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good morning what's going on everybody my name's Ryan or Tootie and today we're gonna be playing ourselves some more plants vs. zombies - what's the it's about time edition that's that's that's the one yes we played it like a couple of days ago and you guys absolutely loved it we had a lot of fun and unfortunately the stream was kind of cut short because I had to go but today I have nothing to do so we can do a full feature-length stream well how's it going everyone good morning hey poop pan 9 poop that's a great name I love it Ellen paying hey Drake Dean Hayes Charlie Brown a great name I love it phenomenal I love the Charlie Brown series the peanuts hey everybody how's it going you guys having a good day today hopefully so I'm having a pretty good day myself honestly let's jump right into this guys so we're gonna play in the weird plant challenge you might be going what is the weird plant challenge duty I'm talking about all those weird strange gizmos and plants that normally you don't think have any real like uses or features or things that are just plain funny and weird to use and we're gonna be using those and just kind of seeing how it goes and seeing what happens maybe we'll have something hilarious happen I don't know you never know what these kind of things so let's jump right into it guys let's see what we got going on let's play the pinata event the first thing first party event for the pinata oh my gosh these guys look terrifying okay ready set plant okay I can do this um well I guess we want to put down the Sun guys as quickly as possible right oh my gosh these are all like three people these guys oh I forgot they only last temporarily but I guess I just want to constantly put as many down as I can right all right more more more more more um I'm assuming I probably want to put down these guys as well right and we need as much Sun as possible this is actually gonna be quite interesting trying to figure out what's the best way to go about this I don't know honestly like oh my gosh that guy has a stone head on that's gonna be so hard to defeat that guy like that guy is gonna be nearly impossible I feel like he's gonna be so tanky okay okay okay this just got a little out of hand if you asked me let's put this cherry bomb here and that'll deal with that let's put that there and let's put that there we need more Sun we need more sunshine more oh let's I feel like I should constantly be using the cherry bomb like the cherry bomb needs to always be on cooldown you know what I'm saying there we go the more the cherry bombs on cooldown I feel like the better off we're gonna be you know what I'm saying guys we need more anymore here let's put this guy right here can he deal with those guys I don't know let's put the cherry bomb right there boom oh we're gonna have to boost this guy and then let's put this guy there alright perfect that's exactly what we needed to happen here alright we just want to put down these guys every chance weekend literally every chance oh no this guy's gonna disappear in a second they don't last forever which is not really a good thing let's put that guy there so they decide to eat them instead of SpaghettiOs this is good I think I really just oh we're so close I have to wait for these to like respawn there we go oh that's a good charity bomb that is a quality cherry bomb we got going on there let's put this guy down I have to remember to always put these guys down let's put this cherry bomb right there no yes it did end up getting him so that's fine that makes me happy we can put you there oh no final wait wait that's good that's good that's good this is the final way we can make this work we put you there we'll put you there oh this is definitely gonna be possible and we could put you there and then last cherry bomb right there all right now all we have to do is just deal with these the last of these two guys okay we can make it work we're gonna make this work I don't know how but we're gonna make it work guys don't worry okay I'm a professional okay I assure you professional this might just take like a super a long time sure this might just take a super a long time can he there we go he's just gonna sit there and munch on that perfect oh we're gonna get rid of this guy how's that guy doing he's that guy's having some troubles isn't he oh no I put it down in the wrong spot oh wait no I have my cherry point I just have my cherry bomb it's already done all right we actually ended up winning yes last time I got destroyed oh no oh no I have to decide which one okay you guys have to decide which one do I pick guys which one - my pig I can pick three of them I need I need you guys to help me with this okay guys which ones are we going for um let's see let's see Jade top at the top the top all of them the top left somebody okay Cooper says top left witch hazel five nice one a top left top right okay shadow peashooter one left one left um let's see bottom mid top top right top right I've already done top right middle bottom right okay I saw bottom right we're gonna do um middle bottom right I see bottom I see bottom right the most 1000 coins nice oh no it was right there it was right next to it it was one off that was so close good guess that's good good guess guys I was close that was very very close thanks for the guests guys appreciate it I definitely would not have guessed it without your help okay once if we got um I never bought that what are you talking about or I might have bought it a long time ago okay let's see there's some new epic oh you win a battle Z match um these are all for like gems and stuff um hmm events where we got four events here battle Z practice room oh yo that will give me three of those let's see what do we got here defeat ancient Egypt zombies bareheaded cone these basic bandages brutes gotta go alright well that's the case let's do this guy's I know I really want the candies um alright guys like I said not we're still doing the weird challenge so we have to be using weird plants that we normally wouldn't think of using so let's see what our what a weird plants um let's see what are some weird plants here that we could use that could be kind of fun you know magnifying grass is kind of strange like it would have but it's what a very unique plan what is we need a weird way to get Sun a toadstool that's that's a weird way to get Sun we need a toadstool what's another what's this stun zombies and let's get a solar tomato that's a kind of a weird way to get Sun we need no more let's see where is um we get a Sun beam as well yep yep Sun beam that's another way okay ah let's see let's see let's get let's get some other strange things cactus now cactus isn't straw burst all right I'm down okay ah let's see what else is like weird plants let's see let's try to find some weird icky we beast okay yeah let's do it Kiwi beast and let's see we need something we need an ice guy who what's it like a weird ice guy mistletoe we could use mistletoe all right I'm down guys is there any other ice guys that we have what's this alright let's do this yeah let's let's get rid of that and do this oh this is gonna be weird guys okay this is gonna be this is such a strange lineup yeah I'm ready to continue I don't have any any Sun producing plants I am so scared right now okay let's um I kind of want the Sun this Sun toad-like immediately let's see this might just get crazy instantly I don't know how I feel about this um I think this guy will eat them right and this guy will just eat them up right yeah there we go all right so that would give us a little bit of Sun which is gonna be really nice um here let's get this let's turn this guy into the Sun beam let's have him eat it that should give us a little bit of Sun right I hope so [Music] there we go it gave me a little bit of Sun back but not a lot um let's see I need here there we go I need another one eat them eat him too yes we're doing it okay let's get we need more we just literally we need more ways to get Sun here let's do this I want to boost him so I can get more Sun that's all I got for Sun is 75 that's totally not worth it that's totally not worth it uh-oh oh we need more Sun okay or wait wait I'm so close I'm so close I just need a little bit more Sun more Sun just something son thank you thank you thank you thank you there we go perfect and now I know I'm oh this isn't good I am very oh wait I forgot these things are free I forgot that I have a free thing to use like let's freeze this guy okay um all right there we go and let's get ourselves a I kind of want to save up for that solar this is the last one that I need there we go okay so I have room everywhere now perfect okay so is this guy gonna just yo that guy actually breaks that so fast that's actually so good I didn't know that those guys would do that that's really really nice okay you're trying to steal me son stop it very rude very rude indeed okay I don't have time for this not not any time at all all right we're doing okay we just gotta be patient they're just you know he's just munching on some zombies I bet zombies taste nasty like everybody's taste so not tasty at all you I bet they taste like Brussels sprouts or like broccoli ooh so I guess it'd be pretty good with a bunch of butter and salt but either way I don't think that's something that I want okay final wave we got this guy's okay Oh so let's put this guy down well that seems kind of useless Oh let's see let's see let's see I figure out well let's put down like what happens if we put down like this Kiwi beast and keep hitting him there we go and the last guy right there wait no the last guys right here all right got him look how funny that guy looks what happens if we boost him what in the world was that that was crazy we did it using weird weird weird plants I would love to do one with like toad only that'd be hilarious the thing is like there's some plants that he won't be able to do that was a crazy boost I was not expecting that like I was not I have an idea I have an idea for strategy you guys bear with me here this strategy is gonna be hilarious okay mint only I don't think I have the mint I need to get the mint the mint would be awesome if I could like manage to get them in but um okay let's see what is the do we have another one because if we have another one of those similar challenges what I want look at all of these things all of these boosts we could use the banana oh there's this guy here let's uh let's use the booster the peanut guy oh look the strawberry thing also has a boost okay okay we gotta use it then oh my gosh yeah watch this this is gonna be crazy this is gonna be actually crazy everybody stand back okay and watch this let's see what we have do we have another know I keep sorry I keep clicking on the wrong thing I keep clicking on that when I need to click on this okay thank you why does it always say that like it says it um no I don't want to do that alright let's play all right let's do this guy's alright let's do this everybody you have some power-ups I'll show you I know how to use them yeah I know we can break this yeah let's get crazy eh well yeah I know I know how to use these things okay why is it telling me how to use these things I know how to use these things go away all right now I guess we'll use the powers app as well the powers apps easily the best one oh my gosh hit him with some snowballs yeah this app is definitely the best way to go about it is this literally the did I get like some bonus level or something what if this counts towards my like achievement or whatever I'm not entirely sure okay yeah the flicking what did we actually just oh my gosh that that counted towards it that's hilarious no way it randomly chose that level and we got the oh my gosh I cannot believe that actually just happened that actually just happened that was crazy alright what do we get a hundred coins okay alright we got four boom boom bloomer rings okay we got three potato mines alright that's respect that's respect okay what else survived by using whatever that was easy that was I was so lucky that was so lucky okay let's see let's go to quest complete yeah we already literally completed that that's hilarious we got some of those things we got the grave buster we got that was it that was all we got that's that's literally everything play with the soy bean pod oh my gosh we get to play with the soybean pod sign me up guys sign me up we're playing the soybean okay we're playing with the soybean I want to see what the soybean does alright well let's just start putting these guys down we're putting them everywhere alright how does it work how does it work what does it do it's a it's a Brussels sprout zombie it's literally a broccoli zombie how am I supposed to beat those guys I'm so confused okay more brah more Sun boy beans oh my gosh no beans are hilarious okay we need more we need more okay well are these guys gonna actually do anything no how are we supposed to beat that what I'm a loving caring person so here you go hey Angua thank you so much was a $3 super check there are three Austrailia okay guys we have to try to save up to get this thing that thing it's over an hour this thing's awesome I know they can be one shot by basically anything but like we don't have anything that one-shots them that's what that's what I'm talking about all right we're gonna put these guys back here and then we're just gonna make a line of these guys that's what we're gonna do this is the only way if we have like a line of these things it'll be way better and now we just want zombies everywhere never mind this is action wait I think it might just be random zombies I think I might have just gotten really unlucky I think I just got really really unlucky how good are these zombies like are they Oh Mike what these things these zombies are actually seemed pretty Opie not gonna lie these zombies the zombies seemless these zombies seem really Opie oh my gosh these zombies are okay okay yep yep yep yep yep yep um this is working very well for us keep going my zombies keep going alright what happens when you boost one oh my god you get a card add some more oh my gosh what No we have a gourd kitchen another one give me a gargantuan how much do they come weep I don't care what it is guys we have to get this plan we have ticket this plan right now okay we have to get this plan we're getting the soybean okay I don't care how we get it we have to get it I we have to all right guys we're we're getting this plant okay we're getting this plant okay all right we're about to win we're going into battle Z we're going into battle Z right now and we're going to win and we're going to non-stop keep on winning until we get that plant okay until we get the plant that we're looking for [Music] oh my god let's go car can't short verses go against you are let's go we're not gonna lose to you guys go my friends support this car games for our lost feel sad oh my gosh this is insanity okay we're definitely gonna do this oh no wait let's shrink on these zombies wow that was crazy that was actually crazy okay let's do this guy's um I want this plant now I need this plant okay oh we need this plant okay where we need this okay I need to get these these mints or whatever we're backing out we're going to battles II guys okay we're going into battle Z because I need this plant like I have to have it battles are you let's go all right a grand prize in two hundred I don't know what that means do I have to win two wait I've I'm confused I have four hours left wait what oh this ends in four hours all right first place gets 40 minutes let's go oh and I also want this thing too but that cost a hundred that's okay we're getting it guys let's do this okay let's go let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa we're just blasting through this okay guys so we have ice we're gonna need we have one with stopping what but that's neither here nor there I need um you guys know what I need I need we want you I also want you I want to duplicate you I mean where's my where is it there we are that's the stuff I have the wasabi whip because that counts as fire right so I want the fire guy and he's pretty cheap too so that'll work and we probably also know grape shots don't crave shots don't count so I don't need those nor do I want them I could get a jalapeno jalapeno I know I need more fire the more fire we have the better um hot pee or hot bean the pumpkin a lot of people are saying the pumpkin all right let me grab that pumpkin where is he there you go the jack-o'-lantern all right got it let's rock and roll let's do this guy's um all right prepare your defenses so we probably want you there and then you there and then you you you you and you now let's put let's put a soppy die there and then no sabi guy there and I wasabi guy there and I think that's gonna be pretty good I think that's kind of what I want okay and then we're gonna want to get rid of these guys but that's neither here nor there okay all right let's do this see I'd like it instantly it freezes them which is kind of annoying ah let's see okay let's put these two wasabi whip's down we need more rossabi whips we also want one of these guys oh they also whip behind which is like really really nice okay keep going keep doing your thing let's put this guy down all right we just need more there we go this is actually working really really well right now um I probably want another Kali power let's put him down right there the wasabi whoops are actually really good I know Zoe Zoe boy Zoe boy okay alright we need we need more come on it's so annoying when these things are frozen these cold winds are so obnoxious cuz all my guys are like always frozen it seems like alright come on melt there we go there we go here we can put you down I'm gonna put you down here we can put you down let's put did I put him down - wait what happened I don't know what just happened there okay oh well let's do this guy let's boost this guy I didn't want to do that but I guess that works come on we're at 70,000 we are winning not by a lot but can't let's just oh whoops oh yeah no no no we can't have that no oh it just pushed them back a little bit no this isn't good this is very bad no this is really bad could i be mod please also good stream by the way sorry and goose no importunate you can't be mod um I really don't like make mods anymore I think the people I have mods are gonna keep them as mods and then like there's automatic modding systems now that pretty much do it does everything so alright come on this guy's at 80 mm I'm doing okay but I'm not doing like super good right use the pumpkin I just don't see the pumpkin doing that good all right here I mean I don't have the money to use the pumpkin right now unfortunately the wasabi whip's seem to be doing a pretty decent job there we go come on oh no not the chickens not the chickens no mosh chicken okay yeah let me use the pumpkin you guys want me to use the pumpkin I won't use the pumpkin is that like the pumpkin didn't do anything guys I hate to break it to you the pumpkin make a roll wasabi okay there we go hi sorry muted fan I'm just I do for those of you don't know I stream twice a day now one in the morning and one at night okay what happens when I do that that guy just spins around which is really really nice all right so I did end up winning this which I'm really really happy about use all fire plants I mean honestly I probably should just use all fire plants that probably be a good idea alright so we just get a I got one gauntlet guys yay wait so I'm at five so I need to get to 200 right alright guys I'm telling you I'm streaming until I hit this okay so what am i yet I don't I'm very confused I'm very confused let me look at information so I'm at plus five so I need to get to 200 yo we need to just upgrade this guy alright let's just keep battling so we have seven days left but we just got we need this guy like we need this fire plants are useless um I have a I have a plenty I don't use all explosive plants and then you won't ever win a crazy fire plants are useless somebody says use the electric peashooter I feel like the electric peashooter is gonna be pretty good I kind of want the electric peashooter here let's let's try out some different strategy guys let's try out some different strategies here see I don't want lava lava I want let's try the electric peashooter here maybe that that could work fire plants you're looking wait plans from different families can be strong weak or ineffective against zombies so fire plants are weak against them melee and electric are strong oh I did not know that okay okay so we want so we need we need strong people we need strong people so if that's the case we won where oh oh oh and it says what type of plant it is okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I figured it out alright so what's I don't want the celery guy what's up where is my where is he where is he I'm looking for him there we go the bonk Choi okay that's what we need we need some of that let's see more electric stuff um we have the fire guy which is going to be pretty good let's see we also are gonna want um let's see I really want um where are they where are they where are they I know they're around here somewhere where are my there they are there's those things and let's refresh those so we get a lot of those live we want the imitator the imitator is really good and then what's another one that we want what what do you think would be a really good one magnifying dress counts as that mm and they only cost 50 mm I kind of want that I kind of want that guys let's let's try this out okay let's try this so um so let's see we're gonna want a lot of these guys and I mean like a lot of these guys okay we can put those down all right let's do that and then let's just have like a line of these guys too because these guys will be very useful later okay and we still have a little bit left but let's do this okay let's do this let's rock okay all right I immediately am just gonna boost this so we have I just want as much Sun in the very beginning as possible okay and who you know what I just realized is these guys um there we go so I can use those to just break the break most of the bad guys we want and you want more of a sabi whips in the front I think that's it that's exactly what we want more wasabi whip's there we go and see like that guy look at that yeah we definitely we definitely want more wasabi whip's and we can use these guys to break the hamster balls right because breaking those hamster balls is gonna be pretty important so we definitely want more of those guys yeah this is it I like the strategy just look I run out of Sun pretty fast though so alright here we go come on there we go come on wait this guy's beating me right now what in the world he's doing a pretty good job I hate that it's so cold constantly it's always so cold okay no this guy's beating me I don't like it all right here we're gonna need here what does this do doesn't really do a lot unfortunately nope nope nope nope get rid of that guy and uses a little bit of Sun but not like a time okay he's this is such a close game right now I wonder I want to see what like he ends up using right maybe instead of these guys we just have more Electric peashooters I feel like electric features could be really good here oh my gosh we are neck and neck I'm kind of pulling ahead right now though I'm holding my own against these zombies so I'm doing a pretty good against them there we go I like that these guys break the ice though it's nice it's kind of tedious but it works all right I'm definitely pulling ahead now which is really really nice considering you want to get rid of them I'm almost out of Sun I'm out of set now this is bad hi this is bad we're gonna this is where it starts getting a little bit crazy guys okay this is where it starts getting a little bit crazy we might want to end up getting more I'm definitely pulling ahead that guy's lost a lot of everything his defenses are definitely going down we only have 20 seconds left we might want to just try to hit these guys as much as possible trying to get that like bonus money you know what I'm saying guys put some pong toys up in the front here maybe we maybe we put everything in the front and try to do more damage is an upgraded version what's up yeah I think wasabi is probably an upgraded abang toy I agree and we ended up crushing him in the end by a 50,000 points so that ended up really really working well for us okay so what did we get for that we got three minutes yes we did get the three minutes okay brick league bundle um interesting we might we might I could be tempted for that I could be tempted for that what did we get so how did that give us five points I'm curious to see how many points we got for that right that did so we only need to win what ten games wait no I think five ten I'm so good at math guys I I'm not gonna do the math right now it's too early in the morning it's too early in the morning okay it's way too early in the morning all right so that did not work 40 games ways up 40 games if I have to win 40 games I'm gonna win 40 games guys because we need this guys okay put the wasabi and I need we have to get it guys we need those oh boy 40 40 times guys should I just went off 40 right now guys should I just stay here and win all 40 guys because I'm down for 40 I'm down for when I'm down for that okay alrighty that's the case how do we win how do we what if we just let's see we need something that like we need a game winning strategy we need a game winning strategy here what is the game winning strategy okay guys we need so they're good against melee and electric but the problem is electric fish shooters they get they get frozen so I need stuff that makes it so they don't freeze but the problem is if I make it so they don't freeze see Wasabi's whoops good because there they are fought they are fire so it's like it's hard for them to lose only pea shooters in Torchwood but fires not strong against them right that's thing water plants electric I don't think does that work that doesn't work right that definitely doesn't work hey Zachary plays over watching you sources of five dollars or super-trendy goes hey friend hello to you too sir citron do we dare try the citron wait wait what is a citron it is electric yo-yo I could be tempted for that that seems pretty good so if we try the citron but is there anything else that like warms plants [Music] let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see where is um no I don't want any of those things I don't want the jalapeno because it only warms up one area right like it only one spot and I don't want that I wanted to warm everything and I wanted to be cheap to do it um let's see let's look let's look let's look what do we have there is a hot potato but that's that's banned so you can't use a hot potato okay I think wasabi whip's all we have the cactus cactus doesn't work cold Snapdragon cold Snapdragon mmm alright alright I could be convinced so we'll do a cold snap dragon okay um can i cold snap dragon freeze I don't know okay we're also we're gonna want the Goldblum because the Goldblum is really nice but I only want one Goldblum fire peashooter I don't want because there's there weak against oh there there strong against fire so that's something we don't want so that's the case we have two slots left we have this fire guy so that's gonna be alright we have the citron which is really really nice as well um so what else do we need spike floor spike floors okay but not amazing cactus electric peashooter I'm down for the electric peashooter just to be safe let's pull out the electric peashooter that's the snow pea that's not the right one the electric pre-shoot are so powerful like it is so powerful let's get the electric peashooter and for the last one I don't know how about the fireball pepper they I guess we'll just take we'll hold on to the jalapeno for there's no reason to because we don't get points for it okay Cherry Bomb explosions don't count towards money so that's this doesn't work okay so maybe if we do I'm trying to think I'm trying to think they're weak against electric and May is there any melee here or like strength units waka dial is electric but I don't think that's really that good honestly um that's also not that good bonk choy I don't really want a bonk troika's a bonk Choi's gonna freeze right parsnips pretty good alright let's just try this let's just see what happens here so yeah oh my gosh they like pre charge up that's awesome alright well we can start off like that I guess they'll kind of warm it up and not amazing citroën might be too expensive here you're right it might be a little too expensive let's just see what happens like we're trying new stuff or trying new stuff okay all right oh no they keep getting frozen I don't want them to constantly be frozen all right well oh my gosh II just see the thing is the Citroen only hits one person see that's like slightly worthless if I say so myself all right come on freeze them cold cold slowed him down slow down slow them down oh my gosh why is he so fast that guy's insanely fast okay we're gonna want another cold snap train this one that's mine I'm not gonna I don't feel like doing that right now okay we'll put this guy here um we're gonna put this guy here we're gonna put you it looks like the cold snap dragon can't freeze the cold snap dragon can't freeze so this guy runs until he hits something which is kind of annoying but I mean I can make that work citron citron czar too expensive Syd runs are much too expensive too yours here all right that is that is duly noted we're doing okay though we're actually not doing that bad oh come on more anymore that is everything constantly freezes oh my goodness that's so tedious how everything freezes like that it's okay it's not the end of the world okay you keep doing your thing you doing your thing anymore I've run out of Sun - interesting okay yeah so I think if these were electric peashooters I think we'd actually be doing way better I think we'd be doing way better in fact I might want the snapdragons on the front okay we might end up winning this but I have the strategy now guys I know what works I'm figuring it out slowly but surely the cold snap dragons can't preach because they're already ice plants technically right so if they can't freeze then we're good I don't want fire snapdragons the point of the cold snap dragons is to slow them down because all right so here's the way battle Z works right I don't know if you notice but you see these flags here down on the bottom corner you have you have the brown blue red and yellow that corresponds to how many points you get when you destroy the zombies yellow it means you get the most points then red then blue and then I'm pretty sure Brown means you get no points at all so we want to be destroying the zombies as close to the start as possible for the most possible points uh-oh this is terrifying it looks like he's gonna end up winning just just by a smidgen but that's okay that's okay because um yes I want to retain streak I'm gonna retain mushy okay watch this guys I have it now I have the strategy okay so if I'm pretty sure this is what we're gonna want to do here we're gonna need we were close but we need to just mix out a couple of things instead of that we need an electric peashooter where is it the electric peashooter the electric peashooter where'd he go am i stupid oh I already had it okay no we're fine I don't need the parsnip so I want that I basically only need these things I think I'd really like to have yeah yeah that's like this is actually what I want okay yeah I was like where is it I was like where to go all right that's gonna be fine and then for the other things probably just the small explode on that probably explode on that because yeah probably the explosion or not explode or not and the walnut is what we're gonna want and I'll create that there we go that's actually really nice okay this is the game winning strategy guys this right here is the game winning strategy okay alright watch this so all electric peashooters and then we're gonna have all of these things here and then we're gonna want a cold snap dragon here and a cold snap dragon here and then we're gonna do mmm yes this is what we want right yeah let's do this this is what we want okay I this this might take a little bit of testing but I'm pretty sure this is gonna be the strategy this is gonna be the game winning strategy here okay we're gonna want you we want you we're gonna want to put so everything they hit is gonna do that okay so instead we might want to put this guy here instead interesting so that's how that works okay that's kind of that's kind of tedious having to do that but that's fine cool Snapdragon all right we might that's okay we're gonna want more cold snap dragons and then the I guess we're just gonna want more explosions here these guys are these ball guys or what's like most obnoxious to deal with but that's okay it just rolls over everything oh my gosh that's so so so so tedious but that's okay we might need more yeah I need to put the cold snap dragons definitely won back and then put something in front of the to guard them that's I agree I that was a mistake I made and then we're also gonna want a layer of these guys here as well which is which is fine so we're gonna want to layer these guys here for sure and because yeah I like that I like that a lot actually and then the cold snap dragons here and then then we have all the electrics so they're all basically dying in the gold zone this is what we want okay this is working for us I like this strategy and we need the wasabi pea the constantly warm and heat them so they don't freeze yeah cuz we're gonna want on line there and then the cold snap dragons there in the back okay perfect i I mean we still did a pretty good job okay I don't know why zombies need a hamster ball I don't know how they found the hamster ball I'm not gonna question any of these things but it's okay it's okay okay I don't want this spike rocks I don't care about the spike rocks despite rocks Doon will not do enough damage like the spike rocks are worthless the only thing the spike rush do at this point in time to just take up extra space and I can't even get rid of can I know I came to get rid of so looks like absolutely what the Oh interesting very interesting because here's the problem these guys freeze right here and then they just walk by him so they have no actual value so we need a way to stop those guys and I don't know how to stop those guys how do I do that okay um all right well we're able to beat that guy which is good hey I got a pinata out of that which is really nice okay that worked really well for me that time that worked really really well so I'm happy about that okay all right what are we at I keep clicking the wrong thing I need to click on this thing we're at sixteen okay I mean we just got to keep battling I mean this we still have seven days left guys so I'm sure we might do something later where we try to battle up I don't know we'll be able to do it hey look I'm catching up this ends in four hours so I might want to get try to get to the next league so I'm in so I'm in the brick League I kind of want to go up to the iron League oh yeah I definitely I want to get up I want to get up higher I want to go up to that iron link that'll be really nice okay I'm getting close um does wait who promotes oh so I have to just be in the top three okay that's fine I mean I'm August I'm in the top three right now so I'm doing pretty good okay all right so let's go ahead and play and let's go to the next one okay so what was the problem that we faced the problem that we faced is there is no are there any fire things that also count as defense what is that attract zombies from lanes when they're close I don't really care about that is there anything that's a fire that blocks things do you guys know the hot date Burt pushes them away Oh yo spike we can stop them there is no ice walnut you're right they can okay wait we have a different we have a new strategy a new strategy these guys I forgot but these guys pop hamster balls all right we're gonna have to do this a little bit strange this is gonna be a little unconventional so we want these two here to melt that we're also gonna want we're gonna want those guys there and cuz then we're gonna want these guys to be like this okay that's fine we need these two to be here what this wasabi whip's here we're gonna run it we're gonna run out of money sooner than we would like but that's okay so we're gonna start with this and then let's do this okay because we're gonna need yeah all right I think this is the game when he's trying to date me all right and then we just want to put down as many electric peashooters as we can no no yes okay okay okay put another one of these things down over so we want as many of these things down as we can more of these guys or these guys the more cold snap dragons we have down I guess the better there's no reason to not have them down oh that guy's gonna run into him dang it oh well that's okay is what it is um for the soggy whip here all right we're out of money now at this house good that's basically all the money we're gonna have hopefully that's gonna work we're doing really well right now so it's it's it's working for us there we go see the thing is these guys they just free so easily like they're constantly freezing so I'm trying to figure out how to make it so they don't do which I'm not entirely sure what's the best way to go about it for that you know okay I mean it's working this strategy is very strong very very strong fire feat is not something that I want okay because the the cold would like constantly shows up yeah I like having the cold snap the coconut ratings of a lot maybe we do get a spike I feel like we do want to spike wheat yeah we want to spike me I I think we want to be able to put them down to be able to stop stop that would be really nice women we can't use the hot potato of this round on particular like it just won't let it stop really sad use the plant that shoots hot stuff and it miss hotness Muhammad Aman do you know like I'm trying to keep up with you dude but I don't I don't think that's really gonna work look we're already at 200,000 all right we're doing really good so far I'm doing very that's true the ice watermelon we could put the ice watermelon in the back and not even worry about it that is true maybe we do that and we just put the ice watermelons in the back and that is tempting and they will do damage that's probably something that I want to do that do as well yeah I don't want fire plants or we are strong again we don't want to use fire planes because they're not good too expensive I are they what does it cost 300 or 600 David 300 it might be worth it I have to see what the cost of it is we got up to 290 thousand almost 300 thousand if we can keep doing that we're gonna win every time like there's no way other people are gonna do that okay the pumpkin thrower let's look at the pumpkin thrower well unfortunately guys actually this is where we're gonna end off the stream guys um soon guys maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we're gonna go and we're gonna battle just to get the soybean it'll be a whole ordeal will be a lot of fun because we still have a lot we still need ten times the victories that we got but I hope you guys enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button subscribe for turning on notifications I love you guys and I'll see you guys tomorrow all right no I'll see you guys later today there's gonna be another stream today so I stream two times every single day so I'll see you guys later tomorrow today bye everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 219,690
Rating: 4.8729157 out of 5
Keywords: Tewtiy, Tewiy, JeromeASF, Jerome, Gaming, Games, Child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, funny, mobile, pc, livestream, livestreams, gaming livestreams, Live
Id: q6M27euw5qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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