Bojack Horseman - Princess Carolyn, Working Woman

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"What would make my work/life balance even on point-ier? Then it hit me: more work!" Bojack Horseman's Princess Carolyn is the spirit animal of the working woman today. "I'm too busy doing it all to pose for a photo of women who do it all." This tireless Hollywoo agent-turned manager lives to work and she's sensational at her job. But for many years her workaholism wreaks havoc on her personal life and comes at great emotional cost. "So yesterday you let yourself fall in love a little bit and you got your heart broken. Serves you right for having feelings." Through this character, Bojack Horseman shines light on the hard trade-offs and persistent inequalities that continue to plague modern working women. Over time, though, as she figures out what she's really looking for at the office and at home, her story sends the reassuring messages that it's okay for work to be a huge part of your sense of self and that you can find a customized work/life balance that works for you. "And with Todd watching the baby, my work/life balance is on point." Here's our take on the incomparable Princess Carolyn and the complexities of the contemporary career woman. "Don't worry, I'm not just going to sit around batting a ball of yarn around while you do the real work. I want to take your project to the next level." You're watching The Take. Thanks for watching and be sure to share and subscribe. Before we go on, this video was done with a special collaboration with our insightful and hilarious friends at Wisecrack. Stay tuned at the end of the video for where you can watch their take on two of our favorite shows: Bojack Horseman and The Good Place. And how each one thinks about death. Princess Carolyn's story does justice to both the rewards and the pitfalls of the working woman character type. Like the most inspiring working women on screen she embodies the power in pouring so much energy into doing what you love and being the best at it. "While you were blabbering on, I had our lit assistant take care of everything. A navel gaze-y book of observations. Sounds fun." "No I-" "I sold it! You have six months. Enjoy the process." She's essential and ubiquitous, enterprising and indefatigable, always rational and cool in a crisis. "I need your help. I've done something bad, very bad." "Put the corpse on ice, I'm on my way." Princess Carolyn brings unbridled rive, passion and creative problem solving to what she does. "I worked on it all night, the thing that's gonna save your career." Princess Carolyn's habit of speaking in unbelievably long, punny tongue twisters "Courtly roles like the formerly portly consort are Courtney Portnoy's forte," echoes her vigorous mind that's always in motion and the zeal with which she performs any task. "Are you saying that Van Sant camp wants to recant on Van Camp? Because they can't!" Princess Carolyn's excellence at work is all the more impressive considering she clawed her way up from nothing through sheer force of will. "So you've gone from daughter of a maid to head of your own company." For all that the show relishes what's great about Princess Carolyn's professional drive, it also never sugar coats the hardships and tough choices she faces precisely because she's a working woman. Look at the emotional labor she performs for the clients who seem to be helpless without her. Much of her time is spent building people up "You're bright and you're funny and you're handsome and you're talented." managing egos, "Bojack will go on TV and explain this unfortunate faux pas du fromage. Won't you Bojack?" "Ugh fine, once again hero Bojack will clean up everyone else's mess." and offering a sympathetic ear. "Hey champ! Everything okay?" Emotional labor often falls disproportionately on the shoulders of women, and all this thankless work must be squeezed in around handling a mountain of actual business. Adding to PC's impossible workload is the fact that she's usually surrounded by male incompetence. "Hope you like kicking ass, Charlie, because that's all we're gonna do today." "My tie got stuck in the copier this morning." From the beginning, her career has been an uphill battle against ingrained and institutional sexism. She starts as an assistant to a sleazy agent who offers her no oppurtunities for advancement. "Oh again with this I want to be a female agent thing. They don't even have a word for it! Agentess... Agenttrix." "It's just called agent Marv!" It takes more than a decade before she can graduate to becoming a high power agent herself. Yet even then her achievements often go overlooked or unappreciated. "You screwed up!" "Once! In 23 years! All these years I've carried you when no one wanted to work with you, and I still managed to get you jobs." But while it's not fair that she has to constantly be better than the men around her just to stay unfloat, this unyielding pressure does contribute to PC's ability to operate on a higher level than the rest. "Today one agent did something that no one else could!" I'll give you two hints, catcher and rye." "Oh, it was nothing." "Charlie Witherspoon caught a rye bagle coming out of the toaster!" Being a career woman who's lasted as long as she has, at times Princess Carolyn struggles to balance to savvy cynicism that's a job requirement in her industry, "In everyone's head you've apologized for the really bad stuff without legally implicating yourself." "Does that work?" "All the time!" with retaining a compassionate side. "He's kind of in a bad place right now, we can't just drop him" During the assistants' strike in season six, she and Lenny Turtletaub villainously bribe and manipulate the strike leaders to maintain the status quo, so that agents won't have to stop treating entry-level workers like garbage. "I'd have to talk it over with my colleagues." "Why? Those are assistants. You're not one of them anymore. You're one of us." But in the end, it's the memory of her past as an assistant that brings her to do the right thing, by connecting the strikers with the supremely competent Judah. "If you're serious about negotiating with the assistants, it's imprudent to send the message you don't respect our time." So as much as she's been shaped by working in a sometimes-dirty business she managed to avoid becoming that cautionary tale of the hardened career woman who's lost sight of the bigger picture. "You want this life, those choices are necessary." Most centrally, Princess Carolyn embodies the fundamental struggle that working women have been trying to figure out ever since they entered the office: work-life balance. "You can get me a date for tonight. Actually, make that three dates. Who knows when I'm gonna get another night off?" The career woman character type is usually painted as so devoted to her job that she lacks any semblance of a personal life. "You haven't been on a date in two years." This is a chicken-or-the-egg dilemma, is she alone or struggling in her relationships because she's always put her career first, or does she throw herself into her work because she's trying to avoid the messiness of her lackluster private life. "I didn't think you'd take the time to know who you are. You're always working." If the working women does have a family, her commitment to her job is often framed as a major source of marital tension. "This is so not great!" "I'm sorry that I have to work while I'm here. It's called being on assignment!" And for those who do achieve some balance between parenthood and motherhood, inevitably some compromise at work is necessary. "You have different priorities now. You cut back on your clinical hours, you log in less time in the O.R. I mean, you don't do research and I get it." All these depictions get at hard truths that apply much as ever in our world today. "Having it all" remains elusive. All too often women are actually punished for trying to have it both ways, "Actually, you've been late rather frequently. There was the deposition last Tuesday, and the motion hearing last Friday, and you left early on Monday." "Way to watch my back Fern." or forced to make a difficult choice about what they value most. "Tucker gave me an ultimatum. The fellowship, or our marriage." But in spite of the reality as Princess Carolyn confronts, today this character type must also perform the perfect, effortless appearance of having it all. "It's a photoshoot for women who do it all. The kids are part of the all, otherwise we'd just be 'women who do.'" This is the root of Princess Carolyn's rivarly with Vanessa Gekko, who is naturally gifted at this performance. "Wow, being a mom helped me career? I really can have it all!" When things don't come so easily the career women often feels pressure to hide her struggles. As we see in Princess Carolyn's difficult journey toward motherhood. We eventually learn she's experienced the devasting pain of five miscarriages. but she keeps this a secret, even from her supportive partner Ralph Stilton, until they're breaking up. "You've had two miscarriages now--" "Five." "What?" "I've had five miscarriages. One last year, now one, and three others before. But it's whatever, it's okay." Princess Carolyn's instinct to conceal her true desires reflects the way that women who work fear that they're seen as falling short if they don't have families by a certain age. In Set It Up, hotshot reporter Kirsten turns down all invitations to baby showers and weddings, because she's self-conscious about being single. But when she gets engaged, she suddenly feels comfortable attending these events. "You just have Mary's baby shower, but I already caneled that for you." "Oh, I'll go to that now." "You will?" "Well, I'll finally have something that they'll want to talk about." Kirsten's words expose that no matter how amazing a woman is at her career, in society's eyes this will always pale in comparison to that ultimate ideal of female achievement: being a wife and mother. "Funny business a woman's career. The things you drop on your way up the ladder so you can move faster. You forget you'll need them again when you get back to being a woman. It's one career all females have in common." Through this lens, Princess Carolyn's sadness at not being able to have a baby takes on a new significance, it's as if she feels that she's failed at the job of being a woman. "My mother had 12 kids, my body was made for this, we just gotta keep tick tick ticking." One of Princess Carolyn's greatest strengths in her job is that she knows how to spin a good story. "I saw the whole thing. Mr. Peanutbutter said 'I'm a sad dog,' and jumped right in front of the car. I think he's a really sad dog you guys. You know like the meme!" She works in an industry that creates stories on screen, and her domain is carrying this over into the real world as she helps clients craft public narratives of their lives. "So Sarah Lynn. That's okay, we can spin this!" On the personal level PC has modeled her whole life on a story. When she was young she would religiously watch The Amelia Earhart Story for inspiration. "But a woman's never flown to the sun before." So Princess Carolyn imagined herself a pioneering woman who would one day soar to great heights, reflecting the power in envisioning a bright future for yourself and then manifesting it. Spinning stories is actually a fundamental part of how we all cope with reality. As Joan Didion writes, "We tell ourselves stories in order to live... We live the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the ‘ideas’ with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience." "Do you need the movie star speech?" "Yeah." "Carolyn, you are the star of a movie, and this is the part of the movie where you get your heart broken." Over time though, Princess Carolyn’s talent for making raw material into whatever she wants it to be backfires on her. "If you spend a lot of time with stories, you start to believe that life is just stories -- and it's not. Life is life." If you’re always shielding yourself by seeing what you want to see, eventually you start to forget that the truth matters. "That's so sad, because there's so little time and what are we doing with it?" In the season four episode “Ruthie,” which is framed by Princess Carolyn’s great great great granddaughter telling the story of her ancestor persevering "For ancestry day I'm gonna tell you a particular story about one particular day on which Princess Carolyn faced and overcame particular adversity." it’s revealed that Ruthie is a figment of PC’s imagination, an escapist coping mechanism that our heroine falls back on in stressful times. "But it's... fake." "Yea well, it makes me feel better." And this tendency to avoid unpleasant truths comes through in her love life. "When we first met I was looking for something in my life, and I wanted it so badly that I made myself believe you were it." Just look at her season one boyfriend Vincent Adultman, who everyone but Princess Carolyn can see is just three children stacked on top of each other. "What's your name stud?" "Vincent.. uh.." "You hear that Bojack? Vincent is an adult and I'll bet he knows how to treat a lady." or her season two boyfriend, the married Rutabaga Rabbitowitz, who brazenly manipulates her. "I had to register the corporation in your name." "What?" And despite how obvious it is that she and Bojack are a bad match romantically, "We're just two lonely people trying to hate ourselves a little less," in season six, she reveals that the reason she stands by him so long is that she needs to believe in a beautiful narrative of their shared past. "And when I tell my daughter the story of the great love of my life, I want it to have a happy ending." Princess Carolyn can also be restricted by our culturally prescribed narrative of who the career woman is. "Starting now you are a hard, hearltess career gal. Go to work, be awesome at it, and don't waste time on foolish flights of fancy." She subconsciously conforms to the popular idea of this character type as unemotional, independent, and tough-as-nails. "From now on, you're a robot. Beep bop boop blerp bleep." Yet while this helps Princess Carolyn make sense of her life by fitting it into familiar narrative terms, her belief that she shouldn’t depend on anyone "It's just really hard to need people," leads her to push people away and repress her extreme emotional pain. "Ralph, Hey!" In season four, her breakup with Ralph, the best boyfriend she’s ever had is largely due to her clinging to this unrealistic, damaging idea of total self-sufficiency. "You can't keep stuff like this from me, it's not okay!" "It's not about you." Even when she at last finds happiness with Judah, she fears losing a part of herself as she settles into a happy marriage. "I'm afraid that if I let someone else take care of me, that I'm not really me anymore. I'm afraid of getting too comfortable, you know, going soft." So ultimately, it’s not her ingrained storytelling habits but opening up to new, unconsidered possibilities "Anyone can just have a baby, but to adopt one..." that frees Princess Carolyn to live her best life. "What if you deserve to be happy and this is the thing that will make you happy?" She learns to be the author of a new story, rather than escaping into clichéd fantasies or accepting the limited narrative options presented to her. "If you're holding out for something better, well, I hate to break it to you, but you're going to be alone for a long time." "I'm not afraid of being alone. And you might want to find someplace else to work, because you're not coming with me." Refreshingly, the solution to PC’s woes isn’t work-life balance in the traditional sense, at least not meaning that she must be devoting equal hours and attention to both spheres. "I'm dying here, Bojack. I need my job. I love my job." Her journey is about accepting that she is a career woman first, and that the version of “balance” that’s right for her is weighted more toward time at the office than being at home. "I don't think you actually want perfect and serene and enough time to finally catch up on The Good Wife. Stop kidding yourself Princess Carolyn, if you really wanted the simple life you'd have a simple life." Work is where Princess Carolyn is most empowered most herself. Being a mom doesn't come as naturally to her. "Work makes sense to me, and I'm good at it. I don't feel that way about my baby." But when first she’s deciding on a name, the joke that she’s going to call her daughter "Untitled Princess Carolyn Project," foreshadows something important. "She is your client now." Ironically, cracking the new motherhood code comes from thinking of it as another job. "Do you love all your clients projects?" "Of course." "No you don't. But you take care of them and you keep them alive because that's your job. So now you've got a new job." In fact, she’s already been playing the mother for years before adopting Ruthie, since she’s constantly taking care of everyone around her. "Oh sorry, it's work, everyone I work with is such a baby." The next part of the process is finding the right support system. Early in season six when PC is trying to do everything herself. At last, she can’t avoid the fact that the rigid, go-it-alone narrative she’s bought into for so long is not sustainable. She learns one of the working mom’s key lessons: that it’s all about the team you cultivate to support you. Her life starts to improve when she finds the perfect fulltime nanny for her family, Todd, even though he’s not the one most might choose based on a resume. "I do know her routine and all of her favorite foods and how to do funny voices for bedtime stories." She also recruits her former assistant Judah "You're the best assistant I ever had!" to be her company's new chief of operations, thus taking a lot of the more tedius work that's been sucking up her time off her plate. "There's always so much stupid bullshit to take care of there." "Aren't you the boss? Why are you doing the stupid bullshit?" When her relationship with Judah grows into a romantic partnership, the match is fitting, it captures how merged her career is with her intimate personal self. Judah is her right hand at the office, "Actually come to think of it our new Robin Hood sounds pretty good. Judah?!" "Maybe from Maid Marion's point of view?" "Directed by Sophia Coppola?" he knows her completely, and admires the deeply strong, resourceful person she is at work. "If there's one thing I know about this business, it's never underestimate what Princess Carolyn can do by herself." In Judah, she also finds someone who takes care of her for once. "I forgot a gift!" "You have two options, this sourdough starter, or a haiku I wrote on a grain of rice and then suspended in a bottle." "Uh.." "Why don't we just say they're both from both of us." This calls back to a comment Bojack makes earlier in the season about the big thing missing from PC’s life. "You are producing a show, running a company, catering to your clients, raising a child, a Todd. You need your own Princess Carolyn to take care of you." Finally, the last step towards a work-life balance that works for her is learning to draw boundaries. "Would you work for a client who has no regard for you time, your personal boundaries and your general wellbeing?" "Yes, that's all my clients." This comes through in her endpoint with Bojack, who has long been one of her most high-maintenance, exhausting, unappreciative clients. "Here's a list of directors who won't work with him, studios that won't hire him, former assistants with restraining orders." After she’s cleaned up his messes for years, he finally has a screw up too big for her to fix. "I told you to do just the one interview and go back to Connecticut." "But... it's gonna be okay right?" This frees her to at last to draw a dividing line between their personal and professional relationship, as she makes it clear she’s no longer interested in representing him. "I can recommend some excellent people." All of these strategic moves allows her to rediscover her joy at work. For much of the show, she reveals the very relatable truth that a workaholic can become so focused on just doing the job that they lose sight of their why. "Don't give your whole life to this job. Because if you do, someday someone will finally ask you what you want and you'll realize you don't even know anymore." The show underlines this in season six, when she gets the chance to run Lenny Turtletaub’s new female-focused studio division, Girtletaub, and seems to blank on why she even wants this opportunity. "I don't remember my dreams. Did I ever even have dreams?" When she decides not to do the straightforward thing and to instead go her own way. "This slate we're putting together. We could get some financiers and do it ourselves, right?" This represents liberating herself from work just for work’s sake, or work on someone else’s terms. So Princess Carolyn’s endpoint sends the important message that work-life balance isn’t one size fits all. She finds the specific solution that’s best for her, one where she spends most of her time at the office, but isn’t dragged down by annoying busywork or people wrangling, and gets to enjoy quality mother-daughter time. "Your first task is to clear my schedule every third Friday. I'm taking them off to be with my daughter." Princess Carolyn’s work day consists of constantly thinking about and facilitating the dreams of others, and it genuinely seems to give her a thrill to help them succeed. "I went through hell and back today, but it was worth it. Because I got you a job!" But over time, it emerges that Princess Carolyn herself is the true star in her field, "You're Princess Carolyn, you can do anything!" for her resourcefulness, her fierce loyalty, and her trademark feline ability to land on her feet. "Princess Carolyn always lands on her feet!" "You'll figure it out. Princess Carolyn always lands on her feet." And this is perhaps the most valuable quality for anyone who hopes to succeed professionally. God knows it’s hard out here for the working woman, but if we can take our hits and keep going, we won’t just get that promotion, dream job, or perfect work/life balance, we’ll earn it. "Woah woah woah, Carolyn we just-come... Carolyn." "My name is Princess Carolyn." Life without new episodes of Bojack Horseman is hard on us all. So, for more great, deep-thinking Bojack content head over to Wisecrack to watch their new video comparing the shows philosophy to that of another series we love, The Good Place. Wisecrack's video explores how both series suggest that death is what gives meaning to our lives but their take aways about what that meaning is and what happens when you die couldn't be more different. After that video we highly recommend that you go down a rabbit hole of binging Wisecrack's videos and subscribe to their channel. It's full of smart video essays and they also happen to be seriously funny. Check out their signature series like, The Philosophy of, Deep or Dumb, and What Went Wrong. Thanks for watching!
Channel: The Take
Views: 288,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bojack Horseman, bojack horseman ending, bojack horseman princess carolyn, bojack horseman princess carolyn baby, bojack horseman princess carolyn ruthie, bojack horseman princess carolyn judah, bojack horseman princess carloyn and ralph, bojack horseman princess carloyn mom, bojack horseman princess carloyn pep talk, bojack horseman princess carloyn wedding, bojack horseman princess carloyn granddaughter, bojack horseman princess carloyn miscarriage, princess carolyn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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