The Complete Backstory of Gru! | DESPICABLE ME

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hello fun people today we're discussing the tragic backstory of the Despicable bolognes crew I want to be a super villain now Gru descended from a long line of villains dating back five generations to Charlotte and Leopold grew there were witches Gunslingers and thieves across that family who broke laws laundered cash and were all around pretty mischievous and morally bankrupt and that family Legacy was continued by Gru's Father Robert he became one of the greatest villains of his era but unfortunately Gru wouldn't get to grow up under his guidance you see after Gru's parents were married they soon had twin boys in the early 1960s there was Gru and his twin brother Drew but once they were born Gru's parents divorced and they each took one son to raise on their own Robert chose Drew so their mother Marlena begrudgingly took grew obviously I got second pick the two parents swore to never see each other again which meant Gru was forced to spend his entire childhood without his father and brother while Gru and his mother lived in the United States Robert moved himself and Drew to the country of Fredonia there he established a pig Empire as a cover for his work as the super villain the bald pair but that's not what Gru's mother told him she raised her son to believe Robert passed away when he was just a baby you told me that dad died of this appointment when I was born now while Gru was a sensitive little boy his mother was just emotionally withdrawn and pretty hostile towards him but why was he like that why did Gru's mother hate him well I think it's because Gru reminded her of Gru's father who she hated even more grew looked like his dad down to his long nose and early on grew found an interest in villainy exactly like Gru's father to make matters worse she also had a preference for Gru's brother Drew so she was Raising her second choice and I think she just kind of loathed being a mother in general Gru's mother's approach to Parenting was pretty much to neglect and ridicule her son even though she clearly cared for Gru to some extent since she documented his early life he looks like a girl yes he does we're gonna have the ability to be proud of Gru but she never really showed that when he was growing up Gru's mother preferred to occupy herself with new men in her life like gurus Masters and trainers or starting new venture is like selling Tupperware so as long as Gru stayed away from his mother he was mostly left on a zone now growing up grew's natural interest in villainy eventually led him to become a big fan of super villains his favorite was wild Knuckles along with the teen while Knuckles founded the vicious six crew had their posters in his room he had their action figures and he kept up to date with all of their activities by watching the villain Network channel but Gru didn't just want to admire villains from the sidelines he wanted to be one and in 1968 Gru's mother actually helped him make that happen that year Gru and his mother attended the international villain con that was being held in Orlando Florida now from what I've heard that City could be a pretty fun place to call home although back then it was a lot less magical than it is now at villancon Gru got to encounter one Dr Joseph Albert nefario who was introducing his freeze raid for the first time and Gru bought one you see that year even even though Gru was just a child he decided it was time to start making a name for himself he probably was already a petty thief and potentially ruffled some feathers with the local authorities but he wanted to use his extremely capable mind for criminality Gru was already plotting to build experimental Rockets during the space race and he either created or found a semi Immortal dog-like creature named Kyle so he felt prepared to set his sights on pulling off a heist against one of the most notable villains in the world Scarlet Overkill she'd been dubbed a criminal genius broke barriers by becoming the first female supervillain and had been a keynote speaker at villancon and Gru planned to steal the Queen of England's Crown from her after either assembling or purchasing a motorcycle that could transform into a jet Gru implemented his plot he flew to London used his freeze ray on scarlet and made his getaway with the crown he was able to steal a modern treasure while also humiliating a beloved and feared super villain and boy did that press the minions Kevin Stewart and Bob but Gru wouldn't hire them just yet by the way if you enjoy the videos I create please consider supporting the channel and going deeper with the community over on patreon which is linked down below over there you can get exclusive live streams with me early access to new videos and the ability to chat in our community's private Discord server you see after the moon landing in 1969 Gru began to form another dream outside of his evil life mom something I'm going to go to the Moon Drew was inspired by the astronauts so he began to iterate on a prototype rocket what began as a drawing in macaroni art eventually transformed into an actual working rocket ship and while he'd eventually shelve the concept of going into space and his youth he'd never forget about the dream of visiting the moon now even though Gru was an actual Evil Genius he was mostly bullied and mocked by the other kids at his school but that didn't discourage him from attempting to show interest in a girl named Elisa soon after the moon landing but unfortunately that was disaster when he touched her the entire School ran away from him and said that Lisa had grudies and unfortunately that moment specifically stuck with him for a long long long time the truth was that Gru was kind of just on his own until he decided to expand his evil operations when he put out a help wanted ad the Minions that he had met in London were ready to work for him while Gru was uncertain of them at first he eventually broke down and allowed himself to become their mini boss sure Gru's mother thought the little guys were killing her mellow Vibes but they were extremely helpful Little Creatures for Gru like they were the workforce that constructed Drew's first Lair beneath his childhood home with the minions building out his base grew seemed to have been able to focus on miniaturizing his flying motorcycle design which resulted in him adding Rockets to his bicycle early on he also developed new gadgets like a prototype stink bomb and a very effective cheese Ray and he had time to submit an application to be a part of the vicious sex and much to Gru's Delight in 1970 six he got an interview to join the team at the young age of 11 and three quarters [Music] [Applause] The Vicious sixes headquarters he was able to reunite and be formally introduced to Dr nefario after their original encounter at villancon at the time nefario was developing Weaponry for the vicious six while also managing the cover for their Subterranean Hideout a record store called criminal records instantly nefario saw something within the little villain so he gave Drew an invention he was developing called Sticky Fingers in the hopes that he could make a positive contribution to Gru's bright career if you ever get famous remember your first Gadget okay now unfortunately the interview process itself went terribly The Vicious six disregarded Gru once they realized he was just a small child and his Heroes humiliated him so Gru decided he'd prove his worth by stealing the most prized possession the Zodiac Stone Gru was able to get away unscathed after the vicious 6 hunted him down but he wasn't able to hold on to the stone you see Gru's minion Otto traded the mystical Relic for a pet rock which absolutely devastated grew he had hoped that he would be able to trade the stone for membership into the vicious six but his own minions messed up his plans that was especially painful since he already had concerns about the minions being ready for the big leagues in a moment of rage grew even fired all the Minions thinking he'd be better on his own but that was a mistake that he immediately had to face when he was abducted by wild Knuckles you see the vicious six had come to believe that they had successfully murdered their founder but that was not the case while Knuckles survived and now hoped that by holding Gru for ransom he'd Force the boy's minions to bring him the Zodiac Stone so that he could take his revenge against his old team now while it may have seemed like Gru was in a hopeless situation it turned out that getting imprisoned by wild Knuckles turned out to be a big opportunity while Knuckles was very impressed by Gru you got real Moxie kid stealing from The Vicious six did I just receive a compliment from buckles so when while Knuckles crew quit on him Gru got to help out and be mentored by his biggest hero turns out saving someone from their own crocodiles goes a long way to establish some good will you want me to teach you a thing or two while Knuckles then decided to bring Gru Along on a heist to steal from the bank of evil their Guru would encounter Mr Perkins who would eventually become Gru's loan officer at the bank but on that day Gru was only there to help steal the Mona Lisa unfortunately though during that robbery while Knuckles had his home destroyed by The Vicious six that broke him apart and led to him pushing little Gru away but luckily that led the little villain to locate his minions much to Gru's Delight they had found the Zodiac Stone and attract him all the way to San Francisco but the vicious six had finally located him too while Gru was taken captive by The Vicious six while Knuckles and the minions came to his rescue and teamed up to save their friend and one screw was freed and he gained possession of the zodiac Stone he transformed The Vicious six into a group of rats making it easy for the anti-villain league to arrest them while Knuckles was also brought into custody by agent Silas Ramsbottom and soon after the battle he was pronounced dead in prison but that was all a sham while Knuckles didn't die he figured out a way to escape prison without the anti-venom League coming after him I cannot wait to fake my own best of all the authorities shoot for the moon kid shows for the moon and shoot for the moon grew Dead with wild Knuckles free he was able to continue to Mentor Guru throughout the rest of his life grew convinced Dr nefario to work for him and grew truly began to believe in and love all of his little minions Gru and the minions would go trick-or-treating as a group they'd go camping and even competed in a school talent show as a kiss tribute band they all became extremely close friends and Gru took care of them he paid them all a salary he let them sleep in his bed when they had nightmares and he'd wrap up their wounds Gru and the minions were there for each other through all the good and evil times now as a teenager crew was able to start standing out in the villain World criminal Publications at one point declared him the villain of the year and they began to cover and report on his crimes which must have been very encouraging especially while he lost his hair over the years Gru continued to develop new schemes plans and heists throughout every era and every decade he kept up with technology more than then he kept up with culture and fashion but he was most aware of what was happening in the villain community in the 1980s Gru watched the demise of the child star Balthazar brat and in the 90s he followed the supposed death of El Macho while villains came and went Gru was continuously inspired to take on bigger projects which never Lee brought him back to the bank of evil to attempt to pull off his larger schemes than to continue to fund nefario and the minions he took out loans which allowed him to accomplish some Feats he stole the Times Square Jumbotron as well as the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower from Las Vegas but unfortunately most of his plots were not profitable the business was not looking too hot and the bank was losing their faith in Gru but Gru was unwilling to stop being a villain because he had something to prove he longed to show The Vicious six and everyone who underestimated him that they were wrong he hoped to show all of his bullies from school that he was capable of Gray greatness and most importantly he wanted to force his mother to be proud of him but if all that was going to happen if Gru ever hoped to be known as the greatest villain of all time he would need to execute the most awe-inspiring feat of villainy the world had ever seen and to do that it was time for Gru to accomplish his childhood dream you and I have been working on this for years he's everything we've dreamed of your chance to make history become the man who stole the moon fun people this is my first illumination video and I felt like there was no better person to cover than the original All-Star the original superstar that came out of Illumination that was the main character of Despicable Me it was Gru it had to be grew there's so many things to talk about in the world of Illumination and I've really been enjoying seeing how all the movies connect like recently I just watched secret life of pets and sing for the first time and to prepare for this video I decided I needed to get something from Illumination in the background and really it didn't feel like anything could beat a minion I I feel like Bob is is so cute so I really wanted to get him he's a little popcorn bucket from Universal Studios Florida and I think he's so fun he's got the little selfie stick and the teddy bear and his eyes move I think it's just so fun and so now now I've got a little bit of another Animation Studio in in my space and another new studio to be able to discuss on the channel and I I just think it's so fun because each Studio has a different feel to them each Studio has their own kind of unique way of Storytelling their own identity and feeling I feel like when you go through different moods each of the studios can bring out different emotions and feelings I think for me illumination is just pure fun you know I loved talking about different animated characters and movies and worlds and illumination just opens up a whole new world of possibilities and I appreciated you coming along and watching this video that was the first of its kind on this channel thank you so much I'm Isaac Carlson and I hope you have a very magical rest of your day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 29,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gzYqg-jOsMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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