The COMPLETE Dishonored Series Story Retrospective

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the Dishonored series is one of my all-time favorites a Trilogy of games that managed to blend immerses some elements in a stylish and convoluted level design combining player agency with narrative consequences letting the player make decisions that shape the world around them every step of the way and today I'd like to take some time to talk about the Dishonored series I'll not only be going through the story of Dishonored so you know exactly what happened but I'll also be analyzing and critiquing that story along the way if you look Story related content then you're in the right place as I have many story analysis type videos on a variety of games and series as well strictly inform videos on all your favorite games as always like the video if you enjoy and subscribe if you're new for more content like this thank you to my returning viewers for coming back to another video and without further Ado let's get started Dishonored for starts on a boat we are corvo atano royal protector to the empress Jessamine calwin who just returned from a month-long Voyage within Dunwall the setting and capital city of the aisle there was a plague outbreak people by the thousands have been getting sick so corvo set out to the other nations of the Empire to ask for their aid in this trying time un fortunately they all said no so we have to deliver the bad news talking with Jessamine goes sideways though as the guards seem to have left their post only for a group of Assassins to come and attack jesamine corvo manages to fight them off but they also seem to have magical powers easily making quick work of corvo and the empress as he sits there mourning the loss of the one he was sworn to protect the guards reappear and assume corvo is to blame for the assassination so they lock him up throw him in jail and it's here where a Story begins already a great start the murder of an empress coupled with the personal struggle of Being Framed for a murder we didn't commit makes for a wonderful beginning but even in these brief 10 minutes the game has not only teased us with the events to come but used this brief time to get the player accustomed to its mechanics the first words spoken are from Jessamine wondering about corvo's Adventure and wishing that she didn't have to send him on this voyage and that she'd rather have him by his side well not out of character for an empress to take kindly to her Bodyguard the word she uses implies that it's much more than a safety concern there's almost love in her tone and her worrying about his safety is on the level of how you would wish for a loved one to be safe on their trip to their destination equally the game attempts to frame gameplay diegetically through the use of this scene before meeting with Jessamine you can talk to her daughter Emily who is just as happy to see you she wants to play hideand-seek while Jessamine finishes her talk if you accept then you have to briefly hide from Emily while she roams around the bottom floor looking for you it's a brief introduction that not only establishes the relationship between corvo and Emily but it's also a stealth tutorial when we eventually make our way to dishonor 2 that game will attempt the same thing but frame it more simplistically it's a training sequence that also acts as a tutorial it's a very obvious way to teach the player about the game but here in Dishonored 1 they hide that tutorial and you won't realize it until you've already started the rest of the area is littered with hints that only make sense on repeat playthroughs Fame physician and painter soov is here painting the leader of a religious order called The Abbey named High overseer Campbell nearby is also Jeff Kuno and Royal spy Master hon burough is a scen talking with jasamine it won't make sense now but all these individuals have their roles to play in the upcoming story and if The Coincidence of having the guards disappear only to reappear right after the killing didn't give it away then they're all up to something Hyrum even playfully mentions how corvo arrived 2 days earlier than expected putting a Small Hitch in their plans on a first playthrough all of this rifle comes as a shock but revisiting these moment shows how deep this takeover was and how everything was right in front of you from the very beginning the game will then Flash Forward 6 months later corvo is still in prison and Lady Emily is still missing after having been taken by the Assassins saving corvo from his fate is a guard who seems to have given him ay to his cell and an know from an interested party we'll be seeing these individuals in just a moment but first we have to escape as this is the first challenge the tutorial are still coming now under the guise of a breakout but this level introduces its biggest story beat the rra plague originating in pandia a continent to the east the rat plague has somehow made its way here to Dunwall the plague and Dishonored to spread through the bites of rats who themselves seem to be immune to the disease the plague also seems to have change the behavior of the rats as they're more ferocious than usual even at points forming a collective group to eat a person alive last time I checked rats don't consume aive human bone and all so it's clear that not only are the rats an obstacle but it also reinforces how deadly this plague is but with enough intelligence a roadblock can be a helping hand if you play your cards right in the game lets you see this firstand as you can guide the rats distracting them long enough to slip away unseen or by giving them a full course meal letting the guards handle the horde while you disappear into the Shadows eventually corvo manages to escape and is forced the charge through donal's finest sewers while slipping past any guards he finds his adventures take him to a river where a Boatman by the name of Samuel is waiting to pick him up and take him to meet his secret admirers this group is called the Loyalists taking refuge in a bar called The Hound pits Pub they recap what has happened by bringing corvo up to speed hyron burough Royal spy Master now turned Lord Regent has assumed control of the throne has been making a mess of the city ever since Jessamine for as much as her policies disappointed some people was not willing to use more draconic methods of law something the Lord region did immediately as he instituted a city-wide mandate that people are only allowed a certain amount of Elixir per day to qu the effects of the plague and that certain districts he deems too far gone will have to be quarantined soov has also been creating different inventions to prevent people from entering such as the wall of light and the Ark pylons devices that use Electric currents to kill someone in an instant it's always worth finding these silver lining in things though is this quarantine has impacted the District of the H pits Pub letting a scheme without so much as an eye being batted towards us replaying this game again was quite interesting as it's the first time playing it since talking about dayx and it's shocking just how much of that game is carried over into Dishonored mainly the antagonist himself hyron burough like Bob Page is about as evil as you can get while the walls of light and Arc pylons have their uses how exactly does this promote a safe living condition if the thing blocking you from entering could kill you in an instant the districts have also had a militaristic overhaul applied to them Bridges aren't Pathways that connect separate parts of the Cities but are checkpoints for the military and men aren't placed in locations to guard but to prevent like DSX the story of Dishonored is black and white for the most part bad guys are bad guys and the good guys are good things get murky later sure but right now it's about being the good guy and killing the bad guy now that's not to say that this is a fault of the writing by any means it worked for day ofx and it works just as well here and Dishonored the reasons and motivations behind the plague why hire him as more militaristic in his takeover to even why the Loyalists want to take him down or where the depth the story resides the pieces haven't been put in just yet but slowly but truly they will fall into place talking about DSX is actually a perfect segue into the next mission as our first Target is high overseer Campbell killing him and rescuing overseer Martin a friend of the resistance will give Martin a chance to control the Abbey so the order is on our side but we're allowed to go about this however we wish Dishonored uses a play how you want style used in many immersive Sims like it we already talked about immersive Sims as a genre and what they mean for the purposes of gameplay in the DSX video and much of that discussion can be applied over here Dishonored always gives multiple ways to approach a given objective from something as important as the level's Target like Campbell to something as small as how to get over this gate do you turn off the gate by unplugging the tank do you climb over it using the boxes or do you rewire the wall of light to fight for you and then alert the guards laughing as they're killed by their own devices these are just three of the many ways you can handle this encounter given the player not just an immense amount of replayability but the satisfaction of knowing that their big brain idea was actually possible immersive Sims have always been one of my favorite genres because of how much mileage you can get out of the game Dishonored has nine levels that can take maybe 10 to 12 hours to complete if you're going through it slowly but that 10 can turn into 100 with how many options you're given encouraging you to run through that level again but differently just to see what would happen but dishonored's biggest change when it comes to the immersive Sim style and the story of Dishonored is the chaos system the chaos system has two tiers high and low the more people you kill the higher the chaos by contrast the fewer people you kill or just don't kill at all either by choking them out or just letting them be will keep you at low chaos this ultimately culminates in two different endings that change the world of Dishonored but there are a multitude of changes that can occur throughout the levels certain chaos levels change the levels themselves ENT zix where he finally take down Hyrum on low chaos he see him Walking The Halls of the tower but on high chaos he's in his study on the roof behind a wall of light more deaths also means more bodies and thus more dinner for the rats so not only are there more rats even in places they usually don't appear but weepers individuals who are in the late stage of the plague appear greater numbers and these are just the changes that come from the chaos system itself things that change as the result of your overall total but certain smaller changes have different chaotic actions here in Dunwall is a Distillery run by a gang who makes distilled versions of The Elixir for cheap due to the regular Elixir being hard to come by you can if you want sabotage this by poisoning their supply this is a considered high chaos but will result in weepers appearing at The Distillery who could kill members of the gang or could die themselves possibly adding to the counter you weren't contributing to the chaos system directly which are creating a situation that could present that outcome depending on who you ask though the chaos system is either the best mechanic in the game or its biggest burden both expanding how the narrative is developed yet also limiting the creativity the player would have had otherwise for me both mechanically and narratively I find that it's the system that makes dishonor the great game that it is that's not to say I don't have issues with it mechanically I understand the complaints a low chaos playthrough requires the player to kill as little as possible so your only methods of attack are non-lethal that being choke holds and the like except your options are extremely limited being genuinely just choke holds and a sleep out from your crossbow you gain access to these within 20 minutes of start in the game and are forced to adhere to this play style for the next 12 hours there are upgrades but they are minuscule at best especially when you consider how much a lethal playthrough gets by comparison while high chaos players will get deadlier rats wind blasts and Shadow takedowns low chaos is just more efficient sleep darts it's a major criticism of the system and with something so pronounced that the devs added changes to this in the next game that said part of me does enjoy the message behind it even with those faults because of how connects to the story to clarify I don't like that the play style doesn't evolve once it's introduced but I do like the limits placed on the play style itself not being able to use Shadow kill an ability that makes bodies disappear sucks as you have to manually hide them yourself the game also gives you more than enough runes and money to upgrade your equipment and if you're doing a low chaos playthrough your entire kit will be finished even before the halfway point so for half the game you're being teased the game is practically begging you to use those extra coins or runes you have in your pocket and I find that to be the fun of it the limitations mean even with all the Temptation and struggle you still manage to do the right thing and not kill those involved you spared the Empire a meeting with the second deadlier plague by withholding the urge to kill everything you see with all the new fancy gizmos you could have made so I actually enjoyed the limitations that were put on me during the low chaos playthrough it made me work for the ending I wanted ultimately making it more satisfying when I did eventually achieve it that is the beauty of an immersive Sim after all and the beauty of Dishonored it's a wonderfully realized system that makes sense mechanically even with some faults but it's the narrative purpose it serves though that I wholeheartedly agree with because in some ways it's why the monotony of the play style almost Works in its favor two things can both be true the gameplay of a low chaos playthrough can be extremely limiting and boring at times while also being an excellent way of forcing the player to stay on the good path not only are you not getting the stylish kills and the flashy moves but you're forced to stick to the same boring play style and yet if you do the world heals as a result it's a constant questioning of morals and almost every opportunity the game is egging you on wanting to see if you'll go against your play style just for an extra bit of stimulation even just a surface level examination of the system answers why the chaos system was implemented and why the low chaos results in a good ending corvo was the royal protector and assuming he saves Emily should be the new Empress with him rotating his old role killing half the city in your quest to defeat the Lord regent would leave Emily in a worse position than he was in how are you going to reestablish the rule of the empress when you've left the city in shambles it would leave a major stain on their legacy too showing that corvo is a bloodthirsty killer now to be fair corvo does get a mask to hide his identity so he can kill to his heart's content but stylish as you may seem killing isn't a good look it would show that corval cares only for the empress and not the people she commands and is willing to do anything to make sure the royal family keeps the throne Emily's already going to struggle in her new position being a k to has to deal with the rat plake so it's best not to make things worse than they already are helping corvo achieve his goal of taking down the Lord Regent in whatever manner he chooses is the outsider dishonored's Most Fascinating character when corvo meets with the gang they recommend he gets some rest it's been a long day and a nice warm bed sounds better than a prison cell upon waking up though he is taken into the void a dimension outside of space and time in here is the outsider a sort of Godlike figure that many within the Empire are familiar with but few have ever actually seen The Outsider gives corvo his marking tattooed onto his skin but then afterward he just disappears The Outsider only returns if he visit shrines are built in his name where he will then give you the lay down as to what could happen in this level before leaving again it's not even really helpful information too just merely stating that this person's life will change today and that's it but his mysterious personality is what adds to the fascination someone who is by all accounts a God has gifted us the power to teleport summon rats possess people and see through walls and yet has no reason as to why his main reasoning at the moment seems to be for the sake of curiosity The Outsider wants to see what happens when he gives people his power whether the world crumbles or not is not up to him nor does he care he could see every possible outcome but the outcome that ends up being chosen is something he won't know until it happens The Outsider exists in a place separate from time so the consequences of the world have no bearing on his life in some ways he is chaos incarnate not necessarily the creator of the chaos system but the one that sets the chaos in motion something the third game will use as a thematic anchor and take to its most logical conclusion The Outsider though asks for nothing in return only do what you think is right what that is is entirely based on you are you using your powers for good to make taking down your enemies easier while still respecting the chaos system or is it playing into your carnal desires of seeing how much of a mess you can make similarly how are you justifying its use are you claiming to only use it in times of need or do you see it as a means to an end something you were granted with no real bearing on what that power means it makes the outsider's role in the world an interesting discussion he could be initially seen as a negative light on the world a blight an evil God who wants the world to burn but he's also a neutral party he doesn't cause the world to crumble only providing the tools to make that happen does that mean it's his fault for causing the pain that the player will bring or the player because they can just as easily choose not to use these Powers it's something you'll be forced to think about throughout the trilogy clearly The Outsider is a fairly mysterious figure within Dishonored and it only gets weirder when he gives the player a housewarming gift a talking heart weirder still is that this Heart Belongs to jesamine it was inferred at the time before the second game confirmed it but yes this is indeed the heart of Jessamine calwin many of her comments are based on factual perceptions of the world but sometimes are real feelings s through which reinforce the ongoing Theory at the time it's about as uncomfortable as it sounds but it provides a wealth of unheard of knowledge that the player wouldn't be able to find elsewhere interacting with it during a level could provide info on the history of that location while pointing into people could give us info on them how many of this is Possible only The Outsider knows but it does make me wonder why Jessamine was picked though it's not mentioned or even alluded to as to why the outsider chose Jessamine but I think it's fair to assume that he picked her because of corvo the outsider probably knew about this assassination before it even happened and knew that corvo would be at the center of it so giving him the heart of the woman he was sworn to protect was intentional as for why he was even given the heart at all it's likely another example of his chaotic nature doing the most absurd thing he could think of just to see what could happen I can imagine it doesn't feel great holding her heart in his hand as it reminds him of that fateful day every time he looks at it along with the outsider himself the heart has always been one of the more unique parts of Dishonored something very understood yet unexplainable at the same time driving home how mysterious and confusing interactions with the outsider often are returning to the story we're to take down high overseer Campbell he's on our hit list for being the leader of the Abbey of the Everyman a religious order that we need control of so we're going to get rid of him and replace him with Martin who will command the group to be on our side that does beg the question though if the point of a low chaos playthrough is to kill as few people as possible what do we do with our targets do we just shrug and accept that we aren't able to knock them out and only strive to make them the killable targets no Arcane studi is actually a counter for this as each level gives the player a non-lethal option saying to the player that a true pacifist drawn is not only possible but even encouraged all the targets were to take down throughout the game have a non-lethal option that could sometimes play to the strengths of the game's own writing as they often leave these people in worse States and if you just killed them the Abby of the every man are religious order that abides by a code of laws and ethics called the seven strictures members of the order as well as any commoners who practice the faith must follow these rules to the letter failing to adhere to these guidelines as an overseer will deem them a heretic this involves branding the heretic with a symbol on their face that everyone knows that they went against the faith according to the rules all members of The Abbey are forced to look away and act as if they're not there in the general public even those not involved with the order are encouraged to do the same this is a fate we could bestow upon High overseer Campbell knocking him out when he's alone and taking him to the interrogation room lets us brand him with the heretical symbol while he is still alive thus going against the point of an assassination being a heretic will mean he loses all power within the ABY he has no Authority anymore the common everyday overseer has more power than he does he's an outcast a joke and even though no one knows why he was branded who are they to complain he must have done something terrible to be branded anyway right it's a fate that's arguably worse than death and is a great example of the game considering your choices as when branded Campbell will venture off on his own looking for help only to be infected with the plague becoming a weeper who you could find in a later Mission while the choices do stop there it is up to you to decide what you want to do from here you could kill Campbell and put him out of his misery or leave him be believing that his atonement isn't finished just yet it's a brutal fate that provides the player a way to complete an objective without spilling a single drop of blood while also using the narrative as a way to create these outcomes taking into account the structure of the Abbey and their culture and using that to create a path for the player to choose all things considered the Abby seems pretty evil but their insistence on being this dedicated to their cause is because their enemy The Outsider is such a powerful unknowing Force as I said earlier people know of the outsider and his Magics but few have ever actually seen him but his influence could be all over the place mainly at his shrines which are accompanied by ruins and Bone charms made in his name for a time these were thought to be spiritual objects something people believe would grant them a better life but the Abby considers them heresy even saying that the new technology created here in dunal outclasses any need for witchcraft anyway so why bother this all started back in the day at a place called White Cliff where the force of the Abbey who at the time were not as official as they are now were fighting followers of the outsider this ended with the Abbey winning killing all the Heretics and establishing themselves a proper religious order that takes down witchcraft they are then hilariously an atheistic and anti-theist religion their goal as a religion is to combat the religious worship of the outsider the Abby doesn't worship a God but rather principles and codes their strictures which by all accounts is just the same as any other religion all religions have rules that teach people how to appease God the only difference is that they don't have a God that gives them these commands it's all rather ironic too given stricture literally means to restrict a person or activity plus they despise The Outsider yet directly copy his methods exactly one of their practices is called the trials of aptitude where children who they believe to have potential to be overseers are marked by The Abbey those overseers then observe the child to see if the suspicions are true if correct they're then taken from their homes and forced to make a pilgrimage to White Cliffe now considered their holy land and take the aptitude test it's unclear what this test entails but success grants the position of overseer when failure means death So based on a guess kids can be taken from their homes and then killed without any choice in the matter rather ironic given The Outsiders fate as we'll soon see under the Lord region they've also been allowed to act autonomously without the approval of the Empire and can root out evil and criminals as they see fit they like the city watch can punish people for anything they deem necessary like putting a guy in the stocks for two days cuz he was caught peeping on his neighbor did he deserve it yeah you probably shouldn't be a peeping Tom but a religious group having the power to convict the person is the problem they are no different than the city watch with the bonus that they also destroy witchcraft a lot of this information comes in the game itself either in notes or just the environment which speaks a lot to the game design the levels themselves are crafted to fit numerous play Styles but the design of them is what I want to focus on so much of this game's environment was designed with the story in mind there are signs of roblocks talking about the plague rundown buildings of weepers in them and graffiti plastered all over the walls Dishonored and even to an extent Arcane themselves really excel in this environmental storytelling many of their games employ a show don't tell philosophy offering to let the player experience the game for themselves rather than Point them in the right direction a game like Dishonored has dozens of different things that the player might miss like how you can catch Pier spying on kalista at the pub or how when you get to the final mission if you kill a specific character before Martin does he'll be confused and wonder who did it Dishonored expands this to its story letting the player come across these moments of themselves some of them are a bit more blunt to be fair like red the beginning of mission two where we could find guards dumping bodies by the doesn't into a boat to then be dumped again into the sewers it's impossible to miss this but it still contributes to the lore of the world showing how the world reacts to its events Dishonored is in many ways reactive changing and ever evolving with what the player has done but the world itself has changed thanks to the plague so the team made sure to design things with certain questions in mind like for instance how do you fight the plague effectively well get as far away from it as possible which is likely why the tall boys were created guys on stils who are tall enough to not be touched by the weepers or rats putting quite literally a t fo pole of distance between them the people of the world are also reacting to the plague in various ways some are forced to stay inside hoping to not catch the plague others are condemned to their house because of it a family had a journal that detailed their day-to-day life while hiding out and it's a pretty gruesome Tale the wife watched her family die right in front of her eyes before she joined them the following week an overseer is also conversing with his mates about his infection wishing to be killed rather than become a weeper they have him recount the strictures just before driving the knife into his back so as to give him a sense of comfort and peace in his final moments the rap plague is deadly so the world has to reflect this deadliness to portray it effectively the plague attacks indiscriminately so all the districts are affected some are broken down and destroyed others got off easy and are just abandoned the flooded district is the worst of the bunch destroy before the rap plague came it used to be dall's finest District but thanks to the barrier breaking water flooded the whole area anyone with the right sense of mind got out immediately but it didn't matter buildings were destroyed and people's assets especially those in its infrastructure were gone now the place is nothing more than a costic Dumping Ground things have to go somewhere after all so all the bodies found in dunwell are disposed of here and any plague victims are taken here to quarantine with no intention of being cured and if they die well they were going to end up here anyway so it saves them a trip as I said Dishonored is a reactive game just about every item and location was taken into account when creating the world the team tried to think of how a plague might affect the city how the government would respond to the crisis and how the citizens of that City would react to those decisions it's why the city feels so alive because it ironically creates a dead world where people are starving dying and just looking to make it through another day well those that still have some life left in them come up a new ways to survive either by Scavenging for gear to sell creating your own cure when the real one runs out or just drinking away the pain and Imagining the plague isn't there while I've always loved dishonor for its story it's the world of done well that's always been my favorite part with Campbell gone the ABY is ours but Campbell is just one of the many on our hit list with the next being the twin brothers of one of the Loyalists Trevor Pendleton he's un exactly happy about the idea of killing his own Brothers but it's what they need to do to take over the Lord Regent so he's one to make that sacrifice according to Admiral havlock Campbell's black book an item we took off his person when we got rid of him shows the location of Lady Emily which happens to be the same place as the twins the golden cat a house of pain pleasure or both depending on your tastes sadly is not as in-depth as the previous Mission with the overseers but it still shows the depravity of this world and how its people are treated the golden C being mere feet away from a Distillery is no coincidence sex and booze go together like peanut butter and jelly but the women working here might not have had a choice the heart will explain that most of the women who work here are from poor families ones that didn't have enough money to feed all the miles at home so they decided to lighten the load a little and ship their daughters off to the golden cat some of them were even promised that they were working at a factory only to be tricked into working at a brothel they clearly didn't sign up for this so some of them take their life in response and it's the head Madam's job to dispose them in the nearby River the place is also clearly a sex den and uh all kinds of things happen here as you would expect one of the guests is an art dealer who we need to interrogate to get the combination to a safe which is the route you would go if you want to take down the twins non-lethally but to do so we have to pose as one of the women see the art dealer is into Electro stimulation so we have to play along and shock him until he gives up the combo which means going past his Breaking Point even after he uses his safe word shame though all this time he thought it was a beautiful woman with soft hands pulling the lever only to find out that it was the bloodied callous hands of a killer the twins are also just as peculiar one of them is probably the most normal person in the whole building only asking for a handrub while they relax in the steam room but the brother custus asked The Working Girl to dress up as lady Bole a woman who will meet very soon cic pretend it's her and punish her for how angry she makes him one of the guards also takes rou te peaks of one of the brothers likely to catch a glimpse of the action quite possibly the weirdest mission in this entire game but it fits the bill for a pleasure House the twins may also have the worst fate bestowed upon them when it comes to non-lethal options Trevor mentions at times how the family got rich from their crystal mines they employ many people from across the aisles but it's like working in a coal mine but with less safety equipment the dust and lack of oxygen from being so far down probably affects them more than they know so as a bit of karmic Justice we could teach them how that feels getting the combo from the art dealer let slack jaw a local gang member take care of the job for us his plan involves shaving their hair cutting their tongues out and then throwing them in their own mind the haircut would be enough to make them unrecognizable to their employees and without tongues they likely can't talk their way out of things so like their own workers they could just suffer without any way of getting out while we're here the intelligence of Campbell's blackbook is also spoton as Emily is located at the top floor in one of the private rooms finally letting us reunite with her after months of being away Emily is one of my favorite characters in this game mostly do in part to how they evolve her in the sequel but the way she's portrayed here in the first game is a perfect example of how our decisions refect the world around us bit of a spoiler I guess but it's learned at the end of the game that corvo is Emily's dad this reinforces his drive to find her not just as the Royal protector but as a father this would also explain why jessamine's tone in the opening had feelings of loving it and why Emily takes such a liking to corvo throughout the game even though she has to be the heir to the throne she is a kid at heart and finds her dad's work to be more interesting even if she doesn't quite understand what he does as such corvo is a direct influence on how Emily acts when the group throws a party one night Emily is seen drawing a picture on a low chaos playthrough she draws a picture of her Tower here the pub with rainbows and flowers on it but on a high chaos playthrough it's a picture of a scary man with a bloody knife she also has a drawing that she's been meaning to show corvo which changes based on your Chaos level and I think the images speak for themselves one Emily sees corvo as her father the kind-hearted man that he is the other sees only the mask man the one who deals death equally depending on how you play The Mask is either just a mask or an identity a reason to hide yourself from the world or Reason to kill her dialogue is also more aggressive as a result instead of talking about dressing and schooling or play asking if she has the authority to tell the Admiral to stop smoking she talks about how cool it would be to crash two ships into each other so that everyone drowns she's taking after her father because as a kid she doesn't know any better kids look up to their parents and do things they do even if they're wrong because as such a young age most kids can't discern what's right or wrong they just assume it's fine since their parents do it and being Emily's father means we directly affect how she acts and how she will grow up as a result either an equally kind-hearted and Stern ruler like her mom or a bloodthirsty pragma is no different than the Lord Regent the decision to hide this reveal about corvo and Emily's relationship until after the ending has been locked in was a fantastic choice it should be obvious from the start that Emily looks up to corvo but when you attach an actual blood relation to them people might start to care more hiding that until the end means the player no longer has a reason to be a good role model further amplifying how charitable you are as a low chaos player because even without that knowledge you still wanted to show Emily that actions have consequences and that being a good and kind person is always better than the alternative so not only does getting a low chaos ending mean that you prevented the plague from spreading and Sav the Empire but you also taught Emily compassion forgiveness and restraint all through your actions as a player and it's this that makes Dishonored one of the most interactive games of all time this idea that everything should be interactable and that each choice comes with some kind of consequence is something that the dev team took to the extreme from the chaos system to the choices made within the levels to even how the levels react to the world itself all of it is what makes Dishonored the game that it is and it's only going to get better as we approach my favorite level of the entire game removing the pendl and twins from Parliament gives Trevor a chance to take their place giving us two powers under our control our next plan is to find the Mistress of the Lord Regent but to find our identity we need to find soof the same man for the first mission now despite me saying that my favorite mission is coming up it is not this one soof mission is more focused on giving the player another open area to Traverse instead of creating new story moments of the player to see what can be seen is related to the man of the hour soof is the creator of the walls of light in the ark pons two deadly devices that have done irreparable damage to dunall something he clearly doesn't see further furore his attitude is based on pragmatism and ruthlessness within his Chambers is a woman locked in a cage apparently she is a test subject of his who has come here because she was looking for a cure to the plague SOA claims to be helping her but it seems like he's doing the opposite saying to his audiograph that she'll die by tomorrow sunrise he's also extremely arrogant as he tells the woman that she should be honored that he's even working on the Cure at all saying that without his hard work and dedication dunwell might not have a cure he doesn't even see her as a person just a piece of Flesh a body ready to be examined as he calls her subject 312 instead of her real name soof is by all accounts an evil person I do recognize that rigorous methods need to be taken to deal with something like this but his attitude towards these people isn't sympathetic if zokolov cared enough about the people he wouldn't put them in cages and even if he did he should at least be nice about it to me there is no sympathizing with him in any capacity but he is regrettably one of the best Minds in the Empire who is well equipped enough to take down the plague and the Lord Regent so only need his help for to succeed his abduction though leads us to the mistress lady Bole which were the Mission truly Begins the premise was already an easy hook for me we've gone from one target to two so naturally now we have three as lady Bole is the name of each of the three sisters except we're only tasked with killing one so we have to find the correct one and take her out even worse the boil sisters are thring one of their annual parties this year with the theme being a masquerade they're also playing a game where the party guests have to guess which boil is the correct one to win a prize so we have to sneak in to find the correct boil and take her out in the middle of the party the boil mansion and how that compares to the rest of dunwell is is a testament to the irony that seeps to this setting the Mansion is a large sweeping area that takes up most of the level while the rest is relegated to the outer edges of the map even just its presence alone is enough to convey this you feel like you need to be in there or that you're not in the right area it's like seeing the New Vegas strip from good springs for the first time there's a party over there and everyone's having fun but all you can do is look outside its walls and what what it must be like in there the front door where all the guests come in has been locked off by a fence and is guarded by constantly patrolling tall boys while the rest of the Mansion is covered by story high walls that it's almost impossible to even blink over them this is so that anyone watching from even the highest walls of the nearby buildings can never see what's inside why should they they weren't invited equally this is also to make sure the party guest can't see outside the walls and be reminded of what the world truly looks like the outside decorations also Light Up the Sky like never before and if these giant quarantine walls weren't blocking our path I'm sure half a dum wall could see these lights the party is the textbook definition of tonee in a world where the city is dying and thousands are starving the rich Elite are here partying like it never happened there are streamers confetti statue shoes and large lights everywhere to set the mood the dining room also has a massive table of food large enough to satisfy anyone's tastes and there's an infinite amount of liquor and a massive catfish sitting front and center it's all portrayed to me as wasteful and I bet after this party is finished all the food not eating will go right into the garbage even though just half this table could feed a family for weeks the boil party is a great example of how a level can convey everything it needs to without so much as a word being said it's only natural that those who are rich and wealthy will be less affected by this likely seeing it as a minor inconvenience these same individuals are also too self-absorbed and selfish to understand what the common folk go through so while the idea of throwing a party during a plague sounds ludicrous it's actually one of the most believable parts of this game parties can provide a temporary escape from the outside world which is exactly why this was hosted a way for those to ignore the outside world for just one day while those that can't are left to die in the streets ruining the festivities is going to be quite complicated than just walking in and Blasting everything in our way though because finding out which Bo sister is who on top of identifying which one is our Target is going to be the challenge for this level the best part about this Mission and a few other missions later is that repeat playthroughs are just as engaging Waverly Lydia and esma are the names of the boil sisters but each time you load up the mission you're given a different boil with a different outfit in my first playthrough my target was Waverly boil and red with the other being esma boil and white it lets repeat playthroughs still have some semblance in Mystery by not giving the player a chance to brew force it due to past experiences the tricky part is getting them alone as each one wanders the open floors of their mansion each sister has a weakness that can be exploited though Waverly is paranoid and someone is going to kill her unfortunately for her she is correct esma loves getting drunk and will follow you if you offer her a drink and Lydia can be convinced to be taken into a smaller less crowded room if you pretend you're a talented musician getting them alone gives you a chance to kill them but if you knock them out they can be taken downstairs to could ship them off to their secret admirer Lord brisbee here at the party knows of our mission but doesn't want us to kill her because he's in love with whatever boil is the target instead he wants us to deliver their unconscious body to his boat so that they can live far away from dunwell happily ever after thank God this sort of has a good ending Lord brisbee eventually became a criminal with the crime of kidnapping lady Bole he would then at some point mysteriously disappear leaving Waverly in control of the brisbee family fortune with enough money to live out the rest of her life in peace from the dialogue I'd wager she killed them and rightfully so the only part that's strange about the whole thing is that the boil whom you were meant to kill will give you a rune for sparing her but even if you kill them you still get a rune and a note thanking you from the other sisters for basically having enough restraint to only kill one of them them which is a really weird way to reward the player with a free upgrade nevertheless this reward brings with it the conclusion to arguably the series best Mission with that we've come to the final mission we've taken down high overseer Campbell with Martin taking over The Abbey the pedal to twins are out of commission with their younger brother Trevor taking their place soala is in our hands and the Lord Region's mistress has been taken care of he's lost all of his power All That Remains is him and the only remaining guards that are still loyal and even then we might be able to tip the scales there too to end the game Dishonored uses my favorite Trope ever ending the game where it began as we're back to dunwell Tower to take down the Lord Regent this Mission has no gimmicks and no mystery investigation like with the boils just you the Lord Regent and a massive level to Traverse as we discussed before a low chaos playr will having him wander the halls of his Tower while high chaos forc us to find a way to the roof I really like the high chaos outcome though for just one conversation that you have before killing him which is where you can choose to reveal your identity or not it has a deep and Sinister quality to it almost as if you're mocking if for not finishing the the job as his insistence on making you confess forced him to not kill you ultimately leading to his downfall the non-lethal option is just as great as it requires you to sneak into his Chambers and retrieve an audio log and then play it over the loudspeaker this audio log also doubles as a confession as he confesses to bringing the plague over from pandia to Dunwall with the hope that it could weed out the poor population something that he insists still would have worked if everyone just listened to him well not a part of the quest there was also a written confession confirming that he ordered the hit on Jessamine calwin and that the Assassin who killed her was a man named Dow but that's something we'll have to discuss soon for now we can take this audio recording to the top of the tower the guy that's up here in the booth is instantly recognizable as his voice is the one that relays the announcements heard in every level so not only did his guards just hear his confession but the entire city of Dunwall can hear it too a wonderfully ironic fate a person who wanted to rule the city is about to be undone by the city as the Lord Regent is immediately taken into custody and likely sitting in the same prison that corvo was sitting in just a few nights ago once he escapes Samuel takes him back to the pub and everyone is already celebrating Coral's job is done and he can hang up his mask but for the rest it's only just begun they need to be ready for this new shift in power and capitalize on it right away but for now they drink like kings ready to usher in the new age of dunwell with Emily on the throne and corvo sitting right beside her as the Royal protector [Music] congratulations Samuel you move like you've been drinking did the poison work its magic is he dead it better have worked it cost me a month's profit yes sir I believe corvo has breathed his last just as you wanted you've done a fine job then remember we need the body if we come forward with the corpse of the man who murdered the empress we'll be greeted as heroes yes it'll grant us legitimacy We'll Be The Men Who rescued Emily and brought down the Lord Regent and his assassin you'll see to the body won't you Samuel yes sir okay so maybe I was smudging the truth a little we still have a bit more to go actually unfortunately Trevor Martin and Admiral havlock betrayed corvo and tried to get rid of him what's so wonderful about this twist is how sudden it happened even on repeat playthroughs you won't be able to see the signs because they're never were any see our Trio had no intention of betraying us they actually did believe that corvo was innocent and knew that the Lord region had to go what got them in the end was greed the Loyalists had very little faith in their organization havlock notes said that corvo had about one in five odds of living which by all accounts is still good but it's clear they weren't sure he was going to survive some of the future notes are received after breaking out have this similar language like if you're reading this then you've escaped they weren't 100% confident that corvo was actually going to get out of coldridge but he did and they were surprised but then then slowly but surely they got close to their goal and realized they might have a genuine shot at the crown they wanted to work with corvo from the beginning but when they got closer they realized they were left with very little choice corvo is a wanted man both as corvo and the massed assassin who's been on a rampage in Dunwall washing their hands with corvo was the best move they could make as havlock said it would grant them legitimacy as without it people would immediately question how they managed to take down the Lord Regent and find Lady Emily people would immediately connect their Su RIS in power with a string of attacks made by corvo and then it be their heads on The Chopping Block next corvo would also prevent lady Emily from being swayed by them the trio can't directly rule the Empire only Emily can but they can influence her decision-making by way of them being old buddies which could convince her that they have the best of intentions and should follow what they say corvo knows how adults can scheme and twist their words so he'd be able to consult with her and put her on the right path so by all accounts corvo had to go if they were going to have any chance of success thankfully Samu only put in half a dose of poison in him just enough to render him unconscious but hopefully not enough to kill him corvo then wakes up on a boat in the flooded district before being greeted by the same assassins that killed jesamine these guys are the Whalers a gang of Assassins Run by Dow this isn't the first time we've run into these guys though and I'm not talking about the intro when running through Dunwall there's a chance that you'll be ambushed by them in a back alley their base of operations is just above in an old abandoned building it's unclear what their main goal was here but it was likely to gather information on us and the happenings of dunwell before returning to the flooded district accompanying this new group of Whalers is Dow who has very few words for us but for now puts us in a cell before leaving though he mentions that he knows our little friend meaning The Outsider making him an immediate Person of Interest for this latter half of the playthrough this Mission though acts as a true test not just for corvo but for the player as well you will eventually come face to face with the man who killed the empress and like all Targets before him are given a choice of killing or sparing him is this the time you break your code and get your revenge or are you committed to not killing unless absolutely necessary because technically all you need is his key and then you can leave nothing is stopping you from pickpocketing him and then just going about your business if I had to guess if there was a person the community collectively killed it was dowed there is really no reason to spare him as we just go about his business continuing to raid and pillage the flooded district and who knows maybe leaving him alive is a loose and you'd rather cut it's actually this dilemma that becomes the core of the DLC and why it's overarching narrative his exemplary and how it portrays doubt in his past but I do think it's fair to say that most people at the time did kill him the other death of this level is also Granny Rags Granny Rags is a character you meet in dunwell who's a very strange aura about her she's obsessed with rats in The Outsider and often gives us runes and Bone charms as rewards she's got slack JW pinned down and the only way to kill her is to burn her Cameo hidden in her bed as this prevents her from Reviving you can still choke her after if you choose but you must burn it first this one has always been seen as a throwaway to me doesn't really add anything comes out of nowhere and it's just largely unnecessary I assume this was done to tie up loose end so we don't have too many magical wielding people stalking the streets of Dunwall seeing as we're already in maximum capacity as is but it's mainly how Granny rags' death impacts the story that I have a problem with years later after this is all said and done a man named Pao will find her marked Hand on the ground he then uses this to gain his own set of powers except instead of being Immortal he can only be revived once per day poo is just not very interesting and Dishonored 2 at all we'll see more of him when we get there but he's just the leader of a gang his powers are most likely how he's able to gain a solid foothold in the ongoing t for that he's a part of but I feel like killing off Granny Rags just for Paulo is a bit underwhelming I can imagine Granny Rags being this everpresent figure that always shows up whenever danger is near something she even does in this game showing up near the golden cat after we saved Emily this could have been extended to the rest of the series like showing up at the Clockwork Mansion or at the streets of Dunwall during the coup but unfortunately her fate is to have her powers taken by Paulo which I've never really liked leaving the sewers lead you back to the pub only to discover the entire place has been ransacked and that you weren't the only ones who were fitted to die that day some of the staff like the maids were killed by the trio who then took Emily and headed to King Sparrow Island a massive military complex built by the Lord Regent after he took the throne this is where the chaos system comes into play and all your choices come to a head playing on low chaos starts on a sunny day with high chaos being on a stormy night reflecting the emotions of those you influenced from here on it's all about finding havlock and getting Emily but their Fates are based on your past actions in low chaos all three were drinking together in the tower but it seems like havlock took his greed even further and poisoned Martin and Trevor leaving him as the only Survivor havlock knows corvo is coming for him he doesn't know when or how only that he is as a gesture of Goodwill you can walk up to him and talk if you'd still prefer to to handle things amicably if you choose this route havlock will surrender even giving you the key to Emily's room but he'll immediately turn on you once it's grabbed confirming that he never had any intentions of backing down and that when back into a corner havlock will do anything he can to weasle his way out in high chaos things are much more hostile as the three apparently betrayed each other almost immediately the aura back at the bar was tense foreshadowing their strange relationship only seeing each other as tools and nothing more currently Martin and Trevor are engaged in a shootout and havlock is upstairs at Emily but it will end with Trevor dying of blood loss and Martin shooting himself if we get too close if you choose to stay away from him you could hear a speech of his that highlights what happened Martin mentions that they became known to the hits they put on everyone killing became second nature so to them corvo was just another body another loose end a high chaos world is one that is violent and ruthless where all parties corvo included killed whoever they wanted to get their way corvo became violent and so the Loyalists did too however in low chaos the world is healing things are getting done and people might be dying but only those that need to each party feels less ruthless as your actions weren't either there is a large difference between branding the high overseer and leaving versus killing every man woman and child on your way there now the way of been portraying this it sounds like through some mystical magic we can directly change people's opinions on our own and that's not entirely true it's the same situation with Emily if you act out of line killing anyone who so much is bats and eye at you then they're going to see you as that person corvo has the power to influence those around him not through some magical power but through his actions or more specifically your actions it's it's pretty clear that the high chaos playthrough is the bad ending but if you needed any more confirmation even Samuel despises you instead of seeing you as the hero of the story you were instead seen as the lesser of two evils and even then he still conflicted on if you are less evil than them if you killed only some people where it was enough to reach high chaos but not enough to reach the maximum limit he'll bluntly ask you to leave if you did reach the maximum value then he makes your initial approach even harder by giving away your position so even Samuel the nicest guy on the team the objectively good guy hates you Samuel on high chaos will even question why he saved you as you probably deserved to be poisoned but he did it anyway if even he hates you how can you truly call yourself a hero in this tale this chaotic outcome that leaves behind a trail of blood and death continues all the way to the end and low chaos Emily is locked in a room that you need to unlock to save her in high chaos havlock takes her to the top of the tower and is going to throw them both off in a ceremonial double suicide if you're fast enough you can kill havlock before he does but failing to do so creates another ending where Emily is no longer alive to rule the Empire as a result falls into disarray no one can take the throne so everyone is left to fend for themselves this is also Prime real estate for the rats who likely wiped out dunwell even quicker than they were doing before if Emily is alive she can rule the Empire but commands the people with an iron fist getting whatever she wants however she can without worrying about the consequences just like her dear old dad the low chaos outcome is both the only good option and the canonical outcome where Emily also rules his Empress but much more diligently once again taking after her father pier and soof also managed to come together to make a cure the end of the rap plague for good resulting in a golden age for the Empire and eventually when corvo is old and gray and passes on from the world Emily revisits his grave and MNS the death of her father putting a nice little bow on the entire story Dishonored one is a very easy game to call perfect and it doesn't take very long to see why it's one of the most perfectly put together games ever made and it does exactly what it set out to do and also so a perfect Precision it an immerses him with an overwhelming amount of Choices put inside a host of levels packed with multiple options both mechanically and narratively all of this is together inside a system designed to punish and reward the player for the actions they take showing them that any small number of decisions can eventually compound into a much larger consequence dishonor one was largely a game of introductions characters like Emily Dow and The Outsider have yet to see their full potential but it sets up everything quite nicely alongside all of its in-depth World building regarding the rap plague and plac outside the game's world that begs the question though if the base game is so great then what does that say about the dlc's well a lot actually because the DLCs are just as great as the base game but for completely different reasons all the options in World building are still there but it's the main narrative the central story of the DLC that makes these a must play without it everything going forward into the series makes no sense it's these DLCs that set up the story of the events in both dishonor 2 and death of the outsid and it all begins with doubt Dow's campaign is split across two dlc's the knife of dunwell and the brigmore witches originally I was put off by its design each DLC is three missions long but they each have a chaos system which on the surface is rather strange the base gamees chaos system worked because it was over the course of multiple missions the DLCs only have two as the third mission is the one that locks in the chaos meter so you can get the ending you're supposed to I was initially confused as to why it was even added and only assumed it was because the base games had it so the dlc's must too but that's not entirely correct see after completing the first DLC you could take your save data over to the next fit with all the upgrades and choices that you made so it's actually a six Mission long campaign with a sort of halfway chaos check which surprisingly adds a lot of narrative complexity DLCs are great excuses to experiment with content that didn't quite work out the way you intended or add new content you didn't have time to and these DLCs are experimental in many ways outside of this episodic style dowed being a master assassin has contacts all across dwall some of whom owe him favors so for little coin you can cash in these favors such as leaving a Ruiner bone charm behind for you to collect or dressing up as an overseers you could seek in a cdge prison easier it's a good example of a mechanic needing his time in the spotlight to really test its abilities as well not a one toone creation the favor system found its way into dishonor 2's Black Market shops as certain stores have extra things you could find Dow also has a new kit to work with that either includes slight variations on corvo's abilities or whole new abilities to fit his style one of Dow's more iconic abilities is the summon assassin which as the name suggest let you summon one of his Whalers to join you in combat they at first seemed like spur the moment meat Shields and they definitely are great at doing that but Dow's other ability Arcane Bond let you transfer some of your own power to them this not only provides more mechanical depth letting your assassin you Shadow kill and B in time but it recontextualizes how the Whalers are able to use the outsider abilities without a mark Dow is the only one in the gang with a mark from The Outsider but his unique set of Outsider abilities let him transfer lesser versions of his kit to his allies so even in its gameplay the DLCs are trying to clarify and establish certain story beats that the player might have wondered when playing his corvo but just as it's playful in its gameplay so too is it in the script there's a set of guards sitting by the door and their conversation is about one congratulating the other on getting a squad of their own anyone who has ever played the game would be grinning from ear to ear right now and I admit I was too when stalking the streets is Corville you'll sometimes hear a random assortment of dialogue two of the most common are guards asking about whiskey and cigars or their squad it became a sort of community meme almost immediately due to how many times it's mentioned and how forced a lot of the dialogue feels but it's good to know that after all these years someone finally got a squat of their own the tone of the DLCs is much more serious than this dialogue though and focuses more on Dow losing his grip on himself and the Gang it sorts with Dow recounting the day he killed the empress already seems pretty shaken up by the whole thing Dow has killed hundreds of people he spilled so much blood that he could cover the entire pandian continent and even then he probably still have more left over but this contract with the empress bothers him for some reason Dow's marks came from all walks of life Aristocrats officers lawmakers anyone and everyone met the end of his blade but Jessamine was different Dow's assassination involved killing someone in the highest seat of power and that doesn't come lightly he killed the girl's mother before her very eyes while also plunging the world into chaos jessamine's death caused the rap play to the spiral out of control only to be made worse when the Lord Regent took over the role this weighed very heavily on Dow's mind it was the first time he had to think about his killings instead of thinking of the coin that could be made he wouldn't have too much time to think though as The Outsider wants a chat he says that his story is ending soon and there's no way to stop it but does ask how D wants it to end corvo was coming and we know how it could end up so the outsider warning him of his date with death he ends the talk to give him one last gift for all time sake this time a name a mystery Delilah so Dow sets out to a nearby slaughterous to talk to the owner bundry Roth wild he owns a fleet of whaling ships including one called Delila so he's going to find him to see why this is so important joining doubt on this mission is his second in command Billy lurk someone we can also influence at times depending on our actions One mission has her choking out the guard blocking our path while the other has her stabbing him to death depending on her chaos but Billy is less influential than other characters like Emily as she has her own path that she'll soon follow sneaking into the slaughter house is going to be quite complicated as the workers are currently on strike but some of the suits at the top managed to take the time so they can't enter the building one of the workers Abigail Ames was employed here by Jack Ramsey in order to strike the building down from the inside Ramsey is one of the guests we can actually meet at the boil party who is clearly into Wales judging by The Mask so he's in close competition with Roth wild and Abigail was meant to get in there to incite the riot and then blow the building Sky High when everyone was out she end up getting caught by Roth wild though while in the process of fulfilling that request so we have to save her but here comes Dow's first moral choice blowing up the building will kill anyone inside and ruin the business doing so while catastrophic would give us info on Delila as Abigail claims to know what we're after however we can instead interrogate Roth wild directly and find the info that way sparing the workers in business but leaving Abigail in the hands of Roth wild who will eventually get her arrested for treason and Sedition ultimately this is one of the easier choices and doesn't really work as a moral choice it's almost a no-brainer to do it this way especially because you could shove Roth Wald in a box put him in a boat and ship him off to God knows where there is very little justification for going the evil route in this case other than to maintain Dow's mercenary persona but even then that's a flimsy excuse to do so as normally doubt has the morals to only kill those involved killing the workers in the explosion is an evil and an unnecessary solution now if Roth wild had asked us to do this then that could be something maybe he's forced to scrub his involvement with the whaler business and needs our help so we let the bad guy Escape just to get our info while the non-lethal option would be to expose his business practices while also getting our info on Delila overall though it's not a bad Mission by any means and lets the player get a grasp of Dow and his kit regardless of the method Dow learns that Delila while a ship was named after for a woman who was friends with the owner bar timsh he'll know more about this Delila woman so we set off to find him the corrupt people keep on coming though is Barrister Tim is quite the indeed which makes his non-lethal option extremely ironic Tim's mother is dying and so she wrote a will to pass down his niece Talia wants the will for herself while Tim refuses to give her any of it Talia hires us to kill him and get the will but there are a few other ways we can handle this see Tim back in the day was a dead counter someone who quite literally would count the dead on top of establishing the next of kin and their price of their assets but he took this as an opportunity to abuse his power and would take the properties of families and pass them off to his friends and family even if they weren't stricken with the plague one of these victims was a man named Roland who wants us to take a note from his apartment and swap it with one on his desk he also wants us to take the bag of a decaying corpse and put it in the vent the note would be a fake from the Lord Regent claiming that Tim's assets were to be seized months ago and the smell would be our insurance to make sure it smells like a plague is broken out the place in which we find the corpse though is quite concerning they're all tied up and labeled and the name of the note being cultist scribbling leads me to believe that some of the outsiders followers were killing people to help with their rituals there is even a shrine directly in the Next Room that supports this but of course the outsider refuses to comment he does however pose an interesting question to Dow that I never considered until now back with corvo the outsider question why corvo spared doubt given he had every right to die doubt is much the same way now stuff in the body of Roth wild and a crate is a lot cleaner than his normal killings and The Outsider wonders if the empress's death really did change him or is it because he thinks this will save him is Dow no longer killing without a reason because the empress's death opened his eyes or does he think that this will stop fate and that he doesn't actually care about the people like you'd think he didn't have a deep introspective moment he's just selfishly trying to prevent his own death it's a rather interesting question posed by the game that not only forces da to confront himself but also the player why are you choosing the actions you do it's something that could be expanded across the whole game it's hard for me to answer this question nowadays as the chaos system does immediately influence how I play as all my playthroughs for this video were the extreme ends of each side full lethal to non-lethal plus it's been years since my first playthrough so I have no idea who I killed and why but for someone playing for the first time I think this would be a wonderful moment of reflection on both Dow and the players part as they both try to explain why they chose what they did a surprisingly deep question coming from an optional talk talked to away in an abandoned Apartment but that's always been the core of the immersive Sim genre making a game with thousands of possible outcomes even though the player might not see a tenent of them such as this talking statue of Delila tucked away in the back room as weird as it sounds the statue does talk and it's Delila talking to doubt about his search for and that it's only going to cause him misery but you know misery loves company and I'm quite lonely so let's get moving and find our plus one from Tim's notes we can discover that Not only was Delila an acquaintance of his but that her name was written on the wheel and not timsh we also discover a bit more about Delila and how she's a powerful witch who runs her own Coven in the abandoned brigmore manner causing Dow to go back to The Hideout and plan their attack Delila seems to have gotten the upper hand though as the gang is soon attacked by dozens of overseers in the Abbey who worked with her to take over the flooding District this is such a fascinating way to end the DLC the overseers have appeared on Dow's home turf and while they outnumber the entire gang 5 to1 they don't have the knowledge of its layout and thanks to our time with corvo you and doubt have the same knowledge it's no longer a takeover but a playground they're the ones locked in with you to make it harder the devs did add at least two dozen guards all of whom stick to each other like glue but it's such an exhilarating feeling going through this old area with more experienced Eyes by the time we clean up all the overseers D will learn that it was Billy who sold them out to Delila in the low chaos playthrough she regrets this choice later but sticks to her guns in high chaos Billy joined the Whalers when she was eight so this is all she knows and when she saw Dow slipping she knew she could make a break for his leadership role and take over the gang herself if you were sympathetic in your playthrough Billy apologizes and gives you the option of sparing or taking her life if you're ruthless then you must fight to the death although you can still knock her out with a sleep Dart to get the same effect it's this moment though that made me appreciate the narrative complexity of doubt and the DLC this halfway point can then also be seen as a Turning Point instead I'll spoil it now but Billy does survive she reappears in the sequel and is the protagonist of the last game so her death is not possible but the game never explains how it happened was Dow nicer and morally conflicted from the start or did that only start with Billy canonically a low chaos playthrough across both DLCs is just as possible as a high chaos ending in the beginning only to go low chaos by the end while the content carries over the Chaos level resets so you have a chance to double down or double back on your previous actions that's what makes the DLC so complex the empress either affected doubt emotionally enough to change for the better causing him to question whether the people he kills deserves to die or it was Billy some of the Whalers were losing faith and doubt since the start but he could pass this off as nothing but his second in command that's a wound that cuts deep it's an extension of our conversation with the outsider why is Dow changing why does he kill why does he not what was the impact Point Jessamine is definitely the core of these feelings but I'd like to think that I high chaos D brushed this off only to confront these feelings again thanks to Billy how a piece of content that takes less than three hours can still invoke so much discussion in just three missions is shocking and a testament to the level of quality put into this DLC the same as was put in the Bas game and yet the story still continues the brigmore witches is the final DLC of Dishonor 1 and is a continuation of the previous DLC taking place the morning after the attack everyone is still reflecting on the attack and the blood is still fresh assuming you spilled any whereas the first DLC was about introducing Delilah the second DLC is all about Delilah Hearn or coven know of doubt and know he's coming so they're planning just as much as he is getting to Delila is going to be the big objective this time around but to do that we need a boat and someone who can get us past the quarantine line the only contact out knows of that could pull this off just so happens to be in jail so it's time for another jailbreak like the previous level coldridge prison serves as another playground for the player to swing and run on it might seem lazy to rehash all levels like this but they not only added more guards in different hazards than before but this mission was before corvo got his Outsider power so it does end up becoming a completely new level something you've only seen a fifth of until now this is also the mission where you can call in a favor to get that overseer suit that's cuz black magic was used in the prison and the city watch felt that the overseers the ABY would be better suited to handle this judging from the crime scene one of deil's coven was captured only to set the Ruma Blaze somehow as evidenced by our charred corpse our sailor Lizzy stride is also here who we need to carry out of the prison taking the same route we did as corvo but this time the water's been drained it's such a small but impactful change as it's something that's echoed across the level corvo's Escape drastically changed the prison The Arc pylons are to stop prisoners from from escaping more guards are added to every post the guard who initially helped us Escape is being executed the prison even Enlisted the help of the overseers to use those magical boxes they carry to suppress the outsider Powers just in case someone else tries to escape and all the water has been drained to prevent people from jumping to safety so here we are two dlc's deep and yet we're still talking about the ramifications of choices we made hours ago Dishonored is a great game not just because of its world or its gameplay even though that is part of it it's because its choices were taken into account at every step there is a certain level of trust that's built up throughout the game knowing that there's always going to be some treat in every level whether that be its design its story or even how the same locations evolve adding things like this are small but they add such a remarkable amount of value to a game when Arcane says that the choices will matter even choices you were forced to make for the sake of the story then they will often times levels are one andone you could do irreparable amounts of damage to a place and yet the world never acknowledges this but that's not the case with Dishonored every choice you make has a consequence the world does not revolve around the player you revolve around it you leaving coldridge as corvo while easy has created the side effect of making it harder to enter as Dow even then just the idea of going back into a cold Ridge withouts set our powers would have been enough but Arcane didn't think so like everything in this game they asked questions about the world and then designed a level around the response such as how a prison might act if a high-profile Target just escape from their grasp and it's this design philosophy that makes Dishonored one of the best games out there while Lizzy is willing to work with us we have to help her with a favor before she helps us with ours lizz's gang The Dead Eels are currently at odds with another gang called the Hatters on top of this the current leader Edgar Wakefield is the reason she's in prison so we have to take care of both these issues before we can leave taking care of edigar is simple enough but the Hatters are a bit tougher their leader Mortimer hat is on his last legs but for some odd reason Rigg the building to be gassed if he ever sees those Pearly Gates so we have to either talk our way out of this or hope that we're fast enough to escape once it goes off he promises us the code to the basement which we need as the co for Lizzy ship engine is down here what if we let him pass on that would also come with the cost of those inside it's a weirdly costic version of the trolley problem one old man forced to stay alive via a tube or dozens dead so that he can rest my mind often drifts towards the kill count when it comes to these decisions there aren't just gang members in here but maids and workers people who have no stock in this tur for killing them is obviously not the way to go yet it seems like theila had planned for this doing this the other way requires us to go to the basement to get the code from one of the guys who went down into the sewers but never came back waiting for us are a few of Delilah's coven all of whom attempt to lure Us by playing victim this isn't the first time this happens though as when trying to take down Edgar the gang members and even one of Dow's initiat comments on how they're being watched if you're quick enough you can even spot one of them before they disappear Delila knows we're here and is eagerly waiting our arrival it seems this confirmed as much when we do eventually make it to the manner as numerous notes instruct the women of the coven to disable switches and block off areas so doubt can't enter them making our way to the attic gives us a hint as to what she's up to Delila like doubt was gifted Powers by The Outsider she has the same Arcane Bond power it seems judging by her Covenant but her other power is much more interesting Delilah somehow can use paintings as a way to control people that's why the will wasn't signed in 's name as the Lila likely possessed him through her painting of him her current Masterpiece is a picture of Emily her master plan is to possess Emily and live as the empress through her skin corvo and all her subjects would think they're talking to Emily when they're really talking to Delilah she is a wand for the throne thanks to the royal family being her downfall Delila is learned to be the half sister of Jessamine their father uor and calwin had two girls with two different women one day when the two were young Jessamine accidentally broke something and blamed on deila but the item in question had such an immense amount of value that she and her mother were forced out of Dunwall because of it she believes that the right to rule has always been hers and so she'll take it no matter what she asked to do to do so she must enter the void and create the perfect painting of Emily which as a side note is such a fascinating art style I'm not too well versed in specific Styles but some people have pointed out that it reminds them of expressionism from what I can tell it's an art style that relies heavily on the painter's use of distortion and expression to craft something something that truly reflects their thoughts and feelings if so then the influence is definitely there DS painting is more brutal and Jagged possibly because of the sharp hatred she has for him and vice versa whereas Emily's is more elegant and free flowing less Reds and more purples It's a Wonderful art style to have in a game with an Arty impressive art style Delila art will evolve a bit more in dishonor too on account of there being a different artist being hired to make them and while I do enjoy them I've always had a soft spot for these in particular to defeat Delila we must stop her from completing the painting you could do this this by simply killing her or you could swap the painting with a different one this specific drawing is one of the Void so instead of Emily Delila would be trapped inside the void something I did not know until a future playthrough is that you could actually let Delila finish painting if you wait long enough a cut scene will play and you will fail the mission I never knew this was possible and just assumed she would loop back and forth between the Altar and Canvas Plus the arena is extremely small so it's not like finding the painting requires much effort this also means that instead of putting her to sleep and then swapping the painting you can switch them while she's in the middle of the ritual letting you defeat her without her even knowing you were there the world might have been saved but Dow's life might not be as corvo is still coming and his fate may have already been sealed in the time that passes da reflects on his actions now realizing that his choices will always matter to someone and that eventually those choices will come back Dow may have saved Emily from Delila but he killed an empress each choice comes with the consequence and that consequence is about to arrive the final scene is corvo fighting with doubt if you ended the DLC with low chaos then doubt is spared with him meeting his faith in a high chaos ending what's great about the ending regardless of how it transpires is doubt himself this hold DLC happen while we were out partying at the boils and branding Heretics the player and corvo didn't know that da had directly saved Emily from a fate we didn't know about but that's how consequences work you might have changed for the better but the people you hurt only saw the one side of you if the player knew that doubt saved Emily then I assume most would have spared him but since that information was never given to us we can only go off what we know but this shows how much doubt has grown he knows that he might not come back from this and that corvo might end his life but even if that happens he knows that what he's done was right it might have taken him a while to get there and he was only able to see this part of himself just recently but in his final moments he did change he considered the moral complexities that come with his targets he weighed the options to determine what was best and right when the blade was at his neck he even admits to leaving his gang and the killings that would follow if he spared Dow wants to change and thankfully corvo is sympathetic enough to spare him like with Billy living to fight another day is the Canon outcome as he will also appear in a future sequel but just wow what an ending a man who went from an empress killer to seeing the error of his ways and vwing to do better with the new life he's been given it's an incredibly well- told story with an equally important message about how no matter who you are it's never too late to change for the better Dishonored one is not only a great game it's one of my favorite games of all time a game that I've picked up time and time again over the years and yet always managed to find something new to enjoy its gameplay is what an immersive Sim should strive to be a game with a bountiful amount of options stretching across his levels like Vines all of which are tied back into the narrative a central story focused on loss revenge and choice posing questions about a person's mind their power and how they go about using that power it's a game that is argued by many to be the best in the series and that is true for a number of reasons the first dishonor will always be remembered as a modern classic again that would have still gone down in history as one of the greats even on its own now that might sound like I'm playing down at sequels and that the first game is so good it trumps the Rest by comparison but I wouldn't be too hasty to count them out just yet dishonor 2 would released just a few years later in 2016 and the first thing you'll notice upon starting the game is how it looks so much better dishonored's art style was Timeless as evidenced by the game being 12 years old it's a piece of art in itself something then you could hang on the wall at an art gallery but dishonor 2 takes it a step further and there is no better example of this than with Delila said 15 years in the future Emily has now gone from a young girl to an adult woman and has grown into a role as the Empress of the Isles along with her cabinet and corvo still serving as Royal protector they're honoring the death of the late Jessamine calwin that is until the Duke of circonus arrives bearing gifts except it's just one gift one large one at that the existence of jessamine's half sister Delila well it's been 15 years since her last appearance for us it's only been four and just her alone is proof of how detailed the game's art style has gotten Delilah's design in the first game gave off very stereotypical witch Vibes which is exactly what she was but it never really fit her character at least to me she looks like the kind of old witch that you would find in an abandoned Hut inside of an enchanted Forest storing a large pot of weird ingredients with her giant spoon now again I can't really complain too much because that's exactly who she was in the DLC and she definitely doesn't deviate from that path in this game either but her design here feels more appropriate elegant it's the culmination of her life fit in one dress there's Elegance in its design something suitable for someone who claims to be the true heir to the throne while also keeping that witchy aesthetic opting to add a fur coat to the back but replace it with thorns and Roses it's a beautiful design but just the texture work alone shows how much much the game's art style has improved but to back up a bit Delila is alive correct canonically Dow sucked her into the painting after some time in the void she was able to tap into the spiritual power of the dimension and even partially merge with the outsider allowing her to communicate with some of her close allies this then led to a summoning ritual where she was able to return to the land of the living with the addab bonus of not being able to Die thanks to putting her soul into a statue that's why when the entire court turns on arduo corvo attacks her only to shrug off the injury she also has the power to take away Powers as she's able to take corvo's Mark so another game another coup the difference comes from who gets to fight back as dishonor to introduces two protagonists the old and lovable corvo atano and the new and inexperienced Emily calwin who you don't choose gets turned to stone so you're on your own for the rest of the game this is a very unexpected Choice coming from a game like Dishonored as we've discussed already Dishonored has a lot of branching choices with an innumerable amount of outcomes spawning from those choices adding another character into the mix would create more complexity and indeed it does while the two go on the same Journey their opinions and reactions to things are different the chaos system also returns once again giving us at minimum four different core endings with a few smaller changes here and there that we'll talk about when we get there that's a lot of game to cram into something like this but what's more impressive is how well it works neither of these two felt tacked on and provide enough commentary on things to make them feel distinct our journey through dishonor 2 is going to take us around caraka the capital city of ciros for Emily this is an unknown region a place she rarely if ever visited but for corvo this is his hometown and he can offer insight into caraka that Emily could never this does however lead us to the important question of who is the correct Choice well according to numerous developer comments this journey would be taken by Emily but all it takes is a quick look at the implications regarding this event to understand why it was chosen just consider what this means in context of the character we play as for corvo this is yet again another coup one Empress is detained or killed while another person takes their place hilariously the character you do choose would have been taken a coldd to face their crimes of being the secret Crown killer so corvo would have gone to prison for a second time for crimes he didn't commit corvo's entire existence in this game is to provide a sense of normaly and comfort to the whole Affair his journey through dishonor 2 directly mimics his adventures in the first game and his entire kit has been carried over perfectly with the only changes being related to dishonor 2's changes specifically not the kid itself like adding more upgrade paths to dark vision his role is to remove the one who attacked them first clear his name and make sure Emily sits a top the throne at the end it's consistent to the original game and its plot but it's too consistent corvo was given no capacity to grow because he doesn't need to he's done all he needed to and Dishonored one everything after is just unnecessary towards the end of the game each character will have a bit of introspection and reflect on their Journey here each of them had slacked off in a variety of ways Emily had always daydreamed through her meetings because she looked up to her father and enjoyed his life more than her mother's and corvo let her get away with it because it's his daughter each of them will learn something from coming here but it feels Hollow with corvo the best way to explain it is that it's one of those scenarios where you have to let the person experience it for themselves to realize that you were right you ever told a friend cooworker or even your child about the dangers of something but they won't listen and do it anyway only to realize you were right this is what would happen with corvo coming back to Dunwall after his journey and caraka has given him perspective on how things are done here and he wants to make sure that the Empire is ruled properly from now on but from Emily's perspective she was petrified and then awoken a few weeks later dad is once again saved the day and she learned nothing from it corvo could tell her everything he's done and make sure she rules properly but given her attitude across the playthrough she likely wouldn't understand it until it hits her in the face contrast this journey with Emily's instead of being the Royal protector whose sole job is to keep the royal family at the head of the table it's now a former Emperor fighting to seize back control of her own Empire Emily travels to caraka and then gets to see with her own eyes the destruction she either brought upon them or let slide for a quick history lesson this is a map of the known world within Dishonored the large land mass on the right is the pendan continent the place that the Lord Regent went to retrieve the rats who carried the plague with them in the western h spere is the Empire of the Isles comprised of four aisles Grist Morley ciros and Tivia each aisle has its own governing body Morley has a king Tivia has a council of high judges ciros has a Duke the one we saw in the intro and Grist has the parliament the empress leads all of this with the aforementioned forms of government operating more like state governments instead of national ones the Emperor or Empress has the single greatest amount of power when compared to anyone else but they can't just pass laws willy-nilly some of these lesser governments have more power when it comes to their own aisle the point being Emily going to caraka is a wakeup call in more ways than one as she has to confront the decision she made over the past 15 years it's easy for members of government to make laws without worrying about the consequences because they could do so from the safety of their own homes miles away from where their bills will land Emily no longer has that luxury The Outsider because of course he's going to show up even expresses the sentiment himself when arriving at one of the rich districts in caraka The Outsider asks Emily if she feels more comfortable now that she's among her people the rich in Palace born further saying if not then why it didn't seem to bother you before or maybe it's because it looks different up close Emily has been catered to all her life but now that she's out of the palace she's able to see what the common everyday folk go through and if she has any sense of humility this will provide her with a different perspective giving her a chance to really consider what her actions can mean for the common people and that maybe daydreaming through a meeting so you could stalk the rooftops with your dad come second when you're the leader of an Empire it's this single defining feature that makes Emily the better protagonist I love corvo how could I not and to be fair he still decent character here story-wise and his abilities let players who really enjoyed his gameplay Loop just continue from where they left off in the last game but this really is Emily's story but just as it's Emily so too is it the players as they're the ones behind the controls after all and the game Bridges the Gap once again with the uses of the chaos system initially I wrote off the chaos system because I found it pointless unlike the first game the chaos system doesn't affect the locations of our targets such as the Lord Regent the changes were almost negligible at times but that's because I was looking at it the wrong way the chaos system and dis honored one worked as an influential mechanic and that our actions affect those around us either making them calm and collected or angry and bitter and here it's not so much the people around us although that does happen on occasion it's mainly the main characters themselves that are the most affected each character is vo now and will comment about the upcoming Mission at the very beginning as well as make small remarks about certain items that you can inspect but their behavior completely depends on your Chaos level one of the targets we have to find is the crown killer who is apparently connected to a doctor hpaa in low chaos the two are optimistic and want to talk to the to see how her connection leads him to the crown killer whereas in high chaos they want her dead because of her affiliation regardless of Innocence their attitudes are directly affected by the chaos system and remember they have to take these feelings back with them when they return to Dunwall it's the same as dishonor one but framed differently instead of leaving the city how you found it versus destroying everything in your way to complete your goal it's now returning to dunwell with a fresh mind full of humility and understanding versus The Journey justifying that the world needs a ruthless ruler to quell any threats that could spring up and keep the people in line the chaos is works exactly as intended but just framed differently to fit with his new narrative you might not immediately notice caraka changing but you will notice when Emily and corvo are to finally continue with the story as we have established the royal family is in trouble yet again and Emily now has to leave dunwell so she could plan her next move she was supposed to meet with a boow captain named Megan Foster but she was too late and the coup happened before she arrived Emily ends up escaping by going through her safe room a nice home away from home letting her be a person again and not have to worry about the meetings and bureaucracy the she level of detail in this room though is astonishing and just goes to show how much has changed in the past four years Dishonored one had tons of environmental storytelling given the scene a chance to convey a certain emotion only to its design dishonor 2 expands this greatly and while it can be seen across the game it's this room where it started to click for me Emily's safe room has the typical things a safe room might have like the Empire's reserves but it also has a few things tailor just for her there was a long crafting table where she can Tinker with her tools and equipment reinforcing how she's taken after her father dozens upon dozens of books because who doesn't like a little bit of Light reading and a few of her old drawings that she may back in dishonor one more concerning though is the audiograph on top of the bookshelf it plays a heartwarming message from Jessamine who lets Emily know that she's proud of her and is going to do great things further adding that she never chose to be the empress's daughter but she knows that she'll be up to the challenge regardless this is likely the only voice recording Emily has of her mom so this is of great sentimental value to her it almost humanizes her in a weird way and shows that even though she's older now she's still the same girl we remember from before that's what adds to the feeling of her being the correct protagonist for this game as it's her first real challenge corvo has been turned to stone he can't help Emily with her problems and he can't be there to lend to shoulder even if she wasn't ready for it it's time for her to grow up which should in turn Harden her giving her not only perspective but the willingness and the drive to handle things herself without needing to fall back on other people to do it for her all of this from just 20 minutes of gameplay and a ton of visual storytelling the rest of the game continues this theme especially once we visit caraka but we'll need to get there first by passing the city watch who used to be allied with Emily is going to be her first Turtle which like coldridge gives the player a chance to spread their wings a bit and experiment with what this honor to's gameplay has to offer richond do has a meeting with that Megan Foster I'll spoil the twist ahead of time though but Megan is actually Billy lurk from the first game it's hard to call it a Twist though if you remember the plot of the DLCs much of her dialogue gives it away before she gives it away herself at the beginning of the last mission assuming you have low chaos her inclusion is a nice tie into the dlc's though and also a wonderful call back to one of its end slides as it said that she always wanted to be the captain of a ship last time we saw her though she had both her arms and eyes something very clearly missing this time around this detail will come back later so keep this in mind but the reason Billy is even here in the first place is because after getting her own ship and selling the high sea she end up meeting with soala from the last game and the two ended up uncovering a conspiracy about the crown killer they believe the crown killer to be an agent of dilus who's been operating within caraka which is why they set out to the southern Jewel the world and search for answers this Crown killer has not only been a deadly serial killer but it's been the biggest thorn of Emily's side as according to the reports all the crown killer victims are Emily's opponents kabad Bole nephew of one of the Bole sisters along with a few others within his Circle had begun writing pamphlets expressing their distaste towards lady Emily and the policy she's made the plan was to get the courts talking and hopefully take this from the small high class groups of Dunwall to the rest of the aisles but before he was able to do so he was attacked by the crown killer who made sure to send a message to anyone who views Emily unfavorably from the perspective of the common folk it's not hard to see how this is a result of Emily's orders even in the real world we all think the government hires Hit Men to put down people who know too much so it's pretty easy to assume that Emily's trying to keep her rule by killing all her opponents in fact that's actually what they would have been arrested for at the start either for being the crown killer or using the crown killer to keep the throne it's admittedly a great plan by Delilah as it solves the issue the loyalist fell into with the last game they had to betray corvo to Grant themselves legitimacy as coming to the people with the air to the throne after the Lord Regent Was Defeated would po some problems so they needed corvo out of the picture to prove to the people that they definitely didn't murder anyone to get to where they are now but Delila was never allied with Emily so all she needs is enough proof to get the people on her side and the crown killer is going to be that proof so yet again our protagonist is Being Framed for something they didn't do you know how the old saying goes if it's nice do it twice we never get to hear what policies tipped off kabot however which is an unfortunate misstep by the game as I think hearing about Emily's laws could have added to her character the only ones we do hear of are mainly objectively good decisions that are being washed up by a small minority who can never be pleased such as when Emily eventually drained the flooded that same place from the last game Emily cleaned all that up but her descenders are complaining that she didn't do enough because it's not fully habitable yet it's a great piece of lore to add showing that Emily is not only making great strides to improve Dunwall again but that her opposition will find anything to be mad at even among morally good decisions but I do wish the game ran with this for more than 5 minutes though because most of the game is not so much about Emily's incompetence as a leader but rley Duke's vicious and obtrusive rulings for example circonus is known for its silver it's got some of the biggest silver Minds in the ey the Duke however is extremely ruthless and wants to double and possibly triple production of the mines but the workers already strapped the capacity and are working through their own exhaustion just to Plate his orders the dust from the mines has gotten so bad that not only are the workers getting sick but it periodically covers an entire District now known as the dust District the Duke assures people that all of this is necessary because they're using this to fuel the wars they have with the northern Isles like Le Tivia and morle and that he's going to sacrifice anyone to get what he wants the story unfortunately focuses so much on this that it leaves little room for Emily to reflect on her own decisions she eventually realizes that letting the Duke run rampit in his Nation because he was the Sole Provider of the nation silver was wrong but it's rare for the story to focus on her decisions at least when it comes to the narrative itself because she will have to make a decision very soon that could change the entire Journey all right that was a bit more hyperbolic than I intended what I mean by this is that right after Emily boards the Dreadful whale and falls asleep she wakes up in the void compared to dishonor one the design of the Void is much better in this game feeling more like what a void should actually look like filled with more darker colors and Jagged sharp metal spikes rather than the blue cloudy feeling of the first game J like her dad 15 years ago she gets to have a talk with the outsider who once again offers his powers to her this is quite a unique decision though because the player can choose to deny his request in the original game you were forced to get blink but all their powers could be ignored and Dishonored too you can ignore the whole thing altogether it's mainly for the purposes of gameplay but I do like the implication of corvo refusing these Powers after Delila took them letting him bef free the powers that took hold of him 15 years ago but if we recall from the last visit a trip to the void isn't complete without our Charming companion this is where the game would confirm that Jessamine has been the heart this whole time I can imagine this feels particularly weird and sad for Emily as this heart is the one physical part left of her mother especially given what we have to do with it by the end with her Newfound powers in hand though she's ready to set sail to caraka while they're not exactly rolling out the red carpet for her it's pretty easy to see how it became known as the southern jewel caraka is an absolutely beautiful location and a lot different visually when compared to Dunwall Dunwall was more industrial on of the whale oil powering the city which also had a touch of that London Gothic architecture this time the team mimicked their own location by going south themselves using places like Greece and Italy as references while also looking at other places like Cuba and Leon caraka is less reliant on whale oil thanks the massive mountain behind the city creating a siphon of wind that the turbines used to power the houses but that doesn't mean whale oil is non-existent oil canisters still exist and power much of the electrical systems here in caraka and thanks to being a city on the coast half the city was turned into a harbor blood guts and viscera from the whales are all over the the place with drains being placed directly in the middle of the city walkways to help drain it into the sewers other marine life like the fish are also being dissected and hung out to dry so The Butchers can prepare the meat it's not exactly the most glamorous place in caraka it definitely doesn't portray a very welcoming tone but it at the very least makes sense given the geography and location of the city as you move more Inland though the red stream of blood has been removed and caraka starts to look like a traditional Mediterranean Town bands are playing music out in the open food stalls are cooking right on the street while the small businesses take over the rest something immediately off-putting about karaka though is the prevalent invasion of a species known as bloodflies the bloodflies are akin to Don Wall's rat plague with the key difference being that they've existed here for years the Flies are native to ciros as corvo even remembers throwing rocks at their nest when he was a kid bloodflies mostly reside in abandoned housing letting the homes safely guard their nest from the elements these flies are extremely deadly and could kill you with just a few stings but as long as you stay away from their hive they remain docile but many people have either been driven out of their homes thanks to these creatures also being forced remove them on their own thanks the Duke refusing to fix the problem and some people want the leftover valuables that others didn't take when they fled so the death toll adds up quickly getting stung by a bloodfly can cause bloodfly fever sort of on the level of the r PL with the final stage being particularly similar but instead of weepers we have NES Keepers likely due to changes in the brain any late stage infected individual feels an overwhelming urge to protect the hive and live among the Flies this strangely creates a symbiotic relationship with the bloodflies as the nest Keepers protect the nest only for their body to become its own nest once it decays as alluded to earlier the Duke does not see this as a problem preferring to use the word concern rather than epidemic it's un often this happens in a story but within the history of ciros it is extremely easy to point the finger at who started the downfall of the once great City the Duke Luca Abel is responsible for the current conditions of kaka due to his neglect and superiority as mentioned earlier he's willing to sacrifice people so he could produce more silver and turn more money for the Isle that he can wage war with the other nations but the Duke conveniently likes to ignore the fact that he really likes to spend his money on as Billy puts it week long feasts and orgies the Duke is a tyrant doing what he can to display his power while also flaunting that he's the Duke no two better examples exist than the plaques of the leaders and Billy's past in Mission 8 there is a tree with various quotes on the Dukes and duchesses of circus's past many of them are heartfelt and caring like duchess mean who judges her worth based on the full bellies and happy hearts of her citizens or Duke Cadmus asking those of circonus to hold to your friends family and nation and never trade them for silver or even Duke the Luca's father who wanted to remind the folks of this great City that they're all equal Luca is the odd one out whose quote reads when the sun is in my eyes so are the people of shonos blinded as I exhale so do they breathe my airs and if I bleed they run red the guy cares more about himself than the people he's meant to govern this even trickles down to his guards who extort citizens for money one was reportedly upping the taxes of citizens who live close to the Duke's estate and one shop owner was being extorted for money getting threatened with the burning of his business if he didn't comply one guard even got reported for his bad Behavior by a citizen so he got pushed into a wall of light his awful attitude and disdain also caused the death of his brother ranis thanks to a running he had with Billy when she was younger Billy was living on the street but found comfort in a friend named deerra this friendship would later turned into a much deeper connection as the two grew rather fond of each other Billy specifically saying that without deardra she would have killed herself one day when the two were walking down the streets of dunall deardra accidentally ran into the Duke and his young brother ranis who was goated by Luca into hitting them the younger brother obliged but the blow was so hard to kill DEA on the spot without a moment's hesitation Billy ripped the hood ornament from the car they were riding in and jammed it into ranus killing him immediately Billy from then on was a wanted woman known as the killer of the Duke's brother but her skills in evasion caught the attention of a well-known assassin who offered her spot in his gang and the rest was history caraka is a parallel to post Jessamine Dunwall in many ways both heavily subjugated thanks to a tyrannical ruler who wants to weed out the poor and keep the power for themselves and both have an ongoing plague that each ruler refuses to quell because one of them was the creator of the destruction and the other could simply not care less two games two rulers two very rundown cities due to their negligence damn shamea had to be caraka it's a really beautiful location otherwise adding to its name is the southern Jewel one of kaka's most visually stunning locations is the Adam Meer Institute a former salarium turned research facility run by Dr hiaa the one we need to meet if we're going to find this Crown killer Dr HIPAA is a Good Samaritan through and through she has devoted her life to helping the people of kaka survive whatever ails them she's currently working on trying to quell the problem with the bloodflies she created a solution for ailments and she's drafted up medicines to help the silver miners she's always thinking of her patients remembering their conditions and trying to find solutions to their problems while also making sure their families are reassured that they're in good hands this is important as the curveball of this mission is that Dr HIPAA is the crown killer we're trying to figure out a cure for the silver minor she tested out a solution on herself which caused her to go crazy giving her a split personality known as Grim Alex it also somehow has the side effect of her becoming a deranged killer thinks the personality's lack of empathy HIPAA is still complet completely unaware of this split Persona within her even after it manifested years ago the Duke seemingly took a note of this and decided to exploit hpaa to help Delila by ordering her to kill anyone the Duke wanted who were always opponents of Emily this would also explain why the building seems less like a salarium or research facility I've ever seen and more like any other random building in caraka the Duke had forcibly removed the people working here a matron wrote in one of her notes how she was dismissed one random day and then asked to never return the Duke wanted to keep hiia here so that she could be away from her work as it would stop her from trying to visit the minors and their families so she could solely focus on killing Emily's enemies interestingly even the people have started to think this too as a recently published news article claims that the only reason there is no solution to the bloodfly problem despite Dr HIPAA stating that one is on the way is because the Duke has kept her at the Institute as his prisoner further adding that the Duke is only doing this that his people can use the cures while the rest of the impoverished die in the streets something that while not confirmed to be true is hilariously the same thing the Lord Regent was doing with the rap plague like the previous games we have the option of defeating her non-lethally this one involves making a counter serum to remove the effect from her body one argument could be made for the rest of the cast including the previous game as to why some of them deserve to die or not hypa is one of the only characters where it's impossible to argue there is not a bad bone in her body she's the nicest Target in the entire series and is only here because the Duke exploited her weakness which only came as a result of her trying to help the silver miners the only thing that could be argued is that her cures are faulty as the adom solution had to be recall due to some adverse side effects but even then in response to the side effect she not only called back all the vials immediately she reopened the clinic and offered to treat anyone affected by it for free even to this day I still can't think of a genuinely good reason to kill the good doctor less good and more deranged is our next Target Kieran Jin Das either through hiaa herself or her notes we learned one of her victims was Anton soala except he was explicitly told to capture and not kill him as jindos needs solof for a specific project gindos is in many ways kaka's genius inventor sof is very famous across the aisles but a lot of his technological achievements were created and used in Dunwall such as the walls of light in the ark pylons gindos is kak's equivalent to that but much more egotistical he was behind the invention of the silver graph which is what people used to take photos within the game world and while he didn't invent the audiograph which is a device that plays audio recordings kaka's versions are specifically made by gindos himself his most notable invention though was the creation of the Clockwork Soldiers the setting of Dishonored has always been a mix of future technology and older primitive tech people write letters on a typical typewriter guards carry swords and guns and whale oil is still the setting's best me method of producing energy but then there's also the aention creations made by soov gindos is Clockwork soldiers and Clockwork Mansion are the first sign that the world is starting to evolve the soldiers themselves are giant mechanical machines with multiple swords equipped on both arms they also come equipped with armor plating making sword fights impossible and their heads have sensors on both sides preventing an attack from behind gameplay wise they are extremely tough with the most efficient method of attacking requiring the use of two stun mines you can perform a drop attack from above but that'll only knock their head loose causing them to go into a frenzy and attack whatever is nearby you'll have to do it again if you want to finish them off given this description you can see how this became an Easy Money Maker for him the Duke Delilah one of kaka's Banks and even some rich Aristocrats use these machines the Clockwork soldiers are his greatest and deadliest invention yet and have shot him to millionaire status which lets him pour all that money into his Mansion which in itself is just as complex as the soldiers he creates each of the floors are activated via a lever which moves certain objects around the room letting him change an empty floor into a display room there are even platforms that rotate letting him access his bed or bathroom at the flip of a switch it's an extremely complicated Maze of different rooms which ends up making it an excellent line of defense as even though it wasn't intended we have to Traverse these hallways to get to him after about four playthroughs you'll eventually have it down to a science but your first time through it Hall is a magical experience and that's by Design gindos is someone who not only wants to create something revolutionary but also wants people to recognize their importance he seemingly derives a lot of pleasure from people falling over his designs that's why the rooms are designed to wow the guests when they arrive it's this ego of his that that would inevitably lead to his downfall as he was expelled from The Academy of Natural philosophy it's never explained what he did to receive this expulsion but jindos was known to use humans as test subjects so they possibly caught on to this since a very young age he's always seemed interested in the thrill of invention he wanted people to notice his work even longs to the day he finds an equal competition breeds creativity after all but without a lack of Ethics he turned to human experimentation to see how far the human body could be pushed he was almost jailed for this until the Duke took notice and gave him the tools he needed to succeed which gave birth to both the Clockwork mansion and its soldiers without anyone to tell him no in an army of robotic soldiers that could tear apart an entire city he was fre to experiment to his heart's content his main laboratory away from the rest of the Mansion has different Wings you could bring up with the anatomy section housing the remains of those he's experimented on who they are and how they got here is a mystery and likely one better left is such his non-lethal outcome is another bout of karmic Justice when soal off is brought here jindos used an electrical machine to persuade the inventor to help him with the Clockwork soldiers as he wants to be able to mass-produce them for a fraction of the cost something soof actually disagrees with which is surprising given what he's made in the last game everything about this interaction is just pure irony though jinos loves a challenge but instead of actually growing from The Challenge and expanding his creative output he Ops to remove the competition instead he even tried to get Brianna Ashworth our next Target to influence him using an effigy it shows that jinos is only as big as his ego if someone's inferior to him intellectually then he'll mock their lack of knowledge but if someone is on equal footing then he'll snuff out the competition as quick as possible you can't lose if no one competes gindos is an arguably a genius his inventions would create a new age for the Empire but his obsession would being the best and his lack of morality convinced him that he can just be the best but the only best as a result we can subject gindos to the same punishment as soov we can deliver him a shock so severe he receives permanent brain damage he can't recall certain experiments or scientific properties his thoughts only linger for a moment before disappearing and it seems like he doesn't even know where he is I got to be honest this is one of the few times I actually felt bad about doing the non-lethal option alongside lady Bole jindos was a mancal inventor who lost all sense of morality even opting to dissect our body if we die within the Mansion but there is a sliver of sadness present in knowing that we stopped a new age of Technology thanks to our actions technology that could have helped the world and made it Prosper giving people new means of communication and entertainment but unfortunately this is gin Dash we're talking about in another life jinh would have been a hero someone like Dr hiaa but within the realm of technology using His Brilliant mind to Aid people's lives rather than hurt them someone who would have lifted the World up instead of trying to control it and it's a shame that it had to come to this the Silver Lining here though is that if jinos does regain some sems of thought he could still be the grand inventor of caraka just less ruthless personally though I think it's a wishful thinking as it's more likely that he'll read his own notes and naturally agree with his past self but even if that was true jindos is dead by the events of death of the outsider anyway removing caraka the chance to thrive under his inventions but also the chance to be manipulated by his Wicked mind before we ship off though we need to grab soal off who resides in the basement Emily will take him out of the mansion and back to the boat but along the way the player might run into some magical witches they seem to have murdered all the grand guards that were stationed outside and shoot some weird Magic from their arms a tease of the event soon to come as our next Target is Brianna Ashworth member of Delilah's old coven who stationed at the Royal Conservatory before that we get a brief talk with Delila herself which is meant to establish her backstory and explain why she's trying to take over the throne we explained a bit of it back in the Dow DLC but this is where that information came from for a quick recap Delilah and Jessamine were half sisters same father different mother jine and her mother were seen as the favorit so she got to enjoy the lavish life that comes of being related to the emperor well Delilah and her mother got the scraps having to work a kitchen job to make ends meat despite that Delilah and Jessamine had a healthy relationship and would often play together in the mornings that was until Jessamine broke something invaluable to the Empire and blamed it on Delilah instead of apologizing Delilah and her mother were then kicked out of Dunwall castle and forced to live out on the street she had scrubbed the beds of brothel to make money all while her mother slowly died in pain due to a broken jaw her first real shot at life was when she met with Anton soof who would then teach her the joy of painting art and creative Works in general are an incredible way to express yourself these videos are a great example they allow me to feed my creative juices by looking for a new waste edit while also sharing a passion of mind to the world creativity can be an escape for some or reason to get up in the morning it's often why people try to monetize their Hobbies doing what you love and getting paid for it sounds like a match made in heaven but for Delilah it wasn't the monetary value that are provided but rather the artistic escapism that came from it she was able to express herself not through words but through pictures a picture is worth a th words after all growing up in the streets Delilah was able to be both creative and sneaky talents of hers that likely attracted The Outsider in a way Delilah and Emily are parallel to each other both initially started in royalty only to have their mother killed this forced them to grow up but because Emily was still air to the throne her needs were catered to whereas Delilah had to fight for herself but thanks to Delilah Emily must now undergo the same trials her aunt faced so long ago her against the world with no one to help her but herself facing off against an enemy that doesn't seem defeatable Delila wants Emily to know what it feels like to be treated like her the difference is how she'll respond to it in this way the chaos system reflects Thea's personality delving too deep into high chaos using people only for what they can provide killing anyone who gets in your way and doing what you can to survive was what Delila did to get to where she is she is both a reflection and a parallel to Emily two women forced into circumstances against their will and now it's Emily's turn to see how this story ends will she take the route of her father and recognize the people don't deserve to be caught in the crossfire or will she stop at nothing to get what she wants but in turn just be like her aunt it's another example that reinforces my love for this iteration of the chaos system just as influential in its design as the first game but now on a more personal level one that is less interested in the broader world and rather more focused on the personal struggle of the protagonist after a talk with Delila is over we can beat with the team and discuss the next steps soof isn't doing very well due to the pain he received at the hands of Jin Dash but he's able to tell us who to find next what you'll immediately notice though is that soof sounds different instead of being the Arrogant inventor we remember he's now a common relaxed old man some notes he left behind on the ship seem to say that soof regrets what he made and that after the plague was cured he left donwell and lived on his own while I'm all for rehabilitation my only issue is how no one brings up his past neither corvo Emily nor Billy even mentions his actions during the first game even at points calling him the greatest inventor in the Empire conveniently leaving out the inventions he made I can kind of understand why Emily might not call this out as she was just a kid back then and her view of that game was very different but not even corvo does in fact his intros conveniently Beat Around soof and are a copypaste version of Emily's comments oddly enough this is the one time I would actually agree with the high chaos perspective as Emily saw his designs for the destructive Tech that they were but even then once we do rescue him she says that she wanted to kill everyone who injured him dishonor to is trying its best to make soal off a reformed man and while I'm all for it the game should not only have acknowledged his past actions but also show his rehabilitation in game a bit more instead of just throwing his new personality onto the player still him giving us info is a good start as we're to head to the Royal Conservatory to take down Brianna Ashworth on the way to meeting with Brianna Ashworth we start to learn why she's so important and what a role is within the group Brianna serves as a part of theil's coven she was actually the first member to join back in Dishonored one her notes point this out already but you could come to that conclusion by the painting in the basement which is the only painting of Delilah's in this game to use the old style bria's life would have been drastically different if not for Delilah as according to the outsider she would have attended many parties as part of the Empire's High Society before being forced to marry some Banker her only moments of Freedom then would have been getting drunk at parties and having affairs with strangers this would have eventually led to her death via suicide if not for Delilah she called out to women from all over asking to join her coven and Brianna was the first naturally the two were together for a long time doing whatever they wanted and dialogue even points to them starting a relationship at one point but after some time the coven grew and took on a much bigger role but with Delila at her side BR could take on the world and so she worked with her to fulfill that literal goal before doubt stopped her once Delila drifted away into the nothingness that was the void Brianna used this opportunity to do something with her life Delilah even in death gave her a chance to start a new life and so she became a curator at the Royal Conservatory this building was originally built as a collaborative effort between Grist and ciros and thus showcases the histories of both locations and a few odds and ends from The Academy of Natural philosophy now it's been turned into a campground for the coven who thans the Duke's help also prohibits any travel into the conservatory the conservatory is one of my favorite locations in the game because it shows how much effort was put into the little things every single inch of this building is covered in something there was no stone left unturned here in the basement is where all the miscellaneous stuff went the extra materials the broken designs the spare parts but the blood FL shouldn't have made a massive Nest down here thanks to the building's closure surprisingly Del liess coven is unaffected by the blood flies they're able to walk around the place without so much as a sting on their body and the Flies don't even treat them as hostile either it makes me wonder if the bloodflies see them as those Keepers we talked about earlier the ones who protect the nest two witches that are down here also seem to be experimenting on a wolfhound so I wonder if there's a connection between these two species and their experiment moving up a level and we make it to the main floor there are cple corpses still hanging about showing that the coven took this place by force from here on uplo the floors have what you would expect odds and ends and displays of some of the more prolific pieces that they have on showcase throughout the upper levels though is dozens of witches looking through the smaller rooms points the coven making this place their home similar to bring more Manor there are dozens of beds pillows and blankets all packed into one room which was likely the girls living quarters the women themselves are also talking to each other gossiping about other members and discussing their current experiments it feels rather comforting at times that is until you look around a bit more and see the blood flies in mangled corpses some left untouched and others paraded around for fun rea's room on the top floor is just as packed fill with all kinds of materials and ingredients all used in their rituals with parts of whalebone and human flesh placed in trays from the strung of corpses in the room and of course no room would be complete without a statue of Delila in it which Bria uses to communicate with it's such a gorgeous level from top to bottom everything here felt like it was placed with purpose and with meaning every item tells a story either from the item itself or the placement like how here on the top level away from the noise and convers is a small hidey-hole where one of the members of the coven likes to sit and relax with a book in hand the previous levels and even dishonor one reveled in their details but the conservatory was a particular highlight to me Dishonored is a game series that begs to be explored thoroughly looking every nook and cranny to uncover what was really going on here but while that explains what they're doing around here it doesn't exactly explain what they're doing here well they seem to be using a device called the oraculum station on the second floor as they are attempting to communicate with the sisters of the oracular order a subsect of the Abbey of the Everyman to hopefully convince them to destroy their organization just as Delila used her power to encourage other like-minded girls to join her the coven is doing the same to dismantle the order the Iraqi limit of used the ABY music boxes that they so often toted around along with the corps of the sisters they killed with a Sprinkle of black magic to obtain this effect the sisters of the oracular order function more so as profits for the group's many chapters many of the women spend their time studying the world either through history or politics and use this along with their extensive knowledge they came from their former backgrounds to come to conclusions about certain discussions some have hypothesized though that that the sisters are prophets seeing visions of future events yet to come as such the rest of the men within the Abbey take their words to Heart acting on their every word something I didn't know until a future playthrough though is that you could actually use the oraculum in this room and hear some of their prophecies one of which ends up becoming true when we make our way to Dunwall for now though the group is only mentioned in a few notes become death of the outsider we'll see them in Action a bit more the coven wants to persuade these women by manipulating their dreams at first it was a struggle as many of the women rarely leave their sanctums and as old witch spells go Brien needed a piece of their hair this difficulty forced them to come up with a new plan which is how we got the current version of the oraculum as she discovered that you could produce the same effect by using the bones of long dead members buried at the aby's graveyards even then it was still quite difficult these sisters are dedicated to their cause and are not easily tempted Brianna ends up documenting a few of her attempts one such attempt was being able to keep them in this dreamlike state for over an hour which he considers to be a breakthrough due to the devices unique properties were to take care of Brianna before she succeeds but we can also kill two birds at one stone stopping her and the device from working similar to Gin Dosh we can give her a taste of her own medicine by using the ritual Brien used to commune with the oracular order we could change the lenses within the device and place her in the center this saps Ser of her magical power not only cutting off her connection to the void but to Delila making her no less human than the rest of us not as painful as watching a man's knowledge disappear before your eyes but still painful enough to cause harm to our Target without getting our hands dirty Brianna's notes give us the location of another member of the group called Aramis Stilton the owner of caraka Silver Mines who mysteriously disappeared right after the lla started making her move his house is located behind a lock made by Jin Dash with the only people who know the code being the leaders of the ongoing Turf War a local gang within caraka the howlers is beefing with the Abbey over control of the Dust district with Paulo and vice overseer burn leading the charge for each group helping one by delivering the body of the other is how we solve this predicament while it would be easier to Simply kill one of them and get it over with it's mentioned throughout the mission that whoever wins will run caraka so we should be careful regarding who we choose however you can choose to either kill both leaders stop in the war entirely or keep in a Perpetual stalemate by finding the riddle without their help assuming you don't go their route then you'll need to choose this chapter of the Abbey is just the same as the ones from dishonor one still overstepping their boundaries and still calling for the death of the outsider the Abby is doing an incredible job of continuing to make themselves unlikable as the first thing you'll see is two Abby members executing criminals they've detained one of them seems to have stolen food and is being put to death for his crimes furthermore they justifi this act by claiming that the crime was witnessed by a fellow overseer who was in good standing with the Abbey so their word takes precedent while it is indeed a crime not only is the death penalty a bit extreme they are again doing things the grand guard ought to be doing admittedly the grand guard is no better but that only came about as a result to the Duke Luca's father was a much better ruler according to most citizens than caraka so for them it's a leadership problem not an ideological one unfortunately the howlers aren't any better led by their leader Paulo they see themselves as kaka's Robinhood only robbing valuable to the rich and wealthy what they like to leave out is that not only do they kill some of the rich Aristocrats too but they also kill innocent civilians if push comes to shove not on purpose but if their deaths mean success then so be it Paulo does at least have a plan for caraka unlike burn assuming he gets his way he wants to organize a union of swords for the silver miners he recognizes that they are what gives ciros its place in the Empire so those workers are more powerful than they know Paulo will instruct them to slow down production and hopefully get the Duke to realize that half the production is better than zero while extremely commendable I can't imagine this working trade unions are usually more professional these things are legalized in most countries too making the process a bit easier caraka especially under this Duke's ruling doesn't strike me as the place to have a proper Union so it would have to be a strike similar to the slaughter house from the DLC and like Roth wild I can imagine the Duke not giving in or just shooting anyone who disagrees plus if he does rule caraka what's going to happen to the city we'll find out the specifics at the end as this decision is reflected in a future end slide but Paulo's methods will likely be more chaotic than the orderly fashion of the Abbey say what you will but the Abbey is organized and have a set of laws they abide by the Howers will always be a gang and will do anything that puts them ahead as you would expect both groups are terrible options but it's missions like these that are always an easy sell for me I love choosing between two morally questionable factions and we arguably have the two most morally complicated factions in the series right in front of us but complications like this only work if the positives were just as prominent the hollers while ruthless are doing this to stick up for the middle and lower class of caraka Paulo only started this because the people were being treated poorly and felt they ought to deserve better than this he is a man who was pushed to his limits wanting a better life for the people people of shonos isn't easy and the corrupt Grand guard and the Abbey aren't helping either eventually violence is going to be the only answer as they thought they had no choice and the Abbey is still the only faction capable of destroying the outsider they have the numbers and the power and while it does mean we are the biggest threat to them this power we have should not be given out this easily plus as long as you follow the rules the Abbey has no beef with you much of their appearances through raraka were for good reasons in mission two they were teing AP part A Woman's home but she also had an outsider Shrine in her house the main issue of course is the law itself something the Abby could easily exploit to fit with our current agenda fortunately we do have the option to kill them both which I think in this case is the morally good option to choose however if you are in the mood for more karmic payback you can reenact your time with the pendletons and throw both leaders in a box and ship them off to the Silver Mines regardless of what option you choose eventually you'll end up at stilton's manner only to find it abandoned stilton's still here but he seems lost according to the outsider something happened 3 years ago that changed ston forever further saying that part of him never left that night what he's referring to is the ritual that took place between all of our key targets that would eventually lead to Delilah's return this statue that they built is what she transferred her soul into which explains why she can't be killed the plan then is to take the heart replace Jessamine soul with Delilah's confront Delila put her soul back in her body and then kill her to get to this hidden room the player has to use a Time piece an item that allows you to teleport to the past the same day the ritual happened like the Clockwork Mansion mission 7 is a fan favorite and for good reason the gimmick of going back in time is incredibly fun and makes me wish we could use this time piece outside of this level the decisions made here are also just as impactful carrying over the series tradition of making your choices have consequences but now with a time travel twist things we do in the past change the future both in big and small ways for instance in the present there was a hole behind this statue so to solve the puzzle we have to break the chain on the statue in the past a note nearby says the statue is too heavy to carry so if it breaks the staff will just leave it there meaning it was never put where it was supposed to go giving us our entry point more impactful however is Stilton himself to get into his secret room we need his code which is written in a book sitting next to him what you do to him can not only change the level but the world itself Stilton went mad after the ritual causing him to neglect the Silver Mines and the dust District leaving his Mansion to rot and Decay knocking him out means he'll no longer be able to attend the ritual and thus won't be affected as such the manner changes to one that's more opulent with staff now tending to its Halls the dust district is also less run down likely due to stilton's influence so we've essentially stop the turf war altogether more interesting is Billy who now has both arms and eyes functioning again Billy was a friend of stilton's but when he went missing after the ritual she went to see what happened only to be attacked by the grand guard which is how she lost her arm and the vision in her eye so knocking out Stilton also changes Billy's appearance as she no longer has a reason to search for him inversely if you kill Stilton he won't be able to attend the ritual but now his house is up for sale and the dust district is still in disarray Billy still goes to find him and is still attacked by the guard but now the blame is on you killing ston caused Billy to investigate which led to the fight in which she lost her arm so now you are directly to blame for this incident instead of Delilah if you choose to do nothing though then everything stays the same and the timeline is preserved so not only do we have a neat little gimmick to mess around with but we also have narrative consequences with some of the heaviest weight in the series all in the span of a 30-minute Mission the next mission sees Emily go to the Duke's estate as well him and Delilah's statue are located there we happen to arrive at a pretty terrible time as the Duke is having one of his weekly parties so naturally guests and guards flood all the Halls getting inside the estate is the easy part finding the Duke is the hard part the Duke spawns at one of five predetermined locations when you enter to the estate so you'll have to check every location along with the Duke is also his body double Armando who will also spawn in one of these locations if you want to go through with the non-lethal outcome then you'll need to make sure you find the right one killing or choking out armanda will lock you out of this option entirely while assuming that the real Duke is the fake Duke will cause an a sound the alarm so you'll need to be extra careful with this decision talking with the body double arm Mondo reveals that this guy really hates the Duke and I get it being the body double of one of the most tyrannical people in the aisles history is a hard burden to carry and even if this is just the means to an end for him looking like the guy everyone hates likely takes an unprecedented toll on you because you feel like in some way they're talking about you even if they aren't Armondo used to be someone before all this but now that's gone he actually used to be in love with someone but the Duke deemed it IR risk so he was never able to see her again so now we spends his days acting like the Duke only finding Solitude at night where he can relax away from the eyes of the people and have a brief smoke working with him reveals a very interesting plan Armando has gotten really good at being the Duke so good in fact that he could actually pass as the Duke and that's that's what we're going to do we're going to knock out the real Duke and bring him to his Chambers while Armando calls the guards convincing him that he's the real Duke and the other is a fake this then leaves Armando with the unique position of actually ruling ciros not that everyone thinks he's the real Duke the question is does Armando have what it takes like the turf war this decision will also impact an end slide this not only has the possibility to negate the previous choice but it could also combine with that choice making it even more complicated than before for Armando at least most of it boils down to whether or not he has the skills to rule he is the body double but how much of that translates to his new position hilariously Armando does have a pretty easy job as all that's required of him is to do the opposite of what the real Duke would have done so in that case he would be a great fit for the role besides that arando doesn't tell us much about his duties or his plans for the Empire so is he a good option well naturally that's for you to decide but you should consider that armanda was fighting for control of the same territory as both the Howers and the Abbey it's like the setup to a terrible joke a gang a religious order and a body double walk into a bar I wonder what the punch Line's going to be along with getting rid of the Duke Emily must also take the Lila Soul which is locked inside the grand vault only one Soul could be contained within the heart however so we have to let Jessamine go in order to let Delila in well this is definitely a rather heartbreaking moment I found it rather relieving honestly now it was definitely heartbreaking for both corvo and Emily the death of someone you love is never an easy thing to deal with especially when her soul wasn't able to pass on and has to stay locked inside the heart at the very end though the two can have a final talk with her who depending on your actions will Express gratitude for upholding the values she set for the Empire or disappointment in how you dismantled all the she's built it's a bit too late as this occurs in the second last mission so unless you were teetering in the line already you're likely stuck in high chaos with no way out but it does serve its purpose as a wakeup call for those who killed unnecessarily when using the heart you'll even comment on the blood and destruction you left in your wake while going through caraka reinforcing how killing in this game affects more people than you think it's heartbreaking in the end but the two were lucky that they could have a final talk with her as most families don't get that luxury but for me all I felt was relief because it was finally good to put jessame into after all these years being killed by an assassin only to be forced inside a heart without any idea how or why you ended up like this is a feeling no one should experience Jessamine is at fall for what happened to Delila but like many of our conversations today is it the person themselves or the one who caused it it's always a complex answer as both women are at fall for what they did Jessamine was only a child when it happened and children tend to do stupid things so to an extent the blame is on her father for overreacting but she also realized her mistake through a brief conversations with her Delilah is also to blame for what she did but being pushed out of the tower at a young age and made to see things no one should see changes you it doesn't justify her actions but it's easy to see how one thing lied to another both women are understandably at fault which is what makes the Dishonored series such a complex game to discuss outside of maybe the Lord Regent who just want a power for the sake of it much of the actions people have taken throughout the series while morally debatable Spawn from their past experiences Paulo and his howlers kill rich people but they do so because they are sticking up for the poor and underserved with in caraka does that make their actions justifiable not at all but it's easy to see the through line of of how we get from one place to the next honestly I think soov put it best when talking about Delila she might not give me any choice but to fight and Delila deserves whatever she gets at my age I've come to distrust words like deserve as I told you I knew her long ago badly wounded deep at her Center but cunning and looking for a way to pull herself up perhaps more than anything jalila had a talent for Imagining the world as is a better place if only that could have been channeled towards something less Twisted in a perfect world none of this would have happened but the world is imperfect especially not Dishonored it's a world r with conflict and oppression a world that is Harsh and demanding the world of Dishonored is what shaped the people and those people in turn made decisions that created unforeseeable outcomes some small and some large it's why choice and consequence is such a common theme within this game everyone has the ability to make choices and those choices will evitably lead to a consequence whether that's B from something as simple as line to not get in trouble or taking the life of another human being Dishonored is a series of choices and we must make the ultimate choice of giving up jessin soul to stop theila the final mission of Dishonor 2 sees us returning to Dunwall they've done it twice already but I'm telling you easiest way to my heart what's great about this specifically is that Dall looks a lot different than when we left not exactly better but different unless you count destroyed buildings and dead bodies laying on the street to be better when Delila sees the throne The Abbey heard word of her heretical ritual ual being performed by her coven so they initiated an allout war on the tower even with the aid of the music boxes they were still no match for delil forces thanks to Clockwork Soldiers the city watch has also been put on display with their body strewn across the tower It's a Wonderful display of her power that also explains what the lla had actually planned for this whole time the city watch The Duke everyone but her coven meant nothing even Empress of the aisle is small time to her just like the DLC she wants to make her magnum opus and with her new painting she'd be able to reshape reality itself she would control the world lit Al instead of politically just like before we can enter the painting to see what this world looks like and it paints a pretty clear picture of how Delila would like to be perceived she wants all the eyes on her and the large imposing statue is meant to symbolically display her dominance within her new world in the real world Delila was powerless she was rejected tossed aside and turned away in her world no one is more important than her Delila fight has to be one of my favorite non-lethal outcomes not because of what it means for the story but in how it's achieved entering the arena has you focusing solely on Delila only for her to disappear and summon her clones if you fought off the dozens of clones she sends your way then she'll eventually face you herself where you can choke her out if you want to but because this is Dishonored there's always another way Delila must be in the arena but if she isn't on the throne where is she well directly above you if you go along the side of the wall you can Traverse your way up to the top and defeat her that way skipping the long and tedious fight once knocked out she could be placed on her throne alongside a corrupted Rune this causes her to wake up thinking that she won before gleefully entering the painting not knowing that she's been tricked again the ending will elaborate more on this decision as apparently it's not like the first game where Delila was trapped in the void since the painting was meant to be a new world or the idea of one she actually enters a fake world where she does rule as empress the narration further talks about the wars and voyages she went on during her term ending the game with a rather wholesome twist as I've said many times before while I don't agree with Delilah's actions I do sympathize with her upbringing it's hard not to have a jadeed view of the world when you're tossed onto the street as a child this ending in turn allow you to Grant her that lifelong wish that she so desires while satisfying both parties both women the empresses of their own worlds as long as theila doesn't accidentally shatter the illusion bringing about Thea's end finally brings us to the end of the game like dishonor one your actions affect the postgame world but it's a bit more than just the chaos system that's in play here while chaos plays a major factor it's not the deao decider when it comes to the endings the first slide is a great example which has so much complexity it might even rival fall at New Vegas at times of how many options there are this slide showcases who rules ciros and how however there does appear to be a Canon Choice thanks to the book The Return of Dow where Paulo and his Howers were chosen by Emily to rule ciros kind of removes the entire discussion I had planned for this section so let's just assume that didn't happen and uh just humor me for a few minutes all of this depends on the status of Paulo Vice over Seer burn the Duke body double and the other key targets Ally with the lla if you made a choice on the turf war either the Howers of the The Abbey then they control caraka if you made a choice along with allying with the body double then they are overruled the leaders of the gangs take precedent but only in high chaos if it's a low chaos then they answer to Armando if both gang leaders are dead or you didn't side with either group but the body double is alive then he by default rules caraka if all three of them are dead though then no one leads caraka forcing the people to come together and do it themselves alternatively corvo has a chance of becom in the Duke of ciros if the Duke is dead and the turf war is unresolved plus you must also consider that the chaos system will affect whether these individuals rule with Compassion or authority I know that was probably a little confusing but holy hell is that a lot of choices and this is just the first Slide the next one discusses how The Empire will be ruled like the previous game low chaos is the best outcome with high chaos being the worst the difference being is that in high chaos you have the option of keeping the other protagonist in stone letting Emily rule alone as Emily the butcher but this also applies to corvo meaning corvo has the opportunity to keep Emily petrified in stone letting him rule as corvo the black a ruthless killer is now on the throne just like the master man he was in Dishonored one admittedly there is no logical explanation I can think of as to why corvo would keep Emily sealed in stone but man that is still an incredibly dark ending and the last two are the easiest of the bunch to understand as soov either travels the world until the end of his days or lives in regret until it's passing with Billy lurk walking away hoping to reconnect with doubt again the game does surprisingly give you a chance to kill them in the final mission if you want to but the only difference is that they won't have an end slide if they die with this many choices in play it actually gives us a chance to talk about what's most ideal for the Empire naturally Emily ruling the throne in low chaos is the best outcome as for corvo him being Duke is actually an outcome I disagree with firstly getting this outcome as far as I'm aware requires you to play as corvo as there's no option to place corvo as duke while playing as Emily and as we've already established Emily's journey is canons so the can't be possible even if it was it goes back to what we said before about Emily not learning anything from the journey if she was never on one she would just go back to ruling childishly as empress but now with her only adult figure in a different aisle it wouldn't be affected for the long-term health of the Empire so to me Emily and corvo have to return to their old positions the ruler of ciros though is a bit of a tricky one mainly due to how many different options there are as well some are admittedly quite small as this game has shown us small choices can have big consequences personally I think my preferred outcome is are the people governing themselves or having the body double Armando take over both outcomes with low chaos provide the most hope for the nation the Ider who narrates these slides says the nation seems to prosper either way so both seem to be good outcomes however if key figures are alive like Paulo overseer burn and the other targets and they could be a part of Armando's Council Stilton and hpaa joining the council is an no-brainer and Paulo and burn while tricky could create a compromise between the two groups Paulo just wants what's best for the lower class while burn wants his religious order to be recognized and have authority Paulo could be our M's ear for issues on the poor giving him reports and stats so he could evaluate what to do and burn can continue to act like the Abby always has but with harsh restrictions on their jurisdictions but the people governing themselves could lead into a stronger Society now that there isn't a governing body holding them down either option is my preferred choice if I had to pick though but regardless this brings us to The End Of Dishonor 2 while I still prefer the first game it's hard not to see how impressive the sequel is at doing exactly what it wanted to do gameplay wise it added new content and changes that word direct response to the criticism many players had about the first game the new location and new characters ought us explore a new Side Of Dishonor that for the time has been on scene while also keeping the spirit of the original game intact by making its choices and consequences important at the end of the day a sequel should be out with the old and in with the new when it comes to bad decisions and the polishing of the Old Guard when it comes to the good ones and dishonor 2 executes that perfectly it's one of my favorite sequels to one of my favorite games of all time the only thing that's missing is DLC outside of some excellent additions like New Game Plus and perade time trial and story-driven content like those from the first game are missing from this entry extra downloadable content can help done the life of a game and offer new story lines left unresolved but dishonor 2 never had any but that's not to say that Arcane didn't try it's just that when they did the original plan grew so large they ended up making it into its own game and that Standalone game was the final entry in the Dishonored series Death of the outsider the one plot thread out of the dozens we've seen come and go that is still left unattended to after all these years is the outsider and so it's finally time to bring this era of the series to a conclusion by removing its last loose thread The Outsider has been in the background this whole time occasionally popping in to give us new powers and speak cryptically about what's about to come before leaving and watching the chaos unfold he's given people the power to change the world but that power is better left to the void so it's time to end this once and for all death of the outsider's biggest strength is the central focus on its title it never deviates from its description in any way we aren't spending any time learning about the politics of the city or the corruption that invests every corner it's just the outsider but as I said this was meant to be a DLC so don't expect another multi-mission Endeavor death The Outsider is exactly half the length compared to the other Dishonored titles as such things needed to be altered and removed such as the chaos system which for the first time does not make an appearance in a Dishonored title well I will miss the system why bother when the game is only five missions long it only worked from a narrative angle with the dlc's as they conveniently served as mid and endpoint evaluations plus as we've already established the outsider while not the system itself does use his power to push us into making decisions that would affect our chaos whatever we do to The Outsider is going to have drastic consequences so a chaos system would mean nothing if her final choice is going to be the grandest of them all now it's not to say death of the outsider doesn't have Choice it's just not as focused on Grand sweeping decisions that Echo throughout the playthrough at most you might find a newspaper that mentions the death of a major character you killed in a prior Mission but there aren't as many drastic changes like character opinions or placement of enemies Powers have also been overhauled runes are completely gone as well as the abilities that be bought with them instead you get three abilities right at the start a mission two and get unlimited Mana letting you use them whenever you want keeping the theme of the powers reflect in the personality of of the wielder billy gets a slightly altered version of blink and dark vision with semblance letting her assume the identity of whoever she targets just like her Megan Foster identity bone Charms have been kept the same but there are tons more than before as some of them are the same abilities you would have bought with the runes like the double jump death of the outsider likely learned a lot from the dlc's as neither of those were long enough to justify an entire skill tree the game is essentially one last tow before the end so no need to bother with upgrades and bonuses or even designing the game to force them into a play style so they can achieve a specific ending just give the player everything but the kitchen sink and let them have fun as alluded to earlier though the main character of death of the outsider is Billy lurk corvo's story was finished with dishonor 1 and Emily with two plus they both have an Empire to run Billy is the only one who is able-bodied enough to do such a thing who also is EMB bogged down by real life responsibilities but her journey to defeat the outsider didn't start as such as the ending of Dishonored 2 showed her plan was to reunite with doubt and for the past few months that's who she's been trying to find but as you would expect doubt is quite the Hard Target to track down she seems to have found a major lead here in AK though is a gang called the Isis is hosting a boxing ring with members who apparently use black magic so Billy's going to see if Dow is present while Dow's presence is still unknown something that is present is Billy's right arm this then means that canonically Emily knocked out Stilton which altered the present don't get too comfortable though she'll lose her arm soon enough within Billy's room here on the Dreadful whale is also a picture of deardra the girl Billy fell in love with the reason I bring up deardra again is because she apparently gave Billy a heart of some kind that allows her to listen to rats gameplay-wise listening to them could give us hint regarding alternate Pathways I have no idea why this was specifically added into the game but it's still quite cute to converse with them on occasion somehow that's not the strangest part about this Mission or game as when we approach closer we meet this so-called eyeless gang who have doubt stra to a chair suppressing him with magic that he can't use his powers to get him out we'll have to remove the suppressor surrounding him which is unfortunately right in the middle of the room but Dow will thankfully clean house the moment he escapes so feel AF free to let him loose on the gang not like the chaos system is here to keep track anymore right just like the intro to dishonor 2 I think it also puts in perspective just how deadly these abilities are when playing it's hard to see the other side of things watching someone use Blink and immediately leave without even a second of time going by shows just how deadly these abilities really are I also love how all the Guist members will run away the moment the lever is flipped even if you were in the middle of combat with them they know that doubt is loose and nothing is more important in this moment than putting a country mile between him and them once he's back on the ship though Dow Clues Us in on his plan which as the title of the game suggests is to kill the outsider after tracking down dozens of Cults for years he stumbled upon the isas who according to him are different than any other cult he's ever investigated that's because they have a relic in their possession a knife the knife that killed the outsider 4,000 years ago so a little background back in Dishonored to The Outsider briefly talked about his death despite what you may think the outsider wasn't always a God he was like all people human as a young boy he was dragged from his home by a cult according to them they looked upon the stars and within its pattern saw that the cosmos was telling them to kill the boy they then strapped him to an altar and stabbed him to death with a twin bladed knife this ritualistic act is how the outsider was born from then on he was one with the void but that's not to say he was the owner of it nor was he the first to arrive there Harvey Smith writer and creative director for the series discussed the properties of the Void in various tweets which claim that the void hungers for a Godlike entity to represent it and that the outsider is that current representative the void has existed since presumably the beginning of time and in that time has had many entities reside here many have come before the outsider and many will likely come after so the outsider isn't a God help an on destroying the mortal world he's a victim of his environment killed by those with more power than him it's why his inclusion in the story has always fascinated me he bestows his powers to the less fortunate instead of taking it away he provides it and he specifically targets those who've been beaten down by Society within Dishonored is a monograph called can The Outsider speak an analysis of his visitations this was written by a member of The Cult of the outsider not to be confused with the isas they are another smaller group that lives in the outskirts of society who have actually entered the void within its chapters the author hopes to create a definitive guide about the outsider regarding his sightings and actions within them he says quote the Abby of the Everyman warns that the outsider walks among them but to them he's merely The Stranger who tempts you to infidelity or the pickpocket who robs you of trinkets this naturally confuses him as the group knows more about the outsider than anyone else and knows where he actually resides but in a future chapter he says however if these stories are to be believed then we must question the extent of his power in the void does he choose these dialogues consciously further down is also we we must consider then the possibility of the outsider's own agency in these encounters does the void itself direct his attentions or does the boy The Envision submerge Into The Ether of that place so long ago still retain a portion of his memory his Consciousness and indeed his desires that's why it's my belief that the outsider chose those who are marked with purpose The Outsider like these individuals were outcasted through some outside force and now have to fight back the outsider must see himself in these people and so grants them his powers to see what they may do that's all well and good but what's the end goal here is it just never-ending play for fun giving it out to random people over the next Millennia for the sake of curiosity or is there something deeper I believe so but that's something we'll have to talk about when we approach the end but to focus back on the story D wants this knife so that we can kill the outsider the man himself seems to know what's up though as he ambushes Billy and takes her arm and eye naturally the player and Billy are confused by this interaction and wonder why the outsider chose them but once again more on that later the first step is to locate the leaders of the isas as they might have information on where the knife is being stored according to doubt these members are identified with an esoteric symbol that they have tattooed on them this tattoo parlor happens to have an appointment book with two of the more prominent names being sha Yun and Ivan jacobe Ivan seems to be obsessed with death and the afterlife when he was a boy his family had some difficulty with their financials well his mother would look for more affordable housing his grandfather decided to seek refuge in the family crypt looking up to his grandfather he joined him there frequently and is where his obsession with death started and so a group dedicated to worshiping and learning about a boy who died and became a god sounds like the perfect fit for for him as for sea he's simply burnt out from making music and things that he needs to witness a unique experience in order to rejuvenate this passion which in this case is seen The Outsider not exactly the most complex of motivations out there but when it comes to this stuff I can imagine all the members have different reasons for why they joined what's rather strange about the group and something I still can't wrap my head around is this ritual they have called the sanguine infusion how it works is their donor who they usually kidnap is hooked up to a tube that drains their blood while the others are hooked on to the other side so the donor has their blood in the blood stream of the other participants supposedly this is related to The Outsider but I'm not entirely sure how regardless it's still a pretty sick depiction of the group's desperate desire to see The Outsider the whole point of this Mission though is to find the keys that Ivan and Shawn have giving you a chance to spare them if you wish these Keys unlock a safe inside the bank which housed the knife that killed the outsider helping us plan this break-in is Dow who will unfortunately pass away by the time we come back the book The Return of Doubt elaborates on his death as what caused it was an illness in the book Dow met with Billy from a future timeline who had already had the outsider knife in hand she dropped it during a scuffle prompting Dow to pick it up but he was immediately knocked on conscious because of it the knife seems to have caused this and due to its unique properties gave d a life-threatening illness now it should be noted that this was published after death of the outsider which explains why Dow never brought any of this up in game as much as I would love to ignore this pretty horrible inclusion it is Canon so I have to mention it focusing more on in-game Dow and not book Dow while I do wish he was more present in the script as it would make his death better especially given he died offc screen I can kind of understand what they were going for here Dow wants to kill the outsider but he's got a onrack mind Billy didn't want to kill him until Dow mentioned it which he has more compassion and understanding than Dow does that's going to be useful as we're given a few options to choose from regarding the outsider's Fate if we play as doubt choosing any other option than death would go against his character so Billy being the protagonist and doubt not being able to kill the outsider himself makes sense it also connects to the reason why Dow is even doing any of this in the first place Dow has taken accountability for his actions but also curses The Outsider for even setting this in motion he says that the outsider knew this would happen when doubt got his mark from him so he knew that the world would delve into chaos because of Jessamine which is why he puts the blame on him he does seem to recognize that he is a part of the problem too though which is why he took on this difficult task to believes that the outsider and the people like him those with the mark need to be gone from this world the World Of Dishonor does not ready for this kind of power something that is easily reinforced by this entire video everything that happened was a result of these powers these events might have happened anyway Dow would still be a killer and Corville might have still gotten Revenge but the powers help that become a reality but that's why we're here to take on this task in Dow's honor although your choice at the end might not align with his getting there is the issue though as we don't even know where to start there's some investigation we managed to find a lead that takes us to the RO Conservatory again since we left back in dishonor 2 the ABY has taken to quarantining it preventing any foot traffic in or out of the building right outside they are burning thousands of books related to rituals bone charms spells and blasphemy stories along with the ingredients they used in their spells and rituals they also found a few witches from the coven and even an eyess member and are trying to help them therapeutically which is done by strapping them to a chair and playing overseer music directly at them incense is being spread throughout the building to cleanse the heretical magic and surprisingly even the oracular order has arrived given this was a hideout for Delila coven all the stops have to be pulled out to clean this place up not that you needed more but this mission is another great example of how systematically broken The Abbey is they exercise their right to do whatever they want to people under the guys that are tealing the world a young woman nearby is shaken up over the therapy and can barely talk in complete sentences brother Cardoza the leader of this chapter even attempts to dodge eventual criticism for this act claiming that these people have a heretical organ inside them that turns the overseer soothing music into pain which is just Flatout absurd some of the overseers are even playfully recalling the time when one of them cut out a witch's tongue the Abby claims to want salvation for these people one of the Mas they all just prefer if they just went back to where they came from and be one with the void what's worse is the irony that plagues this entire order the first is that just like the witches the order has taken to dissecting the bodies of those they find presumably to discover the source of their magic but more harrowing is who's at the top of the conservatory who is sister rosewin she's our Target for this Mission as she has the silver graph we need on her person but she may be harboring some dark secrets instead of jumping right into combat you could choose to talk with the sister beforehand given their prophetic Visions it's no wonder they know who Billy is and what her mission is she goes on to say that the ey she was given by The Outsider falsified her vision and that the hand is got Guided by The Outsider Billy rightfully calls her out for this and questions why they always think the outsider is the problem for everything further asking if they would also Kill The Outsider if they had the chance sister roswin lets slip that they have no use for those who don't fear the outsider's power and that killing him would dismantle all that they have built a question you might have had throughout the video is what would happen to the ABY if the outsider is gone if their whole purpose is to destroy this being then what will they become when he's dead sister rosan wants to keep the outsider alive because that lets them gain power The Abbey has ties to every aisle in the Empire their reach and power is huge and all of this would disappear if the outsider is gone funnily enough sister rosan is once again correct as a future book I'll talk about later shows that the Abbey was being dismantled shortly after the death of the outsider it was admittedly for a totally different reason than this but it is fair to say that without the outsid of the Abbey is useless this to me speaks volumes towards the aby's corruption while sister Rosen might not speak for all the sisters she is not only one of the highest members in the order but the Abby act on their every word so as long as sister rosin doesn't reveal the fate of the outsider then the Abby could continue to stay in power plus it works in her favor because how would you exactly prove the death of a god a being that less than a dozen people have actually seen but it's not just her that's the problem as it's arguably the entire Sisterhood death of the outsider has what's called contracts some side objectives you can complete within a mission like kidnap this guy or steal this item one of these contracts involves finding her book of prophecies reading it shows that on the 17th in the month of rain she witnessed the final moments of the outsider within the void not to spoil the ending but the vision is right on on the money it will be his final moments this isn't the first time they were correct with the prophecy though back in dishonor 2 the sister saw visions of the order fighting Delilah's coven only to fail miserably something that did indeed happen before we arrived so apparently magic is heretical unless it's used by them as there is no logical explanation for how the oracular order is able to see these Visions not even something as simple as the will of God would work because they don't serve one it's mentioned in a few passages that the sisters do regularly meet and discuss political matters so it's possible that it's not prophecies but just the will of the world for example Delila wanted the throne but Delila was stopped but now she has returned so it's fair to assume that she would want the throne again that's a logical assumption that can be made by observing past actions and patterns which could explain their prophecies but the almost perfect Precision in their description from one of the overseers being Left Alive to the high overseer's body being hung to surprise the one who returns to Dunwall leads me to believe that they use some degree of magic in their rituals magic that is apparently not deemed heretical because it benefits them earlier in the month of harvest she also went into some political unrest and which led to one of the Lords assassinating their rival at a feast she plans to send overseers there before it happens proving that once again they are not only enforcing laws out of their jurisdiction but they can now prosecute people for a crime that they will eventually commit even if that was going to happen that is horrible evidence but as we've seen Time and Time Again The Abbey rarely needs any just an Overseer in good standing despite keeping these secrets about the outsider to herself we were still able to find it including the silver graph which points to shindere North Quarry our next and Final Destination this Quarry is where the cult of the outsider is located the small more prestigious faction of the isas the group those within the eyess hope to join to do so you must relinquish all personal belongings you are no longer who you were in the outside world you are now one with the cult and you must obey that order something a bit concerning about their get up is the noticeable gray splotches COA in their body this Affliction is connected to the stone beings walk in the halls of the cave called Envision this Quarry is the one place where the void and the surface of the world are closest as such the void itself tends to see out of its Dimension into the real world Too much exposure to the void caused the body to petrify over a long period of time and these envisioned are some of the original members of The Cult from 4,000 years ago it's a form that's sought after by the current cult as they believe it's the highest form of Ascension the beings don't talk though merely walk around aimlessly likely serving as Protectors of the Void but their ability to walk through walls is not as simple as it seems Buri deep within the caves is the eye of the Dead God a being who existed long before the outsider likely the void's previous representative touching this reveals overlaps in the caves design parts of it are What was seen earlier but now new Pathways have opened up it's like opening your third eye for a lack of a better word you can now see things more clearly and are able to see the parts most can't our new enhanced Vision allows us to find a portal that leads the ritual hold the place where the outsider has laid for thousands of years I can't even begin to describe in words what this place looks like it's otherworldly there is nothing present here but this large oppressive pillar giving off a sense of loneliness a similar feeling the outsider is likely experiencing at the center of the large imposing pillar is the outsider who was surprisingly stuck in stone despite what you may have thought and all the preparing you likely did for an eventual boss fight he is just sitting there alone he's a completely open Target you could shove the blade in his chest and move on it's very anticlimactic and even the ending is rather sad as The Outsider realizes that there really were no choices left he thought that Billy might have made another choice but that didn't happen so now he'll die like the rest while satisfying for some it's rather antithetical to dishonor its Core Design there's always a choice in these games but what choice do we have well if you search long enough you'll find the notes of a cult member named alote in it he describes how going to the ritual hold is one of the worst offenses one may commit within the cult and yet he's going to do so anyway unfortunately he never made it and he was killed before he could but his notes are Stone on as Locker the locker itself requires a code but unlike most safes within the game there is no lootable solution but if you played the series enough then you already know the code it's the mark on your hand this opens up a locker with a diary revealing the most insane Revelation within the series The Mark of the outsider is not just any old Mark it's the name of the outsider himself translated into a language only meant for the dead saying his name is how we free him from his eternal binds Only The Dead can speak the language though which is why we have to convince Dow to do it within ritual hold are a few Spirits including Dow it's been widely speculated that the void is an alternate Dimension AK to heaven or hell but many within the world believe that the void takes all regardless of sin a note from a member within the cult speculates the opposite she notes how all the Legends and folktales regarding the wandering spirits of the Void are of those who are unhappy she questions then where the happy Spirits reside leading her to believe that there are no happy Spirits here and that those of good willll disappear into Oblivion while those who aren't stay here in the void for eternity assuming her hypothesis is true that would mean that even though da tried to steer himself on the path of good in his final days it still can't make up for the mountain of sins he committed in his past it's why Billy was the only possible protagonist for this game I love the guy but doubt is stuck in his ways even after learning of the outsider's Fate he still wants to kill him believing that he is the cause for all the pain and death that Dow dealt Billy on the other hand is more compassionate she's willing to see reason in things that doubt cannot in fact Billy uses the parallel of her and The Outsider story to convince him two people who both did something terrible and yet doubt was able to forgive Billy so how is this any different The Outsider never asked for these Powers he was forced into this position Billy is the opposite to doubt whereas Dow sees the outsider as the one to blame for the chaos that came from his powers Billy sees her and DOW as the problem the ones who used it to exploit people convincing Dow to forgive the outsider sees him saying his name letting Dow pass on and removing the outsider from his chains for the first time in 4,000 years he's free the ending is extremely poetic and a gave about choices our final choice is giving the outsider a choice of his own when asked about what the outsider would do after being set free Harvey Smith jokingly picture The Outsider sitting at a cafe watching the world around him time flies at many different speeds sometimes it's fast and it goes by without a flash sometimes it's interminably agonizingly slow but sometimes it's as normal as it goes even though time never changes it feels different depending on the setting like when you're at work watching the time go by the only way to feel the past normally is to be present not in your mind clotted with your thoughts not in your phone scroll through social media just alive and present aware of where you are it's one of the most human feelings out there being able to just sit down and observe and The Outsider choosing something like that fits perfectly ultimately at the end of the day all the outsider wanted to do was live at the start of this Mission The Outsider tells Billy that Dow's thoughts have clouded her mind and that in reality she has a choice that she can make referring to him being freed but I believe that this entire Trilogy has been orchestrated this way so the outsider could be freed Dow was gifted Powers by The Outsider who carelessly killed anyone for coin while Delila was given her own power so that she could rise up within the world that had beaten her down each of their motivations caused The Dominoes to fall in the place Dow killed Jessamine which not only brought corvo into the mix letting him get his own powers but also forced out to confront his actions Billy recognized that Dow was weakening and so looked for a way to seize the leadership role for herself and it just so happens that a certain witch was up for a temporary collabor ation Dow then spared Billy which taught her feelings of forgiveness and also forced her to leave the gang and start her own life he would also then defeat Delila and trap her in the painting for over 15 years during this time Emily would become empress and Grew Older which is then when Delilah would come back to take the throne The Outsider then gave Emily the power she needed to fight back which is when she would run into Billy talking with Emily made Billy reflect on her time with Dow which is why she sought him out the outset also gave her powers because if she was to be his rescuer she should be equipped for the upcoming Journey this is also an in Universe explanation as to why we have fully upgraded powers and infinite Mana as for the mechanical hand well according to the book The corroded man a man named zukov went insane after touching the blade so the outsider gave her a fake arm so she could touch the blade without being affected this is also likely why Dow got his illness from touching the blade all of this was put in a place that Billy could get here and it could only be her because again doubt is not willing to budge on his ideals he will kill the outsider no matter what it takes Billy on the other hand could be reason with he has said on many occasions that he can see everything the past the present and the future the only thing he doesn't know is how these events will play out he knows the thousands of ways one of our targets might die but he doesn't know which method will choose so it's fair to assume that he knew how to create a situation that would lead to his release but he wasn't certain that it would work it was a massive gamble but one that paid off while this being a Trilogy long con is still up for debate it's clear from our talks with him throughout the game that the outsider did want to live it's such a beautifully well-made decision it is not only the biggest most impactful choice in the entire series but the themes of forgiveness and choice come through even in the game's final moments absolutely everything in this game is connected and it comes to a head with this final choice of how we decide the fate of the one who gave us our Fates so long ago that does beg the question though with the outsider gone what happens to the void well the veil Terror will clear that up said after the events of death of the outsider the book focuses once again on Billy in it it explains how after the outsider was removed from the void the people of dwell start having constant nightmares Emily has also completely dissolved the ABY of the Everyman and the sisters of the oracular order are apparently being haunted down by the grand guard because of a vision they saw after the outsider left the void all of this is happening while void Rifts are appearing in the sky this then ends up leading Billy to the aisle of morly where she ends up coming across the void Shadow a being from the void that can hop timelines who is trying to make certain events set in stone so it can presumably take over the world Billy also ends up getting help from a future version of herself which kind of comes out of left field but thankfully she's able to stop its Conquest she will then return the outsider's knife to Emily who herself was planning on devising a plan to remove the rest of the Void within the Empire bringing a rather strange end to the Dishonored timeline regardless of the book's quality death of the outsider was a welcome surprise I hadn't played this game until this video having put it off for years but I was surprised at its value it doesn't reach the same high as that the rest the series does but it reaches its own Peak using its own play style death of the outside was made to wrap up the calwin era of Dishonored Ascend off so that dishonor could move on from this era and into another and so Arcane could move on to other projects and it did so by solely focusing on the last loose thread yet to be cut I said at the beginning of this video how the outsider is one of the most fascinating characters in The Dishonored universe and I hope now you could see why a child who was no different than anyone around him who against his own valtion became a god he's got such an incredible backstory in history that merely referencing his events within a game wouldn't do him Justice to cap off his story a whole game would be required to do so its ending also tied its theme of forgiveness and choice sing it started all the way back in the first game into its ultimate conclusion creating a strong link between it and the rest of the series preventing itself from its fate of becoming that weird piece of side material that no one talks about even if that did end up becoming its reputation anyway more than anything it was a great conclusion as it finally brings us to the end of Dishonored or does it you always fall for the same old just once please can you try try your hardest to make this interesting if you're confused why death Loop is in this video then you're feel feeling exactly how I felt a couple months ago whenever I make these videos I always start by looking on the official Wikipedia page this is so I can look at what games there are in the series and what DLCs came with it just to make sure I've got everything covered this isn't as difficult for games like Dishonored but for something like say Far Cry it can get a bit complicated so imagine my surprise when I checked the dishonor page and lo and behold death Loop was a part of it the reasoning spawns from a comment made by its director dinga bakaba who says that the game exists in the same universe as dishonor but far after the events of death of the outsider that leaves me in very precarious situation well I'm not usually one to debate a Dev on their own game especially one like dinga who was lead designer and producer on both dishonor 2 and death of the outsider I'm almost certain 99% of you clicked on this video expecting Dishonored and not death Loop plus I wasn't even sure how much of a connection there actually was according to dingo there are references to Dishonored in death Loop and vice versa but I just played all of these games for this video and even played many of them including death loop on release and I can say that I've never seen a single connection I had to look it up just to make sure I wasn't insane and sure enough there are some connections the issue is that they are so small that I would have passed them off as a cheeky reference or something completely unrelated had I not known this was in the same universe still for the sake of thorus it's at least worth covering how this connects to Dishonored for some background death Loop starts in the 1900s so at minimum it's roughly 50 years after death of the outsider the protagonist this time around is Colt who is stuck in a loop of death a death Loop he realizes after some time that in order to break the loop he has to kill all seven Visionaries on the island in one night their Essence is is tied to the loop so killing them will loosen their hold on it however mechanically it's not that simple there are four locations and four times of day so you have to go to one location each time more pressing is that The Visionaries also move around throughout the day never staying in one location making it impossible to just visit any location at any time for instance Dr weni and eigor stay in their Labs all night due to some groundbreaking experiment they discovered that complicates things quite a bit as Alexus throws a party at night and only appears during that time but if we sabotage Igor's experiment in the morning we'll also synthesize in Alexis's voice in order to convince wji to come to the party then they'll have no choice but to show up killing three birds with one grenade gun machete and even a host of magical powers so the entire point of the game is assembling the pieces of your Ru Goldberg machine and then once you've got everything in place initiate the start sequence and hope it works this is the core of death Loop spending hours figuring out what works and what doesn't and then eventually assembling the puzzle pieces into a design of blood guts and corpses stopping us from completing this beautiful piece of maab art is two things one are the eternalist and The Visionaries The Visionaries are the leaders of the island so it's best to think of the eternalist as their lackeys unknown and unnamed people who help and Obey The Visionaries which also means that they'll kill us on site due to their orders the other is Juliana who within a second becomes the biggest hurdle the player has to cross Juliana can sometimes invade your game like some kind of Dark Souls Invader she's equipped with her own set of powers and weapons making her a balanced adversary upon spawning into the game she also lock the tunnels you used to escape forcing you to disable the radar signal somewhere within the map whether you choose to do this after she's been dealt with or in the middle of the Hunt is entirely up to you Juliana can also be controlled by another player adding a PVP feel to the game although you can choose to keep this on single player mode letting her be controlled by an AI instead dying at any point during the loop comes with a deadly consequence as it resets the loop back to the beginning of the day thankfully you are given a few retries in the form of revives that recharge back to full when you enter a new location but if you spend through all of them death will reset your progress however like Juliana you could set the difficulty yourself in the settings to as low as one or as high as five there's even a Godlike setting that gives you infinite revives if you'd like to take the game slow or like me used it as a postgame option to clean up files and notes you didn't find without the looming threat of death hounding over you but while this does answer what death Loop is about it doesn't really answer the connection to Dishonored but if you do look hard enough the signs are there the game setting is the island of black Reef black Reef back in the day used to be a small fishing Village in the aisle of Tivia but after death of the outsider the empire fell into decline causing Tivia to secede from the rest of the Empire and become the motherland black Reef island is a very strange place as some time ago before the motherland was established an anomaly of some kind appeared on the island given the game's connection to Dishonored it's heavily implied that this was caused by The Outsider being removed from the void and could further be a result of those void Rifts that the veil Terror talked about eventually the motherland put together a task force of people and started operation Horizon which was created to study the anomaly and its properties the Expedition went South almost immediately as col used the makeshift rocket to fly into the anomaly only to be caught in the time Loop it creates he was stuck there for over 17 years before he escape by a suicide after escaping he was naturally placed into an asylum due to his delirium until a few years later when members of the Aon project would buy his release this program was started by our Visionaries who come from all walks of life some scientists some artists some just extremely wealthy each wanted to explore and experience the anomaly for different reasons Dr weni specifically wanted to study the anomaly and through her research was able to harness the power of the anomally which is how the loop was created this time around due to its nature the time Loop would let them live out the same day every day for the rest of of Eternity well the outside world will crumble the island will party like it was 1960 I think death Loop's greatest aspect of writing are The Visionaries each of them have opinions about each other and such pronounced personalities that they all feel completely unique Alexis for instance is maybe the funniest but most insecure character in the whole game firstly his group chat handle is alpha wolf 69 which should speak to his maturity but when Juliana was interviewing The Visionaries about their qualities Alexis would not stop talking when you synthesize his voice in order to get Dr Wendi to show up you first need an audio recording of his voice which is inside the statuette and I'm fairly certain he talked for at least 7 minutes before it shut off Alexis loves himself just as much as he loves talking about himself thanks to his inflated ego some of the members are not like Alexis though and did actually come here for research and scientific discovery which ended up leading to the creation of these slabs and trinkets these mechanically replace the runes and Bone charms from Dishonored but oddly enough show the passage and evolution of time just through their inclusion the slabs act like Dishonored runes magical powers that you can cast some of which are directly from Dishonored like blink and Domino now called shift in Nexus trinkets are passive Buffs add a tier weapons like faster fire rate more headshot damage Etc these are similar to Dishonored bone charms which also provide passive Buffs their inclusion though shows that the world has evolved from a spiritual world to a more scientific one hardness in the powers of the Void was done through communion and prayer using rituals and Effigies to create Powers here in death Loop this power is scientific using logic numbers formulas and math the world of this Series has evolved from using less magical and primitive methods of evolution by instead looking at the sence of how things work similar to how our own world is much more advanced than that of our ancestors was back in the 1800s where things started to go wrong though was after their first day of forever started well the first day started in 1960 the current date is actually somewhere in the year 2200 yet not a single person on the island knows this except Juliana and cult all of The Visionaries and eternalists are aware of the loop but are not aware that the loop has already started they all still think it's their first day on the island even though their real first day was over a 100 years ago Juliana isn't off the hook though as she has her own problems to deal with Dr weni has a note titled possible side effects which refers to the possible side effects that could occur within the loop one is called Sund Downing which is the failure to process centuries are more of experience obviously the human body while capable struggles the older it gets leading to lots of physical pain and a loss of mental capabilities Juliana however has gone through over a 100 years of experience in the mind and body of someone in their mid-20s that is just not possible reinforcing the supernatural elements of the island to offgas this she's basically removed parts of her memory it's like cleaning out a hard drive you're full on space so something has to go I don't believe it's ever explained how her technique called memory compressing actually works but it's a technique she's utilized over the years this loss of memory though is what sparked much of the current plot either a few days or years into the loop cold decided he wanted out it's unclear why he ever did but I'm willing to assume it was some kind of PTSD that manifested due to his first time in the loop back in the 30s breaking the loop is the same solution as before the death of The Visionaries this was easy back then his cult was the only one there but now we have nine leaders Colt Juliana and the other seven Visionaries after years and years of trying though he was unsuccessful unlike the other Visionaries who had no idea cult was killing them loop after Loop Juliana sick of the whole ordeal fought back and is now actively preventing Colt from succeeding originally it was out of retaliation before it eventually just became fun she loves the cat and mouse game these two have her being the Hunter and C being the hunted this is reinforced as such every single morning according to her Julian is the first one to wake up so if she really cared about the science and wanted to make sure Colt didn't ruin the good thing they had she would wake up kill him and then go back to bed but Juliana doesn't care about that she loves the chase this idea that colt might escape the thrill of possibly losing is what invigorates her to get up in the morning and Chase Colt however Colt started slipping he started forgetting everything the loop the people and his goal the very first scene of the game shows Colt being pinned down by Juliana before being stabbed with a knife Colt In This Moment has no clue who Juliana is or where he ended up even thinking that this fight was a weird nightmare he was having when he wakes up the following morning this made Juliana bitter it's no longer fun anymore when your Nemesis is no longer as passionate as you are but once we do control Colt that memory is back and she couldn't be happier Colt isn't fully there yet and as the player it's up to you to guide him to this info that you and him are learning both about this place and its history but he did retain his goal of escaping as you can tell outside of the setting and some outside world elements most of this game seems disconnected to Dishonored which is why I had trouble even recalling things that were connections at all it's honestly really strange is this game is trying to have it both ways at once 99% of the in-game mechanics and lore is self-contained focusing on the island its inhabitants and its history every now and then though something from Dishonored is either referenced or can be inferred to be from the universe thinks the knowledge of knowing that they coexist together I don't think it's a problem but it's just a bit concerning the amount of times I had to snap myself back into place as if I was trying to recall my own memories constantly telling myself that this was after death of the outsider despite none of the game's elements even attempting to convince me that it was still I did enjoy the uniqueness of death Loop's story I still found the gameplay to be lacking in replayability despite the being a major selling point but the story in the ensuing mystery were always quite fascinating to me especially since the game added a new ending after I stopped playing when Cole kills all The Visionaries he rides his rocket to julon his base inside the large ball located on the island this is a rather awkward conversation as this discovered a few minutes before that Juliana is actually Colt's daughter it adds the horror of the island as skle had to kill his daughter day after day not just back then but now here again as Essence is tied to the loop this would also mean that Juliana is hunting her dad but of course she's less sympathetic about the whole thing as she only did this after Colt started killing her before any more deaths can occur though Juliana talks to Colt and basically asks if he wants to stay there's a rather impressive meta message in this conversation Colt and Juliana have a strained relationship and staying here together is a way for them to repair it if you select this route Juliana meets Colt on the beach and the two of them discuss what they want to do today she even calls him dad for the first time their relationship is healing all thanks to the blood sports that ensue within the loop but it heals regardless but it's a question for Colt just as much as it is one for the player do you really want to give up the loop after all this time by now you'll have known black Reef like the back of your hand and like Juliana you likely try different tactics to pass the time killing The Visionaries in different ways using different abilities in the beginning the world felt hostile oppressive you felt like one against the many struggling to survive but now that you have survived and proved that you could Escape what's one more run for all time sake maybe try out that weapon you tossed away or that strategy you never used it's not like this is your last shot you can always start again tomorrow right staying with Juliana keeps the loop going letting you have more fun while destroying it means losing all of it from a game design perspective I could see why they didn't do this but I really wish that ending the loop actually did end things we talked about the game near automata a few months ago and I mentioned how completing ending e in that game gives you the option of deleting your safe file in order to help other players death Loop sadly doesn't do that choosing either option just takes you back to the beginning letting you still out those desires you could choose to reset CO's progress yourself in the menu but I really wish they forced you to sacrifice the memories and builds you created in that moment the other side of the message is still there though with the loop continuing due to the player realizing that living in this playground of death is really fun when you can be any threat that comes your way how you determine that ending is a duel using oldfashioned pistols reminiscent of the same pistol used by the city watch originally what happened was that you would shoot Juliana and then jump off the platform you would then wake up the next morning with the sky B noticeably more orange Juliana walks over pointing her gun at you attempting to end your life before Vanishing never to be seen again at the time I remember not enjoying this ending that much as it felt rather Hollow given all we accomplished a future update added an extended version of this now deemed by the community as the golden Loop ending once Juliana disappears Colta goes back to black reef and starts helping everyone pack up and leave unlike before none of them are hostile due to Juliana's absence every morning she would get on the loudspeaker and say that col was betraying the program since The Visionaries still believe it's their first day on the island now that Juliana left early she never had had time to make the announcement everything is back to normal and no one thinks Colt is betraying them what follows is a look at The Visionaries and the reactions to the world outside the loop it's nice to finally see their faces up close since most of the time they're being shot at from afar so it's kind of hard to get a good look at things the orange Sky though is what adds the ambiguity of the ending it's my personal belief that the outside world at least recently had always looked like this but thanks to the loop being broken the veil placed around the island has been lifted letting everyone see what the real world has looked like at the heart of this ending though is a question of whether we should confront the uncomfortable truth or stay within the comfortable lies it's not a question that is posed at the moment of decision but rather after no one on the island including the player knew that this is what the world would look like now that we do know though would it have been better to just stay within the loop away from whatever the world is now or it's still worth going through it anyway even if it's not the outcome that we hope for it's also worth considering that these are real people they might not remember the day once it's reset but they are real people with emotions and the only ones benefiting from the charade are Juliana and Colt who kill and M any and everyone without consequence it's an impressive question and message to pose to the player and it's the rare kind of message that only a game could provide tying together the villainy of trapping people in an endless loop and your insatiable urge to keep playing only works in video games because of the interactivity more impressive though is this Orange Sky which might have been hinted at all the way back in Dishonored one as a quote from Jessamine talks about the void being the place that will devour all the lights from the sky this Sky however it came to be could have been a result of the Void seeping into the world even further than the void Rifts and are actually cons consuming the Known World leaving nothing but a broken Sky it's both an ending that has closure finally providing an end to Death Loop story while also setting up the future of the world will a death Loop 2 continue from here would a Dishonored 3 even start here or would it be back in the past it's a question that will remain unanswered for the time being as for now this is where the Dishonored timeline would finally come to an end Dishonored is one of the best set of games I've ever played a game that has endlessly replayable levels an incredibly stylish art design and an extremely tight and focused game play experience the gam play through and through was fantastic there are small hitches here and there but overall each one of them feels incredible to play stealth Focus games have always been a favor of mine but it's the immerses Sim elements that really brought out its best qualities offering numerous solutions to every hurdle in the player's way giving them a feeling of power and Triumph by letting them know that their weird and wacky solution is entirely possible being able to express yourself through gameplay is what makes games the incredible medium that they are many games are great at doing this immersive Sims are usually the best and Dishonored just towards the top of that list maybe not the best in the genre but nowhere near a benchwarmer easily able to stand amongst the greatest even those that released 20 years ago that are still considered the best the genre has to offer but while the gameplay is great the story was on a whole another level an extremely complex series of choices and consequences resulting in a Trilogy of games that are all connected to one another in some way the personal stories of Billy Emily and corvo were all incredible and being able to see and experience the world through their eyes let you connect with them on a deeper level and finally being able to wrap up the story of The Outsider was the Cherry on top of this delicious void filed cake these game design decisions even add to those AFF forementioned choices letting you not just see the world but change it For Better or Worse the story Le its gameplay has a plethora of agency on the part of the player letting them make their own decisions not just in momentto moment engagements but in overarching narratives giving you a chance to actually change the world you inhabit and then living with the consequences as I've said many times before Dishonored is a game of choices now it's time for me to make the ultimate choice I finally bring an end to this video thanks for watching thank you all for watching today and I hope you enjoyed I've been meaning to get to dishonor for a while so I'm glad this project is finally complete not sure what video I'll cover next but stalker 2 was releasing in September and I think a back-to-back stalker and Metro video would be quite cool Elden Rings DLC is also releasing in June so I plan on making a video just on the DLC as well as another one a couple weeks later that contains both the main game and DLC so we can finally wrap up all of Elden Ring's story together outside of that though we'll have to see what the future holds as always be sure to check up on the community tab as I update you all on the progress of each video I make just like I did with this one and finally like the video if you enjoy and subscribe if you're new for more content like this thank you to my returning viewers for coming back to another video and take care everyone goodbye
Channel: Gingy
Views: 662,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dishonored 1, dishonored 2, death of the outsider, dishonored 1 story, dishonored 2 story, death of the outsider story, dishonored 1 ending, dishonored 2 ending, death of the outsider ending, dishonored choices, low chaos, high chaos, dishonored review, dishonored retrospective, gingy dishonored, gingy review, dishonored story, dishonored ending, dishonored story explained, video essay, dishonored ending explained
Id: I4B0FqhId5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 33sec (9873 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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