THE COLLECTION IS COMPLETE! (Genshin Impact Summons)

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i guess we're good to go hello everyone let's go look at the banner first of all there he is secretum secretorum i butchered that and uh for the first time ever we actually have two you know special character banners going on at the same time they have the same three stars in there generally i would say eula banner because in my well i don't know i can't really say much about albedo because i don't have him yet if i were to guess i'd say more people are going to be summoning on eula's banner eula is a beast uh we also have um freedom sworn coming back the um kazua sword and uh song of broken pines did we have that one before this is an old one okay i know freedom sworn uh is definitely a rerun but it looks almost exactly the same just bigger cause claymore eula old weapon ah wait maybe i do remember it now i don't think we're gonna go for weapon summons although freedom sworn pretty pog kinda do you want that for my casual honestly were you pulling for albedo yeah i mean i don't know albedo is probably awesome i never really looked into them because i don't have them and i'm like i don't care i don't have them so first of all we got to complete the collection we got to get our albedo if we have at least not horrible luck on albedo banner then we'll try for freedom sworn i would really like that for my kazuha honestly let's look at our history first real quick before we get started oh jesus christ we're literally at zero pity i was lucky on last banner we won basically all 50 50s well except one maybe uh i didn't realize but we might have to uh log off and wail a little bit we might not even have enough to get albedo tin tin albedos win one pull ah well here we go first pin pull let's get it albedo ah geez not even tin albedos in the first tin pole what is this scam we got harbinger of dawn very cool rosario c6 i think everyone here is c6 i think let me check real quick we can skip the rest but there's uh rosaria yeah everyone know how noel's been c6 for a while all right two out of ten here we go next tin pole oh my god wow dude that's insane that was so early oh that's never happened dude i mean it's happened like once but never on character banners except for the very first character banner i did early 5 star that we were at zero pity so this is going to be like 15 or something maybe that's insane oh it's mona though ah mona is cool and that means the next one will definitely be albedo i like mona hey we could still get albedo in this poll who knows who knows no it's not gonna happen but still super early okay i'm gonna stop begging ginseng for early five stars now because it finally happened let's go mona i think mine's only gonna be c1 now i don't know if i can see that from here but whatever we'll check it later that was the second so we gotta do one more tin pull before we end the prediction here we go tada i'm already satisfied if we have to go basically to pity now it'll be fine um i guess we can pretty much skip if uh oh well i mean she c6 as well but i guess you can get some other stuff in there all right but that was the third tin c to albedo i don't know about that especially if i'm trying to get uh oh this wine tastes the same as i remember i might be on bone's account i don't play in english oh no oh cause i know i recently did a video on bones account i think with the catch and i was like am i still logged in because i do my recordings at the pc and i don't usually just play at the pc bones maybe wants to do this on like her little account because there's binis here but uh i don't think she wants to do it on her main man i got i got scared there for a second yeah what the heck i've done oh no that's right because of my aforementioned hard drive upgrade i actually deleted ginshin and reinstalled it on the new one uh because i was running out of space on my like windows drive as well uh that's gonna take a while should i just cancel i'll do that later thank you for the 600 primos i think i will need them so first of three tin poles let's go [Music] i don't expect any more uh early five stars it's all good noel oh wait yeah i guess we can pretty much skip when we don't get a five star there's the first of three this is the second i think oh man there's so many things to pay attention to that i can't uh keep keep my thoughts straight let's just go ahead and skip well that may have no i don't i think this is the third now here we go is it albedo it's not the next three would almost be pity but not exactly uh we're going to do it one temple at a time because we're getting close to pity i don't know we'll probably be able to get some from the shop thank you for the uh sub tin pull albedo let's go tada nope let's go ahead and skip got a nice little uh the wood sith now i think we actually have to go to the shop uh we should be able to do we do this yet no still needs a week to reset yeah we can buy some of these oh wrong ones let's buy i don't know 50. next in paul why is 82 percent say no though we're we're decently close to pity i think uh magic guide well i mean they were right that is a no if we don't get it on the next one i'll probably do it in chunks of like three the predictions because we're getting like super super close now so uh while i'm waiting for that prediction to wrap up let let's go and look at her mona real quick i think she is c1 now yep c1 still waiting for that c6 caching when any of your own party members hit an opponent vaporize eula or albedo um that's a tough one they're both pretty different characters as far as i'm aware eula is like definitely main dps territory i think albedo is more of a sub or a support so i don't know it's hard to say whatever you need more of eula's dps albedo a sub dps so that's kind of what i was saying yeah all right next in pull if you don't get albedo here we're gonna we're gonna go for oh but there he is all right now yeah not 78 yes of course my chat can can keep track better than i can asara interesting usually i'd be happy to see her but mine's also c6 so i struggled so much on the shogun banner to get her c6 man that's crazy there he is hello that is the last the last character now of course i have to go into my little little little booklet and check that out character archive look at it it's so pretty everyone everyone is all together now all right very nice i guess we're gonna start with albedo um all i know is uh we can put his elevator on the ground kaboom then we could do like a plunge attack i guess very nice let's do that again nice moment come on go up the elevator is broken witness my great undertaking all right that was pretty cool his charge attack well i also did want to check out what what set they're running on him ah i knew it the new one but all right that's basically what i figured anyway level eight talents little 80. all right sounds about right oh that is a nice charge attack i like how he steps back like that definitely nice did i call the uh albedo binny i mean they do kind of sound similar i'm still coping okay yeah i mean i feel like i have played with him before probably in the last test run his new weapon all right let me go back and test run because i don't know what you're talking about oh cinnabar spindle elemental skill damage is increased by forty percent of death this effect will be triggered no more than once every zero uh 1.5 and will be cleared 0.1 seconds after the elemental skill deals damage the effect will be triggered no more than once every what is the other sentence therefore that sounds so weird it if someone has a elemental skill that deals damage more than every 1.5 seconds the extra damage here won't be applied but yeah okay i guess i kind of got it so basically the the weird thing is his weapon is even there though it's the freedom sworn and the greatsword oh it's free okay cool that's very pog four star okay it kind of looks like a five star design wise but i guess it's a four star uh best in slot that is weird but yeah i guess i mean we don't have very many like death swords that increase anything based on death so yeah we're gonna throw our level one no artifacts albedo in our team instead of our bini get out of here 28 damage i also saw a 14 000 i don't [Music] wait what the hell oh i think i think it's probably something from those nimbus gyms i was like dang albedo doing 15k at level one with nothing on very pr pretty solid oh wait crap the thing's about to die eight percent hp left probably gotta stop screwing around ah i knew it okay all right sorry albedo buddy but i'll use your burst i guess when it's ready but otherwise i gotta actually try and do this daily quest oh i think i'm doing the uh i think i'm doing the goro hangout yeah whoops you're saying otherwise i don't know man i don't even know what to say about this right now bye guys i'll see you i have to just hit the in-stream button or else i'm going to ramble on forever
Channel: Moga
Views: 345,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, albedo, genshin impact pulls, genshin impact graphics, albedo pulls, summons, genshin impact summons, genshin summons, genshi, geshin, f2p, genshin impact 2.3
Id: xTmY1y608sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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