THE CRAZIEST FINAL! | PHZin vs Vejrgang | FC PRO OPEN FINAL | Full Match

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and we are down to our final two making his way to the B it's ax is p hat and up next of course a man who needs no introduction R light's are very own and well the Grand Final time has arrived here in the FC Pro open we have waited months for this 50,000 players signed up online only a set amount of them could qualify for the Open qualifier back in November last year and since then we're on a mission to find our best 20 and now we're D to our final two myself BR with Richard buley Ryan P will'll be guiding you through this Grand Final our biggest game today in this new era of FC Pro gentlemen how are we feeling it feels massive I'll be honest this this Arena right now this stage you got a player in phz who I would say over the last 18 to 24 months has been on a tip of everyone's tongue he's been a champion in 2v2 he's been a champion for his country he's being the player that people feared on the other side but you got Anders bang who you could argue for The Last 5 Years this has been expected yeah of him he's had the expectation his opportunity yeah from ages from before he was even able to compete before he was aged enough a A6 to compete in previous Seasons he's had a Target on his back people have said he has to reach the the startom the levels that people expect of him and he's made it to the FC Pro open Grand finals well the story line here is very simple Anders ver gang as we know he had that incredible Champions Run for Champions Run where he went you know 535 games unbeaten that's how he went to stardom and everyone starts new about this young day only just turned 18 a week ago hasn't won an international trophy individually as in teams obviously s's pH in he's been a national champion Anders Vergo has been a club champion that's their so far let's remember as well Anders herang hasn't lost a game in the FC Pro open he was unbeaten as we said in the group stage is the only player to do that and he also sent a record for the most points in the group stages this Grand Final honestly we don't know where it's going the studio has blacked out for what it's going to be a remarkable one match maybe extra time maybe penalties needed here let us know at home right now in the chat who is your money on is it the Phenom Anders ver or is it the Brazilian p h Zen two absolute powerhouses with huge huge followings pH story is pretty unique he came over from South America for more opportunities in Europe put pent of paper for a multiple year contract with ax and this is it your FC Pro open Grand Final p8 in against Anders furgang only one could call themselves champion of the FC Pro open alongside that picking up $80,000 as well will be their biggest payday individually in their careers so far and it all comes down to this one individual match up P kicking from left to right in that aax strip and there's Bang from right to left you can argue it's the battle of the two football clubs it's ax against RB livick and also maybe a chance for a bit of sweet revenge for pH and he was actually in the same group sandbur last year in the World Finals if you remember right in riads PH didn't beat him on two occasions but obviously as we know so Anders B Be PhD on two occasions but as we know PhD also did go further in that competition with a top four sort to play for here now one thing I think we can predict Ryan is goals yeah exactly we've seen how clinical pen has been going forward Anders taking more shots than p so far in today's quarterfinals and semi-final matchups I think one thing for me that I'm I'm intrigued to say about pass at the back there could be a chance actually defends well um pH Zen just obliterated MRA ymar on the stage I actually think that Anders this is crazy to say because of how good Anders is but I actually think he needs to I don't know if pin respects him respects nobody he he Anders needs to earn the respect of pin in this game it could be an early chance around this big tackle from hulet is she on side let Bella she is still put falls back to Bella had what to save massive saved massive chance from Hugo the quick call it to be played in now 9 minutes on the clock remember 9 Minute halfs this will be a long match as we have seen today extra time may be needed alongside penalties if we can let's get a poll up now over on Twitch to find out who you guys are predicting we we've heard from a few of you in the chat but let's see where the fans vot is off this ground follow B over the top finds Alonso Davies this is ph's first time in Anders ver gang's box looking for a cut back and that will be your first goal in the ground final p in strikes first talk to me Rich to be honest did you see that pass no you did you see it I've got the glasses on no you can see that the space opened up at the back poles it all came from that triggered R to Alonso twisting and turning at the band he just driven Parts it across I don't think there's a better FC player final third right now yeah he's can't you can't find me one P's that guy like unbelievable he's the the best overall in the final third some players maybe quite rely on a couple of different abilities whether it's a Trella maybe it's fake Trella he's perfected six or seven different ways of scoring and when he starts picking and choosing what he wants to do and where the the game play takes him he's got an Avenue to score not many players have got that and if that's right as well this chance could be for Anders it's a great win cut it back one more pass into n just like that R sare that's Leal look at him he's playing to the crowd this is what we need Anders loves it he loves it he loves it the replay it was nicked high up the pitch Anders pressing High Quick Pass another one Snappy green time the first touch that left foot touch from9 here is ridiculous the come in and Van who he loves it look at the celebration he needed to bounce back quickly Rich we actually swoke when expose you butos up both of us it was a conversation we both had we said if P gets the goal early and progresses as he did against M Yas offensively it could be done quick even though I predicted Anders to win this game I still believe if if P Zin plays anywhere near that first game it would be today for showed us a higher level of ability than what Anders has shown agre is Anders saving it for the final are we going to see the best standers in the Grand Final we will wait and see I just want to the back up that point we saw on the pre-match technically today though that would have been 16 shots for phz and 13 gos a jokeing it that's unbelievable by the way he does not take any ifs or but in in terms of in front of goal he always looks for 98 99% chances of hitting the back of the net fullbacks out of position here and nowes verg's going to exploit this look at that oh van that's a huge interception he also did score the most amount of goals coming into today pH in 41 goals from the FC pro weekly series there a car back of the ball there's ear in harand PH in back in front that's a problem seriously look at this the build up here is just perfectly locked in I he's composed well he doesn't take the shot straight away he brings it down then puts it in the corner he's instinctive he's not thinking about what want to do here he's just playing the game and that sounds really really simple but when you're on that stage when you've got all these people watching when you know that that trophy is what 3 m away from you you don't just play the game you play the situation you play your opponent you start looking at the percentages PhD looks ice cold right now yeah maybe he's the Iceman from South America yeah see it's a full house as well people supporting I want to give a shout out to Young was eliminated unfortunately against Anders but still here supporting his oh 22 oh never mind fin finish my already what's a grand final this is already planed out to be and of course the celebrations are still on Queue 22 minutes on the clock and we're all square at 22 just to back up your point about the support for p his family have come on over from Brazil yeah again young was eliminated he's still here he could have been having a drop somewhere else he's come to support his fellow countrymen Anders with a celebration and the goal to equalize straight away us twice now it's the fact that he's equalizing straight away I think that's really important yeah because if P has four five six minutes in game to then get a second and start to push that goal spread wider then we could start to see this game really taking a different direction but as soon as Anders can get back into the game and equalize straight away it flips the table and it puts PhD back under pressure at this but neither of them feel pressure there's Hollands there's on there there's Harem but defends just about well keep in mind as well whoever wins this game will also get an upgrade of their FC Pro live item if you were lucky to do that SBC yeah I certainly was thank you very much V thank you thank you V Ru my day do let us know in the chat which FC Pro item if you have been lucky enough to do or have you've invested in siman I'm sure Ryan P's already bought about 20 of them he's already set and stone in the club harand he's been a menace to could be a Trav on the of the Box oh what a pass that was disguised into the path of R9 every time either one of Anders or p in go forward it feels as if look like a go it's so crazy oh my good the level it is is unbelievable I commentated a lot of your games Ryan I very rarely felt that when you were play n n about four times in a row it's just a sheer quality oh good interception it's a big whn this is where he has to be careful the fullbacks are out position lucky enough jelling is there to try and cover pH in show us something special from here oh it's a poor touch one thing I want to say we've watched the thir of this game already fair play to both players in the final just going for it yeah a lot of times in finals you seize up you start to play maybe you play worse we've seen 30 minutes of the best FC in this entire tournament thus far it's unbelievable hello Alexa beta off the post oh the rebound I thought he was going to fall to Harland a little bit risky playing around the back and pH didn't sniffing but he could have triggered runs though has done well chance to break disguises that one into 09 inter te of the mbappe the flex that could have went anywhere I keep saying it this is unbelievable corner quickly played Short punched into Hansen you are watching the grand final of the FC Pro open and we'll have a little look rep play again what chances one was it was the woodwork that saved I think and thereo I think he might have saved it you know could have I think there's a touch on the way through whatever it was it was enough beauti they keep it out I mean PhD might be annoyed because technically that doesn't count as a shot on target does it if it's the post stats I think we suddenly go down to a 1.8 don't we of every uh shot keep an eye on hen it he's just peeling out de bruyne Bellingham this is great T they have the idea to try and turn away from the player we're eding closer and closer towards halim 39 minutes on the clock how making a move keep an out for him in front around the box is there a cut back to mbappe there faint it Malini just does enough to cover the pass this going be dangerous BR [Applause] Fernandez wasn't on target but good keeper movement from mandz there trying to predict which way it was going to find or which way it's going to go past the defender he on gold well one interesting thing that we haven't really highlighted yet is that Anders is sort of no team in the Highland he's not in his team and it's not the way he wants to play Maybe trlla time red that's two time red shots now yeah just a couple in a row that that that XG is going down a little bit isn't it he'll have 880,000 xgs if he wins this game yeah I think obviously we talked about the first 30 minutes it was high intensity it was super high pressing and almost perfect in the final third what we've seen in that final 15 minutes approaching halftime he's just a little bit more nerves creeping him little bit less incisive in the final third is how quick he is now though wins the ball back and could just punish him instantly yeah he loves this is this and lives for this stuff he does he live for the life audiences there's a quick counter attack the goalkeeper movement across go I believe would have been Manu it sort of made the Mind Up of and shooting across go snaping green time again is the goalkeeper a mistake there I don't think he needed some but maybe it's hard to say he's probably been watching Anders shooting near post a lot as well and picked up that piece of information thought I'm going to move it to the near po but what it did it made up the mind yeah Anders open goal right hand side of the goal and fight it in and that is what they are playing for he is just over 45 minutes away from getting his hands on the trophy in he's able to hold on it's halim here Anders ver gang leads by three three goals to two someone else who's been keeping a close eye on the action is our very own ham Alvarez what have you made of the first 45 minutes thank you so much Brandon we're going to analyze this amazing goal by pH it's something he has been doing pretty much the whole tournament so as we can see it's 1-1 pH against Anders in the minute 19 and if we just start the clip we're going to see how he creates a run with onab and we're going to be focusing on on onab every single time because as soon as mbappe just receives the ball he knows he has to attack this space because obviously Davis is out of position what is the best way to attack that space on a badet because he just keep she will just keep running and you won't be able to stop her but you have to Deco the run in a way so he knows if he passes the ball to R9 obviously Andre is going to be focusing on R9 in this situation and he will forget about on a b so if we play this we can see how he just step overs makes a beautiful through pass to anab and again just before if we pause it again he knows he has to ball roll in this direction to just create enough space for Davis to not cover the run and he has to decide there's two things I can do because I got to attack this space in here so I could maybe thrw Ball but if it's not precise enough Davis will catch the ball so he has to cross it and that's what he does the we can play he decides to cross he just takes one touch easy goal beautiful play by pH and again all to blame the second thank you guys amazing staff grais great to see how he's been getting on so far back on the way for the second half of action I um I think he just like saying the name of the right back on a Bader just showing off on the B know it's just showing off I mean he's the only one that can pronounce it well Anders gang leads 32 step could have been punished in this FC Pro open ground final switch could be on his way to his first ever International 1 V1 championship trophy down the B line that's great BR Fernandez oh9 33 it's an instant reply from the second half and once again with Buckle square a mistake I say I think it's a slight of unfortune Unfortunate Events there for Anders but they up the extra pass extra pass was Next Level he plays it inside not once but twice here on an open goal he levels the and again it all came from the long switch of he he's completely change the flank change the approach of where he wanted to attack hit the switch and it's something that I mean we saw Tex do so much on Monday middle of the pitch and then hitting the far side where you've got that extra player once again just the small margins exposing the space in behind M Anders so many shirts around him able to maneuver in the tiny of areas oh could have been a foul could off if it comes down to penalty decision R I'm sure you'll be uh scrutinizing the r ready I'm ready P did feeling good after equalize it just minutes after the restart in the second half looking to find a four there's Harland in the air one more oh it's so clever P with a KN down into the path of R9 it's just Elite levels not only of attacking play but the composure again you get the ball with Howard it's not actually a bad it's not actually a good cross he sort of just locked it in the air and it says to Howard what can you do with it he's nodded it down perfectly into the path pH in two goals in about three minutes back in front you know what I love most about that when the camera pans over to pet Z's brother genuinely just shaking he can't even see he's had he's had a stressful trip hasn't he the work from Bruno Fernandez as well out wide was really really good the twisting the Turning waiting for the space again Bruno Fernandez I think he me he's up there with those team of midfielders agreed he's up there with Roger he's up there with Kevin De just see his brother down there in the shot hon get heart on honest see this guy chance mbapp 44 three times now look at him he's just straight from K oh my [Applause] goodness again we are all square wow just a level of these two we said there' be goals there's been eight of them control sprit there into face play to three times again Anders that means business a quick response pet is in side of course it's annoying to concede straight away I believe it's at least twice I think maybe three times yeah never seen more than a onego lead in this game it's been I score you score and whoever's taken the lead has changed a handful of times it's great pressure keep an eye on 's run bottom of your screen now he's got the pace on hulet round he goes then he can cut it back there there one more pass yes there is into h great go the J just stopping that from going in the in the right top Corner quick Corner play Van will turn oh the goalkeeper movement Sublime yeah something you often associate with ander's game moved him all the way to The Far Side the shot came in he's already there he's still on his line yeah he moved him backwards then moved him to the left going forward could be in Fr oh he shot oh my you see what I mean with the m how it messes you up look at the goalkeeper there the goalkeeper's gone yeah you overthink and he ends up fake shoting he's still got the ball back again Relentless can't even keep hold of this pH at the moment Bellingham into great block from hul at the back wow P's winning the mental game now he's moved a step closer just on that one decision he falling back again to Anders wave off the wave of pressure look at this build up Anders he will not stop knocking on the door again still fourth back who's going to be the player to take the short goal take the risk this is superb again between the two of them they're doing enough and hul it we're getting into that stage where they're just slugging at each other now they're just scrapping in the middle of the pitch mistakes overthinking wins up again B could be pulled out position here oh what a challenge no what I overlooked that H eye to the center back I was you were called for him to go on the bench yeah I thought I thought he was going to get subed off for Vi but clearly not he's struggled to just get a foot on the ball here but he doesn't need to up there to snatch up Bellingham uhoh into our n is there one more pass yes there is sh got [Applause] score after all that pressure the P has had to go through he goes down the other end of scores it wasn't possession play he just red the ball off Anders H up the pitch three passes later you see R9 just lay it on a play to Alexia pz goalkeeper movement you can keep it you can do whatever you want with it when you're four yards out it's always got in yeah exactly as you said it came from just pressing High the pitch there in terms of keeping possession P Zin is probably the worst spell in the game we've seen those last 10 minutes constantly just giving it back to Anders he managed to fight back St attack from n and just capitalize on it what a game what a final certainly hasn't been a blowout by me has it so locked still so much time to go in this game but if we're going to go by the the trajectory of this game SC 20 seconds us to score next would have just go into extra time and do the same thing there as well yeah why not 23 minutes left in this game it's pH of ax leads 54 there never been more than a one goal gap between the two players is this the uh Anders goal you're speaking about this the 55 back to mbappe oh days what a save you are not human pH in I told you he's in his head wait why did he hold on hold on hold on the space was open for the other I think he pushed herand blocking it wow p is looking R free how have you save that the risk there the probability of him going there I'm going to have to write a strongly worded letter to Hugo Larice apologizing oh good interception there commanders he just keeps surviving though doesn't he all the question marks we putting on PhD in the back it's a last minute block it's a piece of goalkeeper move but it's another wave pressure B post is available P Ste on own Oh that's sensal oh my goodness it's we need a [Applause] replay p in he shakes his head you wanted a replay you got a replay it's just the build up with potato he's just baiting a finessa Trella anything he's just baiting it with the b rolls and stepping forward peton doesn't know what he's doing twist turns plays the fast he is so bad he so bad I don't think he is bad honestly this guy is unreal man he's box office Paul's cued 5 five we not got long to go either maybe what 17 minutes 16 minutes well next up it's 66 guys isn't it it's just who's going to score first time running out o 15 minutes left yeah we're at fullback Anders going to take the lead again pH in a good chance actually of a lot OHA the T coming his way could be space behind the he switches play Massive ball that could be it's a battle between kafu and Hernandez it's Anders kaffu that comes out Top O he's just sticking it on him ever so slightly PhD and again I think he's had success in the press and that's where he potentially sees himself getting a winning goal but Anders is so dangerous every single time he comes forward we've had we've seen two finals in our time could be in it going to get there this one has been ridiculous 55 pH turn 12 and attack into our final 10 minutes we go L the ball finds the air on the overlap his team of the or there har you know where he's going to go he headed down into T Hernandez snatches it off the leg of the forward and now we go back down the there's Runners there so many all the Ling shirts running remember there is no hland in the team of Anders there is our n though back to oh it's great defending touches upwards two individual bits of Defending have just saved two goals y oh seven minutes to go it screams for extra time it needs extra time this game I think we might get a winner the oh kfu does extremely well good job once or twice there he's done enough hasn't he yeah good job from Anders there look at the space he's got there just to run with kafu triggered run where's mbapp can he get around the corner going to work his way into the box from here mbappe into H again love to see how many tackles hullet has one individually he's been incredible har gets PL there bom of theit that's he's going to drive har Q in the Box options will appear Ka again three of them in a row and that was an attack fromers oh attack Q [Applause] attack pat down the Upp end now last two minutes of this one surely was Pi for last attack shortly p in he did it in the quarterfinals is he going to do it again now 9 Minute half so it does the to the clock obviously ticks down a little bit slower but if it's a one minute added on instead of two I feel as if this is there has to be the play from pet Z well this is it who's got nerves of Steal we know how good he is in the final third pH and how consistent he is how clinical he is well how about now 90 minutes on the clock and time to come in Off 2 minutes as it will look to build this last chance off the game and Les Anders can snatch it back now what a moment this could be I'm nervousing the ball I I feel sick as Champion a goal that could be worth $80,000 here perfect play the run is triggered from via Holland there at the back post if he need MPP cuts it back BR Fernandez still Fernandez dartes there's har in the air [Applause] to Champion he's dro the celebration on his he's Dro on his thec the man on a mission from Brazil may you just that mission L gos live in the blood is one national championships inland Lookout of this tournament and he always got a war in one [Applause] second his whole story has been about how clinical he is in the final thirds oh my God dro the celebration that was for young right there stood up celebrating p in wow he just let him know I'm the boss who's the king oh my God P prob was lost his glasses how are you feeling my friends there we go maybe the first fall we've seen from it wow this won't be the last time these two go head to end this season this has the started this is the start yeah it's just impossible I think we played 92 and a half minutes we jump back into it just waiting for a fulltime whistle and then the celebrations can begin from South America to the Netherlands in Amsterdam PN will be your FC Pro open champion what the ground final it was 11 goals between the two so unpredictable so hard to call and the ending was an ending that we see it again in some time know final incredible outstanding through this whole in the group stages was dominant we what we two was up to his standard that he was he holds himself to but today he's been the best that his win he should why he is regarded as the most feared the most dangerous and simply the best player right now he in the he's in the as he said he's in there now so many World Championships he's won he's won the FC Pro over right now and the question was One V one still outside of South America what can you show us he's not only showing it he's going to took up the entire P the sacrifices that that man has made he's changed his whole lifestyle leaving South America to join a on a multi contract they might got a couple more years on to it now wow they are writing themselves into the history books first ever FC Pro open champion and this was the moment to do we spoke about how pH has been using Harland he B the M beenin out for no reason like he done the M spin there wi just confusion not done anything har he's not always been the goal scorer but he's been the danger man in every single team and just look at this celebration and the trademark and the celebration up the SP but listen here we go that's for young I'm looking at you I'm looking at you fair play that was cold cold I'm we need do we need a new NE he either what is it well well well he hat it has worked so hard for this moment a South American champion a 2v2 world champion for Brazil and now an International Champion to add on to his name top four in the the World Championships last year what road is been off for him for an Open qualifier to a top 20 in the FC The Joy always come out from Brazil of his journey more Journey for 50 now there's only one mans champion as well wow a massive massive congratulations in
Channel: EA SPORTS FC Pro
Views: 728,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FC Pro, FC24, FC Pro esports, FC esports, FC24 esports, FC competitive, FC tournament, FC 24 gameplay, FC Pro gameplay, FC Pro 2024, EA SPORTS FC, EA SPORTS FC Pro, FC Pro tips, FC Pro tutorial, FC Pro Tekkz, FC Pro competition, FC Pro Competitive 2024, FC 24 Pro, FC Pro player tips, FC Pro Open, FC Pro Club, FC Pro Champ, FC Pro Champion, FC Pro Championship, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS Pro, FC 24 Champion, FC 24 Tekkz, FC 24 competitive, FC 24 tutorial, FC 24 tips, Final
Id: kcZONJgBrrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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