Terrifying Example of Shared Psychosis | Tales From the Bottle

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[Music] the m6 is the longest motorway in the united kingdom stretching 230 miles from the midlands all the way up to scotland on may 17 2008 however highway cctv picks up footage of two women walking down it where are they going why are they on foot why are they walking straight out into traffic one of the women was hit by a car and the two are causing serious disruption to the traffic eventually some highway traffic officers arrive at the scene to assess the situation and it only gets stranger from here the two women are identical twins sabina and ursula eriksen they're from sweden sabina was the one who'd been hit by a car but she sustained only minor injuries and the two appear calm as they talk with traffic officers at the side of the road police arrive shortly after two assists and they're accompanied by a tv crew who are filming some sort of cop show so we actually have footage from this encounter that'll save me a bit of work drawing thankfully but some of what happens next is a bit much to be shown on youtube so for that stuff i'll revert back to a more tasteful rendering of the event the police first talk with the highway traffic officers to get an idea of this situation but before they can get the girl side of the story ursula erickson bolts and runs straight back out into the traffic she is hit by a lorry traveling over 90 kilometers per hour and her legs are crushed as the wheels roll over her for my friends across the ponds that means she was hit by a truck traveling over 50 miles per hour and her legs were suitably yee-hawed partner i'm talking start to go fund me page now brother not wanting to miss out on the fun sabine also ran out into the road and was sent over to bonnet or uh sorry hood partner of a colliding car both women are now lying motionless on the motorway as police scramble to stop traffic and get help for the girls though they're pretty sure they're both dead when paramedics arrive they find ursula is in a surprisingly alive condition although she is immobilized despite this she seems to be in some sort of frenzy and resists treatment scratching and spitting at responders i could never have the patience to do a job like that oh i'm trying to help you and you want to fight okay sabina had been knocked unconscious after getting hit by the car but she was starting to come around it appeared she was similarly crazed and was shouting things like they're gonna steal your organs amazingly she managed to get up an officer trying to calm her down and keep her still receives a punch for her efforts and sabine runs off across the mortar way again seemingly possessing super strength sabina is able to resist arrest even after some bystanders come to assist it is a struggle to carry her by each limb she is extremely agitated and is screaming for help seemingly misreading the situation she is restrained sedated and put into the back of an ambulance ursula is airlifted to hospital sabino was released from hospital only five hours later her injuries being much less serious than her sisters from here she is put into police custody and bizarrely is calm and collected as if the violent outburst had never happened it turned out sabine lived in ireland with her partner and two children while ursula lived in the u.s ursula had come to visit sabina the previous day but for some reason the two secretly left ireland for england sabina had apparently had a fight with her partner the previous night and had gone to police to report concerns over the safety of her children that day they had boarded a coach for london but the bus driver became suspicious over their erratic behavior and refusal to let anyone handle their bags he let them off at a service station telling them they weren't getting back on board and that they should just calm down and get the next bus instead they apparently decided to continue their journey on foots and shortly after that their strange behavior was picked up on cctv a day later sabina pleaded guilty to trespass on the motorway and assault on an officer the court sentenced her to one day in custody which she had basically already served so she was let go all right then feels like maybe something more should have been done here she wasn't even psychiatrically evaluated to really just let her on yes that's right there's more crazy [ __ ] about to happen now back in the street sabina needed to find out what hospital ursula was staying at around 7 pm that day she bumped into a man walking his dog and his friend petting the dog sabina got talking to the man 54 year old glenn holland's head about her predicament and asked if he knew any nearby bnbs feeling sorry for her holland's head told her he had room at his place if she wanted to stay the night and she agreed the tree went back to glenn's house and chatted for a while the two men noticed sabine seemed almost paranoid constantly peering out the window at one point she offered them each a cigarette but before they could light them she snatched them back saying they could be poisoned her behavior was questionable but it was a bit late to rescind the offer now and she'd be gone in the morning anyways glenn's friend eventually left the two and sabina stayed the night the next day glenn phoned up his brother who worked at a hospital to see if he could find out where ursula was being treated he makes food for himself and sabine and heads over to his neighbor to ask for some tea bags only a minute after re-entering the house glenn holland's head runs back out he has been stabbed five times with a kitchen knife reportedly his last words were look after my dog for me sir go straight to heaven glenn's neighbor called the police as sabine went on the run she was later spotted by a driver who noticed she was hitting herself over the head with a hammer concerned for her safety he left his car to camera down but she hit him in the back of the head with a roof tile and fled what is happening as police were making their way to the scene sabine made her way to a bridge overlooking the a-50 highway and jumped over the barricade plummeting 40 feet to the road below breaking both her ankles and fracturing her skull she survived however and was arrested on suspicion of murder she was discharged from hospital and taken into police custody in september ursula was released around the same time though she was never charged with any crime and she just [ __ ] off back to the us so with sabine on trial you'd think we're about to learn what the [ __ ] was going on throughout all these escapades right well listen to this because it's crazy sabine offered no explanation for anything that happened and responded to every question with no comment she pleaded guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility why diminished responsibility her defense counsel argued that sabina erickson was suffering from folly aju or shared psychosis they argued that her sister ursula was suffering from a rare psychiatric disorder and when they were together sabine sort of adopted this disorder or was infected by it due to the close bond between the twins and together they convinced themselves of delusional thoughts it was a temporary madness meaning sabine appeared sane in court but was not so at the time of the crimes according to her defense she apparently had no criminal history before this incident this was all accepted by the court and she was sentenced to five years in prison what since her release her whereabouts are unknown what what's going on the story still doesn't make sense only five years i don't know about you but to me it's insane the court accepted that defense i mean i'm not saying it isn't what happens the people who do these evaluations are experts and i guess their evidence must have been very compelling because i'd never have thought the court would accept that i mean be honest what were you thinking was the explanation maybe it might have had something to do with sabine's reported family disputes like she was trying to get away from someone but it seems nothing more was ever revealed about that and it really just doesn't explain some of the erratic actions maybe it was just all part of her delusions i mean she had reported it to the police surely they'd have been able to determine if there was a legitimate worry there but i know what you're probably thinking drugs and yes i was just thinking the same thing one moment that's better now let's look at some fan art recently there was a competition on my discord with prizes for the best fan art first place gets to appear in a cuxer video but i appreciate all fan art so let's just look at all of it instead here's a cute drawing of this person's favorite three tails from the bottle episodes looks like you're gonna have to make some room for this one buddy here's a rendition of the capitalist radio from my video on the airline mass hijacking if you squint your eyes this is apparently a portrait of me it's pretty realistic except i look happy here's my campaign poster for my upcoming presidential run this is like the splinter cell fella drawn in my style the artist failed to elaborate any further this guy drew my name the killdozer and a fellow with a gun then he got on a ladder for the optimal photo he typed my name in gary's mod here's a nice one for 500 000 subs uh not sure what the pentagram is about but rock on buddy that's a nice fancy cue don't know if he did this all from scratch or used some assets or a template or something but either way it looks nice not too sure about that one maybe some sort of threat this is the republic of kuk syria it's apparently a constitutional monarchy which i think means i don't have any real power which sickens me the highlighted land division is quite strange too i mean the faroe islands and parts of mainland europe are there but a big chunk of england is off limits there's my name and i don't know who that fella is beside it but nicely drawn here's my campaign poster for after i get elected this is some soviet artwork that's been repurposed for my channel i like it didn't know what i was looking at the first time seeing it but it's actually really cool on the right is a cool trippy spray painting and the left is what it looks like in the dark he put in a secret image in glow-in-the-dark paints and that's really cool keep up the work my man i bet you can make some really trippy psychedelic stuff here's a whole ass game this dude made once again based off of my hijacking video i didn't have much time to play it which saddens me hopefully i can get around to it maybe i'll stream it but in the meantime i'll leave the link down below so other people can enjoy it just a heads up it didn't seem to work in chrome at least not for me so you might need to open it up in a different browser thank you for all the effort to put into this it's really crazy killdozer and crazy eights the detail on this is something else i would never have the patience to draw all that so i took a really long time but it looks great this is the one that won first place i believe and well just look at it it's amazing there's the killdozer being ridden by jack the baboon alongside baseball player randy bass and who i'm assuming is michael larsen the game show cheat launcher larry is surveying the skies and there's an irish flag on the moon which is being nuked project a119 style by a gay bomb then of course there's me when my hair was a little bit longer beautiful beautiful magnificent fantastic thank you for all the great entries and [ __ ] you for all the [ __ ] once i'm just kidding there were no [ __ ] ones just people who did their best anyways back to what's important me subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Qxir
Views: 1,664,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabina, ursula, eriksson, footage, folie a deux, shared psychosis, live, tv, accident, crazy, funny, explained, drawn, animated, irish, qxir, uk, m6, motorway, dashcam
Id: wKrg0gOQ4W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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