18 Cheaters In Valorant who got Exposed

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time to expose some more cheaters now I've done this video a few times and there's only one rule when it comes to making these I don't want to show you anything that I've shown you before so I'm going to be making sure to do that some of these are just very very very cringy Tik Tock hacks like this but other ones are a little bit deeper this hack that you're seeing in the background these cheats that you're seeing in the background come from a deep place in Discord a little bit of a dark Discord that actually sells these cheats and we're going to make a fake account break into that Discord and by the end of it report it to Riot so buckle up enjoy the video and let's get into it but let's start with something a little bit more wellknown guys guys we need to win this game actually going I think they go in case you're not familiar with it Wardell was queuing duo queuing with a known stream sniper kitty meow meow it's hard to say that with a straight face but basically kitty meow meow would go into radiant games and stream snipe others dude how was this guy not banned you in this case stream sniping T and when confronted I'm confused like if he even call with him like what is that doesn't make any sense and when Wardell was confronted by Tri he simply denied it even though it was live and everyone saw it happening he refused to admit was actually cringe for talking to this dude and being in a call with him not going to lie that's so cringe luckily the community of course rallied behind tar and shamed W he still hasn't lived it down until today there's a lot of opinions but did you know that zealous was actually able to get revenge on Wardell OPAC Wardell [ __ ] wait devil can you stream snip for me everyone stream snip Wardell everyone stream snip wordell sit them down like the dogs they are listen listen listen we're rushing B we play B I got a feeling okay right and of course Wardell also stream snipe back so it was actually kind of a terrible game if you think about it and you can tell by the score that this went back and forth forever it just goes to show how powerful stream sniping is look at the score here by the time it ends let's go let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go holy [ __ ] 63% head shot watch this watch this are you good are you cheating for some context this this is a five stack and the guy has valent tracker realizing some unrealistic stats on his friend he confronts him is his own friend cheating in his five stack is this going to get all of them banned well one eny you're cheating on let me get 6K Please Don't Steal My clip please don't yeah you're my Game just crashed yo no I got B you cheating no I'm not look at my scre where' you get the cheats now to run it back real quick basically he said check my screen share because certain cheats will not show in overlaid recording softwares that's how streamers get away with it but he obviously was cheating and yes if this five stack continued to play with him they would all eventually get banned hey yo our jet is cheating wait really wait how do you know locking through lock in I'm going to die I want to see us running it down they suspect their own jet of cheating so they're good and they decide to just kind of not play the game and spectate instead oh he is well his Crosshair placement on the ground too honestly this group of friends were very wholesome I would have loved to just leave the audio as is but copyright music kind of stops me from however they decided to all report him and in the next game he recently reported oh he banned he got banned so fast baned he got banned which is fantastic even if you don't get the red screen always report because if you're right they'll get banned later now you're watching in the background is some more hacks now we're going to Deep dive into the Discord shortly but this is someone who's trying to sell it via YouTube and Bam video unavailable when you try to Showcase hacks for valerant on YouTube riot will copyright strike you and eventually get your YouTube channel banned even when I did a custom game as a joke with Cipher cameras they still copyright strike me by accident just because of how seriously they take it now in this next clip what you're watching is a streamer who believes the enemy Raina is hacking and this is how that plays out standing the Raina is ridiculous I don't know why I reported the Raina for cheating only because they were running and gunning and head shot me one shot with a sheriff it's kind of a rare thing because people actually cheat in this game more than you think Vanguard is not that strong things probably wouldn't be in someone's oh oh another fan it I told you dude I told you I told you I told you I told you I told you then someone in my chat was like why did you report why did you report that this next clip it's interesting because the dude had a hacker on his team then the same guy appeared on the enemy team the other side of hacking and Bowers [ __ ] [ __ ] blast there's a [ __ ] demon on the servers right now okay okay listen nobody move a muscle the game starts if he's on the other team we remake DOD it's the it's the neon don't move it's the same player card and the same ring nobody nobody move nobody move okay nobody move a muscle nobody move a muscle we remake oh my very carefully hit F5 oh my gosh good call this next clip is a little bit more wild because it was during a school tournament so my school had a valerant tournament and this happened Fe mean feed mean nice nice nice door door door door door what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] what what wait car just cheating car is cheating is cheating is cheating C is cheating this is such a weird concept imagine like going back to school and being known as a cheater you just can't go back from it and it's a dynamic that isn't a normal occurrence it's insane that someone had the idea to cheat during a school tournament and extremely scummy but it is what it is as for this next clip you might be realizing game changers VCT when Malibu from Team n new had a cheater on their team and tried to win a tournament nice nice [Music] nice what check check her PC check her PC and they did and it wasn't even a her she even lied about his gender it was a guy who was cheating and the competitive ruling came out by riot games and ban Team newn D SG toast actually spent $300,000 on a valerant roster 6 months practicing and they lost to a disqualified team which is obviously a very disheartening story anyways moving on from there that quote unquote ascendant rankup is the start of another YouTube video again these cheats are everywhere and they've become rampant because people want them people want to use them and they make good money as long as they do make good money people are always going to advertise it but yep it it's unavailable now it's easy to get banned it's easy to report to Riot that's why I do it with my contacts and it's definitely worth it to hopefully keep the streets clean but you can only keep it as clean as possible what you're watching in the background is an entire Tick Tock short series you heard me right series day one of cheating to radiant day two of cheating to radiant day three and four of cheating to radiant it definitely boggles my mind because as someone who let's say you buy cheats and you will get banned it's just about how long you'll survive you will get banned it just you know might be right away and it might not be I don't get the purpose I don't get what you get out of it that's what's weird with that being said on the flip side people like this guy I respect he basically just threw the round so he could record and Report standing loing [Music] you but like I started this video with let's get into a deep dive on the Discord server I don't want to reveal the Discord server name because it could be free advertising I don't know when or if I can truly get it banned but this Discord showcases Clips like what I just showed you or Clips like this where you can change to any skin you want and yes you pay for software like this you can even see that it's buggy it even shows that people who were radiant in episode 2 are claiming to still be here and around and not banned but it's hard to fully tell because some of these could be fabricated I don't think someone from episode 2 is still around and not banned using cheats that's just my hunch maybe that's just what I want to but there's countless footages promotions everything about using these cheats the Discord is packed with people and I been cross referenced to make sure no one is in my server and now I pull the data off this server to make sure anyone who joins my server who's crossed with this server gets instantly banned but as I work on reporting let me leave you with some good news this clip you just watched was from their own Discord don't cheat or you will get banned
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 351,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: d8ay4CMiayI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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