The Man Who Thought He Got Away With Murder | Our Life

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this is the face of a killer his name is mitchell kwai he was sentenced to life imprisonment might as well have murder a road across my forehead this is his victim his wife lindsey kwai aged 21 and the mother of two young children she was brutally murdered i'm married as a man you're going to forgive somebody that's murdered for their children for 18 months mitchell kwai arrogantly denied his guilt he lied to the police the press and to lindsay's family i know the truth i'm the only one that does know the truth we spent the last months of mitchell quiet's freedom documenting the life of a prime suspect who thought he'd got away with murder tonight on real life we reveal mitchell's cruel campaign and we join lindsay's family on a search to find out the truth of what happened to their daughter i want to see him behind bars but i also want to know in my daughter's so we can bury [Music] now mother of two lindsey kai disappeared on christmas day last year the police after months of searching for lindsay are now treating it as a murder inquiry and as a result they've dug up her husband mitchell's garden and scoured his house convinced that she's dead they have yet to find a body mitchell is the only one in fact who believes that she's still alive and he's here with us now mitchell why do you think they seem to be so convinced that you're what they call you a legitimate suspect yeah well this i suppose they say the husband's always the suspect you should know by now that tv cameras do not lie each time you have appeared on tv your facial and body language tells the viewer that you have murdered your wife did you kill her no why would you walk out on the kids as well i don't know i don't know it's a question you could only ask lindsay but your children deserve to know where their mother's remains are do you think you're in your own mind that she could possibly be dead no no not at all [Music] you are a clever murderer you found time to dispose a body long before the police got involved and all the clues were lost we all know you did it signed to justice once did you kill lindsay i'm not going to answer that i'm not going to answer that question because i don't need to you make up your own mind because eventually everyone will find out [Music] southport christmas eve 1999 it was the end of a difficult year for 24 year old mitchell choi he claimed that his wife lindsay walked out on him a year ago abandoning him and her two young children on christmas day [Music] okay right jack actually mitchell had killed her and was using the image of an abandoned father for public sympathy callously promoting the lie that lindsay was still alive if lindsay was dead they would have found her by now especially after all the searches and everything they've done husbands do kill the wives but unfortunately for them lindsay's devastated family knew it was a lie is there anything i can do to try and help [Music] her father peter was never in any doubt about his daughter's fate and he wasted no opportunity to prick mitchell's conscience it was put up by me for uh mitchell's benefit so that every day of his life he saw a picture of lindsay he must do something to the conscience if you if you are responsible doing something to somebody and you see the picture face every day it's gonna have some effect on you and that was the idea if he thinks i've killed his daughter i wouldn't sit in the same room as a guy but one day you'll be on my doorstep apologizing for almost a year merseyside police had been searching and digging but they could find nothing no body no evidence of foul play without a body they had an almost impossible task to prove that she was not just missing but actually dead my view is if we've got the body we've got the man i don't believe for one minute that lindsay has gone out on christmas eve and has come back in on christmas day and abandoned those children she loved the children i don't believe that what is frustrating for me is i know she's dead that's my mommy it breaks my heart because i don't know if one day i'll have to turn around to robin and say look some psycho's killed your mum you know i wouldn't put it exactly like that but i know how i felt when i lost my mom with her being so young i suppose it's different but i just don't want to say to her anymore i don't know what i don't know what to i don't know what to do lindsay was the youngest daughter in the wilson family of six children she was fun loving outgoing outspoken she wasn't shy not as she got older she was as a baby i mean if anyone went to get her she'd run off shouting her dad in february 1995 lindsay was only 17 when she became pregnant by her first serious boyfriend they got engaged most of the time she was happy about it she didn't like think of abortion or anything like that she was pregnant and that was it but lindsay had second thoughts about the marriage and broke off the engagement [Music] five months pregnant living alone and frightened about her future she met mitchell kwai a 20 year old croupier the first thing that attracted me to lindsey and like smile and i saw it i was like oh god oh she's gorgeous and i fell in love and from that night on we were never apart we was a week later we're engaged about a week later after that the wedding was set and we were married after five weeks it was a big step big step they were married on the 1st of august 1995. mitchell had no family at his wedding apart from his younger brother elliot ah now then these are lindsay's wedding photographs no peter that's his brother elliot lindsay mitch lindsay on the rebound that's what it was even that day ended up with a big argument at the end of the night so maybe that was a sign of things to come no just can't believe it's happened to us you read about these things in the papers and you have pity for the families and the next thing you know it's happened to us i sometimes sit there in the back porch and i look out on the garden and things spring into mine like lindsay's cold somewhere all the family's a victim aren't they so the way it's affected my family especially my son peter really taking it back he's not the same boy he was it's really affected paula and a dad who doesn't say much but at the end of the day i think it will affect him more i just asked him where he's put lindsay let's ask him to be a man and tell us where she is hold up to what he's done because at the end of the day he's going to pay the price of what he's done by january 2000 over a year after lindsay's disappearance mitchell decided he'd finally enough press exposure this is uh me saying i didn't want to be in the newspapers anymore i'm saying that i've had time to think over have just leave it to them now [Music] i would describe mitchell as an egotist i mean he's always seeking publicity i understand that he keeps all sorts of newspaper cuttings at his home and for me um he's just basking in all this notoriety the police have been going around interviewing all of the people that i've ever slept with and stuff like that um i mean i mean i know they're clutching at straws now like but what do you think i shagged her to death or something lindsay was last seen alive on the 15th of december 1998. she was a regular at the corner shop perhaps about a week or 10 days before christmas i remember seeing lindsay and after that and all of a sudden i never seen her at all after that lindsay was reported missing by a social worker on february the 5th 1999 she had not been seen for 53 days and mitchell had said nothing to her family why did he not tell us he was so fond of coming down passing messages in the past like give these flowers to lindsay give this note to lindsay so why didn't he tell anybody lindsay's family here that i would they're the last people that contact why would i contact lindsay's family lindsay's family i have not i well we just don't like each other mitchell claimed lindsay was still alive and that he'd seen her in an unbelievable series of coincidences there's a pitch of lindsey on the front of the visitor and he turned and says to me she'll have to come forward now he said because i've seen her in the marketplace since you've been seen in the black mercedes as i come around here then lindsey is the front seat passenger i said if that's okay if you sheena where's the rest of the people that's seen her she was like here there so that's when she said call me that's where she was stood by me and he says well i should say you're trying to tell me that there's some dishonest people out there he says yes i said [ __ ] i said i don't believe it and off he went the police also didn't believe him they were convinced he had murdered her and he was arrested on february the 27th 1999 [Music] says well as you know we've been looking for lindsay for a few months now and um we've had no sign of us so we're arresting you on suspicion of murder incitements cause grievous bodily harm and fraud now he willingly admitted the frauds because he couldn't escape the fact that he had forged lindsay's signature on her benefit books after the christmas time mitchell said nothing and most of the charges were dropped for lack of evidence but he was convicted of the fraud i'm doing community service for uh cash and checks out lindsay's account claiming income support which i was entitled to anyway apparently it was just it wasn't a minor me having to do this leave me with the kids i wouldn't piss on her she was on fire mitchell had narrowly escaped her murder charge his confidence grew and local people began to believe his story the folk that come in the shop seem to get the opinion now perhaps has he done anything as she just disappeared as she ran away mitchell had made many enemies but he could still rely on his oldest friend for support i think she's gone away the police it's their job 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days of the year to catch criminals this is his job to look after his family and if they want trevor evidence this man would be now satting walton it's like every time they started a new search like you see just learned in the newspapers or like on the television saying we are confident that we are going to find something to do that's why i bought him some just for men because i mean not like a change of color you know but it might improve his confidence a bit you'll have to be seriously insane there if you've done something wrong because it's going to slam you for that well he sent me this and it's not even my hair coloring and here i am as a senior investigating officer trying to find this man's missing wife and he's really guilding me by january 2000 mitchell had good reason to be even more confident lindsay hunt has stalled the investigation into the disappearance the police with no success stopped digging lindsay's father however refused to give up every spare moment was used in what appeared to be a fruitless search family searches been in legs ditches canals woods [Music] spent hours and hours and hours digging wading through stinking water and everything you see the these fields here are only just around the corner from where lindsay lives that's the way the police think about it in august 1995 michelin lindsay's first home was a small flat in boundary street southport her daughter robin from a previous relationship was born immediately the marriage to mitchell started to fail i mean at first he you know he did come across as this you know nice bloke you know until all of the violence and that started then saw another side to him she wanted him out out the flat and i said you've only just got married give it a chance and she said you don't understand he hits me one year after robin was born lindsay discovered she was pregnant to mitchell but by now she had serious doubts about her marriage to him she told me it was mitch's child but she wouldn't bring it into the world the way things were at home you know i was going around telling everyone absolutely completely made up we got home that night she told me she's gonna have an abortion to cut a long story short she had an abortion i left i thought she was a very strong brave girl because she had to cope with that on her own because at the time she wasn't having any contact with me me my mommy dad sickened me really did absolutely sick there's something that would argue that all those circumstantial of events gives you an extremely powerful motive yeah it gives me motive and i can understand being a suspect but i'm not going to stand here and protest my innocence with anyone because i don't need to right yes it gives me motive i've said this all along i can understand being a suspect i'm not bothered being a suspect all i want to do is find out where lindsay is does give me motive i've never argued with her oh it's just sad i mean you know just i mean any idea what i felt like when this first began people accusing me i'm not accusing but saying things in the newspapers about people talking about me people thinking i'd kill me do you have any idea what it felt like how much how much i had how many times i've walked out my front door and it sounds like i thought to myself i just can't i don't want to walk out there with people looking at me thinking i've done something like that to no idea my wife feels like [Music] mitchell never forgave her for aborting his child he beat her and she took out an injunction against him after just a year of marriage mitchell walked out leaving lindsay alone for the christmas of 1996. that was these days when he'd sleep around i used to have lindsay down at mine saying to me i can't go in this shop i can't go in that shop because every shop i go in there's someone he slept with this was while he was married to her even under suspicion of murder mitchell kept up his old habits i'm not going to deny it i've not been completely celibate over the last you know anything but you get off it on the plate you take it the one woman turned around to me says i don't care she said it actually turned her on the fact she didn't know whether i'd done it or not and so i kicked her out [Music] in their desperation to find her lindsay's family sought any help they could get letters off people psychics drawings where she might be buried people seem to know what's gone on but they don't know where the body is they've given drawings or things like that but it could be anywhere it's just a lot of the sidekicks have said she's surrounded by water there's that much water in southpaw where'd you look [Music] just wish she could come to us and tell us where she is she must be able to come and visit one of the members of our family like she said herself to the psychic it's hard to find me so he has done a good job really covering his tracks [Music] i am your ghost in april 1997 after five lonely months lindsay took mitchell back we first got back together it was brilliant lindsay wanted a baby i wasn't too sure she felt pregnant pretty quick um i was very devious because i didn't after what happened when she got pregnant the first time i didn't you know i just didn't i couldn't accept it in a lot ways but late one night mitchell's violence snapped again by now lindsay was four months pregnant entering the house of horus footsteps going out and then i looked out the window and she was running down the road and robbing and then i had banging all them windows were smashed there was a door lying out here um glass on the road from the car being smashed blood on the paintwork because he used his pests where's the doors going i just completely lost the plot went absolutely berserk absolutely mental [Music] i've settled so if you'd have been in that house he would have killed you and one day he's gonna kill you to me i always felt there's a spark of uncertainty and spontaneity about mitchell that fascinated her or thrilled me and although there was the inherent danger of the spontaneous violence towards her after long periods of separation she sort of craved that spark again they were both evicted but they stayed together for their son jack's birth in october 1997. it was to be a temporary lull the following year mitchell walked out for good i expected us to get divorced i expect that to be a bit out of the way over and done with peter wilson lived a mile from mitchell's home and every week he had to collect lindsay's children it was a painful journey to face the man he was convinced had killed his daughter i can go around and take the kids off him and try and keep as calm as possible i mean for for the sake of the kids my sake and lindsay's sake hatred i think that's the feeling that i feel through it's a feeling that you've got to keep under control and sometimes it's harder to do than others i never go in the aisles if you said you want to come in and wait for them to always wait outside are you ready come on i couldn't walk up to the front door and face the person who i think killed my daughter i couldn't do that so i suppose if he really is telling the truth to an extent then i admire the guy anyway where's that on the donkey me no lindsay was never away from her children she took them everywhere she went she'd walk for miles with the double buggy she looked after him really well mummy mitchell was never there for the children never it's upsetting when she says i can't find me mommy can you help me find me mommy she thinks she's at granddads she was sat on the kitchen floor and she said to me my mum is dead and i said who's totally that robin she said i can't remember and she was in lackadaise and then she wouldn't answer anything else after that [Music] many people had their own suspicions about what happened to lindsay late one night in january 2000 mitchell received an anonymous phone call hello something you should know mitchell we know you're guilty your conscience it must be burning in you what you have done is that poor girl you're an animal you're a beast you're the devil and your conscience will destroy you you will be calm because justice will be saved sick and things aren't sick idiots i will get him after what he's put us through this last 12 months it's a joke [Music] thirteen months after lindsay's disappearance mitchell was desperate to know if the police had any new lines of inquiry so he spoke to the investigation team it's a remarkable call from a prime suspect in a murder inquiry am i still under suspicion of murder i mean is is am i am i still a suspect in this murder inquiry yeah is there any other suspect i mean i'm not asking for names oh no it's nothing specific it's just i mean if you can understand the situation i mean the police have made it but basically publicly known that they think i've murdered my wife don't they really is everyone on working on the inquiry if they have they all given up on finding lindsay alive the strain was now also telling on lindsay's family you can tell in his face he's not happy he's worried he looks worried every time does he sit and think what it's doing to us though no just because we didn't weren't close-knit family or anything doesn't mean at the end of the day you're not gonna feel it because i tell you what you feel it even worse you know what they say what goes around comes around if someone knew that it had happened surely to god they'd see us on the telly appealing for her and the papers and come forward and say look or on the news you see someone's missing and you say that's a bit dicey she's deader [Music] after months of mounting pressure mitchell had decided to go on the offensive against the police he invited a journalist from a local paper to his house and presented his new story right here there's been some developments uh regarding uh the legal aspect of the case let me see my husband just so one minute is leaving it to the place to sort it out now sharing the place because of her arrest in him or something is it right to arrest someone with no evidence no evidence whatsoever not one thing i can't understand it really because he was arrested and charged with three offenses and was convicted of two of them so what was your time like when you were in custody it was it was horrible you can imagine i mean i've never i've never been in the cells before before that time it says like i've never been in a cell before oh i'm sure that when he was arrested for the damage he did to lindsay's house in boundary street was put in a cell i will not stop until they either apologize to me or i get compensated because i think i deserved it i've been branded a murderer in this town by them this is just the sort of article now that'll start stirring all the family up now i've got to the point now with the more pressure they put on me the stronger i'm getting the more determined i am to find lindsey and see the balls off the police i've had enough of just slound well i'm very frustrated by it but i mean i'm experienced enough now to know that he hasn't got a leg to stand on in terms of of suing the police make sure you get that one there i'm thinking about proving it yeah i think that's probably going to be one of the lines i use yeah that might be the headline i just think the headline on wednesday's probably going to be mitchell sue's police or something um so what's happening there i've got legal aid we've gotten a barrister up asking for it right asking for advice for it we've got a strong case really strong case son well just tell me this and what does lindsey's dad think of it all do you think well from what i know i mean i've never sat down as i've asked it's coming to me out to sit down talk to me um but he won't i mean it's like like i've said oh i've started saying to the police do you think i have done something to lindsay and prove it yeah because i'm not going to stand here and start saying oh i'm innocent yeah we've got nothing yet cheers [Music] when lindsay and mitchell split up in april 1998 she was so scared of him that she was given a personal attack alarm woman's aid helped her find a new home and she was soon making a new life for herself the house was just a children's house as you walked in through the front door there was toys everywhere [Music] as soon as the birthday had finished she would plan for christmas she was a very loving mum very loving she talked about the hell she'd gone through that she'd been beaten by mitchell i got the impression that mitchell was violent horrible scary not fit to be around women and this was that mine wasn't it lindsey described mitch as being very cool until he snapped very violent that was enough for us to not want him to know who we were or where we lived or who our children were and that he was someone that should be feared she was frightened she was a frightened young woman [Music] in the summer of 1998 mitchell was working at southport pleasure land he was desperate to see lindsay again um i asked to see the kids i was absolutely gutted she wouldn't let me see them the only way she knew she could get to me jack's first birthday in october gave mitchell the opportunity to get back into lindsay's life to be completely honest with you i didn't want anything out of marriage all i wanted to do was see my kids at the time i hadn't him for that long curiously mitchell couldn't bear to part with his last gift to lindsay these are the last bunch of flowers i bought lindsey [Music] would have been in october something like that i think and then they've been there ever since i don't want to get rid of them she didn't tell a mum or me or anybody else that she'd taken him back and that's that's his final mistake with mitchell and lindsay back together family and friends kept away but within weeks lindsay knew she'd made a terrible mistake the only time i popped around was the 22nd of october i took of the shop on the way home she started crying she let mitch come back and she wish she hadn't let him come back she can't get him out the house and she asked me could i get him out of the house and i said well no because i've intervened before and we've fallen out and we haven't seen each other for months and it's up to you to do something yourself about it hello good evening magnus i'm paula nice to meet you i'm good i got to the house and she asked me to come in and mitch was sat in the corner drinking a cannibal argue giving me well if looks good kayla died on the spot did you bring something yeah with you as i was leaving she said i'll give you my phone number paul i said yeah give me a new number oh i feel very upset at the moment as i get older these i feel as if i'm choking at the moment i got outside in the car and she put the paper in my hand and i took it from her she put her arms in the car hug me kiss me i don't know why but i feel i want to cry as i get older these i drove off and then i pulled up at home and realised i thought oh it's all going to start again i'm going to get all the trouble at my house there's going to be arguments but i opened the note and on the note it said please help me [Music] i do feel that this lady is in the spirit world because it comes so close that the next day i saw my mum and i gave her the note i said this is what lindsay's written i feel i'm still in southport i'm not outside to support with this girl she said she'd had him back she felt lonely and she realized she'd made a mistake but there was no one to help her anymore and then like say i read that note please help me and i wish i could turn the clock back [Music] despite her troubles lindsay was looking forward to christmas 1998. she loved it christmas i think it was the 11th of december she popped up around tea time i took her home but we stopped off at the off license at berry road and she went in to get me some cigarettes and she come running out give me a kiss and said see you later mum and i've never seen her since i'm getting emotional [Music] we found out that she's actually going to institute divorce proceedings again and had secretly sought an appointment with the solicitor and we felt that mitchell wasn't aware of that either because she's probably in a row with him on the 15th has let it slip that she's going to see this list and that he's not going to see the children and i thought that was quite a big catalyst to what happened christmas eve day we had two black bags of presents in the car for lindsay's children i run lindsay in the morning to tell her that we'd be up with him couldn't get any answer and in about 20 to four the doorbell went and when i got downstairs it was mitchell quiet and he stood there in this cold weather and rain in just this shirt and the two children in the buggy and i said um i've been ringing lindsay all day and he says oh the phone got broken an argument i said where's lindsay and he said she's in the house getting ready to go out with the mates you know i gave him the presents and this that the other ones i just said i hope there's going to be no trouble tonight you know it's gonna be a quiet christmas for you and off he went the next time i saw her was at seven in the morning christmas day morning she came in she was absolutely wrecked well we got no card from lindsay christmas no presents or else didn't think too much of it because we left them to get on with it she got up um after say about two o'clock something like that got up i had to go in the bathroom had the shower going she came down now got herself sorted out and left [Music] complete rubbish i don't believe one thing he said i believe he's on my daughter have i made up the story that i've just told well one day everyone's going to find out how many i didn't do i haven't done anything to lindsay i'm not capable of doing something like that like i say i'm not going to sit here and start saying yes no to stupid things stupid questions questions i've already answered a thousand times and just say again and it's not a stupid question it's a very serious question did you kill lindsay i went and found out let's wait and find out lindsay was last seen alive on the 15th of december 1998. her absence was not reported until february the 5th 53 days later she was not reported missing by mitchell her family her friends or neighbors but by a concerned social worker i hate him i mean does he not have any feeling for what he's done for that young girl that had no one in the end she was just a lonely girl with two children and i have to sit here and live with my guilt for not being there for her so does the rest of the family we shouldn't have done what we did no we shouldn't have done what we did we should have gone round and see what was happening then you wouldn't be able to get away what he's got away with it's not just us it stopped going all the friends stopped going as well yeah no nobody should say they all feel guilty just like we did go and get the cards late mother's day 2000 lindsay has been missing now for almost 16 months i know your wish was for lindsay to come back to your mom happy mother's day it makes me annoyed to think that she's miss mother's day you know and the kids have that's something they're gonna have to grow up with for the rest of their lives now is that from no i don't think i'm going to bother the spiritualists anymore i'm going to try clairvoyance now i might try one of them in a couple of weeks lindsay had been here she would have been here all day today well she'd have a bit of dinner and she'd probably fetch a bottle of wine with her and splash out on presents i think she always liked to do [Music] mother's day at mitchell's was tense as he finally lost patience with us [Applause] i'm not getting into this chris i told you no don't why because i've told you finish don't put me in an um don't put me in a horrible position chris turn it off don't put anything right i don't mind you can film any house i told you no all right at the end of the day mother's day i'm not going to do anything i'm not doing anything i don't want to talk about it anymore we've done loads of filming so what i'm saying though right you're not concerned who makes you look i'm not stopping in what way can i look any worse what like what way what i mean i've been [ __ ] arrested for what i've done [ __ ] all sorts i think he started to realize it was inevitable at some stage we were going to take some more action against him my view was that the longer we waited the the weaker the case may be because even then we were talking about a circumstantial case and i felt that we needed to take some assertive action you see stuff like this happening to people on the telly like people doing press conferences and she'll uh when you just look at it and you look at anything else it's pretty sad in it and you just move on to and over watch coronation street put neighbors on but when you actually have to live it you never stop thinking about it it's with you 24 hours a day even dream about it sometimes you think to yourself are you going to pinch yourself and wake up [Music] it's all been a bad dream but i think yeah mitchell's bad dream was about to turn into a nightmare [Music] mitchell kwai had been a prime suspect for 16 months and thought he'd beaten the police but his arrogance was about to be finally dented what more can anyone do to me no nothing i've been dragged for the newspapers a few of the nationals i've been on the television i've been on richard and judy and um now i'm doing this and i just i've gone beyond caring what people think of me said my bit if people don't believe what i'm saying that's tough [ __ ] i don't care anymore i know the truth i'm the only one that does know the truth siri you know i mean at the end of the day i was the one who was there here after 16 months investigations the police knew lindsay was not alive after the 15th of december 1999 and they also knew mitchell was lying about what happened that christmas at eight o'clock on the morning of june the seventh 2000 mitchell kwai was arrested on suspicion of murder three officers from a search team are in uh mitchell choir's house at the moment they've been in there for about an hour and a half feels great after all these months it's finally gone a lot of weight off our shoulders but it's not over yet is it robin put it down yep good to read it put him no then it's over and away with him maybe we'll find out where lindsay is in the next few days and what happened to her yeah it's been on the news all morning oh somebody's got a decent seat of tennis it hits home that you could now find out exactly what's been done to lindsay it might not be very nice too now mitchell was taken for two days of questioning but refused to say anything my office is on the interview team remember quite vividly watching him recoil as some of the questions were put to him but he still maintained his right to silence but his body language gave them a completely different story he was silent for 36 hours but the police knew they had him and late in the evening of june the 8th he was charged with murder regardless it has a very strange effect on people that you can imagine being charged with murdering somebody i feel he's probably gone to a solicitor and said why has this happened how has that happened and i think his solicitors probably said well this is reality mitchell knowing he could no longer escape custody broke down and one hour later he confessed everything he'd spent 36 hours of no comment and then when he decided to to tell everything we just couldn't shut him up not only had he admitted the offense that he had indicated areas where lindsay's body was deposited and it was only then it started to dawn on me that he'd actually cut her up and everybody absolutely everybody on the team were amazed we just couldn't believe it [Music] the following day we followed mitchell and the police on a horrifying tour to find lindsay's remains what i was hoping for that he wasn't taking us on a wild goose chase and just seeking more publicity i was amazed he he looked around and asked if the press were there because he was quite eager to be seen on camera he was laughing and joking with the officers no remorse whatsoever these are the grim scenes of mitchell kwai revealing to the police the whereabouts of his wife lindsay's broken body he pointed to an area and said that he'd put the carcass he referred to lindsay's torso as the carcass what will you do if the police find nancy's body we got it i'd be absolutely good the kids what would you say to the kids what do i say to robin what to say to him mitchell had callously cut up his wife and the mother of his two children in the bath at their home he'd cut her legs off he'd cut her head off when he cut her hands off and systematically wrapped them in cloth and bags taped them up and callously took them outside with the children and dumped the various body parts at locations that we've since found evil bastard that's all he is don't like swearing about him but there's no words fit to describe the man and unfortunately a lot of the neighbours were on his side some of the remarks they would say about lindsay was some unbearable i bet they wish they never even said anything at all now after 18 months peter wilson's heartbreaking search was finally over one human being to do that to other human beings just just beyond say normal people's comprehension [Music] lindsay had never left her children she had never even left her home on the 16th of december 1998 lindsay had arranged a solicitors appointment to finalize the divorce and get mitchell out of her home for good unable to take her final rejection mitchell killed her in the early hours of that morning just a nightmare really as i said it just goes from bad to worse just gotta put up with it just gotta keep strong you know you feel like cracking up but you you know you get a counter one there's a lot more to be done [Music] just sad really [Music] they should be playing with their mum she'll spend a lot of time playing with them she just shouts mommy i want to see you i wish mommy's bed would fall out the sky so i could get in and talk to her it's very upsetting this and then she says um i wish i could die and go up to heaven with me mum it's not fair to the kids he's he's not only destroyed our lives he's taken the mother away from two kids that lindsay really loved mitchell had not only killed lindsay to save himself he had sullied the character of a loving mother but worse still he bequeathed lindsay one last cruel in dignity they said that lindsay's head and hands were put in a bin bag and put out for the refuge collection and if that has happened the chances of finding finding them non-existent really i don't think lindsey will ever rest i don't think the family will ever estimate knowing once that we can't but our alternates just diabolical mitchell kwai was convicted of murdering lindsay and sentenced to life in prison his brother elliot was sentenced to seven years for assisting him in the disposal of her body what i believe truly happened to lindsay is domestic violence at its worst and how it finishes for a lot of women and the fact that people don't talk about it and the fact that it isn't reported silences violence as well what do i say when you play that song it's lindsay sung because the word isn't it [Music] big imagination never letting no [Music] my biggest regret is probably giving my consent for it to marry him and i think lindsay's worst mistake was taking mitch back something inside every one of us has died i think when lindsay died it died with us as well [Music] we've lost something that we weren't really looking after at the time [Music] to live with the fact that your sister's been murdered just something you can't live with but to find out what he's done to her that is the worst thing i think the ultimate victims are the children because they've been robbed of her [Music] and when i meet lindsay next in heaven when they open the door i hope she'll meet with me with open arms and i will hear her say pop once more [Music] you
Channel: Our Life
Views: 1,222,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: our life, documentary, world documentary, documentary channel, award winning, life stories, best documentaries, daily life, real world, point of view, story, full documentary, history
Id: NSzZ96i-W6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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