The Complete Ultimate Warrior Collection | Wrestling Bios

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Ultimate Warrior's popularity and pro wrassling can never be overlooked Jim Hellwig at one point looked like he was about to take over from Hulkamania and the war grassland Federation fans latched on to the ultimate warrior character and the search for something new and exciting within professional wrestling at times I do feel that the Ultimate Warrior's biggest enemy was the Ultimate Warrior himself the man had the world in the palm of his hands but he would never become the true face of the World Wrestling Federation due to things like suspensions and also the feeling that he was an Hulk Hogan Shadow Warrior was outspoken he felt he was worth more than what the World Wrestling Federation was giving him and this I feel anyway was the reason why he never got that ultra push to the top along with the Hogan money that comes along with it this isn't the say the warrior didn't get a monster push far from it Ultimate Warrior was booked to defeat the company's top guys including Hulk Hogan and a career that was still extremely successful and noteworthy you can't mention the WWF's glory days without bringing up the Ultimate Warrior and this is a true testament to his popularity and starless within the WWF the mine was adored by his fans he headlined WrestleMania he had one of the most energetic and exciting entrances in the history of Pro Wrestling he really is deserving of his status as a WWE legend and a Hall of Famer this video takes a look at the Warriors first run and the World Wrestling Federation covering from 1987 to 1993 egg was born in 1959 in Crawfordsville Indiana prior to getting into the world of professional wrestling Jim was a bodybuilder having been lifting weights from the age of 11 he'll wags bodybuilding career was quite successful however while he was in California training for an upcoming bodybuilding contest he was approached about becoming a professional wrestler Jim was working at Ana California gym at the time a gym owned by Steve Borden better known as sting sting was also asked if he had any desire and becoming a professional wrestler along with he'll like those of you who watch my video covering stings early career would have a fair idea of what happened next and I do want to keep the focus here on the Ultimate Warrior and the WWF so I'll keep things as brief as possible he'll wig and Steve Borden became a tag team finding work initially in the CWA and Memphis but after moving to the UWF the team was renamed as the blade runner's pretty much a Road Warriors knockoff tag team in 1986 Jim Hellwig decided to leave the UWF and the Watts and he made his debut and the Dallas based world class Championship Wrestling home of the Von Erich family Jim debuted as the tango warrior and he said he took the name warrior due to his piercing he looked like a warrior while road warrior animal said that Jim Hellwig was trying to rip off the road warriors by using the name the first match we have recorded for Jim Hellwig in the WWF was on the 17th of June 1987 a horseshoe in taxes where the dingo warrior was successful in defeating Steve Lombardi the first televised match we have was back in August 15th 1987 with a win over Barry Horowitz for warriors first four months here he merely worked against the CM guys a mix of Jose Estrada Horowitz and Lombardi and he continued to use the name dingo warrior during these first lot of months WWE producer Bruce Prichard said on his podcast that he'll wags name was changed you to Vince McMahon not knowing what a dingo warrior was supposed to be and along with this there was also the modern-day warrior Kerry Von Erich and the road warriors already using the warrior name Vince McMahon said that Jim Hellwig should be the ultimate warrior the warrior who would stand above all the others the one and only true warrior and wrestling with the change in him came a change of persona as the Ultimate Warrior became quickly known for his ring entrances as much as he did for his time in the ring maybe even more so with the famous Ultimate Warrior theme music playing in the arena Jim Hellwig would run out to the ring looking like he had way too much caffeine or maybe something else who knows but he would run to the ring pump up the crowd shake the ring ropes like he was trying to rep them out of the turnbuckles and all this while the crowd was going totally wild the dingo warrior wore fears pin but when Hellwig became the Ultimate Warrior the face paint became more colorful along with his promos the Ultimate Warrior I feel was not an idea that came out of creative meetings or out of a boardroom this character could only come out of the man portraying the gimmick whatever you may feel about Warriors promos as time went on it was Jim Hellwig who made this all come to life and he deserves credit for it it's easy to look back and laugh at some of the on these comments the warrior would make but it was extremely effective back in the late 80s and early 90s it got over it was insanely popular but anyway we are getting slightly ahead of ourselves here the Ultimate Warrior went on a path of destroying enhancement guys before getting his first real WWF food Hercules versus the warrior started life as a series of herschel matches in January of 1988 but the matchup also made its way to TV screens and eventually the two squared off at WrestleMania before this Ultimate Warrior and Hercules had a tug-of-war contest using a stadium and when warrior tugged on the chin it snapped this led to the WrestleMania formats which saw Hellwig emerged victorious and has mania debut the match was slotted in the middle of the card it was pretty short it wasn't a wrestling masterclass by any means but warriors popularity is visible for all to see and as much if nothing else warrior would then feud with Bobby Heenan and the Heenan family in the months that followed SummerSlam 1988 was an important night when we looked back at Warriors career the honky Tonk Man had been I see champion for a very long time going into SummerSlam with a 454 de Rim Brutus Beefcake was scheduled to work against the honky Tonk Man at SummerSlam but an injury took him out of the match and we didn't know it would be his replacement when warriors music hits inside Madison Square Garden the players goes nuts warrior squashed the honky Tonk Man in under 30 seconds and watching this back made me think of the genuine outrage that this would cause with today's modern fans if a 454 date I'll Orion was ended in mere seconds but it was definitely effective back here in SummerSlam idiot warriors high-energy throughout the match and the cruds reaction was enough to give you goosebumps the Warriors next big feud and the WWF would be one of his best ravishing Rick Rude and the Ultimate Warrior mad in the ring at Royal Rumble 1989 and a superposed iron challenge what is a superposed and I hear you ask well it's exactly what it sounds like two dudes posing in the ring and the winner being decided by the fans and attendants when it seemed like warrior was about to get the win the ravishing one attacked him leading to a Rick Rude vs. Ultimate Warrior I see title match at WrestleMania 5 this one is worth watching just to see how hard Rick Rude works to make warrior look like an unstoppable monster he bounced all over the ring for warrior during this match anyway Roode got the win and picked up the icy title here after Bobby Heenan held warrior's legs during a pinfall attempt at SummerSlam 89 warrior got a rematch for the Intercontinental title and he defeated record and a match that I feel was miles better than their WrestleMania showdown a few months prior warrior van began feuding with Andre the Giant and the house show lip picking up quick wins against Andre that helps solidify him as a main event player the fans were really behind Jim Hellwig his popularity was going through the roof along with his merchandise seals and the WWF noticed Hulk Hogan had been the WWF begged me and player for years and it was decided that Ultimate Warrior should be given a chance to shine and the main event spot the seeds were planted at the 1991 Rumble when Hulk Hogan and advertently eliminated warrior from the Rumble match Hogan was the WWF Champion during the xual Rumble when by the way the WrestleMania main event had not been given as a reward during this time period anyway after the rumble warrior versus Hogan was penciled in for WrestleMania sex to be held in the Toronto Sky Dome on April 1st 1990 both men agreed to put their titles on the line for this epic encounter that was billed as the ultimate challenge WrestleMania sex me an event really did feel like a passing of the torch a real moment in the history of professional wrestling that should never be overlooked considering the entering limitations of both man Hulk Hogan versus the Ultimate Warrior was a good match made even better by the heightened emotions of the audience some fans were not prepared to see Hogan lose the warrior while others were clamoring for the Ultimate Warrior to become the next big thing in the world Wrestling Federation baby face versus baby face matches on this scale were uncommon and the WWF during this time period so there was definitely a feeling of excitement and unpredictability surrounding the ultimate challenge hats off to both man here whatever you may think of warrior and Hogan they created a moment here that will never be forgotten warrior picked up the win making him the first man to simultaneously hold the Intercontinental and WWF titles the sad thing is it's really hard to imagine the WWE creating moments like this ever again the Warriors type Orion lasted all the way until January 91 and some see his time is the WWF Champion as a flop he defended the title against the likes of mr. perfect and Ted DiBiase and his initial months's champion and he reignited his feud with ravishing Rick Rude by having a very entertaining steel cage match at SummerSlam 1990 at Survivor Series he teamed with the modern-day warrior Kerry Von Erich now known as the Texas tornado and the Legion of Doom to defeat mr. perfect and demolition another good match I don't necessarily see this run as a flop the crowd was still very much under the Ultimate Warrior but I do agree that he could have been given more meaningful feuds and marches the Rick Rude March at SummerSlam was good but we had seen it before it just felt like the opposition being put in front of the Ultimate Warrior didn't seem like serious threats despite warrior getting equal billing and closing the show at SummerSlam 1990 of Rick Rude and this stage much it was clear that there was a greater buzz for Hulk Hogan's return here against the undefeated earthquake the show drew almost as well as WrestleMania sex on pay-per-view but it can't be easily argued that people were paying here to see the return of Hulk Hogan and not so much the Ultimate Warrior by the time 1991 Roldan the WWF was hell-bent on creating the hail sergeant slaughter character to capitalize on real-world issues at the time and Hogan versus slaughter for the WWF title was the match that the World Wrestling Federation wanted at WrestleMania slaughter defeated warrior at the 1991 Royal Rumble with the help of Macho Man Randy Savage sensational Sherri had been trying to get warrior to defend his title against savage in the weeks leading up to the rumble and when this didn't happen we all should have really known that warrior was dropping the title here at the Rumble slaughter would work with Hogan at WrestleMania 7 while warrior would work with Savage and a career-ending match the loser of this match would be forced into retirement the salvage versus warrior march at WrestleMania 7 was really good too again this is with the Warriors and ring limitations being taken into consideration you have to remember that Randy Savage was a man who liked to lay out his matches move remove and grit detail before heading the ring to perform this helped warrior and mentally with savages meticulous planning leading to you a more fleshed out warrior much Salvage was also the perfect opponent for the Ultimate Warrior he seemed like the only man who could March warrior when it came to intensity with the career stipulation it did feel like there was a lot on the line here no one really wanted to see either man retire but in the end it became more of a roundy Salvage moment than an Ultimate Warrior moment this isn't a bad thing at all this was the design of the earth come after all with Miss Elizabeth reuniting with savage after warrior caught the win it speaks highly of the smart begging of this much what was supposed to be a dark I had come for Randy Savage turned out to be one of the biggest failure good moments in WrestleMania history and it should be noted the warrior had found himself involved and huge back-to-back WrestleMania moments as 1991 went on the relationship between the WWF and Jim Hellwig became very unstable leading up to SummerSlam warrior was involved in a feud with the Undertaker after the Undertaker had locked warrior and a coffin during a funeral parlor segment on TV Jake Roberts decided he would help the warrior and overcoming the Undertaker by putting him through three tests it was all a bit comical to be honest with the final test resulting in warrior getting bitten by a Cobra along with Roberts revealing he had been working alongside the Undertaker all along this was all done to set the stage for Jack Roberts versus the Ultimate Warrior but it never happened due to an alleged pay dispute Ultimate Warrior sent Vince McMahon a ladder and July of 1991 requesting a pay increase for his WrestleMania 7 performance with Randy Savage he wanted over half a million dollars stating that the Ultimate Warrior man more than the Hogan March at mania seven and therefore he should be paired accordingly Jim Hellwig also stated that he wanted a higher percentage of his merchandise sales travel accommodations and a lighter work schedule Vince McMahon agreed he paired Hellwig the özkan fee give him higher royalties and got the warrior back and the WWF keep in mind that the warrior had been scheduled they appear at SummerSlam 1991 teaming with Hulk Hogan in the main event so Vince felt his hands were tied he didn't want the latter in the paying audience and attendance nor the pay-per-view audience watching at home Jim worked the SummerSlam much and his mind he had gotten one over on the WWF and all was well after the Summer Slam match Jim Hellwig was given a letter from Vince McMahon stating that he was Noyes suspended the letter confirmed that Vince McMahon had only agreed previously the Warriors demands so the warrior would perform at SummerSlam as advertised and now after SummerSlam Vince didn't want anything to do with Hellwig warrior refused the suspension and instead left the WWF trying to totally resign from the company but this was refused warriors contracted and officially expire until September of 92 Vince and the warrior were able to make amends mainly due to Hulk Hogan announcing he was about to leave the company and so Vince needed a peg neum to keep audiences coming to shows warrior came back at WrestleMania yet to see if Hogan from a post match be done from said justice and Papa Shango and thus it seemed everything was all right with the word warrior was pretty near feud with Papa Shango which was questionable to say the least warrior himself said that he did not like the creative ideas pitch during this feud but he went along with it anyway I've covered this feud already and my papa shango video but in short the segments were filled with supernatural shenanigans what's really happened it's dad well after the Shango feud warrior got a WWF title match against Randy Savage at SummerSlam 92 I remember hearing the stories back then that this wasn't the real Ultimate Warrior and they used someone else to portray the character during this much this of course makes for great clickbait videos and articles today but even back then it's fairly obvious that this is Jim Hellwig there's nothing here to make you think otherwise anyway warrior won the match but it was via contact Survivor Series in 1992 was originally scheduled to include a match petting warrior and savage against Ric Flair and Razor Ramon however warrior was released just weeks before this event with many believing at which due to wellness violations and the fact that the authorities were coming down heavy on vince mcmahon and the WWF around this time wrestling fans specifically you guys who take the time to watch these videos know that nostalgia is a powerful thing we look back at the days gone and remember how much better things used to be and it gives us almost a comforting and joyous feeling when we go back and relive the days of our youth someone else who knows the power of nostalgia is Vince McMahon and he also knows still to this very day how to use this feeling to the benefit of his company heroes of wrestling's past are frequently brought back today for special episodes of Raw and SmackDown and also at paper views such as WrestleMania and the questionable siree shows more recently Vince McMahon recalling legends to appear on TV shows has been seen as an attempt to increase viewership due to the changing landscape and wrastling thanks to the introduction of all the late wrestling this isn't the first time this has happened either though as fans will recall Bret Hart returning to the WWE when TNA Impact went live on Monday nights back in 1996 WCW was gaining steam and putting pressure on the WWF Vince was about to lose two big names and Kevin Nash and Scott Hall after already losing two of his biggest rows in history Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan desperate times call for desperate measures it seemed and Vince McMahon would reach out to the ultimate warrior a man he had left the WWF twice already under questionable circumstances to try and sway the viewership and the WWF forever this video looks at the 1996 return of the Ultimate Warrior back in 1991 ultimate warrior threatened a no-show SummerSlam that year unless Vince McMahon had had more money and ladders that have been obtained between warrior and Vince McMahon we can see the warrior wasn't necessarily annoyed about his SummerSlam payoff but he was more annoyed that Hulk Hogan was being paid more than he was on a consistent basis warrior demanded around half a million to appear at SummerSlam 91 Vince McMahon hadn't worried about the ramifications of an advertised top star not appearing at a huge pay-per-view but after the show Vince suspended the ultimate warrior warrior refused the suspension and decided to completely quit the company he then formally sent a letter of resignation to the WWF in October of 91 but the WWF refused to accept the latter since warrior was still under contract until September of 1992 with Hulk Hogan about to leave the WWF between mid 92 and early 93 McMahon contacted the warrior to try and mend fences and get the guy to come back to work warrior made his comeback at WrestleMania it and began a feud with Papa Shango eventually warrior was put into the title picture and he got a shot at Randy savages WWF Championship at SummerSlam 92 E but he won the match via count-out the initial plan was the gap warrior another run with the WWF Championship however Vince McMahon and the WWF came under federal scrutiny regarding wellness allegations on juicing we know the ball didn't start rolling on the trial until late 1993 into 1994 but even at this period of time the company was still under pressure it's disputed still to this day hi and why warrior got fired in 92 Vince McMahon himself claims that was judo warrior experimenting with growth hormone while other sources claim that was due to warrior refusing to take a test either way at this period of time there was no option but for warrior to pack his bags and go home fast forward to 1996 with readings failing and seemingly all his big stars leaving Vince McMahon decided to do something no one thought he would ever do again he called the ultimate warrior Vince knowing the baggage that came with the ultimate warrior was willing to pay Jim Hellwig a substantial amount of money in hopes of injecting WWE audiences with nostalgia hoping people would start talking about the return of the ultimate warrior and thus increase viewership numbers across pay-per-view on TV vignettes heard that explained how the warrior had beaten Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan at back-to-back WrestleManias getting those jobs and at any given opportunity The Ultimate Warrior would return to the ring at WrestleMania 12 in a match against Hunter Hearst Helmsley upon arrival warrior already rubs people the wrong way Triple H and the years that followed said warrior was the most unprofessional athlete he ever had to work with before their scheduled match Triple H allegedly came to the warrior with some ideas about how the match should go warrior took offense to the impromptu meeting shooting down all ideas that hunter presented to him and basically told him to get lost the match went ahead and as we all know it was one of the biggest squash matches and WrestleMania history if not the biggest Triple H got hardly no offense and warrior no soldier pedigree as hunter was made to look like a total chump and warrior effectively looked like the all-destroying monster warrior got wind of Triple H calling him unprofessional and he said this and reply I'm the most unprofessional person you've ever stepped into the ring with well I ain't that pretty because what I remember mr. Stephanie McMahon is that you were only in the ring with me one time and for less than five minutes well it sure sounds like I taught you very well and the five minute Jihad and the ring with me because from what I hear you are the biggest unprofessional [ __ ] that business has were saying you are welcome and the years that followed specifically when warrior was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame both men seemed to have put their differences aside with triple it's saying even though it was a squash match it was still a good experience being in the ring with the Ultimate Warrior and his first ever WrestleMania so the next week on Raw Warrior was brought to the ring where he give a usual Ultimate Warrior promo where you would need to take notes and do a little deciphering Goldust interrupted him and this set up a feud between the two for the Intercontinental title not enough has been said about the Gold Coast versus Ultimate Warrior much a tenure has good friends better enemies this is a strange strange match and honestly and what feels like I'm talking bad about warrior here but this was an incredible waste of pay-per-view time and then saying that also a booger give this the okay so it's not entirely Warriors fault but go back and watch it for yourself you'll be amazed at how this match players act to start things off Goldust had K v with his knee when he was ambushed by a provoked warrior and the free-for-all so Goldust made his way to the ring with Marlena and a bodyguard wearing some nice support it comes the ultimate warrior to much fanfare as he proceeds to totally milk his entrance what follows next is Goldust refusing to get into the ring at one point making his way back up the entrance ramp with Marlena Marlena drops her cigar which prompts the warrior to grab it and he begins puffing away for all to see Vince McMahon says on commentary as far as we know the ultimate warrior does not smoke trying to somehow cover up that one of his top baby faces who is supposed to be portrayed as a role model to all the little warriors around the world is doing the dastardly evil activity of smoking cigars warrior grabs Marlin his chair and has a seat and the ring still puffing away while Goldust grabs the mic and threatens to kiss every fan and attendants if they don't shut up seriously warrior then beats goldust into the ring to retrieve the chair cigar on his robe we all understand building anticipation and wrestling whether it's weeks before the match or the moments before the two superstars lock horns but this was taking it to a whole other level it went on and on and on nearly ten minutes passed and the two hadn't even thrown a punch when the match did get on their way warrior quickly clothesline Goldust back out onto the floor Goldust decided to walk away and this ended the match with a current-i loss there was always the possibility that Goldust was legitimately hurt here during this match which would explain how the match and I used the term much lightly planned out and this way that being said they still could have done another squash match like at WrestleMania 12 and an unadvertised match maybe could have followed but anyway this is how it went down it was awful from start to end it felt like a bit and switch warrior celebrated by wearing the bodyguards Hut along with Goldust swag the April 29th 1996 episode of Monday Night Raw saw Ultimate Warrior work against Jerry Lawler's dentist isaac yankem dds and another two-minute squash match after this much isaac yankem would disappear from TV screens and return as the fake diesel later in the year anyway this much set up a feud between Jerry Lawler and the Ultimate Warrior Goldust and warrior had the chance to redeem themselves on the May 27th edition of Raw when the two squared off and the King of the Ring qualifying match it ended in a double count-out but the two did have a tan plasma not much it wasn't a great match there was plenty of strolling for sure but this was the longest match the Ultimate Warrior upon his return so at least those repaired to see the warrior got to see him in action for a longer period of time so this brings us to the June 10th episode of Raw the one with warrior coming to the ring wearing a baseball cap Jerry Lawler was in the ring being interviewed by Vince McMahon and as a peace offering Jerry offers warrior a framed portrait warrior in the ring wearing a baseball cap refused the gift Lawler then proceeds to smash the frame the picture over Warriors head so yeah warrior was prepared to look totally out of character and rather ridiculous in order to protect himself from a gimmick the picture frame I know a baseball cap doesn't make people in general look ridiculous but that was the Ultimate Warrior wearing a baseball cap the two were put into a match at king of the ring and the most entertaining part of that match was Jerry Lawler hackling fans during his entrance warrior won the match at just under 4 minutes with a clothesline on the shoulder tackle he didn't even perform the big splash warrior was scheduled the teaming with Shawn Michaels and Ahmed Johnson at in your house international incident and the six-man tag main event but all was not well with the relationship between warrior and the WWF on the July 8 episode of Monday Night Raw we opened the show with an official announcement from WWF president Gorilla Monsoon gorilla said that due to no showing a series of WWF live events the warrior is being and definitely suspended from the WWF until he is willing to make appearance bonds to ensure he will appear at WWF shoes this announcement was added to the show as warrior dead appear on this episode of Raw however it was taped two weeks prior the warrior no showing these events the popular story for warriors lack of appearances was that he was mourning the death of his father which was disputed on the self-destruction of the ultimate warrior DVD due to an ally lack of communication with his family and the WWE's the fans here warrior didn't contact anyone to ask for time off and didn't tell anyone he wouldn't be appearing at the shows that people had already paid for if warrior was indeed grieving over a family loss why wasn't he honest and why didn't he tell the company anyway on this July 8th episode of Raw where gorilla announced the warrior was suspended but he was still on the show anyway due to the entering action being pre tipped Ultimate Warrior first Owen Hart this raw match goes to highlight high others at times were tasked with making the warrior look better than what he was owen was a pro here he worked with what he had but it still wasn't much that being said this was probably warrior's best match during his 1996 return the match ended with a tiki finish when bulldog and Vader had the ring to attack warrior kind of fitting that the last match warrior had here was heading taking a beating from three other people Sacco said ended up taking warrior's place and the international incident six-man tag and warrior didn't appear on WWE TV again until his Hall of Fame induction and 2014 warrior was on the receiving end of a burial when the WWE released the self-destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD while it is an entertaining watch and it did have some insight it was simply mere to bury the ultimate warrior and to make money I'm not an Ultimate Warrior fan but even I'll admit that there was some inconsistencies in this DVD and some of this stuff seemed fabricated look at this poster that was shown on the DVD for a live event that warrior would have been potentially booked in so can you see the problems here warrior is shown here as the champion and a title defense against Vader we all know that there was no way warrior was winning the title in the summer of 1996 we can also see here that said is advertised for the show but said was specifically brought into the WWF to replace the Ultimate Warrior so yeah this attempt to bury the warrior by the WWE was not very well researched I ratted user posted a picture of the CM to her poster but for a different deal you can see here that Shawn Michaels is advertised at this event as the WWF Champion and the did here is June 15th awake before King of the Ring 96 where Shawn defended the title against the bulldog and warrior had his match with Jerry the King Lawler the Photoshop poster by WWE chooses it as July 25th four days after international incident where a WWF title match wasn't even booked and initially warrior was scheduled the team up with Shawn Michaels so looking at the correct bringing of that month there wasn't even an opportunity for warrior to win the WWF title per job WWE per job while the Ultimate Warrior's went over Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania sex in 1990 is remembered as one of the greatest moments in professional wrestling history their match at WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 is remembered for the exact opposite reasons World Championship Wrestling Eric Bischoff and indeed Hulk Hogan tried to recapture a moment in time and try as they might the match turned out to be something that I'm sure both men weren't all too pride of warrior was paid handsomely to perform in WCW in 1998 was a hopeful turnaround of old fans tuning in for a heavy dose of nostalgia and their fans chindan and purchased the pay-per-view Hulk Hogan stood to make an incredible amount of money also thanks to those incentives written under his contract it's also very possible that Hogan wanted to go over warrior securing a win over the man who defeated him all those years ago in Toronto as if a favorable outcome and the scripted world of wrestling would make Hulk fail batter warrior himself said he was broadened the WCW so Hogan could make up for his loss at mania sex but you can draw your own conclusions Warriors time and WCW was associated with many bad things not just the match with Hogan from the ridiculous camera tracks the presented warrior with mythical powers some extremely long promos from the warrior he wasn't always the most articulate man on the mic a trapdoor which was used to get warrior and to be a wargames much but it also severely injured a superstar earlier in the night there was horse Hogan and the disciple he were also involved in the storyline it seemed like nothing at all good Kim from Warriors time and WCW with maybe the exception of seeing the man on TV screens after his 1996 departure from the World Wrestling Federation it's a shame to warrior did indeed have a legacy in wrestling but I feel his 1996 and 1998 runs did nothing to help the guy but anyway setback as we take a look at the Ultimate Warrior in WCW so warrior wrestled his last table WF notch on the 25th of June 1996 a dark match against Vader and Wisconsin he ended up missing her show dates which eventually led to his contract termination and by-and-large cycle said was reintroduced of the WWF in order to fill the void the warrior left what you may not know is that Vince McMahon attempted to re-sign the warrior as proven in this letter from Vince McMahon himself vince was prepared to pay warrior even more money to come back to the WWF once again quite shocking considering the past that McMahon and warrior had with each other from holding the company up for more money to wellness valuations to know showing events Vince McMahon was willing to put this all behind him to bring the warrior back for a 750 thousand per year dance and guarantee remember to in 1997 Vince also told Brad heart that he could no longer afford his contract this ladder is dated December 1997 just one month after the Montreal incident warrior didn't sang this WWF deal of course but it's intriguing to thank what the plans could have been if came back to the WWF in time for Wrestlemania 14 the Ultimate Warrior ended up signing with WCW for a reported 1 million dollars his contract was for two months and three matches with appearances on WCW television and between I'm also pretty sure that the warrior must have known in the back of his mind that one of these matches would be a loss to Hulk Hogan but anyway just a quick note that WCW had fooled around with an Ultimate Warrior ripoff during the mid 90s known as the renegade but if you want to learn more about that you can check out my renegade video so WCW presented Monday nitro from Hartford Connecticut on August 17th 1998 on this did the Ultimate Warrior now known as just warrior would interrupt a Hulk Hogan promo and his WCW debut in regards to warriors debut Eric Bischoff said this on his early three weeks podcast there was a lot of anticipation nobody would have ever expected him to be there with all of the hate between him and Hulk Hogan but there was this building natural promotional effort without having to expand any promotional effort on our part it was automatic the wrestling audience wanted to see what was going to happen when these two came together because there was so much natural hate and story and the WWF Hogan came down into the ring for the second time this evening to cut a promo on Diamond Dallas Page and talk about the upcoming wargames much at Fall Brawl during the promo Hulk Hogan said that there was no warrior who can defeat him and WCW in his quest to get the WCW championship back and right at that moment the lights began flickering in the arena the cameras moved over to the entranceway and it walked the warrior the crowd reaction was excellent here as warrior made his way down to the ring as Hogan looked on bottom lip quivering and all it got even more comical when Hogan said the warrior I thought you were dead but it can't be overstated though just how the cred was here for warrior they were happy to see him this promo here has gotten a lot of flack over the years because it was really long and and coherent now to be fair Warriors promos as we all know were always rambling and insanely nuts anyway I don't think people should have expected she expiry but I do agree it went on too long warriors promos were fun and short bursts the WWF news that's also and use it to their benefit two to three minutes of warrior madness is grit five minutes is heading the limits but going close to fifteen minutes here like he did during his WCW debut was a recipe for disaster and total wet entrances this stuff afterwards in Hogan spot before warrior came to the ring the whole thing ran for nearly twenty five minutes as Eric Bischoff looked on in disbelief is this segment progressively tanked warrior rambled on about the virtues of justice Hogan's self-indulgent actions fulfilling destinies at the next level whole lot good stuff of course warrior was setting up a martin feud with Hogan here that much was obvious but his delivery on the overall time of this promo was not agreed upon backstage Eric Bischoff said on his first natural appearance was when I knew I was in trouble everything else that happened after that was a decree of how bad it was going to be ultimately when he first showed up and we walked through it and blocked it the promo time matters everybody had a good idea of what the first promo was going to be we knew that we had aired the ten minutes again we had flexibility we worked for the television company that owned us so there was a little room for margin of error when you're on life but that first promo going back to his first appearance on nitro it was scheduled to only be at the ten minutes and somewhere along the fifteen to twenty two minute mark was when Hulk Hogan and I were staring at each other in the middle of the ring and asking what on earth is he talking about we were completely lost and so was the audience and director Craig leathers is screaming and my ears everything that happened after that was confirmation that it was going to be real bad all you need to take away here real is that warrior was back in WCW he told Hogan and I quote that he wasn't there to feed him because everyone already has and warrior would be seeing Hogan next week a cloud of smoke filled the ring and warrior disappeared as the warrior bot Sam was displayed in the arena look close to you after warrior disappeared you can see these fans point out exactly where he is now if you were a fan of the Ultimate Warrior here as in a die-hard fan I'm sure you enjoyed this promo and that's absolutely fine I will say this with all the bashing that this promo gets and done what it needed to do during this televised our nitro did a four point nine seven reeling as row : a 4.4 on the CM hour during that hour Raw was putting on droves vs. Bradshaw and a brawl for all much Val Venis versus K anti and DX versus the nation and generally speaking people chose to watch the Warriors return over these matches in the end the whole episode of nitro is on a four point nine and raw pill then a four point two so nitro won the railings bow on this evening we could split hairs and argue the warrior should have pulled in an even bigger reeling we can argue that a higher reading doesn't mean better content but Eric Bischoff didn't see it this way it was all about beating raw and the ratings warrior came out the next week on nitro does some new music a fast paced generic rock instrumental the lead warrior to recreate his old of the WUF entrances he ran to the ring warrior grab the mic here and again he had a bit of a rumble with a bit of translation warrior said that he once looked up the Hulk Hogan he used to be the man and wrastling but Hogan's soul died when he became a bad guy warrior was coming after Hulk and really that was it the one warrior nation logo and slogan or saying or way of life or faction whatever it was was also presented for the first time on this night the warrior DDP and Roddy Piper attacked the New World Order Lee in the evening and this trio of superstars would represent WCW and the last ever wargames much at Fall Brawl August 31st 1998 saw warrior displays some supernatural powers when he interrupted a Hulk Hogan promo almost immediately after he entered the ring he disappeared again and at the end of natural when Hogan was again in the ring with the NWO black and white the ring fell that was smoked and warrior reappeared the NWO were all leaded and Hogan ran away the following week warrior attacked NWO members backstage sending a message to Hulk Hogan the show ended with Hogan and warrior locked in a steel cage but Hogan Negi and managed to get away the war games match in 1998 then sought in WCW featuring Roddy Piper DDP and warrior taking on Team Hollywood of Stevie Ray Brad and Hulk Hogan and tame wolf pack featuring sting Lex Luger and Kevin Nash some big names at nest match for sure but this wargames much ended up being one of my least favorites when Hogan went to Penn Kevin Nash for the win the ring again filled up with smoke and warrior appeared the ring again filled with smoke warrior disappeared but this time Hogan was left holding his jacket warrior then ran down the Adams way he got in the ring and started beating up Stevie Ray and holdin Hogan again ran away leaving the cage in fear of the warrior warrior ended up taking out a top panel of the kids getting his hands on Hogan for a moment before security broke up the scuffle DDP ended up getting the win for Team WCW for the fig warrior to disappear and reappear during this war games much a trapdoor was used in the corner of the ring earlier in the evening the British Bulldog took a bump on the trapdoor a bump that would cause Davey Smith some serious problems going forward Davey developed a spinal and faction from bumping on the trapdoor leading to him staying in hospital for around six months and ultimately getting released from wh aw so you can clearly see what WCW was doing here Hogan was extremely afraid of the warrior he ran away and every given opportunity and Eric Bischoff was trying to build some anticipation for their inevitable WCW matchup the September 14th 1998 edition of nitro then even if you aren't under the warrior stuff you should still watch this show if only for the excellent Ric Flair return promo I believe this Flair promo ranks up there is one of nitros greatest ever segments but anyway back to the warrior Hogan challenged warrior their match at Halloween Havoc on this night which was all seeing as Hogan was constantly running away from warrior at every Kevin chance but anyway during this challenge promo smoke again fell the ring and when the ring was cleared the disciple was gone the disciple had been with Hogan during this promo but he had just vanished spooky stuff later that night warrior appeared on the ring with the disciple and he accepted Hogan's challenge their march at Halloween Havoc the disciple would annoy begin playing a bigger part in this storyline take from that what you will so the September 21st 1998 edition of nitro and the show opened up with another smoke filled ring when the smoke cleared the disciple could be seen laying facedown in the center of the Ring the NWO walked out smoke filled the ring again and the disciple had disappeared I like how you Scott Steiner couldn't have cared less about all this Warriors rookie business and instead he was more concerned about flexing to the cameras moments later warrior was seen in the rafters with the disciple another mantle warrior promo followed and know the insanity would be turned up a notch warrior lured Hogan backstage later in the broadcast where Hogan found a one warrior nation logo burning in his locker room he found the disciple lay a type aside a toilet like he had some seriously rough food earlier in the day and I'll give you one guess as to what happened next if you guessed that there was smoke somebody disappearing you'd be absolutely right the disciple once again vanished this Hogan began freaking ight later in the night the disciple revealed he had joined the one warrior nation his Eric Bischoff expected us all to care the next week thankfully there wasn't that much to report the disciple came down to the ring for a match and remember he was now a member of the one Warrior Nation but he still had NWO entrance music no idea why warrior came out for a promo later in the show and the highlight of this segment was a fan trying to get under the ring the following week then was the one that most fans remember thanks to how ridiculous the whole supernatural stuff had gotten warrior was featured in a pre-taped segment earlier in the show where he talked about his past with Hogan not afraid here to talk about WrestleMania sex while saying that history has a tendency to repeat itself later on in the evening Hogan went backstage to try and find the disciple when he got to his locker room he looked in the mirror and saw the warrior the Feng was Hogan could see the warrior we could see the warrior at home but Eric Bischoff couldn't see the warrior so was Hogan really gone mental or was Eric Bischoff going mental it was indeed very ridiculous but to be fair people always pointed this segment but as you've seen in this video warrior was teleporting around arenas and making dudes vanish on a weekly basis this mirror stuff here was pretty silly but it was just as silly as the stuff we had already seen the October 12th edition of nitro saw the reunion of the blade runner's the warrior and sting teamed up to take on Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart in the main event no matter what you may think of WCW during this time period this was one star-studded match right here warrior doesn't get much action though he doesn't even bother to take his jacket off as he stood in his corner wearing a pair of jeans and wrestling boots when warrior did get tagged in Brad was the sacrificial lamb for a few moments before the NWO had the ring a veteran followed on the show went off the air this one is kind of worth watching just for the stars who were in this main event tag-team match but for actual in ring wrestling that should have served as a warning for what was to come okay we have but one more night row to get through before the Halloween Havoc match petting warrior against Hogan Hogan made his way down the ramp and asked for horace to come to the ring hogan then asked horace to tell people his real name leading horace to answered that his real name was Horace Holden Hogan went on to explain that horse was his nephew and he was willing to give Horace a fast-track membership and of the New World Order just a quick side note and real-life horse was indeed Hulk Hogan's nephew anyway Hooton said he had let horse fight his own bowels but now was the time for horse the stand side by side with his uncle it was a big swerve Hogan began attacking horse but what is notable here is that there was zero crowd reaction as then absolutely nothing go back and watch this segment yourself and you'll see what I mean hear the crowd noise just doesn't change from the promo to the paid time anyway warrior runs down to make the save but he ends up getting choked slammed by the Giant Hogan's Prez and the muon warriors chest drops a few leg drops and we're off to Halloween Havoc 1998 and Las Vegas Tony Shivani begins the broadcast by saying that Hogan versus warrior will be the greatest return match in the history of professional wrestling after the first match Hogan comes out to cut a promo promising us all that he will beat warrior later in the evening the match was in the samang Mian spot the main event on this evening featured WCW champion Goldberg defending his title against DDP and yeah I don't think there's much I can say here that hasn't already been said warrior versus Hogan at Halloween Havoc 1998 was an incredibly bad match words can't adjust us on how bad the timing was how bad the big spots were everything about the match was just really ill-conceived I always try to find the good and things like this I try to give an alternative outlook on stuff that's been drilled into our heads over the years but I can't do it for Hogan versus warrior at Halloween Havoc if there's one positive I can highlight it's the quite empty highlight of seeing Hogan versus warrior in the ring once again after all this time but the match does a great job of showing us that both Hogan and warrior were way better performers back in 1990 Eric bets you have called as much the worst he ever witnessed Mean Gene Okerlund a man who goes way back with Hogan and warrior called it a disaster with Tony Shivani echoing these sentiments all so there's an incredible amount of stalling at the beginning of the mat is the pair circle around the ring and Hogan roams around the outside something that the commentary team calls smart wrestling by the holster after a bed of brawling Hogan and warrior go through their classic test of strength routine and then Hogan and warrior run on opposite sides of the ropes crest crossing each other for absolutely no apparent reason the fight spells to the outside is both men generally bump around the guardrails and ring posts then back in the ring there's a raft bump that leaves Nick Patrick sprawled in the corner Hogan calls for the troops and the warrior takes at the NWO easily but this buys Hogan some time to get all fans in the gym Elway what then happens is one of the worst spots in the whole match with warrior comically ruling around the Motte to avoid Hogan's elbow drops and his final roll actually taking Hogan off his faith by this point the crowd was absolutely flat there seemed to be no saving the match as people realized that Hogan versus warrior in 1998 could never live up to the nostalgia that both men created all those years ago up next came the big BOTS that most people remember Hogan had some flash paper which he was going the light and throw it Warriors face creating an illusion that Hogan had just launched a fireball first of all it took Hogan forever and the day delight the flash paper and when he did light it it burned out too quickly and the spot was totally messed by a mile the commentary team was lost for words when the plant big spot of the match was missed and warrior was forced to just continue beating down Hogan as if he didn't just try to set his face on fire the crowd could be seen laughing at the masked spot and yeah this was it the match was not dead in the water soon afterwards horse Hogan was seen walking to the ring holding a stage hair Horus ended up heading warrior not Hogan with the chair Hogan gets the pen fall win and it's over Hogan tells Horus that he had passed the test and Horus is now a member of the New World Order and that was that warrior was paid 1 million for this run so far this incredibly bad and ill-conceived mots being the cherry on top of what was really a dark spot in the career of the Ultimate Warrior wrestling journalists and the wrestling media destroyed the match many saying it was one of the worst wrestling matches of all time no I've seen worse you've seen worse but the problem here was that this was Hogan versus warrior no matter what happened they were never going to live up to their march in Toronto many people forget that we actually had two more appearances from the warrior in the weeks that followed then next night on nitro warrior cut a promo where he said more or less that Hogan took the cheap way out of Halloween Havoc and his pinfall victory means nothing but as we all know and pretty sure that that pinfall victory meant a lot to Hulk Hogan and a weird personal and professional way Horus the Giant Hogan and Bischoff took a few bumps from warrior during the closing moments of this segment while Mike today says on commentary that this is the way to start a revolution in Pro Wrestling I think we are a bit late for that one hi Mike two weeks later the NW attacked the disciple and if you recall the disciple was a member the only other member of the one warrior nation warrior hits the ring to make the save and we never see warrior and WCW agian all in all the whole return was memorable for all the wrong reasons unfortunately and yes I'm sure there are big warrior fans out there who enjoyed this but at the same time there's also big warrior fans out there who will defend anything he ever done during his career both inside and outside the ring the general consensus here is that the whole run wasn't good and as stated earlier I try my best to find the good and wrestling's more questionable moments and matches but I really do struggle to find any real highlights when talking about the warrior and WCW the only exception I can make here is that at Sparkle nostalgia but that nostalgia was arguably ruined at Halloween Havoc 19 ideas Halloween Havoc didn't feature Ultimate Warrior's final match though in 2008 warrior had his final match against Orlando Jordan for the new wrestling evolution promotion warrior 1 this match held in Barcelona Spain and to be honest it's miles better than the Hogan match from 1998 the next time warrior was featured on any kind of notable wrestling shows in 2014 when warrior was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and to be honest it did really seem like warrior was now at pace with Raz in general and it also seemed like he was at pace with some of his old pairs on enemies on the 12th of July 2013 it was announced that the Ultimate Warrior would be returning to the WWE in the form of a pre-order bonus character and the WWE 2k14 video game this Kim is a surprise Domane it's not like the WWE and the Ultimate Warrior had been on the best of terms over the years but keep in mind that was 2k who brokered the deal not the WWE of course this would lead the doors getting reopened and the possibility of bridges being rebuilt the warrior in the WWE could maybe come to some sort of agreement that would allow Jim Hellwig the once again appear on WWE TV shows and this is exactly what happened although no one could have imagined how short-lived his time back would actually be Jim Hellwig once again made headlines during his brief return to the WWE but the headlines that he made were devastating one day after returning the WWE Raw after an 18-year absence Jim Hellwig passed away the news totally shook the wrestling world no one could have seen it coming the triumphant long-awaited return of the ultimate warrior after all the trials and tribulations and it was all gone before it truly got started after the deal was made to include the warrior and the WWE 2k video geom Jim Hellwig once again put on the face pant and filmed a trailer for the game it was excellent fans of the warrior went nuts seeing Jim P and his face one more time and walk through the 2k studios while talking about the destiny of the Ultimate Warrior the commercial was filmed around five years after the Warriors last match and Jim himself said it was odd putting the face paint on once again when asked if it was fun getting back into character for the commercial warrior said I wouldn't say it's not fun but it's very different and very interesting to me when I was on the road it was something I used to do every day but I'm not the same person and I'm not that guy anymore for me to paint my face it makes me think of things that I don't think about all the time when I was on the road and putting the paint on my face I became a character and that character operated in a completely different way some of the qualities of the character Kim over and my everyday life I think this is an interesting statement from the ultimate warrior and this brings us very briefly to what the warrior was up to you after his WCW run had ended I only bring this up because every other warrior video on this channel has had comments regarding this time period and it isn't something I want to linger on but still it should be addressed warrior became a conservative speaker who would travel to schools and universities to pretty much denounce opposing political policies and also denounce people's life choices in terms of sexuality and preferences again these videos focus on wrasslers careers and not their personal choices but the warrior decided to be very outspoken regarding his beliefs and it caused a ton of backlash from those who didn't maybe agree with him there's lots of information about this online warrior also done a ton of vlogs and interviews talking about not only politics but his history and wrestling if you want to learn more the information is easily accessed via google search though that statement made by warrior about some of the characters qualities getting brought over into his personal life it made me think of the eccentrics of the warrior the intensity and the complete balls-to-the-wall attitude with no remorse no cares the one nation under the warrior and during his public speaking you could easily say that the warrior spoke with no cares and no remorse - anyway again these videos are about wrestling and careers and wrestling but I know this topic will be mentioned numerous times in the comments I've mentioned it we're all aware of it so let's move on just to highlight how bad things had gotten in regards to the relationship between the warrior and the WWE we should also briefly mention the self-destruction of the Ultimate Warrior 2005 documentary a presentation that went straight to DVD and was produced by the droplet OBE as far as I'm aware the DVD is now out of print but if you look hard enough you'll be able to find it basically the self-destruction of the Ultimate Warrior was a burial pradhan disk loads of superstars past and present and even Vince McMahon himself had interviews on the DVD where they ripped warrior apart from his lack of care in the ring to his in cm promos nothing was off-limits here the WWE and its staff bashed the warrior through the whole presentation deciding this would sell better than an Ultimate Warrior much compilation warrior decided to file a lawsuit against the WWE and regards to the documentary there we'll give a little clarity back in 2000 warrior and the WWE went to court over the rights of the Ultimate Warrior Magnusson trademarks an agreement was reached then that the WWE would own any existing warrior footage and they would be allowed to re air said footage at any time but the ultimate warrior character would belong to Jim Hellwig along with the trademarks and likeness for newly created media the 2000 agreement also noted that both parties agreed not to disparage each other and that the WWE also agreed to pay eight hundred and ninety thousand dollars the Warriors ultimate creations as part of the settlement agreement so at first glance you would believe warrior had a great kiss here after all the WWE just created a new piece of media using the Warriors name and it appears that the WWE are indeed in violation of this court agreement however when warrior took the kiss to court it was thrown out thanks to warrior himself making disparaging comments against the double EE during his public appearances and public speeches because warrior himself had dragged the WWE's name at any given chance the courts decided that the WWE Street alley Asian was in fair play and so the warrior did not recover any damages from the self-destruction DVD and the charges were dropped when warrior was asked if he will accept a WWE Hall of Fame induction he-man shinned the self-destruction DVD when he said they need to tell the right story they need to tell the right story for the fans it's been interesting years ago they started rewriting the history of the character and then they came out with the DVD talking about the self-destruction DVD I see the people who loved The Ultimate Warrior they are grown up knowing they're out in the world and they've got their own kids I've seen them and they fight they don't sit back and take it anymore when people are on a bandwagon and speared all kinds of stuff that's not based on any factual information so they need to tell the right story and that would be a way to open the door to talking about the Hall of Fame you [Music] [Music] WWE 2k14 was released in October of 2013 and fans were able to pet the ultimate warrior against modern wrestlers and also the legends of the past then on the January 13th 2014 edition of WWE Raw an announcement was made during the show The Ultimate Warrior would be coming back to the WWE to receive his long over G Hall of Fame induction in regards to the WWE things right regarding the self-destruction DVD that was also announced that a new 3 disc DVD set would get released featuring warriors graves matches along with a new exclusive interview with the man himself so it seemed the bridges were indeed being rebelled and the warrior was going to come home to the WWE it should also be noted that Ultimate Warrior was approached about going into the Hall of Fame at WrestleMania 26 in Phoenix but he declined you too still feeling better in regards to the self-destruction DVD and 2014 and both Vince McMahon and the warrior felt like times had changed the warrior himself said his early gone life had altered after watching his daughter's grew up and it was time for him to come back for his fans warrior never forgot about the DVD though he even spoke about it to WWE cameras on his way to Stamford in 2014 Triple H spearheaded the negotiations when it came to bringing warrior back for his Hall of Fame induction which is interesting when you think about how a warrior squashed hunter and their WrestleMania 12 but but still as the theme has been open till 9 times had changed warriors showed up for the Hall of Fame rehearsals and he met with Vince for the first time in years the two embraced and expressed how good it was to see each other after all this time Vince later said I saw the person that I've known and loved for so many years he kept sharing all this angst he had he could almost see it minute by minute and it was a wonderful thing to see warrior paid Vince's mind at ease when he said he was there to have fun and he wasn't going to make any disparaging comments warrior wanted Linda McMahon to induct em which many people were surprised by warrior and Linda had a personal connection Jim would visit the McMahon household and make himself at home and Linda would look after Jim and listen to him when he was feeling down and alone warrior didn't want a superstar inducting him he didn't want the Chairman inducting him he wanted Linda McMahon one of the only people he would really listen to him during his turbulent years the little engine that could as an American fairy tale that was published in 1930 the story is about a long train that must be pulled over a high mountain but its engine breaks down after all the larger engines make excuses not to pull the trim a small engine agrees to try the little engine succeeds in pulling the Train over the mountain while repeating its model I think I can the moral of the story is that eights the volume of optimism and hard work this story was also Vince McMahon's favorite story as a child Vince McMahon said himself that he always felt the WWE was the little engine that could in this sense that the WWWF as a territory he started small but overcame giant mountains to become the worldwide leader in sports entertainment take from that what you will Vince McMahon also felt that the warrior was Dylan jinda coud and regards to the warrior never accepting no for an answer and never giving up he even told the warrior as much Vince told warrior that he was the little engine that could on the day of the Hall of Fame warrior brought the little engine the code book two vents showing the Jim had remembered Vince telling him this story inside the pages warrior wrote a message for Vince Vince thanks for the opportunity to go from I think I can to you I know I can always believe Warrior Vince McMahon let her sad when gem gave me that book I looked on it with a puzzled look I looked up at him and I knew meant something and I tried to place it he told me you don't remember this but it was something he told me many years ago to know that someone took the heart those words who wanted to give back and let you know that he was listening all along you don't know what you have until you don't have it with his daughters by his side and a huge smile on his face the warrior walked there to accept his Hall of Fame induction warrior said that the most awesome thing he will ever do was be a father to his children warrior said that he was now a legend and he will continue to run through the hearts and minds of fans for generations to come warrior said he was proud of his career and he was proud to get inducted into the Hall of Fame as the crowd chanted Thank You warrior so the next night at WrestleMania and it's customary for the Hall of Fame inductees to come out on stage and receive a round of applause from the WWE fans in attendance before this happened Warrior Run and the Hulk Hogan backstage and the to meet pace with each other the two men had been ripping each other apart in interviews of any given opportunity and Triple H had specifically asked Hogan as a personal favor to not speak to the warrior until the whole film was over and also after WrestleMania xxx said the warrior was in a good place he was having fun and he doesn't want anything to ruin the weekend Hogan bumped in the warrior by the off-chance the cameras caught it who can apologize the warrior and said someday he hopes the two can start over warrior said he appreciated Hogan speaking to him and he accepted Hogan's apology warrior and meta de Hogan he had made mistakes too and so these two legends of people's childhoods were able to put the past behind them and if things had turned out differently for warrior he knows where this could have led to anyway warrior came at WrestleMania 32 a thunderous ovation as the fans paid respect to the 2014 Hall of Fame inductees the following night on Raw warrior was given the opportunity to come to the ring one more time while the music played and he had the chance to address the fans warriors promo and hang side same so foreshadowing of course nobody could have predicted what would happen next but when you go back and watch this promo it's almost as if warrior knew what was going to happen in a way you have to think of warriors previous promos what people would say about warriors previous promos and hi he made little sense but on this night it seemed like he made way too much sense warrior said every man's heart one day beats its final baton as lungs breathe their final breath if what amounted in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them believe in something deeper and larger than life then his essence and spirit would be immortalized by the storytellers by the loyalty by the memory of those who honor him and make the running a man dead live forever I am Ultima warrior you are the Ultimate Warrior fans and the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever on April 8 2014 one day after warrior's appearance on WWE Raw it was announced the warrior had passed away people backstage during WrestleMania weekend noted that warrior was sweating profusely and breathing heavily backstage he seemed quite frail at times also it was reported it was literally the warrior passed away due to a heart attack and he was only 54 years old although the relationship between the WB and the warrior had been strand over the years the fact that both sides got some closure and the very final days of warrior's life is kind of poetic in a way it sounds cheesy and it sounds corny but the timing of it all made it seem like warriors last task was to come back to the WWE kind of making a man's - his legacy and the lying has name to be remembered is legendary instead of tarnished the WWE created the yearly warrior award which is given out at WrestleMania the award itself is given to those who live their life with courage strength and perseverance the award is bestowed on members of the public how long with backstage employees of the WWE who don't get recognition for the deference that they make and so with this warrior award the Ultimate Warrior's legacy continues to live year after year [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Wrestling Bios
Views: 838,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrestling lists, wwe lists, wrestling bios
Id: yskHMoEQaC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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