Dump Truck Loses Brakes: Destroys Camaro and Honda

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all right guys we got a crazy one today you see all that wreckage that's a dump truck about to tip over caught on fire in the front and the car underneath exploded seems like a movie scene right here took down a power pole they got all kinds of Edison workers here [Applause] looks like two cars exploded well the one up front definitely did my goodness look it looks like a rotator well the electric company is working hard to get the telephone pole out of the way then once all this is clear we'll get the rotators here and get to work I did a quick walk around earlier when I first got here but I'll do a double check I think the the axles are all jacked up on this dump truck which is gonna make Towing it a pain it's the front and the rear both messed up Where We Are waiting for our turn to have some fun okay we got us a little better angle [Applause] whoa what a mangled mess that is looks like the rear axles are good but it's the front axle that's messed up so we'll put the rotators on opposite ends pick up on opposite answer when we lift and swing it's going to rotate in between our trucks set it straight on my underlift and I'm towing this thing out of here papitas so we're only here for the dump truck itself they got a local company here for the uh vehicle itself I'll just kick back for a little bit and watch them do their thing because I still got a lot of time before these trucks are out of the way and the rotators can come in poor Camaro [Music] oh [Music] my god dude I hope no one was in these cars bro was this caught on fire I thought it was fire damage at first but I think it just got crushed closed they got crushed so hard it looks like it got blown up huh like at least the door's okay cool part oh yeah dude imagine if you would have went over just right here at the bottom here if you guys can see oh look there's the hood what put it right there in the The Genie Lift ah dude imagine if that tree wasn't right there this would have been a much different recovery so they're gonna try to get the car again [Music] oh yeah it's stuck dude I could see it right there I'm gonna be fighting them so hard all day correct you guys can see right there it's physically wedged in the Box itself like that frame right there on the passenger rear door on the driver's side as expected they're having a real difficult time so cutting it awful close it up line right there it's deactivated but still the distance is not the issue fighter guys I think he's going to snatch block it but it's wedged man look at guys okay oh I'd help but I can't yet we're blocked in [Music] the crane oh oh the box truck's coming up so you might put a circle but you guys can see right there where it's stuck at [Music] it foreign oh my goodness what is [Music] cool what uh this morning thank you hold that control now you can see better where it's stuck at foreign I guess if you just brute force it enough Something's Gonna Give it's a convertible now it's officially off this is but a scratch bye bye Honda hey boss yes about 15 minutes 10 minutes to go around from this side all right props for him getting it out of the way off to the scrap he goes next to local I do the OPG I think it's Quicksilver is going to get the Camaro obviously has to come from uh that way and then once uh DWP Department of Water and Power is done with all this right here then it's Rotator time oh foreign okay got the trucks backed up try two different clowns ewp is going to be pushing those lines you see right above the truck up and depending on how high they can get it up my plan might not work because how am I gonna put him over the cabin be under the lines after that low so I'm gonna try a plan B well let's walk out my boom it works it works if it doesn't oh well there's always another way I really need some traffic control once saw if we're ready be careful oh this OJ's Hood huh Brentwood oh yeah O.J Simpson the juice Brentwood [Music] how much you think these house like this house right here 10 million it's crazy huh and then you get a house like twice as big on six acres for like 400 000 in Texas the price to pay to live in California all right what I'm going to do is I'm going to test by booming over the over those lines and seeing if I could reach the cab that's because DWP doesn't think they can push these lines up as high as we need so I got a little little plan compensate for that six six not even shocked six mil for the house that my Sony's on right there on the tripod a castle a castle with a moat oh nice I even got a new one yeah I've been needing one all right let's see if I can do this nice excuse me foreign right there right underneath my snack box that's what they need moved gosh so my panel would be to lift up from the engine frame to weave it in out while Alex goes way ahead once they're done out of the way and he winches it up the hill we'll straighten it out one truck on each side of these wires yeah my plan will work let me start getting my my grab hooks on the snap first foreign [Music] [Music] all right so I'm glad I thought of now that this was the the plan b I knew they weren't going to be able to pull these wires up high enough which makes it difficult we can't just lift it up and rotate it so Joshy boy over here has a plan I switched off with Alex as you can see he's behind me I'm gonna get it off the side behind the cabin in front of the box that's gonna be my lip all right there's good now when I do that see how it's crooked and sideways as I lift up on the passenger side it's gonna even out and I can pretty much Sky the front that'll allow Alex to winch to back punch it towards him uphill and then use his boom lines to also stabilize it that way once we drop it because there's no exit up here and you can't rear tow it that Tire's off foreign this will be the easiest fastest most efficient way to get it out of there and rotate it at the same time what are the odds man I'm always working within a close range of these lines now I'm working literally under them and over them at the same time and we'll be using these to lift on the frame behind the cab half inch Omega links I've never seen these before I asked my boy Thada Bailey's Towing accessories if you can get me a set for Recovery only oh my goodness I don't know can I go to the engine frame let me see if I can go to the engine frame no I don't like this angle so I'm going to be pulling it to me actually I do like this angle oh yeah it's got to be the engine frame I like this you guys ever see that I mean with that confused girl with all the mathematics in the background that's me right now when I do these lifts you just stare at it and then fast forward in your head how the lift is going to go beautiful beautiful let's get my frame grab hooks ah I'm gonna go to the engine frame foreign perfect I guess we still can't use these after all it would be an extension use as an extension thank you right here is perfect am I tripping oh it's camouflaged foreign this is going to be fun you want to rotate some more okay right there should be smack dab so it's the white cable okay I mean I want to tighten up go as far in as possible yeah like behind the there you go going in all right thank you foreign okay foreign enough possible yet okay thank you foreign go ahead Blue Line hello what gave me an internal temperature hold on Josh foreign Josh sucks we'll put this in direct sunlight it needs to pull down all right they won't have tension step on down I got the 360 on well the Sony pulls down uh foreign what are you gonna borrow what are you trying to get I thought that's the same size but I have it that that one right this one no I know but you need this you won't have to do anything with that side not until it gets here anyways so just leave the boom there we're ready let me stand right here are you good because I'm ready to start going in I'm ready I'm ready let me I'm gonna go in with my engine frame cables on three two one oh buddy all right let's end up on down oh yeah that's heavy but you are no match for Hulk that's sick hold it hold it let me get it out first okay see how it's buried completely in there yeah that's what I wanted to do with gold but this one there it is oh man I'm not even recording here so let out with the white I mean the blue going with the white it's wedged in there good I could feel it I think I broke free go for it hold it now let me tighten up more on the white okay go for it keep going hold it there keep going I just dropped the blue side a lot hold it there let's see if we can reach the d-rings now hold it you know what actually boom in just boom in and close that toolbox from that side boom in some more all right win chin go for it rotate just a hair this way so you clear that good one chin foreign now we can go to the d-rings crazy job my my one line per d-ring so so you have full control of it and this is the result I got the front airborne you know I was all crooked and that front end was buried right there so now Alex is going to use the main cables to rig to the rear and he's going to physically lift up the rear and we're going to set it in this Lane all with that stupid wire up there fought us a lot but no biggie it's always another way and this is what it looks like from this side see the front tire is completely airborne this tree saved a lot of damage man yes it caused a lot of damage but it also prevented this from going straight over go for it Alex get some air so now Alex is rigged to the rear so he's going to lift it up and set it in this Lane but he's also got the winch line to it so as you lift up the rear you have no brakes now but he's got the winch lens though to it so there's no no chance of it going into my truck or rolling back down in fact I need some air too foreign [Music] that's why you have the winch line just keep the winch line tight of course that had to happen it's physically caught right there in that fence but that's an easy fix you've got to rotate slightly this way like that Alex still has a secure in the back and then I boom in with the my lines hold it don't do anything yet I don't want it to raise equally no no no no no no foreign don't do anything yet still okay completely free no boom up it in slightly someone say Josh well I'm tripping so Alex is gonna go up with the Boom and in with the boom and winch in at the same time keep that deck winch tight oh yeah homie this is Beaufort keep going thank you hold it Alex my turn we are fully away from that stupid tree let me get on the other side so this part's going to be very delicate all right so I'm having knowledge boom down so he can re-rig take off those snatch blocks and then throw your boom over the wires okay this is what I mean you see that yes these are de-powerized but they are in absolute pain and we're not touching them but it is in the way so by disattaching here while he holds it with the deck winch and I hold it up front he'll be able to uh boom up on this side give it a little bit of tug on the deck winch I got Alex re-rigged and now he's on the opposite side of the wires good hold it there please hold it my turn okay go in more good leave it I got you all right perfect now windshield more please it'll straighten it out yes stop that Josh kid is too cocky all right now it's my turn to re-rig leave everything on but just take it out from the blocks I was out for a before and after Look Out Below thank you sir probably can't get a good angle but those wires I'm gonna warm up and then in and relive from the inside of those wires instead of over the outside all right guys as you can see we are now on the inside of the lines for the action [Applause] oh my goodness done well as cool as this looks now I set it on what's what's easier to tow got it real close but road closure these guys are here to re-cut the pole up unfortunately I can't do jack squat until they're out of the way a lot of standby time now perfect [Applause] just eat that Chromebook really quick I'm gonna [Applause] go I got the fx3 right in front of the axle right under it actually so this is already dropped I'm gonna just do a straight shot back up my Forks are already in the receivers spot me we're out of here foreign just enough to get the wood off okay axle shifted excellent hookup the entire time we were doing this big flipper had a deck winch to the back the way this thing is going nowhere and that's what broke off just the shock right there this should be good for towing let's get my Omega links on it run in Airline and we're good to go that was a real fun wall ride guys I got a full connection damn Omega links with the chain binder we strapped up what's left of the hood Airline successfully connected both trucks are put away it's go time thank you well something bad happened as we got to the bottom of uh the street where Sunset is right here about a mile from where my 360 video cut out Alex told me to pull over so they look like a shift and sure enough you can see clear as day the axle shifted I mean I knew the shock the shocks right there were jacked up but see if I can get it in on this side I mean I'm glad I did a really good chain job I'm standing on this side so I'm not in traffic but I was saying good thing I did a really really good chain job so it'll compensate Alex uses use my Rhino straps right here for the leaf spring I readjusted my Omega links and my binder underneath you see right there all bad how oh and I'm doing this just for safety because you can't rear tow this thing obviously either um I threw the boom out with my frame grab hooks not to lift the entire thing but just to kind of relieve tension so it's still on the forks it's still chained there but as a Fail-Safe if anything bad word will happen at least I have it here and I'm far out enough to it won't swing into the back of my truck Frankenstein told for a Frankenstein truck [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] just like that we're back I extend out extended out the underlift and extended out uh the Boom just so when I drop it here I could set it on wood for whoever come picks this thing up or if I tow it this is a other side of the main building by the way then the few previous videos where you show us backing into my yard on that big side it's just on the other side of this building it's a nice little space for all the junk everything [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 158,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, adobe, premiere pro, winching, rollover crashes, pepes towing, fails, car crash, big rig crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, miller rotator tow truck, big flipper, iphone 14 pro, accident, truck crash compilation 2023, crash compilation 2023, recovery, automation, error, Sony, Sony FX3, sony f1.8 20mm, dock, disaster, dump truck, honda, camaro, loses brakes
Id: 2SfvbsP4V3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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