The COMPLETE 10 Year History of Valorant: 2014 - 2024

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we now know thanks to new interviews and news that valerent started development in 2014 that's when Riot begun coding that's when they had the team assembled and the work started going underway that means as of now in 2024 that's a 10e time frame for valerant lifespan I know we don't know it since back then but we can use Early Access footage to dive into a lot of small details and that's what I want to do like here this is the first prototype for killjoy and we can actually zoom in and see all all these various icons with abilities that no longer exist like what is that hammer is that pot what the Swarm grenade looked like here there was a randomly flying chicken but that's not the only thing to dissect look at the bottom left hand corner here we can see the only thing that was consistent was the turret the other abilities just went through different things the center one looks like some sort of Sonic ability that deadlock has today or at the top this is a lot more reminiscent of what Counter Strike looks like here we can see early Haven you can see it's just basically untextured Ed but even when you want to slow it down and kind of realize where you are on Haven it's extremely difficult to figure out you'll also realize the entire graphic design of the game was different now I understand that graphically of course this was incomplete but the art style itself still showed me that they were going for that counter strike Vibe they were probably going to polish it in a Counter Strike Vibe just look at the abilities and UI again sharper angles and I'm not saying that it was going to end like this of course it wasn't but still the overall visual style is giving me Counterstrike Vibes that maybe they would have polished more like how CS2 is today valent of course deterred from that and went full cartoon which makes it a lot more unique and I'm personally glad they went for it now around this time as things started to polish up you can see here these boxes further prove my point with the whole Counter-Strike Vibe and at this point they were working on servers latency bullet registration and a lot of the technical aspects of this game and there's no way to actually put a perfect date on this footage this definitely has to be after a lot of the redesign so the time gap between what you just saw and this is probably massive because you can see SOA pretty much fully textured how we know him today we can see the Aries which still does look different but it's still the Aries also this by menu is of course very different we're going to have to slow it down and keep reopening it a lot of the guns were different the suppressors were initially supposed to be able to come off again like Counterstrike and you can see the body armor is represented on a full model instead of just a small icon here you can see the kill banners the way they were going to be which like pillars that came up lowkey that's actually a very cool idea and again while Riot did go more cartoony valerant color design and overall Ambience was still very different they lean into cartoon heavy to the point where lighting was more aggressive there were orange boxes more textures going on and if they kept continuing down this route the entire game would actually kind of look better but that's not what they wanted to do they wanted to lean into cartoon but then simply ify things and that's the valant we now know today which is a lot easier to see the operator scope was a fullon sniper scope and at this point this is also what they revealed to the public but that didn't stop them this next one is very early access footage look at this buy menu look at how the numbers of credits were highlighted differently we can see again no suppressor on the Phantom so even at this point this is where a content creator had Alpha footage they still planned they still planned for the suppressor to be removed able even the ghost in the top right as you get a kill didn't have a suppressor that was a key mechanic that they changed almost last minute absolutely insane also small key point the fov of the game actually changed before releasing in June and that's where the valer we know today was officially brought to life year one of valerant was important Riot knew they got to get players locked and loaded so we got all the love in the world the game came out immediately with a scent an entirely new map and still one of the most beloved Maps till today which is also kind of insane you can see the door in some shots didn't have lighting and in the other shots did which is interesting then they came on swinging again with Raina stilled today pretty pretty controversial but when she first released everyone was calling her the most broken agent in valerant then they came down one more time with elder flame now I'm not going to be covering skins in this uh series because I don't think they're that important or that interesting but skins at this point were still very hype and I know they are still today but Elder flame was just another level right the fully animated Elder flame dragon set still hasn't been replicated till today then they dropped death mat Deathmatch was very important still not implemented the best no one most people can agree like death match still isn't implemented the best but they did they did it they did it and alongside Death Match we also got killjoy release which was also controversial oh my God it was Infamous that people said they would even quit valo or something went crazy with the fact that there would be a turret in the game and to be fair till now she's still power powerful and annoying so there was some validity to it but she still fits into valerant roster like it or not following this we got ice box in October of 2020 and man did it look different back then I know now we see it after all the reworks and stuff but this is pretty nostalgic people didn't really love ice box and I could see why sky came flying through into the scene you know rest in peace I know she's nerfed quite heavily now but sky was very beloved and still Reigns Supreme till now now on the agent tier list as the year came to a close in Winter we got snowball fight back when riots still cared about us players and gave us seasonal game modes with some creativity in the back of their mind oh man this actually makes me bitter when I see it when I see it now with all these like little gift boxes and stuff I used to play with people who are casual and they're like wow valerant has so much potential look at all this cuteness and fun happening and then oh my god dude terrible terrible terrible terrible to see where the game has gone but but it is what it is while the game was still good we got some Winter game modes in 2021 I want to speed run it a bit changes are mostly in order but there are a couple out of place so if you realize them good for you yoru came onto the scene as one of the most creative agents in valant for obvious reasons he was just insane in every aspect I know he came out weak and most people agreed on that but no one denied his creativity and it actually sparked a bright future for agent design in valent eventually he got a rework but that's later and that rework did help him bring him to the top or at least a little more playable not the top he never touched the top but it is what it is and like I said it sparked hype for agents and valent because Astra came out in 2021 as well and same idea a lot of creativity right going into an entire different Zone to place down stars from above really pushed what valent will become in the future Riot showed there was no limit on what they're willing to try out and and do and I respect them for that heavily 2021 also got two new game modes which was escalation and replication both in their own ways very very fun of course replication you're all One agent throwing down a ton of abilities at once which is extremely enjoyable and escalation which is vent take on gun game which is still in the game today unlike replication man what happened still no one knows Riot like backpedal on being fun it's like so weird riot regretted being fun and heavily backpedal instead we got Breeze Breeze oh man Breeze Breeze Breeze Breeze came out in 2021 and of course received countless amounts of reworks as you know but after that Riot added a leveling system believing that this was supposed to kind of keep players engaged because levels mattered no of course of course they didn't they didn't something that Riot continued to do fantastically well was agents KO came into the mix with a brand new sty style of ability which was suppression only removing abilities wasn't something that was in the game and it was the one thing I will continue to praise Riot for chamber came swinging through and dominated The Meta for far too long but outside his future he also was very unique I know that sounds weird and I know a lot of people say chamber is not unique because mainly his abilities are just guns but he's also the only agent where the abilities are mainly guns fracture came out after that and it's been a while since we've all played it but it was also a very unique map in the way it was designed and people spawning in the middle till now it's the only map that has a rope system underneath it and a spawn point which is SmackDown in the middle but as we cross over to 2022 I got to give Riot yet another W because neon's release was absolutely fantastic the idea of a speed agent is something that most people especially duelist Mains are going to get excited about even non- duelist Mains want wanted to try her out but slipping through the cracks it also went both ways Fade's release in 2022 was fantastic and had duel Ms even wanting to try initiator her overall design from visuals to abilities was super unique the one thing and I hate to repeat myself that ride does amazing is both the scenic style of maps as Pearl came out right after as well as the uniqueness of the agents also so I decided to use this Pearl footage that Riot shared with us because look how HD it looks and man imagine if ven looked this vibrant it's kind of gorgeous I know it's not the greatest for competitive Integrity the same way Harbor isn't the greatest for competitive Integrity because if you pick him you're throwing your game regardless of his lack of power though Harbor also came out quite unique at least in visual design maybe a little bit too Bare Bones on his overall abilities Harbor definitely has potential and I do hope to see a massive rework in the future but then we hit 2023 and things get shaken up quite a lot 2022 is pretty dry but 2023 came out with lotus at the start of the year and Lotus is the second three sight map and we didn't get one since Haven which came with the game so this was very very exciting and to be honest I think Riot did fantastic then they just upu the ante with the uniqueness they knew Harbor missed the mark so they came Swinging with gecko's release playing little Pokemon Pals inside of Al I mean till now gecko is extremely unique and very great as an agent I absolutely love gecko even though I don't play him myself I still love his release I always loved his release and I always talked highly about what Riot was doing when it came to agents and they honestly H it out of the park again with deadlock and I know when I say those words people might rage a bit no deadlock is not strong enough she needs a minor rework and a lot more Buffs to make her good but her design her ultimate her uniqueness is truly there when it comes to just adding new things to the game like a freaking cocoon that pulls you in I've praised it for a long time this visual that you're watching on screen is freaking cool it is fantastic and every time an agent's added to valerant R has a good chance of making us go wow something that they're not as great at is their game modes I was extremely happy with Team Deathmatch and it's still my favorite game mode till today when it comes to the Casual side of valerant and it did get released in June of 2023 a great way to start off the summer season as now now you could grind a great warm-up before heading into ranked something else that followed through was not just a level system but the kingdom credits it is so far from perfect but the kingdom credits was a huge good addition to valer I don't personally love the things you can actually just buy with the kingdom credits but a lot of people do get nice little things that used to only cost money and now you can do it just by playing the game so to me it was a great addition nonetheless Premiere came out in July and also face level great Edition I think it had a lot more hype early on I don't hear many people talk or care about Premier ranks nor the rewards so it is a little bit unfortunate and i' would like to discuss it more in the future but for now Premier kind of missed the mark overall and I think Riot has some work to do when it comes to adding things to the premiere system then Sunset came out in August so yes if we're talking about June July and August it was action-packed for valerant the map Sunset was introduced and I still think it's one of the best maps till today keep it simple and let the agents do the talking is the key point of sunset but I know a lot of you hate it and that's fine as well ISO another unfortunate release but yet still a very unique one from playing aim labs to sustain yourself to getting an entire shield and teleporting to a new dimension he is a perfect example of what I was trying to say earlier a new agent release even at surface levels can make us go wow it can get us excited it can get us wanting to hop back in into the game but hopefully a rework or buff is on the horizon because he isn't quite there yet then valent released another map in August but it was a team deathmatch map drift I think overall this is a net positive and it's one of the first things R did in a long time for the Casual players outside of the initial releases showing that they will add some content to the Casual releases is fantastic and I hope to see some more unique game modes in the future then from August all the way to January 20 24 till the next year was pretty silent but Riot did come swinging through with the outlaw as well as map changes it was a massive patch but the star of the show was the outlaw it didn't hit the mark exactly but it's safe to say everyone was still hyped for it the amount of people using the gun when it first came out was very exciting and when Riot takes risks like this that completely alter the game it's a huge benefit and I hope to see more of it in the future then you know another little key point on skins I said I wasn't going to mention skins and that's because maybe the only other one I I should have was when the Zed collab came out but clearly it didn't fruition into much other collabs nothing in the pop scene instead we got the most expensive skin bundle yet yeah instead instead we seeing prices inflate without much going on and then to top it off the final skin change which was important to be fair are the VCT team capsules allowing you to support your favorite team almost like jerseys and wear them in game which is still a huge net W for the pro play are they overpriced and not that amazing yeah but it is what it is I do hope to see betterment of these skins in the future but now you're all caught up with the history of valerant
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 5,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: -Aa_AVdI0oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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