The Cover Up Story Every Christian Should Know About - Voddie Baucham Explains What Really Happened

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a couple years ago the southern baptist convention met and voted on a resolution a resolution on critical race theory and intersectionality if you are in favor of the adoption of resolution nine please signify so by an uplifted ballot those opposed by the same sign and pass the resolution in favor of critical race theory and intersectionality the resolution is adopted even before it was voted on there was an attempt the president of the sbc jd greer last minute effort tried to bundle resolution nine with the last five resolutions to be voted on that day to get them all voted on as a package so there would be no debate mr chairman i've received counsel from my parliamentarian about the time we have 41 seconds left and we're requesting that resolutions 9 through 13 will be taken as a block so the question is on whether we will vote on resolutions 9 through 13. dr woods is that correct 9-13 as a block why because there were a couple of men who were part of that group who wrote the dallas statement who were standing at microphones to debate this issue critical race theory and intersectionality are godless ideologies that are indebted to radical feminism and post-modernism and neo-marxism and then add two resolves after the first resolved resolved that we remind southern baptists that critical race theory and intersectionality emerged from a secular worldview and are rooted in ideologies that are incompatible with christianity so what's going on tonight what i want to do is something a little bit different i want us to look at a major issue that's happening around us that many of us have heard about in one way or another but few may actually understand there are words being banned about uh words like critical theory and critical race theory and cultural marxism and intersectionality and so on and so forth um and and many of us are hearing of these things uh for the first time um what i want to do is sort of help you understand what that is but i want to put it in context for you a couple of years ago the southern baptist convention met and voted on a resolution a resolution on critical race theory and intersectionality and passed a resolution in favor of critical race theory and intersectionality and a lot of people had never heard of it before that and you may be sitting here going well i'm not a southern baptist what does it have to do with me um it has a lot to do with you because it's it's not just happening among southern baptists it's not just happening in the southern baptist convention the southern baptist convention is the the largest uh christian denomination the the largest uh non-roman catholic denomination in the united states uh largest protestant denomination in the united states um it's not actually a denomination it's a convention of confessing free churches we southern baptists like to remind people of that right technically we're not a denomination with a convention of confessing free churches and i say we i'm last five and a half years living in lusaka zambia i guess technically i'm not a southern baptist anymore and some people are probably happy about that but so if it happens in the the largest protestant denomination in the country that has a ripple effect and it is having a ripple effect um and and then after that you know last earlier this year or last year boy this covet stuff man time is it what year when did that happen i don't know everything seems like whatever last year the heads of the six families the presidents of the six southern baptist seminaries um released a statement uh coming out against critical race theory which is kind of the opposite of the resolution that was in favor of critical race theory and intersectionality so so what's going on and why are we talking about these words and these ideas that come to us from the social sciences in the first place well first let's get behind this shall we in 2018 in june of 2018 had the privilege of being part of a group of 15 men we met in dallas texas to talk about these issues they were becoming more and more pressing as far as we were concerned and something needed to be done and so we came together and became the catalyst behind forming which came to be known as the dallas statement on social justice and the gospel and so we released the dallas state most people will identify the dallas statement with with john mcarthur and who who was you know the the the guy who got us all together and a lot of people don't realize that there were there were 15 of us who got together in that meeting that day and that that statement was not a john mcarthur statement we're grateful for dr macarthur and grateful for his leadership in in getting that group of us together but it was broader than that um but it's a lot easier to mischaracterize the statement if you can take one guy and say look this old white guy who doesn't understand what's going on he did this right and it's interesting that you'll rarely hear my name associated with the dallas statement um and that's intentional right because if it's you know john macarthur did this dallas statement thing look 80-year-old white guy who just doesn't get it um but if if i was if i was part of that then so so you so you don't hear that and i wasn't the only black person that's part of that group either um but but you just you just don't hear that and so this kind of brought things to a head for a lot of people and there was a lot of discussion about the dallas statement will we sign the dallas statement will we not sign the dallas statement will we adopt the dallas statement will we not adopt the dallas statement um the the southern baptist seminaries the southern convention steered clear of the dallas statement um and and and and didn't really want to deal with the dallas statement so a pastor in california his name is stephen feinstein pastor of sovereign way christian church in esperia california he's also a chaplain in the u s army [Music] he sees this happening and decides that something needs to be done within the sbc on this issue so he writes a resolution against critical race theory and intersectionality it's very important that you get this this pastor in california was in agreement with the dallas statement on social justice and the gospel writes a resolution against opposing critical race theory and intersectionality now when a resolution is submitted it comes before the resolutions committee and the resolutions committee can do a number of things the resolutions committee and we're going to ask for no private recording of this please if anybody's doing any private recording i'm going to ask you not to do that okay this has been recorded elsewhere it'll be released elsewhere but let's not do any private recording please all right and so the the committee comes together and they can do a number of things one thing they can do is they can just bring that straight out and allow it to be voted on yes no or not bring it out don't allow it to be voted on or they can change the resolution and they change the resolution so feinstein's resolution that was a resolution against critical race theory was turned into a resolution in favor of critical race theory so a couple other things you need to know the chairman of the resolutions committee is dr curtis woods professor at the southern baptist theological seminary and a proponent of critical race theory who was teaching critical race theory at southern seminary another member of that committee was walter strickland dr walter strickland professor at southeastern baptist theological seminary was also teaching critical race theory and black liberation theology at southeastern baptist theological seminary feinstein's resolution against critical race theory comes to that committee and suddenly they turn it into a resolution in favor of critical race theory and this resolution stands strong to teach individuals how to engage the culture keeping the gospel above [Applause] a all other things that you need to know number one you need to know that even before it was voted on there was an attempt the president of the sbc jd greer last minute effort tried to bundle resolution nine with the last five resolutions to be voted on that day to get them all voted on as a package so there would be no debate why because there were a couple of men who were part of that group who wrote the dallas statement who were standing at microphones to debate this issue last minute hey let's let's bundle 9-13 and vote on them all together but it didn't happen and so it came to the floor well it came to the floor so you say okay fine it came to the floor but still critical race theory why would the why would the messengers at the southern baptist convention vote for that stuff if it's all it's just why would they do that unless that's what they believe most of the messengers at that meeting didn't know much if anything about critical race theory and intersectionality what they did know was a black professor from one of our southern baptist seminaries stood at the podium and said that this was just an analytical tool didn't undermine the sufficiency of scripture or the proclamation in the gospel it is our aspiration in this resolution simply to say that critical race theory and intersectionality are simply analytical tools they're meant to be used as tools not as a world view it's not true and we would also say that in light of the time we don't have an opportunity to talk about the origins or as well as the implications of critical race theory when you begin to think about world views and philosophical constructs the apostle paul appealed to the epicurean sensualists he appealed to the rationalists on mars hill but that did not mean that paul imbibed the views of the rationalists or the centralists when apostle paul quotes from epimenides in titus chapter 112 it did not mean that paul believed that epimenides worldview was consistent what we're saying is that this can be utilized simply as an analytical tool not a transcendent worldview above the authority of scripture and we stand by the strength of this resolution [Applause] and so they voted in favor now we could we could talk half tonight about that and about motivations for that the southern maps convention has been has been beaten about the head and shoulders for decades over issues of race and racism the southern baptist convention has acknowledged publicly and repented publicly on multiple occasions for their history and participation and slavery and racism apologies that have been offered and accepted numerous times and yet there is still this cloud over the sbc and anytime something happens that could even almost slightly maybe kind of be considered racially insensitive like voting down a resolution on critical race theory while a black professor from one of your seminaries is standing there saying this is a good thing there's a tendency not to go there so there's a couple of things i want you to see number one i want to give you a side by side comparison we're not going to look at all of the original resolution and the resolution it came after i just want to give you a side by side comparison you can you can look at this by the way i have a book coming out in april in one of the chapters i'm dealing with this because i think this is incredibly important so you'll have a lot more of it there and both of the resolutions are also um you know there in in the appendices of the book so yes go get that if not you can go online and you can see the original resolution and the one that came out later but there are a few a few of these points that i think will shed light on what we're dealing with here here's one original resolution whereas the rhetoric of critical race theory and intersectionality found in some southern baptist institutions and leaders is causing unnecessary and unbiblical division among the body of christ and is tarnishing the reputation of the southern baptist convention as a whole inviting charges of theological liberalism egalitarianism and marxism that's aware as in the first resolution here's what it looks like in the final resolution whereas concerns have been raised by some evangelicals over the use of frameworks such as critical race theory and intersectionality see the difference what's interesting is at least two other members of this committee are the people that feinstein is talking about in his resolution and they change it to whereas concerns have been raised by some evangelicals over the use of frameworks such as another point original resolution whereas both critical race theory and intersectionality as ideologies have infiltrated some southern baptist churches and institutions like the ones two other members on the resolutions committee represent institutions funded by the cooperative program if you're not a baptist you're not a southern baptist and you understand cooperative program this is where you know we we bring our monies together cooperatively right so that we can fund missions and also fund our our institutions and agencies southern baptist convention is the the largest mission sending entity in the history of the church in the world through the cooperative program so let me say whereas both critical race theory and intersectionality as ideologies have infiltrated some southern baptist churches and institutions institutions funded by the cooperative program the final resolution reads like this whereas evangelical scholars who affirm the authority and sufficiency of scripture have employed selective insights from critical race theory and intersectionality to understand multifaceted social dynamics here's another in the original resolution whereas critical race theory and intersectionality are founded upon unbiblical presuppositions descended from marxist theories and categories and therefore are inherently opposed to the scriptures as the true center of christian union last strong right there final resolution whereas critical race theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes of social ills that they identify which result from sin yet these analytical tools can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences and one last one one last one in the original whereas critical race theory divides humanity into groups of oppressors and oppressed and is used to encourage biblical transcendental truth claims to be considered suspect when communicated from groups labeled as oppressors final resolution whereas critical race theory and intersectionality has been appropriated by individuals with world views that are contrary to the christian faith resulting in ideologies and methods that contradict scripture so in other words they're arguing that that that just happens when people appropriate these tools when people with wrong worldviews appropriate these tools to say that critical race theory and intersectionality have been appropriated by individuals with world views that are contrary to the christian faith is like saying that heat has been appropriated by the sun well i know what you're asking what is this critical race theory stuff and this intersectionality stuff well i'm glad you asked and so since this resolution has passed let me just give you a quick sketch of what it is that we're talking about here race theory if you want to understand what it is you got to back up a bit critical race theory comes out of critical legal scholarship critical legal scholarship critical legal studies comes out of critical theory critical theory comes out of conflict theory why are we doing all these shenanigans backing up all these ways because we've got to get back to karl marx and hegel we've got to get back to their categories we've got to get back to this view of the world this dialectic materialism of marx and hegel marx understood the world as being divided into groups of oppressors and oppressed for him this was an economic issue everything was about a struggle a conflict if you will over resources limited resources and there were those who controlled the means of production the bourgeois and those who did not the proletariat there were those who used that control to oppress the bourgeois and those who were oppressed by that control the proletariat this is the way that he saw the world and this dialectic materialism again hegel's dialectic we've all you had to learn about hegel's dialectic in school didn't understand much about you know the whole synthesis antithesis or or thesis antithesis synthesis thing well yeah whatever that is right the whole idea is that that's the way hegel and marx believe that society culture history moves forward as a dialectic there are these ideas and then there are these counter ideas and there is a a revolution that leads to a synthesis it is inherently revolutionary marxism is inherently revolutionary now marx's ideas were known as conflict theory kind of makes sense right well eventually there is this marxist revolution the bolshevik revolution right the soviet union but that's pretty much it this whole workers of the world unite thing didn't really happen the marxists believed that capitalism was inherently evil and oppressive and that capitalism was this tool that was used to oppress people and that when the people finally saw this when they when they got out of what marx called their false consciousness the workers of the world would unite and they would overthrow evil capitalism and usher in this marxist socialist communist utopia so why didn't it happen you know here it is in russia this bloody revolution but then germany which should have been right for it didn't happen england they thought was right for it didn't happen didn't that it just didn't happen anywhere why didn't it happen okay let's move forward we've got marx right 18 18 1883 karl marx later on there is an italian marxist by the name of antonio gramsci now antonio gramsci was imprisoned in italy by the fascists in order to protect the the italian populace from his mind gramsci was a was a just a voracious reader and writer he lived the life of the mind and gramsci like other marxists began to contemplate why it is that this marxist revolution didn't happen and what gramsci saw was that people were were were being held captive in this oppression not just by economics but but by ideas and culture as a whole he talked about the robes of society teachers lawyers pastors the robes the people of the world war robes right these robes of society these powerful institutions that passed on traditions and also the media and the family and they created these traditions and ideologies that were used to oppress people and he used a word that is an incredibly important word for you to understand he used the word hegemony he called it hegemony this the hegemony is the pres the oppressive ideology that holds people down okay so why why is this so important because he's saying this revolution if it's going to happen has to be cultural first it has to overthrow culture by decaying the culture from within it has to be revolutionary from within through the robes of society and media and family so he changes the approach of marxism from this purely economic structure to more of a cultural structure some people sometimes use this phrase cultural marxism well this is late 1920s early 1930s there's another group that's working off of marx's ideas and gramsci's ideas and they're in frankfurt germany they're known as the frankfurt school eventually there's the rise of the third reich and the frankfurt school leaves germany and they come to america and become entrenched in some of the most significant academic institutions in the united states these are the individuals who give us the ideas of critical theory so we go from conflict theory to critical theory now this critical in critical theory is important because this critical means that you are assuming this hegemonic oppressive reality and you are critically analyzing this oppressive hegemonic reality with a view toward revolutionary overthrow of the hegemonic reality so when you see critical in front of something understand that there are the assumptions of this marxist ideology this gramsci and marxist ideology and theory here it's not like you know i have a theory about the hottest thing theory when used this way in the social sciences is more like the word worldview critical world view okay so this is a frankfurt school they become incredibly influential in academic institutions in the united states throughout the 40s 50s and 60s so eventually we get critical legal studies huh critical legals we're doing legal studies we're not just doing legal student critical legal studies critical means that we're doing legal studies within the framework of the oppressor oppressed dynamic so the law as we know it is oppressive how do we break that down in order to overthrow the oppressor growing out of critical legal studies is critical race theory derek bell harvard law professor is the father of critical race theory derek bell had a protege by the name of kimberly crenshaw kimberly crenshaw his protege was the mother of intersectionality which is an outgrowth of critical race theory you notice in the resolutions it's critical race theory and intersectionality okay critical race theory marx gramsci oppressor oppressed these are the assumptions of critical race theory and the assumptions of intersectionality so in america who's the hegemonic oppressor now usually when i ask that question people immediately said white men i know that one i know that one white man white man white man okay fine kind of kind of but not exactly not exactly by the way when i talk about critical race theory intersectionality critical legal studies i'm not here to give you my opinion of these things but to let these things speak for themselves um and one of the things that you need to know is that in these ideologies the the oppressor class is unjust white male but also heterosexual cisgendered able-bodied native-born right so but ultimately christian christianity is the hegemonic oppressive power in america according to critical theory listen to this for example this is from the book teaching for diversity and social justice um a very important textbook that's used often in training teachers and much of the literature in terms of textbooks on critical theory critical race theory critical pedagogy i've often said to people if you've gotten a degree in the last couple of generations in education political science or journalism you've got a minor in gramsci and marxism for free listen to this from the textbook that we use to teach teachers the significance of christianity in u.s life and the challenges it poses for minority religions is a social justice issue that requires the kind of historical knowledge and structural cultural analysis we use to understand other forms of oppression that stand in the way of social justice so christianity is a form of oppression that stands in the way of social justice again the same book the term christian hegemony huh hegemony where's that come from gramsci this is gramscian marxism the term christian hegemony may startle readers who are not aware of the pervasive cultural position of normative christianity by the way if you've read any of the literature on you know critical studies critical whiteness studies yes certain yes yes there's a thing critical whiteness this whiteness is bad right ethnic studies and you know social justice any of these other things one of the things that you've heard in these books is the term normative whiteness that whiteness is is normative and and this is a bad thing this is the way that white whiteness oppresses everything else by making itself normative here normative christianity christian hegemony term christian and jimmy you may startle readers who are not aware of the pervasive cultural position of norman of christianity in everyday life within u.s schools neighborhoods and the workplace hegemony is another way of describing the cultural and societal level of oppression of cultural imperialism as a form of oppression now we got cultural imperialism christianity as cultural oppression and cultural imperialism one more one more how about one more from teaching for diversity and social justice there are many ways in which minority religions are affected by the ignorance obliviousness misguided intentions and harassment by hegemonic majority one form is the experience by non-christians of christian evangelism that is the assumption by some christians that it is their responsibility to bring the truth to so-called non-believers proselytizing shades into religious oppression when the person being proselytized experiences it as an act of harassment and as an assault on the legitimacy of their own religion so now evangelism is oppression this is a mainstream textbook in teacher education mainstream these terms and terminologies hegemony oppressor oppressed marginalized groups what do we what do you mean marginalized groups when you hear marginalized groups or the voice of the marginalized think the people who are on the bottom of the hegemonic oppression this terminology reeks of gramsci and marxism and critical race theory well so what what is this critical race there maybe that's what we're supposed to be getting to what is this critical race theory i'll let crt speak for itself um i'll let the the fathers and founders of crt give you the main principles of crt like the best way to understand it is to give you these four main principles of crt and remember according to this resolution crt is an analytical tool right that helps us analyze issues of of race and and so on so forth okay is principle number one again not me not my words not my words this is from the seminal work on crt number one principle number one racism is normal it's the usual way society does business the common everyday experience of most people of color in this country racism is normal it is everywhere all the time it is unavoidable racism is normal if you have kids the way i help people remember this first principle is if you have kids and you ended up watching a lego movie then probably for the next three days you just kept hearing everything is awesome [Music] everything is good when you're invited so critical race theory says everything is racist everything you
Channel: The Gospel of Christ
Views: 580,848
Rating: 4.8886247 out of 5
Keywords: tgoc, the gospel of christ, the cover up story, the cover up, voddie baucham sermons, voddie baucham exposed, voddie baucham social justice, social justice warriors, social justice, social justice and biblical justice, ethnic gnosticism voddie baucham, ethnic gnosticism dr. voddie baucham, ethnic gnosticism critique, critical race theory, critical race theory explained, jesus saves
Id: EaH4DLR2i0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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