The Complete Spider-Man MCU Timeline

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Did MCU Peter’s parents die at the Stark Expo?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/g-swell 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
with great power comes great responsibility we all love spider-man in the MCU the two go together like peanut butter and jelly or the internet and making fun of Hawkeye for some strange reason but if you really stop and take a look at spider-man's MCU timeline you'll be amazed at how truly great his arc is across all of his appearances and the endless possibilities his future holds so today we're examining the great history of spider-man in the MCU so let's get into it right now diehard fans know that we actually met Peter Parker much earlier than Captain America Civil War with the future spider-man appearing in 2010's Iron Man 2 did you forget that's okay we try to forget that movie too sometimes but yes that's right Peter Parker has been confirmed to be in that movie remember the kid who was at the stark Expo the one who fearlessly stared down a hammer drone with a probably overpriced toy mask and faked blaster that's baby Spidey just when the drone is about to take out Peter Ironman swoops in and actually saves him from becoming dust this time Ironman gives Peter a quick nice work kid and flies off to continue fighting leaving Peter awestruck yes we know that Marvel didn't originally plan for this to be spider-man when the movie came out but when the webhead officially joined to the MCU given his age it was easy for them to say hey actually that that kid was Peter Parker all along and it's a nice moment showing how Peter was always prone to bravery perhaps without always thinking things through and being inspired by Iron Man's heroics so who cares about this retroactive Lee revealed cameo was one factor in breaking the Marvel timeline it doesn't matter because it means more spider-man but by the time we had a proper introduction in Captain America Civil War we didn't need to dive too much into the backstory because we've already seen spider-man's origin play out twice before in the last 20 years Marvel wisely skipped over Peters superhero origins and cut straight to him being an established hero while established for only six months at that point but still and it's not like we really need it to be retold the sword we all know the story retroactive Spyder Uncle Ben dying with great power comes great responsibility yeah the idea so when we first meet Peter tony is trying to recruit him to come help him in his fight against Captain America now we're just going to gloss over the fact that Tony's whole point during civil war is that super heroes should be held accountable and registered under these takobi accords and then goes off and recruits a random 15 year old to come fight with him without telling anyone it was out of necessity Tony looked at caps line up and probably went Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye I need to bring in some more muscle and we should be glad he did because the emcee used Peter Parker quickly established himself as a fan favorite hero he was quippy without being overly cocky and his enthusiastic love for this brand-new superhero life was enthusiastic enough to cheer us up after seeing cap and Iron Man's nasty divorce and boy we're sure glad Iron Man brought spider-man along into the infamous airport bottle because it was a highlight geeking out over Bucky's metal arm earning Captain America's respect and even coming up with the plan to topple ant-man turn Giant Man by thinking about that really old movie Empire Strikes Back his plan worked but unfortunately spider-man ended up hurt and exhausted although the one thing not damaged was his spirit and he desperately tried to keep fighting not wanting to disappoint his new mentor Iron Man Tony applauded his determination but decided Peter was done fighting and even threatened to call Aunt May if he didn't stand down hey that'd scare us too but spider-man really had nothing to worry about he was so good in that airport battle that the powers that be decided to give him his very own movie okay we know that's not how that played out but it's nice to think he was rewarded in some way just a little over a year later after watching the MCU get mystical with it's trippy Doctor Strange movie and then take to the stars once again with our lovable misfits the guardians of the galaxy spider-man made his proper MCU debut with his own solo film spider-man homecoming the name itself a double entendre as it both took place around a homecoming dance and was a homecoming for the character of spider-man to return under the proper Marvel and was a lot less of a spectacle than the previous two Marvel releases it didn't have universe destroying snakes like dr. strange or guardians of the galaxy vol 2 but was more of a grounded coming-of-age story about a kid trying to grow up too fast sure it also included superheroes epic CGI battles and Michael Keaton in another bird themed role but at its core was the tale of a young kid trying really hard to impress his mentor and be taken seriously as an adult and hero and it's hard to blame Peters mindset at the beginning of the movie he's just come back from fighting all of his favorite superheroes Plus Falcon and now he's ready to be a full-fledged Avenger Tony isn't that much of a help at the beginning not so much in shutting Peter down as much as telling him a version of the old don't call us we'll call you line while still flirting with Ma two months pass and Tony along with the lovable and grumpy happy Hogan are apparently giving Peter the cold shoulder but an excited Peter doesn't take the hint he checks it almost every day with happy continues to patrol the streets of New York and clears the schedule to leave room in case Tony contacts him for a mission it's clear he's earning the infamous moniker of the friendly neighborhood spider-man although it's clear that's a name he desperately doesn't want to be stuck with he's got a taste of that sweet sweet Avengers life and he doesn't want to anything else who wants to be studying for tests put up with bullies and be forced to watch lame Captain America PSAs when you could be out using your extraordinary power to save the world the theme of this movie is keeping your feet on the ground while you can but of course Peter doesn't want to do that at the beginning he wants to fly speaking of flying spider-man homecoming was rightfully be praised for its villain Adrian Toomes aka the vulture he's not really an Avengers level threat as he mainly flies around steals weapons and sells them all in the name of family but he was a perfect villain for Peter at that time in his character arc he's a street-level guy just like Peter and he teaches Peter the value of stink close to the ground for a little while longer but really one of the strongest elements of the movie is the relationship between Tony and it's a clear mentor-mentee type of relationship but one element that's never explicitly stated yet quite apparent is that it's a father-son relationship Peter doesn't have a strong male influence in his life with his parents gone and uncle been shot by the Sandman wait no that's the other franchise either way Peter forms a strong connection with Tony and Tony accepts the role as Peters mentor with the sort of arrogance and self-centeredness that you'd expect but also clearly cares for Peter and wants to protect him it's not a coincidence that after this movie Tony starts talking about having kids of his own in the end Peter gets the chance to have everything he wanted after defeating the vulture and saving the day Ironman offers him a new specialty suit and a permanent place on the Avengers team but Peters learned a valuable lesson about taking his time to be the friendly neighborhood spider-man and turns Tony down he also probably took one look at that iron Spidey suit and thought about how uncomfortable it must be on the inside Peter thinks that this is his mentor testing him and is happy to end the movie going back to his semi normal life but as we know it wasn't a test Tony was really ready to give him the suit as well as the official Avengers name badge and parking space but Peters decision to walk away for now did allow Tony the chance to finally propose to Pepper Potts jeez Tony you must really want your own kids so that they're forced to accept gifts like the iron Spidey suit when you try to give it to him even though Peter is adamant about staying local until he grows some chest hair he doesn't really get that chance because there's a big purple Care Bear named Thanos trying to wipe out half of all life in the universe when his minions invade New York in infinity war Peter joins the fight with dr. strange Wong iron man at a performance she-hulk soon strange is captured and not even his magical flying carpet cape can save him the aliens abduct him and even though Iron Man tells Peter to stand down Peter's willing to latch himself onto the spaceship to try to save him this leads Peter to getting that iron Spidey suit after all but although Tony gave him the to save his life and to escort him back to the ground Peter won't leave Tony and strange behind latching onto the ship way to go Tony you gave him a suit that allowed him to stay on the ship better which was your exact opposite goal once on the ship Peters love for really old movies helps him out again and they pull an alien by blasting Squidward out into space freezing him like a popsicle it's here that Iron Man and strange make the tough choice the only play they have right now is to take the fight to Thanos it sounds pretty dangerous if you ask us but the one good thing about this plan is that Tony officially declares Peter an Avenger formally uniting him much to Peter's absolute delight but maybe being an Avenger isn't all great soon Peters brash landing on alien planets and fighting the guardians of the galaxy who really are more impressive by name than they are in person but the real battle is yet to come and Peter plays a key part in the Avengers a doomed plan to remove the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos as grip if fully the second best Peter in the group didn't get overly emotional they would have had it but unfortunately Thanos breaks free shanks Tony and takes the time still before zapping off to earth you got to bet that at this point they're all really hoping Captain America is ready to stop them short answer he isn't and before the space Avengers know it they all start turning to dust of course the hardest dusting to watch was spider-man's which takes way longer than anyone elses the writers have explained this is because Peter was just so powerful that he was fighting it so hard coupled with the fact that his spider sense was warning him of danger but really the reason he stayed so long was because they wanted to punch us in the gut and make us fill buckets with our tears as his father figure held to him Peter cried about how he didn't want to go over and over again before apologizing to Tony one last time we're not crying you're crying we just got dust an hour hi dust that was once a quippy webhead and boy that's a lot of dust we knew this death wouldn't be permanent especially because we knew spider-man far from home already started filming but dang was that death heartbreaking to watch thankfully and game revealed that Peter didn't suffer or remember anything about the five years he was gone as he tells Tony after his climactic return in Avengers endgame he remembers going all dusty but just thinks he passed out for a bit then he woke up with dr. strange telling him that the rest of the Avengers need help so of course he jumped back into action now here's the most important part of all of this all those spider-man homecoming started with Tony saying that they don't really do hugs you can sure bet that Tony embraced his surrogate son hard upon first seeing him it's a beautiful moment that captures the special relationship these two hat but as we all know now that battle ends in tragedy as Peters mentor Tony Stark sacrifices himself to stop Thanos and his army using the Infinity stones to turn the tables on the mad Titan and Peter is one of the three people crying over his body when he dies are you sure there aren't more dusted heroes floating around because our eyes are really watery he ends avengers endgame attending Tony's funeral and now the opportunities are endless Peter has to learn to become his own man without Tony around it's going to be a difficult journey but from everything we've seen of this kid so far we think he's going to be just fine underoos and all [Music] that's our video detailing spider-man's complete history in the MCU what's your favorite spider-man moment so far where do you think the character can go from here leave a comment down below with your thoughts and as always be sure to subscribe to CBR for more awesome MCU content thanks for watching
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,671,974
Rating: 4.9067111 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man, spiderman, Iron Man, Tony Stark, Captain America Civil War, character arc, Spider-Man Iron Man relationship, mentor mentee, father son, Sony and Marvel, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers Endgame, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, CBR
Id: q8xeiJzyOzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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