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hey moglets it's summon time time remaining zero minutes well you can't really see we also have moga chan here for good luck as usual there is one thing i want to say before we get these summons started i do very much apologize for yesterday's video title i thought it'd just be like a funny boomer moment you know like what are all these weird buzzwords going on uh but it ended up just being kind of uh yeah the comments were funny though that was the only highlight of it and uh i would have changed the title because i instantly regretted it but the comments wouldn't have made since then so you're just gonna have to take my apology one other thing i want to do before we get started is go to the og statue hands we're actually gonna do this is what i want for my uh ritual haven't been up on the statue for a while and yes we're going to sit down we're not going to bother with the time however i think that's fine xiao sitting up there he's not really supposed to be up there honestly but what can you do showers at least animo as well as kazuha so without further ado he should be here oh yeah there he is he looks so sick that's like the main thing i really like about him his design is so amazing and i really hope i end up liking his play style all i've really seen from him so far is the little uh teaser that gentian released so you know i'm going in pretty much blind and you know my uh thoughts can be changed let's go and take a look at our history real quick yeah that's right we were also summoning for clee and we just got her so we're at the very beginning of pity this is gonna be painful and we probably need uh quite a bit more than this oh yeah we have 300 that should be enough let's go ahead and start with our nine singles here command first pull kazuha no slingshot i actually didn't check who else is ooh we have binet i don't need banette anymore but this is a really nice banner just because binette's in there rosaria's coming back i need a few more of her as well to get c6 eventually razer is pog as well very nice banner overall anyway let's keep going i'd be happy to get another rosaria as well could be rosaria come on let's see it oh it's a razor razor is not c6 maybe he's c6 now next poll we got blue and now we have nothing four more singles till we really get into the meat uh yeah we're just gonna be spamming ten polls then until we get him cool steal and we could lose the 50 50. that would suck command nothing ah nothing one more and then we're going to do some tin pulls command not even a four star all right gotta pity everything as usual here we go first 10 pull let's do it but um it's a four star because it has to give me a four star i hope that's not our four star lions roar another sword we got another razor he might be c6 now you know a couple of weapons meh who cares oh we got a rosaria all right i'm already happy about that pretty cool cool steel etc etc not not not did i completely forget that i was that i was spamming rosaria when her banner was here and actually got her to c6 with her banner oh my god i can't believe i forgot that i don't really use her yeah and yet i spent that much together to c6 i i completely forgot about that wow whale problems i guess i was like rosaria can't be c6 she's one of the new four stars i was probably thinking about yin fei though because my infe is still like c0 or c1 she might be c1 i don't even know if she is c1 uh and i spent even more on her i i believe yes now i remember i kept getting a bunch of barbara's i think i got like 30 barbara's before i could finally see sixer anyway next tin poll we have yet to get kazuha command ah jeez well this would still be too early into the pity so i'm not going to uh you know start complaining already but like two more temples in maybe maybe what's our four star what is it it's another lion drawer why it's not even that good of a weapon and i'd probably have it r5 anyway i do need some more four star weapons though that that's for sure anyway that was that poll let's continue on um we can do like four more tin pulls before we have to wail i usually prefer it to not to come to that point but what can you do blood tainted slingshot skyrider yeah whatever skip all these blue stuffs ooh oh how did i just have a micro forget like i'm like well i guess it's because i said in the beginning that i wanted rosarios but it's like then i remembered the six and now it's sort of like a pavlovian response whatever the hell i don't even know if that's right but our razor is probably c6 as well by now so oh well we'll figure that out right now i don't know i didn't see we'll have to wait until it shows us the tin pole uh yes if we move a little bit over here you can see we do not get one of the things so uh yeah all four star characters are now c6 which means we are literally only going for kazuha here let's just keep going commit why i've only said why i'm not complaining yet okay why can't i be lucky that is a legitimate question um because it would be lucky to get a five star already for sure um so i'm just like why can't they be lucky but next input i'm gonna be like why are you mean to me if you don't give me the five star and you don't wanna be called mean trust me it's not a nice feeling here we go kim man don't be mean you are mean sharpshooter dragon's bane actually doesn't even matter if dragon spain was our fourth star like i said i have c6 of everyone else anyways so it really doesn't matter if i don't get a five star actually i might as well skip it which is not totally true because again there are still some four-star weapons that uh i would like to have but i digress is that three more i can't math right now give alright well we must be getting decently close to pity as usual i'll have a counter up there there's our binny boy could be any other 4 star but i'd like to see him so slightly better i guess just for that and i guess that's going gonna be our only four star here may we get a weapon or something nope oh we got another rosaria i mean it's not like the end of the world we still get masterless star glitter which is pretty cool um we can exchange that for more oh yeah we should have done that for those nine so we could have just done a tin pull okay we actually can do two more because that's 3 200. this must be it though this must be at least a 5 star it is indeed all right is it kazuha though that's the question if we lose the 50 50 we gotta drop some stacks i don't like dropping stacks honestly but we gotta do it for my boy it is inevitable my boy oh i can tell because i have never seen that outline before nice alright well we got him there he is so sick uh we won we are winning the 50 50 like every time that's crazy like on cleese banner i was really really worried about it but we got her also so that's at least one thing i can say that i'm still kind of lucky with is winning the 50 50. because we got klee which was a banner unit five star before that was eula on her banner 14 damn pages ago but whatever then we got another eula again another 14 pages later but whatever but it was yula yula we got her to see one and i can't actually remember if this was the banner unit or not kaching on april 28th that was kind of a while ago this may have been the kaching banner where benett was also there if that's the case that was also the raid up unit i was mainly going for the rest of my banettes uh if i have the timeline right here was john lee's rerun which if i remember right okay i think kaching was not the banner unit uh i think i was summoning for a second genre but why did i do that what four star was i going for maybe it was the in phase whatever it's not important i mainly just wanted to say yeah i'm pretty uh pretty lucky with uh 5050s at least i think that must have not been too far away from pity if i'm gonna guess i'd say around 70 maybe a little less well the counter will be up there so yeah those are the summons for him i'm going to get to raising him straight away but before that we have his test run here let's go ahead and just uh try him out in the uh test world i'm not really going to read much about him i just want to try and play with him oh okay actually that was actually pretty snappy wait that was actually kind of cool hold on that's his press i know he has a hold that was actually kind of cool though wait all right his hold is basically uh oh but it keeps them in there for a second i i also have so many swords i have by far the most five star swords let's take a look at that alt adorn my night all right and you can see it kind of 13 000 why is that so strong bruh i mean maybe they just have him built super insanely here i don't know so he does have what i'm gonna assume is his signature sword maybe it's just me but i don't really think it fits him all that well like aesthetically the colors are too different and what is up with these book length skills just what the hell why do they start doing this i hate these long skill names it's too intimidating like they can throw out so much of this stuff oh are there like different millennial weapons or this uh millennial movement uh because here we have plunging yeah whatever it doesn't matter too much but uh yeah i think they could have made that a little bit more compact he does also have full set of iridescent uh can't actually view the subs or anything and he's actually c0 all right what does his c1 do oh that's that's not bad his ult resets his e so kind of like eula there why 200 elements of mastery for him and everyone inside that massive area that's a lot of elemental mastery all right his c4 though does sound a little weak it's basically just a little bit more energy when you press or hold i mean pressing it has a pretty short cooldown and it's three energy which is okay and then the other thing is when gliding to energy per second i don't know maybe you could work that into something because he does you know go up to a height where he can glide so if you really need that i don't know though for c4 it seems a little weak if this was c one or two i'd be like yeah sounds pretty good ah wow each point of elements of mastery will increase the normal charge and plunging by 0.2 percent i mean i'm gonna assume that also counts the 200 he gets from this that's one percent per five so 250 would already be a 50 increase for all of those things and that's just like there are no requirements for that it's just like a straight up boost and then if you get to like 500 elements of mastery which is pretty insane but like not that insane when you already get 200 to start with 100 for all of the that's crazy okay c6 is busted uh at least from first impressions wise you know i'm not running any numbers but just you know me reading it and me seeing it sounds like that besides that is c1 and c2 sound really good c4 is meh for me i don't think he needs any constellations at all but i'd either go c0 c2 or c6 nothing in between c1 is pretty nice though i just would not go past two unless you're going to six that's all i can say but yeah honestly i'm actually a lot more excited about him now just from the trial run there but yeah i suppose i pretty much do it this is just a summoning video after all i will have the uh building and the small showcase video tomorrow and then probably a day or two after that we'll have the full level 90 uh everything as high as i can have it since i need to still farm those mushrooms those blue ones i did farm everyone in bones world she was kind enough to let me do that so we have enough for 80. and we'll be doing that tomorrow for today though that'll do it uh make sure to let me think in the comments down below dropping like on this video deputy enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 442,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, kazuha genshin impact, genshin impact kazuha, genshin impact summon, genshin impact pulls, genshin impact 5 star pull, genshin, kazuha, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay
Id: aTEi-4MGZGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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