Major Rollover - Big Rig Lands on a Fire Hydrant (Rotator Recovery)

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[Music] all right we are jumping straight into the action on this one we got a loaded container in front of a jack in the box let me just walk out my uh cables sat on the other side and i'll show you why this one's difficult so we'll go over here wow it is bright today huh hello hulk [Applause] that is why now give a race to whoever built these telephone poles man that is one strong pole fully loaded container roughly 40 000 pounds i'm going to be using hot the 50 ton rotator and then big flipper my dad right now and the 75-ton rotator we're gonna kick some butt on this call we're assisting that's uh mr seas they run this area in the city of southgate so we'll be assisting them he's setting up the truck to do a a lift and catch on the on the tractor portion let me go see what's going on put the truck down all right just helping uh mark over there mr c set up what fire department wants us to do first before we upright it because of the pole is inch it away from the pole first and see if we can break it let's see i'll show you how bad it stuck right now well that's what it looks like so by operating it it's going to take down the pole you like my camera setup absolutely i'll give you a twist lock here you could use this one all right i got all my rigging equipment done pretty fast i got the truck on high speed idle [Applause] that orange trap is going to be uh the strap to bring over the container we'll attach it to that bottom corner and then i'll be using the container swing for my catch what's up dad [Applause] ugh all right okay so got everything locked out let's get this these are the best now we put this container thing up top all right we got all that set up so let's rotate into position that's about good now we start booming up until i have ever so slight tension on the cables right there then i boom in you want to do it so the head of your boom right there the end is just kind of slightly in the middle where the container is going to land so if the tires land like right here you want your line of action which is the catch right there to be able to really catch it if it's too far in then the container is going to slam towards your truck and that's never good [Applause] now all i got to do is push this up a little bit let me drop it down it just rides up very gently now when i go up see now i protect the edge the shot from that edge it's the little things see how my dad's doing i'm gonna help him set up real quick yes take a look negative thank you the fire hydrant isn't that a fire hydrant right there i knew i saw one that looks like a pole ah yeah that's gonna be hard i think there's either a fire hydrant or a yellow pole concrete pole it's a fire hydrant that's for sure a fire hydrant i could see it all right we can get to shut it up but you know what let me take a look maybe i should sky it i should tie it and then put it over that side that changed ah maybe not no yeah but in terms of changing things when he spikes it over it's just gonna yeah it's gonna go that way it is huh okay how about this dad let me scoot it away from the pole first that's step one then you focus with your truck on the cabin we'll sky it we'll have to do that first so where's the fire guy i'm gonna start the pool i can at least do this part first i always like working with multi-agencies it's nice that we're not when they're ready they i'm ready so the reason uh it's gonna make it an issue is when that cap comes over if you don't do a direct vertical lift it's going to tear through the entire side of the tractor and get caught and they can snag everything up yeah okay so let's do this i can do this part first well with this truck let me get it away from the pawn this truck will attach here and straight lift it off if you could do that that would be ideal because it looks like it's in a clean space but it's going to get tricky for you guys for sure i like tricky so whenever you're ready man give me the green light and i'll start i gotta wait for him okay going in that's bending good it's see what it's doing so it's going to let go with some momentum right now yeah i see that is it cut on something yeah yeah and it's going to create no i'm going to do this use your truck it's already hooked up i got all the stuff with that just drop your lines i got my rig points already done on each corner pocket see this is why two rotators is perfect for a job like this if you use one truck you would have one truck in the middle with two lines uh on opposite ends and that would create the biggest crush factor this is a situation where you would rip a container in half both your shackles on each corner pocket that are set so just attach your cables well you're going to go to the top yeah both of us are going to do a top pick [Music] the red one and the green one on the other one and the other cohort [Music] so green only here huh yes bro can you hook that one up to my green please and what i'll do is i'm going to boom down and extend out so we're both directly over the middle put it here just put that shackle there yeah that's right you don't see that every day usually containers we can manhandle like nothing it just so happened to land on these big thick bolts and with all the weight it like you could see it it crushed what a mess so as i was pulling here i mean you can see i got the front the rear off the ground a good amount it's crushing the container i can keep pulling on it but all it's going to do is bring this into my truck while that part stays in the middle i'm gonna bend it in half like i said what a mess and then put the red line off a little bit cause it's gonna i could see the pendulum we're just going to swing your weight you got it drop it and blow out a little bit please hold on hold on let me raise i got an idea let me raise it first here give me what y'all guys have taken watch out mark because if this thing breaks it's gonna come down this way you're right i got tension on both my ends okay all right i have to walk around on this side and make sure everything's good all right all right try it again see i know look it's coming off it's coming off i got it we got it we got it we should put some wood there see if mark has any two by fours you want to go in now you can swing it that way josh oh yeah we did good he wants all right let me stand on this side that was hard i'm swinging it away from the pole there we go i guess a bit more that's good we got it away from the pole that's step two it's not fun unless it's hard now that's some serious damage here you can see where it was snagged on that bolt right there is what was holding it i mean you could see it ripped right there josh we're gonna just rotate right upright that was my first thought yeah we have no choice because that's just fiberglass i won't if this didn't break it earlier all right guys we have re-rigged we did one final walk around the fire department says we're cool with upright in the tractor even though it's still on the fire the fire hydrant if it does more damage to the cab oh well the good thing is they can make that call and the things already destroyed i mean it went through no leaks they checked they gave us a green light so i'm just waiting for my dad to be by my side and then we can start to lift from here you know what i think i want to go in the back let me see what the status is keep going keep going it's gonna it's gonna destroy that roof but [Music] you want to do it from right here are you ready because i'm ready we're lifting yeah all that's gonna do is mess up that cab right there hey why don't we stop and we put some relief cuts around this mark they're gonna use a sawzall yes they're gonna saw it right there uh all right well they do that doesn't hurt to do a walk around inspect the damage are you doing hulk look we are masters of this what i mean is very close calls off the side let me close these tool boxes move these straps up ahead so when this thing falls over these tires are going to be right here on the white line perfect oh wow that looks a lot better now whoa that's fiberglass is okay they are done that is the final result a brand new fire hydrant what it looks like it's still yellow and paint go in a little bit more just a little bit okay a little bit more make sure you keep your catch line tight okay a little bit more can't hold it hold it hold it let's wait for him to catch up i want to get rid of this fire that's on my mind more the park oh we're in the clear we're in the clear right here good now they're gonna do one final thumbs up to give us the okay to finish the upright and that's what you call papitas i'll check this out how i can manipulate it as it comes over i just tighten up on the white and it's gonna skid over like a foot and a half so let's try it now look at the tires [Applause] now that is cool i'm holding it in the rear and my dad is gonna blow out with big flipper [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay that's good enough but you see what i did is as i'm lifting up and keeping the same amount of tension on the lines we're rotating it at the same time so it can clear that outrigger up in the front right there where my dad's standing so those tires don't pop or get caught up on there [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right i'm good on my end before i touch base let me see what's going on with these tires oh i see you know this want to rotate it your way all right let me get some a little bit of height ready i've been ready i'm waiting for you right there right there [Music] go out yeah perfect that's because i let out the tension on my truck it looks like it's leaning ugly can you guys see that lean [Applause] maybe because we still have tension i know it's heavy the guy said 40 000 at first and then he said he doesn't know we got it out far enough that's good let's go out with both our cables it's leaning bad look it's correcting a little bit yeah that's horrible hold on hold it all right guys we got a leaner like always we're gonna do the test see how right here i could fit my whole hand almost double in fact i don't even have to go to the other side i could just zoom in you see over the tire on the other side there's no gap so that's not good and as you can see we have no tension up on the cables no tension means that they're slack so we're not holding it the container is in free mode obviously we're attached so if you know it won't fall over it'll catch itself but we have no tension on the cables and check this out look at all that gap look to prove it you see all that slack so i got no tension at all and we got to open up the back if it's metal shavings you can't let's get all right this thing because it's leaning so bad we're going to counter lean it but we got to see what's inside i'm going to get some bolt cutters that already has a battery in it yeah both cutters come in two of us down there right there stand clear just in case [Music] oh yeah you're not going to counter lean that you are not going to counter lean that [Applause] is not good during the shift i mean during the flip all of the weight went to one side and it stays stuck by countering it we would pick up on this end right here but that would that doesn't guarantee an even counter that only works on some loads oh yeah all the way to the back you can't counter lean this how are you going to kill i mean let's try it we can try to maybe we'll get him maybe we'll get a miracle all right well we're going to attempt the miracle and counter-alignment [Music] let me know when you're ready and i'll start blow it out some more put it way over here please okay stand clear i'm going to push it [Music] is that a good distance [Applause] go in and up you gotta go in and [Applause] up okay continuing [Applause] negative look at the top if anything the top bales will fall over all right let's go [Applause] oh there we go there we go there we go that's good be nice if we could we could throw this one over let's try it no hold on that that could go over look and see what it does dropping [Applause] all right let me get rid of all tension there how does that look oh we did a miracle that's what i get for being cynical i didn't think we'd do it look at that remember it was touching the tires mark you're good i think they're good to tow it we're definitely enough to clear roadway yeah but look at the landing gear it's all the way up and it's practically touching the floor [Music] that is funny this thing is bad see on the bright side at least it's above the tires now not by much but i mean that little counter lean did help huh all right let me put my my gimbal camera down so i can focus on getting rid of some of this rigging get out of this intersection all right guys despite me being cynical thinking the counter line wouldn't work it held well for its purpose mark's company mr seastone is not far from here at all so they can just go down this street which is a firestone towards the 710 freeway just passing atlantic and they'll be able to limp it to the yard and then from there uh we can manhandle it so i'll be putting all this rigging stuff away the great thing about the synthetic stuff is look how lightweight it is instead of chain and all that it'll take seconds so me do that and we'll put the trucks away hey you i'll put in a good word with the boss you did good i heard that all right and just like that we are dunzo i got hulk put away got dark pretty fast huh the container is holding okay it wasn't a perfect load correct because of the way the load is it's impossible without forklifts and offloading or something but we did the job we got it so we can safely transport it back to mr c's yard [Applause] [Applause] let's uh mark at mr c's thank you for the call we're trusting uh my dad and i to help you out on this one did a pretty nice tag team job you know what i just realized we're gonna find a jack in the box i can get some food sourdough jack will hit the spot that is one destroyed container man that pole is like the strongest pull i've ever seen i've seen these knocked down all the time this one knocked down the container but anyways yeah we're out mark's done hooking up so i'm gonna just quickly follow him back to his base for safety and then i go back to the shop just about time to go over mark's yard over here is in uh southgate so what we're gonna do is he's gonna back up through this intersection right here and then go southbound on this street called atlantic that's the best way to do it because if we go down straight here towards the freeway we won't make that turn especially because this load is so uneven we want to go as straight as [Music] possible got everything hooked up hulk is ready to be the escort still standing by now we gotta wait because they're up there fixing the uh the pole the street light and then it's escort time i'm solo and i'll be driving so i don't think i'll be able to get that in the footage i'm sure it'll look cool imagine having hulk as an escort that's where the damage was done that's crazy and i would have never known that the driver not said anything that he landed on a fire hydrant yeah i mean not that it would have done really much difference it just would have snagged and it wouldn't have came over smooth so as the containers coming over the tractor would have probably been caught right there on the fire hydrant and then once it breaks free it could it could ricochet this is definitely something that that would have buckled if you only had one rotator in the middle again like i was trying to explain earlier imagine you have one line right there in that pocket your truck boom head is right there in the middle above that m and then the other line is in that pocket so you have a really high extreme angle and as you winch in you're almost because of the damage in the middle how it's bad you're pulling it apart you're bending it it'll rip it for sure well it looks like i will be here for a while and my battery is getting low on the sony so i'm gonna just call it quits right now and wait in the truck hope you guys enjoy this quick one peace [Music] you
Channel: Pepe's Towing Service
Views: 80,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pepe's Towing, Pepe's Towing Service, rotator, hulk, heavy wrecker, heavy duty towing, peterbilt, miller industries, crash, fail, adobe, premiere pro, winching, GoPro, rollover crashes, pepes towing, fails, gopro 9, gopro hero 9, car crash, big rig crash, heavy rescue, freeway crash, crash compilation 2022, sony, sony fx3, sony fx3 footage, sigma lens
Id: C2lrLbPT7qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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