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[Applause] [Music] i'm t4 20 time explorers i've seen your videos have you actually yeah happy days [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] what's happening guys how's it going so today we're at this nunnery we've place a few now we've been a few with a few people as well we've got rt156 katie katie smiley airbags dust airbags that's solid it's a massive place i think that's it's gonna be nice it's gonna be very nice use the toaster the toaster the worst thing any grass we've got a beeper so it's about there's you rhino just there what the heck it's not about right rather fight your place is oh dear [Music] i've seen your videos have you actually yeah oh happy days man nice to meet you nice to meet you you've done that the place has been stuck on you the uh apathy of it didn't you yeah yeah yeah that's it i'm gonna do that i'm gonna do that soon yeah man happy days looks like someone's either growing here look i think there is a pot oh oh yeah definitely a grow one the gothic man where's the beat coming from he's gotta be the growing it down here that's where i'm looking me let's go forward went to tom he's like i know you oh my god oh another good setup man so looking here it's all been caught that's crazy though all the fans and stuff oh my god looks like you smashed it it's all been smashed wow now guys take root cocos i hate cocoze [Music] if you look on the grave story you're going for about 500 quid these and event things it's crazy there's a coconut here sarbah they've been growing coconuts instead it's a coconut grow i've been growing coconuts dragon that's awesome oh yeah pk yeah that's the best stuff we got it going get the nuts it's wandering to a living area it goes back up that's probably where they've been coming in then anyway some of yours look at the wires on that one yeah there's more here oh is it that beard that's dahide it's two doors that's a piece of that one where the little kitchen was see the soil and the roots [Music] [Music] in here [Music] no toilets nothing this the fan room this is where all the spans are smash the like button smash the like button smash that all the spawns oh the doors wide open there we go that was close on the old foot yeah there's all the soil from all the pots seen all the soil out here all the plant pots and everything and all those big pile of weed soil that's a lot of weed in it though for a while oh my god look at this then yo this is a picture on its own mate oh my god there's a church or nothing can you hear that people crazier guys that's outside it's like the place in liverpool but a bit smaller in it definitely a house a lot of shade it's amazing hold down caravan but that's moldy now there was a caravan at that last place we went there all right at the top yeah yeah jesus sounds like there's a wasp's nasty here somewhere see them at a petrol station there's a supra on there in there [Music] i see you know wow the dinkety pinkity that's one of them that's here starbucks costa i mean so we're going to decide that's where we went in it then all around i here we are not me jesus hey that's alarm at homemade toilets no it's just a little closet look at that that is calendar must have been chinese it's a bit grotty stuff on the window oh hello mate oh yeah crazy few stickers absolutely not [Music] that's where the upper stairs must be there's some weak stuff out there grounding stuff in the arcade just empty rooms trying to look to get in that church man that's the way we came up these ones [Music] towards these front doors [Music] [Music] as well as a heater attached to it definitely coming to a church look at these church pews and stuff okay you know what we do is [Music] big messy room oh wow this chandelier is quite warm in here as well to be fair oh my god fire extinguishers like a kitchen only oh yeah changing rooms changing rooms no wash your hands 20 seconds boom [Applause] [Music] pull my trousers up man for the fifth time it says definitely toilets skies just in case we miss anything you know what we do you know what we do that's made my day as well then that's recognizing me i love it it's just all empty rooms like this floor's a bit sponge so but if there's anything out there i think this is the same you know shall we luke show me luke shall we not luke oh my god the heck my man stinks a fish my mom what is going on with this mud before i get down these stairs i'm getting timer trackies guys that's time time up cause i'm sick of pulling them up there we go there we happy go so we've done all up here then happy days let's go out with this church mom i love doing these long videos you maybe you've got the the fall explorer instead of cutting tell them at the church so yeah everyone would be caught in this until they got to the church whereas we'll do a secret vault and leave it on how do that's how we do somewhere left basement left the basement oh there's another basement assistant that's what that's called floor's a bit sponge definitely a better sponge staircase can't we some cabinets for computers and stuff oh no the actual cabinet stuff hello mr basement yeah oh that's the left in here and that's the wine divine divine divine divine so i reckon it's going to be the same so we'll just pass because i'm circling against empty rooms we'll pass on here i cctv hello i made back to it this is i need plants again in bed hello me oh that's not open [Music] oh we've been on the front very nice whereas just left in this creepy old room i was like little candle holders here are you know about how are people [Music] get back down yeah these stairs man that was the bath love me [Music] you'd have to watch arty's video for that one guys my feet are too small to be on this staircase man why is it big enough yeah it's getting back down there man that's the ballot oh my god have you seen the spiders are near me no there's a massive spider check out his video for that one guys that was sketchy what's going on hello mate thank you the ball this is so it's it's tom t420 explorers isn't it yeah yeah t4 20 time explores three t4 20 tom explores shout out wow oh my god yo this is insane we could say this was the second one today no that we haven't been in an honorary are we that was a church right [Music] oh my god oh my god it was a mummified spider that look mummified oh mr pigeon yo let's go [Music] i like it i like it i don't know what's behind here not much all those are safe i'm safe the ceiling guys is absolutely amazing [Music] [Music] sad that someone's trying to burn it it's always the case it's always the [Music] case of all places i mean pigeons are doing its better [Music] got the job man hello man now we're talking [Music] [Music] stairs [Music] drop the steps [Music] [Music] [Music] see what else we can see then guys no idea where artsy and everyone is [ __ ] is all right mate hello hello what are you doing we're just exploring we're just exploring mate right okay we're not allowed in here i know there was loads of people in here when we got in here ringing the bells and all sorts [Music] i've got it all on camera just literally just virtually from the reason it's covered with barbed wire doesn't say flooring all around the building yeah we've only been in here anyway just in this little corridor in the basement right okay we're gonna have to come out anyway is there anyone else in here there's loads of people made all over the place here all around the place who will ring the bell no no [Music] i don't understand why you've come in there's unsafe glass everywhere there's unsafe flooring people are watching this on youtube yeah and i i understand where you're coming from definitely yeah it is bad especially when people are ringing the back [Music] we haven't been upstairs also yeah we came in here and we've been in that corridor that's it that's all we've been done but you can't yeah i think so yeah i think there's a staircase there i think i could say it needs securing better don't it's going to cost a lot of money anything for security around the whole thing one bit of the wall and well that's when you came to watch it in the wall it's all over the internet see it's like the place to come to at the moment if you like taking photos and stuff that's it then i can keep this on now that you've came here and then people will see not to come okay you know what i'm saying yeah i have much respect you know what i'm saying i know you're doing it last week yeah we just don't want anyone to fall through no it is dangerous tower is the scariest staircase i've ever seen in my life if you lose your foot and you're just going to roll all the way back down it again youtube so i kind of get paid for it and stuff so yeah yeah oh i see where you're coming from though yeah definitely trespass yeah um how far is he away it was only uh do you know where the corridors go along and then it turns pink into a pink bit he was just there have you got a way to get back over mate yeah yeah well we are outgoing then or just are you going to be able to get over yeah we'll go over yeah well we need to wait for um yeah look around here and then what shall we do yeah ring him see if he can oh you haven't got my phone either [Music] i recommend she'll go me and wait five yeah because you told us i know yeah them guys them lads around it didn't he no that was me i didn't go all the way to the top no it's too much halfway cracked myself come back down i did i said watch andy's video for that one you see me to your face guys get over that lady was just filming us thinking she's [ __ ] 10 man coppers are in there yeah are you like explored yeah yeah yeah two four twenty time explorers you need putters or suggested channels because no one's ever gonna find one i know they're motherlands who were in here did you hear him do a saying um t420 tom dot explores yeah then my vlad said ah what's your youtube channel i was like and then he says i know you i watched your videos was like made me day meat you're now on youtube by the way yeah there you know guys i'm just gonna keep recording arm because there anything don't save us from on that kate don't mind adrenaline rush you just need a quick segment have we found tomorrow it's more of a drop than you think can't climb it jumping over that it's more of a drop than you think ringing the bell being in the balcony oh yeah seeing a bit lads if you're watching this nice to meet you yeah we're going to bed gone hole's debt honey yeah [Music] definitely so shhh
Views: 205
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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