't even spawned like the first wave yeah you're not part of the first wave are you you're just a normal you're just a normal enemy this is actually like a horrible i'm loving the shielded tears don't get me wrong i'm hating just about everything else just keep keep the enemies or keep keep your units close together you got broken modem you got the ability to slow we're going to be here for a bit okay we we got we got nerfed the little brim so there's there's something there hey you know what we do have as well i didn't even use it yet we got little haunts little haunts just up here challenge boy the streamers get all the luck in this game wouldn't you say this i don't even have a bag of holding to blame on this one there you go we've killed the first of four horsemen you're gonna give me a spirit heart right okay never mind so is little haunt just like uh he's just like a millennial like he only works when he wants to i can say it i'm a millennial okay if somebody born like prior to 1980 said that i would join you in roasting them but like just let's just have a laugh about it together hey i can laugh at it even though i'm a zoomer though uh no absolutely not if i wanted your opinion uh i'd go to tiktok come on man i'm just i'm just begging you don't use your brimstone laser i got it i got it hey easy there okay thank you broken modem i can't believe we made it to phase two already twitter and tick tock are fiercely competing for biggest internet cesspool um well they're never going to win as long as facebook exists so they're like they're they're competing for probably like fifth place right now to be honest but facebook's definitely ahead of both of them twitter is more toxic than facebook i don't know why why don't we run a little experiment why don't you get in your family's facebook group chat and tell them you got the astrazeneca vaccine and then just report back with the logs let's let's do let's do a little science here it's miserable oh my god why the heck did you get a second vaccine you know i know why you got a second vaccine to take it away from a streamer who so rightfully deserves one i see your group chance no oh dude i i honestly i feel like we hit like a pity timer or something like even phase one mega satan is like this is just embarrassing like i got a lunch appointment get me out of here just kill me already are you gonna kill me or are you just gonna stand there you're trying to kill the alzab yellow [ __ ] you little redeemer i guess i still got 14 bombs man i still got 14 bombs i'm still cool hey i can still wear my clothes from high school i'm still cool 7 equals 14 yes all right keep it moving man because i want to get to uh i want to get to the delirium fight i think i think that delirium would really hit the spot here oh that's all right i was doing it for the aoe damage okay once we throw those bombs in there we got to stop shooting but as soon as as soon as we stop shooting we lose all of our defense look at the double kick i'm just begging them not to open the delirium portal free me from having the choice please you know what let's not count our chickens yet like this runs not over but this fight's not over i should say you only got three hp left on jacob he's getting pretty weak don't get me wrong but please don't open the delirium portal just just give me the chest everybody can leave this run with good feelings it can go down in history as like one of the worst runs that ever succeeded oh my god don't open it dude don't open it we gotta like you know it's gotta happen we're probably we did unlock something so there's that if anything we should be stoked i hate that we got rid of the nail but it was the right play in the moment but if anything we should be stoked that we have a chance to unlock all this stuff on this run you know and the chance is free leave all spirit hearts behind for now yeah yeah yeah leave all spirit hearts behind for now time check we're on triple digits confirmed we're on triple digits now this is an all-timer man [Music] thoughts on jacob and esau what's driving me right now is that i know that there's only like two out of seven days of the week i ever wanna play as jacob and esau so i'm taking advantage of the fact that for the time being i you know we're already on a good run so let's try to make it actually happen [Music] it's a big floor no question um we're just looking for fights that are not going to be delirium or at least have the lowest percentage chance to be delirium is this the same run i can't remember if we if we bricked uh a jacob and esau run before this one got started oh you're you're healing minions you little [ __ ] but um this is definitely like the it's amongst the first one first ones i should say we can get some items here man yeah like this run has gone on for so long that like at the start of it i actually thought i had a decent tv before i was cyber bullied worth it that was like an hour ago yeah that's why i'm going down here because like the the bottom middle can't be delirium all the other boss fights i like i feel like there's a chance that they could be delirium i don't i don't worry about the sweet science that closely but this one i'm pretty confident can't be take a teleport card until you find delirium look i'm not trying to rain down any sort of negativity have we seen a teleport card on this floor so we haven't seen a teleport card on the floor like it's a little academic you know like there is no take unless one exists we've entered a new realm of like hypothetical backseating okay i'm thinking yeah i top left bottom i think is the uh is the next one we're just clearing some rooms down here uh wait how'd you get hit oh you're not getting hit it's sidjula baphomet yeah i'm not fighting this uh this boss here no need to press q yet wait no need to press space yet need to press q you know what there you go i can't believe you you [ __ ] such a fresh awesome fresher all right nevertheless dang heisenberg uncertainly principal abusing paradox creating a simple calculus i was i was reading comments that were like you'll probably get one with the crystal ball and i was gonna in my head i was like don't go off don't they don't know the odds of you getting one with the crystal ball and then we freaking got one with the crystal ball man although i think that the now that i think about it i think that the emperor card and this is not to preserve me in the argument it's just to preserve me like in in life here but i feel like the emperor card always takes you to real delirium which is a scary thought it doesn't okay last time i used it it took me to real delirium oh wolf claw thank you for the the gifted subscriptions thank you but that that must have just been you know like it it hit the the either the high roll or the low roll depending on your perspective okay don't get that donkey do you not get items in delirium land uh you actually you can get a lot of items in delirium land because you get them from the bosses that you fight that are not delirium which is why i'm i'm really taking my my time farming it up you know normally i'd uh i prefer to just kind of rush it down but it's definitely not that kind of run it's also like we're leaving all um just use the finger oh no mom's lock i have no idea what it is i thought the finger would protect us there though um quite the opposite dude these spirit hearts from relic are popping off random mom items okay so we're leaving all spirit hearts behind till the end just so that we can unless if we need them we'll come back and pick them up but prior to the hush fight we'll make sure every unit is at full hp maybe mom's lock will give us um mom's knife for the void fight that would be really nice hush delirium you know tanky boss you can never reliably dodge you know in insert name here anyone have recommendations for isaac lore ah i'll just you got any questions i'll just answer them right now so it's like isaac is like a kid and he's his mom's like i love i hate you i love you i hate how much i love you but lord forgive me for what i'm about to do and then um she thinks that oh jeez one moment please one moment streamer is temporarily frozen stun locked um she thinks that joel ossoff uh has told her she has to murder her child in order to save their soul and then it's like it's kind of you can engage in some like wacky hijinks and stuff like that like a wicked day that's going to do do you do and then like at the end of the game you reconcile and it's uh wait not joel osof sorry joel joel osteen that's the one hope i don't oh soft can you explain the keeper arg something something 100 stake in a single bite something something bottom should be safe what uh see you later saved game this just consider yourself game system it's just it's just long fights man these are just long fights isn't this how long like one of us invicta's uh isaac runs is normally [Laughter] i should have made that joke at mouth's expense can confirm where's the timer timer 109 12. what percent likelihood do you think you'll win this run i don't know honestly like i kind of feel like it's above 50 percent right now we got a very stable situation that's not what you're hoping to get obviously but we have a very stable situation it's pretty hard for us to die before the boss fight so the only thing that can kill us is the boss fight that was not very smart um i thought holy mantle would protect us a little bit longer just this car we can we can drop that on on the fight um so really the question is what are the odds you think if you have full hp you'll beat delirium with this like anemic damage and the answer is like i don't know man with a bunch of hp i think we got a good shot but i would also minimize the odds a little bit because it's really tough to dodge with with jacob and esau it's it's mighty tricky [Music] but um okay it's also going to take forever miss 12 spirit hearts haha so true i wouldn't say i've been missing them uh bob i'm hoping and and i don't know if this is real this is like maybe just delusion which i guess you know is apt but um i'm hoping that maybe there's like a mechanic in the game where if you're so bad [Music] the boss just is like okay just scale the hp down incredible [Laughter] there's not there's nothing like hey if if they haven't done 10 of the damage in like you know five minutes they just like make the health bar go down nothing like that huh i mean this is a marathon i don't want to hear i mean i'm never going to say like don't say it again because like that's a long time but i don't ever want to hear like oh he's just rushing through the run he's not focusing on the run ever again man like look this is this is crazy i think it might take like if we make it to the lyrium i think it might take like an hour to beat maybe that's a gross overestimate but armor does scale in reverse if your damage is really bad but i think yours is over you think so i mean it's possible the run is not zero damage it's just it's just low and like it it's easy to cherry pick isaac by the way isaac because it's like extreme oh my god my freaking head dude dude i'm freaking losing it dude [Laughter] dude what was in that salmon i had for lunch dude that's whoa dude okay we'll we will never use it for good but two more bosses how about that bro how much mercury was in that salmon dude i told you we gotta get the the stuff from the farm not the stuff from the ocean i love this bit no you got to say it in the same voice that um lil wayne uses for uh the start of upgrade you i let his bit so let me talk my bit oh you didn't think i listened to lil wheezy you didn't think i could i could go that hard ever listen to small cough i have no idea what that means the only cough i know is strawberry cough the the cannabis strain michael kane smokes in the 2006 movie children of men andy kaufman the coffin man yeah yeah yeah yeah okay oh newton got beaned by the apple yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah monopoly 21 checkers and yeah chest chest chest chest see you in heaven with a baja blast yeah yeah yeah yeah kevin did you hear about this one meatless burgers at burger king when i was a kid the only thing that was meatless oh was the hot dog so i'd class i thought it was a pretty good joke it's just hard to frame it for twitter okay what's your wendy's order why are you going i'm a simple man i'm a i'm a spicy uh spicy chicken sandwich guy that's in this spicy chicken sandwich combo everything else standard i'll take a coke zero to drink [Music] yes sir spicy chicken deluxe yo what's the deluxe sesame seeds on the bun it has lettuce and tomato isn't it that's normally on it right or maybe it's just is it the secret way to order it oh secret way incredible two two of diamonds by the way box of friends by the way um i mean doubling up lil brim is actually like pretty valuable and we could get two charges on it by giving it to the the other person nice double damage plus the emperor card yeah i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah tomo have you heard about this one sorry i can't open the door tomorrow do you need to use the little hey baby just go on the floor but if you please only go poo don't go pee please don't go pee if you go pee it's so much harder to clean please just a poo kind of worked huh please just immediately stop your pee and please just hit it it isn't even clear if you pee there later than before afternoon's gone afternoon's got wouldn't it be nice if you didn't pee on the floor the office is so clean and if you could just do a number two and hold the number one till after three so many bowel movements you be holding and then my hardwood floor it won't be golden why is he singing because the kids were an hour and 18 minutes into the damn run we got jacob and esau jacob's got 4.44 damage esau's got 4.68 damage and we're fighting delirium that's why i lost it okay what happens when society meets a socially ill reject makes fun of them and cyberbullies them in quantum bank seats him you get what you freaking deserve this is what happens when you bend a ruler too far it snaps back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i like that one i might use that one okay give me give me some flies thank you dude i'm we we might be just be good to go here okay just just give this a sec you've got no respect for the damage that serves as the foundation of a winnable run hello hello hello chibly hello hey chib uh ape together strong man this is like a really bad run to like i feel for all the people out there that were like i'm just gonna watch this one and then i'm gonna do my homework or maybe i don't know maybe i feel good for him it's me [Music] this one run is gonna be like half the stream whatever this holy mantle who cares i was waiting to walk the dog until you finished woof that's fine we can spread the love a little bit i never commented on your streams before but now i'm high and drunk as hell so i'm just gonna spam s word in the chat is that okay jesse what the hell are you talking about main character syndrome you know what just go get it get a cup of water and then come back and and you know just spam to your heart's content you can get a mug if you want i'm not gonna i'm not gonna police it um you know spread it out just a little bit here sus i do i kind of feel like we should have another uh charge maybe but can i get a hey thomas can i get a water you really have to leave buddy okay i mean i gotta let him out of here just give me one moment here i gotta get him out of here i don't want him to i don't want to definitely he's gonna want in about halfway through the uh through the delirium fight i'm sure [Music] why even pause you know what that's a pretty good point honestly that's a pretty good point i mean i guess if if you're doing things right here you should probably go get like yum heart there's oh there's another spirit hard back here as well donkey donkey and you're just gonna okay um no yes yum hard no that's remote detonator we could surround him with 12 bombs that's true lover's card lover's card beats justice card no so honestly i'm like top right for yamaha okay thank you thank you i'm i'm keeping this mom's lock instead of the uh instead of going for the poison the the reason is because i don't know it's probably like a one in 15 chance but if we get mom's knife oh man [Laughter] then it'll slightly increase the speed of the of the fight i think we got i think we're ready to go i think we're simply ready to go what's the best situation for this fight oh man well like first off you double everything that you've got you don't let your characters get separated like this it'll be very confusing you know what i'm going to drop the emperor card just because like i mean for what i assume are pretty obvious reasons and then you can just take this there you go control space is what you need here okay can of corn baby here we go double double toil in trouble cauldron bake and cauldron bubble eye of newt and lego frog poop d scoop and hair of dog damage please he's cast in the mfn spell admin loving the modem loving holy water loving keeping our units like next to each other anytime you get the chance you just keep them steady here oh lord the damage well you jealous hey don't forget by the way we have three knife handles no we don't yo foot's easy to hit let's go we take those we take those [Music] and this is less of a test of your isaac skill at this point and substantially more a test of your patience as a human being so the fact that like i'm still chilling on this run and like reasonably sane should let you know like the the psychic damage that streaming with josh can actually like impart upon you feet easy that seemed fair um i'm not sick i'm twisted sick implies there's a cure [Laughter] you disgust me they're not they're not in sync anymore i'm just worried about beams bro not beans beans this mf worried about beans no i'm worried about beans dude legit esau has not been hit what a world i think holy water is doing like a lot of it's doing a lot man who would have thought trip little brim trip little haunt trip holy water trip golden bug spray you troubling your little [ __ ] [Music] i told you i'm worried about beams with an m look at that you tried no those those are even worse beams no no no oh saved okay then that was not the best damage we've ever taken but the cracked gamer has logged on [Music] my god and i'll do it again bob what the heck large hand just came out of nowhere i don't even know what to say i mean if a run is gonna take like longer than 50 minutes it might as well take an hour and a half yeah i got bombs but like it's it's really hard to place them in like a place that's gonna actually blow up and do damage and not to me i can't believe esau still has fully mantle ah come on what the heck is that oh my word you just gotta believe my my advice for dodging that attack is just believe it's a little micro step get them back in get them back in conjunction with one another okay two angels two angels this is getting out of hand he said it highest damage dealer lil brim second highest damage dealer and i'm being zero percent pretend here finger honestly i i i knew it was coming but that's okay i genuinely think it's finger maybe he's so fast dude maybe holy water okay now things are getting spiced saved incredible eats on the lovers card just for peace of mind that's changed everything we probably were gonna make it to begin with but the peace of mind has has changed the game the hand is so good it also takes like more damage i think frick frick they're normally like 10 bosses on the screen at the same time incredible boss it's a really really cohesive uh fight i mean all of that like i'm not trying to rag on them right but it just puts it into perspective like how good a job they did on the on the end game bosses uh from repentance oh god they're out of sync i mean like this is this whole run in general is like an accident but well [Laughter] no no doubt in my mind uh time 131.43 easy easy money take a little stretch after that one that's i'm gonna go to the bathroom after this as well and that was just that was just ridiculous we did unlock a couple items on that though dude getting all that stuff done on jacob and esau feels mighty nice mighty nice [Laughter] equals you equals thank you for the the gifted subscriptions i'm gonna go to the bathroom and uh i'll be back hey just click the follow button we're only 653 uh followers away from 420 000. we're trying to get there by april the 20th 2022 so we're almost there um i'm just gonna go to the bathroom i'm not gonna
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 166,644
Rating: 4.8876171 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 8xDWGu41F9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 12sec (5892 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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