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boy am i excited so there's been this image floating around for a while called the iceberg conspiracy list and for those of you who don't know it is a picture of an iceberg and on it there are several separate tiers that gauge conspiracy theories from how known they are to how unknown they are i'll actually throw it up now so you can look at it as you can see it is huge there are several variations but i think this one is the best not only because it is the both most well structured with different tiers and specifics for what each tier means but it also is the most comprehensive as i tried to find research for this i'm telling you there was none like no one had done a full breakdown of it there's a couple people who did one or two and then after researching it people were saying that everyone who did full reviews of it was having their videos taken down so uh we'll see what happens so i decided who better to do it than me technically a lot of people that doesn't matter what i'm gonna do is because this thing is huge every one of these phrases can lead you down an entire rabbit hole of research and investigation some of them are well-known stuff like ufos or bigfoot but as you get into some of these later ones it gets creepy like you drag over some pretty scary ones like human flesh markets or children trapped in floors and things such as but once you get really far into it like tier 9 tier 10 stuff it gets like god's ego death or the universe was created as a test and the things like that that have like these whole networks and stories behind them uh but just aren't commonly known and i'll go ahead and say right now none of what i'm talking about means i believe it per se i'm simply conveying what the conspiracy is because i think it's cool and some of these are awesome so what i'm gonna do here is i am going to do a quick run-through of the tier one and the next video will be tier two and etc like i said the further you go down the more crazy they get so this one's pretty much to whet your appetite although there is a lot of cool stuff this tier that i learned in research for this video some of the ones we'll get into in later videos are absolutely crazy like the city of broken candles or the valley of headless men things such as but like i said i'm gonna go through the entire chart so we're starting with tier one the title and description for tier one is crazy head the description reads mainstream conspiracies and unsolved mysteries most of this stuff is well documented and known to a good portion of the western citizens a lot of common theories may be grouped in broader terms or may not even appear on the chart at all considering their meaning in popularity also quick disclaimer on this first here this doesn't really apply to the others but some of these are so well known or you've heard so many times i'm not even going to cover them like fake news or bigfoot or ufos like we all get it i don't need to go into detail about them but without further ado let's get into this and thank you for watching first up we have big pharma most of you know about this it's pretty much just a huge encompassing theory that pharmaceutical companies suppress vaccines and cures that are made in order to make money off of treatment next we have atlantis original records of atlantis date back to greek times i believe between sparta and athens of a continent located somewhere in the atlantic ocean and since they couldn't have got to north america that would require there to be something in between that has since disappeared or sank next up we have one of the first ones that i didn't know about until getting into this and that is nostradamus nostradamus was an old philosopher who came up with several of the constellations and discovery in the night sky and it is believed that several of his predictions came true later such as world war ii and the great london fire however from doing my own research this is kinda bs because like for example the london fire he said that there would be bad things happening in london and then a bad thing happened in london so yeah the mandela effect most of you are probably familiar with this but it essentially says that there are parallel universes that cross over with each other in minor ways that we're not aware of for example those who remember the bernstein bears from their childhood may be surprised to know that it's actually the burn stained bears and that several discrepancies like that exists like the monopoly man has no monocle and yada yada yada this is a cool one it's very deep it goes on for itself so if you're interested check it out next is malaysian flight 370 which disappeared somewhere over the indian ocean the conspiracy states that there is a u.s military base there and more than likely the plane was either hijacked and flying towards it or flew too close to it to which the u.s military shot it down and covered up all evidence of it although practically i feel that there's a lot of moving parts in that that couldn't be kept secret for so long the gmo conspiracy regards gmos that are in several foods from fast food and markets and things such as which are used in this conspiracy to cause food shortages and hungering people so essentially the whole get the customer addicted idea orbs is rather vague from what i figured out is referring to the orbs that are seen in photographs when taken in the sunlight so you know dust particles things such as but the conspiracy says that it is a paranormal or supernatural occurrence so yeah the new world order for those that aren't familiar uh in the book of revelations in the bible it details that there will be a one world government or one world order in the end times and this will be in much more specific detail as we get later on into the iceberg but at this tier it's basically just referring to the idea that all governments want to come together to make one government i know i keep like advertising later into the iceberg but there's good reason for it some of the ones down there are insane and get into specifics of how one world government can be achieved things such as so stay tuned next is the nibiru cataclysm nebu is a planet or also known as planet x that was predicted by a scientist in 2003 to collide with the earth in 2003 so pretty well debunked but the term is still used to apply to an idea that a meteor or any other body could hit the planet one day and kill us all now we get into the fun stuff the bilderberg meetings is an event that really does happen every year in which western economists meet with european governments to discuss capitalism in the west uh from all the evidence i could find obviously there are several theories that come from this especially since the fact the press isn't allowed and there are no notes to be taken so a group of world elites talking behind closed doors in high places nice transhumanism is more of a philosophy than a theory really it applies a lot to anarchist rings oddly enough and it's essentially the idea that humans can be further expanded on or bettered through augmentation of computer parts and like cybernetics and things such as bek or black eyed kids is a recurring phenomenon in the supernatural community of small children appearing with blacked out eyes you can follow this rabbit trail pretty far but pretty much surface level it's just creepy kids who appear whenever tragedy happens so people chalk it up to coast or extraterrestrials or what have you next is antarctica which there is a slew of antarctic conspiracy theories everything ranging from giant holes appearing in the middle of antarctica to government bases being down there to that's where the world elites hide i mean you could spin forever on this so moving on next is the basement tapes for those of you that don't know before the columbine shooting the two shooters made a series of videos detailing what they were going to do how they're going to do it and generally talking about how they hate people in their school and there needs to be a cleansing and things such as these tapes still exist although the conspiracy resides and no one knows who has them however randomly portions of them will appear online leaving people to believe that they're out there maybe exchanging hands but no one knows where they're at next up we've got operation northwoods this is a rather uh well documented case but essentially during the cuban missile crisis there was reports put out by the cia that said to warrant a war with cuba they should commit acts of terrorism against u.s citizens and then blame them on cuba to justify war which yep next up is psyops this is also well documented just the fact that uh specifically the us government as well as other governments is known to employ psychological warfare from noises to conditions and supply rations and things like that the vela incident is an event occurred off the coast of south africa in 1979. what happened is a system of satellites known as the vala satellites captured two back-to-back giant flashes for seemingly no reason however after reading into it it was probably just an unsanctioned nuclear test because this satellite system had caught them before and they looked similar and the whole conspiracy is just because there was no scripted test that day so yeah probably just nuke testing next we have giants while this one seems vague later tears get into it more specifically but essentially in the old testament of the bible there are several references to giants uh happening and obviously today there doesn't seem to be any however uh this conspiracy as we get into it later applies to the deep state and cover-ups of things such as so i don't want to spoil any of it yet but this is a good mention that astrosmart so to speak we'll get to it later padma mccord is an interesting one there's a lady online by the name of pattern mccord who owns for some reason thousands if not millions of urls which looking at this on the outside you'd say oh it's some company using the name or whatever until you go to the urls and it's just pictures of her face photoshopped onto other women for some reason and every one of these websites has millions of backlinks to other websites which someone who knows tech may know more about it than i do i have no clue why it's just creepy the alisa lam incident for those who haven't uh trolled around on creepy internet videos like i have you may not know who elisa lam is but it is a story that is worth your time she was a college student i believe at the hotel cecile in california who for some reason is seen in security camera videos runs onto an elevator freaking out keeps jerking around thinking something's following her runs to her room and is never seen alive again until she's found three days later in the water tank of the hotel there was never any evidence of a killing no one was ever found a connection to it and it is one of the wildest videos ever to watch knowing that she was never followed and there was never evidence of anyone following her it's really strange i'll leave you to look into this one yourself but it was one of the first videos i remember that kind of got me into this whole i don't know like creepy dark web whatever the tara calico picture this one's just sad uh there was a woman named tara calico who suspected to be abducted in the early 90s and then a few months later a picture of her bound and gag turned up in a parking lot around the area she was kidnapped it leaves a lot of questions of why the picture was left there and what any of it means especially since it was just in some random convenience store parking lot but like i said this is just sad the mad gasser of mattoon i have never heard of this one before until researching it but apparently in the 40s there was a series of gas attacks that occurred in matune illinois which investigators mostly chalked up to mass hysteria and people who left their fuel lines running but everyone who it happened to which was dozens of cases claimed that it was an individual that ran up to them and attacked them with invisible gas so yeah have fun with that one cointelpro like operation northwoods this one's pretty well documented and known at this point but essentially before the patriot act became a thing it's evidence of the fbi illegally spying on u.s citizens to gain information and blah blah blah yeah government bad the mao yale connection this one pretty much just says that the old communist emperor of china mao zedong was in secret connections with yale university in ways to indoctrinate students and receive funding from them and vice versa from what i've seen it's mostly just conspiracy jargon but you could check it out for yourself the i-70 killer this is referring in the spring of 1992 there was a series of six murders of gas station clerks on the i-70 interstate and no one was ever caught but some sketches were given from everything i found this is simply just a serial killer string that went unsolved the majestic 12 is a reference to a board member of 12 people put together by harry truman in 1947 to recover all alien spacecraft information and things such as this relates back to area 51 although it's a bit more specific in saying that there's a committee so to speak that looks over anything that happens with extraterrestrials also area 51 was also in this first tier list but like i said it's one of those that's so obvious there's no reason for me to talk about it red squads are again a pretty well documented government thing that during the whole red scare of the 50s and 60s there were groups of us police officers whose sole purpose was to hunt down communist sympathizers and arrest them for whatever the secret was really hard to find information on because it's such a vague title but given its italics i think it's referring to a book that essentially is a self-help book that says thinking certain thoughts deliberately will change the course of your life so not sure why it's on there but you know we're still in tier one so whatever acupuncture is an interesting one this relates back to the big pharma i mentioned at the beginning and essentially says that acupuncture heals several diseases but it is purposely put down and not given attention by mainstream media and doctors because it would put them out of business so it's an interesting rabbit hole to go down the max headroom incident is something that happened in 1987 in chicago when two broadcast stations suddenly cut out and cut to a video of a man wearing a max headroom costume which is a character from british television who began talking random jargon and swearing and then had someone spank him on camera and then the broadcast cut out what's interesting is that there's never been anyone named a suspect there was never any evidence found and it's pretty much become a whole reddit thread trying to figure out who this person was what happened to name them so it's an interesting mystery to go on but from everything i could find it was just two guys messing with the media and then for the last one i'm going to cover in tier 1 we have the u.n agenda this is pretty much just uh relates to agenda 21 and other conspiracies which i'll talk about more in later tiers but the idea that the u.n is trying to build itself towards a new world order so that is the end of tier one like i said there are ten tiers and they just get crazier from here everything i just covered is stuff that you can simply search conspiracy theory and find information on but the ones i'm going to get into after this video are you've got to do some digging you have to know what boards to look at to figure out people won't talk about it and other really interesting things and it gets pretty spooky so uh stay tuned let me know if you like this video as always i want to thank my patrons over on patreon thank you to all of my patrons but a special thank you to the top tiers thank you kayla thank you pat thank you eddie thank you benjamin thank you tim thank you publius and thank you saucy link will be in the description as always thank you all for watching like i said before this was kind of a trailer i want to put this out quick so i can get you interested because it just shoots downhill from here and i am excited so thank you all for watching and i will see you in part two bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 1,429,790
Rating: 4.9482241 out of 5
Keywords: Conspiracy, theory, iceberg, analysis, breakdown, explained, Illuminati, horror, scary, spooky, creepy, secret, dark web, deep web, intel, Conspiracy, theory, iceberg, analysis, breakdown, explained, Illuminati, horror, scary, spooky, creepy, secret, dark web, deep web, intel, Deep state, Q anon, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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