The COMPLETE Anne Boonchuy Timeline (Amphibia)

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and Boon Joy the main character and poster child for Disney's amphibia from humble beginnings as a typical middle school girl to saving an entire civilization from certain destruction and even earning her spot as next in line for the position of uh God and's been through quite a lot in her life she's a character I hold very near and dear to my heart I owe her and amphibia as a whole in infinite debt I really do you change my life which is why I'm so thrilled to bring you guys the entire timeline of Anne boonchoy some of you may not be aware but I did a video last year just like this but on Stanley Pines from Gravity Falls which is still my longest video to date and clearly this video won't be as long but hopefully you guys don't mind I don't necessarily need to go over every single little detail to get my points across for Anne let's begin with Anne's early life and Sabi sabun Choi was born in 2006 to two Thai parents who immigrated from Bangkok Thailand to the United States once there her family opened a restaurant called taigo making it their main source of income she had a bit of a rocky relationship with her parents mainly her mother but they still loved each other nonetheless at some point either in kindergarten or preschool and would befriend Marcy Wu and become very close with her not too long after and as well as Marcy would befriend a Sasha Waybright after she stood up for them against two teenage bullies from this point on the three of them would become Inseparable and mainly growing closer to Sasha rather than Marcy over time although the dynamic between these three became less than healthy to say the least over the years especially with Ann and Sasha fast forward to the day before Anne's 13th birthday where Anne Sasha and Marcy would unleash puppies into the hallway for a K-pop dance party leading to the three of them getting a talking to from their principal although Anne got the more serious combo about what she's going to be doing in the future and how taking the easy path in life isn't always the best choice to make Anne's 13th birthday was the day everything changed she and Sasa spent the day together by coming class and doing as many fun activities outside of school as possible even going as far as to ditch the home celebration her parents plan and would also learn about the existence of the Calamity box via a text from Marcy to Sasha of course unknown to both of them Marcy singled out this box in the first place in hopes of it transporting the three of them to another world so they wouldn't be separated due to Marcy's father getting a new job outside of California later that night the three girls would go to a park together where Anne would open the box transporting the girls to amphibia now for Anne's adventures in amphibia throughout season one almost instantly after Anne arrived in amphibia she would meet local wartwood residents sprig planter and quickly befriend him leading to Anne living with sprig his younger sister Polly and their grandfather father hopadaya planter but even though they were nice enough to take her in the rest of the townsfolk weren't super keen on Anne at first due to her being human however after several adventures together with both the planner family and miscellaneous townsfolk like Wally or mayor Toadstool and would begin to think of amphibia almost like a second home in the Planters like her adoptive family the rest of the Town even began to see her as one of their own notably nominating her for a frog of the Year granted these Adventures wouldn't come without some hardships notably on hotpob's end when he hid the Calamity box and still had after finding out how dangerous it could be even though he knew how important learning more about it was to her and this was even more so after she met valeriana in the Bizarre Bazaar during her frog of the Year celebration and would reunite with Sasha Waybright turns out she had been doing her own thing with the Toads that govern over wartwood the whole time during these reunion events and would finally come to realize how toxic the relationship between she and Sasha is standing up to her once and for all the two of them would Clash in a sword fight with Anne coming out on top and the season would end with the two of them going their separate ways for the time being ending on a pretty rough note at that now for season two or what I would like to call The nootopia Saga and in the planner gang embarked on a treacherous road trip to nutopia in hopes of learning more about how the Calamity box can get Anne back home but not before Anne protects the home from a giant Veggie Monster this event being the first time we can clearly see Anne's eyes glow the same blue as one of the boxes Stones I put emphasis on clearly because the time before that it was kind of a blink and you miss it sort of deal this road trip consisted of many Wacky Adventures such as unleashing who we would become to know and love as frobo for an event from an abandoned Factory meet some miniature frogs and bitteberg as well as the amphibia versions of Stan Pines and Zeus Ramirez once Anne arrived in Utopia she would finally be reunited with Marcy after all this time though their reunion didn't start off super smooth either and was being super overprotective of Marcy thinking she hadn't changed since coming to nootopia as well as fearing losing her other closest friend Marcy clearly proved her wrong though eventually Anne would give Marcy The Rundown about everything that happened since she got to amphibia including her fight with Sasha leading to the two of them vowing how they planned to find her so they can fix everything that happened in 5 finally get back home nutopia was quite the jam-packed time and not only did Anne meet King Andrews aka the king of amphibia for the first time she grew much closer to Sprague after bonding about parental struggles in particular and getting more homesick by the minute while sprig reveals both of his parents are no longer in this world so they were able to you know comfort each other because of that then of course the big day at the aquarium where Anne would learn about the temple Quest that's required to recharge the box of stones so she can get back home however this would mean saying goodbye to the Planters forever essentially for the most optimal way to go about the quest of course Anne was sad about it but she didn't want to be a burden to Marcy's plan thankfully after realizing how close Ann really got to the planners Marcy figured it wouldn't be the end of the world for Anne to go back with them the plan wouldn't change a whole lot and would still get to be with her found family a bit longer once Anna the planners got back to wertwood and would finally find out about Hot Pot burying the Calamity box without ever planning to tell Ann about it this would be a major strain on the relationship between these two characters even when Anne technically forgave him after finding out his true reasons for doing it it wasn't automatically some sunshines and red bows at the end of that episode the tensions between them would continue to Fester once the quest in the first temple began even though it was marshy's Temple a lot of the focus was put on and hop hop hop desperately trying his hardest to make things right as fast as possible but and argues things like this need time she can't just magically pretend things never happened which hoppop was able to understand thankfully the second temple Quest was entirely focused on Anne because it was her gemstone that was being recharged here she would reunite with valeriana and have her patients tested tons of times flare around a thinking Anne wasn't even worthy at one point but Valero down have realized that even though Anne made a lot of mistakes during her Journeys throughout amphibia she always owned them and learned from them however during the recharging process and forced valeriana to send her back to her friends because she sensed they were in danger leaving the stone only partially charged rather than completely charged the third and final Temple Quest would be where both Anne and mercy see Sasha again obviously Sasha and Marcy are going to be buddy buddy off Rip but of course she and Anne still had the unresolved issues during the climax of The Quest where Sasha has to take down the giant Stone Toad and makes an effort to Bear the hatchet motivating Sasha enough to defeat the Beast resulting in the Box being fully recharged again little did Anne know that Sasha had a secret plan the entire time to overthrow King Andrus with her tote Squad the three girls would return to wartwood where Anne and Sasha still had issues they needed to work out Sasha continued to be a control freak while Anne would test her gangster each time this would be mainly highlighted in the Battle of the Bands episode where Anne and Marcy worked together for a song while Sasha went off on her own but after seeing how much fun Ann and mercy were having on stage she decided to join them to finish the performance it felt like Ann and Sasha finally worked things out but the overthrow government plan was still very much on the table True Colors as the name suggests aka the season 2 finale would be where all the big reveals occur and would find out about Sasha's true intentions as well as Marcy's and King andreas's Sasha's material will be the first thing Ann would have to deal with her part in stopping the toad rebellion was to prevent toads from getting into Utopia as well as fighting Sasha a second time granted Sasha didn't even want to fight seriously this time because she found out Andrews was likely planning something on the side and wanted to warn about it after Anne defeats Sasha and returns to nutopia Castle she learns about andreas's plans to invade Earth using the Calamity box as well as Mercy's true intentions with the box from the start although it was a lot for Anne to take in that didn't stop her from trying to defend her friends and home planet from being invaded by this crazed lizard once it felt like Anne's group had the upper hand Andrus did the unthinkable and dropped sprig to a certain death devastated by witnessing this the overwhelming emotion and felt allowed her to unlock her Full Potential from her Calamity Powers giving her an entirely new look she clashed with Andreas for a bit in a fit of rage but couldn't finish him off due to losing all of her energy from her transformation as a last-ditch effort to get everyone home Marcy sneakily grabs the Calamity box opening a portal to Earth and the planners are able to get inside but before Marcy can Andres stabs her through the chest this being the last thing and season amphibia before being transported back to Los Angeles California now for the season 3 events starting with the Earth Saga and would finally reunite with her real parents of course it would be a big adjustment because not only would the planners also be staying at the Boonton home and still had every intention of going back to amphibia to not only get the Planters back to where they belong but you know she wanted to make sure Andreas was taken care of too most of Anne's time on Earth was spent trying to make sure the Planters were able to blend into Earth life without being found out by the general public as well as helping her parents realize how much she's grown as a person because of her time on amphibia and would also come into contact with many other human characters for the first time some helpful While others not so helpful at first Dr Jan being the first notable one when Anne met her she was able to learn a bit more about the Calamity box Origins specifically how if she finds this mother of ohms how this mother of homes could guide and to her Destiny and still had to deal with Andreas coming after her as well even though he didn't technically show up to Earth during this time he would send robot assassins after her throughout her time on Earth most notably the cloakbot who was quite the determined killer it took and going Calamity in front of her parents for the first time to defeat it once or for all and that was after it had already been severely damaged of course Anne had many run-ins with one Mr X in the FBI due to them trying to capture the planner since they're frog people then tear who although was introduced much later than the other human characters would serve to be the most important one when it came to getting the planners back home since she was the assistant to a well-renowned scientist no portal would have been made without her as the time came for Anne and the planners to return to amphibia with the portal being completed Mr X's gang would make one last-ditch effort to capture the planners although it seemed like he succeeded at first thanks to Anne and all the friends he made since returning home they were able to rescue the family and get back to the portal location Mr X refused to give in though leading to Anne resorting to using her Calamity Powers so they'd back off she finally got back to amphibia but it didn't look the same at all which brings us to the return to amphibia warprep Saga and the Planters returned to wartwood to find the entire town in shambles overrun by Wildlife that's mind controlled by andreas's technology luckily they're saved by Sasha who's taken a new position as the grand commander of the amphibia resistance against Andreas robot army and was needless to say a surprise seeing Sasha act like this but she truly changed this time even offering to hand over her position of grand Commander to and however Anne wasn't nearly as good at this job as Sasha was even urging Sasha to take the position back but Sasha felt like giving up a position to power for good was one of the best ways she could prove that and she'd change for the better though and reassured her that just the gesture alone was enough to get and to believe her thus leaving Anne to be second in command of the resistance with Sasha being the head Hojo again as their army grew and took it upon herself to finally act on the mother ohm message she learned about from Dr Jan leading to Anne and Sasha meeting the mother Rome a giant creature who's guarded ancient prophecies for thousands of years she would educate Ann and Sasha about the prophecy involving the Calamity box how three Heroes would be connected to the stones I.E and Sasha and Marcy and they had a choice to come together and defeat a great evil or peace out with their choice determining the fate of amphibia from here on out and would go to different areas of amphibia in an attempt to recruit specific people slash groups of people for their resistance this included Beatrix dratonio and even Apothecary Gary some serve to be tougher negotiations than others but they all eventually agreed to help the good guys the day before the resistance was going to storm and Reese's castle and was trying to get the frogs newts and towed to the Army to work together but they were just at each other's throats the whole time it wasn't until they realized how much stress they were putting on Anne they were able to put aside their differences for not only her sake but for the greater good of amphibia the day for the war had finally come and Sasha were to infiltrate andreas's Castle to rescue Marcy only to find the Marcy they once knew and loved no longer there but rather their friend's body possessed by King Andreas boss the core now captured with little hope of winning and has to sit idly by while Andreas is able to go through with his Earth invasion time for the climax of and story fellas and is now in the fight of her life to make sure Earth is saved thanks to frobo she and the rest of her team are able to escape from andrus's Castle for a bit it seems like Anne's Gang has the upper hand as she helps the Planters destroy as many robots as possible that is until Andrus makes a bargain with her if she defeats him in a one-on-one fight he'll call Off The Invasion their fight lasts quite a while even though Anne is full Calamity here andres's robot armor dumbed the dilophosaurus I probably butcher that makes him much more powerful than his base cyborg form not even the power of K-pop could completely take him down it was only after Andrus read the letter from his old friend leaf that he was able to realize how wrong he'd been all these years allowing Anne to land the finishing blow on him so she can save Marcy and regroups with Sasha where she finds Sasha holding an unconscious Marcy Marcia eventually wakes up apologizing to her friends about everything she's done which of course both Anne and Sasha forgive her since they're just glad she's safe and back to normal and her friends then returned to amphibia to let the resistance know the invasion has officially been thwarted it's not over yet though the core helmet that was on Marcy proceeded to fly to the moon connect to it and hurtle towards amphibia this is where the prophecy finally comes into play mother ohm tells Anne Sasha and Marcy about what they need to do and they're prepared but not before mother lets Anne know about a final Gambit where if need be she can combine the powers of all three of her friends at the cost of her life the three girls get their final Calamity forms and take on the moon core it seems like their advantage is high until Marcy and Sasha start to lose their powers quicker than Anne due to the fact that they aren't used to them this is where Anne decides to combine the stone Powers much to her friend's disagreement and gives her final goodbyes to them in sprig before blowing up the moon with everything she's got sadly she really did die fading away into the air though it felt like a stroke of luck and woke up in between Dimensions meeting the guardian aka the creator of the Calamity box essentially the Alpha and Omega of the universe where that not only gave Anne another chance at life but the opportunity to become God herself in hopes and can become an even better person than she is now reunited with her friends once again it's now time to say goodbye to amphibious residences forever due to the Box only having enough power for a one-way trip to Earth after an extremely heartfelt goodbye with the planners and is now home for good epilogue time during Anne's time in high school she began to fall out of touch with Sasha a little they were still friendly with one another but just kind of fell into different credit groups as all fast forward to present day and is now 23 years old working as a herpetologist at the Aquarium of the Pacific the exhibit she runs is one for frogs and it's called you guessed it amphibia the last time we see Anne as her reuniting with the grown-up versions of Sasha and mercy where the three of them leave the aquarium to enjoy some time together Anne's Journey was definitely something special and I think the ending to her characters was one of the best possible outcomes the crew could have given her truly amazing well thank you guys so much for watching if enough of you enjoyed this video I'd be glad to do more of these timeline videos in the future you know just let me know in the comments and you know make sure to support it and of course if you did enjoy this video be sure to leave a like down below it helps out a ton but for now I will see you guys next time peace out take care bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: VGMarkis
Views: 91,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGMarkis, amphibia, amphibia season 3, amphibia finale, the core, the hardest thing, amphibia anne, timeline, amphibia season 2, king andrias, amphibia ending, anne boonchuy, vg markis, hop pop, amphibia marcy, calamity box, amphibia theme song, amphibia full episodes, amphibia sasha, disney channel, sprig plantar, darcy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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