Hulk Hogan - The Complete 70s and 80s Collection

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[Music] in the eighties in the early 90s hakugen was the WWF's biggest star hogan seemed a TransAm the wrestling business as a whole becoming a household name as he went beyond the normal popularity limitations that were placed on wrestling superstars hogan at one point arguably became bigger than wrestling itself but how did hogan reach these Heights sure we all know that hulk hogan headlined WrestleMania after wrestlemania during his quest to become the biggest megastar in the history of pro wrestling but why hogan what did Hogan do before the WWF that grounded him such superstardom in this video we will look and a Hulk Hogan before his successful media at his tenure with the World Wrestling Federation in hopes of figuring out why Hulk Hogan became the star that he did before getting into the Nitty Gritty of things here I feel that I have to point out that the amount of conflicting information out there on terrible air especially in his early days is truly staggering from interacting it severely matches matters that just didn't happen wrestling news reporters going back on information they once published even hope himself has contradicted things he has said in the past depending on the information source and that includes hoaxes own but I've tried my best here to present the most accurate information possible on the early days of Terry Bollea cross referencing deaths were I could and things like that there is a possibility that some things have been incorrectly reported but be aware that I've tried my absolute best to present here the most accurate details regarding Hulk Hogan and the seventies and early eighties terrible air was born on August 11th 1953 in Augusta Georgia when he was one year old his family moved poor Tomba in Florida the young Hulkster was a king baseball player pitching in little league baseball before an injury perm and his baseball endeavors and his li attains Hogan began watching professional wrestling with Dusty Rhodes being his favorite superstar he would go to the Tampa Sportatorium to see CWF cards while becoming an armored by these larger-than-life superstars that he saw in the ring when Hulk Hogan first laid eyes on superstar Billy Grimm he was awestruck and in Hogan's book the Hulkster said he wanted the March Grim's and human-like Hulk also played the bass guitar growing up and he would get small begins around southern Florida he dropped out of college to try and pursue this dream of playing in a rock band and in 1976 has bound ruckus became quite well known around the Tampa Bay region Hogan and lead singer Anthony Cassell who had been an abandoned KOCO before forming ruckus around this time also hulk worked at a doctor's gym and Tampa Bay working hard to try to get that physique he saw in wrestling shows that the guys like superstar Billy Graham possessed Jack and Jerry Brisco visited a bar where ruckus was playing and the Briscoe Brothers were impressed by the size of hope the Briscoes asked Hogan if he would consider a career in professional wrestling and of course Hulk was interested he had been watching wrestling from the Florida region for a long time and while Hulk was doing fairly well in the Florida music scene a career and wrassling could be much more lucrative and of course it opened the doors that fame and everything that comes along with it the breast goes talked Hiro Matsuda and the training Hogan the Hulkster would quit ruckus and for a year Hogan went through one of wrestling's most difficult training regimes hero Matsuda school was no walk in the park there's a long-running story right there that Hiro Matsuda broke Hulk Hogan's leg on the first day of training and to be honest I wouldn't want to present that as an absolute fact Jerry Brisco said that it was a spring bangle that Hogan trained on eventually leading to a broken ankle Hogan - with all due respect Khan and ballets the truth on occasion and wrestling myths like this seem to get more embellished as time goes on it's certainly possible that it did happen but Hogan has peers are there who have debunked the myth so that's that out of the way while Hogan was still training Jack Brisco paid a visit to one of Heroes classes where he told Hulk Hogan that he was scheduled to work a match one week later it's been stated online and in interviews also that Hogan's first match was against bran Blair in the CWF but it wasn't Hogan's first match was against Don Serrano for the CWF and Jon Karl high school the match took place on the 9th of August 1977 bran Blair did give Hogan his first training match but not his first professional wrestling match in front of a live audience Hogan worked against bran Blair three days after the Don Serrano match also in front of paid customers hope during this time and his career was known as the super destroyer the super destroyer gimmick was one that was passed on to other superstars in the years that followed so for example sergeant slaughter was once the super destroyer mark - in the AWA Hogan wasn't the first super destroyer either by the way Canadian wrestler Don Jardine who would go on to become the spoiler was the first to use the super destroyer name Hogan used the gimmick during his time in Florida and give up on the character when his time was up in the territory by the end of his run here he was already done with professional wrestling Hulk felt that he had no longer continue on with hero Matsuda's demanding training regime and perhaps getting into wrestling was a giant mistake on his part Hulk worked his final CWF March in October of 1977 and didn't step back into a wrestling ring for around a year and a half during this time he began managing a private club in Cocoa Beach Florida and he also co-owned a gym it seemed that Hogan's stairs in the ring were over before they really began enter ed Leslie mr. booty man Brutus Beefcake himself Leslie and Hogan were friends and during this time period Leslie began helping Hulk Hogan run his gym Hogan and beefcake would work out together and over time beefcakes physique got so good that Hogan felt the pair could be a tag team in wrestling I'm not joking by the way or maybe I am telling you guys an embellishment here this is how the story went according to Hulk's book and the be honest us fans have no other real information in regards to Hogan's down time here so yeah let's just run with it ed Leslie's physics e of the career of the Hulkster anyway Hogan had decided the list of the boots once again and he would bring ed Leslie with him for the journey promising to get Ed's foot in the door and teach him everything he knows from his stance and the seed of the F and beyond it was actually Billy Graham who got Hogan some work outside of Florida the holster was on his way to Alabama to begin working as Terry Boulder ed Leslie would be known as ed Boulder and together we had the boulder brothers before getting the Alabama and South East championship wrestling Terry Boulder had a quick stop in Memphis where he teamed up with Jerry Lawler for Tomatis Lawler and Boulder won both matches remarkably Terry boulders very first match in Southeast Championship Wrestling was the end of the a world heavyweight title shot against Harley Race a match that Hogan lost but still it's very noteworthy here that Hogan was given a shot at the NWA championship and his first match in the territory likewise his final two matches in the territory were also NWA championship matches against Harley Race winning both of these Martis by disqualification hogan only spent around two months in Southeast but he had a grid when record here immediately following his time in Alabama Hogan went back to Memphis on the promise of a much higher paycheck on a weekly basis his first lot of marches here saw him team up with idli ously as the Jew got some early victories as the older brothers it was also during this time in Memphis that hulk hogan got his hope neum thanks to appearing on a Memphis talk show where he sat beside Lou Ferrigno the man who played The Incredible Hulk in the early TV shows and the host of this talk show commented that Hogan was actually bigger than the Incredible Hulk back in the CWA Terry Boulder then became Terry the Hulk Boulder Terry Boulder remained in Memphis for only around three months but the amount of matches Hogan got here in such a short period of time was really good the Boulder brothers then packed their bags the move and do the next territory Georgia Championship Wrestling and a new territory meant a new name for the Hulkster and the beefcake Hogan became sterling golden and dead he became dizzy golden don't ask a notable and fun fact here is that on the 20th of November in 1979 sterling golden got a victory over Bret Hart while in the Georgia territory Hogan here being one of Brad's earliest opponents and the United States [Music] Terry Funk has been credited as the man who introduced Vince McMahon's senior to Hulk Hogan and it's been said that Vince senior was very impressed by Hogan's physique which by this point was way bigger than when he started back in Florida it's been said also that Vince senior give Hulk Atheneum Hulk Hogan as he wanted hope to use an Irish name this is likely true but just for the record I'm from Northern Ireland and I don't know a single person with the surname Hogan or the first name Hogan for that matter but anyway Hogan got three consecutive wins in Pennsylvania while working under the WWF banner here it seems that Vince senior was giving hope a try at first to see how well he would do hook then went back to Georgia and worked as sterling golden once again finishing up his commitments before starting with Vince McMahon's senior and the WWF on a full-time basis Hogan had his first match in Madison Square Garden on the 17th of this Samer defeating Ted DiBiase and the process hookans first WWF stunt lasted around a year he was a bad guy and with monitor classy Freddie Blassie by his side he worked against the likes of Tito Santana Grohl monsoon and Jose Estrada while scoring when after when Hogan also feuded with a babyface Andre the Giant a notable March occurring between the two in August of 1980 at Shea Stadium during this time also Hogan split his time between the WWF and New Japan Pro Wrestling going over to Japan to take on people like Antonio Inoki and Tatsumi Fujinami while also tagging with Stan Hansen here and the tag league's Hogan would her again with New Japan in May of 1981 and one of the more interesting March has happened on May 25th on this did Dusty Rhodes defeated Hulk who can be a kinder Hogan would once again return to New Japan and have great success but more on that later just the backtrack a little hoax last matches with the WWF during this stent occurred in April of 1981 Hogan lost the Tony outs on the 18th and about a week prior Hogan lost a taxes death match to Andre the Giant Hogan was then fired from the W F Judah has participation and the rocky 3 movie Hogan pled the rule of thunderlips in the movie something he felt with elevated stock while also securing him a nice payday then senior however did not want Hogan to act in the movie Hogan said the following on the Steve Austin podcast the main set back then wasn't like it is not like we want stone cold to do his TV show and we want stone cold to do the Expendables and we want the rocks to do whatever back then if you were a wrestler he didn't do TV you didn't go to a movie if you were a wrestler you were a wrestler then senior fired me for doing the movie because you weren't supposed to do movies or TV shows back then so Hulk was out of a job but really not for long he briefly went back to Florida for a few weeks winning every match he was booked in before joining Vern Canas AWA with Eddie Boulder by his side I'd say that it was here in the AWA where Hogan truly became a star in the wrestling world as much as Verne Gagne tried to stop it from happening Vern like pure Pro Wrestling and he liked wrestlers he had grit athletic pedigree and this just really wasn't Hulk Hogan Hogan was more about the showmanship playing up to the crowd Begg impact moves that kind of thing the thing was the majority of the AWA stop stars were getting older and here was Hulk Hogan an iam in New York a younger guy he was making a name for himself also in movies and whatnot you'd think that Verne would at least consider building the AWA around a young upcoming star but no Verne Gagne was incredibly stubborn back there much to his detriment Hogan was initially booked as a bad guy and the aid of the aid but as the week's went on more fans would cheer for him Hogan's babyface turn eventually happened in the summer of 1981 Rock III was released in theaters the following year and Hogan's popularity within the wrestling world at least exploded Hogan was feeling with the Heenan family an AWA champion Nick Bockwinkel and Verne had a golden opportunity to grab that crossover media attention the promoters dream of but yet he was still hesitant to go all the way with Hogan and give him the AWA championship Hogan versus Bockwinkel done big business at sold-out arenas across the Midwest as people clamored to see Hogan win the title it was tazed he won the AWA title on two occasions but the decisions were reversed both times but in all the missed opportunities within the history of wrestling this one here by Verne Gagne has to rank up there as one of the all-time greats those rumors are there that Verne would only give Hogan the belt if Hulk agreed to give him a cut of hopes Japanese touring money but this can't be confirmed and nor denied hoax said that he had to print his own t-shirts and merchandise because the AWA done a poor job of marketing their wrasslers when Hogan got back after another tour of Japan he learned that Vern was no printing and selling his own Hulk Hogan t-shirts Vern apparently refused to give Hogan a cut on merchandise yields something that infuriated Hogan and really this was the straw that broke the camel's back Hogan also said on the same day this argument went down that both he and Vern got into a scuffle and that's pretty much handed the Hulk Hogan and AWA relationship while it does all sound like doom and gloom here Hogan's time and the AWA was insanely important to the man's rise in popularity while Hogan then when the AWA championship at least not officially he did make people chillin - aw shows he sold-out arenas and he became one of the hottest acts and wrastling so we should also mention here that in 1983 while Hogan was still with the AWA the Hulkster became the first IWGP tournament winner and the first holder of an early version of the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in the tournament finals he defeated the legendary Antonio Inoki to win the belt keep in mind this isn't the sium IWGP Heavyweight Championship that is defended today but still a nice feather and Hogan's cap here and a great example of high / he was in Japan in 1982 in 1993 Hulk Hogan and Antonio Inoki were partners in the MSD tag league either took place in Japan going on the when the match series two times in a row so that's pretty much at them after the falling out with Verne Gagne in November of 1983 Hogan went to Japan for a few weeks before coming back to the United States in December of 93 by this time the WWF was under the control of Vince McMahon jr. a man who saw a great potential and Hulk Hogan while then senior was more old-school and traditional with wrestling as a whole Vince jr. simply was not as traditional then jr. didn't believe in unwritten rules in wrestling he had a relentless desire to turn the WWF from original promotion to a national and worldwide powerhouse and he saw the marketability within Hulk Hogan Vince McMahon jr. saw Hulk Hogan as the WWF's leading attraction the fears of not only his company but the face of American professional wrestling hope came back to the WWF and four matches later he was the WWF World Heavyweight Champion Hogan successful WWF Rome and the rise of Hulkamania though will be covered in a future video in the last wrestling BIOS video looking at the career of Hulk Hogan we left off just as Hogan had returned of the WWF in 1983 Hogan's time in the AWA was extremely important when discussing the man's rise in pro wrestling it really can't be argued that it was NBA W where Hogan really became a huge fan favorite but his upcoming WWF stunt here in 1983 would turn Hulk Hogan from a superstar into a worldwide megastar Vince McMahon had purchased the WWF from his father the year prior having grand ideas to expand in New York territory into a nationwide juggernaut and Vince McMahon had selected Hulk Hogan to lead the charge and this monumental task Hogan would be the face of the company the big baby fair star the American Hero with Vince feeling like Hulk Hogan could very well be the man that helps make the WWF a powerhouse in American wrestling of course we all know that Vince McMahon was purchasing top talent from every territory across America in order to not only become the number one wrestling organization in the country but to also hurt those same territories that ironically enough his father had great relationships with but out of all of this top talent that Vince McMahon had taken from every major promotion in America it speaks volumes tell that Hulk Hogan was selected as the company golden boy like it or not Hogan would be the man in the World Wrestling Federation and the success he had and his new role here cannot be questioned Hulk Hogan's first match back and the WWF was on the 27th of December 1983 against Bill Dixon at the Ts Park Plaza Hotel in Missouri this match has survived it's available online and you can watch it right now with a quick Google search don't worry about the confused it's the match aired on the 1st of January the following year Hogan was introduced as The Incredible Hulk Hogan playing off the Incredible Hulk marvel comic's here just to get it out of the way also Marvel Comics would end up obtaining the trademarks for the names Hulk Hogan the Hulkster and Hulkamania and Titan sports how do you agree to remove the incredible name tag away from Hogan Marvel would also receive a 0.9% cut of Hogan's merchandise heels along with a cash payment every time Hulk Hogan worked the match this was around $100 this agreement was in place for 20 years so you can imagine how much money Marvel made from the Hulk Hogan name during this time period anyway Hogan comes to the ring here with eye of the tiger playing in Chia's Park Plaza and the fans love him here his association with Freddie Blassie during his previous stint have all been forgiven Hogan hits the leg drop the crowd goes nuts and Hogan wins his return much exactly one day before Hulk Hogan has returned much Bob Backlund dropped the WWF Championship to the Iron Sheik hindsight being 20/20 we can see here that Sheik was holding on to the title in order to drop it to the Hulkster and a future match Bob Backlund and Vince McMahon's eyes was yesterday's news at this point it was all about getting the strap on Hogan and have happened and record time Hogan had two more matches in the WWF here before meeting Sheik in Madison Square Garden on the 23rd of January 1984 the first match was a tag team children featuring Hulk Hogan teaming up with former champion Bob Backlund to take on mr. Fuji and Tiger Chung Lee the babyface has got the win here and the second match was against Gilbert Guerrero Hogan won this match and a random minute the next match then would be Hulk Hogan versus the Iron Sheik and Madison Square Garden the day Hulkamania was born and the business of professional wrestling would be changed forever there's a legendary story here in regards to Iron Sheik being offered money to break Hulk Hogan's leg in the middle of the ring on this very night the thing is it appears to be a true story many people including Hulk Hogan the Iron Sheik producers and workers have told the story over and over again and there has never been a debunking of the tale so I'm going to say that this did really happen Verne Gagne apparently offered Iron Sheik $100,000 to legitimately hurt Hogan in the ring remember Vernon Hogan had a bad relationship towards the end of hoax aw a run so the motive here was to stop Hogan from becoming this huge WWF megastar by having his leg broke it's been reported that she approached Vince McMahon before the match and told Vince about the offer however she also told Vince that he had no problems putting Hogan over because of how good the WWF had been to the Sheik until that point Vince when approached by Sheik wasn't sure if he was being held up for more money but Sheik was simply letting Vince know about the offer and confirming the events that he was not going to hurt I know she is absolute comedy gold these days and his eccentrics are of the highest quality imaginable but back then he was all about the business Iron Sheik said well I didn't mind because I have a lot of respect for mr. McMahon and his family and whatever he told me I did it for them because mr. McMahon is the number one promoter in the world and regards to being offered money to hurt Hulk Hogan Sheik said that's legit because over there at that time Hulk Hogan was in Minnesota and from Minnesota he came through to New York and mr. Verne Gagne one night before he called me and told me don't drop the belt of Hogan come back to Minnesota I will take care of you and give you $100,000 Hogan didn't know about this cash offer to break his leg when he went into the ring to win the WWF Championship for the very first time but the match itself went off without a hitch and you better believe that if Bob Backlund was on the opposing side of the Ring then the ovations may not have been so one-sided Bob Backlund still had fans in New York during this time so give her and she crowded here he was the perfect villain to go against the American me at Hulk Hogan the storyline going in here and Hogan's abrupt push to the main event was explained as Hogan being a last-minute replacement for Bob Backlund and this match Hulk up the win with the big leg drop and the reaction from the audience was second to none it's a moment and wrassling history here for sure grow a monsoon famously says on the headset that Hulkamania is here and the dominating run of Hulk Hogan at the top of the wrastlin Mountain had only just begun Andre the Giant celebrated with Hulk Hogan backstage after the match a man who would play an important role soon when talking about the history of Hulk Hogan and the World Wrestling Federation immediately after winning the WWF Championship Hogan went back to Japan for just over a week to take part and the man japw - interesting about this time period here is that Hulk Hogan teamed up with Brad Hart on the 6th of February 1982 in a losing effort but still interesting stuff when Hogan returned to America the Rockets were strapped to his back with a series of successful title defenses against the likes of David Schultz Greg Valentine Paul Orndorff and the Iron Sheik Hogan would continue to split his time between New Japan and the WWF for much of the first half of 1984 finishing the year off with title defenses against Roddy Piper and beg John Studd just to name a few every much followed the CM routine Hogan would get some offense in but his opponent would begin destroying him when his opponent had a finisher Hogan would spring back to his feet Hulk up and hit his opponent away with the big leg drop this retain as mundane is one may finder today worked absolute wonders fans could not get enough of Hogan's heroic comebacks on the Mike Hogan began referring to his fans as Hulkamaniacs encouraging fans to train hard eat their vitamins and say their prayers it all fell into place wonderfully for Terry Bollea and the word Wrestling Federation this was their winning formula the planets also aligned for Hulk Hogan in 1984 thanks to wrestling becoming part of mainstream pop culture owing a lot of this to the Robin wrestling connection in 1983 captain Lou albano had met with singer Cyndi Lauper on a trip to Puerto Rico and this trip resulted in Lauper asking the captain to appear in her music video for the single guards just want to have fun Vence McMahon would go on to pick captain Lou and Cyndi Lauper into a Piper's pet segment on WWF TV and this coupling of music and wrassling really began to blossom MTV then would have wrestling shows on their Channel even broadcasting the very first live wrestling match on cable television the brawl that ended all and letter the war to settle the score were both successful wwm shows that aired on MTV and this partnership only helped the WWF and Hulk Hogan become more prominent to audiences of entertainment in general not just your typical programming fans mainstream attention was what Vince McMahon sorely crave during this time period its what would ultimately set him apart from his competition much to the dismay of wrestling traditionalists at the time the AWA had Super Sunday and soon they would have their superclass shields the NWA had star kid and world class Championship Wrestling had their Star Wars shows all of these were considered the biggest yearly events of their respective companies calendars Vince McMahon then would present WrestleMania to the world held in Madison Square Garden on the 31st of March 1985 and broadcasted the over 130 closed-circuit networks MTV's popularity and coverage of wrestling with the Wendy rector and Cyndi Lauper partnership had generated a huge amount of interest and the World Wrestling Federation's programming at this time so the concept of Wrestlemania was the mix the world of wrestling with the world of celebrity and entertainment on this extravagant super show dubbed the Superbowl of professional wrestling Vince McMahon gambled a great deal by presenting WrestleMania and he needed it to work Hulk Hogan headlined the show tagging up with his friend mr. t to take on Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper and before the show a ton of media work was done by Hulk Hogan and mr. t which picked the guys on TV a lot more famously on March 20th 1985 just 11 days before WrestleMania Hogan and mustard he appeared on the hot properties talk show where Hogan applied a guillotine choke to host Richard Besler who and fairness had been making light of wrastling and the dramatics surrounding or a sling match the chokehold completely knocked at Richard Basler he fell to the ground cracked his head and had to go to hospital but anyway Hogan and mustard he won at the inaugural WrestleMania the event was a massive success which done nothing but further a lovey the WWF is a force in the world of entertainment along with further elevating Hulk Hogan is the number one wrestling attraction in the world it was nothing but when after when four Hulk Hogan immediately following WrestleMania 1 taking on the likes of Bob Orton Jesse Ventura and Paul Orndorff as the word just couldn't get enough of Hulk Hogan May 11th 1985 saw the TV debut of Saturday night's me an event airing on NBC and drawing a staggering in pointy at reeling this shield featured Hulk Hogan with mr. t in his corner taking on Cowboy Bob Orton with Roddy Piper in his corner Hogan picked up a DQ n here and the WWF picked up a huge television rating Saturday night's main event - held on October 3rd but airing on October 5th so Hulk Hogan defeat mikalai Volkoff in a flag match again scoring another massive nbc-tv living with an e at point three the biggest Saturday night's main event railing though happened on the January 4th 1986 episode a 10-point for living was earned on a show that featured Hulk Hogan defeating Terry Funk the later half of 1985 also saw Hulk Hogan get his very own Saturday morning cartoon Hulk Hogan's Rock and wrastling and this is just another example of how Hulk Hogan and the WWF has crossed over under the mainstream the beginning of 1986 followed the same formula as 1985 Hogan destroying Haley's on a regular basis it doesn't let up at all there was no stopping Hulkamania night after night sell it after salad Hoke Hogan became a megastar Vince McMahon's plans to use Hulk is the face of the company had worked wonders and while many fans still preferred the NWA style of grittier and dare I say more realistic grassland the mainstream audience the casual fans children grandparents they all loved Hulk Hogan and they all loved watching the WWF Vince McMahon decided his dominant wrestling company could host WrestleMania two and three different cities across America and one night attempting to top the NWA star Kea daily 5 being held in two cities and the process and Hulk Hogan headlined the whole by taking on King Kong Bundy inside a state cage at the Los Angeles portion of the show Hogan of course won the match and that again followed the CM Hogan much formula the fans were accustomed to over the past year or so but still the audience in LA went nuts for the outcome WrestleMania 2 as a wrestling show in itself wasn't all that grid in my opinion but you can learn more about that and my WrestleMania xxx video the Wrestlemania 3 match featuring Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant was the first truly epic main event match in WrestleMania history held at the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit on March 29th 1987 the irresistible force meeting the immovable object would become a moment and wrastling lore that would live forever hogan body-slamming Andre the Giant is one of those defining images and wrastling everyone has sought and Judah its inclusion and WWE's opening signatures for shoes wrestling fans have probably saw it thousands of times without even realizing it so our look at the entire career of Hulk Hogan stops off today at WrestleMania 3 as we look into one of the most pivotal matches in the history of professional wrestling so in the last Hulk Hogan video uploaded to the channel we learned about the hulkster's rise and not only wrestling but pop culture itself Vince McMahon had hansel acted Hogan as the face of his company as the WWF began a national and eventual worldwide expansion Hulk was going to pretty much be the poster boy for the company betraying an American hero who would tell us to train hard eat our vitamins and say our prayers Hoke was booked as the unbeatable hero world champion the shining star of the company fans added up to fears of the World Wrestling Federation during this time couldn't get enough Hulk Hogan while some of the more traditional fans of the NWA scoffed at Vince McMahon and the Hulk you can't argue with the results though the WWF became very popular with casual fans young and old and Hogan played an insanely huge part and making it all work the WrestleMania Pro Jack of 1985 had paid off the sequel ended up getting three separate venues and the third would be held in front of a record audience never seen before in the United States Hogan of course would be in the main event Andre the Giant made his table WWF debut in 1973 as a babyface eventually becoming known as the eighth wonder of the world who was frequently said on headsets and in WWF publications that Andre was undefeated during the entirety of his career right up until 1987 anyway this is incorrect Andre had never been pinned or submitted a little bit of the offering he had been candidate on disqualified and I'd sad the World Wrestling Federation he had taken losses in Mexico and Japan those who watched my previous Hogan videos also would know that Andre had already had matches with Hulk where Hogan was the Heylin Andre was the fan favorite Hogan had even body-slammed Andre during these earlier Martin's too but as with most things when it comes to WWE bridging while at the facts ruin a good story Hogan and Andre had also worked against each other in Japan where the rules were reversed again Hogan is the babyface and Andre is the heel so these two were no strangers to each other prior to the WrestleMania 3 build-up Hogan and Andre had been booked as allies Andre even celebrated with the holster when Hogan won the WWF Championship for the very first time but you have to remember though is that Andre the Giant was a true attraction in the era before cable TV the first time people saw a man of this size was when they first laid eyes on Andre he truly was an extraordinary real-life Giant when you have an attraction like Andre the Giant and a real-life superhero like Hulk Hogan you best believe that their own scream friendship would take a bad turn in order to sell tickets wrestling 101 [Music] Andre took some time off after WrestleMania 2 to try and heal his bag among other things Andres spine had been narrowing and he was having difficulties not only wrastling but even walking and going about his every day to day life he went to England to film The Princess Bride movie but back in the world of wrestling Bobby Heenan would claim that Andre was actually afraid of King Kong Bundy and begged John Studd hands his absence from the ring Heenan Laird challenges for Andre and Andre wouldn't show up leading to York a feared suspension of the giant from WWF president Jack Tunney in the summer of 1986 however Andre the Giant made his return as the masked giant machine working as part of the machine stable that also included beg machine played by blackjack mulligan and super machine played by Billy Lee better known as demolition axe the machines and storyline had come from Japan the wrestle in the WWF with their masks taking inspiration or rather directly copying from new Japan's super strong machine character it was extremely obvious that it was andre after all but Heenan could never prove it at one point Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper were also members of the machines with both men making one-time appearances as Hulk machine and Piper machine Hulk needed to work on his incognito skills though in late 1986 the giant machine disappeared and Andre the Giant was magically reinstated on the January 17th 1987 episode of superstars Hulk Hogan was presented with a trophy for holding the WWF Championship for three years Andre the Giant organs friend Kim owed and said three years is a long time to be champion giving the Hulkster a very firm handshake that caught the Hulkster by surprise the next week Andre was also honored for his undefeated streak however his trophy was much smaller Hulk Hogan came out to give props to Andre but the giant walked off stage in the middle of the promo Hogan had come across here as trying this Andre spotlight to figure out what was going on here an interview was scheduled between the two men on February 7th 1987 again and Piper's pet this segment here would also become famous in its own right the day when Andre turned hail and challenge Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan was introduced first here but the big shock came when Andre the Giant came out with Bobby Heenan by his side made more shocking when you consider how long Heenan and Andre had been feuding with each other Hogan pleaded with Andre not to associate himself with Bobby Heenan reminding the Giant about all the things he had done to both Andre aren't Hogan in the past Heenan spoke on behalf of Andre saying that Andre is second tired of Hulk Hogan and everything he stands for Heenan said that Hogan had used Andre during his title in and he only befriended Andre to ensure that the Giant wouldn't challenge him for the WWF title this was really good stuff here especially for this time period Hogan's previous big feuds didn't have so much emotion attached to them so this story here of a broken down friendship really helped to make more of their inevitable showdown putting Bobby Heenan with Andre was extremely smart to Heenan could talk for days and he had the ability to get stories across in an entertaining and believable way as a healing manager this segment here was some of Hemans finest work I don't care what anyone says either Hulk Hogan does deserve credit here too he played the part perfectly frantically pleading with Andre not wanting to believe that this was true visibly shaking on camera yes it's cheesy today but put yourself back into that time for him being a little hulkamaniac and all that you would have felt like the world had come crashing down here because Hogan couldn't get through to his former best friend the segment ended in dramatic fashion to you Andre said he was coming for Hogan's Championship at WrestleMania and he tore the shirt off Hogan's back Andre however also called Hogan's necklace breaking it from his neck and the crucifix attached to the necklace must've caught Hogan's chest as the Hulkster started bleeding taking immediate advantage of the situation here Roddy Piper told Hogan that he was bleeding as the hoaxster failed to his knees and despair Hogan revealed that he put some vex vapor rub on his finger before coming out and as Andre rips the shirt he tries to put the vapor rub under his eyes to force tears the string from his face and you can actually see this when you slow the food each time so this is some good stuff here an incredibly good segment the first really engrossing promote leading into a WrestleMania main event the WWF had a genuine homerun here never had Hulk Hogan appeared so vulnerable so Andre had sold his soul to Bobby Heenan in order to become WWF Champion a huge deal here in the world of wrestling Andre had never gone after the championship in New York at least on TV and this makes sense because he just didn't need it he sold tickets without needing a championship belt Andre had always explained this on TV as being happy with being the Giant and not being the WWF Champion Hogan went back on Piper's bed and confirmed he would face Andre at WrestleMania and a contract signing aired on TV which only further built on the story who can told Andre that if he wanted a title shot so badly all he had to do was ask Andre said he may have taught Hogan a few things in wrestling but he didn't teach him everything and he will leave WrestleMania as the world champion the Pontiac Silverdome was one of the largest stadiums in the world with a capacity of nearly 100,000 people Vince McMahon felt that Hulk Hogan versus Andre the Giant could sell at this gigantic stadium and you really have to appreciate the risk factor here in booking this venue remember this was 1987 Vince McMahon was batting on the popularity of Hulk Hogan the attraction of Andre the Giant and the broken friendship storyline to make people buy tickets of course there were other matches that would entice fans to the Silverdome no one can forget Steamboat versus Savage even Harley risk versus the junkyard dog and also the rise of the WWF tag team division at the time but Andre versus Hulk was the marquee match here if WrestleMania 3 didn't move tickets then the storyline and drawing power of Hulk vs. Andre would have been deemed a failure a week after tickets went on sale the WWF announced on TV that it looks like a new attendance record would be sad at WrestleMania the build-up and the storyline had paid off as Vince McMahon's for ticket sales go up and up on a daily basis WrestleMania 3 would be at nearly full capacity during WrestleMania the WWF announced an attendance of 93,173 a number that's been disputed due to the company's habit of inflating numbers but don't get all Dave Meltzer over it look at that audience for a 1987 wrestling show in America it really is a breathtaking sight let's not forget about pay-per-view numbers too if Hogan and Andre were selling out the Pontiac Silverdome then fans across America would also be tuning in via pay-per-view and record numbers John Cena summed it up well when he said everybody had to see it and everybody could see it which was really cool when WrestleMania 3 aired the Cena household became the Pontiac Silverdome 50 people came over to the house aunts uncles and cousins I never even knew existed Kim over that day to watch WrestleMania it was that captivating let's look at the March then but do you stick around because there are other things that need discussed here Andre and Henan made their way to the ring while garbage was getting thrown at them Gorilla Monsoon says on commentary that Andre had been brainwashed by Bobby Heenan while Jesse Ventura reminds monsoon that Andre has been overlooked for years and he deserves this title opportunity who can makes his way to the ring is real American players in the background he ponders to the audience then the two men lock eyes as the theme music dies down Hogan and Andre approach each other and Gorilla Monsoon gives us the iconic line the irresistible force meeting the immovable object can you recall a commentary line in the last 10 years that would become as iconic is this the to stare down a little longer before Andre makes the first move pushing Hogan away Hogan retaliates with a series of punches and man the crud explodes here at Hogan's offense Hulk quickly tries to body slam Andre but he is unable to Andre falls on Hogan and pens the holster and Andre thought he won the match he thought it was a three-count era but only to Andre then begins laying and giant clubbing blows to Hogan each one knocking Hogan to the mark Andre then drives Hogan to the mat with a big body stun and things are already looking bad here for the Hulkster Jesse Ventura realizes on the headset that this WrestleMania main event is a mismatch Hogan hasn't got a chance the noise from the audience cannot be overstated they try to rally behind Hogan as he takes a slow and calculated beating from Andre Hogan manages to escape an attack from Andre in the corner and the crowd again goes into overdrive a hoax flurry of offense but Andres stops the Hulkster with a big boot silencing the audience and the process Andre locks in a bear hug Gorilla Monsoon says he would be surprised the Hogan submits while Jesse says he may not have a choice Hogan seems to fade away but he fights out with punches the Hulkster again tries to mount an attack on Andre but Andres stops Hogan in his tracts the MOT stance posed of the outside and after Andre headbutts the ringpost hogan exposes the concrete floor resulting in Hulk himself taking our comically bad looking back bodydrop on the outside back in the ring Hogan is able to take Andre off his feet with a clothesline and again the Pontiac Silverdome becomes deafening Hoke stands up the levers of body slam DeAndre nails the leg drop and it's all over the body slam to you has become my conic the flashing camera bulbs and the crowd noise make it such a great moment and wrestling history that deserves to get replayed as much as it does you need to watch this with the signed on it's one thing seeing the clip of Andre getting slammed but when you take in the full march in this moment right here it could truly give you goosebumps Hogan wins he celebrates in the ring is Heenan and Andre make their way back up the ramp there's a real party atmosphere here to end WrestleMania 3 okay there's a few elephants in the room that need addressed the first will be quick dave meltzer of the Wrestling Observer likes to share his opinions on wrestling with an imaginary star rating he makes up in his head and people seem to take his word as gospel Meltzer give this much - four stars and after some consideration he changed the reading to - three stars I had scripted a paragraph here regarding this being Andres last big match when he knew he had limited time left on this earth why no one should have expected a technical masterpiece how the passing of time has made this much just as important as WrestleMania itself and in the end I think it's just best to leave melters reading standing there and lucky you make up your own mind I ask you though before you say this much was boring slow predictable go back and watch it from start to end and 2020 and see how you feel after the match remember keep the sand on and just get lost in the match I'll just say that I personally failed Mouser was way off the mark here and I know people by his newsletter and the guy is knowledgeable much more than you or I but don't have a journalist tell you what is right and wrong a better wrestling match make up your own mind based on how much enjoyment you get out of seeing a match unfold the second thing we need to talk about then is the story that Andre the Giant was considering not allowing Hogan to win on this night it's been said that Hogan didn't know if Andre was going to do the job at WrestleMania 3 the Hulkster was apparently afraid that Andre would take matters into his own hands and that's me an event and not later and for Hogan it's also been said that backstage Andre didn't think through much of Hulk Hogan Vince McMahon said Hogan was really concerned that Andre wasn't going to put him over and Andre didn't want Hogan to know Terry had so much respect for Andre that he wouldn't just go up to Andre and ask are you going to put me over he wouldn't do that because that would be disrespectful so there was always this date Hogan would come up to me and ask if I was sure Andre would put him over it was said on the Andre the Giant HBO documentary that Hogan laid out the entirety of the match move remove but he left the finish open because he didn't know if Andre would indeed do the job for him he wrote down the entire match without the finish and presented the notes to Vince McMahon Vince took the notes to Andre and on March 29th at WrestleMania Hogan asked Vince what the finish was going to be Vince playing along with Andre here while making Hogan stress I'd simply told Hulk that Andre would do the right thing and he left it at that Hulk would try to approach Andre backstage as Andre drank his wine asking if he was good and if he was okay and Andre would act quite dismissive towards Hulk in the arse even minutes leading up to the biggest WWF showdown of all time the Hulkster noticed though as soon as the two began wrestling in the ring that Andre was going through the exact steps that Hulk wrote down and presented that Vince McMahon reassuring him here that Andre was indeed going to do the job for Hulk now with all that said and the kind of burst the bubble on this story it's also been said that this was a whole fabricated guys who were in the locker room at the time said it was all nonsense there was no hate with Hogan and Andre and things were quite jovial between the two backstage at WrestleMania no again to be fair Brad Hart was one of the guys who said the whole Hogan versus Andre backstage fiasco was fabricated so take from that what you will we know how a brat can be sometimes who knows it makes a great story and adds to an already iconic and legendary wrestling match but I didn't find it strange that the whole Andre might not do the job story only really came to light over the past couple of years you'd think that this would be a big story considering how important the match had become so our last Hulk Hogan video left off at WrestleMania 3 Hogan had just defeated Andre the Giant and one of the WWF's most historic matches Hulkamania was running wild the WWF was seeing a huge surge in popularity and WrestleMania 3 itself had been a huge box-office draw the next steps in Hogan's career was all about latching on to that WrestleMania 3 success Hogan and Andre would meet more times in the ring as the WWF tried to capitalize on their biggest drawing wrassling showed it it it just made a lot of sense to move forward with more twists and turns to the Andre versus Hulk rivalry today's video then we'll take a look at how the WWF and Hulk Hogan followed up with the success of mania 3 we will take a look at hopes key matches from WrestleMania 3 in 1987 all the way to WrestleMania 4 and 1988 today's video then we'll end at WrestleMania for making way for that dedicated mega powers video in the future that has been requested frequently on this channel to tell the complete Hogan story though this time period between mania 3 and mania four needs to be highlighted there was some interesting stuff going on here including our huge title change and we also need again an understanding in regards to the mega powers biggest enemies the mega bucks immediately following WrestleMania three Hogan didn't go into another storyline or food on the big TV shows the Heenan family versus Hogan rightfully would continue but at live events Hogan was having matches with the likes of Randy Savage Kamala the honky Tonk Man and King Harley Race we're going to jump straight over them to the first-ever WWF Survivor Series event taking place on Thanksgiving night in 1987 Survivor Series was added to the WWF's pay-per-view calendar to piggyback off the success of WrestleMania 3 the world wanted to see more Hogan versus Andre and Vince McMahon would deliver Vince got a little cutthroat here though with the Survivor Series the event would go head-to-head with the NWA star kid 87 and if cable companies decided to air star kid instead of Survivor Series well those same cable companies would not be allowed to broadcast WrestleMania for most cable providers given the Vince McMahon here only a few aired the NWA started event which was headlined by Dusty Rhodes taking on Lex liver and Ric Flair taking on Ron Garvin the main event of the first Survivor Series was a traditional Survivor Series elimination match the Haiti team of [ __ ] freed the one-man gang Rick Rude King Kong Bundy and Andre the Giant squared off against Bam Bam Bigelow Don Muraco Ken Patera Paul Orndorff and Hulk Hogan watching this match back today is actually a whole lot of fun it had a high amount of drama mixed with good and wring action and a surprising twist how Coogan ended up getting can tonight during the main event match leaving partner Bam Bam Bigelow to take on King Kong Bundy the one-man gang and Andre the Giant all on his own Bam Bam eliminated Bundy and gang but Andre ended up ending big Lou and scoring the win for his team this main event though was a real standard match for Bam Bam Bigelow and the WWF had an opportunity here to capitalize on the excellent fan reaction the beast from the east God during the inaugural Survivor Series but they never did go all the way with Bam Bam who can return to the ring and attacked Andre the Giant and their feud would now resume immediately following the Survivor Series show we had an episode of Saturday night's main event where Hulk Hogan would defend the WWF Championship against King Kong Bundy before the match got underway Andre the Giant came to ringside to get a better look at the action also I can't go on here without pointing their sight Hogan's bandana had some hard chrome tassels God knows what he was thinking here but anyway on with the match Bundy and Hogan had quite a good bite here Hogan deviated from his usual heroic comeback match and instead both men got a fair amount of offense and there was a great atmosphere in the arena - and Andre being at ringside added a little intrigue here Andre tripped Hogan up when the hoaxster went for the big leg drop and I love Holly casually a hundred grab Hogan's food here and because of Andres actions he was sent back to the locker room the Hogan versus Bundy match resumed after a commercial break and Bundy ended up getting the win after Hulk Hogan was a key encounter night this time thanks to Bobby Heenan after the match King Kong Bundy demanded a rematch against Hogan only this time he wanted Andre and his corner throughout the entire match Hulk agreed to the rematch saying he actually hopes Andres and King Kong Bundy corner as the holster will have all his Hulkamaniacs standing in his corner the Bundy versus Hogan WWF Championship rematch would air on the 2nd of January 1988 again on Saturday night's main event Andre the Giant was once again in King Kong Bundy corner meaning the holster would have his hands full here this much player died more like a standard Hulk Hogan but with Hulk starting off strong then taking a beating in the middle of the match and the finale would see the superhero comeback that we were all used to seeing this time though during the comeback the referee got knocked out referee Dave Hebner came down to the ring trying to get some assistance for his fallen compadre and so the match was stopped when we came back from commercial break the match commenced with a new referee high-drama here on Saturday night's main event for sure hogan looked like he was denied but the regular come back eventually Kim and the audience went nuts when Hogan won the match Hogan began posing to the audience as usual but Andre got in the ring the giant grabbed Hogan and proceeded to choke a night in the middle of the squared circle multiple superstars came to the ring to try and see of Hogan hacksaw jim duggan distracted andre long enough for the other superstars to get Hogan out of the ring and when everybody was gone the giant stood tall holding Hogan's WWF Championship after the match Bobby Heenan and Andre the Giant had an entertaining interview with Gene Okerlund and Heenan promised that Andre the Giant would be WWF champion in 1988 Ted DiBiase had worked in the WWF in 1979 but he found a huge amount of success when he returned in 1987 as the Million Dollar Man the Million Dollar Man believed that everyone had a price including Hulk Hogan and instead of winning the WWF Championship and a more traditional sense by you know defeating the champion Ted DiBiase decided that he would attempt to buy the WWF Championship from Hong Kong Hogan being the do-gooder and stand-up guys of his refused to accept DiBiase money and the two would have a series of marches that merely unfolded on the house show lip while Hogan's rivalry with the Heenan family unfolded on TV DiBiase attempts at bang the WWF Championship did make it to TV though so before we get to the Royal Rumble we need to take a look at the January 12th episode of prime time Wrestling Ted DiBiase had an interview segment where he said Hulk Hogan was a fool for not accepting a cash offer for the WWF Championship seeing as DiBiase was unable to buy the title then DiBiase bought the next best thing the Million Dollar Man bought the wrestler who was going to face Hogan for the championship Andre the Giant DiBiase said that when Andre wins the gold the giant would hand the title of the Million Dollar Man and Ted DiBiase would finally be the WWF Champion without even defeating the current titleholder at the 1988 Royal Rumble them a contract sanding took place for the upcoming Hulk Hogan versus Andre title match that would take place on the very first WWF the main event qu the main event was a Saturday night's main event spin off show that aired on NBC and the very first episode would host a colossal WWF Championship encounter the WrestleMania 3 rematch pitting Hogan vs. Andre DiBiase student Andres corner and remember if Andre defeated Hogan then the giant would hand the title over to the Million Dollar Man the mascots and and Andre slammed Hogan's head on the table that was sad up before tossing Hogan on the table to the other side of the ring Hogan versus Andre at the main event then February 5th 1988 the unthinkable truly happened here when Hulk Hogan's four-year tyronn came to a screeching halt in front of a staggering 33 million viewers at home championship belt fans will notice that this show also featured the debut of the Wayne Daigle WWF Championship my personal favorite WWE Championship belt of all time commentator Jesse Ventura made sure to mention that he's happy that Dave Hebner was refereeing as much as there had been some controversy regarding WrestleMania 3 referee Joey Marella jesse believed that Joey should have counted to 3 when Andre fell on top of Hogan at WrestleMania 3 but anyway here we go Hogan took care of DiBiase and Virgil before focusing on Andre and man you can tell Andre wasn't the CM competitor here as he was at even WrestleMania his health was of course deteriorating at a more rapid rate here he did look very tired at points but nonetheless the two still managed to have an entertaining match the finish though was expertly done Dave Hebner was getting easily distracted by Virgil and DiBiase allowing Andre to get in cheap shots behind the referees back Hebner even missed Hogan's legdrop a Honda a painful attempt which would have obviously led to a Hulk Hogan victory so it's at this point of the match where people maybe had a bad feeling here things weren't working in the hope sirs favor Andre then had Hogan with his double underhook suplex Andre penned Hogan Hogan got his shoulder up after a one count but the referee continued the count 123 and the match was over Andre the Giant had just defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship and it seemed like Dave Hebner had screwed the Hulkster Andre went ahead and put the belt around Ted DiBiase just after the match and hope was left in the ring no longer the World Wrestling Federation champion just then another referee appeared in the ring another referee who looked exactly like the effeminate Jesse Ventura on commentary couldn't understand how there could be too deep Abner's but of course a turned out that Dave's twin brother Earl Hebner was the one who just refereed this match the true Hefner's argued in the ring leading the Hogan grabbing both referees the Hulkster wanted some justice here but he didn't know which Hamner was which hoax head then melted in the middle of the Ring you can see the exact moment where he was like what on earth is going on here evil referee Earl Hebner kicked his twin brother out of the ring leaving the Hulk robbing Earl throwing him out of the ring and also totally missing his target / Earl went flying over Ted DiBiase's head here and so it was all over Ted DiBiase had paired Earl Hebner two-count Hogan shoulders to the mat well if you want to get totally kayfabe with it Ted DiBiase had paid someone to have plastic surgery to look like they've had nur but they switched that angle and went with the evil twin thing a few weeks later anyway Hulk wasn't the champion anymore and we were provided with one of wrestling's most entertaining finishes here of the Lea deity's WWF president Jack Tunney said he watched the videotapes and unfortunately a WWF referee's decision is always final so Hulk Hogan was not the WWF Champion however Andre the Giant is not allowed to just surrender his WWF Championship to someone else meaning the Ted DiBiase was not the WWF Champion Lord was Andre the Giant seeing as he had technically forfeited the title at the main event on February 5th the title was very clear to them and a championship tournament would be held at WrestleMania for Hogan and Andre would face each other and they gotta buy into the quarterfinals seeing as they were technically the last two champions not including DiBiase of course at WrestleMania four then in Atlantic City Hogan and Andre we meet in the ring once again the finish would turn out to be quite anti-climatic and also quite stupid Hogan had Andre with a steel chair the Ted DiBiase introduced to the match the referee thought so you'd not really assumed that Andre wins via disqualification and he continues on in the tournament but no after Hogan had Andre with the chair the giant took the chair himself and head Hogan and retaliation so the match ended in a double DQ normal rules clearly don't apply to the holster here but anyway Hogan body slammed Andre after the match the body slam hasn't remembered as much as the previous year's WrestleMania but still it was a nice callback here and in the tournament finals Randy Savage went on to defeat Ted DiBiase the Macho Man was the new babyface world champion of the World Wrestling Federation but keep in mind that Hogan had helped macho man even the odds during the finals as Andre the Giant had been interfering on DiBiase behalf during the matchup along with this whole coogan jumped into the ring and hit DiBiase with a steel chair why the referees back was turned yes I know Hulk was getting revenge here for DiBiase introducing the steel chair during Hogan's much with Andre but jumping and tearing and swinging a chair behind the referees back is such a hater move that it's surprising the WWF burger March the end this way thanks to the chair shot savage was able to hit the elbow drop and secure the title so it also gives the impression that Randy Savage needed Hulk Hogan to win the WWF Championship this should have been Randy savages crowning moment the Macho man's pay-per-view the one night we all point to as the greatest night and savages career and it's funny how we just don't seem to do that but on the flip side of this and in the spirit of being fair Hogan's involvement in the WrestleMania four main event speaks highly of how much the company relied on him even if we agree or disagree with Holly Hogan was used at WrestleMania for the WWF and Vince McMahon felt that Hogan sharing the ring with savage and WrestleMania would be the best way to end the show a surefire way to send fans home with a smile on their face hindsight is 20/20 with these kind of things though we all know that Randy Savage was more than capable of holding an audience in the palm of his hands all by himself we all know Savage bidding DiBiase clean would have been much better in terms of the story of Randy Savage but the WWF stole nothing but Bank on Hulk Hogan's insane popularity at the time and to give the WWF credit it always worked something I'd also like to point out is that WrestleMania fours promotional work was primarily focused around Hulk Hogan versus Andre the Giant this seems to be forgotten these days but posters flyers closed circuit and pay-per-view advertisements all focused around Andre versus Hulk and I feel that fans who maybe bought the pay-per-view just for that much may have felt slightly cheated but you have to remember also that Andre the Giant's health was still getting worse what's done is done with Red Hulk Hogan dropping the title we wouldn't have had Randy Savage getting his time in the limelight so all's well that ends well I guess at least for the time being with the introduction of Randy Savage here to the Hulk Hogan story we need to rewind and go back to October 3rd 1987 Saturday night's main event Randy Savage took on the honky Tonk Man for the icy title Randy had his signature elbow drop and it looked like he was about to become the new Intercontinental Champion but the Hart Foundation stormed the ring ending the match by laying a beating and the Randy Savage the honky Tonk Man was about the head savage with his guitar and this led to miss Elisabeth getting into the ring attempting to protect the Macho Man the honky Tonk Man though was having none of it he pushed Elizabeth turned to the man and she ran away to the backstage area while Randy ended up taking the guitar shot anyway just as it's aimed all hope was gone Elizabeth returned to the ring with Hulk Hogan and the Hulkster got into the ring to help fend off the honky Tonk Man and the Hart Foundation Randy Savage extended his hand in friendship to Hogan Hogan accepted and the three baby faces paraded around the ring is the fans roared and Approval the madness and the mania had just come together in the middle of the squared circle this night also pretty much cemented Randy Savage as a babyface he had been on a slow turn but this act of friendship with Hulk Hogan made him completely accepted by fans later that evening during an interview segment with Gene Okerlund savage referred to himself and Hogan as the mega powers Hogan and savage would then team up at live events at house shows while continuing their respective solo feuds on TV but this will all be covered in detail in the next Hogan video our last Hulk Hogan video on the channel that did hoax journey from WrestleMania 3 to Wrestlemania for Hogan had lost the WWF Championship to Andre the Giant at the very first of the WFP an event show leading to Andre presenting the title to Ted DiBiase is the Million Dollar Man had bought Andres services the WWF title was vacated and a tournament was held to crown a new champion at WrestleMania four and after the event Hulk Hogan was no longer at the top of the mountain Macho Man Randy Savage won his very first of the WUF title when he defeated Ted DiBiase in the tournament finals bringing in what should have been a new era for the WWF Championship while Randy Savage was very deserving of the title and fans across the world celebrated when Randy lifted both the WWF title and Miss Elizabeth in the air to end WrestleMania for the plan here all along was to actually build a new opponent for Hulk Hogan the WWF would craft a story about friendship jealousy and betrayal a story that is still fondly remembered today and a story that we will cover from top to bottom in today's video so let's go back in time and look at the madness meeting the mania the rise of one of the WWF's most star-studded tag teams and the eventual fallout between the Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan when the mega powers were to explode a brief recap of the last Hogan video was necessary here to gain a complete picture of the mega power story Saturday night's main event October 3rd 1987 Macho Man Randy Savage versus the honky Tonk Man you need to understand that Randy Savage had been booked as a heel up to this point there was slow baby fierce turn was in the works the Macho Man even as a bad guy was getting cheers from wrestling audiences fans had an underlying respect for Randy Savage he kind of transcended what the double-double AF wanted him to be through his entertaining promos and his matches inside the ring so the decision was ultimately made to turn the guy into a complete babyface and capitalize on the audience's reactions he and Miss Elizabeth had been receiving so at this Saturday night's main event show when the honky Tonk Man and the Hart Foundation were about to lay abating in the savage after pushing Miss Elizabeth down to the mat savages valet went backstage to seek help from the immortal Hulk Hogan Hogan came to the ring he helped the Macho Man the two shook hands in dramatic fashion and Randy savages babyface turn was complete the two men were interviewed after the match and Randy Savage called the geo the mega powers for the very first time it was an extremely fitting name savage had been a standard Intercontinental Champion and Hogan was Hogan the biggest star in the world Wrestling Federation so you really did have a mega powerful force to contend with here and in the Aries young W the fans just couldn't get enough of this pairing of two of their most beloved superstars little did we all know that the formation of the mega powers was going to lead to an eventual beg money match between our two heroes but two things to take away here firstly it was really miss Elizabeth who brought the mega powers together she was the catalyst and secondly man our TV screens struggled to handle such star power when Hogan and salvage were together cutting promos it was on another level right let's do some digging the very first match we have for the mega powers was in Vancouver a house show and November of 1987 the mega powers team-up with Jim Duggan to take on King Harley risk Rick Rude and King Kong Bundy a big match for sure but to my knowledge there doesn't seem to be any recordings of this part vailable at least online today the next time the mega powers would team up was in January of 1988 the mega powers versus the honky Tonk Man and the Hart Foundation and a three-on-three match and again it seems like this match to you hasn't been recorded and if it has it hasn't seen the light of day Hogan and savage also teamed with Ricky Steamboat to take on the honky Tonk Man and the Hart Foundation in Montreal on February 8th 1988 but you guessed that no recordings have been made available these three matches legitimately are the only three matches the mega powers hard to gather before WrestleMania four as a matter of fact the mega powers only teamed up a grand total of eight times during this era of the WWF which is incredible when you think about it the WWF were able to tell a story of a tag-team exploding when in reality the tag thing didn't really team up all that often especially on TV when it came to television and pay-per-view matches the mega powers work together only three times SummerSlam idiot Survivor Series idiot and the second main event show the mega powers actually teamed up way more frequently and World Championship Wrestling but what the WWF creative team were trying to do here was prop up around the salvage when he got the rub from Hulk Hogan there would be no stopping the macho madness and his quest to become the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan would still be around of course while savage was on top Hogan wasn't going to just cetera and all day watching movies and playing his game boy look at that brother get to pick your own stage get to call your own shots paying a lot of political booking dude oh I could already brother no no hope may have had a few external projects to work on such as the no-holds-barred movie but when the time was right my two man's position as a fan favorite would be tested when he came face-to-face with Hulk Hogan himself the whole mega powers angle would ultimately lead to another opponent for who can defy us but to be fair this is really how superstars should be made someone gets brought to the next level thanks to their association was the top guy the two have a match and in theory the WWF should be left with another main eventer on their hands don't get me wrong either Randy Savage was already more than capable of being the man he didn't necessarily need Hulk Hogan but Hogan's extremely prominent position on the WWF cards dead land itself to savages rise within the World Wrestling Federation it was like the cherry on top it's easy to forget that Randy Savage actually wrestled Ted DiBiase on TV just two weeks before their WrestleMania for me an event DiBiase versus savage happened on the March 12th 1988 episode of Saturday night's main event and after Randy Savage lost via contact caused by Andre the Giant interference DiBiase Virgil and Andre led a beating in the savage just like before Miss Elizabeth rounded the back and she found Hulk Hogan Hogan ciub Savage once again from a three-on-one beatdown so yeah Hulk was kind of positioned as Randy Savage is severe for a little while kind of proving here that it was still all about the Hulkster anyway WrestleMania 4 happened savage wins the table is that we have championship with the help of Hulk Hogan Hogan sticks around for the celebration at the end which many fans see is Hogan stealing the limelight and maybe rightfully so Randy Savage may have been the champion but from WrestleMania 4 onwards the company was still seemingly all based around Hogan this of course is nothing new and modern wrestling there's a consistent trend of the WWE champions not being the number one guys in the company but still back during this time period the guy who holds the title should have been seen as the face of the company in my opinion anyway salvaged realized that it was still all about hope and slowly there was a little animosity building between salvage and Hogan backstage the two men were reportedly still friendly with each other but they certainly weren't best buds who hung around together and then there was Miss Elizabeth around these savages wife at the time it's been well-documented that Randy Savage was overly protective of Elizabeth he would keep her away from the boys in the locker room and Hulk Hogan was no exception most of the stories we hear about Randy Savage backstage during this time period somehow always involved Elizabeth and a story Hulk Hogan shared on the stone-cold podcast really goes a long way in highlighting how protective the Macho Man could be when the mega powers were in full swing miss Elizabeth would also escort Hulk Hogan to the ring for singles matches acting as a monitor to both savage and the Hulkster and when Hulk grabbed Elizabeth to bring her into the ring during a her show in Paris well Randy Savage got so mad that both he and Hulk got physical backstage there were apparently no ring steps set up beside the ring so Hogan had to grab Elizabeth to put her inside the squared circle and the Macho Man thought that Hogan had copped a feel when he lifted Miss Elizabeth the two men had a scuffle backstage but Hulk was eventually able to calm salvaged and keeps us all in mind though the mega powers feud was centered around Miss Elizabeth and Randy savages jealousy art imitating life at SummerSlam 1988 the inaugural SummerSlam pay-per-view the mega powers took on the mega bucks Ted DiBiase and Andre the Giant in the eyes of young fans this was the ultimate battle between good and evil and the mega powers would provide a feel-good moment for fans around the world when they toppled the mega bucks in the main event the secret weapon of the mega powers miss Elizabeth helped turn things around for salvation Hogan when she revealed a little skin distracting the villains long enough for Savage and Hogan to make an attack and end the match with the victory the seeds though were already beginning to get planted for the eventual Hogan vs. savage match at WrestleMania savage didn't look too happy with Hogan celebrating so much with Miss Elizabeth it was all very subtle at this point but it was still done extremely well you could tell that the macho man wasn't very keen on the hoax they're getting close to Elizabeth the 1988 Survivor Series was next the mega powers captained the Survivor Series team that also featured Hercules Coco beware and he'll belly Jim and they took on a king the big boss man the Red Rooster okay and Ted DiBiase if you want some further proof that the WWF was still centered around Hogan at this time look no further than the 1988 Survivor Series entrances Savage and Hogan were co-captains of their team yet Hulk Hogan had his own separate entrance while his teammates including the WWF Champion Randy Savage all came out together the babyface has won the match but afterwards Hogan once again got very friendly with Miss Elizabeth and savages reaction wasn't so subtle this time Hogan acted oblivious but Randy was clearly pissed off this was good stuff here a nice slow build a potential rivalry between two fan favorites the eventual savage versus Hogan match would have money written all over it on the January 7th edition of Saturday night's main event airing a week before the 1989 Royal Rumble Hulk Hogan took on I came during this match the big bossman and slick would constantly interfere leading the Miss Elizabeth running back stairs to get Randy Savage for help Ronde however decided not to help Hogan insisting that Hulk was fine on his own and he didn't need any assistance during the match eventually the numbers game was too much for the Hulkster and after giving Hogan up beating the heal trio turned their attention to Miss Elizabeth when the bossman tried to place handcuffs on Elizabeth savage rounded the ring to make the save so it seemed like the Macho Man was in no rush to help Hogan but he would still protect Elizabeth and the Royal Rumble match the following week Hogan eliminated Randy Savage by accident when the Hawks were tried to eliminate bad news brand this of course would be another annoyance to the Macho Man Randy Savage he didn't initially believed that Hogan's actions were accidental at all but Miss Elizabeth was there to ensure clear heads prevailed it didn't last long though the official split of the mega powers happened on the main event February 3rd 1989 Hogan and salvage were scheduled to take on and came in the big bossman during the bud I came through salvage out of the ring but salvage fail until the Sabbath knocking her right code Hogan saw what happened he rushed out of the ring to check the damage but the Hulkster was definitely more concerned with Elizabeth here Hogan picked up Miss Elizabeth as Randy Savage looked on and disbelief and he brought her to the back for medical attention savage was left to take on I came and the big bossman a little later on Hogan returned to the ring and he called for a tag into the match but savage slapped Hogan in the face before walking away leaving organ to take on bossman and it came after Hogan won the match he went to the back to check on Miss Elizabeth and Randy Savage just hard enough he attacked Hogan in the first-aid room as Elizabeth looked on before the attack savage said he was not the third wheel in the mega powers he was the WWF Champion so he was number one savage said Hogan was jealous because the Macho Man was the champion and Savage also said that Hogan had lust in his eyes from Miss Elizabeth when talking about this part of the angle Hulk Hogan said it was all a play on real life and it worked so well because Randy was the ultimate protector in real life to take that into the WWE internet and the entertainment it was so perfect because it was real Vince McMahon said in reality Raleigh was so incredibly jealous of anyone that would even say hello to Elizabeth dilling methought was not an easy thing to do but in regards to the WWE there was a real story here a natural real-life story that would be easy to do because of the reality of the situation and so it was time to cash in on the storyline WrestleMania v would see the mega powers explode when Randy Savage defended his WWF Championship against Hulk Hogan in the main event fans wondered which side Elizabeth would be on which she stuck with the Macho Man or would she jump over to join forces with Hogan the March 11th episode of Saturday night's main event would give us the answer Elizabeth declared that she would remain neutral she would not stand in either man's corner something that further annoyed the macho man anyway WrestleMania v was again held in Atlantic City the show was billed as wrestlemania v the mega powers explode the world had watched savage and Hogan's story unfold for over a year it's nighttime to put on a show the WWF had crafted an excellent story here one that ran deeper than the Andre versus Hogan angle from WrestleMania 3 so the pressure was on to deliver a memorable match Miss Elizabeth ended up getting ejected from ringside she tried to assess both men at different points during the match and the referee made the decision to send her to the back savage and Hogan were then able to have a fair one-on-one match the audience made a lot of noise during the bite but we simply can't overlook the predictability of the match I'd come either Hogan of course caught the win and I failed it the predictable I'd come maybe hurt the WrestleMania 5 me an event at the time the WWF were smart enough to play off this predictability at WrestleMania 6 but you did always feel that Hogan was going to emerge victorious when the mega powers exploded at WrestleMania 5 still it was a good match here probably the best on the card in terms of storytelling and crowd anticipation one year prior and the exact same arena Hulk Hogan had helped Randy Savage captured the WWF Championship and a year later after their relationship had many ups and downs Hulk Hogan reclaim the title when he delivered the leg drop to his former storyline best friend so that we now have a new main event superstar and Randy Savage one who would be able to carry the company of Hulk Hogan decided to call it quits well yes I know Savage and my opinion was already capable of carrying the workload should Hogan be absent but the WWF decided to keep Salvage Hill he wasn't going to be the huge babyface that the company had built up over the past year or so instead Randy would leave Miss Elizabeth while siding with sensational Sherri and the macho King gimmick was born when south defeated Jim Duggan for the King of the Ring title in September of 1989 salvaged also aligned himself with Zeus and the run-up to the no-holds-barred movie getting its cinematic release leading to a tag-team match at SummerSlam 89 where Zeus and savage took on Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan and again the two teams squared off at the no-holds-barred pay-per-view and a steel cage match Savage and Hogan also had a rematch on the February 23rd 1990 edition of the main event and Hogan again got the victory in the end though savage did eventually turn back into a good guy and Miss Elizabeth was used once again to sway the fans opinion of the Macho Man after savage turned babyface the mega powers would team up three more times the mega powers took on Jake the snake Roberts and the Berserker on the February 1st 1992 edition of superstars this was a dark match but it was included in the unreleased Randy Savage DVD collection and it's also available right now on YouTube savage and Hogan also defeated Jack Roberts and The Undertaker on February 10th 1993 at a house show and the last time the mega powers teamed up during this era of the doublet of the f was on March 29th 1992 the mega powers defeated Ric Flair and said justice at a house show here of course Hogan and savage would team up down the road and WCW both as good guys and also as part of the NWO and savage and Hogan's rocky relationship was the catalyst for the breakaway NWO Wolfpac faction but we'll get to all of that and future Hogan uploads so what was next for Hulk Hogan after WrestleMania 5 well Savage versus Hogan was the headlining match for many house shows throughout 1989 the WWF milked the feud for all it's worth and rightfully so while the whole mega powers thing was going on though there was another superstar that was making waves in the World Wrestling Federation we've talked a lot about Savage and Hogan being the top two guys in the company during this time period but a third guy was getting such huge ovations and Found support that he just couldn't be ignored and this guy was coming off their Hulk Hogan and the WWF Championship our next video when this Hulk Hogan series stops off at WrestleMania the ultimate challenge the WWF Champion Hulk Hogan faces the Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior I hope you enjoyed this look back at the mega powers and hopefully you can see why the rivalry and angle is so fondly remembered by today's wrestling fans the story itself was the key ingredient here I'm not going to say Hogan versus Savage at WrestleMania five is one of my favorite matches because it isn't I failed both guys have had better matches but I still have an appreciation for the story that was crafted here the mega power is falling apart forced fans to choose a side that made us question if Randy Savage was really the bad guy and all of this at least to begin with and so the WWF played with fans emotions here to get people invested and it worked a charm even though he was turned into a full time hale after all was said and done savage still had marquee matches he had earned a prominent spot on the cards while Hogan remained as popular as ever so it all worked out in the end but anyway thanks again for watching and I hope you join me next time when we look at warrior vs. Hogan at WrestleMania 6 [Music] [Music] while Wrestlemania 5 in Atlantic City had its own polarizing element when it came to the man who may invented the show nothing divided fans quite like warrior versus Hogan at WrestleMania 6 the WWF decided to produce two top baby faces against each other and a match billed as the ultimate challenge both the Intercontinental Championship and the WWE title would be up for grabs it was truly a spectacle for the ages the tested the loyalty of diehard WWF fans would supporters rally behind Hulk Hogan the man who elevated the WWF to Heights the company had never seen before or would they get behind the Ultimate Warrior an embodiment of a new generation who done nothing but excite fans with his intensity and landish character the WWF's alpha competitor Hulk Hogan would also be put to the test had years and years of being the quintessential good guy finally made fans grew tired and bored was a time for a Hoke Hogan to pass the torch and let someone else bask in the baby-faced limelight let's take a look as we continue our Hulk Hogan series our next stop is WrestleMania six in the Toronto Sky Dome the ultimate challenge WWF Champion Hulk Hogan versus Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior winner takes all if I'm being totally honest here Hogan and warriors paths didn't cross all that often in the run-up to WrestleMania 6 this was a departure from previous WrestleManias as Hogan's main body of work throughout the calendar year would only to the WrestleMania main event WrestleMania 6 was different it seemed like the WWF were willing to forgo a ditch story and instead the company would Bank on the NCN popularity of both the Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan looking back it was neither the right nor the wrong move Hogan versus warrior at WrestleMania sex is absolutely fine the way it is and it would be wrong to try and go back and rework things but at the same time could you imagine if warrior and Hogan were given a year long story that Khan at WrestleMania that would have been great for sure Hogan though was busy doing a little promotional work for his no-holds-barred movie and maybe the WWF wanted to get back to basics a little with WrestleMania six no deep angle needed let the man go ahead and let the fans tell the story I wouldn't change a thing if I'm honest but it's still interesting to think about how the doubles that we have could have told a longer story here with the ultimate challenge still what I'm getting at is that this video won't have the twists and turns that were found and the mega-power saga so we'll need to take a look at both man's individual journeys towards the Toronto Sky Dome taking a bigger picture The Ultimate Warrior made his WWF debut in June of 1987 then known as the dingo warrior and immediately the warrior began destroying jobbers and lore mid car Talent real name Jim Hellwig the Ultimate Warrior was booked as an unstoppable force and wrassling he was well known for his high-energy entrances his colorful rain gear and his face pant his ability to absorb punishment from his opponents was something we had never seen before turning marches around in his favor and practically no time at all the man was a spectacle of the Ring there was a legit shift in atmosphere when warriors music played in the arena his fans caught on their fate to cheer for this over-the-top real-life superhero Warriors first big feud and the World Wrestling Federation was against Hercules Hernandez leading to a match between the two men at WrestleMania four but when we talk about 1988 there was no bigger night for the ultimate warrior than SummerSlam the honky Tonk Man had set records with his 454 day Intercontinental title rim but when the Ultimate Warrior was revealed as honky Tonk Man surprise opponent at SummerSlam a real moment than wrestling took place when the warrior won the icy title during a memorable feud with ravishing Rick Rude warrior dropped and regained the Intercontinental title while his crowd support continued to grow and after the warrior was booked to defeat Andre the Giant that numerous shows across the United States Jim Hellwig was established as a man and player following the Andre the Giant Food Ultimate Warrior's next stop was the 1990 Royal Rumble and it was here when the warrior would stand face to face with Hulk Hogan on pay-per-view for the very first time after hakugen had defeated Randy Savage at WrestleMania five it was business as usual for the real American the Hogan versus savage match was built on live event after live event the WWF capitalizing here on their big drawing wrestlemania fact me an event by taking the match on the road before mania 5 Hulk had filmed the WWF produced movie no-holds-barred with Vince McMahon feeling that Hogan had the drawing ability to attract film goers of the late eighties the movie reportedly broke even no real profits were made here but it wasn't through that of the WUF slack of trying in order to sell the movie as a pay-per-view spectacular tiny Lister who played the villain juice and the no-holds-barred film was brought into the WWF for a few marches and appearances today we can look back and shake our heads and hi silly this may have been but you have to remember that in the eighties Hogan was legitimately one of televisions biggest stars a real household name that fans really couldn't get enough of the movie seemed like a win-win situation make more money from the Hulk Hogan name while attempting the brig in the Hollywood what really could go wrong well the movie itself was the problem no-holds-barred was panned by critics and while some said that Hogan had an appealing on-screen quality about him the movie itself was a different story altogether nonetheless the WWF would bring the evil Zeus the wrestling audiences whether they liked it or not Brutus Beefcake and Hulk Hogan defeated Zeus and Randy Savage at SummerSlam 89 and in December Hogan and beefcake again defeated savage in Zeus at the no-holds-barred pay-per-view event the pay-per-view featured the entire movie before a sting kids tag-team match and it's one of a few pay-per-view that still isn't available on the WWE Network after Hogan got finished up with the no-holds-barred stuff he truly made his way to the 1991 both Hogan and warrior were in the Royal Rumble match itself warrior entered at number 21 Hogan entered at number 25 after eliminating some competitors from the match both Hogan and warrior were left in the ring alone this was the moment where many fans began wanting something that they didn't know they wanted before the panty dropped here it was like Oh Hogan and warrior are alone in the ring we weren't expecting this but we also can't we have to see what happens next warrior and Hogan planted up perfectly to the two men looked at each other before circling around the ring the fans roared with anticipation as two of their heroes were about to collide in the squared circle there would be no clear winner here warrior and Hogan took each other right with a double clothesline before the next competitor caught in the ring in the end Hogan eliminated warrior by accident and the hoaxer went on to win the whole thing what we got here was a taste of things to come an appetizer for WrestleMania six fans wanted to see what would happen if hulk hogan faced the ultimate warrior and a one-on-one matchup the following week on Saturday night's main event Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior teamed up to take on the genius and mr. perfect Hogan and warrior showed signs of unity in the pre match interview with Gene Okerlund and glitter in the ring it seemed like both men were on the same page warrior and Hogan won the match but afterwards when the genius and perfect launched a post match attack the warrior accidentally hit Hulk Hogan after some pushing and shoving the two men left the ring and the fans were left wondering if it was really going to happen with Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior mate in the middle of the ring well fans wouldn't have to wait for long Hoch Hogan was the man who put forward the ultimate challenge he wanted to know which force was strongest in the war grassland federation Hulkamania or the power of the warrior both belts would be put on the line and the match was made official On February 10th 1990 Hogan versus warrior at WrestleMania six at the third men eventual Fabri 23rd 1990 ho Cogan was scheduled to defend his WWF title against the macho King Randy Savage GM's Buster Douglas would serve as the special guest ring enforcer here and this is interesting because Mike Tyson was actually supposed to referee this much duster defied the odds in Gaudin all quiet went over Tyson just two weeks before the main event show here so Buster was brought in and Tyson was left at Tyson would eventually make his way to the World Wrestling Federation at WrestleMania 14 but anyway it's very interesting here when you consider that Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura has been hyping Tyson's appearance for a month or so and then just like that Buster Douglas is an enticing a sight anyway Hogan wins the match when Buster makes the Freak hunt a little later on The Ultimate Warrior defended his icy title against Tino Bravo and when warrior got the pinfall one earthquake jumped under the ring to help Bravo with a post-match attack ho Coogan rounded the ring to help the warrior but warrior doesn't seem too pleased with Hulk trying to help him out the two men squared off once again there was no punches thrown however and before the main event show ended both men cut backstage promos Hogan said he helped the warrior because he wants his WrestleMania opponent to be at 100% when it was time for WrestleMania sex and the Ultimate Warrior talked about hard the Hulkamaniacs around the world or maybe during that they're here who can leave WrestleMania with both the WWF Championship on the icy title two weeks later on WWF superstars warrior returned the favor when he siad Hulk Hogan from earthquake warrior how to chance the clothesline Hogan but he didn't do the two looked at each other before warrior ran back to the gorilla position and really that was your build-up for WrestleMania six there was also a backstage contract signing that took place and a few pre-recorded promos that aired on television shows but this was pretty much it as mentioned earlier the warrior versus Hogan didn't need anything more what you have to keep in mind is that Hogan had just had a series of landmark some mania mian events that help solidify him as WrestleManias star attraction for another baby fee has to come in and challenge the status of Hogan at WrestleMania it was quite unheard of but this was all that was needed to tell the story what brought the Ultimate Warrior to the dance in my opinion was his appeal to the young teenage audience of the World Wrestling Federation the comic-book character that had came the life that kind of thing really captured the imagination of fans who maybe began their WWF fandom is little Hulkamaniacs but these CM fans had grown over the course of 5 years or so the ultimate warrior came across is a bit more edgy and a bit more cool of course Hulk Hogan still had his legions of supporters Hogan was still the premier all-american good guy and hero but the character of the Ultimate Warrior seemed it happended the imagination of young fans in a much more visceral way the warrior was maybe seen as more modern and with the times than Hulk Hogan in the back of many people's minds this was going to be another Hulk Hogan victory it's no wonder either one look at Hogan's WrestleMania history lets us know that the odds were stacked against a warrior here The Ultimate Warrior was the underdog at WrestleMania 6 in a way not only that but Hulk Hogan and WrestleMania were just in sync with each other back then both existed and flourished because of each other so you always thought that with the exception of WrestleMania for Hulk Hogan just couldn't be bait on the ground stage well fast-forward the April 1st 1990 in the Toronto Sky Dome and the warrior defeated Hogan to become the WWF Champion while still retaining the Intercontinental Championship it was surprising to say the least but let's look at the match itself before continuing on first off the Toronto Sky Dome now known as the Roger Center looked absolutely amazing for Wrestlemania 6 a good arena helps WrestleMania standard for sure you kind of associate the arena with the event in many ways in WrestleMania 6 is no exception I always think of the giant white video board when I think of this WrestleMania also the WWF's production values had gone through some insane improvements since WrestleMania I've compared these two shows yourself the camerawork the overall broadcast quality the audio for the theme music everything is much more updated with rasa mania sex and it does make the show a little more pleasant to watch Hogan and warrior each had pretty much promos and both were memorable but warriors was on a different level you need to watch this a few times warrior did deliver his promos and a peculiar way to say the least but warrior question the Hogan's bullish while saying he will bring the Hulkamaniacs and the Warriors together by winning the WWF Championship it's an insane promo I can't do it justice by talking about it and neither can anyone else go watch it and feel the power of the Ultimate Warrior right let's look at the match no I don't care what anyone says here watch it back for yourself it's undeniable that Hogan gets a much stronger credit reaction during the entrances and in the opening moments of the bite we've already talked about how both men had their fair share of supporters and I'm not saying that there weren't hands of thousands of fans who wanted the warrior to win but watch the Antron TSA's and you'll see it for yourself Hogan gets the banner crowd responds initially the pre-match staredown was phenomenal warrior looked so intense when he stood toe-to-toe with Hogan creating a WrestleMania moment by just having both men look at each other the beginning of the match then played into both man being fan favorites and both men not giving an inch if warrior pushed Hogan Hogan pushed warrior right back if Hogan overpowered the warrior warrior would proceed to overpower the holster the two-man even went through this routine with a test of strength in the opening minutes of the match and why this kind of thing would get mocked in today's wrestling the fans totally heated up here at WrestleMania 6 it was the absolute right booking decision here have both men looked like equals Hogan fell to the outside and it looked like he had blown his knee out giving the warrior a little time to zoom in on the injury but within seconds Hogan's knee had magically hailed and the match played out as if nothing had happened this was odd for sure I think Hogan was trying to play possum he did give warrior a thumb to the eye afterwards but it just didn't translate well on TV things started getting even more strange when hulk hogan began getting the upper hand and the match something that normally never happened Hogan's matches were all about the heroic comeback so what's strange to see a Hulk Hogan match during this time period that hard Hogan in the driver's seat for so long you have to remember that the warrior was not used to long main event matches though warrior was all about the entrance and the character he would smash his opponents in no time at all when the match and leave the ring he was limited in the squared circle and so was hoping to be fair but the Hulkster had the experience here it made sense for Hogan to set the pace and be the aggressor if you need proof when warrior got back on his feet demand some offense he performed clothesline after clothesline running from one side of the ring to the other with a much wrassling going on to be honest no I'm not trying to pick apart the Ultimate Warrior here this was his ring style and it worked for him it got fans on their feet and it made the people scream and shout and that's really all you can ask for however I think Vince McMahon you that a typical Ultimate Warrior March wouldn't quite cut it in the main event of Wrestlemania and so Hogan was able to take control of the match much more than his opponent warrior was able to get a bear hug on Hogan that lasted a very long time the referee got white died after Hogan broke the bear hug and Hogan Penn warrior for the one-two-three why the ref was out cold this was your Hogan insurance policy right here folks Hogan would have won the bite had the referee been there to make the count the same thing happened moments later when warrior penned Hogan but Hogan had warrior paid first of course the audience went into overdrive when Hogan kicked out of the gorilla press slam and the splash delivered by the warrior Hogan hooked up and went for the leg drop warrior moved out of the way heading another splash and scoring the pinfall when but look at the pen fall here and look at how Hogan still CAC tied on three again another Hulk Hogan insurance policy he beat me but he didn't really be me I mentioned that Hogan got a better credit at the start of the March but when warrior got the one-two-three the audience was absolutely deafening I feel like I've been a little harsh here and I really don't mean to be previously I spoke about how Andre versus Hogan at mania 3 gets a lot of flack for the N ring wrestling but I still feel that that match is really important and special and that is how I also feel about Hogan versus warrior at WrestleMania 6 the main event competitors I felt that a great job of covering up both of their shortcomings and they give the absolute best marks they could given the circumstances at the time it worked the ultimate challenge was everything fans could have hoped for and even bigger than all of this was that we know I had a new superstar at the very top of the mountain Hulk Hogan had lost the WWF Championship to another babyface at the time it was booked as a passing of the torch and while we know I have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight and we all know that it wasn't really a passing of the torch it was still a special moment in WWF history and that is something I can really respect wrestling isn't always about the moves in the ring or the politics at play it's also the emotions fans go through from bell to bell and how you feel when the match comes to an end Hogan versus warrior delivered on that front it was a monumental moment in WWF lore and for that reason even though the action inside the ropes wasn't a technical showcase Hogan versus warrior is still a special must-see much wrestling audiences and particular WWF audiences were always used to having one guy they loved versus one guy they hit the rang it was cut-and-dry cheer for the hero boo the villain this time though fans had to choose this I feel is another layer that helped make the WrestleMania six main event so special it wouldn't be the last time a huge baby fear squared off with another huge baby fist but WrestleMania six was the first time it was done on a giant pay-per-view stage and it's this key element that makes Hogan versus warrior still stand out to this very day anyway Hogan celebrated with the warrior afterwards something that fans see as an example of Hogan holding on to the spotlight but it's also really hard to imagine the and the WrestleMania sex without Hogan celebrating with the warrior giving young fans of the double-double you have a feel-good moment here to end the biggest show of the year the warrior would continue on is the WWF Champion although he did have to forfeit the icy title as apparently any single superstar isn't allowed to hold two bouts at the same time so why was the mod spooked in the first place but anyway Hulk Hogan moved into a feud with the 468 pound earthquake after this the Hulkster stood up for his country when he fists sergeant slaughter at WrestleMania 7 and boy there's a big story to tale there but this will all get covered in the next Hogan video uploaded to the channel in the end dropping the title to the Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 6 I felt was the right thing to do Hogan did not lose any of his popularity throughout the remainder of 1990 and just a year later he was back in the WrestleMania main event normal service would very much resume you'd hope after WrestleMania 6 that Hogan would see the upside and losing how he could tell stories through the fete and play on the emotions of his very own fans but that didn't really happen again we can talk about this a little more in the very next upload thanks very much for watching this video when sticking with me throughout this story of Hulk Hogan's entire career with this video we've passed through from the eighties and then to the night the 1990s we proved to be even more storied for Hulk Hogan than the decade prior we have a lot more of Hulk Hogan's career to cover and I hope you join me next time for Wrestlemania seven [Music]
Channel: Wrestling Bios
Views: 854,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wrestling lists, wwe lists, wrestling bios, hulk hogan wrestling bios, hulk hogan 70s, hulk hogan awa, hollywood hulk hogan, hulk hogan 80s, hulk hogan 80s wwf, wwf hogan, hogan vs warrior, hogan vs andre, wrestlemania III, Wrestlemania 1, Wrestlemania 2 hulk hogan, hulk hogan documentary, wrestling stories, wrestling facts, wwe stories, wwe facts, wrestling documentary, wrestler documentary
Id: v0znNL2zww0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 36sec (6696 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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