The CRAZIEST container rollover I've seen this year

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[Music] thank you this is my absolute favorite well not to Beaver but second favorite part of a rollover approaching and coming up too to see exactly what we got this is the infamous 710 to the 405b uh bypass trans Road oh there it is that's a doozy Manor Reigns and Cali and nobody knows how to drive they got this transport close right here so Alex and I can definitely get it from here looks like world famous MSC container on a k-rail it might have came open oh yeah the load came out you guys are in for a treat today oh yeah I wasn't kidding guys oh this is the best recovery of the year so far and I know it's only January the second but that's not saying much but check this out shredded two bits looks like it oh whoa landed on a homeless encampment Christmas came late for them that's gonna be a nightmare dude thank you all right we had to do a bit of cleaning to lay down some absorbent Alex is going to go up up ahead of u-turn this uh this is too risky to put both trucks on the side right here and bring it to us it's going downhill and I'll show you on the back right now when we get Alex back there but we're gonna U-turn him since this is all shut down he's going to control the rear of the container by backing up to it Hulk is perfect I'm gonna just put my truck up and I'm gonna get the container from where I'm at here then Hector's gonna get the tractor using our equalizing sling just see how Alex passes how tight it is while possible to bring it to us it look at that oh his mirror oh yeah turning them around was the correct idea he's got no room this is paint I seen like hundreds of boxes on the underneath right now and now paint what was homeboy hauling foreign foreign back all right okay Alex do your thing girl we are doing this so ridiculously quick guys for as bad as his job is Hector's 100 rigged now this is definitely a multi-truck job once these tires brake tension and they're even a little bit airborne gravity is going to do the rest I want to take it downhill that's why we put big flipper backed up to it I'm from that side and then Hector's got the front Alex is going to rig that top container pocket gold pulling his helmet so pretty cool to have another guy that knows media for some different angles plus I don't have to be coming up all the time now hi excellent all right now we just take a look at the back oh yeah container links this is going to be amazing foreign just like that guys just put some tension on it not yet Hector [Applause] you don't even have to do anything Hector you just leave it there you don't even have to do anything just leave it but going with the boom like you're doing it again go in with the Boom in right now yes go in with the boom sure yes more now go up with the boom Hector beautiful I love it oh man you ready Alex I'm gonna stand right here remember Hector you don't have to do anything on three two one so I'm doing the controls from this side so I can monitor this oh man that's a lot worse than I thought bro yeah it's all right [Applause] just monitor your catch so it's not too tight [Applause] wow what a nightmare these homeless guys are in heaven right now dude this thing's literally a curve it's a boomerang I've I've seen bad containers but this one takes a this one's nasty do you have tension Alex neither do I good job [Applause] foreign thank you foreign just drop the line for now please to that equalizing sling on the job it's perfect for this scenario we're using them to upright but in this case it was already on the K rail 45 degrees right here so all Hector have to do was just rig to it and as the container moves this rolls within that sling it's not like a broken record at this point excellent job Hulk the channel yes I talked to my truck wondering how long ago look check this out this is environmentally friendly Green products so we're safe guys dude at first I thought they were TVs I was like oh yeah just kidding I would never it looks like what furniture bro where did the paint come from though [Applause] yeah it's clean dude Hulk from over there I don't know man but I'm very thankful for Caltrans right now they're doing the cleanup they got mad bags of absorbent to neutralize this paint now what do we do with all this all right so I just spoke with base instead of a land all I mean instead of a land I just gave it away instead of a trailer we're bringing the Lando a trailer would be way too complicated we're gonna have to get uh Apollo jack stack them throw them in there the Lando is an open deck so everyone here standing can just pick up a box almost hand stack it if that's 40 feet plus the top deck so it's perfect so now that I'm done with the rotators blazing fast the trucks away and then wait for the Lando well Hector and Alex hook up the the tractor here he's gonna limp it off to Pacific [Applause] hello you're the best I hope that GoPro caught some good stuff oh I wonder how long this video will be in fact to all the super cool fans what do you guys think about the if you've seen the past couple videos I've been doing picture in picture let's say like the Sony on the iPhone at the same time or the tiny house job with four different cameras is that cool no but it'll just stick to one at a time and cut we've got tons of footage to work with while we try to get the best angles for the coolest looking cinematic Rex hello now there's some impressive reach [Applause] Alex is 100 disconnected as of now sold us all well we just put the trucks away Hector tows us out of the way Caltrans does their cleaning by the time that's all said and done land also show up look they're ready people already down there hey there's people are already down there taking stuff foreign well the rain doesn't stop actors hooked up and out of here oh [Applause] sayonara sector oh that must look funny to the people barely passing them right now not knowing what happened seeing that container like that now one of the officers made a really good observation there's no paint in that container that was fully stacked with these boxes and there's no paint inside the container anywhere so they're thinking it must have fallen off a random truck going by or someone had dumped it something that was the cause of the accident but I thought it was going to be a lot of pain inside I had a chance to dry off all the equipment you know what's funny is I got a lot of followers from the East Coast the Midwest and all that to them this isn't even rain yet over here it's catastrophic and everyone doesn't know how to drive Beauty well this part I don't want to get the phone in the equipment wet and ruin all this beautiful footage so I have it in the truck while we hammer down on this part whoa oh and he's been with his no time off they're already building whatever it is Ikea boxing foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Now That's What I Call making the most out of a bad situation they got their Home Depot carts loaded up with wood chopped it up and everything they're quick should hire them to help us here making good progress though let's continue very tedious cleaning job as you can see not bad we got the buckets and bags of trash in the cab Eddie's doing some straps Caltrans is right behind me with some more absorbent in the crew just too finalize this so people don't slip and slide and we're out of here peace [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 64,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, adobe, premiere pro, winching, rollover crashes, pepes towing, fails, car crash, big rig crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, miller rotator tow truck, big flipper, iphone 14 pro, freeway, accident, container, queen mary, rollover, truck crash compilation 2023, crash compilation 2023, year
Id: mIxLtL1kDUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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