The Complete Princess Carolyn Timeline | BoJack Horseman

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princess caroline is my personal favorite bojack horseman character and she has one of the most storied journeys of anyone on the show we learned so much about pc's history over the course of the series and that history paints a picture of an incredibly interesting and nuanced character so join me as we explore the complete timeline of princess caroline oh and remember i've done like six of these timelines already sarah lynn beatrice todd herb diane and mr peanut butter so give those a watch especially check out the mr peanut butter one because he's a good dog yes he is speaking of mr peanut butter that's a character who really likes to embrace childlike wonder despite being an adult which is why i think he would love today's video sponsor magic spoon magic spoon honestly achieves the impossible they make delicious sweet cereals like we all used to eat when we were kids but without the overload of sugar and carbs like they say on their box it's the high protein keto friendly gluten-free grain-free soy-free wheat-free naturally flavored totally delicious childlike cereal for grownups i was honestly a little skeptical but when i tried this stuff i was blown away i seriously can't stop eating it i think i'm 90 cereal now my favorite flavor is cocoa but they're all really good and a little pro tip for you mix the cocoa with the peanut butter flavor for a real treat if you're interested you should check out the variety pack it comes with four flavors there are zero grams of sugar 13 to 14 grams of protein only four net grams of carbs and 140 calories in each serving it's almost too good to be true so if that sounds good to you click the link in the description below to grab a variety pack to try today be sure to use my promo code cellos at checkout to get five dollars off any order or go to cellos magic spoon is so confident it's backed with a 100 happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund your money no questions asked so click the link below and use code cellos for five dollars off or go to cellos to save five dollars today princess caroline was born on june 6th 1974 in eden north carolina she was the youngest in a litter of 12 siblings and was also the runt of the litter pc's family was very low income and her mother cutie cutie cupcake was a full-time live-in made for a wealthy family the wallaces her entire family lived in a small apartment above the wallace's garage pc's favorite movie was the amelia earhart story which also happened to be the only videotape her family owned this was a dramatic and exaggerated retelling of amelia earhart's journey as a pilot princess caroline used this film as an escape and watched it so much that the tape actually wore out princess caroline's mother was an alcoholic which got worse as she got older and often led to pc being forced to do her mother's maid work for her in 1992 at age 18 princess caroline's siblings had all moved out leaving her to live alone with her mother around this time pc became friends with the wallace's teenage son cooper thomas rogers wallace iii pc encouraged him to try out for the football team and he became the first string quarterback this led to a romantic connection and the two of them slept together the same night of this hookup princess caroline argued with her mother about going to college in california cutie chastised pc for wanting to leave and tried to scare her about their inability to pay for college she guilt-trips pc in an incredibly unhealthy way all the way on the other side of the country from your mother you're going to abandon me not long after this princess caroline discovers that she's pregnant with cooper's child leading her to believe her life is over however cutie sees this as a huge opportunity that the wallace family will now be forced to support her for the rest of her life cutie then gives princess carolyn a necklace and tells her that it's an old family heirloom passed down from the old country and when you wear this i want you to remember that you've come from a long line of women who've taken our licks but we always land on our feet she then tells pc not to blow it because this is their shot princess caroline meets with cooper and mr wallace that night and they agree that the two will get married he tells her that they'll be financially supported for the rest of her life with the caveat that her entire life will be meticulously planned out pc agrees unfortunately after this princess caroline has her first miscarriage and cutie blames it entirely on princess caroline miscarriages don't just happen this was our ticket that baby would have changed everything for us pc sobs and apologizes to her mother who then tells her that she's free now and reveals that an acceptance letter to ucla came in the mail shortly after this princess caroline heads off to los angeles as she waits to board the plane her mother begs her to stay with her just one more year pc refuses and heads off to her new life in 1993 princess caroline begins working as an intern for talent agent mars barbaria to help pay for college through working with marv pc meets bojack horseman the first time princess caroline met bojack she went to his house to drop off scripts only to discover he was passed out on his lawn covered in tapioca pudding pc hoses down bojack drags him inside and covers him with a blanket the second time pc meets bojack was after a taping of horsing around she went backstage to say hi but bojack wrote her off and told her to leave him alone the third time she met bojack was at her office when bojack came in to meet with marv on halloween 1993 princess caroline attends bojack's first annual halloween party she dresses as amelia earhart but was put on door duty to hand out emmy screeners to trick-or-treaters eventually pc was promoted from intern to marv's assistant in 2003 princess caroline attended a poker match at wilder valderrama's house with a variety of other hollywood folks including mr peanut butter pc notices that pb has a tell when he's bluffing in 2004 princess carolyn attended bojack's annual halloween party once again dressed as amelia earhart while there she answers the door for some trick-or-treaters who she says are too old to be trick-or-treating and sends them away she also helps bojack make a last-minute costume using toilet paper to turn him into a mummy in 2007 princess caroline and bojack horseman sleep together for the first time she tells him that she doesn't want to make a thing of it and he agrees pc then starts working to get bojack some work to prove that she has asian potential she convinces him to meet with a tv writer named cuddly whiskers to talk about a show he wrote the meeting goes really well but bojack is still worried about doing the project pc begs him to give a reason bojack says that the show sounds incredible and he's worried that he isn't pc tells him he's got it all wrong you're bright and you're funny and you're handsome and you're talented but if you can't see that then you're the biggest dumbest piece of in the world bojack agrees to do the show and thanks princess caroline for it after a table read for the show goes exceptionally well bojack and cuddly whiskers panic and decide to rewrite the script despite princess caroline's objections bojack berates pc for giving her two cents is that how you think of me as your agent's assistant well what do you think you are i don't know i guess well here's some free advice you should know after this princess carolyn immediately goes to marv and asks to be an agent marv quits on the spot and gives her all of his clients including bojack horseman bojack and cuddly whiskers show morphs into something called the bojack horseman show and princess caroline goes to bojack's premiere party at his house at this party pc rejects bojack's advances telling him that she wants to have a family by the time she's 40 years old i don't want to spend the next seven years of my life falling in and out of love with you i've wasted too much time waiting for things to happen and i'm not gonna wait anymore unfortunately the premiere for the bojack horseman show is a miserable failure sending bojack spiraling he calls princess caroline to come comfort him and due to her upbringing being conditioned to cover for and emotionally support her mother for her entire life she obliges the two sleep together again don't you break my heart bojack horseman in 2009 princess caroline once again attends bojack's annual halloween party but now they're dating she answers the door for a teenage todd chavez who questions why she's on door duty at her boyfriend's party pc ponders this before leaving the party to rethink her life princess caroline maintains an on-again-off-again romantic relationship with bojack through 2014. sometime during this period her father died and bojack attended the funeral with her over this time pc continued to excel as a talent agent in 2014 princess caroline formally breaks things off with bojack romantically but not professionally despite this they continue to sleep together for a period of time afterwards after learning that pop star and actress sarah lynn fired her agent pcs brings into action with a daring plan she clumsily attempts to woo sarah lynn while subtly dropping the name of her rival vanessa gekko who also happens to be saralyn's ex-boyfriend andrew garfield's agent as soon as saralyn decides to hire vanessa gecko pc has the info leaked and hoped that it would lead to andrew garfield firing his agent for signing his ex in which case she would attempt to sign garfield herself not long after this todd chavez starts to write a rock opera and when it's looking like it's going to be a success pc swoops in and signs todd as a client shortly after this when bojack goes out of town for his book todd turns bojack's house into a museum called boreana's house where people get to see where david borianis lives despite not being his actual house princess caroline quickly jumps in on the scheme and helps increase revenue unfortunately todd can't keep up with the cash flow and the entire operation is shut down pc abandons ship and todd is sent to jail shortly after this bojack is sent spiraling because mr peanut butter and diane nguyen got engaged princess caroline gives him her get your together speech and then gets him a new gig as the face of gutenberg unfortunately the same day pc's agency vigor merges with another agency fme forcing her to share an office with her rival vanessa gekko she then learns that bojack has abandoned his gig for guten bourbon but her other client todd chavez immediately books the role in his place bojack shows up at pc's office and attempts to rekindle their romantic relationship princess caroline tries to turn him down knowing it's just a rebound from his diane drama she tells him she can't be his girlfriend and his agent this leads to bojack firing pc and hiring vanessa gecko so that he can date pc while giving a get your together speech to todd pc misses the meeting for the ava braun film project she put together for her client kate blanchette exasperated by the stress of the day pc agrees to go out with bojack and has a wonderful time for the moment she's very happy unfortunately they both get phone calls at the same time pc learns that vanessa gecko has signed capelin chat away from her while bojack is invited to go see herb kazaz and malibu bojack breaks things off with pc and leaves her alone at the restaurant of course of course that's what you get when you fall for a horse this is when princess caroline kicks it into gear she gives herself a get your together speech and gets to work princess caroline quickly throws together a film adaptation of a book called suffragette city attaching cameron crow to direct she knows this is catelyn chet's favorite book and is able to lure her away from the eva braun project pc re-signs capela and chet then because the ava brawn project fell apart pc is able to organize a new rom-com based on the story of the d from the hollywood stein being stolen by mr peanut butter for director quentin tarangelino she also books bojack a role in the project pc took her licks but she always lands on her feet she then calls bojack to tell him the good news but he tells her he doesn't care about that and that nothing matters princess caroline hangs up looks out her window over the santa monica shoreline the clock strikes midnight and her phone notification goes off happy birthday princess caroline you are 40. not long after this princess caroline is tricked by bojack into coming to the bar to help him sabotage diana mr peanut butter's wedding which she takes major exception to but while there she meets vincent dalton a man who specializes in business transactions at the business factory the two hit it off and start dating pc later thanks bojack for inviting her to the bar where she met him she even says she's in love with him a couple of months after diane and pb's wedding the film mr peanut butter's hollywood heist that was put together by princess caroline starts production with bojack playing the part of mr peanut butter the project eventually morphs into a bi-monthly curated basket of snacks around this time bojack also fires diane from writing his book after her first draft is drastically different than what he expected princess caroline is furious that bojack is rewriting the book himself given that diane's book was actually good bojack ultimately releases diane's book to major critical acclaim and in 2015 he even wins a golden globe for the book with his newfound star power princess carolyn starts finding bojack work they turn down the villain in the next bond film and princess caroline suggests bojack do the next coen brothers movie but bojack wants to do secretariat pc is also a little worried about her relationship with vincent at this point the two go out to dinner and have a serious talk about their relationship i thought i wanted to date a real adult but i'm actually young at heart i need to feel the grasp between my toes that's baby stuff princess caroline breaks up with vincent at dinner not long after this at pb levin's launch party for smoothies vincent makes a grand gesture professing his love for pc i had an attitude problem but then i took a time out and i thought about what i did the two make up and plan a trip together about a month later princess caroline has a new terrible assistant and is dealing with bojack stumbles through his first days on secretariat she's also talking more with her friend and co-worker rutabaga rabitowicz but after sharing with him some inside info about a project she's putting together for one of her clients he uses that info to get his own client to screen test for the same project shortly after this princess caroline and vincent visit todd's new theme park disneyland vincent throws a bit of a tantrum which pc claims is because of his new adult braces but he complains that she's embarrassing him later princess caroline attends the funeral of herb kazaz the creator of horse and around and bojack's former best friend while there pc gets caught up in the lie that she actually knew herb very well which isn't true and was forced to improvise stories of our friendship with herb for the entire wake because of this forged connection henry winkler decides that pc should have herb's ashes on march 19th 2015 princess caroline attends diane wins surprise 35th birthday party after diana mr peanut butter get in a huge fight about whether or not tony curtis is dead the party ends prematurely pc offers to take todd home on the way they see a boy crossing the street who looks exactly like vincent princess caroline assumes that this is vincent's son after she gets home the boy shows up at her door and says his name is kevin he explains that he's vincent's son vincent shows up eventually too though we never really see them at the same time for some reason strange after much discussion princess caroline breaks up with vincent pc soon attends a wedding for one of her nieces later hollywood agent ronnie bonito was found dead leading to a free-for-all for agents to sign his clients princess caroline was late for work that day and she's only able to sign one of them mr peanut butter fortunately for pc rutabaga has a tip that ronnie had a super hush-hush client that nobody knew about jd salinger author of catcher in the rye and others pc tracks down jd salinger signs him and helps him pitch a new project to wanda at mbn a game show called jd salinger presents hollywood stars and celebrities what do they know do they know things let's find out princess caroline realizes that the best person for the hosting job is none other than mr peanut butter and she lands big deals for both of her new clients at the same time despite this pc receives no recognition for success from her boss at vigor to cheer her up rutabaga gives her his famous movie star speech he then tells her that he and his wife are getting a divorce after this princess caroline goes on a press tour with bojack and diane to promote the paperback release of one trick pony while fielding questions diane dredges up old allegations against hollywood star hank hippopolis causing a media frenzy pc tries to help diane navigate this by setting up a meeting at manatee fair during the premiere episode of hollywood stars and celebrities what do they know do they know things let's find out bojack looks a bit like an and an idiot to help combat this pc tells bojack about mr peanut butter's bluff tell that she learned playing poker with him in 2003. shortly after this premiere rutabaga pulls pc into a janitor's closet and tells her that he wants to leave vigor and start an agency with her princess caroline isn't sure as she's worked at vigor for her entire career she's then roped into helping bojack and secretariat director kelsey jennings break into the nixon library to steal a shot for the film pc is a part of the team that creates a distraction at the art gallery near the nixon library and while there she has a vision of herself living in one of the paintings at the gallery it's a fantasy of a calm serene life and she's immediately bored by it she leaves and as soon as she gets back to her office she pulls rutabaga into the elevator kisses him and accepts his offer shortly after this rutabaga purchases the building for their new agency with two months of prep before they move in but he also tells pc that the property and company is under her name while he deals with his divorce pc asks bojack and mr peanut butter if they'll follow her to her new agency and they both agree shortly after this bojack doesn't show up on the set of secretariat and pc calls in to try and wrangle him in only to discover that he's in new mexico and won't be coming home anytime soon two months later the new agency is ready to launch bojack has returned to la and pc informs him that as he requested she gave bojack's horse in a round residuals to build a new orphanage they go to the opening which is uncomfortable as princess caroline and rutabaga are preparing to move into their agency pc realizes that rutabaga is still working things out with his wife despite the fact that they've been sleeping together rutabaga insists that he will be divorced princess caroline then reaches out to diane who has been secretly crashing on bojack's deck for months and offers her a job as a social media liaison for the new agency diane asks her why she's offering to help and pc replies by describing the exact tendency we saw instilled in her by her mother my life is a mess right now and i compulsively take care of other people when i don't know how to take care of myself princess caroline and rutabaga then make a noisy and dramatic exit when they quit vigor and as they get in the elevator rutabaga tries to kiss pc princess caroline rejects him and rutabaga responds with some incredibly rude comments about how pc is in her 40s will never do better than him and should expect to be alone if she holds out for better she responds that she isn't afraid to be alone and delivers the final blow and you might want to find someplace else to work because you're not coming with me with the company and property all in her name she has no obligation to hire rutabaga and leaves him to run her new company by herself soon pc's agency vim is up and running with help from her new assistant judah man now dog however princess caroline really starts to struggle with her new role running an agency as she's used to doing all of the hands-on work herself her client jd salinger decides to end their run of hollywood stars and celebrities what do they know do they know things let's find out and then salinger proceeds to fire pc for unprofessional behavior through the stress judas suggests that he take on more responsibility at the company as well as prioritize finding great gigs for their existing clients instead of spreading themselves thin finding new clients with this new directive pc tells mr peanut butter to start looking for new work and ideas and he starts up pb living again not long after this mr peanut butter and todd both get sprayed by his skunk neighbor and princess caroline comes over to help eliminate the smell which introduces all types of issues eventually they burn their clothes setting fire to mr peanut butter's lawn and pc suggests that they insist this was on purpose to install drought resistant landscaping later in the year secretary it finally hits theaters and is a huge success princess caroline calls bojack to tell him that he's now a bona fide movie star that same night princess caroline actually has a free evening and jokingly asks judah to get her three dates since she so rarely has time off judah takes her seriously and books three separate dates for her that night pc's first date is incredibly boring and talks about the glass industry non-stop but the second is an albino rhino gyno that basically laughs in pc's face when she suggests she'd like to still have kids so not great dates the third is a mouse named ralph stilton and the pair laugh at the irony of a cat and mouse being set up on a blind date but despite this the two have an amazing time together at the end of the night ralph asks if he can see her again and she limits that she has no idea when her next free evening will be they agree that she'll call him if she ever frees up not long after this diane who's getting an abortion accidentally tweets i'm getting an abortion from popstar sixtina aquafina's twitter account causing all kinds of drama at vim but when the reaction is actually positive they lean into the lie with princess caroline's help this leads to a new hit single about abortion as well as pc producing a fake live broadcast of 16 as abortion that turns out to be surprisingly tasteful and informative pc sits with diane after her abortion and diane tries to justify her experience to pc somebody who wants to be a mother but princess caroline cuts her off diane you don't need to explain anything to anyone pc then gets a call from sixtena who is now actually pregnant and wants to keep the baby pc and diane brainstorm the best way to navigate this new development during the four-year consideration season in hollywood pc helped bojack and the secretariat team decide what fyc ads they want to use for his awards campaign they opt for a mirror ad that says you are secretariat which causes major problems in billboard form with bojack's new star power pc powers ahead to try and get him a huge franchise role in david pincher's flight of the pegasus trilogy simultaneously rutabaga and vanessa gecko are working to get their client chuff hollister the same role they send kelsey jennings to try and book bojack on her new film and help her secure funding which would interfere with the flight of the pegasus schedule bojack actually really wants to do kelsey's film and pc now has to navigate bojack's wishes and her own agency's success kelsey's film option expires in the new year 2016 so on new year's eve 2015 pc tries her best to get bojack both kelsey's film and flight of the pegasus but unfortunately because of her overzealousness both fall through leaving kelsey furious at bojack and bojack roleless judah immediately recognizes that they'll need to cut costs and pc yells at him she then apologizes sends him home and watches the new year's fireworks as she sits in her own failure shortly after this in 2016 pc goes to meet bojack at elefonte and tries her best to damage control the situation but bojack is set on firing her while doing this he accidentally fires the head chef at alefante sandro instead who leaves with the vast majority of the staff all while a food critic is waiting for their food princess caroline and bojack argue for a while unloading a lot of pent-up feelings and resentment from years of working together and dating they get in a physical fight at the restaurant eventually they end up talking in the meat locker and pc starts to tell bojack the things she does like about him though he tries to write them all off she tells him she liked being with him and doesn't regret the time they were together the last staff member remaining at the restaurant then tells pc and bojack that they need a mushroom risotto for the food critic pc says she knows how to make it but instead of putting out another bojack fire she leaves as she drives away she can't help herself from turning around to go help bojack one more time she makes the mushroom risotto and they serve it to the food critic later bojack and pc talk and reminisce about their time together and about the first few times they met pc begs bojack not to fire her and give her one last chance he refuses and he fires her anyways what do you think no with these major losses pc is forced to close vim she fires diane and judah suggests that pc embrace her new opportunities in life princess caroline immediately calls ralph and the two start dating sometime during january or february 2016 bojack shows up at pc's apartment and yells that he's sorry to her from the front yard pc appears at the balcony with ralph and then goes inside without talking to bojack pc and ralph take a trip to egypt together and not long after this they have dinner with mr peanut butter and diane pc is having a really hard time turning her agent brain off and starts booking appointments for diane suggesting she meet with ralph's sister stefani about working for her new news outlet girl cruise this is when pc realizes that she shouldn't be an agent she should be a manager she reopens vim and rehires judah now a management company judah also informs pc that a teenage girl is trying to contact bojack but pc tells him that she doesn't work for bojack anymore in october 2016 princess caroline is now having some major success running vim as a management company she's also supporting mr peanut butter's run for the governorship of california she also learns that she's pregnant which she keeps to herself ralph asks pc if she wants to move in with him but she tells him it isn't a good time in early 2017 at the gubernatorial ski race down devil's mountain pc tells ralph that she was pregnant but since had a miscarriage ralph tells her that he thinks they should try to get pregnant on purpose i'm saying maybe we should get you pregnant on purpose really later in 2017 pc asks todd to help her with her client courtney portnoy's image by going on a date with her hopefully making her appear more relatable todd reluctantly agrees but messes up a couple of times pc then tells todd he needs to try again which leads to courtney proclaiming to the paparazzi that she and todd are engaged shortly after this pc and ralph are fully pursuing pregnancy but pc's gyno tells her she's running out of eggs he gives them a series of helpful tools to try and get pregnant including a watch with the voice of harvey fierstein that informs her when she's ovulating let's put a baby in you they get a notification while eating lunch and they quickly try to rush home to have sex but are pulled over and arrested by officer meow meow fuzzy face without any other option pc and ralph have sex in the back of the cop car later this year a mass shooting takes place at a mall which puts courtney portnoy's film mistaken in jeopardy princess caroline works with the studio to try and rework the film or do damage control she hires diane to write a puff piece about mistaken but after courtney portnoy stops the pair of them from being mugged with her gun diane embraces firearms and writes an article about that pc uses this to help reframe mistaken as pro-woman but after a woman commits a mass shooting california outlaws guns entirely putting an end to mistaken i can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns no soon pc is forced to team back up with rutabaga who is working as courtney portnoy's new agent and the pair plan a spur of the moment fake wedding for courtney and todd this plan is derailed when meryl streep announces she's retiring from acting and having a retirement party the same day as the big hollywood fake wedding pc and rutabaga decide to pitch meryl a movie she can't say no to are you suggesting some sort of nutty professor to the clumps type situation where meryl streep plays every role they end up trapping meryl in a box with a contract underneath we got merrell but in the end todd decides against marrying courtney which puts an end to their wedding plan once and for all after rutabaga leaves and insults pc's potential capabilities as a mother in the process judah tells princess caroline that she will make a great mother after judah leaves pc pulls out a positive pregnancy test confirming that she is indeed pregnant later that year pc attends mr peanut butter's campaign fundraiser for his gubernatorial candidacy while pc is using the bathroom in their pool house the entire property collapses underground due to the fracking that mr peanut butter authorized in his backyard pc and todd wander through the underground tunnels looking for a way out and run into an army of ants pc helps them negotiate a new labor deal with their queen and they then help move mr peanut butter's house back above ground after this princess caroline goes with ralph to visit his family at stilton acres what she didn't realize is that they were there celebrating saint squeakavis an anti-cat holiday which puts pc and ralph's relationship in a rocky place and makes pc very uncomfortable when leaving stilton acres ralph's parents insult pc to his face and he sticks up for her saying that he loves her and telling them about their baby i love princess carolyn and we're having a baby and i couldn't be happier unfortunately shortly after this pc has the worst day of her entire life first courtney portnoy fires her because of the mistaken and failed wedding debacles then she discovers that she is miscarried again and that pregnancy might not be in the cards for she also tries to get her necklace fixed the one that her mother gave her and the jewelry store informs her that it's not a family heirloom at all but a cheap piece of jewelry from the 1960s she also learns that during the previous year charlie witherspoon offered to merge his agency with vim and that judah never told her about it in her frustration she fires judah pc struggles to figure out how to tell ralph about her miscarriage so she goes to her old apartment which she still owns but runs into todd's new clown dentistry school she ends up drinking with todd in the clowns all night ralph eventually comes over to check on her and they get in a fight about their relationship and the miscarriage princess caroline then breaks up with ralph later that night pcrashes on her couch at her office and talks to bojack on the phone she tells him that when she's having a really bad day she imagines her descendant doing a school report about her in the distant future and it makes everything feel like it will turn out okay even though it's not real after this awful day pc continues to spiral drinking more often in january 2018 princess caroline is called into a meeting at vim with a young writer named flit mcvicker pc is very dismissive until she sees the name of the show filbert the same name she and ralph had decided on for their baby princess caroline takes special interest in this project which seems to have more symbolic importance than actual importance with the help of todd and his clowntists she makes her meeting with lenny turtletop at parrotmount who suggests she pitched the show to what time is it right but demands she attach an actor to the project shockingly he wants bojack horseman for the role in order to get the deal signed and approved on time pc forges bojack's name without asking if he'll do the project later pc officially pitches the show to what time is it right and they approve particularly because they're fans of bojack after another bender and spiral todd brings pc to the woods and ties her to a dentist chair giving her one of her own patented get your together speeches look the woods are dark and scary but the only way out is through princess carolyn eventually goes to beg bojack to work on the project for her and shockingly without any second guessing bojack agrees he also tells her that she should consider adoption because she would make a great mother by september 2018 filbert is in full swing with princess caroline producing the project she's also in the process of adopting a child herself but struggles with the caseworker she's paired up with at the adoption agency bojack is also having a hard time with the series and complains to pc who begs him to just stick it out for the 10 weeks of filming princess caroline later decides to cast a cancelled actor named vance wagner to play filbert's partner fritz on the show who's also receiving a forgivi award when bojack inadvertently looks disgusted at the awards ceremony he gets good press which is also bad for vance and for philbert pc has him try to clear it up but he just further entrenches himself in his newfound positive reception from the feminist crowd vance eventually quits filbert and pc decides to cast mr peanut butter as fritz instead that same month princess caroline goes back to her hometown eden north carolina to talk to a mother about potentially adopting her child this brings back all kinds of memories of her childhood as she hadn't visited since her mother died she meets with sadie who is 18 years old and isn't sure if she can keep her baby or not while pc is trying to make a good impression on sadie she's continually interrupted by folks from the production of philbert which makes sadie think that pc might be too busy to be a good mother i know you're busy i don't want me or my baby to get in the way of your career that evening sadie's boyfriend suddenly proposes to her and implies that he wants to raise a child with her pc tries to convince sadie that he might not be trustworthy but sadie chastises princess caroline for treating this adoption like a sales pitch she puts her in her place and walks away from the adoption later while working on filbert pc asks todd who is now the vice president of ad if she can have an office on set she's drafted the paperwork but as he's about to sign he accuses pc of eating his string cheese they get into an argument over this that goes all the way to a mediator at the production studio they eventually resolve the dispute and agree to be better co-workers and roommates right as todd discovers that his missing string cheese was in his jacket pocket all along on halloween 2018 princess caroline once again attends bojack's annual halloween party as amelia earhart and as always she's answering the door after filbert wraps filming in november 2018 mr peanut butter approaches princess caroline about optioning a greeting card that he found for a movie called birthday dad pc doesn't really understand but sees that the card was written by her ex ralph's company the two get dinner together to catch up while at dinner pc gets a call from her caseworker about a woman at a nearby hospital who wants to give her baby up for adoption ralph helps pc race there to try and secure the adoption princess caroline meets the new baby and her birth mother bridget mistakes pc and ralph as a couple ralph implies he'd like them to be a couple again but pc rejects him she says that she's ready to be a single mom and raise this baby by herself i'm not afraid of how hard it's gonna be i already love this baby and that gives me so much power i don't need anything else and this actually ends up inspiring bridget to raise the child herself leaving pc childless again filbert premieres in early 2019 and before the premiere princess caroline is tasked with dealing with two writers who wrote jokes on popsicle sticks who accuse flip mcvicker of plagiarizing one of their jokes in filbert she's able to solve the dispute at the filbert premiere where they also learn that the show has been renewed for a second season later in the year while filming filbert season 2 in a drug-filled stupor bojack ends up actually choking his coast argina during a choking scene this is filmed by crew members and leaks creating major gossip and speculation princess caroline sets up a fluff piece interview with biscuits braxby so that bojack and gina can do major damage control before the interview pc gets a call from sadie in north carolina who's going into labor she says that her boyfriend left her and she wants to give pc the baby but she also says that if she can't get there by the time the baby is born she's going to give the baby to someone else rather than race to eden pc ends up dealing with the pr nightmare filbert actually ends up getting cancelled for unrelated reasons after the robot ceo henry fondl is accused of sexual harassment now entering sleep mode you wanna sleep with me instead of work with flip to try and find the show a new home pc leaves la and goes to eden to adopt her new child who she says she's going to name untitled princess caroline project in mid to late 2019 pc is adjusting to life as a single mother while she manages and produces mr peanut butter's new movie birthday dad unfortunately mr peanut butter becomes difficult to work with which greatly frustrates the director flee daniels when pc gets home after this debacle her nanny quits forcing pc to be more hands-on as a parent while dealing with her workload the next day princess caroline has to go to a photo shoot for manatee fair for their hollywood women can do it all issue she thinks about skipping this event until she learns that vanessa gekko is there and then she attends she has todd watch her baby while she goes only to discover that the kids were supposed to be a part of the photo shoot todd has to bring back the baby to the photo shoot after all while at the shoot pc gets roped into organizing an event at vim for women in the industry adding more to her full plate this eventually morphs into a full-on gala pc is then also roped into going to bojack's rehab to pick up mr peanut butter on the way there flee daniels calls to complain about birthday dad stating that it's only 42 minutes long and barely makes sense eventually quitting the project at pastiche's rehab facility pc takes a quick break that turns into a long nap bojack wakes her up and she realizes she missed the gala at vim pc gets the idea to sell the birthday dad movie cut as a pilot episode to nbn as a potential series and nbn buys it when pc gets to vim she realizes that the gala event has ended but she has a real heart to heart with vanessa gekko who gives her some great advice about raising a child you just have to do it the best that you can and know that that's the best you can do pc questions why they spent so long hating each other and gekko claims she never actually hated princess caroline when princess caroline gets home she spends some much needed time alone with her daughter who she finally comes up with a name for ruthie isn't that right ruthie shortly after this pc and ruthie attend mr peanut butter and pickle's surprise wedding which goes horribly wrong as mr peanut butter admits to pickles that he cheated on her right before everyone jumps out for the surprise they all have to hide themselves from the couple the rest of the night while hiding ruthie escapes and pc and todd have to chase her down without tipping off mr peanut butter or pickles she eventually recaptures ruthie and escapes the house while trying to get her back pc recognizes that todd has a real knack for child care and asks him to be her permanent nanny he agrees pc continues to manage mr peanut butter who has become a meme known as sad dog online pc thinks it's smart to lean into this meme she also fields a call from diane who wants advice on a book she's writing which pc promptly sells and gives diane six months to finish around this time a major assistant strike hits hollywood shutting down the entire city which obviously cannot function without assistance pc and lenny turtletop are negotiating with the assistant's leadership pc initially tries to end the strike by simply offering the strike's leader casey a promotion which does work pc eventually realizes that she was treated just as poorly when she was marv's assistant and decides she actually should help the striking assistants instead she contacts judah and hires him to represent them judah manages to end the strike in a single sit-down negotiation while talking to judah pc realizes that this strike was the most time she's gotten to spend with ruthie and also that judah might be the assistant she should have promoted in late 2019 bojack who's now out of rehab shows up at pc's house he brings her a painting as a gift and asks her for a recommendation for a drama professor position at wesleyan university while talking to bojack pc gets emotional about going back to work worrying that her new connection with ruthie will disappear bojack gives her some helpful advice that she probably shouldn't be handling so many things hands-on since she's the boss she needs other people to work close to her position you are producing a show running a company catering to your clients raising a child a tod you need your own princess caroline to take care of you princess caroline subsequently rehires judah as chief of operations giving her more free time to spend with ruthie every week in early 2020 pc tries to motivate diane into finishing her book which is a struggle pc is eventually sent a few chapters of a different book by diane a young adult novel called ivy tran food court detective princess caroline encourages diane to continue this project but diane doesn't want to in spring 2020 princess caroline todd ruthie and diane all attend the end of year performance for bojack's drama class after the performance pc has a heart to heart with diane and convinces her that writing ivy tran is the best thing for her to do immediately after this todd discovers bojack passed out on the ground and they all retreat to bojack's office bojack informs them that there are reporters looking into his past but he isn't sure why and they all start to brainstorm to figure out what the story is they write everything bad that bojack has ever done on a whiteboard eventually the reporters call diane and they realize the story is about sarah lynn's death pc thinks they can spin the story in bojack's favor but diane objects and says he should just tell the truth bojack is then contacted by the reporters himself and he immediately denies the allegations ignoring diane's advice she leaves in objection princess carolyn sticks around to try and help bojack through it claiming that she's stuck by him for 25 years and that when she tells ruthie about the great love of her life she doesn't want it to have a sad ending and when i tell my daughter the story of the great love of my life i wanted to have a happy ending pc sets up an interview with biscuits braxby to address the new allegations the interview actually goes very well and bojack comes out looking incredibly sympathetic but because the ratings were so huge they decided to do a second interview the following night despite princess caroline's objections while at the interview pc realizes that todd has the night off and judah offers to watch ruthie for her the second interview is an absolute disaster making bojack out to be a monster princess caroline seems pretty over it at this point she reinforces that she told bojack to go back to wesleyan and not do the second interview i told you to do just the one interview and go back to connecticut pc arrives home that night emotionally exhausted and embraces the time she can spend with ruthie and judah not long after this todd and his new girlfriend mod convinced pc to let them open a daycare for her office employees they also tell her that they're moving in together princess caroline forgets to bring a gift to their housewarming party but judah brought two gifts and lets pc attach herself to them princess caroline learns that judah is in a band and shows interest in going to his gig but shortly after lenny turtletop calls princess caroline and asks if she can lead a new female-centric production company basically giving her the opportunity to pitch her dream movie studio pc and judah work together pulling data for the pitch but pc tells judah to leave and make his gig while working on the pitch pc decides that it isn't important and what is important is watching judah's show she arrives only to find that judah went back to the office himself to help princess caroline at the office princess caroline and judah decide they should get their own financiers and start the movie studio themselves princess caroline asks judah to perform for her and he plays a love song so believe me when i tell you i love you shortly after this bojack is sent to prison for breaking and entering into his old house he's sentenced to 14 months in prison during this time princess caroline gets engaged to judah and in 2021 they get married they have two weddings a real one and an industry one near the end of his prison term bojack is released from prison for a day to attend princess caroline's industry wedding at the wedding princess caroline and bojack catch up she expresses that his new movie the horny unicorn is trending like crazy and that he has a real shot at a comeback bojack tells her he started a drama program in prison and wants to volunteer when he gets out the pair then share a dance and reminisce about their lives and what could have been bojack expresses that if he does get his comeback he'll need help when he gets out of prison and pc says that she can recommend some excellent people suggesting that she is done working with bojack herself and as a bonus in a fictional 2021 in a flooded los angeles princess carolyn's imaginary descendant ruthie tells her entire class about the worst day of princess caroline's life this was of course all a fabrication that pc used to cope with her worst days and that is the complete princess caroline timeline pc is one of the most complete characters in bojack horseman which is saying a lot we learned so so much about her entire life and history and how her childhood helped mold her into the person we saw throughout the show the good and the bad she's truly one of my favorite characters in tv history so thanks for joining me on this timeline journey if you like this video make sure to check out all my other bojack timelines especially the mr peanut butter one and i'll have an episode breakdown on the episode ruthie very shortly after this video releases so keep an eye out for that i've only got a couple more timelines left to do so stay tuned for those thanks for tuning in peace [Music]
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 612,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BoJack, BoJack Horseman, BoJack Horseman timeline, Princess Carolyn, Princess Carolyn Timeline, Princess Carolyn best moments, Princess Carolyn best lines, Princess Carolyn BoJack, Princess Carolyn baby, Princess Carolyn Ruthie, Princess Carolyn future, princess carolyn family, Ruthie, The Amelia Earhart Story, The New Client, princess carolyn tongue twisters, princess carolyn judah, princess carolyn wedding, bojack ending, bojack ending explained, bojack finale, Rutabaga
Id: xBm3PhzpVRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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