The Collection: John Shanks

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[Music] [Applause] hey everybody marketing neesee here for gibson TV and today were in the neighborhood of Los Angeles California with producer John Shanks now John's got over sixty million albums sold worldwide 45 number-one hits he's even won the Grammy for producer of the year and you better bet with career stats like that comes an epic guitar collection what you are about to see may shock you this is the collection at John Shanks [Music] well Gibson's what's up my brother's place man dank come enjoy welcome we got some guitars to look at we have a lot of guitars come on let's do it alright so let me show you this room this is very special room this closet closet closet or maybe it's so come on in here a lot of cool stuff in here you can tell them blue Pelham blue blue trenee Pelham blue Trini we got a black es 355 custom it was Johnny Mars guitar let's love that guitar and lots of Les Paul's in here and lots of Deluxe's you know there was a wine cellar that I converted into a guitar cellar yeah room what goes in this room cuz I know you've got stuff kind of spread through Studios and stuff is this like the Home Collection the stuff you need close by I mean obviously there's safes here that some of the super vintage stuff is in yeah and then stuff that I love and collect and sometimes I just want to keep them closer yeah I just like him nearby I keep losing focus because of this crate behind me that's it that's a factory black es 355 is it yeah so this was Johnny Mars from the Smiths and have the original pickups that were in it he put at some point because of the Smith's heat can split the pickups so it came this way with a it's interesting because these are nickel parts I have another one here there was a sixty that you'll see there's gold parts is it like a one of one or something or the one yeah the six the sixty is one of one of one and I have the book and I can't find the book where it has the ledger I think we were going to try and I think say that we were gonna try and find the ledger again so it's it's pretty rare the trainee is okay that's it example that's another can we grab when I see a few Pelt and blue guitars in here when when did you get hip - I think you know when you start getting into guitars you know you start going okay so you know there's the fender car culture and then this was part of that where they would take these great card colors and it's really clean just yeah the story behind this is is actually crazy because this is what you know early days of eBay and I'd saved it as a search yeah somehow I got a notification and I clicked on it and it didn't listed like a minute you know just look and so I somehow reached out to the gentleman I didn't believe it was because it was so clean that it was real yeah and then he started here he started sending me pictures of him playing in and bad the ban so he plays every Monday night in the same club so when even when I bought the guitar in the case was pictures of him in the 60s playing it with the same gal and then you know like a contemporary picture of the same gal in the same band and then the sweetest thing is then he wrote me this letter telling me what he did with the money it was it was so amazing that he gave each of his kids money and he went out and he bought himself like a great custom shot Les Paul yeah Pelham SG this is what 65 60 65 star ID so wide that's an amazing guitar nylon saddles nickel parts this is a great guitar I'm you know I I use that a lot you take this stuff out yeah I take this this was these are great TV guitars - well I used this when we did Ellen DeGeneres a couple years ago and I played it on Ellen and but I know when I'm testing amps or pedals and I know this guitar I know what it sounds like and sonically it just is it's just a beautiful guitar this has ever seen a 12 yeah it's a 12 string melody maker SG Pelham blue blue really blue that's blue this didn't get any fade on you right green I mean whoever had this just you know he's not really played it live so it wasn't out in the Sun a lot it wasn't in a window so the blue is is seriously blue 12-string and very inexpensive you know that I mean I think yeah it's the Pelham blue gateway drug yeah that's that you're way to that taste yeah yeah and then the other Gibson's in here are like a eighties explorer 79 70s explorer like a Carlton 68 the neck it's like a bit what is the deal with these things it's did you I felt what he really cared about these fur oh I found this in the early 2000s it was one of those my studio was right near Guitar Center and this is when you know that's dangerous lo and behold just on the wall was this guitar and you know they have to get a ladder and bring it down I put my head on the neck and I plugged it in and I was like you know oh the Bicentennial Firebird yeah those are great it's a clean guard sometimes that guard gets 76 but this is these are the pickups and this is I don't know if it's known from what I've heard this is what Neil Young has in his Oh black yeah this is is this year this pickup so it's not an old 60s Firebird pickup it's actually from out of a this this era but it's it's a great recording guitar I mean it just mean those pickups are magical Wow you know this is a favorite of mine too and I just get up with up with the hungry the humbucker yeah pickup in the back see the great thing about these you can slide these you could buy the set do the thing in the back and pop it up so I liked that when I found this it actually had the humbucker which I actually really liked because I didn't have to worry about them you know yeah so this is a conversion this is really amazing so this is like kind of this was a 53 but just I mean old wood its size it's that's a great guitar too because it's you know people some people frown at these but you know I have no trouble taking this out playing way yeah yeah it's it's a tool it's a shovel you know you know we should do we should go in the safe and take a closer look of what I got in there can we bring them out - absolutely let's do that Oh brown cases brown cases brown cases now dude we can start going through what's yeah pull some out and yeah let's do all right man it's time for brown cases I'm very excited yeah yeah open it up guy up yeah oh yeah so that's a 59 this is a that's got some color on it still too got this thing this was found in Germany drew Berlin actually found this for me call me from Germany and he said I think I found your guitar I said I didn't really care for that issue just meaning that it was a reef rat because I knew to really use it all the time I would probably have to refresh it and end up going for it when was this how long ago this was probably 2003 2004 so you've been in the burst game now for a little bit how many different ones have you had come through your possession since you started doing have you sold something bought some salt some kind of yeah I've always kept this one there's there's there's three that that I ended up keeping there was a couple others that I had that I sold the guitar when I played it I was like oh man and this is thing you know you there's songs in here I just knew right away so I've used this a lot and a lot of records I love it [Music] Brown cases keep coming here let's see do it that's got all the color still now that's a sixty but it's a very very it's a sixty with 59 appointments they you know is this the one that your collective choice right this was collector's choice number seven can see the back so it's you know has some we're here and Grover's and Grover's this was supposedly this was Nick Mars's don't you can let me feel the neck it's definitely a chunkier neck yeah so this would be what we call version one of the sixty a and the three different kind of neck right with a little of the red or burgundy if you want to fill the 59 Bell knobs on it instead of the reflectors right again early an amazing amazing instrument I mean the you can tell this is just a handmade guitar just you can feel the love and this and these pickups are beautifully balanced and how long have you had this one I've had this probably since 2006 what's it feel like - like amp up a real burst in like Madison Square it's amazing does that really add to the vibe of the show that night he does you know I mean Richie brought his 59 out I remember when he would do it and so yeah I'll bring this on the road this year amazing beautiful guitar oh damn that's clean yeah so that's a 58 dark back all the 58 I've ever seen her dark backs I don't know if that's just a finger but you can hear one pretty light this might be the best sounding Les Paul I know all the gold tops tend to be my favorite sounding guitars even more than bursts I know that's sacrilegious to say about the gold tops here first off the gold is just stunning and it's really clean laying that's a clean it's been played but the the tone on this is just beautiful beautiful guitar and you know so 57 s you know al Eco - this is right at the transition so this is the beginning of 58 and then obviously in the middle of you know where the that started you know the transition so then you so this is probably the first half of I think this is this a few serial numbers away from being a burst right so this is thirty one thirty eight so eight thirty one thirty eight so I I mean I guess you know we could could head could it definitely - guitars later or five could have been a sunburst so but you can feel it it's not it's pretty not super light but it's probably eight or five just-just frets on this thing perfect yeah it's just perfect thing about these guitars when you roll the volume back and they really clean up so that's really I I love about what I love about them they're very musical musical pickups but I love that guitar so that's that's one of my favorite guitars for sure can't wear so okay let's keep going more to see all right so this guitar Brown case different shape Brown case slightly larger shape one of one it's all gonna say intrigued oh shut up so that's a mono es 355 black from nineteen sixty that is sick so this is you know you can see all gold I could sell 12 of these tomorrow if you could make twelve of them appear they would all be gone like this is a guitar that like every guitar collector like longs for these are like and this is one of this is one of one that they did in 1960 where did it come from how did you find it this was a fluke this was where I think I'd saved it on a search from John G base and an eBay and it was like a dream I set the alert up that it like it popped like something yeah and at first when I think I was in a session happen and in between writing like the the you know starting to write the second verse and there's a lot of chaos in the room and and you know I was like pop you know programming and programming sins and all of a sudden I'm like huh and and everyone's like oh we gotta do this it's like totally praying and I'm cold and I'm I can't I'm doing this as the sessions going on and I'm reading and I'm gonna keep reading it and you know someone's yelling at me and I'm like I go hold on and I make the call I mean for those people who don't know that the significance being not only the color that it's a custom color but the factory mono part about it cuz normally es350 five would have a very very tone control in it stereo output correct when it's mono now it's basically just like a 335 which we have over there there's a 63/45 to that one - in a second but man there's something about those guitars that I just love 68 custom with a 50 watt plexi and you're good that's I mean when you look at the ledger I believe this is the only one from 60 so I just kind of I played if I know I'm doing guitar overdubs and it's just me and my engineer and I'm doing stuff so yeah awesome guitar killer it's unbelievable let's keep going I have not seen okay so open this case oh boy it's kind of crazy what is that so that is a 1967 custom-ordered rasp all standard with a wraparound and p90s what in black in black and so one of one where the hell did you find that so this was oh my god this this is you know you know he's when you know you're reading norms books yeah you're like oh you're the story of guys in parking lots and no this was a parking lot that he'll so I was leaving Costa Mesa yeah show the guitar show and Costa Mesa and I saw this guy with a case and I just was like what's in the case and he goes oh it's is crazy and he started talking talking about the guitar and he pulls it out and I'm I'm like you know I'm looking at the serial numbers and and we worked out a deal I mean it's it's I mean it's clean except this is where is this not played yeah it's it's been played and rad is what it is silver tops wraparound p90s black but it's a less positive or anything single bond rosewood it's not evany so and then the rap tail throws me for a total loop too because yeah that's yeah you know Matic it's just crazy that it's still out there this weird stuff right like an anomaly it's a so it's obviously somebody custom ordered this plate it but not over plate it and still retains the I mean even the back and it's really clean so if you see the headstock is I mean it's just I mean oval ooh no they pollute there's it's an it's narrow it's a one-piece neck it's it's just such an interesting thing the fact that technically they didn't start Gibson didn't start making Les Paul or less follows until 68 so that this is dated 67 is super rare I mean I I don't know I can't mean it's a two nematic away and a gold top paint from being a six yeah I wonder if it's like a prototype where they are prototype or they started yeah it's not heavy yeah so really interesting guitar it's so cool alright cool keep going to add something something special in here yeah something very special isn't there oh wow so that is immitis it's top edge table whose name is that honor James Honeyman Scott this I purchased from Peggy Sue Honeyman Scott who was married to James and this was his main guitar and I'm a big fan of James is playing so everyone was trying to undercut her and and kind of take cake take advantage of her slightly and I said listen you know you don't know me but you know let me help you I'm a fan of your husband's and let me help you sell these guitars and finally she had a buyer in Japan and she came to the studio personally to pick it out and then we were talking about it and I said what is he offering you and and she told me the price and I just said lists and is there any wiggle room is there any and she I feel comfortable how about this and I said okay fine and she was she burst into tears and because and I understand why because it was the last last thing last thing from her husband that she loved so much and she wrote me this beautiful letter and gave me a couple of his cowboy shirts and some t-shirts and it's just an it's an exquisite yeah these are it's amazing guitar and I use this record with this and they're amazing guitars and you know they've reassure these now but there's there's something about handmade guitars and you know you can feel the same attention to detail went into this this guitar or all his guitars just like those yeah there are the Gibson absolutely so it's such an it's still an art form with these guys and but pretty clean I mean you can see it's been played obviously a lot you can see his belt scratching on it but a great guitar so we're here at the studio and these are obviously tools of the trade that I keep here that I that we use a lot when I'm recording different artists and Bon Jovi and for example but so here I'll just quickly show you this we saw the Blue Train we saw the blue one there's actually a red one the other room but this is a black one and the only other black one I'd ever I've ever seen rusty Anderson I believe had has one so I had another one that I sold to get this one and then I ended up getting that one back because it was such a great recording guitar so love his guitar that I actually found in London 6050 959 yeah so this has the Alexus term on it Brian Ray was showing me this when we were going through his yeah so I have those on a lot of my juniors and a lot of certain even strats I have a mod where because I love these guitars and but when you play live like with Bon Jovi or when he's playing with McCartney you know you can't have that home on a huge so what's great about these I have a fifty three gold top that it's actually upstairs that I use on the row with the band but we have the illage system and what's great about is that there's a screw in here that you can adjust how much trim Potkin is a trim pot and you can adjust how much it's it's cutting off that that ground hum this is cool this is like an 82 Gibson reissued the 335 they went back to the more fifty-nine specs yeah you know people were like you know you know it's a smart buy is you go buy like an a 80 I think it's they started in 81 yeah right around there so I like I just got the plate an old custom plate for this I mean yeah I'm gonna put that on there these are real PAF's my old Bigsby but look at the back of the guitar and look who signed that that's Keith Richards I was playing this guitar and he's like I love the sound of that guitar and I was like great sign it yeah and he goes got a pen nice and so he signed it for me and so but this a guy I've used this guitar a lot on records because of the way this there's there's a treble bleed cap on this guitar so when I roll my Vaughn down it really keeps the high end it's attack yeah yeah there's a certain value of treble bleat it's like a peak of it's a cap that I like that I put on humbuckers a lot so it keeps the clarity in the chime and this guitar actually has it so I can get almost kind of tele ish tones out of this guitar and what the Bigsby it's it's it's what's this Jekyll Oh Rickenbacker here is that list that looks like it's got some age yeah that's from it's a 66 just of my ummah my campbell fan and petty fan I just love these toaster pickups and yeah it just has that sound there's nothing else really sound that's a Capri up there thick body uh thick body Capri and my 6512 string Ricky those are you know again these are all just tools and like you know it's like having a pea base and a Ricky bass a 4001 yeah is this cart me and if we go down there's just lots of Telly's and strats zip custom color custom color twelve fender twelve hockey-stick love these yeah this is the stairway 12 that is yes that's what Jimmy Page she's done a lot all the 12 string that people think are the SG it's actually this so Beck's bolero is actually it's a 12 string fender beach boys a lot of the really cool people back that you know he got will neck was made so that they could do it live exactly dude real just how many petals I mean if you know I don't guess they're ever it's like no so this is so that we're still just in this room there's there's still other you know it is I love sound if you had to put a number on how many stompboxes I you think you own uh I don't know I don't know you know when you're producing and making records I'm always trying to find a sometimes it's like you start to know sound yeah so you just go oh let's try oh you Ernie Isley some which is the jet phaser and that's you know that that that tone and you know I'm obviously a big right cooter fan this Cooper caster there this has made it Carter guitars national these guys made me this guitar what is this pickups that's a that's a like a Ricky lap-steel pickup in a gold foil but the word where he places them it's kind of where I places that's his the sweet spot rate slide guitar I make no excuses dude I mean there's so many guitars what do you have a Cousteau you have to have it come on oh sure come on let's go yeah here we go so acoustics so a huge fan of Gibson acoustic guitars and probably the two that I used the most I would say first number one is this hummingbird 63 show CROs records first cut is the deepest all the Michelle Branch record it's all a lot of Melissa Etheridge stuff Fleetwood Mac mmm I mean I've used this one everything all the Bon Jovi records what is it so just the way it sits in the midle Accords it's just it's just the perfect for electric rock just hummingbirds are great this is a 1938 j35 pre-war Gibson's yeah this is an amazing amazing [Music] great recording guitar let's say these two just if I'm doing finger picking stuff that I use that probably more you know this is what's great about these is that they're very accessible they have that you know sound and they're affordable yeah what is that a 512 512 rosewood yeah yeah that's know I know my guilds tooth so then for years I tried to find another hummingbird that was close to that that one and this is a 64 it's it's great it it gets pretty close to that one but slightly different so but I you I love this as well and then Gibson at one point he made a 12-string total incoming bird a 12 string bass with it this is coming off you can see but that I ended up basically stealing from the show don't think you're getting it because you're now it's not coming back and it's not coming back then it's just like banner banner lg1 then I have an LG 3 downstairs this actually has a little issue right there it needs to be fixed but great great guitar - and then a Gallagher which Nashville Tom Booga I think has a 12 string of Gallagher and this is a six string I mean really wide neck beautiful sounding recording acoustic that I'd love as well yeah so those are kind of my main acoustic guitars and but the Gibson's are super important to me and then then there's more the obviously at the Martin but so I'm pretty covered here as far as my q6 but it's not like stompboxes but you got it you've got a nice little the film know what your these when they're this great you don't need in here let's see we have think I was saying this is that our staple pickups table pickup Charlie Christian and this was Tom Luke evacs that I I got reef reddit by Glaser and Nashville's an amazing guitar killer it's this strat it looks like it's C man this strat is amazing so this I also found this in Ireland and there's a crazy story behind this guitar but it's I love this strat it's one of my favourite strats and it's it's it's on loan to me over this it's this crazy story where hopefully we can figure out the final solution number 56 strat I love ya black beauty yeah I love this guitar just had this worked on recently worked on the frets obey all they need your frets and then they're killing we just went through that and fixed up so there you go there's a and more pedals and more pedals yeah so everything in all of these rooms all the whole studio all wires down to the control play acoustic guitar in this room and then there's a mic there's a panel and then that go down to the main yeah and the drums up here and the keyboards everything is wired to go to the control room downstairs that was the whole idea of the house so killer so there you go there's one in my world so this the main control room here at the studio you can see API sidecar Helios EMI Mike pries wait wait wait EMI Mike this is yeah so this is from Abbey Road that's like a chant that's like a sea route of accounts out of the console right at Abbey Road promotion way these are m69 so kind of what was in the stones mobile truck so when Zeppelin exile Main Street those those records you know like I'll pull it I can switch out the heads to jour so to speak so like an AC 30 can go to an AC 30 cabinet out there and the Dumble goes to a Dumbo cabinet and more guitars and more guitars so this is like this is like the quiver a this is like the day-to-day I used no I use these a lot so 68 cost dot over here has the dot in the eye you basically want the long ten in one piece next one piece body the dot over the I this is a so I love this guitar use the start all the time love this Trini I love the Bigsby I love the nylon saddles it's super microphonic these pickups yeah just the whole guitar is a livewire it's a live wire this 61 335 that I bought from Albert Manero back in the like mm I think I bought this guitar and I can you know I mean I go through periods right just use these two or three guitars yeah it sort of blackguard that is a black art 52 what what is the neck so this guitar was oh mighty so this is the sincere numbers 1 3 3 8 oh yeah so this what a - 52 52 but the neck is actually from an Esquire that belongs to a body that that's on the road right now and our gear just came back but I didn't like so I swapped the body so the neck - this guitar do you understand yeah yeah ok so I swapped the two the only drag is you know your it kind of so yeah all the edges have lost their the wood is literally just worn down but it's a it's fine if you're recording yeah if you're playing live it kind of it's not the one it's not the one is that said yes - is that real yeah that's a real of P bass 63 the P now called Oh at the tortoise guard damn yeah that's where did this come from I found that in London as well you know that's how much I you know all the Fiesta stuff there I love them whole Hank Marvin thing I think oh that would be Sam in pink they would call it over there I put flat wounds on it and it's it's fantastic basis yeah so which is great so when I get to record some of my favorite bass players in town like you know whether it's Pino or Bob globe or Chris Chaney or Paul Bushnell here yeah you know it's like there you go and so I have a couple basis that I know or even when Hugh McDonald from Bon Jovi comes in and plays bass he just shows up because I have a bunch of bases that he loves and so it just comes and we have a great time and I have an SVT he plays through it no we're good to go so killer you go alright so this is kind of a live room obviously down more acoustics jadiel 18 this is actually a little mini 112 sue Pro wahoos is that like the Keith that's like the Keith waters are exactly the Keith Allahu and this is exactly the Keith bandmaster 50 10 310 and then underneath here if I open this up this room in here has all the 4 by 12 I sewed out I sowed out and there's an SVT in there and so like literally the house was built this room was this whole house was read but done to just every single room was for like it was dirt went from floor to ceiling dirt and we cleaned this all out and this is what led us to decide yeah this can work Wow that's it there's nothing else there's nothing else if there is a bit more but well they're touring trunks out on the road yeah sorry no offense everyone's gone to bed it's like pretty incredible I want to thank you for opening up the house and the studio ties you're blowing blowing my mind with some of this stuff John Shanks thanks you guys for watching we'll see you next time on the collection [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Gibson TV
Views: 213,099
Rating: 4.8600583 out of 5
Keywords: Gibson Guitars, Gibson Guitars 2020, Gibson TV, Mark Agnesi, Gibson The Collection, John Shanks, Bon Jovi, Gibson Les Paul, Gibson SG, Gibson Hummingbird, Gibson Guitar Demo, Gibson Guitar Demo 2020, Gibson Explorer, Johnny Marr, Mick Mars, Michelle Branch, Sheryl Crow, Gibson Trini Lopez, vintage guitar, joe bonamassa, guitar collection, rig rundown, premier guitar, normans rare guitars, guitar of the day, recording studio, fender, martin guitars
Id: PJyOnw2U2wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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