The Coolest Magic Mod for Skyrim VR

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[Music] i'm really glad people have stopped talking about the metaverse because the metaverse doesn't even really make sense or exist yet in any meaningful way and finance bros were drooling over it for months when skyrim vr has existed for years and already is i would argue the real ready player one second life metaverse experience lakeview manor really is the best house sorana how are you not pregnant yet i am two ish years deep into modding skyrim vr and i still find myself here making another video about an insane mod i have just found a mod this time called conduit which works like this vrik is working so i take this out i already have a spell oh please work oh my god what you just witnessed was two mods no four mods working in tandem seamlessly so that with this mod i can imbue my katana with the flames in my other hand and have it be 100 lore friendly damn i wish i could read this is the golden age for elder scrolls fans target takes 25 points of frost damage okay so we'll charge that real quick we'll equip it and then that's what that's what the frost looks like but if i do frost and say oh i don't know fire then what [Music] i wish i could describe to you how much more magical particle effects in video games are in 3d they just hit so ridiculously different and this mod takes full advantage of that sure you can still use conduit in pancake skyrim but you can't do this with it the flames frost and lightning the three typical enchantments look incredible but it goes past that too i grabbed my sword with a healing spell active just to see what happens and it was the coolest looking enchantment i had ever seen whoa does it heal me or my enemies well that looks so cool though i forgot what it even does i think it converted my enemies to christianity when i hit them with it i don't know but seeing the glowy dots follow behind my sword in the night is unavoidable pun incoming magical i really hope this doesn't heal my enemies because it looks so cool wow wow no more more more you can still see it in dialogue oh that's so cool all right let's go kill some furries yeah i should probably also mention that a lot of the footage you're seeing is from a mod called moon path to elsewhere that i've been playing through a very old but very popular mod i wasn't planning on talking about it but it's such a fever dream of a mod i feel like i can't not acknowledge this okay take it back modding skyrim was a mistake i really thought this would just make for some slightly more interesting b-roll footage while i talk about conduit but i kept running into just the weirdest looking and it's beyond distracting the saber-tooths talk is that even canon there's blue smurf dinosaurs that sound like werewolves ah kill it with fire god those things are weird um hello who are you this horse looks like the thing from fantastic four the mud crabs are tropical like i don't think i can just show you that in the background without addressing it this mod is so much weirder than i was planning for hey bob how's it going yes we are oh that's really different this is the first time i've seen a desert in skyrim wha what what is that is is that cannon damn where the hell am i but yeah that's why there's just a lot of dead khajiits in this video if there are any furries in my audience let this video serve as an official warning you are not welcome i'm kidding i'm kidding the very last thing i need in my life right now is to start a turf war with the furries so as a sign of good faith i will admit that lola bunny is extremely anyways back to conduit i think the mod works with any spell because i noticed the soul trap effect is reused for other spells that i tried to put on my sword which led to this incredible realization hang on that can't work there's there's no way that can work oh no i really wish i could sit here and tell you that that worked but it did not god decided he had had enough at this point i guess but yeah conduit makes me actually use spells now if you like rping as a spell sword you are losing money not having this mod installed i use it in almost every fight alright you guys want to dance let's dance fully modded skyrim vr i would almost say is the best single player vr experience and the only reason i'm not saying that is half-life alex let me help you with that other than that though that is all i got whoever you are random internet stranger thank you for stopping by statistically you'll never hear my voice again but on the off chance you do subscribe i will see you again at the next esports championship because my dog really took all of your words of encouragement to heart during the last live stream and she's now convinced that she's going all the way to the top so we will see you there i guess i forgot about the atomic mirror it's a hobbit's best ninja that's monkey monkey beer buddy games what the duck archer name g dax 78 wolfie still haven't translated this [Music] what's this one happy go yeah i could have just yep i could have just predicted that didn't have to click on it in 1971 ninja tyler spark and stop it get some help okay i cannot believe that that is still a thing but thank you everyone have a good rest of whatever you're doing right now and i'm gonna go eat some food so goodbye all right let's go sorana you better be pregnant when i get back
Channel: habie147
Views: 304,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim VR
Id: 2OWOod4sTco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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