THE CRAZIEST BOSS EVER! | Bloons Super Monkey 2

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name's Ryan to 2d and today we're gonna be continuing our adventure on bloom super monkey 2 which is a game that I've actually grown to like quite a bit hello friends hopefully you having a fantastic day let's go ahead and grab our achievements so earn 25 bronze medals I could have sworn we've already gotten that before but that's fine whatever let's see we can go to the lads you can pick some stuff up but hey everyone thanks for coming out and stream you guys are awesome oh look at that we can go ahead and oh my gosh we can turn this into a missile launcher oh my gosh we can put two missile launchers now yo what what is oh my goodness this is so cool this is so good we have two missile launchers on both sides now alright we can head over to 16 level 16 and we can head out and fight through there but hey everyone thanks for coming out here let me pop out shat let's move shat over here so I can reach shat easy thank you Lamine whoo my stream labs right there perfect perfect perfect um let's turn on the radiating one and I guess that one that one's pretty good hey face hey Braden hey shadow sniper okay hello hey Lance lol alright here oh my gosh oh my gosh these missiles are insane okay guys these missiles are like Oh P these are so strong I actually love these missiles the only problem is like the the balloons that are like super good against those I like the like the black balloons and the zebra balloons that are immune to explosions plop doubler yes okay I really want to get the fifty thousand pops really hey do you remember me from a jet stream thank you jack - the studio subjet and absolutely my friend oh oh there we go there we go we'll do all that perfect okay hey oh no these are so good against me these are so hard to pop that's not fair it's not fair I say oh my goodness here comes the bomber Niram oh my gosh so many bonds oh that's not fair this makes this bomber literally okay we just got vaporized balloons that's actually very fortunate that we're able to get that can we get this thank you thank you thank you we want to get as many plots as possible come on i we can still somehow miraculously get gold I don't know why that's still like possible come on oh so white balloons are immune to freezing it's just black moons that we can't get which I guess are really really good to DAC say you eat very loudly good there you go and hopefully hopefully that's enough for you to donation dude okay keep going hopefully you're having a fantastic day today everyone hey coming out from the Baka raid you guys are awesome okay come on we can pop these balloons no Popham bad no we won't oh we can't get gold anymore no I guess that's to be expected when we go up against a bunch of anti explosion balloons like come on I feel a little bit cheated here just you know just a little bit cheated was that it yeah that was that had to have been it I mean all in all not too bad we got a silver we were able to get two treasure crates which isn't too bad I really want to get more explosions though I think that's the play here let's see what do we got here a purple gold not bad bouncy shot your weapon protections will bounce back when they fly out of view pretty good pretty good and a blue turbo boost your weapons become supercharged not too bad not too bad okay no worries why I thank you for coming out to the stream and just hanging out you're the man sir all righty let's see what we got here let's use for our booze I have let's use that one and that one so we have bouncy shots and supersoft so everything bounces and they're way bigger so I think this will be way cooler hi there you go oh my gosh okay we've gotten every oh my gosh we literally have already not been able to get it that's someone that's so sad I keep going we'll get gold I I have a lucky feeling that we're gonna get goals okay we just got a 2000 for her bronze are you kidding me that seems a little bit ridiculous but that might just be me trying to get the craziness wait we're all the balloons I want like a whole bunch of balloons they just come out of nowhere and then there's okay okay maybe I shouldn't have asked for that oh my gosh here comes a Sun God okay that is very fortunate and a goat or do we have a bolt at the same time what what is this madness oh my goodness holy cow this is crazy we had two things at once a whole man that's so cool there we go that's what I'm talking about what okay this game is starting to get so crazy oh no this is so not good all right come on golden leg applause ha dang it these bombs are not doing me well I need it so that they can pop through everything I think that's like the only like bad thing is they can't pop everything and we need to get some blue quartz so they can't have the potential of a buck ah pop them we just have to get like a lot of blue porks so that would work see this is working pretty nicely actually there we go I like how they bounce back it makes it so enjoyable there we go Ike come on we can still get silver right alright there we go we were able to get silver at least we have to get silver at least like once every time mortar strike yes okay we can just focus on trying to get all the red the red flops come on there we go unfortunately guys I don't think oh my gosh why there's so many balloons right there man we got so close to getting gold that time we're getting so close to getting gold like every time but it just doesn't work for some reason hey Phillips to Barrow thanks for coming out to the stream dude you're awesome alright let's see 9 uses those are leveling up we haven't actually leveled anyone come on purple purple blue not bad purple gold sunglasses me I'm a fan of that man we're not getting any good ones apparently oh well that's okay uh what my old broom beacon super-monkey I lost track of this some time ago it's in pretty bad shape let's see if it still works what is in the world oh this thing what I'm back Judy Harris I think for the two of superjet welcome back you're awesome dude would you believe it the beacon is still operational now what is graduating will be a home and our previously completed level any level which to place the blue beacon signal will have all bloops returned to read it's right now look around for the blue and begin our previous stage oh um not now all right so oh it's on level three yo what all right so let's look here laughs um research we don't have a ton of bleep blorp s-- bomb research um create bigger explosions um your bombs can pop black and zebra balloons yes oh my gosh that's so many blocks that it needs that's what I really want because if it can pop all types of balloons man that's gonna be so nice like it's gonna be so cool if we can get that we're just gonna focus on trying to do that okay so we can do level three all right let's see it'll be kind of difficult but maybe we can get platinum on this all right and my feet it might be crazy but okay so we want to get this one and let's get the block magnet too so we can get all the blocks all right so let's we might let's see we can pull it off we literally just missed the first balloon the firt literally the first balloon that came at us not even kidding guys we missed the first balloon if we only miss one balloon I'm gonna be very upset guys I can't believe there's one balloon that has showed up and we just instantly missed it I'm kind of ashamed of us to be completely honest guys that eyes they kind of I meant very ashamed okay you know what I would really like guys I actually want to see stream stream stream shaming type one and shut if you think I should just spend like five or ten bucks and just get like a bunch of red blots and just upgrade my plasma cannon like a bunch and become like super decked out not like super decked out but like like at the next level of everything like right now and just be like cuz I feel like once we get the next level everything is just gonna be in sane all right there we go oh my god if I miss just one everyone's like one one one one one one one one one one all right guys if that's what you aren't every everyone just like yeah okay I'll do it guys I'm gonna do it just because you guys really want to see it we're gonna do it right after this level I'll do it guys and it's gonna be like but alright we got silver super sorry we're actually getting a lot of red blobs here's some more thank you so much for the $2 super cheddar since everyone's like yeah and do that okay well if you guys that's what you guys want to see I keep going all right we're gonna get gold like super easily I think at least come on there we go okay hurts him waste your money all right just for you just for you Timmy okay just for you good old Timmy Arena all right can I get gold please this is like so like the levels the same speed it's just like slow it's just like not like entertaining it is very slow and tedious to play through so I missed seven balloons are you kidding me seven balloons what are you kidding me I feel cheated honestly I feel cheated okay we got all of those whatever alright let's see what do we got anything good invisibility cloak super shots super shots Wow I feel very cheated now none of that was good okay not now all right guys we're adding some red plops then all right what was it fifty thousand for three hundred thousand for twenty bucks guys I think it has to happen okay guys I think it has to happen so what I'm gonna do is I don't know what pops up so I think it's that yeah I'm gonna try that and so whoops no we're gonna get three hundred thousand red blobs it has to happen guys cuz everyone's just like do it do it do it do it do it yeah I'm doing it right now guys alright so that one and you know what why not let's just get some blue ones too wait what I like glitched out for a second there we go and now we're gonna get blue the blue wants to because it's oh my gosh guys this is gonna be insane because this is gonna be in saying everybody is its quote unquote processing right now it's gonna happen guys it's gonna happen is if you guys you guys wanted to see it it's currently processing I think we I think we broke the game guys it's literally just stuck on processing I think I might have to restart the game now oh nope alright guys we're back we cool guys look at that 500,000 oh my gosh we can get so much stuff now okay we have to do the plasma chess piece first okay so we can get a hundred ago we can upgrade that we're gonna up here that once we can't even get the next one cuz that's four hundred and seventy thousand what do it for the views also shout but nah nah but nah nah that you say Miller for the $5 I don't know if that's print pound or I'm not sure I'm bad with those all right let's do this fires two missiles perch twice the explosions alright so where you have to get this so it fires two guys this is gonna be in the Seine okay this guy is like baller now okay so now we can do research I want to get it so let's do this one um come on alright so every it's not maxed yet wait I don't wanna know so it's every 11 shots which I think that's that's fine that's okay what I do want to do though is I think oh wait we have achievements now what do we have for achievements collects that's that was literally the only achievement we had okay no no we should be able to wear what lab is it in is it oats and skins I think it's a hundred is it a hundred thousand no it's only ten thousand let's see you guys is there what which one do we want oh my gosh look at the retro one wait can I get that oh my gosh that's five hundred thousand oh my gosh that's like so crazy okay we don't have that yet not yet guys we're not that cool yet okay all right guys we gotta try this guy out this guy's gonna be so good all right wish me luck guys let's see level 18 let's do this let's do this guys this is gonna be crazy all righty let's do let's do that one and I guess we'll do that one I don't want to do that one but might as well just just get it over with okay I know the eye let's see I'll strip crazy this is oh my gosh what this is insane look how crazy this is there's so many rockets everywhere I can barely look oh my goodness guys this is just insane or we can still get gold look how crazy this is guys oh wait so it's every nine shots that you have shots that can kill anything okay I get it that makes more sense but each one of them can do it I don't know how I feel about that I'd rather it be the other way around but I guess that's okay all right we can still get gold surmount wait what is this vaporize balloons I will definitely take that yeah I can just do this and create like an end wave of just vaporizing plasma beams thank you don't mind if I do thank you thank you thank you we still have 66,000 Oh what oh thank you I'll take that oh my god was that like a spider or something that just jumped across that thing looked terrifying thank you I mean I can't pop all of it but we can still I think we might still be able to get gold it's gonna be difficult but I'm pretty confident in that oh my gosh there's so many zebra balloons the problem is zebra balloons are so hard to destroy I have to get lucky and have it hit that all right the Wizards up all right we just got silver so we need to pop like 4,000 more all right the Sun God makes it so nothing stand a chance like literally nothing stand a chance with the Sun God there we go don't mind if we do I think we might be able to get it how many do we need we got gold we like just I think we like just barely got gold we like just barely got gold guys what is that madness you's making shots and turbo brews together and that actually it would be very good if I did that I bet mega shots and turbo boost let's do it all right unless I get something like crazy in here red hot or red our doors like okay but like it's honestly not that good anymore invisibility cloak I mean invisibility cloaks just not that good in my opinion there's level 20 is gonna be look at that I think that's a boss on level 20 which I am NOT looking forward to all right let's do this so let's see so if somebody says super shots and turbo boost is what people wanted to see so apparently this is gonna be like insane oh my gosh okay this is insane you're right dude this was likes this is so Opie oh my gosh this does so much damage look at look at that look how good this is this is just a wave of death that's all this is is literally just a wave of death and destruction you know I don't know if the bombs maybe only one bomb is the way to go and then we make the other side something else but I'm not exactly sure what I want one side to be hmm maybe magic I don't know guys what do you think would be good let's what should I have like I maybe my right side or something vaporized balloons I can still get gold I'm still planning on getting gold I'll have you on there like that is my plan is to get gold thank you I will take that don't mind if I do sir but not a desperate do magic a lot of people are saying magic yeah yeah okay I'll try to get magic then people are saying magic is like super good all right let's do magic plasma and bombs that seems like a reasonable thing I'll try magic magic could just be like super ropey because like bombs are nice but like not really they do they have the bombs have a pretty big weakness so I don't think that's the way we want to go but like this plasma is just dirty like it is almost unfair to use this it feels like what your this it just constantly shoots five giant oh my gosh look at all those all right come on reading come on look how close we are to getting it we are so okay we'd like just barely at all right now no Mia we would have gotten actually we were very close to getting platinum we only missed like 70 something balloons 76 balloons are 73 balloons that's all we BIST we literally only missed 73 balloons which is honestly pretty impressive that we only missed that much alright so let's try let's try magic then mmm bouncy shots bouncy such a pretty fun wall a clone from a show in June marriage your movement that seems pretty Opie if you asked me okay let's look okay okay so let's go to the lab let's try magic out okay so um alright so his right arm let's try magic I'm good against powerful balloons um alright let's just get a whole bunch of this magic okay I mean I can't get the last one cuz that's ninety four thousand but I'll give this a shot maybe this is really good we'll see we're gonna go we're about to go up against the boss guys so wish us luck okay all right let's see you guys alright we're going we're gonna fight this this monster that we're fighting this like crazy monster now so obviously let's use this thing constant and then let's use that turbo boost parallel universe and turbo boost what it okay I'm ready oh my gosh what okay this is this guy's so good all right here we go here we go I mean I'm obviously not gonna be able to get like flatten the road ever I mean he's not that great cuz I'm I want to sit back here it doesn't do much right like if I sit all the way up they're not that great I should have had I should have added bouncy shots I think fancy shots would have been like that would have been good to use bouncy shots yeah he like mimics and does like the exact opposite I'm doing so it's good if I'm like right here but like if everything's down here there's no point for him I mean I guess he pops like an okay amount it is also like it kind of messes with my brain like it really messes with my brain up there he is get him he's almost dead we literally almost defeated this monster like he's literally almost just dead come on look how damaged he already is he's literally like oh we've almost defeated the boss are you kidding me up there's a vaporized balloons I'll take that it's always nice to just get the vaporized balloons right at the start take all this I'm kind of a fan of the magic guys not gonna lie the magic seems like really really good I might just be crazy but I'm thinking the magic is like hot stuff I keep it going I ask we could just chill right there so he doesn't have the turbo boost on which is good to know for future referencing we got silver iced tea I'm still aiming for the gold right like the gold is something that I really want up there he is although you're this guy is he already done at in no way as he already has done okay yep that was that guys that was that was him that was the boss that was he just got absolutely dumpster guys like he literally just got absolutely dumpster level complete got a gold nice I got 10,000 blobs for that almost what oh it got from rank to weapons fires a hundred twenty five percent answer yo I actually really like tera boat turbo boost is so good like I feel like I always just want to have cherubi boost on and block Magnum block magnet I'm actually liking the smaller ones more now um yeah well we can do that we could just jump right into the next one we don't have like a ton of cash or whatever so we just got to save up for our next stop let's do balloon magnet and well we could just put that on because we have we already have like extra one of those so this one will just make all the shots Baker there we go I wonder how good the magic is with all of that I think the magic goes through the plasma stuff easy here I could just be brutally mistaken alright I hope the blop Davalos lasts for a while I'm not come on but oh oh this is the perfect time to have a block doubler that was like the perfect way what those are just coming out of thin air what getting platinum on all the levels must be like insanely crazy like insanely crazy vaporized balloons thank you I'll take that alrighty here we go we're doing fantastic remember guys if you're enjoying you want to see more balloons the super-monkey to smash the like button thank you I will take all those I'll take you I will take you our hard-earned blop sir thank you thank you thank you lots of money the bonds are so nice just because they like go through like and all of that right and nothing oh here come the bomber no of course and it's literally just balloons that are resistant up everything better every time every time I feel cheated honestly guys oh we don't even have silver yet what how long is this level supposed to be there we go I will take that appreciated I have a popped 8270 something alrighty I'm down to that just keep going just keep popping them up what is this mortar strike oh my gosh wait the motor strike does seem to affect them even though it's explosion we still have like nearly 2,000 more to be able to get gold oh here it is here it is here it is no we got it we got gold that was so many balloons what those things came out in nowhere there's no way we're gonna get was that it oh my gosh we just barely got gold yeah it's like we literally just barely got gold that could have been very very bad for us if we did not do that okay the last levels are crazy but the boss levels in general much easier to get diamond on than normal levels I could see that being a thing super shots what else did we get sideswipe and for the last one sideswipe what I feel cheated we're not getting very good ones guys we're sorry to get gold on like everything though which is which is very nice to say the least guys very nice to start getting gold on like nearly everything so we can put that on and then I guess the super shots like wait what is this what does this thing do I don't even know what that does like I literally forgot what that does I guess I'll use it during like a big event and just hope that it does something cool I think that's the only thing that I can do at that point I keep using it thank you thank you thank you thank you just keep using everything I really wait we got blop vacuum yes thank you and bronze I wonder what like the strongest possible setup is guys I feel like a plasma chest is just like Opie but maybe I'm just crazy what how did I miss the ninja there oh my gosh I think that might have been like the perfect time to get the ninjas if I didn't get the ninja there I don't think I would have been able to pop all those balloons that was a lot of balloons in a very very quick time and when the next thing comes up I'll pop the side the sideswipe things and I think that'll be like really good mom get them all get him I'll get em I'll get them all I did not get them all that's fine we can still get gold somehow miraculously all right I just use the sight thing the side thing didn't literally nothing okay come on we almost that gold we're almost at Gold's how far are we we need 2000 more for gold yo what okay oh gosh these things are gonna be so hard to pop they take so long they're so powerful okay come on this is gonna be so close over gonna get this gold come on wish me luck guys 300 more we got it okay we got it by thirty five balloons guys we got it by thirty five balloons are you kidding me Wow okay that was that could have been really bad we almost didn't make that imagine if we didn't make that that oh we got a purple purple purple parallel universe very cool very cool sideswipe I hate sideswipe I wish like and Sun bots I wish I could recycle cards like I feel like I should be able to do that I wish that was a thing let's go to achievement what I have what I have under the treatments oh cool what's the next boss Oh No is that oh my goodness I bet that Moab's the next level I bet the Moab is the next level oh no that's not good if that's the case I'll let's use the magnet and I guess that no no let's save that um I might as well just use that right I guess do you still like balloons mods I don't know what you mean by that oh wait what are all the what are all these balloons doing down there I literally can't hit these balloons am I supposed to hit those I'm not sure if I did so I just use that I'm just using that hoping that was what I was supposed to do what in the world what are all these balloons Mon all right I already got bronze I guess that's a good sign oh my gosh these things are so hard to pop oh I'm underneath them let's go let's go okay good stuff good stuff I got really lucky with that oh my gosh these are all just super heart balloons to hit I literally can't even get gold anymore oh my gosh these are balloons are so hard to hit for me I don't know why I can't hit this I'll at least gotta get silver can I at least get silver maybe maybe not I don't know okay come on alright we have to be able to get silver okay we got at least we got silver but like man I feel like this one was very very difficult to do I feel like the magic really doesn't do a ton I wish I could see what pops like everything maybe right good maybe I need to go look and see what what does what okay come on how am I supposed to pop those I might be missing something because like these hmm I'm not sure guys I love scrip take a look after this we'll take a nice long look at the upgrades that we can get and see if we might potentially be missing something you know you guys know what I'm saying all right come on yeah I mean we didn't okay actually we did basically gold buy a decent amount by like 10% or something like that yeah that was not good not good all right let's get let's take a look before before we do any like crazy things we might we might be missing out on something right we just potentially mine that's not something that I want to be doing right now all right let's take a look let's go to the lab and see what we're not looking at here so we have boomerangs which i think are just kind of silly then we got Oh epics what is that dart ace I mean yes that's that's too it these are all way Oh what no way oh I K like boomerangs might be kind of cool I kind of want to do boomerangs guys well yeah they're I know there's energy I could try to get like duel whips but that's also really expensive like does I mean that's 29,000 so I'd be able to get this one plasma whip so we could try that but I let's try the Rings let's see it let's try the boomerangs all right obviously we have to make them like not awful all right so we have that we have to make them the shuriken z' well give it we'll give them a try with the shuriken z' and see if that does anything and then if they don't then we're like okay yeah this is not this is obviously not for us yeah I could see this game getting kind of grindy all right let's get the aura and let's get I guess we'll just use the ones that we like you never wanting news like I I can see it be like okay yeah all right how is how does the this thing look I can't even see the shuriken so I don't like it's so hard to see that shuriken I don't know if it's doing anything I I literally couldn't tell you if it's doing anything at all nothing yeah epics are like activated abilities oh that's super cool if that's the case well I've already lost the chance to get plasma I mean platinum but to be fair I don't think I've even I don't think I've ever gotten the Platinum before just because it's like so difficult to get and that'll get out of here metal maybe I could do go for the whips I don't know there's so many like crazy things to get 2d The Escapist is an awesome game I tried it I like when it first came out wasn't a huge fan but maybe I should give it a retry and play through it again cuz to be fair I I try to like once and didn't really like do what I was supposed to do and kind of just messed around Oh paper eyes balloons thank you I will definitely take that and the bomber thank you sir coming in hot in here there we go keep going keep going fire fire fire silver oh yeah okay Can I grab please what wouldn't what why is there a blimp you know what oh my gosh we have to go up against blimps now no sir I don't want to have to go up against anything limbs all right come on I got to get gold I didn't get gold last time and I'm kind of sad that I didn't get gold last time so I got to get at least gold this time right come on come on I we'd like just barely got gold I'm not gonna complain though oh wait no nevermind rip oh my gosh did it run away from me it ran away from me oh my goodness it literally just kiss-kiss I see how it is it's time to battle guys oh yeah we got three I kept didn't believe they forgot we were in a purple super monkey this amazing service pumping all balloons and touch mm-hm [Applause] yo I'm down with that okay all right let's fight this guy I am ready I am so ready all right so for this boss battle let's do explosive shots and turbo pls explosive shots and turbo boost yeah guys I'm that crazy hey let's go let's go boom boo-boom boo-boom boo-boom boo-boom boo-boom not one balloon has gotten by on me yet not one balloon has dared to escape yet not one come on we okay there's an oh my gosh one got away no wait no one did not get away none has gotten away yet guys I just want to point that out nothing has gotten away yet alright something has to get away there's no way that we can treat oh he ate one finally got away dang I was kind of hoping that we like literally just don't miss a single one apparently there's good this is a boss battle right I'm gonna be upset okay here it is ready what it just dumps through this boss right at the start literally right at the start just destroy this boss come on come on keep hitting him dude we're literally pushing him back get them get them get them yo I think we literally already destroyed him please tell me we literally already destroyed it I think now no joke I think we already destroyed it guys we already destroyed the and now we're just wait sitting here waiting no way easy peasy lemon squeezy we didn't even get gold we just we just dumpster that guy and then we're just like yeah easy thanks for watching peace that's what I'm talking about ladies and gentlemen but I think that's gonna end up this room guys if you guys enjoyed remember to smash that like button thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow on the channels for are probably gonna be streaming art maybe something like that get back in the swing of things wait I'll probably be doing a video tomorrow yeah I'm gonna be gone tomorrow but thanks for watching guys I love you guys oh no wait ice monkey I don't know what's going on we'll have to see what ice monkeys all about in the next video bye rerun
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 91,043
Rating: 4.9158282 out of 5
Keywords: Tewtiy, Tewiy, JeromeASF, Jerome, Gaming, Games, Child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, funny, mobile, pc, livestream, livestreams, gaming livestreams, Live
Id: cQ4BsqEFzpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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