The Corporate Darwin Awards

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Stupid video. I made it 4 minutes into it and he still had not mentioned a single corporate mistake. Wasting time isn't entertaining.

Regarding "AIDS".... the diet assist candy was around years before the disease was renamed AIDS . Not exactly a "stupid mistake that caused it's demise". So again, stupid video.

I like Simon Whistler in his other projects, thought. Maybe trim that beard up a bit.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gerry1of1 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
thank goodness for AIDS hello really welcome to the business plays also known as business plays I am your boy with the blaze and also this Red Solo Cup the last video I recorded I don't Enron mug and then from Amazon someone sent me from America these Red Solo cups and I'm really sorry whoever sent these to me because I am an extrordinary full email inbox and I tried finding the person who sent it to me to say thank you for sending these to me because they finally arrived and I can't find your email so please email me so I can thank you which is absurd consider this me thanking you because not only did you send me just one of these you apparently decided to send me a lifetime supply like I don't know what to do with all of these I mean I am a child maybe this can be in my video today oh what's going on today well today in the video we have the corporate Darwin Awards you know I came up with this idea any time we do a Darwin Awards video on top tens it does really well like I think we did one which is basically I really want to rest my hands on that but it's not gonna go well which is basically where someone takes themselves out of the gene pool whether by killing themselves or by removing their through like some acts of stupidity and they always do well so I like on Darwin Awards part 16 this is the corporate Darwin Awards you can see where I got this idea from because I'm super super lazy if you're wondering what the going on and why you've stumbled goddamnit while you've stumbled across this random youtube channel with a British man with American things yelling at you this is the business plays I I read a script Danny sent us Sam had some memes it's a thing let's jump in it's quite disheartening when I tried to look at all the awards I've won in a lifetime of blood sweat and wretched sobbing the only example this brings to mind is the cycling proficiency certificate I picked up in about 1986 I didn't even know that was a thing this was an all Guk scheme which had been running in schools since the 1940s and was designed to get youngsters trained up to pedal with confidence on the roads of Britain I could have done with this I was got pulled over by the police on my bike I used to live in London I just biked everywhere because it was too cheap to pay the pound for the bar and I just didn't give a [ __ ] I'll just be riding along and then I get pulled over bo-buddies they're like you know you went through two red lights right and I'm like yeah and they're like don't do it again to be honest everyone passed it though you only really had to prove that you were capable of getting on the bike and riding it for about 30 seconds without getting mowed down by a bus my mate Barry failed it well then not everyone passes it do they Danny goddamnit we've talked about you contradicting yourself it's weak but I think he may have been the only kid to do so in the entire 70s three of the scheme and I'm sure it was only because he was giving me a strike to some left but one award I wouldn't particularly want to win is a Darwin Award largely because you usually have to be dead in order to qualify for the prestigious prize or lose your ability to procreate I first launched on Usenet groups in 1985 and growing in popularity over the years with a dedicated websites in a series of best-selling books the Darwin Awards are given out each year to selfless individuals who make an exceptional contribution to human evolution by removing themselves from the human gene pool via means of utterly ridiculous death recent winners have included a thirsty University professor who couldn't be asked to pop next door to the drinks machine and ended up downing a lethal Baker of methanol instead holy [ __ ] you're a professor get it together an angry motorcyclist who took part in a helmet-free rally to protect his freedom not to wear helmet and ended up getting thrown over the bikes handlebars and smashing his exposed head to bits you idiot I think we covered this guy in a in a previous top tens video also I went to America I can remember where I was it was somewhere in the north and there were people riding motorcycles without helmets on okay I mean do what you want I don't give it you're already killing yourself but I mean unlike you're pretty dumb right and a psychic from Thailand he claimed to his followers that he was immortal and publicly stabbed himself in the chest to prove that he couldn't die he died in fairness he was a fraud strim was meant to be using a fake sword but it's always a good idea to check your equipment thoroughly before you use it and while I'm yet to win a major award that I can place with pride on the wonky shelf in the basement I can at least play a part in the presentation of the business blaze equivalent of the Darwin Awards yes you can Danny and Danny we ever we haven't got it yet but YouTube when you get to a hundred thousand subscribers they send you this beautiful silver plaque so you've been a part of that Danny thank you I think I can actually get one an extra one made if you'd like one in the corporate Darwin Awards we take a look at the brave sacrifices made by those honorable heroes of the corporate world who helped to shape the future by completely destroying their own businesses or products in just one mind-bogglingly reckless move and Danny is back asset using the same size headings for subtitles which is always confusing aids slimming candy did you really call it aids swimming candy I mean it start a wide yes but I mean there's also something else called AIDS it's like hey you want some aids chocolate oh I think we should start off by making it very clear that the manufacturers of this slimming candy faced an unfortunate problem in the 1980s which was not even remotely their fault it's the manner in which they chose to deal with this new problem that led to the swift disappearance of the products after over 50 years on the shelves maybe we should be amazed that a chocolate product which claims help you lose up to ten pounds in five days without dieting or exercise managed to last so long anyway yeah I mean it sounds clearly fake I mean unless it's got like tapeworms or something now which is a thing people eat tapeworms to lose weight I'm like just stop eating Oh hashtag cancel Simon originally launched in 1937 by the Carl a company of Chicago the US Federal Trade Commission who's making objections to the company's marketing claims as early as the 1940s but the candy would still live on to allegedly fight the flab through the next four decades allegedly it didn't allegedly the appetite suppressant product went through several minor name changes during its long shelf life originally going under the banner of AIDS reducing planned vitamin and mineral candy oh my god which was later just shortened to AIDS reducing plain candy they also got in trouble because people who had AIDS were like it didn't reduce my AIDS at all I had full-blown AIDS by the time we hit the early 1980s the product was more commonly known simply as ADEs and i got a stop and was selling better than ever thanks to it largely to a new series of persuasive TV commercials generating a presence around the world candy and I'm not gaining weight I'm losing weight deliciously with the aid of aim unfortunately the sounds are like aids disease was also get set to generate an unwelcome presence around the world very shortly afterward with a global pandemic in full swing by the mid-1980s oh no I just drew a corollary it's a current day with Corona beer and the corona virus yes oh this isn't gonna go well I don't know how it's gonna go for Corona beer but I mean like allegedly if Corona beer went away it's not gonna be the world's biggest losses I mean Vin Diesel's gonna be upset in those Fast and Furious movies but that's it and those TV commercials from just a few years earlier now doesn't seem right at all while the most widely known symptoms of the AIDS virus was immense weight loss so now it seems odd to look back at a series of Julien's uplifting commercials which were making such bold claims as all this is gonna be good with AIDS I ate less so the weight came off aids helped me get back into a size 12 why take diet pills when you can enjoy aids lose weight deliciously with the aid of aid thank goodness for aids this sounds like the stuff but I would cut and put the beginning of this video when I say something absurd but it was actually a commercial in the 1980s sales of the super slimming candy rapidly fell by half following the emergence of the disease and something clearly had to be done just change the name just change the name it's not that hard Robert Berglas was the chairman of the depp corporation who by now had acquired rights to the product and he decided that a rebranding was in order well done Roberts did you get where did you get your NBA you genius apparently he was keen to soften the name without completely losing the brand's identification I'm sorry Robert but now your brand identification is with a terrible deadly disease so after much thought and consideration they eventually came up with diet aids what I mean just know if you changed then it's not that bad in a way that's even worse surely when your product name has become associated with a terrifying virus which is infecting tens of thousands of people around the world you don't just modify the name of it you completely change it I mean yes I fully agree also I mean if there was a candy called like Ebola and then it was like via bola disease comes along let's say it hadn't been heard of before and and Mars were like yeah yeah it's a diet Ebola or Ebola like it's still called Ebola shot cop it's no surprise that the coming rebranding failed to catch on and the AIDS candy had completely disappeared from sight before the decade was out the Depp corporation clearly dropped the ball with this rebranding my baby was unfair of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to name the new disease after a product that had been minding its own I'm which had been minding its own business for decades if kovat 19 had been named the Pepsi challenge disease by the National Health Organization in 2020 I bet somebody would have kicked up a stink ba-ba-boom Shh ah the Osborne Computer Corporation I am I'm seriously wondering what I'm gonna do with all of these cups if anyone has ideas for what to do with all of these cups please let me know sticking with the 1980s for a while but moving away from human immunodeficiency virus infections and acquired immune deficiency syndrome big words there the tale of the Osborne Computer Corporation has become so rooted in business legends remember you're a legend to watch the end of the video that a social phenomenon was named after the company hailing from Silicon Valley the pioneering two-man operation was responsible for the world's first mass-produced Puterbaugh portable computer in 1981 the original price tag of the Osborn was 1795 pounds which is expensive anyway and this is 1981 money that's gonna be like 5 grams 7 to 7 R and is my guess which may seem a bit pricey by modern standard but that's over 5 grand got a more wizard of money in today's money for a bit of bulky kit that could run a few basic word processor and spreadsheet programs but probably couldn't run a half-decent version of centipede or the centipede but back in those days it was seen as quite a competitive price for a space-age machine which was small enough to fit under an aeroplane seat within the first year of launch the new company had made his first million dollars and over the next couple of years the Osborne one was shifting around 10,000 units a month the small two-man operation grew in size so quickly that when one of the executives returned from a week's vacation he spent hours searching the expanded offices but anybody he vaguely recognized is that actually that can't be true I mean I know these companies grow quickly but it's not like you come back and it's like wow we have a hundred employees that I can't find a single person I know after like two weeks if you've done that as a company it feels like you're doing the we work thing expanding too quickly it doesn't end well usually sometimes maybe it does what do I know I'm just me and Sam and Danny and Brian the meaning accountant and now all of these Solo cups but the founder of the company Adam Osborne was about to make a disastrous slip-up in 1983 when he started getting a bit too giddy about the next machine and started showing it off far too early he offered specialist magazines a sneak peek of the new holes born executive binds locked hotel room doors on the condition that they wouldn't mention anything in print until the following year as far as I can tell the journalists kept their word on that front and nothing appeared in the press about this fabulous next-generation version of the portable Osborne computer but word still somehow got out to dealers yeah because they can't print it but they can tell someone else about it and that person maybe will leak it even further and this is why you don't tell people your secrets you've got to bury them deep down inside and the unfortunate effect was that everybody suddenly canceled any outstanding orders for the Osborn one because they'd heard that a much better machine was on the way oh dear the problem was at the company now only had massive stockpiles of the original machine which they couldn't shift even at a drastically slashed price because everyone was waiting for the machine that wouldn't be ready for months and months oh no this is a bad but this is I don't know if this is this isn't Darwin or territory so far because it's like this seems like a fairly legitimate mistake like it's something you wouldn't think of like I feel like I can make that mistake with the AIDS candy just renaming it diet aids Abbi what are you thinking but with this I could see myself making that mistake but I'm an idiot so by the time the Osborne executive is ready to go it could only be produced in very limited numbers before the Osborne computer company went bankrupt and although the company did briefly resurface a year later with a new chunkier model called the Osborne vixen which wasn't exactly portable but could best be described as a luggable it wasn't long before they went bankrupt again and disappeared from the scene forever it's sometimes I have to say like bankruptcy is an interesting thing like I used to think that if a company went bankrupt well that's it no more Kodak but it's like companies go bankrupt all the time and then it's like they're still erect like Hertz went bankrupt right and then I'm just gonna say allegedly but I'm not really sure I believe Hertz went bankrupt the car rental company but then this stock was like up 120% and I'm like how you bankrupt I don't get it I don't understand business what am i doing hosting a channel about this what do you what what why are you watching this channel it's sometimes argued that there are other factors are playing the downfall of this pioneering companies such as their competitor kaypro cutting their market share with cheaper models of the portable computer k-pro sounds like a discount supermarket but early unveiling of a machine which was far from ready to go certainly played a huge part in the rapid decline and the Osborne effect is now a widely recognized term for a situation where a product becomes obsolete far earlier than intended because of the premature announcement of its successor okay so this was that seems like this was the first guy to really make this mistake super obviously and now it's something that is taught presumably a business school and some people don't make it again I don't know if this is Darwin award word Road worthy because it's not a stupid mistake it's just a mistake but not everyone learned this lesson sago pearls a similar trick joh okay so now we're gonna get to a company that knew about this and then [ __ ] up anyway Sega pulled a similar trick during the 1990s when within just a couple of years of releasing the Sega Saturn console they started publicly discussing plans for their next console this would eventually become known as the Dreamcast but the release date was still a couple of years away I don't really remember the Sega Saturn but I do remember Dreamcast despite being held as one of the greatest consoles ever made by the disappointingly known low number of people who bought it the Sega Saturn is now a largely forgotten flop which fell off the radar way before its time well that is why I don't know about it so you go yeah you get the Darwin Awards because you knew about the Osborne effect I bet someone I say go into business school and you made the mistake anyway you idiots oh by the way I've got a much better video about corporate Darwin Awards coming out next week so there's actually no need to watch this one you can click off right now and get all of this just better next week Park City Mountain Resort just a very quick word on why it's always a good idea to keep your paperwork in order and keep plenty of sticky notes to hand to remind yourself of the important stuff that you need to do today up until the year 2014 the Park City Mountain Ski Resort in Utah was under the ownership of the powder corporation one of the biggest ski resort operators in North America for a couple of prosperous decades the company had been pulling in a fortune from the popular attraction helped along by a sweetheart lease with the owners of the lands the lease wasn't just unusually favorable to the tenant it was possibly one of the biggest value leases in history while the powder corporation was pulling in millions of dollars every year from the ski resort they were only paying about $150,000 a year to lease the 3,300 acres of lucrative lands oh my god how police had originally been packaged with a rollover option so the powder corporation could renew the lease every 20 years on exactly the same deal whoever set up that original contract it's like what is going on like you understand that the value of money gets lesser over time right has it already happened once before which is why the deals seemed such amazingly high value for decades on notion what could possibly go wrong for the powder corporation they're just gonna forget they're not gonna resign this lease and it's gonna be a disaster I have this on I own a garage like where you park your car and it's the land is technically owned by the city but it has this lease and it's really dumb I think I payment it's like the approval of maybe a hundred dollars a year to lease the labs that the building stands on and every year I just have to renew it and it's like it's like this it just perpetually rolls over so as long as I renew it I keep paying that same amount and it's so small because it was created I don't know decades ago whenever they built the garage so I understand this but you know what I don't you know what I don't forget to do renew my king lease well they could forget to renew the lease and then get served a notice of eviction and that's exactly what happens can you imagine the guy zero in all that land they're like please say they forget it's been like the lease they're supposed to sign the lease tomorrow and they've made no over two years to us about signing the lease don't get excited boys but I think is not going to renew and they're like and then it doesn't renew midnight rolls over and they're just like popping bottles by this point talisca landholdings had acquired the land from the original owners and of course they were in no rush to remind the tenants of the need to renew the lease and were under no legal obligation to do so they knew good and well that if the original lease was allowed to expire they could start renegotiating something approaching a sensibly modern figure for the use of it the powder corporation did actually submit the lease renewal but two days too late and started getting a bit grumpy when talisca suddenly started asking for [ __ ] loads more money it's that our powder you you made the mistake you got 20 years of this glorious stuff you got a 20-year lease if you don't renew it that's on you and during protracted legal wrangling the rival operator Vail Resorts discreetly sneaks in through the back door and snaps up a new lease with talisca you're the real winners here Vail results good for you it wasn't a total disaster for the powder corporation who were eventually forced into reluctantly selling their resort facilities to Vail for a sizable sum it was still growing strong today yeah I mean it didn't go brilliantly they did it yet to sell your super profitable business which you obviously didn't want to do or you wouldn't have gone through all the legal wrangling but one very careless mistake cost them on the greatest sweetheart leases of all time and it's reported but so it only happens because they'd fire the woman responsible for an earring at least just five months earlier and so a two-finger response to being fired was to not remind them that the lease was Deuter in New York oh it's amazing that women must be like oh the satisfaction so that appears to be the point where everything went a bit downhill if I were that women I don't know how can you make money out of that you could say you could you could remind them and be like hey you know I could use a new car or you could be like guys I have some information but not through blackmails not there anything like that there's gonna cost you millions of dollars if I don't tell you what it is if you give me a hundred grand I'll tell you what it is and they'll be like and and if it doesn't work out you don't have to give me the underground will hold it in escrow with a lawyer and yeah I think you could have legally made some money right there Murdock space or Repat Murdock you're a bit of a tool if you don't know Reaper Murdock is he's the guy who owns sky he's a no one likes Rupert Murdoch maybe this one is cheating a little bit as they were probably a whole multitude of reasons why myspace got trampled into the ground by Facebook and it probably didn't do much to damage the new News Corp in the long term but it's always nice to hear a story about Rupert Murdoch there's a fly on my paper cocking up something really badly yeah it is it's like II quit like Viking O'Leary Cox I'm there it's like mmm ribbon Murdoch cut something up mmm Donald we talked about myspace in a recent business blaze episode on strange celebrity business ventures which covered how Justin Timberlake briefly became the co-owner of the completely dead platform oh I don't know I went on there and they were like there was music news so to say it's completely dead Danny seems entirely unfair I'd say nice place is absolutely thriving like Justin Timberlake's movie career but how did News Corp find themselves flogging it so cheaply to Timberlake when that originally paid myspace founder Tom Anderson 518 million dollars for his platform in 2005 it's worth pointing out that things have looked quite promising for a while after News Corp acquired myspace as late as 2008 myspace was still very much the leader of the social media pack having managed to pull in a hundred million users Oh Tom you sold it at the absolute right point you legend we've talked about Anderson as a legend before on this show and we'll just repeat it absolute legends the only people who are more legendary the people who watched the end of the business plays episode but then the fall to Facebook seems to happen remarkably quickly by the end of that same year there appears to have been a global wide rip migration to Zuckerberg shiny new platform I don't remember it being shiny I do you remember it being blue like really really blue and within the space of just a few more years myspace had lost over 40 million visitors laid off most of its staff and was pretty much considered dead and buried of course one reason why we all jump ship to Facebook is because it was blue and we can see all of glue if you're getting that joke you are an absolute oh gee business blaze legend well there are several other reasons why Facebook's superior and smarter design helped persuade Internet users that myspace was now just yesterday's platform but only a granddaddy still used but possibly one of the biggest reasons for the downfall of mine I feel like Facebook though is now used mostly by people of my parents generation like I don't use Facebook but I think my friends really use Facebook we use whatsapp to message each other now we used to use facebook Messenger but I don't know I just don't really feel like people use there anymore but I guess they do I mean it's still the biggest but possibly one of the biggest reasons with the downfall of my spaces that arepa Murdock was determined to put aggressive ad revenue over user experience much like me with business blaze which is why there are just not just cram in as many adverse as I can this video is not sponsored by now that would be an amazing place for an ad read News Corp was paid 900 million dollars by Google to plaster ad content all over MySpace which was a nice payday for Rupert Murdoch but it meant that a platform already saturated with advertising was now about to get unbearable wait he paid like 580 million 4head he got paid 900 million dollars by Google sounds like Reaper Murdoch did pretty okay from this deal and also Google made a mistake they should use bought it but that adds on it cut out Rupert Murdoch cousin the middleman why give her even there are hundreds of millions of dollars no one wants to do that it became impossible to perform the simplest function on MySpace without getting bombarded by slow loading spammy ads which encouraged you to spin a roulette wheel and win a free goldfish I think you remember that I think there was something about the but I mean I don't know who cares so he gives I'm so pleased that abs are now not pieces I mean mostly most of the Internet is just retargeted ads for things I'm actually considering buying so I don't actually mind anymore it got a lot better although good lord if I see another before I got YouTube premium there were so many aunts like subscribe to masterclass I'm gonna show you how to cook a brisket hi I'm gonna teach you how to cook a brisket I saw that brisket ad that oh my god so many times I don't I don't want to I don't I like brisket I don't even want to think about it now though and I'm sure you're probably about to see an advert for Rage Shadow legends who emailed me this morning asking if I would like sponsorship again it's arguable where the Murdoch or News Corp really failed at all financially as the Google advertising deal kill anymore than covered the original purchase of myspace if anyone lost out of this it's probably Google who wouldn't have seen much return on their massive investment on the platform which quickly went the way of the pair well I'm in two pairs I like pears it went pear-shaped I don't understand I mean often I do and then people will point out in the comments out Dom I am for not getting a really simple joke but News Corp certainly missed a trick here if that perhaps just taken a little more inspiration for what Facebook we're doing the platform may never have lost so much ground so incredibly quickly incidentally you may think that the original myspace founder Tom Anderson did pretty well out of that 580 million deal with News Corp in 2005 and of course he did but he may have missed a trip to according to Wall Street Journal editor Julia Angwin Tom met with Mark Zuckerberg in the fall of 2005 as always and was offered the chance to buy Facebook for 75 million dollars but he turned down the chance to buy the six hundred forty six billion dollar platform Facebook really worth six hundred forty six billion dollars oh my god what am I doing with my life and patiently waited for Rupert Murdoch to come along and smash his own platform two bits yeah but also if he had bought Facebook it wouldn't be Facebook it would still be like MySpace and no one likes MySpace and look Tom did okay he got 580 million out of it orgy peanuts finally there can only be one gold medal winner in the corporate Darwin Awards old Danny you've done yourself a trouble because if this video does really well there's definitely gonna be corporate Darwin Awards part 2 part 3 part 19 oh but the tragic truth behind the Peanut Corporation of America is that it took several completely innocent people down with it originally founded in 1977 by Hugh Parnell in Gorman Texas the peanut processing business was originally a very small family affair by the year 2000 under the control of Hugh's son Stewart Parnell the company was operating five major processing pranced spread across the states like crunchy butter and pulling in about 25 million dollars a year from selling peanut butter based to poor people oh my god I love peanut butter why do you have to sell it to just poor people rich people eat peanut butter too I think you see this was never really a very classy outfit the cheap processed peanuts were largely sold to the institutional food market and were destined to end up being consumed in prisons nursing homes and ruff schools okay I understand yeah that's how it's not just I'm sure there's like fantasy peanut butter oh my god Marks and Spencers do a cashew nut peanut butter which is amazing it's super expensive but it's so good that's fancy peanut butter some of the produce was also told to school manufacturers for use in low-end markets such as cheap miss gets ice cream and dog dog food no way so foreleg Terry youngsters with a sweet tooth and criminal record were wolfing down these nuts like there was no tomorrow for some of them that wouldn't be all so oh my god are people gonna die also peanuts I mean I go to the store and I see peanuts I don't buy expensive peanuts they're peanuts i buy the cheap ones because they are the same or maybe I'm gonna die the company had a long history of questionable sanitation and hygiene standards dating back to the 98 I mean I'm not buying them from like dodgy homeless person on the street I'm buying them from like Tesco just gonna buy the Tesco value ones rather than the finest ones during private inspections by potential business partners some of the filthy processing plants were found to have mole going on the walls leaky roofs mouse droppings on the floor dead insects near the peanuts and birds happily flapping in and out of the building I'm slightly concerned why they were seen by potential business partners and not by I don't know the FDA but nobody seemed to mind that much maybe because they were only peanuts for convicted murderers working-class dogs and kids who had no say in the matter the ratshit only at the fan in 2008 when it was discovered that the company's peanut produce was the source of a massive outbreak of Salmonella in the United States nine office was recent this is surprisingly recent nine people are known to have died from the contamination oh my god for real for real along with other 714 reported cases of food poisoning at least half of which were children Danny this is sad the previous ones were like amusing ha ha people lose money oh man but this one's like yeah yeah yeah people lose money children died that's probably only a very conservative estimate as roughly only one in every 38 cases of salmonella gets reported oh and at least one dog died too which further business plays audience they're gonna be more upset about that you guys you're gonna be more upset about that than the children dying because you're done I don't mean that hashtag cancel Simon although some of you are probably statistically done the most horrifying part about all of this Stewart Parnell the owner of the company knew about the contamination and insisted that the peanut products were shipped anyway oh that was an error you're going to prison I don't feel it's a you know it's a good business plays until someone goes to jail I went faced with the dilemma of what to do with these infected peanuts its own forward responses an email we're in court was let's turn them loose oh dude no you wrote down an email - I mean this is bad enough but then you're like yeah you know what I'm gonna do write down some evidence even after tests had confirmed that Salmonella had been found in the company's products pond I was sending emails to employees claiming that the peanuts were completely safe to ship and privately complaining that tests were which showed evidence of contamination were costing the company big bucks dude but testing is too expensive for you you're a horrible person allegedly he even wrote to federal regulators to ask for official permission to continue using peanuts or infected plants as he desperately needed to turn the raw peanuts in on our floor into money no what what's going on you write to the regulator to be like hey I've got these peanuts that are poisonous guy I send them out they're going to knock on your door bro naturally the peanut Corporation of America didn't come out of this very well it led to the biggest food recall in US history stretching across 46 states and involving the recall of nearly 4,000 different products the company quickly went bankrupt good oh but it also had a devastating effect on the entire peanut Industries consumers completely lost confidence in the product it's estimated that the industry lost over a billion dollars in the aftermath of the outbreak ah Stewart Parnell ukok Rumble but what became of Stewart Parnell well in a nutshell he was ultimately found guilty of 71 criminal counts of conspiracy fraud and several other federal charges in 2015 and I saw her already I can't even guess it went to prison he's gone to prison for 28 years oh it's perhaps quite sad in a way that he won't be getting served his own peanut produce during his lengthily stay in the slammer but at least still get some valuable feedback and maybe even a good roasting from the veteran prisoners you got to put up with this cheap crap for years this has been business plays brought to you by all of these Solo cups which I now have to pick up I make decisions that I regret if you enjoyed this video please do smash that like button below don't forget to subscribe and as always I'll see you next time you legend where some of you are probably statistically done
Channel: Business Blaze
Views: 556,606
Rating: 4.8428555 out of 5
Id: akATuW-Y7hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 17sec (1877 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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