The Complete History of that Josh Hutcherson Whistle Edit Meme

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on the 17th of April 2009 a YouTube channel was created called Metro girls with a zed station the channel was an edit Channel where they would post compilations of clips from popular movies and TV shows often heavily filtered and usually alongside songs which lyrics match the vibe of the characters in the video the earliest edit available to watch on the channel was a Disney edit posted on the 5th of August 2010 and as of 2014 the Metro girls with a zed stations Channel had gained almost 2,000 subscribers from posting edits of franchises like The Hunger Games Marvel Lord of the Rings and The Bridge to terbia you know the essential franchises and on the 12th of October 2014 the channel uploaded an edit titled Josh Hutcherson whistle this edit consisted of a series of images and videos of Josh Hutcherson arranged to the song Whistle by Flor Ryder however the the song wasn't actually the Flor Rider version and was instead a popular cover of the song from 2012 performed by Joel Mary a YouTuber SL singer I'm actually embarrassed to admit that when I first saw the edit I thought it was a cover by Josh Hutcherson himself and to provide some crucial 2014 context because according to my YouTube analytics some of you will have literally been four at the time that this edit was released in 2014 Josh Hutcherson was kind of the it boy The Hunger Games was at the height of its popularity having casually just dropped the best movie to ever be created the year before and hype was beginning to build for the soon to be released mocking J part one movie the second best movie to ever be created and Josh as the male lead character of the franchise was arguably the number one teen heartthrob at the time and was practically keeping those pink teen magazines in business single-handedly alongside One Direction Josh was also pretty well known prior to the Hunger Games for his role in the aformentioned BRD to terab the third best movie ever created and because of his popularity from these movies Josh Hutcherson edits were pretty common as he had a large fan base the J hot whistle edit having been uploaded on the 12th of October was posted on Josh's birthday and in the description of the video Metro girls with a zed station wrote Happy Birthday Josh Hutcherson I just love that funny puppy face down toe Charming smart sexy actor and I can't wait to see him play Peter again in mocking J at the time the majority of Metro girl station edits were only gaining several hundreds of views and although I don't have any evidence or screenshots to prove this it is likely that the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit also had a similar number of views back in 2014 but little did Metro girls with a zed station know at the time that this video would go on to change the world and that's not me being hyperbolic for once on the 12th of April 2021 the channel uploaded their final edit before the account went inactive and as of June 2022 the channel sat at just under 9,000 total subscribers now let's fast forward to late October 2023 Josh Hutcherson was making what some referred to as a return to the big screen with his lead role in The Five Nights at Freddy's movie the movie following its release on the 25th of October smashed box office expectations and went on to become the highest gross in horror film of 2023 happening simultaneously to the five nights at Frederick's movies success The Hunger Games fandom was in the midst of a Resurgence as the release of a prequel movie titled the ballot of song birds and snakes rapidly approached its release date The Stage was set this Resurgence of The Hunger Games fandom paired alongside the success of the Five Nights at Freddy's movie thrust Josh Hutcherson back into the spotlight more so than he had been over the previous few years and fans of both franchises and just of Josh in general began to make new edits of Josh and the characters he played with many becoming extremely popular now something to point out here is that since 2014 edits have developed dramatically with editors becoming more skilled and editing software becoming more accessible and advanced this can be seen from comparing Metro girls station 2021 uploads to their earlier edits furthermore since 2014 Tik Tok has became a major video sharing platform that may or may not have more LAX copyright detection systems as a result Tik Tok has became the go-to platform to share edits and a huge community of editors has formed that post genuinely incredible edits and it was this stark contrast in the new Josh Hutcherson Tik Tok edits in comparison to their early 2010's predecessors that led the Tik Tok account hoers to post a Tik Tok on the 3rd of November 2023 the Tik Tok was captioned Josh Hutcherson edits in 2014 and underneath the caption was Metro girls with a zed stations whistle Josh Hutcherson edit many people in the comments began to joke about the whistle edit referring to it as the Josh Hutcherson edit While others brought up similar Nostalgia from the 2014 Hutcherson era such as the now Infamous fanfiction trapped in an island with Josh Hutcherson which if you haven't experienced I highly recommend you watch the video on it by Jenny Nicholson anyways this Tik Tok posted by hutches went viral and amassed over 5 million views and over 1.1 million likes and this is the Tik Tok that started the frenzy over the days and weeks that followed this Tik Tok the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit began to rapidly spread across Tik Tok as more and more people began to share the video from being projected on garage or garage doors to people tricking their teacher into playing the video in class and gaining 12 million views the whistle edit was becoming increasingly well known to people outside of the edit community and and with the edits Newfound popularity Tik Tok users began to turn the video into a bit of a # Christ meme or if you are an internet veteran old a meme similar to a Rick Roll where the edit would pop up in a video unexpectedly and the viewer would now consider themselves as having been got tricked Bamboozled or Hoodwinked in a Tik Tok posted on the 12th of November 2023 on the Tik Tok account Grace xvp the viewer is showed a filled ice tray in a free and they captioned the video this could happen when you fill your ice trays be careful and when the ice cube is removed from the tray the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit is played on the surface of the Ice Cube and this Tik Tok gained over 9 million views meaning that a lot of people would now be on edge as they scrolled through Tik Tok not knowing if the Tik Tok that they were watching was normal or if it would burst at any moment into the alleged Club Banger Whistle by floor Rider like the whole is it cake thing but less Instagram reals Ai and and people were right to feel on edge as thousands of videos like the Ice Cube vid with the hidden Josh Hutcherson edit began to fill people's for you pages and the Tik toks grew more and more peculiar as the BET and switches became increasingly extravagant several of these videos gained several millions of views leading some to declare it the meme of the month the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit soon became unavoidable on the app and users would share screen recordings of their for you Pages declaring that they had had enough and made memes about how you couldn't escape the whistle with the inability to avoid the meme and the sense of anti- whistle anxiety that was building on the app many ticktockers would comment on Tik toks before the video had loaded or before they'd even started watching it asking whether the video contained the Josh Hutcherson edit future me was it the Josh Hutcherson edit with whistle playing it's not loading but I swear if an ice cube has that Josh Hutcherson whistle edit from 9 years ago on it is it something related to Josh Hutcherson and some commenters just expressed their general feeling feelings of confusion after this Mass wave of Josh Hutcherson had engulfed Tik Tok and was essentially holding the app Ransom on the 15th of November 2023 hutches the account that posted the original viral Tik Tok about the whistle edit released a statement titled apology here guys I would like to address the Josh Hutcherson whistle apocalypse and apologize for my actions I should have never shared the video to begin with I didn't expect any injuries to happen and I'm so sorry injuries what happened it was just for dramatic effect this apology was just part of the fun and the meme as were the accusatory comments that the account received in response you did this to me and Josh Hutcherson whistle apocalypse was probably an accurate way to describe it because the video was quite literally everywhere I am also aware that by having said this I'm going to get at least 10 comments from people claiming to have never seen the video the meme even made its way onto Twitter when the user Bewitched Wonder tweeted their Spotify wrapped artist message and even some official Tik Tok accounts began to jump on the bandwagon with Mercedes AMG F1 which I think is some sort of car thing urged users to check the inside of F1 driver's helmets Joe Biden himself was also apparently in on the joke too and one user even took the meme to new heights by recreating the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit with Joel Miller from The Last of Us game which one commenter described as the star night of our generation but what about Metro girls with a zed station who created the edit all those years ago the da Vinci to the Mona Lisa what did they think about this new viral J hot Trend well on the 27th of November 2023 after a 2-year absence from the channel and over 9 years after the whistle edit was uploaded Metro girl station returned to YouTube with a message OMG I can't believe this video blew up after all these years my little sister showed me all the videos on her Tik Tok and I think it's hilarious what you guys have done with it shout out to Natalie at hutches for sharing the video on her Tik Tok and making all this happen I had so much fun making this edit back then and it warms my heart to see a wave of new fans having fun with it since the memes virality Metro girls with a zed station YouTube channel is currently sitting at 22,000 subscribers and the Josh Hutcherson whistle edit video has gained almost 5 million views but things weren't quite done yet as on the 30th of November 20 23 3 days after Metro girls station's return Lionsgate the movie studio who created The Hunger Games movies posted a video to their official Tik Tok page of a so-called deleted scene from the original Hunger Games movie youy I was actually begging out loud for it not to be a Josh Hutcherson edit not loud enough as of recording lion Gates Tik Tok has over 2 million views and so the edit had officially infiltrated the main stream and no one was safe even Joel Mary because despite having uploaded his final YouTube video almost 6 years ago he has begun to receive comments on his Instagram referencing the now viral cover but what about Josh Hutcherson himself has he managed to avoid the meme or is he aware of his viral floor Rider whistle meme impact well in a Tik Tok posted on the 3rd of December 2023 by at motion thickness Josh was asked by fans whether he had seen the whistle memes to which he said the following I [Music] haven't and although Josh himself hasn't seen the memes I just know his team definitely has and are frantically trying to book a last minute Christmas advertising gig as we speak thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe for more
Channel: Joe Regrets
Views: 424,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh hutcherson, josh hutcherson whistle, josh hutcherson whistle edit, whistle edit, metrogirlzstation, jhutch edit, hunger games, hunger games edit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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