The Conspiracy Theorist Who Predicted His Own Death | Tales From the Bottle

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milton william cooper also known as bill cooper is perhaps one of if not the most influential figure in modern day conspiracy theory he's no longer with us to continue to give us his spin on the world but many of the leading names in conspiracy theory today have followed in his footsteps so much so that in hearing about him you'd probably think he was the guy behind all those dubious articles you saw on facebook earlier today his theories and predictions range from the ridiculously outlandish to the well the true yeah some of the things this guy predicted really materialized including his own death born in 1943 in california cooper joined the military after high school and served in the navy in vietnam it was here he claimed to have seen top secret documents while working as part of the briefing team under admiral bernard a cleary who commanded the navy's pacific fleet according to cooper these documents revealed the existence of collusion between the united states government and extraterrestrials to take over the world yes in this video i will be making heavy use of the terms according to allegedly and claims because it is very hard to figure out what is real and what is not in the world of conspiracy for some people at least so i will leave what you believe in up to you also contained within these documents were a vast array of other alarming government conspiracies for instance jfk had not been killed by lee harvey oswald at all but instead by his driver using a gas pressure device developed by the aliens seems like a lot of work when they could have just you know used a gun from a concealed position far away regardless sure was good if the government put all these documents together on a boat in vietnam when he returned from the war cooper knew he had to inform the public about what the government was doing well it's only right and intended to contact a reporter around the same time he was involved in an accident when his motorcycle allegedly hit a black limousine this resulted in his right leg being amputated above the knee in the hospital cooper claims he was visited by two men who asked him if he'd learned his lesson presumably the occupants of the black limo trying to cow him into silence cooper told them that he had indeed learned his lesson but internally he knew the lesson was in fact not learned and that the information had to get out by the 80s cooper had begun getting involved in the ufo scene which would be receptive to his claims of course the ufo theorists were mostly concerned with sightings and abductions and the occasional unconsenting probe but cooper's theories focus more around the government and their impending world domination than the saucy green boys adding a new dimension to ufology he published a number of essays wrought into ufo magazines and started giving lectures it was here he met the owner of a publishing company who cooper convinced to publish a book that he would write detailing all his theories and so three years later in 1991 behold a pale horse was published here cooper expanded upon his theory that the government was in contact with an alien race the world was actually ruled by the illuminati who were in turn being controlled by the aliens the alien's plan was to turn a portion of earth's population into slave labor and for this to work smoothly the illuminati would need to bring in a single global government the new world order the book of course goes into much greater detail and expands upon various other things but the thing about conspiracy theories is they're usually so complicated and complex it takes weeks to research the many deep and branching rabbit holes and hours to explain to someone else so i'll just name some of the theories and concepts if you'd like to look into them for yourself one world government man-made aids protocols of the elders of zion the bilderberg group the knights templar freemasons majestic 12 the trilateral commission etc etc maybe i should do a series where i look into individual conspiracies but for this video i simply just do not have the time to go into all of this you might think it all sounds crazy but cooper does explicitly state his conclusions may be wrong and his intent is only to convince you that none of us know the truth about this world and everyone should do their own research and search for that truth behold a pale horse slowly became an underground best seller and cooper began hosting a show on shortwave radio called the hour of the time as the ufo scene lost popularity cooper began to rethink his theories on aliens start to suspect aliens were merely a cover story or a red herring for the illuminati as such his theories became even more focused on totalitarian governments and police states this began to attract the attention of the militia movement of the 90s one fan of cooper's being timothy mcveigh the oklahoma bomber he's come up in a few videos now and really should make an episode on him anyways after the oklahoma bombing fbi agents came to cooper's house to ask him some questions as mcveigh had ordered a video tape about the waco siege from cooper i do have an episode on the waco siege by the way having the fbi show up to his house did not please cooper and he was beginning to suspect he was at the center of some sort of plan to silence him this of course only bolstered his beliefs and furthered his commitment to spreading his theories you may never have heard of bill cooper but i'm willing to bet you probably think he sounds a lot like some media figure you know of today when it seems like conspiracy theories are more prevalent than ever bill cooper was like a forerunner to people like alex jones ironically the two had a little feud after cooper said alex jones theories were [ __ ] now you may be thinking this all sounds like [ __ ] but not all of cooper's predictions were so outlandish he noticed the rising trend of prescribing drugs like prozac and ritalin to kids and teenagers and worried it would lead to a rash of school shootings which in turn would be used as an excuse by the government to take away citizens arms that was eight years before the columbine school shooting he also predicted a massive tragedy would occur in the u.s and the blame would be pinned on osama bin laden this would lead to war in foreign countries bombing campaigns and increased surveillance on american citizens that was two months before 9 11. maybe that means we should all seriously consider his more far-fetched theories or maybe it means a broken clock is right twice a day cooper also managed to predict his own death although that one is a little less impressive considering you kind of have direct control over the outcome you know you wouldn't be too amazed if i predicted i die a week from now and then in seven days i went off to play in traffic [Music] after 9 11 cooper became ever more paranoid reclusive and belligerent his wife left with his daughters although cooper claimed he had moved them out of the country for their safety he was sure the government was moving for total control and he would be silenced for his resistance he had previously believed he was being targeted by bill clinton himself hello we all know all bill was preoccupied with other matters he now believed the irs were out to get him although this was because he didn't pay his taxes so once again not really a great prediction there for his alleged tax evasion there was a warrant out for cooper's arrest since 1998 but he had alluded multiple attempts to serve it authorities sort of let him get away with it because they knew he wasn't going to go down without a fight cooper told his audience that he was aware he was a haunted man and that he was soon going to be shot dead his house was on a hilltop that gave him a view of incoming vehicles and cooper was suspicious of anyone coming up that street people would often drive up for the view but cooper would often accost them suspecting them of spying on him or trying to intimidate him once he followed one of these people home and threatened them with a gun allegedly and this is when the authorities decided they needed to act the sheriff's office issued a warrant for cooper's arrest on suspicion of aggravated assault but again they were worried about cooper's volatility allegedly in november 2001 they decided they would draw cooper out by posing as another annoying group of people around cooper's property parking their car not far away and playing loud music and sure enough cooper came out in his truck but he sensed something was off and instead of trying to shoo them away as he usually did he turned tail the deputies gave chase allegedly when he reached his driveway cooper got out of his truck and made for his front door firing at the deputies and striking one in the head mortally wounding him the deputies fired back and cooper was struck nine times and killed on his doorstep just as he had predicted of course many dispute this version of events and claim cooper was assassinated indeed his death galvanized his support and cemented his legacy as a martyr even his old nemesis alex jones would go on to praise him as a genius saying he looked into his work after his death and found it to be amazing and then i then i listened to bill cooper and it was like incredible stuff about 9 11's coming and and like all this really smart stuff i was like god i know this guy was this is smart and that's the tale of milton william cooper whether you think he was a paranoid crackpot or a revolutionary is up to you maybe you'll go off and investigate his conspiracy theories in more depth or maybe you'll dismiss the whole thing as nonsense the only thing i can guarantee is both sides will somehow find something to attack me for in the comments [ __ ] piss outs all that's left for me to say is if you'd like to see more absolutely fantastic videos made by a charming handsome man subscribe because i'm putting out that quality content every goddamned week allegedly this play the writing is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it why contain it let it spill over to the schools and churches let the bodies pile up in the streets in the end they'll beg us to save them i've received reports of armed attacks on shipments there's not enough vaccine to go around the underclasses are starting to get desperate
Channel: Qxir
Views: 1,748,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milton william cooper, bill cooper, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories, creepy pasta, fbi, alien, aliens, ufo, ufology, men in black, alex jones, eplained, illuminati, nwo, drawn, irish, funny, qxir, agents, government
Id: eLyyaT2w4pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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