Terrible Things About Fast Food

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give your meat a good old rub that's it nice and hot okay [Music] oh i'm wearing my sunglasses and you know what that means i'm blind i'm being a hacker well this is how i imagine like every hacker in every movie ever wears sunglasses and then i realized do they really or was that just the 1980s and i don't really know anymore but what it does mean is this video is brought to you by surf ah safety and security online they are important and you can protect yourself with surf shark get 85 off and three months for free using the link in the description below and let's jump in because my glasses are all messed up because i was uh i was playing with my kid and i rolled onto them and now this is all ruined uh but i need them to see so here we are back by popular demand eta also people were like simon you got to give eta a job and i was like all right someone suggested googly eyes i gave them googly eyes googly eyes and someone was also like why don't you use it to advertise perch the merch dot co thank you eta you're a wonderful addition to this program let's crack on danny has written me a script it's all about terrible things about fast food that was a mouthful um i'm gonna read it i'm gonna make some stupid comments sam is going to add some memes it's business plays the topic of fast food seems to be cropping up a lot lately in business blaze videos it does because fast food is awesome and i'm starting the simon is taunting me by trying to make me come up with allegedly terrible things about fast food allegedly because as we all know there's nothing terrible about fast food except you know all of the health consequences i haven't enjoyed any fast food for months now it would be quite rare a rare treat for me these days even in normal non-pandemic conditions the downside to living in a sleepy little village in cornwall is that the nearest kfc is miles and miles away i think i've talked about this before like i grew up in the middle of nowhere the nearest mcdonald's to me was like a 20-minute drive and it was at a petrol station like a service station off the nearest motorway so it wasn't exactly the best location and that was the nearest fast food there wasn't a kfc or a burger king closer it was the nearest fast food was 20 minutes drive away i was very happy when i got my driving license at 17. and although many fast food restaurants in the uk are now starting to open again the indole dining areas are closed and the cues to get served are so alarmingly long you need to take at least half a day off work one guy from middlesbrough was pictured in the uk a few weeks ago after he came up with a cunning idea to beat the cues at mcdonald's he noticed it was much quicker to get served via the drive-thru but the only problem was that he didn't drive or own a car like our very own danny who anytime he mentions driving i have to bring it up because danny doesn't know how to drive so he made himself a crap little cardboard course car i've got a picture here sam uh do the honors uh if you feel like it sometimes you don't as people point it out okay so he made himself a crapload car at a cardboard which he attached around his waist before happily joining the queue of real cars in the pouring rain compelling proof that british ingenuity is the envy of the world i had the opposite problem i pulled into a kfc off the motorway and i was like yeah i really want some kfc but the cue for the drive-thru was it was so long like the petrol station's here the kfc is here the drive-through's this is not gonna work out because you guys are on the uh horizontal plane and i'm describing it on it it's not gonna work uh let me try and say like the kfc is the petrol station's here okay i'm looking at my screen kfc is here the drive-through queue is here and it was going all the way up into the petrol station and i was like well screw this so i just parked next to the kfc and then i saw that because you can't sit inside or you couldn't sit inside and i just saw that they were serving stuff direct out of the door to the restaurant and there was no queue it was amazing sadly despite queueing for half an hour he was turned away when he got to the window because his crap cardboard card didn't have an engine that's what you need to have you have to have an engine i don't think that's really fair this guy's being good for the environment he's worked it out i'm more for it a spokesman for mcdonald's said oh god what are we doing mcdonald's you don't need to comment on this no one cares for everyone's safety we absolutely cannot serve people who are not in a road-going motor vehicle and we would ask customers to refrain from attempting to use the drive-through lane in any other manner miserable sods i'm fairly certain i've ridden my bike through a drive-through i'm almost as a student like i'm almost certain i have even if it's just as a joke and i totally got my food so i'm i'm now so desperate for a fast food meal that i'd probably even settle for a taco bell crunchwrap supreme i can't remember if dany likes taco bell cause i bitched i complained about taco bell because last time i went to the states add some taco bell and a friend of mine here who's american i live in prague as many of you already know and uh he was like dude you gotta have the taco bell like he's always going on about it and i'm like grant it wasn't very good though was it but maybe if i take time to try and dig up some of the less appetizing facts about the appalling shambles that is the fast food industry i can convince myself that i'll just be happy stealing one of simon's meal replacement shakes hold your nose as we dive into the stinky filthy truth and i i feel like i should just throw in there allegedly ronald mcdonald was trying to burn you to death that pyromaniac it has to be said that stella leiber garnered very little sympathy from the press or the world in general when she sued mcdonald's in for 20 000 in 1992 and briefly seem to end up winning 2.7 million in damages instead your lawyers are incredible stella had spilled a 49 cup of hot coffee all over her lap after being served at a local mcdonald's drive through in albuquerque new mexico when she tried to sue mcdonald's a serving coffee that was dangerously hot the move was widely regarded as frivolous and stella liebeck was dubbed the poster child of excessive lawsuits except the story is actually quite interesting because the coffee wasn't served at a coffee temperature it was served like an unbelievably hot temperature and uh she got like third degree burns or some crazy so everyone's like oh yeah that woman who stole mcdonald's because she got burned by a hot coffee except uh i think i made a video out on the sun today i found out except it kind of was bad it was really bad uh in fairness you probably do need to take a bit of responsibility when you clumsily spill coffee all over yourself i do completely agree with that as well though but a closer look at the case reveals that stella liebeck may actually have done everyone a favor she was a 79 year old widow being served a cup of coffee that was 180 to 190 degrees fahrenheit or 82 to 88 celsius if you're american oh you americans don't understand celsius it's awesome uh it's not no one cares who gives it uh this anytime anyone's like oh why didn't you use metric or why don't you use both units or can't you tell it to me in fahrenheit i'm like no one gives a [ __ ] you care that much google it your lazy bum i'm bar lined and people are like oh freedom units and then other people are like only stupid people use imperial i say no one gives a [ __ ] no one gives a i could not give less of a sh i really couldn't this temperature is significantly higher than coffee served in other fast food chains with the general consensus though it would be dangerous to serve coffee hotter than 60 degrees celsius 140 fahrenheit uh stella had been wearing cotton sweatpants during the spillage and these absorbed the coffee and held it against her skin resulting in the scolding of her thighs buttocks and groin stella was found to have third-degree burns on six percent of her skin with lesser burns covering 16 percent she was required to stay in hospital for eight days where she underwent skin graft procedures and lost 20 of her body weight see i told you it's not just oh i got a little burned it's like oh i had major medical issues following her release from hospital she was partly disabled for two years [ __ ] it now she initially sought twenty thousand dollars from mcdonald's to cover actual and anticipated medical expenses i don't know this is an america this must be like the cheapest hospital ever because any time i hear about anyone going to the hospital you know any horror story which i always feel must be exaggerated right because it's like it's like oh yeah yeah i tripped and broke my ankle and i have to pay like 47 000 in medical bills it's like really i'm not sure if i believe it but here's the thing during the 1994 trial held in although a friend of mine was in the states and he concussed himself while skiing and he went to the hospital and he had an mri and they gave him a bill for like 12 grand or something which is like oh my god and his travel insurance we're just like yep just send us the bill and we'll pay for it and i'm like oh my god don't forget your travel insurance but here's the thing during the 1994 trial held in new mexico district court it was revealed that mcdonald's had received over 700 previous complaints from customers who had just got frazzled by their piping hot coffee and had paid out over 500 000 in total to settle these cases oh class action lawsuits although just to add to that story about the travel insurance thing it's like if a hospital gave me a bill for like 12 grand i'd be like yeah yeah yeah yeah i i'd definitely pay that and then i'd leave and i guess be like well i guess i can't go back to america those are illegal i mean now i'd pay it but when i was poor i'd be like what am i gonna do is 12 grand i don't have 12 grand so it appears that they got away with throwing relatively small amounts of money at grumpy scolded customers but the stellar libra case had proven to be a burn too far or maybe we should say blaze or maybe we shouldn't make fun of people who suffered third degree burns over six percent of their body that would probably be appropriate so i do i do i do know i just know that in 20 years or sooner it's gonna be like there's gonna be a hashtag cancel simon where they dig up all of the inappropriate jokes that i've made about people getting burned and calling it a blaze because the channel's called blaze and talking about cocaine way too much well hopefully i'll be retired by then a jury found it was argued in court the mcdonald's coffee would burn the mouth and throat if consumed when served and the warnings on the cup were not prominent enough the jury found mcdonald's to be 80 responsible of the incident with stellar 20 fault a quite staggering figure of 2.7 million was originally awarded by the jury in punitive damages but this was probably quite sensibly reduced by the judge stella liebeck why would a jury be deciding this i i mean juries are great i generally believe that you should have the option of a jury trial if you don't want to judge and i think that's a good part of democracy i know a lot of democracies don't have jury trials but i do think they're a good thing but one in civil cases they shouldn't be a thing and two they definitely shouldn't be deciding how much money especially when the judge can be like uh no no no no stella liebeck ultimately walked away with 480 000 in punitive damages and a further 200 000 in compensatory damages mcdonald's has since lowered the temperature of its coffee good and legal and medical experts have pointed out that this stellar but i'd do it more but i'm holding my coffee and i don't want to put it down because i'm lazy legal effort has probably saved i like that danny put stellar in bold because he's like simon's going to miss this bun isn't he fair saved hundreds of thousand dollars from burn injuries hundreds of thousands of customers with burn injuries fantastic even so please make sure you keep a tight grip yes good advice business blaze is also saving you from getting horribly burned they nearly served 40-year-old meat in china it's been it's often been alleged that some fast food has an alarming tendency to last forever without ever going off as illustrated in the case of that boat bloke from utah who shoved a big mac in his pocket in 1999 and found that it still looked quite reasonable 21 years later we've talked about this man before and how he is allegedly a very strange individual i don't think there's anything alleged about that is there to be honest i'll take the risk on that one the fast food chains have explained that there is nothing too sinister in this it's just that the high salt and low moisture content in some of their meals prevent the usual growth of mold and the hot low moisture content in this guy's pocket and this incredible display of longevity only really works if you store the food in cool dry conditions like this guy's pockets uh if you kept a big mac in a warm moist place it would rot just as quickly as anything else if you do come across a 20 year old big mac it's probably not a very good idea to eat it but some suppliers still like to squeeze all of the value they can from the meat even if it's getting on a bit oh no who is this who is this who is this please don't be kfc my mouth is watering for kfc but i'm on a diet okay i'm on a healthy i was like okay last six months of the year i'm gonna actually focus on eating healthy and so i'm like fast food once a month that doesn't include pizza pizza doesn't count as fast food because it's i have no excuse for this yeah boy an undercover operation filmed in the factory belonging to shanghai's hussy oh no food company in 2015 came across a hundred thousand tons a frozen me with an estimated value of around 483 million dollars that's probably enough meat to last me a lifetime give your meat a good a rub that's it nice and hot okay uh this meat was destined to end up on the tables of chinese branches of kfc mcdonald's and pizza hut along with tons of other local fast food restaurants and the dates on the packaging looked pretty fresh but they were lies what a shocker in fact the beef pork and chicken wings had gone through a cycle of being frozen thawed and re-frozen for years and years and some of the mates dating back as far as the 1970s you've got to be kidding me and also i don't know if it's true because i recently learned that if you reheat rice you can do it properly but i was always told never reheat rice if you reheat rice you're gonna get cancer or not cancer i mean you're gonna get something that's gonna make you sick and then you're gonna die i'm going to die but i recently found out that that's totally okay so i don't think you can unfreeze and re-freeze things that's still definitely a problem right the hussy food company which is actually a subsidiary of the us owned osi group were fined 3.6 million dollars for trying to shift mislabeled substandard food that doesn't actually sound that bad the osi group was unhappy about this decision and tried to claim that the general media clearly influenced the verdict dude just own it when you're selling meat from the 1970s that you've been around with for like 50 years just own it just be like yeah we won't do it again you got fined and also if you're like yeah the media is blowing it out of proportion do you think they're gonna be like oh my god we were so sorry we'll stop doing that no it's the media it's literally what they do the media is like number one job blowing things out of proportion number two job reporting the [ __ ] news come on but they had even more to worry about when 10 employees connected to the scandal were given jail sentences with the biggest cop who identified as australian yang li kuan who worked in the role of general manager of the processing department at the osi group china and he was handed a three-year sentence that's not around here's the big question though if the scandal hadn't been uncovered and the rotten meat had ended up getting served at fast food food restaurants would customers have even noticed i don't know danny it depends how deep fried it is starbucks put in their coffee uh-oh allegedly i mean so far we had a court verdict and we had a court verdict if there's been a court verdict we can say all of this i didn't feel entirely convinced that starbuck fits into the fast food category as i always thought it was more of a cafe or well a coffee shop but it does seem to be widely regarded recognized by the industry as a top performer in the fast food family what what is it doing in the is a coffee shop they don't i mean they sell food but it's like sandwiches that'd be like any shop that sells sandwiches is a fast food shop it's not clearly although subway i think probably is ooh this is confusing starbucks is not the same though i suppose it does set up refreshments pretty quickly so it counts apparently which is good news because it means that i can tell you that they put in their coffee during a 2017 investigation by the bbc communal rights watch commune consumer rights program watchdog 10 samples of ice drinks taken from three of the biggest coffee chains in the uk were tested for bacteria with surprising results at both starbucks and caffeineero three out of ten supples contain bacteria known as fecal cola forms which as the name suggests is usually found in feces the british chain cost coffee fed even worse seven of the ten samples contain the bacteria watch dogs expert well they're not putting it that sounds like their starbucks push coffee imply sounds like they're putting in their coffee intentionally but it just turns out there's bacteria in the coffee which is closely related why am i defending them um watchdogs expert tony lewis was deeply troubled by this he reported that these should not be present at any level never mind in the significant numbers found no shiny but a boom boom all three coffee trains expressed their concerns at the findings and extensively reviewed their ice handling guidelines and procedures but maybe this is not quite the storm that watchdog made it out to be it's worth pointing out that no actual fecal matter was found in the samples it was just a type of bacteria that you pretty much find everywhere it was the kind of testing that briefly and wrongly convinced everyone that all beards were composed of about 90 fecal matter wait that's not true i'm always finding fecal matter in my beard just try not to think about this too much the next time you're downing a chocolate sprinkled cappuccino yeah fair enough okay but that doesn't you know two minutes ago i was complaining about the media blowing things out of proportion they didn't push in their coffee did they a side order of maggots is okay by the fda i think we know what we're talking about here because there are like these guidelines by governmental bodies about how much weird food is acceptable so it could be like yeah yeah yeah if you've got like a ton of cereal it's okay to have like 14 ratas in there that's okay that's like uh within the recommended guidelines although if you perch my merch at perchtthemerch.com as eta is telling us right now there's going to be absolutely minimal rat [ __ ] very minimal amounts it was news to me that the average american is likely to ingest between one and two pounds of flies maggots and mites every year and people say that my diet is weird that is not possible one to two pounds of course most of them are not doing it on purpose maggots and flies are hiding everywhere in our food along with mouse droppings mold insect eggs rodent hair and other defects and it's not a problem unique to the fast food industry in fact it's not technically a problem at all according to the us food and drug administration which seems very relaxed about it but it's maybe something you might want to try and avoid thinking about next time you're eating at pizza hut or mcdonald's or domino's or you know but just eating in general anything you've purchased ever um the fda says that it's perfectly fine for tomato paste and other pizza sauces to contain up to 15 fly eggs and one maggot per 100 grams that is not a lot of tomato based at all you're allowed a bit more maggot for your money with mushrooms 20 maggots of any size are perfectly permissible per 100 grams of drained mushrooms or 15 grams of dried mushrooms my example of a ton of cereal was way under the rate like way under way under that's insane if you ever come across a couple of giant mutant maggots crawling around the top of your pizza it's no good getting all grumpy and complaining about it before you get too worried you're not really likely to notice unless you sink your teeth into a particularly crunchy one this is just so unpleasant i feel also i'd notice if there was a big-ass maggot on my pizza the fda handbook notes that it would be economically impractical to grow harvest or process raw products that are totally free of non-hazardous naturally occurring unavoidable defects besides you may need to get used to it insects are widely tipped to be the future of protein as they require far less land and water than livestock just have the squeezy cheese to hand and you'll be fine as i mentioned previously i'm not allergic to anything that i've ever discovered except for grasshoppers so i'm f when we finally have to eat insects or i mean all my meat eating is going to become really expensive and people are going to be like oh you still eat meat that's so passe don't buy squeezy cheese because it's wrong and just buy regular cheese and melt it on top of your food like a normal person or on top of your what we're talking about ah but today what you should get save your money off the squeezy cheese and get yourself a fantastic heavenly sent from above sponsor surf shark because if you use the internet if you have personal information and look you do use the internet and you do have personal information well you want to protect that and the internet is a pretty weird place there are people out there not me not eta and probably not anyone you know i hope otherwise maybe you're part of some hacker collective or something and there are these people out there that want to steal your identity they want to take your personal information and use it for ill that's not right surf shark has hack lock or caps here this searches databases for your passwords which sounds like a bad thing because you're like [ __ ] stuff shock why are you searching databases for my passwords well surfshark are the good guys they're going to be like simon got some news found we found your password i mean like oh you're going to steal all my information are you going to like buy loads of stuff off amazon with my passwords and they're like no no don't worry we're the good guys you should just change that password okay before someone more nefarious takes it like i don't know one of those hackers from a movie so you've done that you're feeling all safe and secure good news you are safe and secure well fire up surf shark vpn and what you can do is you're like oh you're on netflix and like i really want to watch that show but it's only available in japan or something i saw someone do an advert surf shark on another channel and they were like yeah i wanted to watch like anime but it was only available on japanese netflix and i was like i've never seen anime in my life but definitely going to use that in my next surf shark read so over in japan you want to watch fire anime his own fire up surf shark hop on over to hokkaido or some japanese place and you'll be like no worries mate also surf shark great news totally unlimited so you know if you want to like download and watch in like raw 8k maybe you've got like your own home cinema and you're like god i wish i could watch an 8k you must be super rich so you can definitely afford surf shark get on it then support the show uh it's totally unlimited so you don't have to worry about any of that stuff downloading ak no one cares and there are no logs kept either so that's good i mean kind of expected have to said expect that one it's kind of why you'd get a vpn um and also 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like it fantastic get 85 percent off three months for free through the link in the description below and that's uh that's where we end the ad read today my favorite part of every video let's get back to it how much chicken would you expect to find in chicken some of the more optimistic business place viewers might say figure like oh i don't know a hundred percent but the canadian broadcasting corporation cbc showed a very different story in 2017 edition of the consumer affairs show marketplace the new the show revealed results from lab tests which were carried out to ascertain the exact dna makeup of chicken available in five major fast food restaurants the chains that were sampled included the likes of mcdonald's and wendy's and most of the results show that your average lump of fast food chicken contains somewhere between about 85 to 90 chicken with the rest of it being made up of unidentifiable plant dna isn't the point of dna that we can identify it though i thought that was the whole thing but the results for the chicken found in your average sandwich from a canadian branch of subways stood out like a sore gizzard i mean subway is like the worst fast food like of all the things it's unhealthy it tastes all the same and it smells weird and it's like why wouldn't you just have a mcdonald's or something that is not [ __ ] subway jesus christ in fact the results you know if you're gonna have a sandwich have a nice sandwich in fact the results were so surprising that cbc repeated the lab test five times because they couldn't quite believe their beady eyes but the results were always the same it was found that subway's chicken breast contains only 54 chicken while the company's chicken strips contained only 43 chicken i feel like if it's less than 50 chicken you probably shouldn't get to call it chicken the study found that the rest was made up mostly of soy fillers yeah you'd be like soy filler strips with chicken this might be quite handy for those people who are thinking about adopting a vegetarian diet but aren't quite ready to fill the full commitment yet but for everyone else the results might be viewed as a little bit disappointing i don't know is subway i'm not super disappointed i'd be like yeah i mean what did i expect subway never accepted the findings of the study and claimed that their chicken only contained about one percent soil though they did promise to take the matter up with the supplier that's even more concerning because then it's like oh yeah it's 43 chicken 1 soy and 56 unidentified dna matter which makes me think of aliens cbc took their original claims and pointed out the subway had yet to provide an alternative explanation for the dna test results later that same year subway actually sued cbc for broadcasting a report that was reckless and maliciously maliciously misleading no it's called reporting cbc stood by their original claims and pointed out that subway had yet to provide an alternative explanation for the dna test results the case was dismissed in 2019. that's what i like to hear allegedly uh still next time you're munching on a subway chicken sandwich in canada just remember that soy is packed with loads of yummy nutrients it can help you lower your cholesterol as part of a controlled diet and i mean you're getting you know one percent through your subway chicken one percent maximum that's right one percent the pictures on the menu are stinking lies this is obviously not something unique to the fast food industry and it's not unusual for a company to use a compelling photo to show off their wares in the best possible light but the food stylists and photographers behind the mage chain menus do seem to go to extraordinary lengths to make that fairly simple burger look like a mouth-watering gift delivered on a platter from fast food heaven of course they have to use real ingredients they wouldn't be able to get away with showing a picture of a rib-eye steak in a photograph of a big mac but they'll use effective lighting small blow torches tweezers toothpicks paint glue and tape to make sure that the food in the photograph will look nothing remotely like the food that gets plunked down on your tray the website consumer reports recently conducted an experiment in which they compared the visual depiction of the food on the menu to a photograph of the meal that they actually received i mean this is nothing new there must be a billion youtube videos doing this and some of the results are quite laughable oh my we've got some pictures for example if you screw your eyes off a concentrate really hard you might be able to tell that the sausage mcdonald's thank you sam uh sausage muffins from mcdonald's are not exactly the same what i mean it still kind of looks good though that looks pretty tasty i like those little burned edges right there and that egg looks good i'd say the top one i know it looks fake that bottom one i'm like that looks pretty tasty uh what about the gordita supremes from taco bell uh yeah it doesn't look anything like it it does look good though like i would eat that uh and here's perhaps the worst vendor of all the chipotle steak and cheese with avocado from subway no no no they're largely allowed to get away with it as the ingredients are authentic and every advertiser is allowed a certain degree of puffery in their marketing there's no specific ftc regulations governing photographs used in fast food marketing and the ftc has never pursued any cases of alleged deception on a fast food menu a 164 year old woman from hudson valley in new york did try filing a 20 million lawsuit against kfc after discovering that a kfc bucket wasn't quite as overflowing with chicken as the photograph seemed to depict now that right there that's a frivolous lawsuit um she was also hugely disappointed at the small size of the chicken pieces i suspect she'd just been standing a bit too close to the menu and the case was dismissed what a surprise would you like some heroin with that yes please okay uh it is jesus christ at eta scare the [ __ ] out of me son it's all right you just stay there you just stay there you secure yeah that's more secure it's true that mcdonald's is famous for giving away some cool toys and goodies in their happy meals for kids oh god where are we going the idea was first beamed into mcdonald's stores way back in 1979. when they launched the missing a page here we go star trek meal to tie in with the long original enterprise crew in star trek the motion picture and to be honest it looked pretty fabulous much better than the cheap crap you get today you got a fold-out board game glittering iron-on sheets non-functional teleport bracelets and even a plastic replicator video communicator in which you could feed accompanying many comic books to view one individual at a time on the viewing port and gradually watch the whole story unfold it sounds terrible since then we've been treated to lines of toys based on the flintstones spider-man sonic the hedgehog and the lesser-known cowboy mcnugget and in the interest of not breaking any strict u.s laws mcdonald's cleverly decided against just shoving all these toys at the bottom of a bag of french fries but one particular branch of mcdonald's in pittsburgh is it pittsburgh or pittsburgh because we'd pronounce that pittsburgh in the uk but i'm fairly sure it's pittsburgh which sounds worse pennsylvania decided to give away something in the happy meals which didn't appear to be on the menu oh please say it's heroin uh and didn't appear to have much regard for the law either it's heroin all you had to do when ordering a happy meal at the drive-through was say the words i want a toy the secret code had a surprising effect the amount you were charging your meal the usual two-dollar meal suddenly shut up shut up shot up to 82 but in return you got 10 bags of heroin stuffed inside the same box as your teletubbies and barbie dolls wow heroine was cheap back in the day following a lead from an informant undercover officers decided to try out the secret happy meal upgrade for themselves and sure enough ended up being given a box stuffed full of chicken mcnuggets fries milkshakes and heroin which at which point the game was up it's worth making very clear this was all down to one rogue individual working at the branch rather than experimental trial being rolled out by mcdonald's 26 year old 26 year old chantia dennis was arrested and faced a string of charges including criminal delivery and possession of heroin i guess that's good drug dealing it's not clear what happened to shantina it was not clear what happened to shantia after this but i imagine she probably lost her job at mcdonald's ending up either in prison or working at taco bell so there you have it conclusive proof that fast food chains are either trying to kill you serve you rotten 40-year-old meat or non-chicken-based chicken [ __ ] in your coffee or provide you with heroin happy meals allegedly uh that should probably be enough to put you off for life as for me i'm just waiting for the keys to die down a bit ah there's none of this has put me off i don't mind if someone like no one's gonna give me heroin in my bag because i'd be like why am i gonna charge 82 dollars for this and they'll be like that's the heroine doing all of that do they uh and all the other stuff is like oh whatever who cares i like it this has been business place i hope you enjoyed it please do consider heading over to perch the merch dot co get some merch and i'll see you next time it's heroine boy
Channel: Business Blaze
Views: 278,671
Rating: 4.8913198 out of 5
Id: B7a801QwZLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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