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[Music] welcome to the book of Revelation this is our two of twenty lessons this is our second lesson in this virtual classroom I'm looking down to statistics this class is a full twenty part course that is currently being taken by three hundred young men and women so far in 19 different countries they've registered in Europe Africa the Middle East and Asia and those of you that are watching on YouTube and joining this class we welcome you both the next generation that's what we call the students they are servants to the Lord in need of training as well as frontline servants of the Lord who need encouragement some of you I know just dropped in for this lesson and and you're gonna watch for a little while but for all of us on this journey these classes and the special assignments and all the resources are on that playlist on YouTube that's called exploring revelation well what we're looking at as you see in your slide is Christ unleashed I would say probably this lesson is the one lesson most people don't fully understand is the purpose of the book of Revelation let me read to you verse one and you can follow along in your Bible but I'm only going to emphasize the opening words the revelation of Jesus Christ that's the beginning of the book what is being revealed about Jesus Christ revelation 1 tells us Christ is now unleashed that's the lesson today let's have a word of Prayer together I'm going to pray and I'm going to ask the Lord to bless this classroom as well as all of you the students as we look at Christ's Unleashed father in heaven you sent this book to us with the express purpose that Jesus Christ would be unveiled that we would know him better that we would understand him that we would walk with Him more fully and closely and that he might even more powerfully live out through each of us I pray you to accomplish that that your purpose for this book would be achieved in our lives all of us listening with hearts of faith we asked for you to work in our hearts this hour in Jesus name Amen what does it mean Christ unleashed let me show you this is a map you can tell I love my whiteboard it's a map of Israel in the first century here we have the Sea of Galilee the Jordan River we have the Dead Sea this is Jerusalem right there this is the land of Samaria Nazareth right up here Caesarea here Capernaum Bethsaida korazim just some of the cities of Christ's life now this lesson is about what happened when Jesus Christ stepped out of the tomb I don't think most first century followers of Christ fully were tracking with what had happened after the resurrection you see Jesus was resurrected right here in Jerusalem and all of a sudden in the 24 hours that followed he was found on the road to Emmaus actually the road to Emmaus and Emmaus is this side let's get it on the right side of the map he was found back here in Jerusalem and then he talked to his disciples in the upper room and he showed up with them right here I'm out our Bell and as far as we know he Criss crossed all this land let's think of the implications of what Christ unleashed means as we opened the revelation 1 think of what got accomplished at Christ's resurrection think of the very first Sunday after the crucifixion when Jesus stepped from that tomb on resurrection morning God was unleashing what I like to call the greatest power of all not only had Jesus paid the price for the sin of the world remember John 1:29 the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world he now was no longer limited to being in one spot at a time it used to be he was in Jerusalem if you wanted to see him if you were in the Decapolis or in Galilee up here or Samaria you had to come down there that all changed on resurrection morning he was no longer limited as he had been in his earthly ministry that means as you see in your slides the power of Jesus Christ was going to be displayed no longer in one place at a time think of what happened in Christ's ministry from the manger to the cross Jesus had been for 33 years in only one place he had humbled himself he emptied himself he limited himself he was localized he operated in one spot at a time even in this condition of being localized Jesus accomplished more than any human has ever accomplished or ever will Jesus was amazing he grew up perfectly he mastered God's Word perfectly he related to his family as friends and his neighbors perfectly up here in Nazareth for 30 years then at the dawn of his public ministry he obeyed God perfectly at his baptism as he moved from Nazareth down to the Jordan River to be baptized and then he went out into the wilderness probably somewhere in this area by the Dead Sea and totally defeated Satan as he advanced against him in temptation in the wilderness and then he began to serve God's will perfectly as he set out on an itinerant preaching ministry and for three years Jesus awesomely served in the power of God wherever he went Christ very presence made sure death fled away diseases faded from people the despair of the common people trapped in their their horrible lives of labour and sickness and demon oppression melted away broken bodies that came into contact with Jesus were mended ruined lives were repaired if they just could come in contact with Jesus empty ears were filled with sound sightless eyes were restored missing fingers of lepers were returned hungry were satisfied everywhere Jesus went wherever he was whenever he was there the presence of Jesus meant that death and disease and despair were no more but Jesus only did that from being in one place at a time meeting with individual groups of people Jesus one place at a time crowds came to him multitudes flocked to him and no one was disappointed if you came to him he helped you he helped everyone sometimes the crowds were so great they they pressed out and and tried to resort to to grabbing for Jesus through a crowd or digging through the rooftop and and his dust would fall they would lower people down from up above just to get near Jesus others reached down through the feet of the crowd just to grab his tassel and all this was because just one person who was limited to being in one place at a time accomplished in one place at a time so much it actually says in the Gospel of John chapter 20 the whole world couldn't contain the books - to write down everything that Jesus did in his amazing ministry it was amazing to see that which has captured for us in the gospel but so much done so powerfully by one person was only done in one place at a time but now after having said it so many times I think you noticed I'm repeating this you've caught the drift of where we're going as we step into the garden that Jesus was raised from the dead in something changed the borrowed tomb and resurrection morning witnessed a wonderful change Jesus no longer limited by time and space to be in one place at a time it seemed like he was in so many places all at once that's the unlimited power of Christ now available everywhere to anyone that's the greatest peace and hope and joy imaginable Jesus is always near us you see sometimes we look at the Bible and there's revelation one it's off in the distance aha we're looking at Christ unleashed and yeah that was 2,000 years ago that's the lesson I said I don't think most people have realized revelation 1 is telling us that Christ is now available to anyone anywhere all the time that means you you you can't get out of range of Jesus Christ now where we're filming by the way this is a class they're only three in this class right now those of you that are watching actually in this classroom because of the you know what is it called stay at home what are they calling it shelter at home we have to shelter at home and so because we're sheltering at home in Colorado I'm looking at the bars on my cell phone I only have one and if I'm not careful if I get maybe too far into this building I won't have any cell phone coverage we're used to being out of range of cell towers being out of range of having Wi-Fi think of this Jesus Christ was unleashed on Resurrection morning to never be out of range think of what that means the greatest source of peace and hope and joy imaginable is Jesus is always near us always guarding us always guiding us always comforting us and always nurturing us like we're his very own the final and greatest of all the Gospel accounts is in John chapter 20 and as you read those first 10 verses what you find is something changed and that's what the testimony is of the early church the empty tomb and resurrection morning meant something changed and it's one word Christ availability he was now available to everyone anyone always anywhere for three and a half years anyone who could find him would have any need met any fear removed any oppression no matter how many demons were were raging against that person's body if they could get near Jesus he'd deliver them any chains broken any defilement cleaned and purified out of your life but just if you could find him that was the key we can call that the power of Christ's presence often we fail to understand the magnitude of what really happened and here's what changed after resurrection Jesus was no longer limited to one location he could be at any time with everyone and as we'll see in this class Jesus meets the grieving women at the tomb comforts the sorrowing Mary calms the frightened disciples even restores trembling Thomas with all of his doubts Jesus was just everywhere after that Jesus shows up at dawn by the way Jesus was here comforting the disciples and all of a sudden he shows up at dawn on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and every one of those were at tribute that he was unleashed and available anywhere why because Jesus solves all problems by his presence that's the lesson just as all the multitudes if they could get into his presence their sick relative would be healed they're handicapped relative would be delivered they're demonized relative would have Satan banished from their body or his demons now that was available worldwide after the cross and the empty tomb Jesus was now available that gets us back to this chart remember this chart revelations most important message for us revelation teaches us that Jesus was unleashed so that we could live in a very very dangerous world the world of the New Testament Jesus was proclaiming to his early church in that place where most Christians were enemies of the state most of them had to meet in secret most of them wondered if they were going to be a arrested many of them knew someone that had been martyred especially the first three centuries of the church it was kind of like a few years ago the ISIS phenomenon where where people were being marched out in those orange suits and beheaded or horrible atrocities that's what went on for 300 years in the early church so how do you live through that how do you live for God in a dangerous world well you find out that Jesus keeps his word he can stop all evil he can calm all fears why because he just like he was then is right with us that's the message John was to communicate what mortal dangers did jesus warned his church to be aware of well that takes us from Christ Unleashed in Revelation 1 to where we're gonna be in the next few classes and that's chapter 2 and 3 but but let me just introduce that to kind of connect Christ Unleashed with what chapter 2 and 3 is gonna say in chapters 2 and 3 we find this number 1 Ephesus had the mortal danger of just going through the motions now you say oh you just talked about martyrdom well to God do you know what's worse than me being martyred me just live in the Christian life on autopilot I go to church on I read the Bible when I have time I meet with Christians if I have time I just I just go through the motions Smyrna had the danger of living in fear what's the most repeated negative prohibition in the Bible what God says most of all that we're not supposed to do fear not why because God does not give us a spirit of fear 2nd Timothy 1:7 but a power love and a sound mind what makes us fear lack of faith the devil Smyrna he said I don't want you fearing the things that are gonna happen to you the next church pergamus the danger of becoming comfortable around sin you know it's more dangerous and being public enemy number one and hunted by the Empire blending in and getting comfortable around sin did you know we should never get to the point where we can be seeing sin without it grieving us because it grieves this Holy Spirit of God within us number four saya tyre the danger of not forsaking personal sins did you know just like if if I'm here in this bright colored shirt and I see something on a little you know fuzz or something I just pick it up because it shouldn't be on there I brush it off you get dust you brush against something sin should immediately get our attention we don't want that we want to not have personal sins clinging to us we want to be repenting we'll also see in Sardis the danger of acting and operating just like all the loss of people around us when Christians live in fear when Christians live in greed when Christians live in unforgiving spirits we're just living like all the lost people around this and finally lay to see it the danger of getting distracted by anything from seeing God in this word now if you've been to many classes you see this all the time this is the number one distract or these days from this now I know some of you read the Bible on this but I'm talking about everything else you do on this besides read the Bible communicating and socially expressing ourselves and entertaining ourselves and amusing ourselves and calming ourselves and whatever else we do on this instead of spending time with the Lord of glory well Ephesus I'll just talk about them for one minute had the danger of coasting and basically we're gonna see and spend an entire class period I'm looking at the loss of first love and what that means is that Christ no longer was their deepest desire it was odd desire it wasn't a deepest they lost their first love when things get old when we no longer desire Jesus as much as we remember bird that we used to in the past now right now if you can think of a time when you couldn't wait to get to a Bible study you couldn't wait to read God's Word you couldn't wait to the Fellowship of God's people you couldn't wait to the time of singing his praises and it kind of seems like yeah that was a long time ago when I first got saved then that's the first love loss of Ephesus translated into your personal life we all know that in our job in our studies even in our hobbies things get old and stale and ho-hum that's what Christ said to watch out for now just stop for a second we're 18 minutes into the class a third of the way through and let me just ask you a question because this is actually what Jesus is building on in these letters here's the question do you live like you're part of Christ's special forces he has left on earth deployed behind enemy lines do you do you actually think of yourself as a soldier member endure hardness false it is a good soldier of Jesus Christ imagine today you are a Special Forces soldier you're invited to your final briefing before you go out on active duty so you've just been in training and today your final lesson is you're gonna go on patrol and let's just be kind of current let's say you're going through Afghanistan's Taliban controlled territory if you pay attention the news at all every month there are reports of roadside bombs attacks all kinds of things going on in that area for any troops that are deployed there now imagine today you're on your final briefing so that means today you're gonna go on patrol in that territory and you know there are snipers there are landmines there remote-controlled IEDs there RPGs 50 caliber machine gun nests there are thousands of terrorists and they're all in this scorching desert and the commanding officer is leading patrol and you're gonna be strung out in a line behind him and he's the only one who's ever gone on patrol to come back unscathed now imagine you're sitting in the last lesson that you're gonna have the briefing you know what's gonna be along every step of your patrol you know there will be snipers watching you know that the the land mines will be there you'll know that that every kind of armament will be pointed against you and you know that the commanding officer that's giving these last words for you before you go has done this patrol hundreds of times he's led his troops hundreds of times through enemy territory he's the only one who ever made it back unscathed at the briefing he's going to introduce you to his personally written field Medal feed Field Manual for Battlefield survival he's going to explain the key elements of body armor how you can protect yourself does that ring a bell if he's in six put on the what say it out loud whole armor of God he's gonna explain the body armor he will show it he will fit it and also he'll he'll issue the only weapon offensive weapon that will be demonstrated in ammunition will be issued Wow wouldn't every one of us being deployed be there in the front row we'd all be taking notes we'd stay after we'd ask him questions we'd help each other's fellow soldiers get geared up we'd work together for our mutual survival yet today most of the special forces in this analogy that's believers deployed by the Lord that's the Great Commission Matthew 28 in the harsh and deadly territory of Satan the master terrorists what does God call him the god of this world so we're going into his enemy territory every day most of us are riding around like we're on vacation most people sit on open double-decker tour buses driving through enemy territory like they don't even know what's going on it's amazing most believers have no daily preparation what does it say in first Thessalonians 5 pray without ceasing the more you understand the battlefield the more you pray without ceasing most believers have no body armor they don't take up the full armor they have no attendance at the briefings they forsake the assembling of ourselves together they have no ammunition because it says will not overcome but by every word of God that's what feeds us and protects us and there are no weapons in sight to sword the spirit that's a personal mastery of this book that's being able to confront any advance of Satan or the world or our flesh with specific scriptures the sword the spirit we don't we don't have our weapon cleaned and sited in well what does that means going on in the world well I would say this the daily casualties are horrific and Christendom as you can imagine many wounded believers soldiers are strewn along the road of life many of them have flaming darts burning in their unprotected lives what is that remember the the adversary Satan can shoot flaming darts Paul said to the Ephesians have you ever been just doing something now sudden you just had the worst thought you've ever had in your life and you think where did that come from you should pause and reflect and think where did that come from if we know that our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour what did Peter say resist him steadfast in the faith how do we do that that's what those daily briefings are about that's our devotions our time in the word listening to the Lord most believers nowadays are incapacitated and no longer on their mission by the way this isn't new that's what revelation 2 and 3 when we when we get out of revelation 1 and get to 2 and 3 that's what all seven churches are confronted with most were out of out of commission only a few seemed to be at the briefings only a few are reading and using the manual only a few are following the commanding officer everyday and that's what Jesus found on his visit to his special forces bases what are those the seven churches see Jesus went to each outpost that he had strategically set up in the center of the heart of the Roman Empire the most Roman part of the empire what we would call Turkey Roman Asia Minor and he checked the seven bases and found that most of them we're not in tune with what they were doing are any of us today if you're in this class maybe you've listened this far you weren't even planning on listening as far or maybe you're actually taking this class this is more than academic now are any of us just going through the motions like Ephesus we're no longer passionate for Jesus like we used to be now here's a quick lesson I was the youth pastor for many years and what I would do right now is I would tell my young people no matter how many steps you take away from the Lord it's always just one step back and that step back is called repent repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior are any of us starting to fear how bad the world is getting with this kovat 19 mean 100,000 new cases in the world and and thousands of more deaths every day in the world are you starting to fear God doesn't give us a spirit of fear are any of us getting comfortable around sin I just read a headline today it says all the the things that that are considered sin taxes Alcohol Tobacco other things like that that that the the journalists call the syntaxes they said the bad habits are coming out in this quarantine time alcohol consumption is up people have reverted back to smoking they said that that pornhub and all the pornography distributors are experiencing unbelievable traffic why because we get comfortable around sin and we're not forsaking it anymore or any of us acting and operating like lost people because we're so distracted we don't see Christ in His Word every day well beware of coasting be aware of just going through the motions not being passionate for Jesus like we used to be be aware of starting to fear our future or our health did you know that no amount of medication will make us live one day longer or any lack of it one day less if you really believe Psalm 139 no yes wash your hands yes wear your face mask yes socially distant but remember every day of our life was written in this book before we live one day of them beware of amusing and entertaining ourselves with sin beware of not fleeing sin beware of getting truth challenged and acting and operating like lost people and so distracted the time with godness word is gone from our daily of vitals what are your daily vitals got to get up got exercise got to have that coffee got a you know login and check in and post where does the daily briefing come in with our commanding officer well real quickly we just were a little past half-time revelation 1 and if you open your Bibles look at verse 9 revelation 1 starting in verse 9 down through verse 13 is unwrapping Jesus like he is now this is what it says in verse 9 I John remember the human author Jesus chose both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of god and for the testimony of Jesus Christ John was saying I'm a prisoner of their own Empire out there on that island by the Roman Emperor who picked me as the last of the apostles to put in the prison to limit my ministry so that that's John relating he's saying hey all of you in the seven churches in Asia Minor going through the same thing I'm going through struggles bananluka verse 10 I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day I heard behind me a loud voices of a trumpet saying and now John after all these years probably over sixty years had gone by since the last time he heard the voice of Jesus what what was that last time right here in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives Jesus is ascending and it says in acts 1 and Luke 24 that he's looking down and his disciples and it says he's blessing them he's actually verbally saying I'm with you do what I left you to do you have been such wonderful disciples but now I'm gonna be able to be with all of you anywhere go into all the world that's the last time you heard Jesus voice until now and that familiar precious powerful voice says this I am the Alpha verse 11 the Omega the first and the last what you see right in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia never I told you last hour this book is unique it's the only book written by Jesus Christ specifically to us us who are living in what he calls the end of days there is no book more important right now to the church than understanding Christ Unleashed as revelation teaches it what does Jesus say if you continue reading John saw this then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the son of man what was Jesus favorite term for himself in the Gospels whenever Jesus self described who he was he called himself most often son of man son of man and that's how John sees him like he was see that's the lesson seeing Jesus after six years he was the same he was just unleashed to be everything he was back then only everywhere anytime for anyone that's what John learned he was clothed with a garment down to the feet and he was girded about the chest with a golden band first point Jesus favorite word for himself right there in verse 12 and 13 when the Apostle John received the book of Revelation on the Lord's Day he was living in what we would call hard times he was in exile he was cut off from family and friends and I've been reading the news even the most famous people the the television people the movie people they're all saying this social isolation this this sheltering at home is really hard I mean we are you watching this I mean you see movie stars helping their kids brush their teeth they're just saying hey we're not used to this everything has changed well Jesus said I understand you I know you're cut off from your family and friends I know you're living in a prison colony on Island reserved for the worst enemies of Rome I know you're on an inescapable Island you can't reach the mainland without drowning or being eaten by sharks Jesus said I know that by this time in history John was going through hard times not just the hardships of old age and it's not a stretch to say at this time John probably was at the point a lot of older people were where he was just kind of waiting for his time to go home he was ready to die all of his friends were gone the Apostle Paul was dead that great apostle who planted so many churches who suffered so much Peter John's childhood friend who he fished with all those long years ago was executed even John's brother James who sat beside him and listened to Jesus he had been executed for his faith can you imagine all those just huge pains in his life but jesus said I'm the son of man I understand what you're going through that's the first lesson that's what verses 12 and 13 of revelation 1 say that Jesus Christ is unleashed to say I understand doubting Thomas reach here and and don't doubt anymore and to sorrowing John on the Isle of Patmos saying I'm the son of man I'm with you you're not alone now the second element that we see not only is Jesus the Son of Man but for centuries to have access to God do you remember what the Jewish people remember the book of Revelation is filled with Jewish backdrops now now think like a Jewish person to have access to God for over 1,500 years from the time of Moses to the time of Christ there was just one way to have access to God what was it through a priest and Jesus was unleashed at the dawn of Resurrection morn to be what we see in these verses the great High Priest Jesus now was the priest no longer through the tabernacle but when he became the son of man he could be approached by anyone that's why he called himself that and so Jesus didn't have a Secret Service detail keeping people at a distance in his earthly ministry he was approachable now that he's unleashed he says I'm the priest that can come to you and get you in touch with God that makes me say this revelation is God's reminder to us of everything about Christ that we see in the Gospels in those epistles are now available to us but remember this nothing God says in the book of Revelation is only said here revelation is a book of reminders nothing is here for the first time by some counts some who spent their whole life studying this book there are over 800 connections to the Old Testament and it's just reminders of what Paul already said what Peter already said what John already wrote to them what God revealed through the Gospels and now John in his suffering and old age is being reminded well we need to understand Jesus greatest miracle is about our greatest need look back at verse 5 I you notice I never read verse 5 I skipped over it see what it says verse 4 ends and it says in now verse 5 from Jesus Christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us now listen the end of verse 5 and washed us from our sins in his own blood do you know what Jesus came to remind us of our greatest need our greatest need isn't happiness if you watch the news if you listen to the television if you're online if you're binging on Netflix and everything else it's kind of like happiness is what everybody's looking for it's not happiness it's forgiveness that's what we need Jesus performed 30 recorded amazing miracle in the Gospels during his time on earth but every miracle except for one all went away think about what I mean by that the people that were hungry and fed in the 5000 guess what the next day they were what hungry again what about the people who were raised from the dead are they still walking around the earth know all of them grew old and died what about the people that lost their their sight and Jesus restored it after decade after decade their sight began to dim in other words all of Jesus earthly miracles except for one temporary yeah the temporary temporarily fixed a body fixed eyes fixed ears fixed fingers fixed you know demon-possession but all of them wore out after decades except for one verse 5 chapter 1 verse 5 forgiveness Jesus Christ offered endless forgiveness I'd like to tell you just one story it's hard for me to not tell you many stories but when I was working actually I wrote a devotional book it's called living hope for the end of days it's my dissertation from Dallas seminary about the book of Revelation I worked on that for ten years in class at Dallas seminary and then I worked on it for one more year editing it for publication and I edited it at Starbucks I was pastoring in a in a town in Oklahoma and Tulsa Oklahoma and I went to the same Starbucks in Tulsa and edited the manuscript every day on my lunch hour for months as I would go there I started getting to know going every day for lunch the baristas and I'll never forget that there was one barista as the week's went by I noticed something was happening to him I would look at their eyes when they would smile at me and push the cup of coffee across and I noticed that this fellows eyes his name was Daniel were slowly turning yellow and finally the whites of his eyes actually had turned orange well I knew enough medically that I had seen once one of our children had what's called hyperbilirubinemia meant their liver wasn't functioning and their eyes had started turning orange and we rushed him to ICU and they were in there for a weekend and and they were able to fix that problem but for Daniel it wasn't he was a baby I knew what it was he was overdosing and so I started getting convicted remember I told you in the first class that I always keep that track in my wallet by the way Daniel was quite quite a character he was into this metal thing he he wore a kind mm kind of hat you know ski cap I can't believe they let him do that it Starbucks he had piercings everywhere he had piercings through all of his ears through his nose Lewis tongue tooth cheeks he wore chains all around everywhere he even had metal studs on his pants he even had metal studs on his shoes he wore a chain around his waist he clinked when he walked I mean he was a fun kind of guy unforgettable but I could tell he was dying so I said lord I'd like to share my track I carry with me I'm praying that you give me an appointment with Daniel by the way that Starbucks was the busiest one in town I'd never been to that Starbucks when there wasn't a line I counted once 25 people in front of me in line so I said Lord you want me to witness the Daniel I don't want to do it on company time no line when I get there no line every day I'd go there there 25 in line that day I stepped as the 25th person I walk through the line and it started to get URI because no one came through the door and I came up and ordered and I knew I had to get my tract out because no one came in behind me and I got the track ready and when Daniel prepared my drink as the barista he he shoved it across the counter toward me and I looked at him I said Daniel and he looked at me that I knew his name and he smiled I said yes I said Daniel I'm seeing your eyes they're turning orange I said you're overdosing on something alcohol drugs I don't know what it is this is what I know I took the track and I said one of these days you're gonna wake up in a place you don't want to be you're gonna wake up totally separated from God in hell this is the good news of the gospel and I pushed it across him those orange eyes got this wide I'd never seen buddy react like that he just his eyes got wide he said hey man thanks and he took the tract stuck it in his pocket I went off and edited I came back the next day to follow up and talk to him he wasn't there anything anything about next day next day next day a week went by finally I asked the the person at the counter or at the cash register I said hey where's Daniel she said that's what we're all asking where's Daniel she said one week ago he walked out the back door he's never walked back in I looked at my watch that's not one week ago that's my witness to him well to make a long story short I finished right in that book finished editing I was there just kind of like reunion going back to Starbuck about six months later and I was studying at my table when I heard clink clink clink and I saw the black boots in the metal and the pants and the chains and I looked up and there was the biggest smile there was Daniel the big eyes looking at me and they weren't orange anymore he was so happy and he said hey man I've been looking for you for months he said do you remember when you gave me that tract I said I'll never forget it he said you scared the hell out of me he said you didn't explain it to me he said I walked right out the back door after I asked all the employees if they understood it he said I walked down the street till I found someone that explained this gospel tract to me he said I got saved he told me that in the months since he joined a band he was traveling the country and they would stop there heavy metal black whatever concert with all the smoke and he'd walk out in the stage and he shared his testimony he said I wanted you to know that that's the power of the gospel look at the slide we're each called to offer Christ's greatest miracle to our generation are you obeying Christ last words to his church are you doing what he asked you to do are you acting like you're a special force soldier are you acting like the commanding officer and you're going to his briefings and obeying him that's what Jesus Christ Unleashed did for each of us he wants to go with us through life he wants us to dispense the gospel and that's the second lesson the book of Revelation god bless you not merely to be here's let's do what God's Word says [Music] you
Channel: DTBM
Views: 48,513
Rating: 4.9378109 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus
Id: YxzthlfbRvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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