Robert Henderson - The Courts of Heaven - November 30, 2018

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it's a great honor to be here I found out today whenever I landed and was picked up my pastor and his wife that some of my friends have been here and it's something that I know that that know me of Joan hunter and terry macalmon and some of those guys and then also uh who else did you manage Kevin said I'm and that others that have come and are coming and and all that kind of thing and so I'm so honored to get to be here with you guys tonight and just expecting for the Lord to move and to touch us and just to meet any need and every day you know whenever I when I was invited to come I go a lot of different places I pastor for 22 years and I've been traveling now for 12 and traveled many different places in the world but when I was asked to come and and the communication had been with my office and that kind of thing I got online I actually got online to check out the the house here it's amazing what you can do to do today online I got on a line to check out that as not not to see who you are but to see how you dressed like I go somebody different places and and people dress different ways and some people are dressed up and you know three-piece suits and other people are dressed you know almost as short sometimes but so I just wanted to know how to dress and so I was kind of looking but then I began to discover as I was just glancing through the website the emphasis on healing and that really stirred my heart because whenever I first started traveling back in 2006 October 2006 I thought that what I was going to be doing was I was going to be a healing revivalist because that's what was really being emphasized in our ministry at that time is that we were watching so many people be healed I had actually four dreams I was pastoring a church in Waco Texas anybody know where Waco Texas is or heard of Waco Texas see some people say why did you leave Waco I said they burnt the compound down so I had to leave but no I'm just joking about that but anyway the bottom line was about about we I raised up we raised up and led this church for 15 years there and about I would say two years into it maybe 11 all of a sudden God visited me and I began to have dreams in the first dream that I had was I had gone to where Benny Hinn was and Benny Hinn had agreed to come to where I was but he set me down in the dream with his staff and they began to teach me how to run a healing service and that was the whole dream and when I woke up the Lord said to me he said he simply represents the healing anointing and I have this for you but you have to go get it I mean how many know anything you get from God you have to go after nothing just happens you have to go after that thing you can't shift into a complacent mode you literally have to be aggressive the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force that's not talking about something in the natural that's talking about a spiritual attribute in our lives it says I'm gonna go after what God has for me and nothing's gonna stop me from getting it so so I knew that I had to do that what I didn't know was that there would actually be a door open to that ministry that I would travel with them for about a three and a half year period and that many of him would literally come to Waco Texas and we would be the host host Church of all that kind of thing and I'm gonna go into all that story but but that happened well then I have a second dream and then the second dream Kenneth Hagin I was I was in a setting where Kenneth Hagin was Papa Hagin and as I was in this setting where he was as he walked into this it was a small area small room there was this aura coming out of him and as he walked into the room because of this aura that was coming out of him people began to be passive tremendously and powerfully touched by the by the power of God and they were falling all over the floor and being thrown backwards and all those kind of things any turned around and he looked at me and he said do you want this and I said yes I do he said then come with me and he took me to a closet in my house and he said open the door and when I opened the door I don't even know what he pointed at but I just knew he pulled me that he said that has to go and that has to go and that has to go and then he took me to the trunk of my car and he said lift it and he I lifted he said that has got and I knew God was saying that there were things in my closet quote-unquote and in my trunk of my car that I had to be willing to deal with if I wanted to move in the power of God on that level and then I had a third dream and in this dream Kathryn Kuhlman came to me Kathryn Kuhlman was coming down a hallway and there was this press of people around her and there was a man standing at her side and as she came to me someone asked her said Miss Kuhlman are you not afraid that this man speaking of the one that was next to her is becoming so powerful in your ministry that he'll take away your ministry and Kathryn Kuhlman looked at them and said no man can take this from me for it is my era and when she said it the Lord spoke to me and he said he said even nobody will be able if you'll walk with me nobody will be able to disturb what I want to do is sure enough some of my right-hand people left me because of where I was going but that was okay but then I had the fourth ring and in the fourth dream I'm sitting at breakfast with Smith Wigglesworth and as I'm sitting at breakfast with him I'm wondering how am i doing this how am i how am i how am i talking to this man even and he's and I know he's dead in the dream I knew he was dead that was my first thought my second thought was before I wake up I'm gonna have him pray for me because I knew I knew I knew I was dreaming and yet I knew I was also having this encounter and but I woke up before I had him pray for me and but but but the I could tell you some other things about that but the Lord spoke to me it is quite interesting I was telling a friend of mine March Sharona actually it's a real prophet of God and he said to me he said it's interesting that you were having breakfast with him he said he said you were breaking the fast of powerlessness and I said that's exactly right I said that's what was going on in my life at that time I said there was a breaking of the fast of powerlessness and we were beginning to move into some tremendous places of power well after having all of those encounters tremendous things started happening in the ministry we sort of we started having all sorts of healing stay but we would have a we would have a a once a month Saturday night healing service 400 people would come from all over the region we were on TV we were broadcasting things and they would come but he did just happen those on those night it would happen in every service number one in every service people were coming to be healed but also even when we weren't doing healing people would get healed I remember there was a guy that came into a Sunday morning service and and I saw him in the service and I recognized him as a leader in another church across town I had no idea what what he was doing there and he was from a denomination I'll be nice and won't call it he was from a nomination that did not believe in apostles well in the church there that I led they called the Apostle and and the reason they did that because I had taught them I said I'll be if you want me to be your friend and you'll get a friends reward if you want me to be a your pastor you'll get a pastor's reward but if you'll let me be Who I am in the spirit which is apostolic you'll get an Apostles reward because how many of you know that that's what Jesus taught he said he said whatever you honor somebody to me that's that's the rewards you get from them and if there was those that could have profits were the ones they said one of the reasons we don't get sometimes what people are caring is because we don't honor them the way they're to be honored if we would honor them the way that God intends for us to honor them then we would be able to draw from them so anyway people refer to me well in this particular group that this man came I knew they didn't believe in apostles so I was a little bit puzzled that's why he was in our services but he's a businessman in town and so he was there in the services and we went through the services so the next week I was in the grocery store and whenever I was in the growth story there was this man and I walked up to him and I said Rick I said it was really good seeing you in the services Sunday and I started this explain to him I started to feeling a little bit intimidated so I know that you know maybe you don't agree doctrinally on certain things and and and I was gonna go into the whole thing about you know apostles and all that kind of stuff and he stopped me and he said no no no he said don't even go there he said this is all I know he said I have had a chronic problem in my feet my whole life he said I came into your services and this really is words you weren't even doing healing and he said if my feet began to burn and when I walked out of that room the problem I had my feet my whole life I no longer had and those kind of things happen all the time all the time those kind of things have there was just there was just this sweeping move of the healing presence of God would come out I love what what pastor says that nobody has delay had in fact I prefer not to lay hands on you I really preferred not to do it why because because literally the presence of the Lord can come and he can touch you right where you are some of the most dynamic miracles I've ever seen happened when nobody touched the people when we when we first began to press into the healing remember I said I had that dream while I was having to go after who we first began to press into the healing presence of the Lord one of the first miracles that happened was this I was standing on the platform on a Sunday morning there's a few hundred people that were in the church and and I just simply just trying to move into this thing said there is someone here who has a problem in your feet and and I had no more got it out of our mouth that we're in a 1500 seat auditorium that about three about two-thirds of the way back in the sanctuary this woman begins to scream and the Russia Russia's run to her and when they get to her she's got a an infant baby in her arms that she has come a mother that's come with a baby and she hadn't put him in the nursery because he's so young and there's this infant she's holding on and she's screaming because the baby had been born with club feet and when I said that someone's feet are being healed the baby's feet started straightening out and the woman started screaming and so they bring her to the Pratt platform and we looked at these feet she said his feet one bed and you know twisted and all these kind of things well what happened was the media the the the the news media in Waco the ABC affiliate literally found out about and came and said did this really happen and I said yes I said could we meet with and the mother so we went to the mother's house and literally they brought the cameras and they showed the before pictures and they showed the after pictures and they broadcasted on the 6 o'clock and the 10 o'clock news or the ABC affiliate and literally manifested it to the whole region that his babies club feet had been healed and straightened out by this the power of God touching it I remember the anchor said well what did you do how did you how did you make this happen and I said well I didn't make it happen I said I just said this and the and God just started touching this this baby and and so I thought this is what I thought I thought well now now it's on you know this is going all over the region people are gonna they're gonna come by the droves but guess what that didn't happen because Waco is a very religious place so here's what they said here's what they said here's what the region said it's not real and then when there was so much evidence of people being healed they said he's doing it by witchcraft literally that's what they said they they they had no grid for the real miraculous power of God because this thing just took off it just kept miracles that kept happening kept happening kept happening I mean it was a phenomenal thing I remember one night after a Wednesday night service I'll tell you some other stores probably here just a moment when I teach you for a few moments I remember in the winds that service a lady walked up to me with Baptists lady she started coming to the church she walked up to me and everybody it was pretty much leaving the choir would stay they were practicing for Sunday morning and and so she said to me she said would you pray for me I have fibromyalgia and I said yes I will and so I remember my wife Mary was still there and I laid hands on the woman I remember I reached on that touched her and I lay hands on it I just began to pray for this fibromyalgia this thing to be healed and and as I the moment I began to pray she begins to scream in pain and I said what's happening she said the pain is getting worse well that was a sign to me I wasn't dealing with the disease I was dealing with a demon because if it was just a sickness it would have obeyed and left but because it was fighting me and finding the anointing I knew it was a demon that was actually God so I looked at her and I said I said when did this come on you and she said my son-in-law was murdered and she said it was like eight years before she said my son-in-law was murdered and the doctors told me that's what she said the doctors told me that because of the stress I was under that it calls fibromyalgia to develop and I said that's not right see doctor Robert was now gonna diagnose I said that's not right I said the stress you were under opens you up for a demon to come and begin to afflict you and I said so here's what I'm gonna do I knew she was Baptist I said here's what I'm gonna do I'm about I'm not gonna pray for the disease I'm gonna rebuke the devil the mo command is that this demonic power that is connected to you that has found a legal right to connect you I'm gonna command this thing to leave you now and I told her I said and when I do I'm probably going to get loud because I'm a loud person but beyond that I hate the devil and I said so I'm probably gonna get loud so I want you to know that when I get loud I'm not yelling at you I'm yelling at him I told her all this before I pray so I laid hands on her and I said in the name of Jesus I'm not gonna get loud for you but I said in the name of Jesus I rebuke you Satan and this cup this demonic thing that is attached to this woman through the stress associated with a murder of her son-in-law I rebuke you and I command you to go now and when I said that her feet came up off the floor I'm not talking about a courtesy fall I'm talking about her feet came up off the floor and she was strong backwards and when she got up she took off running and every symptom of fibromyalgia was instantly gone and that woman was healed the last time I saw her she was still healed completely well and completely whole because the demon power that was causing fibromyalgia had been broken amen now now let me just I'm gonna tell you this I've told you a couple of few things I mean I can stand and tell you stories all night long as I'm sure this house could as well but but I won't I just want to take this other as I dub tale into what I want to share for a few moments this was right before I left pastoring this church now I didn't know I was leaving pastoring the church that I'd raised up I thought we were I thought we would still be there to this day I had no intention I'm not pastor I figured I was gonna travel more and more but I didn't have any intention of not leading the work and and so in January before I left in October now I'm still thinking I'm here for the duration it's January 2006 we called as so many churches did we had a 21-day fast to begin the new year and and so I am told all of my staff has a pretty large staff I said I want I want all of us that are full-time staff because we can control our schedules I said I want us to to fully fast I said everybody else they can do whatever they want to do but if you're a part of leadership with me I said I want us to fully pass no food only water I mean we're gonna leave we got something you gotta understand me if I'm gonna go after something I'm going after it with everything in me and so they all agree to that mostly because I was the boss but so so anyway that's what we did so we're so so because we weren't eating for 21 days we just had prayer we'd have prayer early in the morning we've had prayer at noon we'd have prayer at night because I'm thinking we're not eating we might as well pray I mean it's it's fast and pray and so so so we we're faint you quote because because I tell people I do pay I'll tell people this I'd read a jetsons Franklin's books and and Bob Rodgers books and all these ones on fasting and and all that cuz I fasted before but I never I'd never for me I never fasted that long and and I'd read boats you know fast see how he's healthy for you and it's all this kind of stuff and they'd all said by the time you fast for by the time you you fasted for four or five days three four or five days you're not hungry anymore well I'm here to tell you they lied good so let me tell you how long I was hungry 21 days 21 days I was hungry and so so and everybody tells me all whenever I fast I become I mean I become so sensitive to the spirit not me I become as dull as a nail I just I can think about its worst food and and I mean I am dull it doesn't it doesn't energize me on any level any one so we're fasting we're fasting for 21 days we're about around the 14th day if I remember correctly and I get a phone call make a girl a lady another girl but a lady a married lady calls and she says she'd gone to the doctor and the doctors had told her she had lupus and a young woman and she said would I pray for her cuz she come by had me pray and I said I said well you know we're fasting and praying now why don't you come at lunch I said why don't you just come at lunch and let us pray and what I intended for it to comment you know at lunch at 12:00 noon while we're all praying and we'll get together we'll pray for you oh she didn't do that so we go through the noon prayer meeting and I'm leading it and I got when I would get through Lee I would just be wore out and I mean I just want to go to the office and just melt you know into a chair or even lay down on the couch I mean I was just so weak from the whole whole ordeal and so I didn't want that's what I wanted to do so so we we do that we go through the prayer time and I've forgotten that she was supposed to come and I remember when we said Amen and everybody began to break to go back to their jobs and and and we were gonna you know move on with life I looked up and here she came through the back door and I thought oh I forgot about her and I mean I was so tired I didn't want to pray for her I didn't wanna do it I just want to go to the office so everybody leaves and the only one left in the room now is me and my son Adam that was a debtor Tina he was a teenager at this time he me and my son Adam and now her and her husband are there so she comes up to me I said hi Jenny I saw I mean I forgot but yeah let me pray for you you know and so she comes up and our platform was about four steps up so I stepped down you know in about the first or second steps and she comes and and I'm like facing her and she comes and stands like she's facing this way so I'm standing there and I just reached out and I put my head hand on her head just right here as I'm standing above her and I put my hand on her head and and I'm weak I'm tired and I just simply say I said Lord in the name of Jesus I just asked you to touch Jenny this is for he I'm just I just wanted I wanted to get healed but I'm just I just want to get done and go to the office and I hear I hear this faint this faint little voice say rebuke the devil I mean of course I've done a lot of that so let's have so I mean I don't think a whole other bad guy I hear the voice of rebuked the devil so I've got my hand on her head and I said I said in the name of Jesus Satan I rebuke you know that's about the way I said it when I said it she is standing flat-footed on the floor her feet come straight up off the floor go straight up in the air I don't even know how you can do that straight off floor straight up in the air and she lands on her shoulders know nothing about you she comes down on her shoulders and when she hits the floor her eyes rolled back in her head and this guttural voice comes out of this looks nice this sweet little this woman this this sweet little petite woman this voice comes out and this is what it says it says to me I judge you I thought I never heard of such but the demon said to me I judge you now you got to understand when those things talk to me it does something to me it makes me mad so all of a sudden this weak preacher has got all sorts of energy I am on the floor like that I said and I look at her in the eyes they said that a rollback and all I'm seeing this white and I said you judge me I judge you by the blood of Jesus that's what I said but see and then we dealt with and I'll maybe I'll finish the story here and just someone because because we did get the demon out and she was completely healed of lupus completely healed of lupus but but but watch this that I never forgot that demons saying to me I judge you now years later years later I would discover and be and get to Revelation that I'm known for around the world on the courts of heaven and the legal dimensions of the spirit world that I've spent the last nine years running all over the world teaching I mean if you saw me on Sid Roth that's what I was doing on Sid Roth that's what I've done on God TV that's what whatever I've been they all want me to come talk about the court of heaven and I never forgot that demon saying to me I judge you are implying I have a legal right against you that forbids you to have the right to cast me out are you staying with me have I got your attention because because you got to understand everything in the spirit realm is legal everything you look maybe nobody's ever told you that before but listen that is why some of you have been praying prayers for a long time and and you know they're in agreement with God's Word but you've not had answers you've not a break to why it's not because God hasn't heard you it's not because he doesn't care it's because there is something legal that's resisting you in the spirit world so I want to just introduce this tonight help us understand with the movies and praying but why wouldn't you begin to start thinking this way let me let me help you with this this what Jesus taught on prayer in the Book of Luke in the Book of Luke in Luke 11 and Luke 18 where Jesus specifically addressed the subject of praying because his disciples in Luke 11:1 said Lord teach us to pray like John the Baptist taught his disciples and he said when you pray say our Father which art in heaven we all know that Luke 11 2 and he begins to talk to him about what we call the Lord's Prayer but then he goes into the Luke 11 5 to 8 and he says and which of you having a friend still teaching on prayer then after he finishes that in Luke 18 he comes back to the subject again and he teaches them that men aren't always to pray and not to lose heart and then he talks about approaching God as a judge because a widow went before an unjust judge and got a verdict from him and the whole moral to that story is not that God is an unjust judge we have to convince it is that if this Widow could get a verdict from an unjust judge how much more can we come before God the righteous judge and see him render verdicts in our behalf so Jesus put prayer in three-dimensions approaching God as father approaching God is friend and approaching God as judge that isn't important because see if you don't understand these three dimensions that Jesus put prayer in you can be approaching God as father but if there is a legal case the enemy has to resist your breakthrough you're not gonna get it until you step into that third realm of approaching God his judge and remove the legal rights he's using against you now I'm cutting to a lot of of hours of teaching just saying that okay I was telling pastor and his wife I've got four books in print on the courts of heaven a fifth one is coming out in March on the cloud of witnesses as it relations the court of heaven another one just got turned into a father friend the judge it'll be out probably in twenty two I've got books after books I'm under contract to write three more after that all on the court of heaven so this is a huge subject the legal dimension of the Spirit but I want you to look with me having that kind of laid that foundation just real quickly look at me in first Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 first Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 and I want to just show this to you and I'm reading the New King James Version so what would that one be 1st Peter 5 verse 8 I grew up on the King James yeah and and I remember when the New King James came out it was you know because it's the scripture I knew I just had to be a good one so Virgil first Peters up to 5 verse 8 here's what here's what Peter says be sober be vigilant because your adversary okay that word adversary is the Greek word anti D Coast a ntid ikl s an TD coast and it means literally it means one who brings a lawsuit it is a legal term so when Peters talking about your adversary he's not talking about a demon on a battlefield he's talking about something legal that is standing against you in the spirit world so he says your adversary the devil it's the devil he operating against us from a legal perspective he is our legal opponent watch building a case so that he can present a lawsuit against us I have a said this a long time this is what happened to Peter Luke 22:31 jesus said Simon Simon Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat you'll remember that scripture the word desired there means he is demanded you be put on trial he said he said Peter Satan has built a case against you to deny you your breakthroughs but I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail so Jesus the st. Peter I have stood he the legal dimension of the spirit world and I have revoked the case against you and you will get your destiny so Peter is saying how many notes oh peter has a first-hand understanding of this because of what he walked through so he is saying be sober be vigilant in other words be on guard or if you're not on guard your adversary your legal opponent that is building a case against you watch what he says he is walking about like a roaring lion seeking what he can't do it it will he's seeking if you will a legal right to devour you so you can understand Satan cannot devour at will if he could we'd all be dead he can't do it he has to discover a legal right Peter is saying recognize your legal opponent be on guard protect to the self remove the legal rights because if you don't he will devour you oh you follow me this is very important so one of the reasons our prayers don't get answered is because the enemy has built a legal case against us and so instead of our prayers being answered we get devoured we get devoured we get devoured we get devoured so what me crying out to God is father won't maybe won't give me an answer me crying out to God as friend maybe won't give answer in this situation I need to know how to go before him as a judge and stand in the legal dimension of the Spirit and remove or otherwise you just keep praying prayers wondering why God's not answering this is user how did you get this I lived through it I lived this life I had prayers that weren't being answered and everything was falling to pieces I could tell you my horror story my heart story will match up with yours any day and God began to unveil for me the whole principles of the court of heaven and the legal dimension of knowing knowing knowing how to go in and stand before law so so would in that again that's a very simple foundation to this very simple foundation I'm going to cover more you know tomorrow and and and and then Sunday and all that but but but the more the you renew your mind with these concepts the more effective and efficient you become in dealing with these areas now having said that okay having said that let's look at Luke chapter 13 because I want to tie it to this tonight I want to tie it to to Luke chapter 13 where you see in the realm of healing now watch this this this applies in every area every area but it also applies in the realm of healing see how many times I gotta tell you as I told you says since I was the twelve year a boy I had a touch of healing on my life but not until to 2000 November 1999 and then moving into 2000 do we start seeing a full release of healing come in our ministry and and I can't tell you how many times how many people I've seen the old but I also can't tell you how many times I have watched people legitimately be touched by the power of the Spirit and still be sickle and was all said and done and that she's true they's just true I've watched it and you walk away scratching your head I have come to the conclusion that one of the reasons that happens is because there's something legal that's resisting the anointing from having the full effect it's designed to have let me show you this Luke chapter 13 verse says let me just begin in verse 10 now he was teaching in one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bent over and could no wise raise herself up so this woman has been now used to think when I read that she probably had a little bit of osteoporosis my mom had that my mom was just humped a little bit as she got older she died when she was 19 but but but but she was just humped a little bit but well but see I was in a restaurant not too long ago and there's ladies sitting at a table behind us got up and she walked to the restroom and I wasn't paying attention before him but as she came back from the restroom she literally was bent and twisted and walked like this and she was probably in her 60s 70s and I was I was I was a Stanley I never seen anybody like that I never seen anybody like that and I thought that must be what this woman was like that literally literally she the woman I saw was bit twisted and had to walk like this and I thought what in existence what a way to live your life and yet this woman is bent over and could in no wise raise herself up and so Jesus sees her and in verse 12 he says but when he saw her he called her to him and said to her woman you are loosed from your infirmity verse 13 and when he had laid his hands on her immediately she was made straight and glorified God now this is interesting the Bible says that what Jesus saw how many you know jesus healed lots of people I mean it literally says in the in the book of John that if everything was written down that he did the books of the world could not contain it not not just the Bible the books of the world would not be able to contain here I mean when you read what he did it's just a thumbnail a very small thumbnail idea of what he actually accomplished when you read over in the book of Acts acts 243 that many signs and wonders were done through the hands of the Apostles the word many means so many they were coming see miracles weren't something that just happened every now and then the Bible gives us just a little glimpse in them into the Miller act us but they were so so many of them that they were actually a common thing it's supposed to be the normal life within the church that solutely was supposed to be so so so when you read this in any and and he heals this woman the Bible picks this one out of out of all the miracles to give us a glimpse because he wants us to understand something here's what he says he sees as woman she's bent over it says it he says they're a woman you are loosed that's important the word loosed is the greek word apple oooh Oh Apple oooh apol you a I believe Apple oooh oh and it means or what it is it's used as a legal term in a judicial system apple oooh oh it means to dissolve a contract cancel a debt to decree a divorce all those are legal so what did Jesus mean when he said to the woman you are loosed here's what he did he spoke to the legal thing that was claiming the right to hold her in that condition he said you're lost i free you aye aye aye Baloo you up a little you I I cancelled the debt against you I I i dissolved the contract i decree a divorce against to the Pontic power that claims it owns you now she's still bent and twisted because he's not through but this is a process or a sequence he walked through to get this woman completely healed he first deals with a legal issue now you got to understand something the devil works off two basis he works off a legal basis he also works off an illegal basis now before I even cover that you need to know there are people that would tell you that the devil doesn't have any legal rights against us after the cross well here's my here's my word to that Peter said first Peter 5:8 we read we read it be sober be vigilant if he doesn't have any legal rights why did Peter say he does this your hair gathers sand and stops shouting a little cliches and realize what the Bible says the blood of Jesus in the body of Jesus gives us everything we nude need to deal with the legal issues but if we don't deal with them he will still use them against us you got to get that well you just keep going around senior sis your simple little cliches but you'll never get your breakthrough and we preach you to the worst of the worst we're stuff I want the real thing I want a real breakthrough I want the thing that's gonna last I don't want to stick my head in the sand and play like another really see here's our problem in the church we say we believe things we never experience hello I love you them for you I'm trying to help you trying to help me now watch so he says woman you're lost he speaks to the legal rights the enemy is claiming to hold her in his condition he's in I'm penciling the debt against you I'm dissolving the contract in the spirit world he claims he has and I'm decree a divorce against the rights of ownership he says that allows him to do this to you in the end did the legal rights just with his voice somebody says well wait a minute he just he did it was just a work yeah he's Jesus now we can do the same thing as we're walking in the same Union he walked in with a father we knew the same thing but sadly this is what I've discovered sometimes the thing Jesus did in a moment it takes us a process to do why because he had the spirit without measure we don't I know I don't have I mean do I have access of the same anointing oh yeah but I don't have the same level of anointing the Bible says he was anointed without measure and I believe we can get there but I'm not there and I don't think anybody in this room is there so sometimes what he did in a moment might take us a process to do so I might have to just help people walk okay now say this prayer done uh so that we can break the legal rights take what Jesus did for us on the cross the blood of Jesus in his body and use it because listen the cross was the greatest legal transaction of history it's the greatest legal transaction of history amen so he says the woman you roost he dissolved the contract he cancelled the debt he decreed the divorce thing that broke the Oh any ownership the enemy was claiming now watch I could talk about that for a while but watch I said it says then he touched her notice the sequence he undid the legal right then what'd he do then he released the anointing he did not release the anointing until he dealt with illegal right now remember I said the enemy works for both a legal and an illegal basis how do I know that because he's called the adversary our legal opponent but he's also called a thief and a robber which is our witch it means he is easily illegal so this is this is how I this is how I approach thing would I pray for people when I pray for in sickness here or anything else for that matter when I pray for them I'm assuming that what's going on in their life is illegal activity illegal activity of the devil but he's just being the devil and he's just being a bully he's trying to get by with what he get by with and that I can just take the anointing the authority the faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and I can step in a boldness and I can break that thing and we can go on with life but if I do that and nothing changes I really have I doubt I now know okay he may not be doing this from an illegal place he might be doing this from an illegal place and if he's doing it from an illegal place I need to be able to discern what is it that's allowing this break the legal rights he is using and claiming remove it then release the anointing so people can be healed so that's the way I functionnal I just assume it's illegal but that if I tried it's not then I back up I say there may be a legal basis he's using here so he says woman you're loosed he removes the legal right then he releases the anointing no this is what I was saying earlier this is what I was saying earlier it you can experience the touch of the anointing you can vibrate shake slobber do whatever fall on the floor Waller you do do it all I mean it be real and legitimate and still get up and be sick and I've watched that now though why I mean I prayed for people that would feel the heat the fire of God go through their body and they'll still be sick what was all and I couldn't be honest some of them died when they had all sorts of encounters only to discover in many of their cases after the fact I discovered and found out legal rights the enemy had to deny the anointing the right to bring healing that's why Jesus used the sequence he did he dealt with a legal issue then he released the anointing you see when you deal with the legal rights if the enemy is doing it from a legal perspective now the anointing the touch of Jesus is free to have its effect that makes sense now I'm gonna tell your story then I'm gonna finish the story about the woman laying on the floor that demon said I judge you I discovered this I started seeing this I have a son in the faith that lives in Colorado Springs we live we live in Dallas right now well actually moving back to Waco but that's a whole different story he doesn't matter where I live I travel all over anyway but this myself this particular son is connected to me he was my worship leader we were awakened he and his wife live in Colorado Springs well all of a sudden out of the blue and if you saw you know he wasn't my natural son because he's african-american so you know that but and so but he's he's a and and he was my worship he was in my church since he was 13 years old he grew up I put him on staff he became my worship leader tremendous worship leader and so he and his wife live in Colorado Springs now and so all sudden out of the blue he begins to have extreme headaches and goes to the doctor finds out he has a tumor on his pituitary gland that it in the doctor say it's benign but that doesn't stop the thing from pushing on the pituitary gland and he has such pain that every 10 minutes the pain washed over him and the only way he could get any relief from it was to gargle hot warm water while that pain and then the pain would subside and then 10 minutes later that went on for six weeks as a result of that he didn't sleep for six weeks because the pain would come every 10 minutes they put they tried steroids they tried it nothing would touch the pain they put him on payment nothing would touch the pain they're just just unbelievable unbearably now I prayed prayed for him over the phone a couple of times because one of my daughter's is very close to his age as she would call me and she said dad could you please call it and pray for a I said yeah and so I would call it so I'm in oyi I was in a while doing some ministry stuff there and my daughter calls me and she says another time and she says that because this has been going on like I said it for six weeks she says dad would you please call it and talk and pray for a and I said yeah I said I will and so I called him and when the Ray answers the phone I said ray I said how you doing in a very weak voice he said okay I mean I mean you knew he wasn't before you call the first place but but just so weak and I said I said look I said I haven't told you in this but listen we tried everything let's try this see I've been dealing with it thinking well the devil's just doing this illegally I'm thinking maybe he's got a legal right I said right I said let me let me let me let's try something here I said you need I said your african-american and he kind of laughed yeah I know and I said that means your ancestors come from Africa now I've done lots of ministry in Africa and in Africa every African understands altars because that every city gate there is an altar has dedicated that city to demonic gods and on that altar in the spirit world are the are the names of the inhabitants that come from that city that the enemy claims legal right to because their ancestors gave that city to that due to the demons by blood sacrifice at that altar this is just fact just just fact and so I said so somebody in your ancestry that would have lived in one of those cities they dedicated themselves and their lineage their heritage to this demon god this thing says it has a right it owns you because of that so we need to go before the court of heaven Rea and we I need to help you and you need to pray and you need to ask for the blood to speak in your behalf so that any claim the enemy has to claim you that says this gives him a right to afflict you with this thing that that right is revoked and removed I said do you want to do this course he's ready to do anything so I let him in a prayer real simple prayer Lord as I come before you I humble myself I repent from my sin and the sin of my ancestors that would have made any kind of a covenant with a demon God and that our names would therefore be on an altar that allows it the right to claim me I'm asking Lord Jesus for your blood to speak for me and to silence the right of that blood that sacrificial blood of whatever was used to create this covenant that that that right of that blood to speak to now be silenced and for the blood of Jesus only to speak for me and that what the blood is and the blood of Jesus is saying it now annul every right from that altar and I just let him do this simple prayer okay so we do this and I said now let me pray for you so I prayed for him he said he felt a little better okay so so I'm in Hawaii so I said okay well we'll talk later so I hang up the phone this is the testimony of just a few hours later it's time to go to bed because you know their head with at least four or five hours but behind them and and and Hawaii and so it's time for them to go but so ray says he goes into the bedroom this is the very the very same day that we pray he and this has been going on for six weeks and there's been hundreds if not thousands of prayers offered he goes into the bedroom and he says to Jody I'm gonna go his wife I'm gonna go sleep on the couch tonight because I just want to keep you awake I'm still going here so ray says he goes into the living room and he lays down on the couch and he simply says this word for the hundreds of Time Lord would you please heal me and he said the next thing he knows about six hours later the trash truck outside wakes him up as they're emptying the trash in the neighborhood he said when he wakes up he thinks wow that's a trash truck when it woke me up they realized I've been asleep for like six hours and then he realizes I don't have any pain and he gets up and he says he says he said he told me he said he said I realize I checked myself out I wait a little bit he said I went into the bedroom I said Jody Jody I said God's healed me said the paint'll he's healed to this day what was the difference and that simple prayer Lord heal me that gave it an effect that all the other prayers hadn't had the legal right of the enemy had been removed the legal right of the enemy to claim him had been revoked had been removed so that God's what God had wanted to happen all the time was now free to happen does that make sense to you and we have to be able to do certain thing now let me finish my story and we'll pray so this woman is laying on the floor and the demon in her is saying I judge you I didn't know have a clue what's going on I know the devil is a liar I understand that but I also know he was claiming notice the word verbage I'm you he's claiming that he has a right to resist me from dealing with this so I'm on the floor with this woman and my son analyst dinner and her husband is standing over her young husband is standing over to the side watching this thinking I've been sleeping with this no I don't know what he was thinking but that's what I have been thinking and so he's watching it I mean he's kind of real astounded he doesn't know what to think really and so I'm up for and I am trying to catch that they won't move the thing won't come out now my son Adam is standing there but he won't come out this thing won't come out and all right so after about I'd say about ten minutes of this going on all of a sudden I've got my eyes closed as I'm praying I just didn't do that I had my eyes closed and I was praying and all of a sudden the thing boom leaves as she is delivered and and and she comes back to herself and and and I look up and my associate pastor who had gone to the office after the prayer meeting is kneeling down agreeing with me you know watch this this is this so interesting to me he's kneeling down agreement because he said he's in his office and the Lord speaks to him and says go to the sanctuary he didn't know anything's going on nobody does so he it's from his office and comes essentially and there I am in the middle of all this and the moment he agrees with me the moment the instant he agrees with me the demon leaves no you said well it's the power of agreement well I realize that but here's what I also believe the thing said to me I judge you the things said to me if you will I have a legal case that says you can't deal with me there's watch this there's something in your blood line because there I didn't know of anything in the natural that I was doing but there's something in your blood line just like it was in the bloodline of Ray there's something in your blood that line that gives me the right to say you have no authority to cast me out but the moment my associate pastor who has a different bloodline the moment he came and agreed with me the thing left so you got to understand the enemy uses legal issues to resist us and if we can deal with the legal issues the legal claims he has then his power is broken and the anointing is free to have its effect I can see you're thinking it's good because it helps us realize I'll do maybe this gives us a strategy on what to do when it seems not to work not to work what do we do when that happens and I was says let me just finished with this I was in Ireland I was in Ireland and I talked just a little bit of this and the people that had me there named David and Jackie David and Jackie Mackey that's I mean that hurt there's the married name she literally goes by her maiden name so she's not Jackie Mackey but I think we're what her maiden name is now but but so they're there that because they've been married for decades literally decades and and so I've been over there with him several times and so on this I said I'm just gonna teach your own healing from the court of heaven perspective so I did I taught when I get through I said I just it says I said there's some people or something some people here got your you've got deafness I said maybe you're completely deaf in one ear I didn't see anybody was deaf in both ears I said you know maybe you got deafness well here comes Jackie the the lady who her husband had me there and she's she's deaf completely deaf I think it her right ear and so I had everybody in the room just pray this prayer about dealing with any legal thing that the enemy would be using to resist and in hinder healing I was having pray it all out that so here comes Jackie and and I said and there was two or three others that came down that were had literally they were completely deaf in one ear completely couldn't hear out of it and so so I found out later that Jackie was deaf because at eight years old a car had hit her thrown her up into the air and she had landed on her head and what she did she was completely deaf from that point on in her ear and she's now in her 60s so a good fifty five years ago this has happened and so so the moment because we had dealt with legal issues and she'd been prayed for many times for the deafness is there I'll never forget the moment that I put my finger in her ear and I said I command this thing to be opened and I released you know the moment I did it she starts to laugh and did this look of amazement because her ear instantly popped open and she could hear for the first time in 55 plus years and then other people's ears started popping open it was just deaf this was just being broken because any legal right the enemy had used no I said I was gonna that was gonna be the end of let me tell you one more I'm in Memphis Tennessee and we're having three nights of Hien I didn't even understand the courts at this time but now I know what happened we're in three nights of healing services what in one of those services that guy was healed completely healed of MS must muscular no young Musco cirrhosis he would come lately healed completely healed he could barely walk he was completely healed to the point that the where he worked called the church and said we just want to tell you we're amazed at what happened to this man because everybody knew where he was and where the thing was taking him okay so in this same sir in the same series of meetings on the first night this woman comes down and she's completely deaf again I think it's in her right ear and she's completely deaf and I had seen a lot of people healed of deafness so I put my finger in her ear and I prayed nothing happened I prayed again nothing happened I prayed to God I said I didn't understand the legal realm now nothing happening so I said look I said I don't want to tell you I said just keep believing come back to the other meetings and let's just believe God's gonna you're gonna get your miracle before we're done here the next couple of days so she goes back to her seat you know it's always kind of a hard thing to leave people hanging like that and and but that you know I didn't know what else to do and and so she goes back to her seat well I don't remember Sienna - the second night maybe she was there I don't know but on the third night she comes back and when she comes back the third night whenever he gets time to pray she she says she comes forward and she said God spoke to me and she said he told me if I will forgive I will forgive my parents that my deafness will be healed I said really she said yes and she said could you help me do that and so I let her in a prayer of forgiveness of her parents how many know we were dealing with a legal issue as soon as I got to I'm no more anointing that I was two nights before nothing's changed I haven't found a special key somewhere I'm still the same person still carried the same stuff I stuck the same finger in the same air my team added some dirt on the fingernails I'm not really sure I stuck my finger in her ear and I said command you to be open she instantly begins to scream hard oil oil hot oil is running in my ear and her ear completely popped open I've never forgotten that because once the legal issue that the enemy had through unforgiveness was removed the healing presence of Jesus was free to bring her her miracle amen so so maybe if we've been believing maybe it's been and we haven't gotten what we're looking for maybe there's something legal maybe we can come and stand and we could say Jesus thank you for your blood thank you for your body thank you Lord for what you've done and we can take what he's done for us and silence every accusation every legal case the anti-d course is using against us he can he can send it he can remove that out of the way amen so I'm gonna ask pastor to come and and and let him receive offering but stay in a realm of faith because we're gonna pray and I can sense an atmosphere in the room there's an atmosphere of his presence in his life in the room we're gonna pray and watch receiving an offer
Channel: Baltimore Christian Faith Center
Views: 20,181
Rating: 4.7560978 out of 5
Keywords: Robert Henderson, The Courts of Heaven, BCFC, Baltimore Christian Faith Center, Miracles, Healing
Id: Eb2ROP6Yfv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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