The Coming War on China - True Story Documentary Channel

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I did some sound recording for this in Jeju. The church service in the driveway of the military base and how the police carried each congregant to the side to let lorries pass was very surreal.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jhharvest ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Pilger is an absolute moron when it comes to east asia - he's another in a long line of useful idiots co-opted by the Chinese Communist Party.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dontasemebro ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] I pity a country that would come up against us the synergy with air land and sea forces and and our ability to control the battle space and seize the high ground is devastating all countries respect the power of the United States and their respect how dominant we are in this region and we get better and better and better tonight at 10:00 a rare glimpse of China's ambitious expansion in one of the world's most contested regions we report from the South China Sea where the Chinese are warning off anyone who comes too close to their building program we continue our look this morning at what China does not want you to see the United States says the superpower is reclaiming land in the South China Sea the fact that we're dealing with the situation right now where we the US has to be much more aggressive in dealing with the Chinese government cNN has Loretha the US navy is about to send a destroyer there let's go to our sentence CNN got exclusive access to classified US surveillance flights over the islands the threat of China is becoming big news the media is beating the drums of war as the world was being primed to regard China as a new enemy China's alarming creation of entirely new territory in the South China Sea is one part of a broader military push that some fear is to challenge us dominance in the region China is building air strips in the South China Sea on disputed islands condemned by an international tribunal this is now a flashpoint for war between China and America what is not news is that China itself is under threat these American bases form a giant noose encircling China with missiles bombers warships all the way from Australia through the Pacific to Asia and beyond I mean if you were in Beijing looking out he stood on the tallest building in Beijing and looked out at the Pacific Ocean you'd see American warships you'd see Guam is about to sink because there's so many missiles pointed at China you look up a Korean see American armaments pointing at China you'd see Japan which is basically Japan's a glove over the American fist I think if I was Chinese I'd have a little to worry about about American aggressiveness and we have China surrounded and we're doing more all the time to try and keep it surrounded and deepen that containment of China but China presents a fascinating case of a country that is independent doesn't have foreign bases on its territory growing very rapidly not as rapidly now as it did for 30 years but still the second ranking economy in the world we have an adversary and that adversary is China and that adversary unless there is dramatic reform inside China will be our enemy someday when Miss I think really that needs to be dispelled is that somehow China's aiming to replace America and and gonna run the world it's not well first of all the Chinese are not that stupid the West with its Christian roots or about converting other people into their beliefs the Chinese are not about that it's it's just the come again I'm not degrading the Western culture I'm just pointing out being here in nature the DNA is of two different cultures the Chinese 2,000 years ago built the Great War to keep the barbarians out and not to invade them as the world's economic power moves rapidly to Asia the response of the United States is to deploy the majority of its naval forces to Asia and the Pacific this massive military buildup is known in Washington as the pivot to Asia the target is China the great power game in the 21st century is called perpetual war America's unchallenged arms industry the annual prize is huge profits from almost 600 billion dollars of military spending once an imaginary weapon on Star Wars the electromagnetic gun is now reality you're sitting there thinking about these next generation and futuristic ideas and we've got scientists who have designed these and it's coming to life and the smartest weapons need enemies as a Pacific nation of the United States will play a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future I have directed my national security team to make our presence and mission in the Asia Pacific a top priority in one sense it's the u.s. already at war with China yes on the ground and in the air the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize President Barack Obama has committed to trillions of dollars of to our nuclear arsenal he's committing trillions of future dollars to war in space and we need an enemy for all this money and China is the perfect enemy the aim of this film is to break a silence the United States and China may well be on a path to war and nuclear war is no longer unthinkable in a few years China has become the world's second biggest economic power the United States is the world's biggest military power with bases and missiles and ships covering every continent every ocean China is a threat to this dominance says Washington but who is the threat this film is about shifting power and great danger it's also film about the human spirit and the rise of an extraordinary resistance among people on the front line of a coming war where the words never again have an urgent meaning for all of us [Music] this is bikini the rim of an ancient underwater volcano in the Marshall Islands with its necklace of 23 islands bikini is a place of beauty and silence and menace look closely where the Amaral lagoon suddenly falls into a fast black hole this is the crater of one of the greatest man-made explosions the hydrogen bomb they called Bravo it vaporized an entire island and poisoned almost everything and everyone as our plane flew low we seemed to touch its deathly void the Marshall Islands lie in the vast Pacific Ocean between the United States and Asia captured from the Japanese in World War two they've long been America's strategic secret it's stepping stone to Asia and China people here sustain themselves for thousands of years with abundant fish breadfruit and coconuts they were skilled navigators who sailed by the Stars Westerners might call this paradise in the biodag wellfit even when I'm very joannec Allah Allah faith in me and I'm agonize over nine million come on Isaac I really wanna Maynard good Rivero would all that changed in 1946 when the United States took over the Marshall Islands as a trust territory with an obligation to protect the health and well-being of the people a nightmare began the islands were turned into a laboratory for the testing of nuclear weapons and the people into guinea pigs Plus Rothstein 24 take 2 in this propaganda film the bikini Islanders are being deceived unknown to them plans were already underway to destroy their paradise forever will you ask King Judah that the United States government now wants to attempt to turn this great destructive force into something good for mankind and that these experiments here at bikini are the first step in that direction Elva rescheduled manonmani loan kryolan minim tell him let's find everything being in God's hands it must be good you know them distress very to be 90 degrees and 187 ships take positions three miles off bikini to suffer the shattering impact of the fifth atomic bomb here within the murder of warships was assembled in bikini Lagoon in order to blow them to bits the decks of the 73 test ships anchored in bikini lagoon are scenes of P brush activity as scientists plot experimental programs designed to furnish data on blast effects of a mighty atom bomb animals of many animals were strapped to the decks it's like a perverse Noah's Ark the experiment was to see how they died [Music] special ointments are applied to determine their protective qualities other parts of the exposed areas being left bare to the atom blast [Music] no Kiki born in Rio me out of love I am committee I'm gonna die in a new poll up you know and to pull up Parma ham gaya M Kamui you go to homeless woman no way you do it in my own grandma gave me LuAnn you know yeah we in kind color all of kind color and one night yeah gangulu her green yellow you know the real you know min ago Egypt Iran even Rotorua cuz I revere him jung in-guk eerily dodo and well he was born in Nam whatever value community mentor animal aronia rain again who come here LM not able in order for two entire winos 19 cockerel jar on average of nine ikkaku in n on Nov being on bikini today is disturbing ghosts I struggle through the jungle to the bunker where they press the button at 6:45 on the morning of the h-bomb test now claimed by the undergrowth it's like a subterranean temple to modern times they drank milk made powdered milk smoked Lucky Strike cigarettes and later this sign was erected that's beyond irony it says please leave this property as you find it thank you for your kindness and understanding [Music] the mum cells give their all for their art and you can just bet that audiences giving with the wolf calls the bikini named after the atomic explosion in the Pacific the bikini was an explosion everywhere in 1946 the bikini swimsuit was launched to celebrate the nuclear explosions that had destroyed life on bikini island the inventor of the bikini a Frenchman made his fortune today a bikini body is promoted in magazines as an object of desire and good health the bodies of the people of bikini and other islands are the most irradiated in the world all these women have had thyroid cancer you are living on a limb to do you I will I will my op9 menopause I wonder that young I love being poor we were commanded to cap over forever 9000 para in bhopal net on the or neighbor I'm lucky I didn't carry a girl a car loaded up in an RV there are teams across area IDO pony oh I did adore our very human down through it a lot up on it today bikini is unfit for human life radiation poisons of food and water house shoes registered unsafe on a Geiger counter the abandoned cemetery looks out to where the Sun rose one morning then rose again as apocalypse the equivalent of one hiroshima bomb was exploded in these islands every day for 12 years ask our beauty has returned to the island but the people haven't exiled barren Islands many of them in 1968 President Lyndon it was safe to go but it wasn't safe and the US authorities knew it wasn't safe yellow diamond in Yemen our camera and I kept accident I'd look good morning the rod traveler would incorporate eating anything any in India wound a toe on a new program wearing the vinegar on aquatic are you German I'm terrible for anything I forgot about Jillian manly what happened as a result of the Bravo test was that a cover-up was launched very shortly after March 1 I mean there's such a history of wrong information outright lies deception there was no no attempt to take the most conservative approach and make sure that everybody was okay they knew whether a like to fall that was going to go and they took that risk and went ahead and detonated the bomb knowing full well which way it's gonna go they still had an opportunity to evacuate even on the day of the shot but these people were not evacuated we were not evacuated and the people on you Drake we're not family so it only leads one one up one believe it number one the United States needed some guinea pigs to study what the effects of radiation would do and that that's a pretty strong indication at the United States knew there it seems extraordinary here we are this far into the 21st century talking to people still frightened of all that nuclear fallout all those tests all those years ago the impression I get is that there's so little trust among people the u.s. is trying to provide as much information as much good information as we can and so I wouldn't accept the characterization that that there have been lies and and cover-ups the word guinea pigs comes up a lot from these survivors I would I would refer you to our embassy website on that I've read it and that that question was looked at during the Clinton administration and that was not the conclusion they came to the secret of the Marshall Islands is project 4.1 declassified documents reveal a scientific program that began as a study of mice and became a study of human beings exposed to radiation Chicago is where it all began and to the AEC Argonne labs in Chicago last week came seven men natives of the Marshall Islands Leben is from Odori he and the rest were irradiated by our March 1954 hydrogen bomb heads John is mayor of wrangle up which is 100 miles from bikini John as we said is a savvy but a happy amenable Savage his grandfather ran almost naked on his coral atoll the white man brought money and religion and the market for his copra John reads knows about God and is a pretty good mayor the iron room is a radiation detector for human beings inside John chimera whose first visit to the white man's country meant San Francisco cable cars and Chicago skyscrapers and streamline trains whose first visit to the white man's country meant the iron room a savage governs his life by ritual and he understands this because he thinks of it as a new ritual sitting alone inside the room outside strange kind of priest in a long white coat when the ritual of the iron room was over for John it began for the others as each finish he was told it was over and he was given Apple other good things to eat then he took off the ritual clothing and the seven men put on the suits in Cocke coat they had been lent in Hawaii which they would return in Hawaii on their way back in the Marshall Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean United States government documents clearly demonstrate that its scientists conducted human radiation experiments with marshalese citizens some of our people were injected with or coerced to drink fluids laced with radiation other experimentation involve the purposeful and premature resettlement of people on Ireland's highly contaminated by weapons tests to study how human beings absorb radiation from their foods and environment [Music] these people are guinea pigs they are part of the experiment project 4.1 they're being returned to Rangga lap and island a hundred miles from bikini by the US Navy they were told repeatedly it was safe to go home this happy couple believed they were going home to safety the man is John and Jane the mayor of Rangga lap the happy Savage from the iron room in Chicago his wife is majora and this is their baby son Lakers they had no idea of the horror that lay ahead they are being returned to an island described by a US Atomic Energy official as by far the most contaminated place on earth he added it will be interesting to get a measure of human uptake when people live in a contaminated environment the people of Rangga lap remained on their poison island for 28 years as guinea pigs the objects of regular scientific examination [Applause] he made them to cook malayalam namitha you oliveira and a night apologetic yeah it's a non measly intelligent kendama marburg reversed I wrote very little in men you know what I wrote many a project a baby and then value at Aventura breezy him is more action to reach a dragon tree with me Mr McKay to an exchange in retire alle Juden techn and rod Moody the island has pleaded with the US authorities to move them to safety as evidence emerged that the second generation the children were also poisoned desperate to leave the island is called on greeneries to rescue this ship the Rainbow Warrior moved the entire population contaminated they called it operation Exodus this is dr. Robert Connor a leading medical scientist of Brookhaven National Laboratories Connor devoted his distinguished career to examining the Islanders he wrote the habitation of these people on the island will afford the most valuable ecological radiation data on human beings the various Radio isotopes present can be traced from the soil to the food chain and into human beings dr. Kennard gained the trust of whole communities when he brought the Islanders to New York to be examined he showed them the sites and had them over for a barbecue [Music] when John and Jane Sun lay Kosh died aged 18 dr. Kennard sent the man they called a savage a sympathy card from your friend Bob in 1957 majora and Jane was the smiling young woman seen here on her way back to Rangga lap unaware of the danger she and her family faced this is majora 28 years later grieving the death of her son Legos from radiation poisoning you know well in a week early music and word to admitting notice your are you real or I have come on with it they were break up kinesiology irreligious never buys I hope are already in a given you know product or you are eventually defense worried whether I Alex unison when you're doing many nodes in the new terrain you go a girl comes over when I serve Alex are queuing mini-moon Eureka till they you are telling you had terrorized would be more but you picture of where we ever young in many of our alumni community can literally way rock opera where we need usually wear a company needy you when I tell them anymore budget and when when we got a melodeon got our live right like her son and a husband majora died from a virulent cancer I don't see any great clinics that have been established by if not the Department of Energy certainly not by the US government there's a clinic downtown in Montreux there's also a whole whole body counter you can have the plutonium in your body measured as well anyone can for free this is the plutonium measuring shop with I'll tell you how radioactive you are people waiting to be tested I welcomed with a video showing their Islands being blown up and this reassuring commentary yeah we've come out of a tiny bill Jackson program manager of the Department of Energy Dewey Marshall Islands program this is rinic a refugee from the poisoned island of rohnke lap whose family owned land and lived a secure prosperous life now she lives in a shack in the capital Majuro with her children and grandchildren she has no water no sanitation and never like ever now the board give your mind now that when I didn't we give it with you maybe you're gonna be going to a new moon when we get there and power she has electricity yeah my romantic dream adela government in 1986 the United States granted limited independence to the Marshall Islands on condition that they accepted a mere 150 million dollars compensation for the damage caused by nuclear testing a claims tribunal was set up and soon ran out of money an appeal to the US Congress more than a decade ago still awaits a reply you love a book eat your career you were a minimum for maybe a knuckle of a table right right but not yet [Music] Darleen kg Johnson was a young health worker who became the champion of her people after she discovered the full extent of their suffering caused by nuclear testing that many more islands were poisoned than the Americans claimed this remarkable speech in 1983 broke the silence I bring greetings from the Marshall Islands and throughout Micronesia we have hundreds of women who have miscarriages we have leukemia cancers we have thyroid cancers we have stillbirths babies we have nowadays I just come back from home and I have talked to many woman and men in the population is that we have babies we call jellyfish babies a babies one on a labor table and it moves up and down like this it's a colorful ugly thing if it's not shaped like a human beings it moves up and downs like this on a labor table because that thing is breathing that is a baby in 1982 Darlene married gift Johnson the author of this tribute to his wife Darlene was one of the liveliest most entertaining individuals that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing she was a voice for the voiceless like so many Marshall Islanders Darlene died of cancer aged 45 this is the largest of the islands quadlin occupied by one of America's most important and secretive bases known as the Ronald Reagan test site it's a missile launch pad that commands the Pacific Ocean all the way to Asia and China here the people of the Marshall Islands of once again being subjected to the testing of weapons of mass destruction designed for a coming war the bass is part of a remarkable plan known as vision 2020 devised in the 1990s its aim is described officially as full spectrum dominance this means control of all land sea air cyberspace and space five-four-three-two-one almost 5,000 miles away the US Air Force tests its intercontinental missiles by firing them at the Marshall Islands imagine a missile coming screaming out of the sky it's absolutely terrifying there I think that there's there's really nothing that that I can imagine that would be more terrifying than this and and we're talking about devices that any one of them could go off course none of this disturbs life on the base where small-town America has been recreated a wonderland of the suburban good fabulous but there's nothing better than living on a tropical island I pretty much have beachfront property you know it's great I love it here just across the bay is ebuy island known as the slum of the pacific more than 12,000 people live here on a strip of land less than a mile long many of them refugees from what is now the missile base and from Islands poisoned by nuclear testing every day people from e-bye are brought to work on the missile base to water the gardens and the golf course then they are ferried back to their poverty this is apartheid in the Pacific if I needs a lot of medicine medicine education and job fissionable and fruits vegetable and fruit here we are at the tropical island and you need vegetable and forever fish vegetables and fruit were once abundant on ebuy today fish is contaminated by toxic pollutants said the Environmental Protection Agency now the only food most people can afford his process and imported they have the highest rate of diabetes in the world [Music] when someone gets really ill do they go to the hospital over on the base because they've got a pretty modern clinical today they don't treat treat them with medicine please it's cool they're for taking the plot and then extra so what happens when somebody is serious real big and not to anything the most consistent example given is the example of the Ronald Reagan missile site and ebuy next to it on the Ronald Reagan missile site there's a vivid example of the United States golf courses and swimming pools and all kinds of amenities right next to it is what is called the slum of the Pacific it's a it's a challenge eBay is in great need right now we've talked about infrastructure one of the projects the US is working with our Australian colleagues and with the Asian Development Bank is a sewer and water project desperately needed pretty by he buys overcrowded the schools need repair actually the US military did a survey back in the 70s and found that the sewers didn't work and the water didn't run and the electricity wasn't there it only happened not all that long ago they found almost exactly the same thing why why hasn't that been fixed there's complete agreement that ebuy should be a priority and not only because of the the current activities of the Ronald Reagan space and missile defense site but there's also now an additional component that is providing for global security and that's the space fence project by the Air Force every missile fired on the Marshall Islands by the US military costs 100 million dollars each this derelict school bus is the only one on ebuy they can't afford to replace it the bass is not good for us the people of Marshall Islands we have no need for it it's being used to test missiles to fire at countries like China yes n anywhere else if they want to what would you like to see happen I want our land back this is Shanghai the historic port on the Yangtze River China's greatest city I had arranged to meet the American author James Bradley whose latest best-selling book the China Mirage reveals an extraordinary hidden history of American power and modern China it was almost illegal for someone like me to know a Chinese for almost all of American history the Chinese came to America to mine gold and build the railroads and Americans decided we didn't like the competition so in 1882 we had the Chinese Exclusion acts which kept the Chinese out of the United States for about a hundred years so you have the largest population in the world that can't come to the United States so at just the point we're putting up the Statue of Liberty saying we welcome everybody we were erecting a wall saying we welcome everybody except those Chinese fear of a rising China today is the latest chapter in a history of propaganda that presented the Chinese as uncouth and infantile to Western popular and political culture the Chinese became the Yellow Peril and racial stereotypes for the constant theme of fear and threat Boris color as the evil fool Manchu his passion for power twisting his brilliant mind as a rebel is in the horrors of human sacrifice and behind the mask of fool man achoo this character Chua of an entire people concealed another agenda opium for the American elite in the 19th century China was a gold mine of drugs war in Delano the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the American opium king of China he was the biggest American opium dealer second to the British he welcomed the first American ship into China to help out with the opium wars a much of the East Coast of America Columbia Harvard Yale Princeton were born from opium money the American industrial revolution was funded by huge pools of money where did this come from it came from illegal drugs in the biggest market in the world China let me get this right the grandfather of arguably the most liberal president Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a drug runner yes sir Franklin Delano Roosevelt never made much money in his life he had public service jobs that were very lowly paid but he had Yahtzee at summer homes he had mansions in New York City the kids went to private schools he inherited a fortune from Warren Delano his father who was the American opium king of China if you scratch anyone with the name Forbes in in their name John Forbes carry Secretary of State John Forbes carry that's the president's Secretary of State yes sir you'll find opium money his great-grandfather was an opium dealer how big was opium money opium money built the first industrial city in the United States Lowell Massachusetts it built the first five railroads in the United States opium money all over the East Coast but it wasn't talked about it was called the China trade and if you go to various museums you can see teas and silks exhibited and they keep quiet about all that big opium money in the scramble to get oaken money china was invaded and colonized by Britain and the other imperial powers foreign armies grabbed pulse waves of China this is the American army in Tiananmen Square Peking in 1900 great cities like Shanghai were taken over and declared concessions and foreigners lived a life of privilege and luxury amidst terrible poverty imposed on the Chinese [Music] [Music] a resistance known as the Boxer Rebellion was put down with the savagery this rape of China set the tone for how China was perceived in the West well into the 20th century this is the distinguished historian Theodore H white an advisor to the White House speaking in the 1960s perhaps China is too vast to be governed by mercy yet of Chinese mind craves order they must be brought to recognize they are the biggest factor in the world's disorder and we must untangle the madness of their mind the most difficult task in the world is to reach the minds of men who hate you what White was really complaining about was the loss of a China that the Imperial West could dominate and the defeat of general Chiang kai-shek who were this famously powerful Christian wife maling sung guarded America's interests in China that is until they were thrown out in 1949 by a communist revolution led by Mao Zedong Mao had beaten chiang kai checked three times in huge battles involving millions of combatants Mao was a winner in this contest from the early 1930s on but we knew very little about it and people don't understand that even today [Music] Shanghai here's the message clearly as foreign businessmen board up their shops go now go quickly for communism marches take what you can but flee in pell-mell haste the Western powers evacuate the city they have built for good and bad alike must leave the businessmen come for profit as well as missionaries come to heal must say goodbye as out the Yangtze steams the last of Western influence and farewell to essentially even today it's difficult to understand the paranoia ignited by Mao's revolution [Music] as we look at China on the map we can see that China is the basic cause of all of our troubles in Asia I believe that for the sake of our safety it is necessary to be prepared for the possibility of a Chinese missile attack from the United States one of the myths about now is that he was an implacable enemy of the capitalist West Shanghai today is a prosperous international city still run by the Communists at least in May [Music] when I was last in China more than a generation ago the loudest noise was the tinkling of bicycle bells now just died the streets were dark the universities were closed the chaos of the Cultural Revolution had given way to a great silence we're exhausted was the freest comment I heard coming back the change is barely comprehensible here in Shanghai the freedom bears no comparison yes there are issues with human rights especially the right to speak against the state and challenge its power since I was last here millions of people have been lifted out of poverty many of them into an entirely new middle class this epoch is still barely understood in the West or should that be willfully misunderstood the truth is the China has matched America at his own great game of capitalism and that is unforgivable one measure of China's new capitalism is the Iran Rich List this league table of China's mega rich is published by Rupert Hogan warth an older tone Ian his Chinese name is who run he's received many awards including China's Man of the Year this year 2015 has probably been the most extraordinary year of wealth creation in the history of China again you know in I've been doing this list for 15 16 years I've never seen a year like 2015 you know normally for 200 million pounds or 300 million dollars we find say by 800,000 people this year of 2015 it's it's doubled there'll be more dollar billionaires known about in China than in the u.s. so the u.s. up until now has been the leader in terms of business you know the most successful business tycoons in the world China 2015 would have overtaken the u.s. so amazing modern China is full of telling ironies not least this museum that was once the house when Mao and his comrades secretly founded the Communist Party of China in 1921 today it stands in the heart of an exclusive very capitalist shopping district when you leave the shrine to China's great revolution you're confronted by a surreal spectacle for right outside where the Chinese Communist Party was born other very symbols of capitalism Starbucks Apple Cartier Dolce Gabanna and down there perhaps the free markets greatest triumph bottled water that ensures you live young costing six pounds for a small bottle in my hotel would now spin in his tomb if he was here I'm not so sure hidden history is always a key to the truth five years before his great Communist revolution in 1949 Mao sent this secret message to Washington China must industrialize wrote now this can only be done by free-enterprise Chinese and American interests fit together economically and politically American need not fear that we will not be cooperative we cannot risk crossing America we cannot risk any conflict now receive no reply nothing has changed miles say Tong was looking to be a friend with the United States from the beginning Mao says I will go meet Franklin Roosevelt in the White House mile reaches out 1952 Harry Truman he reaches out to Dwight Eisenhower his hand was tossed away this opportunity that might have changed history prevented Wars save countless lives was lost because the truth of Mao's overtures was denied in the Washington of the 1950s State Department officials who had carried mouse messages were condemned unjustly as communist traitors everybody who knew Mao who spoke Chinese was gone in the 1950s the State Department had no employees who spoke Chinese it's resulted in us not having relations with the number one most populous country in the world in 1979 this man Deng Xiaoping became China's paramount leader he said socialism does not mean shared poverty this was code for the most radical reform since Mao's revolution the return of capitalism to China but this time controlled by the Communist Party to be rich as glorious dane was reported as saying America was now threatened by the emergence of a vast image of itself this is one of the many very exclusive gated communities in Shanghai where an apartment is one of the prizes of the new communism I had arranged to see professor Zhang Wei Wei a close aide to the laid things out ping the man who changed China done is really extremely long turn visionary leader with exceedingly long turn a strategic vision for his country for his people Chinese do you follow in that path yeah actually this is really a tradition from China's long history you look at even like Mao he said we should you know surpass UK by which year we shall supply United States by which he here so the tradition continues to this the USA Jinping today is also doing the same actually what many Chinese have problem with Western media is this theory types about China if you are you contend with stereotypes you miss so many things you know if BBC broadcast something they are happy to always mention this communist dictatorship this autocracy now actually with this cotton label you know you cannot understand this China as it is but if you watch BBC ocam or read Economist and try to understand China it will be a failure it's impossible multiple parties fight for political power and everyone voting on them as the only path to salvation to the long-suffering necessarily educated in America not typical of a new confident outspoken Chinese political class now in China there a lot of problems but at the moment the Chinese the party state has proven an extraordinary ability to change I mean I make the joke how in America you can change political parties but you can't change the policies in China you cannot change the party but you can change policies in a 65 or 66 years China's being run by one single party yet the political changes that have taken place in China in this past 66 years have been wider and broader and greater than probably any other major country in modern memory so in that time China seems to be communist is that what you're saying well China is a market economy and the vibrant market economy but it is not a capitalist country here's why there's no way a group of billionaires to control the Politburo as billionaires control American policymaking so in China you have a vibrant market economy but capital does not rise above political authority capital is not does not have enshrined rights in America capital the interests of capital and capital itself has risen above the native the American nation the political authority cannot check the power of capital and that's why America is a capitalist country but China is not this is the ironic title of a best-selling book by Zhang Li Jie a journalist and critic who lives in Beijing many Americans imagine that a Chinese people live miserable repressed to life with no freedom whatsoever that's not quite so if you toss speak to many ordinary Chinese people they will tell you they feel their life are quite free some 500 million people being lifted out of poverty and someone would say probably 600 million people that's a great achievement for many Americans the Yellow Peril has never left them I think of the there's the fear about China of course there's a fear of China's rapid rise but it also has not to do with China's the label as a Communists and state China's objectives are modest compared with their weight they're not trying to run the world they're not even trying to run asia-pacific I think they want to keep America from dominating the asia-pacific so they have what they believe is their rightful place in asia-pacific because the lost civilization long history and their size so their objectives are really modest compared with their capacity the the wealth a new wealth in China they often say this is this is the product of self-made entrepreneurial skill but is it not also the product of the exploitation of people at the bottom what are known in China as migrants but they're not really migrants Chinese if you really you know go to talk to these migrant workers you will find quite surprisingly over the past five to seven years they have experienced greater income increase then any other social groups China not a car Society but China is a class Society these are the homes of migrant workers people who build and service the new China here it's not uncommon for three families to share one tiny flat you know you would associate a socialist country wizzy call with equality but unfortunately since the reform has started China has become one of the most unequal society in the world the income gap is widening government I feel have retreated some of the responsibilities left the markets to take over but the market does not always treat women kindly some private companies they were just refused to high child bearing age women and sometimes when women become pregnant they were second because they don't want to pay the maternity leave and in fact the income gap has grown much bigger between a man and woman you're no boss thongs Epping presided over the bloodshed in Tiananmen Square what would you say to the survivors of Tiananmen Square because so many of those did fight for what they saw as democratic change in China in 1989 there were two political forces one was those represented by the Chinese students their hero was Mihai Gorbachev who happened to be in Beijing mm-hmm their slogan was Soviet Union's today China's tomorrow mm-hmm so the idea was political reform first as a reform second otherwise channeled be hopeless and then smash you what you opposite he saw go Bertram was the idiot yeah he thought you know China must have economic reform first as a reform second this priority must be said clearly unfortunately at that particular moment in 1989 the two political forces could not reach a compromise so definitely a tragedy occurred yeah it was more than a tragedy it was a massacre of which the memory remains a raw presence in modern China why does the Chinese state still fear the few the few who speak out and I'm thinking of Lucille Ball exactly I mean there's a man won the Nobel Peace Prize and and he's in prison he's violating a Chinese law you know by a big margin so actually the free of expression similar views are aired by many people but he's really going to the extreme blue chapeau challenged the government to implement democratic reforms and the spent a total of 13 years in prison why can't a confident China accept a criticism like that so Nobel Peace Committee makes huge mistake the owe the Chinese an explanation if you cross the line costs you a violent Constitution you write so many laws you should be punished and yet in China today the spirit of protest and dissent lives on in different forms in 2015 strikes and community protests and activism reached record levels this resistance is seldom reported in the West so there lots of protests in China typically for example land being grabbed by officials - for commercial development and the farmers are not being compensated properly but the farmers now no more aware of their rights of the protest or young workers from the factory they demand a better wage of a better working condition but many of the protests there are economic driven not political driven they are regional not national right so this kind of things were unlikely developing into real movement or so-called you call that revolution so the Mao's revolution was the last revolution what Never Say Never [Laughter] the Japanese island of Okinawa is occupied by 32 military installations from here the United States is attacked Korea Vietnam Cambodia Afghanistan Iraq the sky is full of planes and helicopters wherever people go they are fenced in and told to keep out Okinawa is the frontline of a beckoning war with China aged 87 Fumiko shimabukuro is one of the leaders of a nonviolent resistance that's challenging Washington's pivot to Asia [Applause] since Oni needed to activate tonight there's another manual what's your nicotine anos Victor ki toh toss to the money not gonna go it soon as you ordered Fumiko is a survivor a quarter of the civilians on the island were killed in the American invasion in 1945 and a fear of war has been passed through the generations [Music] today those who witness these Horrors live in a place of extraordinary beauty surrounded by coral reefs and a unique marine life [Music] it was here in Henoko Bay that the survivors of World War two sought refuge and it's this they're now fighting to save it's an epic struggle that pits these Island people against the greatest military power on earth this is the office of a former governor of Okinawa Otto masa he D what he has done is create not so much a museum but an appeal to the outside world to understand the resistance in Okinawa to understand the suffering to read its hidden history it begins in 1945 when the Americans invaded here is General MacArthur arriving in Okinawa a second invasion happened ten years later in what became known as the bulldozers and bayonets campaign American forces seized prime agricultural land burned farm houses and killed livestock the dispossessed people of Okinawa marched the length of Japan appealing for help this fall is devoted to a resistance in Okinawa that never ceases everywhere people go on the island they are confronted by this sign it tells them they must not go past this fence topped with barbed wire these fences run like great ribbons across the island and the bases themselves cuffs ways across Okinawa but all around them are people with this continuing demonstration this continuing resistance and they have a message it's people of the world watch what Japan and the US are doing don't let them force the bases are organized the system you know I talk saying good to talk stomach region looks to tell me yeah that we picked up at all you don't say well how many can attest a kimono 18 I am in economy eco okay 9ue comes to do there are so many ties to Harrogate at the Santo I mean you can you know it secret too much today yes well so punny company Google Rojo code school Dominique she got nickimja same absolute your destiny Google motor aha it could - you mean you are gorillas there's only one on a canoe zero medicine yeah I canna in such crap so secure deny can occur up she saw this new you got you have to go to university must Sony Nikon a colossus oil that certificate you talking intestine in jus gonna say na'ka'leen optical to you you already illness me all this will be lost when much of the baby comes concrete runways for bombers at Camp Schwab the huge US Marine base behind this fence in 2014 Okinawa elected a new government takishi inaka who won by a landslide on one issue stopping a new base at Honoka this was election nice was outside the American base at Camp Schwab but you gotta jump on it so no wonder what the New Year's celebration of their victory was bittersweet the government in Tokyo presented this unprecedented challenge to its authority the issue is now in the Japanese courts japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abbey has also made clear that were the backing of his powerful patron America he wants to reawaken Japanese nationalism and reclaim its military power while we were filming the ceremony outside the base on a day where people paid respect to their department loved ones a giant American helicopter circled above us intimidating the threat of these low-flying aircraft is a constant presence in Okinawa teachers often can't teach because of the noise and the fear [Music] this was the carnage when an American fighter crashed into a primary school after the pilot had ejected the safety [Laughter] Haru Akira 8:7 was terribly burned Korean / jo ujong coca-cola so the day I know missile that pucara mastizaade in Ghana so no cut capita is a conical just beat the kill achievements in the day near Monaco neat and Aikido dokoni token and the cotton discern Itachi so they annoy Stoker ah ah kun hua so we all need to tell to you I wish to God I could imagine a mess your toilet instead it occurred I know yeah okay yakety do you understand now kiddo yeah okay ma stop me moved it up in Okaloosa cool table but look under yaki yeah Geeta and Reggie Sangha yes and I forget they do George I did stop Paris takutai did Akira's suffered throughout his youth and died from his injuries age 21 another tragedy waits to happen on Okinawa US military aircraft have been involved in 44 accidents on the island the latest threat is this hybrid plane the Osprey notorious for its safety issues [Music] [Music] wherever the military is based in Asia there is a relationship with local people especially women that often breathes resentment in Okinawa this resentment ignited a riot in 1970 scores of American GIs were pulled from their cars which were set alight for Washington and it's compliant Ally in Tokyo it's this kind of insurrection but they fear during the making of this film a young woman was raped and murdered allegedly by an American military contractor from one of the bases island this is a mace missile designed to carry a nuclear warhead during the Cold War the United States secretly installed nuclear weapons at this launch pad in Okinawa most of them were aimed at China today the nuclear missile site is run by a buddhist organization the Soka Gakkai as a peace museum in 1962 the atomic weapons are oil on the missile was almost launched the room was launched yeah according to the spokesman of this military base said they were ordered to prepare then received second order to stop it one of the American servicemen his job was to fire the mace missiles has since revealed that China was a nuclear target during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 we were told that we had to launch all the missiles but we only had one missile headed towards Russia and we did not see why we should have to involve the other countries the captain suggested that everybody cracked the doors open so it would take less time to launch a missile that the doors were cracked open one of the launch crews was on the point of firing them missiles when a duty officer suspected the order was false they also shown to be silenced Oh send two men over there was 45s and to shoot anybody that tried to launch until situation was resolved and it would only take like 1520 seconds to run the distance between the two of command centers so those two men kept that whole crew at bay well we made a decision as what to do and it wasn't very long maybe two or three seconds later we're a very nervous major came over the intercom is suing the stand down order and then we just looked at each other all right we could have exterminated the whole planet the major who had given the launch order was quietly court-martialed and dismissed from the Air Force that morning is just as familiar to me and as clear as yesterday morning is and this is 53 years later and how clear and blue the sky was and it was just something very light clouds and there was a perfect breeze blowing a perfect temperature I did not know what the temperature was but it's just felt perfect and we were all just kind of taking it in and taking in the smell of the air and the sea and the land mixed it together and everything smells so beautiful this is very interesting because it shows the cities in China where these mace missiles were they met yes which which ones do we have here this Okinawa Island so within 2,000 kilometers you find akima Beijing Chien UK and Hong Kong Shanghai is Taiwan Taipei and Kong young North Korea within the range of missile [Music] this is the work of the Okinawan sculptor Kinjo Maduro it's a tribute to the suffering and resistance of the people of this island more than a thousand miles away on the Korean island of Jeju these symbols of struggle are hauntingly similar the work of Korean sculptor Co Gil Chun represents another fight of Island people for freedom [Music] a semi-tropical sanctuary of unusual beauty Jeju Island is a world heritage site the government of South Korea declared it an island of world peace but on this island of peace has been built one of the most provocative military bases in the world less than 400 miles from Shanghai like Okinawa and the Marshall Islands this is America's front line in its so-called pivot to Asia here in once unspoiled Gangjeong village the South Korean navy has built a base for American aircraft carriers nuclear submarines and destroyers equipped with the aegis ballistic missile aimed at China's defenses China's lifelines to the world in oil trade resources depend on shipping that comes through choke points like this the u.s. pivot end of the Asia Pacific is really intended to create the ability to put a loaded gun to the head of China and say you know you will do as we say otherwise we will be able to restrict we will be able to shut down choke off your importation of oil and other resources [Applause] [Music] for nine years every day often twice a day these Catholic priests have staged the mass that blocks the gates of the new military face on jg-1 in a country where political demonstrations can be easily religions Jeong Runa has led the fight the pace being built and several times suffered serious injury I sing for summers in everything before mastering the mess at the end of the mass and the end of the Rosary yeah the the content of song is very beautiful the the writer and the composer is the musician from this island so I love him very much and he gave me the song if I practice and I became a master to sing that song because I practice everything he truly do you see it with such passion sometimes and we just reached typhoon we could take on the strap did you sing then - you have a mass when the typhoon right oh yeah getting no exemption what will happen if this base becomes operational they have destroyed the environment that destroyed life of villages no we should be witness of that oppression violence to me what do they do it well they direct new destiny very holy area right they'd like to make a china isolated in this career it is US government want to be enter of this world meanwhile a Quaker called mr. o joins them with his own ritual of protest accompanied by an artist called wild flower or told us enemy somebody better Avenue on the case patek a few days on our guitar today with their new position they will matter Chris or charity a certain tone etiqueta care who is not well parents have all the baggage trick we are Toto Japan easily dongsung Arizona Cardinal CJ Roku Deepika when somewhat a whip still honey's right thing Toronto or torn gijiba Ambika gay bi transgender a Sonicare grass or pivotal Casa de naranja bandeau tanto tanto totoro burgundy chica you tracer Kazuto non รจ tutto ebbe Jima is home some yeah sorry hunter all something back to the children day - patreon battle McGraw Hill Country ano natsu Tanana with determine a tunic - Jane you need a job done do become harder tomorrow your personal clunky aerosol yeah Duncan Ramirez another him this is the center of an empire that never speaks its name whose power is represented in this extraordinary world map of American military bases 4,000 bases in the United States almost a thousand bases spread across every continent the archipelago of Empire the bases that we have around the world hidden in plain sight either the real territory of our empire but at the same time we maintain independent governments in Japan or South Korea or Germany they don't have autonomy when it comes to foreign policy so it's a very sophisticated and effective system where whereby we pat ourselves on the back for helping to Midwife democracy and Japan and Germany and South Korea and various other places while keeping the lid on in that we don't know what these countries would do if they were fully independent and and the beauty of this system is that most people pay no attention to it at all they think it's just the natural occurrence to have 50,000 American troops in in Japan there's no country that has better anti-imperial credit cred then the United States and we are not trying to recreate the glories of the British Empire we're arguing that the world is round we have a global policy and all nations have global rights no ocean has ever been dominated the way the u.s. dominates the Pacific Navy and Air Force they claim in the Pearl Harbor headquarters of the Pacific Command they claim to be responsible for 52 percent of the earth surface and when you look at their logo it shows an eagle over the Aleutian Islands with one tail on coming down somewhere near Seattle and the other coming down right over Beijing so Beijing looks at a network of bases a real archipelago of Empire that's been built up since the Korean War you have had and still have an arc of a basis that start in Australia and go through notice if ik we have no basis in Australia you have Pine Gap you have Darwin and you have a new facility in Western Australia no to speak precisely we have no military bases in Australia what we do is operate with and in Australian bases yeah but we're not in the basing business nowadays there's a growing collection of what are referred to as lilypad bases these are bases that have typically to 300 troops no family members very few amenities and are often quite secretive their bases that are frequently constructed within a foreign country's base to disguise it and and generally are not referred to as bases many of these bases have been set up to combat China's worldwide economic influence from these bases the United States operates a secret army in a hundred and forty seven countries if you're gonna be a free country rather than given every gangster regime in the world you're gonna have to take a risk because those gangsters they want to they they want to eliminate good people in the world so they can have an in China they want to dominate all of all of the Far East they want to dominate just like Japan wanted to before World War two their goal was to dominate that part of the world today the because there has been no political reform in Beijing these guys want to dominate a huge chunk of the planet why light struggle and Rukavina business is served on America's national defense channel he's a military strategist and war planner you've written that airstrikes and naval blockades have a role to play in punishing China you've described the need for sea mines you've described the need for special forces u.s. special forces and missiles placed in islands this sounds like a preparation for war our our first president George Washington said if you want peace prepare for war and essentially what the United States is doing again is responding to provocative behavior on the part of China and just as we did in the Cold War the idea was to have a position of military strength such that your adversaries were not tempted to act in aggressive ways or try and employ coercion to get their way maybe just last week the US Navy sent a guided missile destroyer in to the Spratly Islands and South China Sea and what was different about this I think was that Chinese fighters scrambled that sounds like an escalator well the again from an American perspective the the escalation was the Chinese speeding to militarize these islands in the first place move it's military capabilities doubt into that region engaging in provocative behavior against the commercial activities and military forces of other minor countries in the region that have claim to those islands so it's a response to Chinese intimidation rather excuse me how is commerce being intimidated in the South China Sea there have been no military forces no military bases there the China except the United States military base not in the South China Sea and not even in the Philippines because the United States withdrew its forces in the Philippines but the United States is back in the Philippines the Philippines and the United States have announced five different locations scattered all throughout the Philippines where US troops will be stationed on a rotational basis this threat to China from yet more US bases on its doorstep was not an issue when an arbitration tribunal ruled against China's claims to the strategic Spratly Islands in the South China Sea in 2015 the US Navy rehearsed a blockade that would cut China's lifelines of oil and trade and raw materials the danger of confrontation grows by the day the US Navy is on the doorstep of China regardless of disputed islands and is there with low draft ships planes battle groups it's right on the doorstep what if Chinese ships what if the equivalent was off California well John we ask ourselves that question regularly and it's it's important to put yourself in the other guys shoes yeah so look we don't operate in the Pacific in an effort to scare China to contain China to backfoot China our operations in our presence first of all is warmly welcomed by the vast majority of the coastal States but secondly is fully accepted by the Chinese time after time is it excuse me is it fully accepted yes mine prayer by their by their words the China star says scared and this is what they're scared of a new sub base is right around China missiles bombers drones warships a provocation of war today I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons under Obama nuclear warheads spending is risen higher than under any president since the end of the Cold War it's all a magician's show because at the same time that Obama is talking about that not only is he spending a trillion dollars to modernize US nuclear forces but he's deploying these missile defense systems to encircle Russia and China which makes it impossible to get rid of nuclear weapons in that climate everybody wants to look like they're tough see I got to be tough I got to show you know I'm not afraid of doing anything military I'm not afraid of threatening I'm you know I'm a hairy chested gorilla and you know and you don't want to look like you're weak so what you do is you talk more and more aggressively and and you let and if you don't want to do it yourself because you maybe think it doesn't look very presidential you let somebody under you do the talking and we have gotten into a state the United States has gotten into a situation where there's a lot of military you know saber-rattling and its really being orchestrated from the top you know this seems incredibly dangerous all of this that's an understatement I think but I agree when you routinely plan for mass murder you've become conditioned to it that's what this is we accept it oh yeah we haven't had nuclear weapons the defense secretary he's just announced that there will be warships and Special Forces and planes sent to the Philippines and the Wall Street Journal has described this as the vanguard of a major US presence in Southeast Asia that sounds like where does this end what's what's the purpose I mean where are we gonna stop this process before it starts to war and then if the worst starts where does that end [Music] the scientific studies that I teach by the scientists that predict that the earth can be made essentially uninhabitable from nuclear war the scientists have been begging the Obamas tration well they wouldn't say begging but they've made multiple requests to meet with them discuss these predictions because they're peer-reviewed studies and they've been turned down over and over again they've been peripherally told that well we don't think the long-term environmental consequences of nuclear war all that important if the immediate effects of nuclear war don't stop it but the long-term environmental consequences of nuclear or reliable to wipe out the human race in oneexchange nuclear exchange between the US and China what could be the consequences well let me just give you an example of what one Chinese four or five Megaton warhead would do to a city in the United States forgot through the detonation of that weapon over our city would instantly ignite about six or seven hundred square miles on fire and within 20 to 30 minutes all of those fires would coalesce into a single gigantic firestorm there'd be no escape from it so all the people there would perish so the u.s. with say hundreds of nuclear weapons on Chinese cities well when you combine all the smoke from these nuclear weapons detonating it actually creates millions of tons of black carbon smoke will rise above cloud level into the stratosphere it's heated by the Sun it's acts like a solar collector and that smoke because of that will stay there for ten years or longer and what the smoke does is to block swarming sunlight from reaching the surface of the earth and it become so cold in a matter of just a couple of weeks that will the temperatures will fall below freezing every day for one to three years and it will become too cold to grow food crops for at least ten years or longer I mean there's this like a total disconnect with the changing world you have a giant rising power in this case China why would you expect a giant rising power to not want to have more control over its destiny what we should be doing in my view is trying to cultivate a sense of friendship and cooperation and we can have our differences with them if we think they're doing something in trade that we don't like let's have it out with them but this saber-rattling is the worst thing we can possibly do it is time to show the whole world that America is back bigger and better and stronger than ever before we don't have victories anymore we used to have victories but we don't have them when was the last time anybody saw us beating let's say China in a trade deal they kill us we can't continue to allow China to rape our country and that's what they're doing it's the greatest theft in the history of the world the new President Donald Trump has a problem with China the urgent question now is will Trump continue with the provocations revealed in this film and take us all to the edge of war there never have been two countries more interdependent on each other than China in the u.s. in history and China is the largest trading nation in the world and in history so China's economy and and their society their lives are linked to the entire world including America and the West and law and all the other countries so so I think interdependence between these two countries and among all the nations of the world speak to peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't have to accept the word of those who conjure up threats and false enemies that justify the business and profit of war if we recognize there is another superpower and that's us ordinary people everywhere like the people of Okinawa Jeju Island the Marshall Islands China the United States by speaking out they deliver a warning to all of us can we really afford to be silent we meet again don't know where don't know where but I know we meet again some sunny day smiling through just like you always do till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away so will you please say hello to the folks that I know tell them I won't be long they'll be happy to know that is you saw me gone I was singing this song we meet again don't no way don't know why but I know we meet again some sunny day I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Story Documentary Channel
Views: 2,165,873
Rating: 4.4476943 out of 5
Keywords: documentaries, odisea, documentos tv, full, documentary, films, true, story, coming war on china, pacific
Id: vAfeYMONj9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 39sec (6759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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