🔥 BOYFRIEND VS GIRLFRIEND 🔥 | 🏹 Bowmasters 🏹

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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan and today I'm joined by my beautiful girlfriend Katya hello and today we're gonna be playing Bo masters and we're gonna be finding out who is the V Bo Master we're gonna find out who who's the champion of them all who is the greatest Archer to ever live among the two of us so yeah this is gonna be quite interesting mainly because Katya has never really played video games before she's not she doesn't believe we do against I don't understand this I play video games my whole life hey everyone thanks for coming up to the stream you ready for this no no I've never played video games in my life I wasn't allowed to as a kid and now he wants me to play them so here I am so we played Bo masters a couple of days ago so I'm I kind of know how the game works I have to be the hipster because it's me guys I got the red shirt I have the blue bow tie I got the Black Sun I live in I got everything that literally me I just need the beard but I can't grow a beard so it's not gonna happen so just shave the beard get rid of that all right gotta go pick your your character who are you gonna play your mouse wait oh there it is your mouse you lost your master oh that's you that's you that's you baby but that's that's Oh God that's you that's you wait what why is he's tracing the kitten you want to be the grandma yeah oh we can't here here we'll just have to grab it real fast I mean it's worth spending a dollar because that's caught I think that's really Katya Katya is a grandma she's actually a grandma alrighty payment successful yes you are now as a grandma you're the grandma shoots okay we got this guy's okay hipster versus Barbara your Barbara all righty you ready for this so you're 30 I wasn't even able to pay attention okay angle it and haha oh right in the stomach oh I almost killed Barbara oh she's oh she just knocked out there you injured oh you got this what are you doing with this cat what are you doing that was already take that grandma I think it just knocked you out yes you sure didn't even do much damage okay so aggressive what are you talking about Oh peas thanks for everyone coming out to the stream there we go thank you for all 700 of you beautiful no I'm not following you guys on Twitter no please follow me on twitter guys links in the description down below I would try that again you've got brutally destroyed I'm playing the hipster guy here to chew you're going for the pill grandma what the weapon is mr. fluffy like are you kidding me nope well do lots is giving you the L you have to take that else sorry dude all right I forgot how wait you're wet you're way up there what okay yeah oh that was right over your head that was right over your head okay come on what a terrible shot see at least I'm throwing an inanimate object I'm just throwing my iphone you're throwing your cat Adam oh oh come on that was total it's a better women what do you got come on hit me hit me with that you lose that was worse than the first storm that was worse than the first one I almost one-shotted you what hipsters Oh P grandma take that ah that's what you get grandma see I don't think the grandma I just don't think you're cut out for this grandma she looks like your sister I don't have a sister guys bones are good what you know what that's that's that's - OH - all right fine I need to pick a new character I'm gonna be let's see who do I want to be I'm gonna be I'm gonna be this dude this guy looks kinda cool I want to be this way take your weapon who do you got your true self okay that's that's you yeah why is that you sure that's you okay I got a flag take that Jim you oh that was Rick I am a fan nice shot nice man nice shot okay yeah great shot ten out of ten 100% hey new sponsor welcome Ross that kid Bop ps4 strange name thanks for joining the sponsor team dude you're awesome all right have your face I'm I'm sorry about just made me blind and now I have to go you're fine you got this you got this why am i laughing so oh no man I'd laugh I lost my face but I'm still laughing you know what that's that's what it's all about from now on I'm not aiming this dude is gonna just randomly throw it oh that was so close you're terrible I think you were better when you're trying okay fine wait yeah oh that's oh you're dead what I think we both know I mean not look at my face if I can survive that I we're power there you go ready bye oh no you're not even dead what you're missing that you know you actually just helped me because now I can eat and it'll just go right through I mean I won't gain the waist nice hey you know what better the last time got it man you got it you didn't even damage me okay you need something that's like an auto auto targeting system I think that's what you need here okay that was awesome that's what that was okay that was awesome okay so by the way if they have a crown over their name that means they have like a special ability you like click and then it does something again [Music] who be where is that how do you pronounce that is that poopy poopy poop I don't know cuz it there's definitely two O's okay all righty um that's me although you what do you think of this guy no um magic arrow Vlad I don't know I want to play as well wait we have the daily gift guys daily f what do we got claim 500 coin Reno's obviously oh wait my mom just called me Oh No I'll call her back I'll call her back what's let's see I want to see what my mom has to say okay this ought to be good guys here I'll play as I plays this dude this dude seems kind of cool this ought to be interesting hey how's it going down I'm currently live streaming with Katya are you having fun dad oh is it that I don't know any Beverly sorry I'm sorry I don't I don't know any Beverly what was that all right bye I love you dad okay thanks bye dad that's my that's my dad guys thanks Ted how did that hit me can we can we talk about that okay dying right now I'm dying to you guys okay I swear if this hits me yes are you kidding me guys all right geez die as bad as I've been this whole time thanks objets for sponsoring you're awesome okay this is amazing I swear oh no there's no way there's no backup no I would have been I would have been so upset okay come on come on come on this is I'm so upset okay he's so annoying he's so obnoxious Oh no no it shouldn't have no definitely should not have okay come on come on no hi I need more power this says stinks this card guys not good okay come on Hey what what is that direct headshot you knocked I didn't even do any damage feels really bad well you have to finish me now you have to there's no way there's no way it's like 400 meters away there's no way absolutely no way they get a 1700 life you wish you guys are awesome okay no okay okay first alrighty we're going I gotta pull out the hipster boys hipsters coming in okay shoes I'm playing this his name is king octopus sleeper of the bottom just saying okay oh yeah I know I saw the free chest we'll make sure to grab that okay you're done for ready that should've hit I'm just saying 100 percent hit apparently I swear if that okay I would have been that's so overpowered how are you supposed to beat that like oh just like that headshot get rickety Rick right being a little yeah what how much damage that does wrecked yeah fine I see how it is I see how it is if that kills okay if I don't improve me on my right let's see if I 111 is that it yes get I think okay no no no way okay fine have a nice time I'm talking about happy birthday dude alright we got a free chest ready all right let's open it come on give us a cool charachter come on come on or $500 okay I'll take 2d where's Healy's pass it on thanks Alexis alrighty vs. friend all included what is this by all characters for seven bucks yeah I'll do it totally worth it I'm gonna do it I want all the characters then we could try all them out I wanted to try out all the characters out he's awesome and we almost have 2000 live viewers thank you everyone for coming out if you guys are enjoying smash that like button means the world to me when you guys didn't subscribe please guys we have all of the characters we have all of them okay I'm gonna play this person that's probably that guy you're gonna go with a french fry guy okay I'm going as I'm going as penny did that's fair okay what okay wait so what happens when you click you click it so you click the mouse on it turns into a giant razor blade it looks like it stops moving though so I'd be careful when you click it that would have hit me dead-on okay don't go puppy just I just read you what easy game this dogs overpowered teacher to play Minecraft that could actually be hilarious okay skip all right we got this you can be player 1 this time so you'd have the first move I'm going with Betty Hardy I'm gonna go with this guy then that's obviously me this is I'm playing Terry Crews yeah I throw water excuse me imagine me overthrow a watermelon with one hand that that's impressive that's scary how does this work Oh killing me with love sorry that's just um he's gone it's just gone I guess so you're gone it feels bad I'm gonna kill him with kindness okay there's a way to one shot with King octopus that's actually crazy okay no oh snap son you just got got it okay use the CD guy I'm tempted to oh look how much damage that day my face is gone in my hat you'll pay for that if you threw a watermelon with that kind of force and it hit someone I just lost feels really bad man well you have to finish me off let's see if you can actually land it for the third time in a row oh no it's that's fine that's fine that's you know the arrow through the face but I don't think I don't think that was a player one wins I was player one um that was me guys okay no I I want that one all right I want to try out the new characters let's see what do we got here why dubstep grenade I'll play dubstep grenade guys okay chew dab on them haters like Jake Paul that's what I'm saying thanks for the to go down dab on those meters for you she is a huge fan of Jay Paul you're gonna use the alien probe I'm gonna use a dub dub Renee yeah it's like boom don't speak about Jake Paul like that all right how does this dubstep grenade work Oh Mike I almost one shot with the dubstep grenade what use the trashcan guy I'm very tempted to use the trashcan guy I think what happens what up you like so click now [Music] Oh like bounces around okay oh you can click on the how to use but nevermind okay click now GG boys excuse okay okay it's cuz the game's aware of your trickery yeah how did it bounce the other way let's let's have a talk about that okay let's have a talk about that use chains or you just hit me right in the face with the probe thanks see but you put me behind this cliff so I'm gonna my I just killed myself what a terrible weapon okay the timing of that was perfect - you're talking about what a great position I wasn't laughing at me now okay no probably be my real reaction too I feel like if you could push the button you would have been able to got me but you couldn't get gotten me so you got oh oh oh good got it we got him that's what I'm talking about alright finish him alrighty and on your mark get set whoosh oh I do don't know much that's what a shot what a shot that's what I'm talking about use Terence okay the hunter girl there's a couple of different ones yeah oh all right let's go with skip and a new tire Mike a unicorn is his weapon Ching Wu Qing what okay I see how it is fine what is like General Grievous so it's like celery wood that's awesome that's like it's like a rainbow Popeye like oh okay so let's go with a hundred power and seventy-five angled guys let's see how that turns out okay so we're gonna go with a hundred power 70 for a such a wimp didn't even get hit it like exploded his but that's what happened okay it just just got him gone I'm good hey Mark Flannery think she's heaven dude that was a great that was a great shot it was 76 okay and [Music] boosts still can't hit him likes I still get him the unicorn must do diarrhea Kayla I agree with you bud okay all right 75 I got this you're dead you're dead you're dead ready and boom it didn't even do what kill me that's it like no damage what are you kidding me guys all right fine alrighty and what a terrible shot continue fine guys fine if you guys see you guys want to be that way okay if you guys want to play that well 2,000 likes okay I love being I love being like greedy at 2,000 likes I'll kiss Katya okay I am gonna use you like that obviously free likes are you kidding me obviously sorry guys use me and then kill me oh what a shot what a shot can I just say that was lick fam dab on those haters didn't you just got you got got it by just you just got okay though the katana guy this guy's pretty awesome where's the disk response link I'll make sure to send it after the streams okay I want to show all the guys with like the gold things and I'm sure this guy not the jellyfish we go over one no go over with that left one the one more one more over time she didn't do this a lot of people are saying the CD guy was really good well literally everyone at what I am saying is this you being legitimate or I don't know I I don't know there's the there's one that says trash guy can't always wins and there's one saying the CD guy super good chat chat type one in chat if you guys think the CD guy is good because I'm pretty sure that's what everyone was saying like that's that's what everyone was saying let's see let's see I'm waiting for that trash guy Ben shake Paul what everyone's typing one he's good look how powerful that guy looks I'm I'm just she's gonna he's got a steak I wish I had a steak I'm hungry what does this do it didn't do anything what what that's so cool nice shot dude noise good what does this guy has a crown on his head what is it supposed to do no what does it do though I maybe if it goes through the heart at instant kills um I don't know I want to play the trash guy because everyone saying the trash guy is really good nice nice shot really good that was actually and boom how are you not dead I'd hit you twice now what are you you guys gotta be hit by a steak twice like that [Music] [Music] alright in the toes oh right in the knee oh god I'm so good Wow okay you guys jumped up 800 lights I see how it is okay the dog fatality should be a hoop explosion you know what I agree those are words of wisdom words to live by actually all right versus a friend ah trash man let's that's a swordfish CD dubstep Pro burning marshmallows turtle shell sure is pretty don't forget spear your bottle shovel demon sword talk to approach protester sign trash can okay I want to play Jeremy the drunk master okay your turn awesome you know all my friends are bread what is this guy up to what in the world oh my god watch this sends up everyone that sends out literally all the moves at once are you kidding me that's so broken and Here I am with bread lost come on let me with you hit me with your best shot oh come on let's see what you got you're almost trash guys so broken I have a cat stuck to my face you're fine is a flesh wound it's just a flesh wound oh nice try lost and bought a bing bada boom how is that even fair it's not I love this guy he's so strong like what I have a nice time dress guys so broken I don't wanna pull you guys on Twitter for real this time you Bob you bum listen it was unfair in the last I'm gonna play Santa Claus okay we're playing Santa Claus picks them on it's probably gonna go off at like 4:00 please you look so jolly Jolly jolly Christmas it's the best time of their here you're going on the naughty list you're getting a snowball right to the fat bear face no wait how is that fair what I got a baguette in my leg I got how am I supposed to win with a baguette in my leg what come on you have to finish me off here look at the court oh I thought the car was gonna hit yeah I would have been so I would have been so upset I got it it's just like a finishing move that guys no more trash man trash man Opie okay no more trash man okay choose player to Jew no more transparent we'll both be trash man you know this is this is this is me that's what I look like it sound like that almost one shot at you how is that supposed to be fair like what I don't even understand how can we take a moment to appreciate how far back my back is bending that's a launch a trashcan at you I think wet and just hit me are you almost I don't think you can take come on oh yeah I almost I almost got you there guys okay thanks you're welcome all righty come on oh oh I got you that time oh you're done for how is that fair this is so broken I love it okay and furnish oom bada bing [Applause] all right come on let's see what do you got what do you got shoes here I'll go with this fireman like he looks cool jobless firefighter I like we got this guy's okay he's so happy then I'm like ah I don't know that's it oh you're bad I just set you on fire that's awesome and your face is down I'm sorry about that what is that weapon it's just gonna trident that's not it's fine that's okay freakin erupts water where it lands are you kidding me it's fire versus water I see how it is oh I should still let you on fire and it doesn't what it's just so much damage it's so good okay the head the Vega the bigot almost one shot you just kidding me that's so broken but you'd like I haven't died yet you're gonna lose bye dude you know your whole head's gone oh man Oh what now it's back I pick you the same number of times I just didn't damn it but I know I got to go first that's why I warned sorry permanently two times gold reward I don't need gold I have all the characters new scrubs all right we got this anonymous protester signed that spooky let's see I want to play as I haven't played as this guy yet so I'm just gonna go ahead and play this is obviously Deadpool they can call him reddish but oh we're both playing reddish sorry about that that was a [Music] where what guys I don't see it guys all right what happened I don't understand I didn't do any damage what that was like no damage maybe the sword has to hit like as soon as a game can't see them either oh that's what it is that's what it is maybe the sword has to hit a specific angle definitely not that angle okay or not that one either okay I see how it is okay let's see see that like no damage either I'm so confused what why don't these guys do any damage okay we're just gonna go straight up damage to myself what oh oh wait wait damage what is that are you kidding me it literally hit her and look at this right on the top of the head and did no damage are you kidding me are you kidding me bitter yeah I just got what you wrecked yourself Hillary says Katya notice me senpai I live with you I'm so upset I'm so upset right now I'm I'm so upset right now that's what you get okay why is my skull that's right because I shaved it off okay no that's fine guys sorry didn't you okay five minutes ago that you can't damage yourself I am so upset this is this is this is just redonkulous okay I think it's great no it's not okay I feel I feel ripped off I should have checked myself guy who wrecked himself I need it's like moving at less power this is making me very upset very very upset okay there we go and all right let's do a 30-cent 7230 77237 uh okay not 7337 I'm thinking maybe 82 37 that's what I'm thinking guys alright so 37 let's do it 83 God's too much it's too much it's too much it's uh I was too much okay 78 37 - 78 37 keep that in mind guys we need that we need that okay yes I'm getting okay um so there we go 7637 let's go with this one and boom right in the knees didn't do any damage this game this guy stinks this guy is the worst okay ironically the thing that had the most damage okay I can still win this one guys I have the angle down you can win it because I'm so bad that I can't 37 let's go with 77 I think that's a good angle literally what all right let's do 80 let's do 80 let's do 80 37 I think 80 37 will be a good one maybe possibly but actually yeah I just lose I was ripped off okay I that was not good okay I'm very upset okay I'm very angry okay I feel robbed I feel cheated and I feel I feel emotionally devastated guys I hit the greatest shot of 2017 literally shoot right up and straight down on top of your head and it didn't do any damage this game is already I wonder if that's what happened I don't know but I just know that I feel like I was robbed and I am very upset now okay let's see is there any characters that we haven't tried yet I might as well try this guy because I haven't tried my son play yeah he's got an axe guitar that's savage from that's crazy dude alrighty burn an iron alright so what does this guy do oh that was close that was super close okay very - oh that was so close okay 120 120 s literally all oh alright we're gonna have to do like 120 - maybe I think 122 is the way we got to go with this one guys ah yes okay this is not good this is the Battle of the ages okay 122 what alright so we're gonna do like I have to do like oh my gosh is doing so much 125 124 for headshot hypernova says okay we'll do that then Wow alrighty this doesn't kill you I think I'm gonna lose so 124 for a headshot somebody said you lied to me okay okay this is this is making me very upset I'm very upset guys finish em I don't know someone did this to me I'd be fatality brilliant absolutely you know what I'm done if you guys enjoyed the stream make sure to smash that like button and I want you guys to comment down below after the video goes live do you think should have won that this little competition do you think I am the number one Bo master or do you think okati is number one bo master I think I should be number one just cuz I got that crazy shot and it didn't count and I feel kind of ripped off honestly I feel I feel cheated you didn't win I feel cheated okay and that's and that's how it goes okay I feel cheated okay I feel cheated and I feel what you want but she's all it's are what they are I think I should be the winner guys and then I think that's gonna be in so thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you guys for pics them on in like two hours
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 1,396,059
Rating: 4.8689971 out of 5
Keywords: Boyfriend VS Girlfriend, Challenge, Bowmasters, 1v1, girlfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend vs girlfriend challenge, Tewtiy, Tewiy's girlfriend, famous youtubers girlfriend, famous, child friendly, kid friendly, Tewty, Livestream, Tewtiy livestream, live stream, boyfriend vs girlfriend livestream, Bomasters livestream
Id: 2CbX7B8c6rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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