The Collapse of The German Army. Diary of A German Lieutenant. The Eastern Front.

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Hello, dear friends, we will look  today at the diary of Lieutenant Brand,   an officer of the Wehrmacht. His diary goes  from June 28, 1943. The year he considers   "the darkest year in all German history".  And such observations are not unreasonable:   the great military failures on the Eastern  front accompanied by the massive bombardment   of large German cities by British-American  aviation. The result was huge civilian losses   and severe destructions. The diary shows  well the decline in soldiers' morale caused   by these and related events. There was a  visible shadow of disaster over Germany.  However, the German war machine was still  holding on, resisting the countering   with stubbornness and cruelty. According to his diary notes,   Lieutenant Brand's unit was part of Army Group  "South," acting in the Donbass region. Its   leading line of deeply layered defense was  along the Seversky Donets and Mius rivers.  So now let us begin. June 28, 1943.  A beautiful season is going by without  any large missions. What I hope is that   the Russians are not taking advantage of  these long months for a premature attack.  As of yesterday, there have been large  tank divisions movements in our area.  Perhaps that will result in a local encirclement  at least. The gardens and fields here are in full   bloom. The pumpkins, cabbage, potatoes, and  sunflowers are like nothing we have ever seen   in Germany… June 30. In our area large army movements keep taking  place. Tank divisions move north to Kharkov   area. I cannot say whether I am seeing  preparations for a German offensive or   just expecting a large Russian offensive;  it seems to me to be the latter option... July 1. None of the Russian counter-offensive that was  expected for several days seems to have worked   out yet. However, the movements of our forces  continue. The Russian aircraft attack on our   village tonight was heavy. Again, another six months   has passed without any action at all. Our winter losses will not be over for a long time   to be recovered. Serious military action by our  side is barely possible, because everything is in   deficit. Moreover, the British are ruining another  German town after another. And the situation in   Germany is bad. We cannot hope for an improvement.  At every time I am horribly angry thinking of the   result, we have achieved in the fourth year of the  war. I have no doubt that a lot of this would have   been avoided if our leadership and our men had  not been so foolish and arrogant. It makes me feel   angry when I think of all the foolish statements  that were made over the last few years. Our own   propaganda has got us caught in its trap. And this  despite such magnificent military victories, such   valiant heroism and sacrifice. Now we are again in  an unknown condition, as in the First World War,   with no hope for any improvement. While the ideas,  wishes, and beginnings were all good. There was a   German spring rising over Europe. But the carrying  out of all plans more and more ended up in the   hands of idiots and bureaucrats. The mediocrity  grew in full bloom and consequently failed to   tolerate any kind of criticism. Now it stands on  the road to collapse and does not know what to do.   The Great Idea, then, has been affected by  this and is slowly dying. Now there will   be a final battle for the German dream,  for the dreams of a good thousand years. July 2. A beautiful summer day. The sunflowers are in  bloom, but there is no happiness. Köln is again   heavily damaged. Every old German, cultural  treasure is going to be wiped out... While we   can only do our duty - everyone in his place  and sometimes to raise our voice in warning,   above all we must continually summon for endurance  and try to increase the power of our resistance.  Many times, I look at my son's picture. Where will  he go in life? Would he want to become a soldier?  July 3. It is often that I think about the confrontation  of these two great worldviews, National Socialism   and Bolshevism. Would it absolutely be necessary  for them to tear each other apart? Would it be   impossible for them to get along together? Are  the contradictions between them really that deep?   Would not future generations have  great difficulties in trying to   find the contradictions that did actually  exist among this mountainous pile of lies?  Would idealism really be finally destroyed in  this war? Would American or European-Russian   materialism win the upper hand? This  is something I will never believe in   my life. In that case the world would lose its  last glory, and life would lose its sense....  Fourth of July. I repeated a report about German history in  the divisional school today. The commander   and gentlemen from the division came  to attend. The SS division "Viking"   is again here with us. It is obvious  that our offensive is about to begin,   I guess we will soon have to give them ground in  the village of Metchebelovka in the next few days. July 5. "The Vikings insist and rush. There are long  discussions with their cheeky billeting officers.   We will go, obviously, only if we are ordered  to. I guess it will be as early as tomorrow.  July 6. Our offensive to the north of Kharkov began  yesterday. That is what at least is being   told by the SS men of the "Viking" division,  who were based here again two days ago. I hope   this is true. This year we have had enough  of it. Something has to be done about it.  The officers from the SS Division seem surprised  at the pessimism in our division. What they always   forget is how much better conditions  they are facing in comparison to us.   Their very sight arouses in our tired,  exhausted soldiers a feeling of true class   hatred. What few remnants of men might be found  in Germany joined our forces. They have gathered   the best human material in all of Europe. Each of their sergeants would be a feldsfebel   here. And they drink and enjoy themselves,  while our soldiers are often very hungry.  Nevertheless, the SS soldiers rob and take away  everything from the locals impudently, while   we spend all our time proclaiming and actually  carrying out our friendship with the Ukrainians.  In our society every little misconduct is  severely punished, and even the officers   (as lately) are immediately imprisoned in a  fortress, and the SS are always kept without   punishment. Which is why Russians do not  hate anyone as much as they hate the SS. July 9. After dinner I visited the SS division  "Viking. Would I be 5 or 10 years younger,   I probably would have joined the SS, would  have been the SS-Führer. Sure, they are very   narrow-minded and overly optimistic, but they  are still the life of a new young Germany.  With more discipline and a stronger focus on  German ethical basics, a great deal is possible   to make of their superb human material... There are the first Russian leaflets about   our offensive to the north of Kharkov. In  general, they contain distorted reports of   our summaries with numerous times repeated  threats to bring us a new Stalingrad.  July 10. It rained heavily yesterday and today, with  frequent lightning storms. I hope this does   not harm our offensive. The SS "Viking" Division  marched out last night, presumably to participate   in the military operations. July 12.  Americans landed in Sicily. It must be  hoped that they can be thrown into the   sea before long. We must keep Italy  if we hope to hold off the Balkans...  July 16. ...We are again on alert   and awaiting. By day and night tank divisions  are moving past us. We are all full of anxiety   and expectancy. In our area, as well as in the  Russian area, the largest troop movements are   going on just behind the front line. The situation  between Belgorod and Orel is still unclear.  July 17. A big Russian offensive   began yesterday in our division's territory. Their  main attack was on the southern flank between the   villages of "Petrovskaya" and "Izyum". There,  our 457th Regiment was heavily beaten after the   first attack. In the north, the Russians attacked  with three or four divisions, after crossing the   Donets River by two bridges and wading. They had  managed to get deep into our positions everywhere.   They surrounded several villages and companies.  The battles were violent, the state of affairs   was extremely serious. My 466th Regiment was  originally behind, being in the army reserve,   and was unharmed by the first attack. By noon the  situation was more serious, and we were engaged.  Serious battles continued without a break.  We are already getting reports of the first   losses. All day long big units of German aircraft  are active. SS division "Viking" is moved back to   our area to be the reserve. Throughout the  day there was terrible mess, negotiations,   calls, and orders. Our battalion covers the  Division Command Post, under serious danger.   They have even thrown into the fight a company  of recovering men who just arrived from Germany   last night. (They have one rifle for three men.) After the noon negotiations between our Operations   Department and the Operations Department of the  Viking Division, which is reluctant to advance   as they should. The Russians are getting more  and more fortified, however. The behavior of   them is frustrating to me. Well, we will see  what the state of affairs will be tomorrow.  Night and day the hard fighting goes on. The  powerful units of Russian aircraft attacked us,   also bombarding all the rear lines. There were  many air battles. The Russian got reinforcements   and attacked again stubbornly and heavily. His  losses were very high, but so were our losses.   Many of my familiars and friends were already  dead. For our division it was the second very   difficult day, ending, unfortunately, not  as successfully for us as we all hoped. The   local Russian breaking out, however, has been  put down everywhere, but the enemy always gets   reinforcements and fights hard and violently.  There are no more reserves in our division. All   of the men, up to the last unit, are in service.  The Viking Division was attacking with tanks only   at first, the 466th Regiment is disbanded, the  remnants are integrated into the 457th Regiment.   We hope it goes better tomorrow. Since I do not  consider my post as Battalion Adjutant critically   necessary due to our heavy officer losses, I  have requested the Colonel to call me off... July 19. Another day of shifting battles. There were heavy  losses among officers, non-commissioned officers,   and soldiers. As well, our field reserve  battalion also suffered heavy losses.   All the last reserves of the battalion  headquarters with all the supplies were   moved to the front lines. By night we go through  the villages of Grushevakha and Kamyshevakha,   which are exposed to heavy bombardment.  The wagon train is located in the village   of Petropolye. There is heavy gunfire, four  horses are dead. There is real air fighting. July 20. In the morning liaison was set up with the 457th  Regiment. The field reserve battalion, despite   the heavy losses suffered yesterday, stays in the  fight. There was a tank attack by the Russians. It   was beaten off, but with heavy losses for us... July 21.  A large Russian attack with tanks broke out early  in the morning. Both of our division commanders   were missing. There were Russians marching  from the east, from the south, and from the   west. I managed to calm and straighten out a  few of our infantrymen and force a few gunners   to return to their guns... Because the Russians  were obviously afraid of a counter-attack by us,   they were bombarding us all day long  today with their artillery guns. Sadly,   we had heavy losses. Shrapnel from shells got  me, too, in my arm and in the back of my body.  Even so, life is pleasurable again. That you  know why you are here and it all makes sense.  July 22.  Tireless violent gunfire on our positions.  There are a lot of direct hits. Regretfully,   we have almost no places to hide. We are lying  on the ground like fish on sand. The Russians   are wasting a huge amount of ammunition.  Regretfully, we have high losses again...  July 23. The rain is pouring down without any interruption,   combined with continuous artillery and mortar  attacks, and it is totally overwhelming. Trying   to take cover in the ground, which is hard  as a rock. There is no easy way to do it.  There are very heavy losses again. No hope  for rotation, as all units of the division   are in fighting (even the rear services)  and nearly all of them are badly battered.   The SS division "Viking" has also gradually joined  to reinforce our forces and therefore they are   no more reserves. We have not enough forces to  get the whole area cleaned out, unfortunately,   and that is why we are not advancing to the  Donets. In our hands there are absolutely   no reserves at all. However, the situation was  not critical by any means, because our men were   fighting outstandingly. What seriously hurt  us was the unsettled situation in some areas,   caused (as, for example, recently from our left)  by the weak nerves of some of the commanders.  In the late evening a strong Russian offensive  from the right and left after a lethal artillery   run. The Russian had been trying for hours  to separate us from the rear. As with a fist,   we struck at his positions. During these critical  moments I am always thankful to my fate that I am   an officer, that I have authority over the people  and that I can have a calming effect on them or,   as today, a threatening effect on them. The Russians are suffering heavy losses,   although they have more people than we do, and  they have a beastly amount of ammunition. I have   never seen such fire as I saw these days in the  entire war. Oh, if only we had our army from 1941! July 24. There are strong artillery attacks, not many  Russian tanks. The Russians fire without   tiring. The entire day negotiations with the  artillerymen and preparing for a counter-attack.  The mysterious woman in black clothes turns up  on nobody's land a few minutes before the start.   Is she a spy? July 28. Considerable losses again by bombardment.   The dead and wounded. Because of the  tightness in the dugouts and trenches,   all are in an annoyed mood (also the officers).  Finally, at 9 o'clock we had a rotation... August 1. After a tough feeling, I often get a kind of  hangover. In my mind I think of our huge losses,   how many people from our battalion were dead,  and most of them we could not even bury.  It is only on the last day that I remembered  with terrible feeling that we did not give any   of them a kind word or a prayer. There was  no longer any way for us to determine where   each of them lays without the possibility of  taking a soldier's book or an identification   marker from them. There was not even  water to wash off the corpse poison.  And what to think of the torment of the  wounded! Instead, our first duty was to   stand up and fight off the Russian attacks. The Russians were also badly battered. But   they are able to pull out a  huge number of vehicles now.  If only our own army had not been reduced so  terribly in two winters! All the senseless   losses! The time is just now when we could have  completed the eastern campaign, but we have no   troops for that purpose now. The losses among the  officers of the division are particularly heavy.  There is only necessity and the sense of duty that  keeps us going. The desperation makes us strong   and indestructible. So happy are those who died in  Poland and in France - they believed in victory... August 2. ...The Italian tragedy is happening at an  extremely fast pace. It was expected for   a long time, but it was not supposed that  the Italians would react to it so calmly.   Mussolini has always had a certain sympathy  for me, but his resignation I do not entirely   understand. Any dictator who finally retreats  is disgusting to me. It is cowardly to talk   for decades and then abandon your people to  their greatest disaster. So now the Italians   would probably throw stones at him, then  in a few years they would honor him again,   and in a few decades, they would seek to implement  his program again. The fall of Mussolini is a   hard stroke for us, "Le commencement de  la fin" ("The Beginning of the End») … August 3. Our losses can be explained  by remembering that we had   to withstand hurricane fire of at least 40  batteries and a mortar regiment. Moreover,   about 100 enemy planes flew in every day. We  have right to be proud of our defense. However,   it was still the first time the Russians  decided to advance in the summer. August 4. Till 1933 Russia was a secondary country. And it  is only as a result of the confrontation with us   that it achieved its present greatness and power.  As long as the Russians succeed in getting us out   of their country, and we are actually only  occupying the periphery of the country now,   the power of Russia will grow in strength. It was  we ourselves who gave Russia the opportunity to   become so significant in Europe. If  the Russians fight off this attack,   then there is nobody who will be strong  enough to resist them for many decades.   But if fortune is with us, we could get a strong  foothold in the extensive areas between our   frontier and Russian territory itself. A question  remains as to whether we could not have got them   through skillful politics at a cheaper cost,  without war and those huge losses. At any rate, on   June 22, 1941 we made Germany an indebted nation  of Russia for decades, maybe even for centuries.  There was a big air attack by the Russian  air-bombers in the evening. They hit one "Junkers"   and burned it down. The heavy bombardment  of Hamburg again. That is way too much!  It is evident that 1943 is about to be  the darkest year in all German history.  August 5. From the distance we hear the gunfire again.  Moreover, there is an active Russian airplane   movement. I just hope the enemy does not advance  any more. We are way too tired. Adding to the dark   news, we have given up the Orel. Two years ago, I  participated in the taking of that city. I got the   Iron Cross 2nd Class at that time. It is ironic  that exactly today they awarded me the Iron Cross,   1st class! It took almost two years for my  old Division to get defended in this city   after retreating in 1941-1942. Leaving this  city, or more correctly, giving it up to the   enemy is a heavy blow to us. Defeats are  increasing and a way out is not visible. August 6. The SS division "Viking" once again  marches through our area. They are   heading to Kharkov this time. On their  way from the Mius River. In this way   for weeks our very few reserves are being  relocated right behind the front line here   and there. To undertake anything serious,  we do not have enough forces anymore... August 7. ... By morning the Russians were bombing  our positions and the passing SS troops. It   was a dreadful scene: the wounded, the dead.  There was shrill screaming, great confusion,   and all around there were fire and shell-holes. It  was going on every 2-3 hours. That evening I was   in the Division, in the Regiment and in the old  Battalion. I saw the same things on all the roads.   On more than once we had to stop our vehicle and  look for shelter in the ditches. This time the   enemy got us everywhere. Confused soldiers and  civilians are encountered on the way we go... August 8. The air attacks are relentless. It is hard to  dare to climb out of the dugout. This day, despite   this, I have gone for a swim and have spent  half an hour in the water of a terrifying air   attack. The passing SS also got badly affected.  There is a criminal act of irresponsibility:   there is no cover, they are going on the fourth  day without anti-aircraft support. The political   and military state of affairs is still very sad.  It is such a long time since we have heard any   good news! After Orel - Belgorod. On top of that,  the heavy battles for Kharkov are going on again.   In other areas of the Eastern front  battles are again breaking out. The   losses of the Russians must be huge,  to be sure, but we suffer badly, too. August 14. On August, 10 I was re-assigned to the Regiment  in accordance with the order of the Division...  ...The Russian Army keeps on firing at our  positions with heavy gunfire and mortar   fire. We have a good position, but our forces  are extremely small. The soldiers are bravely   keeping up their courage, but in their minds,  they are at home. Within the next few days   another large Russian advance is expected. But all this is nothing compared to what is   happening in the homeland. My thoughts have been  consumed by this for many weeks now. Hamburg is   the one who suffers the most. Berlin is probably  going to face the same fate, and we can do nothing   to save it or help it. It depresses us all beyond  belief, makes us paralyzed by all our energies.   All our defensive successes notwithstanding,  Germany is in a terrible condition. August 15. ... The front is a bit more anxious than usual  ... the Russian soldiers are dropping phosphorus   bombs every night ... The fine weather makes  people think of the peace. I rarely hear so many   rumors and guesses as now. All are trying to make  themselves believe that a happy end of the war is   at hand. We conduct the policy of the ostrich  and we are still deceiving ourselves. Anyway,   I refuse to believe that this war will last for  another four years, either. But which end would   that be? What possible way could it be? Politics  is now everybody's concern. Some are worried   about the future of Germany, others about the  destruction of their personal property, some think   about the awful ravages in their homeland, others  think about the annihilation of cultural objects.  The British and Americans have destroyed  more art and cultural treasures in Germany   and Italy so far than all that both nations  have made and will ever make in this field.  A decisive question for Germany now would be  if it is able to keep itself and its identity,   even if only in a broken condition, caught in  the grip between Bolshevism and Americanism. August 16. Outside there is relentless rain. Poor soldiers  in their dugouts. But the victims of the bombs   are more unfortunate, wandering all over the  world with nothing to lose. A mad anger takes   over me again, which turns even to hatred of the  government. Our poor nation! All of us have lost   the ability to laugh. Nevertheless, we must stand,  and we will stand. A nation that withstands such   difficulties and sufferings, that is ready to  sacrifice so much without becoming hopeless,   cannot help living unless these  fools finally destroy it ... August 18. There began the advance at the village of Izyum.  Within the first two days the Russian soldier   even managed to achieve some successes.  The infantry of the Russians is told to   have been considerably better this time. There is a big and decisive question:   does the Russian army consciously hold back  its best forces for the winter advance or is it   really exhausted and good stuff happens only as an  exception? My fear, however, is that we can expect   everything from them. On this point we should  not deceive ourselves with false expectations.  Only if we had our army of 1941! This battle in  Russia would be coming to an end now. Assuming   we had managed to make it through the winter,  we could have some perspectives by the spring.   Anything depends on our  endurance and on the homeland.  Sicily is lost, though that is somewhat expected,   but it is a heavy hit because the island  is considered a part of Europe already.   The most serious questions for the future are:  What will happen to Italy and the Balkans,   are we able to keep them? Are we able to stop  the bombardments of our homeland, will our   homeland hold out? Finally, I got a letter from  Elizabeth. Her entire property had been lost.   And what remains is in extreme danger. Meanwhile,  as before, we cherish every item. Each soldier's   thoughts go back to his homeland throughout  the day. But still, they keep their courage and   endurance. If the confidence in victory is low,  the desire to fight to the end persists. It is the   guarantee of the eternal existence of our nation.  With these soldiers Germany will never fall. August 19. Now I feel very lonely and homesick.  In addition, there is a perpetual worry   about family and property, and even  more about Germany and its future...  The Russian soldier is comparatively inactive,  but we have still 1-3 men killed every day. August 23. The Russians get more restless. Our Battalion  is again participating in violent defensive   battles and suffering heavy losses... In the morning the Russians were   rejoicing in their trenches. At  that they were waving red flags,   what we thought was that they were preparing  for an attack. But nothing ever happened. As   it turns out, we had given up on Kharkov.  It was another heavy strike. While fighting   in all areas of the front continues with  unrelenting intensity. Our soldiers even   suggest that the city of Stalino seems to be  abandoned too. It thickens the atmosphere.  The year 1943 will evidently be the most shocking  year in German history. Whoever had to suffer so   many losses and severe damages to one nation in  so short a period of time! And the bombardments   of Germany go on and on. Everywhere there is not a  ray of hope for the Germans. In the meantime, not   everyone understands the situation. We are facing  a frightening picture of the future of our people. August 24. All of us are enjoying the last fine summer days.  Everyone does not want to worry about winter,   but we are already preparing for it. The losing  of Kharkov should affect our part of the front   as well. To the south, near the city of Izyum,  there are fierce battles. The Russians are quite   restless at our side as well. The air attacks  have intensified again. Besides, the bombardment   of Berlin has weighed everyone down. Elisabeth  and I might easily find ourselves broke after   this war. Besides, we are tied to our belongings.  Maybe my mind is too much of a pessimist. But if   only there was something I could do to help,  or anything I could do to make a difference!   The suffering grows to extraordinary levels, and  the government is forced to stand by idly. So here   is Germany after ten years of National Socialism  and after four years of war! Not what we wanted. August 25. Himmler is Minister of the Interior! Everything  is progressing according to the plan. We keep   following the path that has been preordained.  "The end of destiny is unavoidable." To question   whether this assignment is really capable of  giving the millions of victims of the bombing   a cheerfulness and encouraging them to further  firmness may now become dangerous... All the same,   our people were never so ready to fight and to  sacrifice and were never so enthusiastic as on   the edge of the fifth year of the war. Better now  not to talk about politics and our worries about   Germany. But is that really a way to chase  away disturbing thoughts. Here the Russian   is very restless. Near Izyum our counter-attacks,  supported by the dive-bombers, have begun. There   is heavy firing which is heard. Several of our  men are disabled. In case we have to pull back,   we have moved our supply wagon further to the  rear and take measures to be on the safe ground. August 26. There is heavy gunfire again. The Russians  are operating with phosphorus again. It is   the first time that our artillery has stirred  up for a long time as well. Because many units   have withdrawn in recent days, our artillery,  with increased gunfire, is trying, apparently,   to make an impression of a tight front. What is  strange is that while in the north and south of   us everything is on fire and loud, in our area of  the front it is comparatively quiet. For the sake   of killing time, I keep writing. Is that why I do  it, though? To be honest, it has become a pleasant   daily activity for me for a long time now. I have  nobody to share my thoughts and my cares with.   Lots of people, even clever ones, consider the  mere hint of such thoughts as something dangerous,   something that could be a national crime. There  is something that makes me think until the end,   to understand the cause. But the last conclusions  I do not dare to confide even to my diary... September 1. It was four years ago that this tragedy  began. A drama that became a tragedy.   They had put me at the head of a regimental  supply wagon with 100 men and 180 horses,   I am 30 kilometers away from the front. September 4. Here in the rear area, the days run  by fast. Plenty of work and worry.   It meant that I had to be in charge of  accommodation, supplies and allocations,   creating commandant's offices,  arranging hunts for partisans.   I also had to relocate from the village of Ryzhova  to the village of Chervonny Shpil and re-organize   the local defense. At that, it rained for two  days in a row, the roads were totally swept away,   and we had to withstand heavy air attacks  by the Russians both yesterday and today...  In the political arena there is only sad news.  The British have landed in Italy. After the fall   of Orel and Kharkov - Taganrog was given up. In  the cities of Stalino and Slavyansk preparations   for the evacuation go on, and even Poltava  they say is in danger. They bombed Berlin   again. May the fates be merciful towards us... All the units not engaged in fighting and the   evacuation of civilians in our area continue to be  relocated to the rear. Everything assumes the form   of running away, although the front still holds  out. Necessary preventive measures actually take   place too hurriedly. The agricultural heads  have to turn in their inventory before they   have completed the harvest and threshing.  By doing so, Germany will get a little.   The roads are full of refugees, along with all  their belongings and families. A convenient moment   for partisans and strays. We took the Germans  who live in Ryzhov and the areas around it to   the railroad and moved them to the other side  of the Dnepr. It was on this occasion that I   visited Bespalizev, seeing amazing pictures. The  world is on fire from the Volga to the Atlantic. September 5. That it is a   pity that the fields remain unharvested! We will not get out of this struggle against the   Russian land and Russian nature as winners. There  are so many children, so many women, and they all   have babies, and all bring results, despite the  war and looting, despite the ruins and death!   We are fighting here not against the people,  but against the nature. But then again,   I have to confess to myself that this land  is getting nicer and nicer to me every day.   Even the communist idea does not yet  finally lose its power of attraction,   which I notice from time to time among the  soldiers and from day to day among the Russians.   This is the revenge of existence, which I have  been waiting for since the beginning of this war.  The village is full of long, pained shouts. And  there is an evacuation of the people. There is not   much they can carry with them. It is such a pity  the fields are still full of unharvested crops! September 7. The news of sorrow grows more and more often.  We have given up Slavyansk. This is followed   by Stalino and Gorlovka. It is clear that we  will lose all of Eastern Ukraine with Donbass.   The fortifications before the bridge on the  Kuban also cannot be kept, and the Battle for   Crimea will start up again. The ground that we  are now missing, we will never get back. Do we   intend to give back all the territory we have  captured in Russia? Is this necessary? Was it   not better to propose it to Stalin as payment  for peace without a struggle? Such measures are   half-hearted. We would surely keep the front line  here. Until December or January, in fact, there   will be no danger to us... Sad news is becoming  more frequent. We have surrendered the city of   Slavyansk. It will be followed by Stalino and  Gorlovka. Obviously, we will lose all of eastern   Ukraine with Donbass. The fortifications in front  of the bridge on the Kuban cannot be held either,   and the battle for Crimea will begin again. What  we are now losing, we will never get back. Are   we really going to give back all the territory  we have conquered in Russia? Is there any need   for that? Would it not be better to offer it  without a fight to Stalin as payment for peace?   These are half measures. We would certainly have  held the front here. Until December or January,   in fact, there is no danger to us. The second  front is giving a bad feeling already now.   Furthermore, it gives the impression that the  British can capture Southern Italy unopposed.   Our retreat is everywhere and we can still  do it. But soon we will reach the frontier.   And the constant bombardment of Germany. The  one thing everybody is hoping for now is the   long-announced attack on Britain. I hope only that  it will happen! In case it will not, it is over.   Nothing is left for us but the hope of a miracle.  September 8. ... The civilians of the village were evacuated,   but our supply wagon was shifted to 120 km away  to the rear, closer to the Dnepr. What a strange   feeling it is to be suddenly found alone in an  area that has been abandoned. There are dogs and   cats howling, because they are dying of hunger,  hens with chickens wandering around. The chickens   and roosters we slaughtered all. There were way  too many of them. All the harvest remained in the   fields. The sunflowers around are so numerous that  we would be able to provide oil for a small city.   It was a pity to see the rye, potatoes and corn  disappearing in vain. Also, cucumbers, tomatoes,   onions and thousands of pumpkins. A village has  barns full of oats, barley, rye and millet. It is   all threshed, but it is impossible to get it out. We could provide food for Berlin for a year using   everything that is left here. It makes your  blood curdle when you go through the fields  The civilians can only take a small part of  their belongings with them. All the roads are   loaded with property as it is. Some of the  people are hiding in the cornfields, they   do not want to leave. And in all this chaos, the  Russian aircraft can find their targets easily.   The misery of the civilians is very severe. The  moans of women and the cries of children can be   heard all around. At the same time, they are  crying and singing monotonous lamenting songs.   While listening to these cries, the Germans  think of Germany, suffering even worse.   What a lot of valuable things have been  ruined there! In my mind is our Berlin   apartment. There were so many beautiful  items, pictures, furniture, books.  September 9. I send the last military   property out of our warehouses, and I regret  greatly that I have no transport for supplies.   And yet the front is getting closer. After giving  up Stalino, it is hard to resist the advance of   the Russians. Yet our positions are advantageous,  and the enemy advances not by the largest forces.   No one would have imagined that its summer  offensive could be so successful! A poor Germany.   The severe knocks of fate follow rapidly one after  the other. I wish that change would come.... Oh,   when will humanity, or old Europe at least, have  its peace to work with! And when will we finally   get to build our homes and garden again?.. We have just got the news of the unconditional   capitulation of Italy. It is sunny, but I wish the  earth could be covered in darkness... The last act   of tragedy has begun. A dark and heavy winter is  ahead of us. There will now be hurried retreats...  Poor Germany! Is this the end after so much  struggling? It must not happen. Our useless   politicians should have been kicked out  a long time ago. The price we pay for   their foolishness. But Germany has to live and  keep all its rights. No matter what the cost,   we must hold out. Germany, our motherland!  What a beautiful world we saw when we were   still full of hopes for the great tomorrow of our  country. In Europe there was a spring of nations,   and Germany advanced a new great idea...  But the Germans found themselves the victim   of their own successes. As they became vain and  conceited, our leaders no longer knew the measure.  Hitler is a great figure. What he lacks is depth  and vision. He is an amateur in practically all   areas... Perhaps only in politics did he reach  the peak of his development. But there too   he has been hindered by his personal dogmas.  It appears that he is a bad judge of people,   and therefore he was derailed by  the Byzantines and the flatterers.   It was fatal for him that he did not have  sensible, wide-eyed and competent collaborators.  Göring is probably the most popular of all our  Führers. A man of practice and good sense, he is   neither a theorist nor a dogmatist. We can rely  on him and on his energy. But he also steps over   corpses. Throughout the war he has retreated far  into the background. Will his star rise or fall,   it depends on many factors and persons. Himmler is not a clean sheet of paper,   like it seems to some naive people. Nothing  but his actions speak for themselves.   We can judge his convictions by his appearance.  He must not be missed. The way he is going to   follow will be closely related to the way  Germany follows for a long time ahead.  Goebbels is very smart and very cunning. He is as  dodgy as an old-time intelligence man. However,   he is a small person, not an extraordinary  genius. Many times, he behaves against his   conscience and beliefs - a backdoor politician,  a third-class man. A proletarian Talleyrand.  Roust is a mediocre member of the Council of  Public Enlightenment and a more than mediocre   Minister. His posture, his manner of  acting and speech are alike Hitler,   but with no ideas of his own, he is a  known alarmist, an insignificant figure.  Funk is a wonderful economic manager. He does  not have exactly an Aryan look; he is clumsy   and unattractive. A beautiful soul can barely be  hidden in such a body. He has a financial economic   strategy - a typical gambling game. He does  not think very far ahead. It may be suggested   that his criminal carelessness and unreasonable  optimism were the reason why the war happened.  Ley, in appearance similar to Funk, also conceited  and selfish. Evidently made from the same cloth.   He has a rather basic mental faculty. He is a  very mediocre arranger and a very poor orator.  Ribbentrop is Mr. Comilfo of the  Third Reich. Empty exterior and   not much context. No doubt he is  poorly educated. The man has no   idea of the great sets of issues  in Eastern and Southern Europe,   and as regards the West and the Anglo-Saxon  states, he has absolutely nothing to say here.   A parvenu that learned something in Britain, and  yet a person with no real education or any depth.  In addition to them, there are a whole mess of  mediocre assistants and bureaucrats who imitate   and woo the " great ones " by all means. What  affects this generation horribly is the hard,   bloody losses of the First World War. Moreover,  in the military sphere - there is not a single big   person, except Rommel. Nevertheless, our nation  is strong, prepared to make sacrifices and will   be able to endure similar periods of mediocrity  and powerless standing on the spot. We must only   withstand the war. May the fates be merciful  to us. One day we should be fortunate, too.  I wish we were powerful enough to defeat  the Americans in a brave counter-strike   into the Mediterranean Sea and finally  begin the operations against Britain,   which we were so long promised. Surely then the  state of affairs would change radically again,   and we might brave a new attack in the Donetsk  Region this spring. Then it would not be enough   to expect a beneficial peace by the coming autumn.  Only a question is do we have that many forces. September 10. Everywhere the villages and countryside are in  flames. It is such a disaster that we could not   keep this land, which is so fertile, for at least  a month longer. I have managed, despite all the   trouble, to push our supply wagon further to the  rear by 150 kilometers, and now I am ready to move   in any minute when I get the order to follow it. We are in Nikolaevsk, a large village of   colonists, nearby Novo-Moskovsk. It is also  not far to Dnepropetrovsk now. For me it was   an excitement and at the same time a painful trip.  There were fertile fields and flowering villages.   And then again, endless columns of refugees, as  well as many retreating regiments. Sometimes there   were wild scenes of fleeing and mess. It always  takes more blood and property to retreat than it   does to advance. For what reason is there such  a rush? No danger for us before the New Year,   and we can barely keep one division here. A lot of  time will pass until the units will be in order.   In Losovaya, we have seen our commanding  officer, Von Mackenzon. The glory is not   achieved by him there. The moment he left the  city, the Russians attempted their first tank   attack at the opposite end of the city. I  rarely witnessed such a mess, despite the   fact that thousands of soldiers, many officers  and even a general being sent to defend it.   And we wanted to make our way there, too, but  we saw the tanks and returned. It was too much   unequal strength for us. Then our wagon  was tried to be stopped for local defense,   and it took a lot of trouble for me to  obtain the men and wagons back again... September 12. A period of rains has started very early, and it  could cause the whole Southern Army to disaster,   the 62nd Division is completely defeated.  We come across the remnants of it. Our   south-eastern flank is almost totally bare.  Possibly the road to Dnepropetrovsk is cut   off for us in a few days. My hope is  that our division will successfully   overcome all of this. Somehow there  will be more than enough losses anyway. September 16. On the 13th we pulled out in the afternoon.  We passed through Novo-Moskovsk in deep mud   and slush, and in late afternoon we reached  Dnepropetrovsk, and stopped there on the   Western outskirts of the city. I crossed the Dnepr  again on the 14th morning and took the 2nd column   from Nikolaevsk. In the morning of the 15th, we  detoured to our new location, around 100 km to the   west of Dnepropetrovsk. Since last night we were  accommodated in a small location called Alferovo. The road was at times very interesting.  In Novo-Moskovsk I observed a beautiful   nine-headed cathedral in red and blue. In the  afternoon and evening of the 14th I visited   Dnepropetrovsk and had a chance to see the city. A lot of the houses are built nearly in the   classical style of the Wilhelm period,  as was common in imperial times;   the Bolsheviks also built much too. Here is  some great buildings and many new villages,   very beautiful ones even. Columns of refugees,  cattle and horses crowded all over the roads.   This time, the retreat of the wagons  was far more organized. All the same,   many wagons were destroyed. Not all  of the wagons we gathered here...  September 22. ...There is still a   retreat on all fronts. And there will be no great  change in Italy after Mussolini's rescue. Now he   is a dead man anyway. The song of the Savoy House  is finally sung. It can only be a matter of trying   to save all that can still be saved for the Empire  for us. Our general position due to the fall of   Italy has become much worse. But gradually I  become apathetic to the destiny of Germany as   well. I read Hitler's speeches of 1940 to 1941  last night. It shocked me and sobered me at the   same time. No book, perhaps, is so quickly out of  date, and which with such force witnesses against   its author. This man is not a prophet and also,  perhaps, a very mediocre politician. But this is   hard to accept after having adored him for years,  and even more hard to change my mind in the fifth   year of the war. Wherever you look, there is  no ray of light for us. It is important for us   now only to stand back and take the advantage of  changing relationships between the great nations.   My mind tells me that our chances are  very small, while my sense tells me that   Germany cannot be destroyed. It will not  be the way we had hoped and wished for.  Our division's retreat here in the south more  and more assumes for men, cattle and vehicles   the character of a catastrophe, although it occurs  in an exemplary order. During retreats, though,   this is a usual thing.... September 27. On the 24th I was with the mechanized supply  wagon at Dnepropetrovsk, which was being   evacuated. That was a lot of heartbreak.  Massive blast operations. Disbandment of   the supply wagon, returning to the Regiment. ...The 3rd Battalion is disbanded. Supply   shortages. It is said to be so in each Regiment.  The bad signs are increasing - the supply and rear   units are growing... Yesterday I came across a  regimental supply wagon that numbered at least 950   men. The Colonel must be arrested. After all, we  do not have so many men in our whole regiment. And   they are all dragging women and stuff with them.  Poor Germany! This is worse than in 1914 - 1918 in   so many ways. While our combat strength is gone,  the Russians get more and more powerful day by   day. Just today the general sentenced to a field  trial 9 men of our battalion, who were running   away like cowards. They were running away from  the Russians! Here we are in the fifth year of the   war! Who would ever dare blame them at the sight  of all this misery and suffering? A deep sense   of pity for each and every soldier overwhelms  me. Yes, there also seems to be pity for every   Russian old woman who is forced to abandon  her home now. A miserable world, a miserable   humanity gone to ruin all humanity! A poor  homeland, having to endure such terrible things!  We must stand it. There is no right for us to  let ourselves loose, and we must stay firm,   or else the dam will break and the terrible  thing will begin. The Russians have seized   the fortification before the bridge on our  side of the Dnepr since yesterday. They have   been beating back our strong counter-attacks for  two days now, causing us heavy damage. Only we   hear about the dead and wounded. They are still  using a huge number of heavy guns and aircraft.   But they must be finally pushed back tomorrow  morning, despite all odds. We will hope so!  September 28. Cruel bombardments. Dreams are not to be   thought of. The Russian artillery is very powerful  and crushes everything. Our attacks are getting   suffocated, as the Russians from the opposite  side of the river cover every single soldier with   strong fire. There is great disagreement between  the Colonel and the General. The tank attacks and   diving bombers are not helping a lot either. The  infantry is badly damaged by heavy losses. Not   much is left of the first battalion... There  is a pretty big mess. The counter-attacks are   delayed from one hour to another or suffocated...  No more than two hundred or four hundred Russians   on this shore based on all estimates. But if only  they did not have so much gunnery and aircraft!  The Russians shoot like mad. There is a growing  mass of dead and wounded. So, I write the last   few words and go to the positions. Not many of  them I will find there. The battalion has run   out. We have finally hit a dead end. The homeland  bleeds out a thousand wounds. The leadership of   mediocrities seems to have taken over everywhere.  Under the greatest need, Germany calls out to her   last sons. But the majority does not wish to  follow this call. But now we have to do what   we possibly can, though it is getting harder  and harder to do our duty. There are mountains   between us and our homeland. A lot of our people  are struggling to get around it. The life beckons,   and the home beckons, and nobody dies willingly or  easily. And yet we continue on the difficult path   of our duty. It is not easy indeed. After all,  I, also, love life passionately. We are Germans,   and we want to live, and if it is necessary,  we will die as Germans. Together we will try   to assault those high mountains that keep us  far away from our homeland and our families.   There are more and more explosions of shells. And  I am going to the front line. May Germany live!   And I know that it will live forever... September 29. A nice evening and a black night. I took  the First Company. It only had a few men   in it. In the entire battalion there were  26 soldiers left. A heavy Russian gunfire   lasts for hours. Each house is on fire,  each corner is penetrated deep through.   Our offensive was held up. With the few  men we have, it is a real slaughter. No   one can do anything. A very heavy loss... This  morning we got an order to move the whole supply   wagon to one location, search it out and  gather all the men, who had straggled out.   The participation of the battalion in the  fighting was absolutely impossible. It has only   two or three squads, led by three officers...  The afternoon there was terrible screaming,   a break through the front, the retreat of all the  troops and, finally, a mad flee. I was standing   in a small village and unsuccessfully tried  to stem the fleeing units. A scary scene of   collapse. I had to kick one young officer in his  butt. There was no success. With threats and such,   I managed to gather at most ten men. Eventually, I retreated with our   groomsmen to the height and arranged  for a defense. What a dark day! October 1. We managed, after hard losses, eventually  to get away from the Russians. Our pathetic   remnants are now the Regimental Reserve. The  new divisions are thrown into the battle. The   Germans' progress is miserable. Lieutenant Jan was  missing, Captain Schturm has lost both his legs,   and Riedel was murdered during a  counterattack. I can write no more,   I loved him more than anyone else: he  was so young and he had to die so early!   Unhappy Germany, whose youth is being  taken away from it, unhappy homeland... October 3. I am in charge of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Companies.  The three companies are actually a bunch,   with no more than 30 men. The truth is,  they promise us a reinforcement today   or tomorrow. But it would probably take  us some more time to get to know them.   And I hope they will not throw the  new guys into battle immediately.  The German counter-offensive progresses little  by little. It will be another few days, at least,   before the fortification before the  bridge is removed. Captain Zontag is   dead. No luck for our second battalion as well. There were two twins in our Company from Alsace   who evidently became deserters and who are now  contacting us on the radio. A former officer's   batman also sends his wife and children his  regards. Nothing is the same for our nation   as it used to be. The enthusiasm and the  impulse shift to the side of the Russians. October 6. The reinforcements came at last yesterday,  and I formed a whole new 1st Company. There   are 35 of us by now, including one officer and one  non-commissioned officer. Most of them are older,   mainly workers and peasants. My hope is  that everything will be all right. We   worked diligently yesterday on training them  to handle weapons. Most of them, regretfully,   are not yet used to the new MG-42 machine gun. ... A correspondence with relatives of the dead.   It is surprising how many of them are  quickly reassured. The wives in three   letters ask for the penknives or shaving  kits of the dead to be sent to them. October 7. We changed our positions just before midnight  and held down near the village of Voevodskoe,   close to the Dnepr River. It was a very restless  night, for the Russians evidently noticed our   movements. Their gunnery and mortars were shooting  intensely. The German artillery did answer from   time to time quite successfully. October 8.  A comrade got a Spanish newspaper with all sorts  of interesting reports. But there is very little   news of solace. What I also read were some  completely new opinions about Hess. (Hitler's   order to persuade England to struggle against  Russia.) Those things fit well with our extremely   short-sighted politics. The opposite action, the  establishment of a strong contractual relationship   with the Soviets, would have rather resulted in  an alliance with Britain. The accuracy of this   statement is yet to be proven. The children  and the fools were carrying out the politics,   they were fitting Machiavelli's policy to  themselves, and it, in fact, does not fit them   at all. The Florentinian demanded, first of all,  greatness, clarity, conscience, and consistency.   In political terms, the British are still better  than we are. Since 1939 we have been constantly   misunderstanding and undervaluing their fanatical  will to eliminate. To this day our nation still   closes its eyes to the inescapable threat that is  coming from the East and from the West. The result   is a Germany that has been ruined. We have been  playing with fire too long and thinking that it   only lights up for us. It was the consequence of  Goebbels' propaganda, which victimized our people   and government rather than other countries.  So long we have been given a false picture   of the world and of all sorts of things, that we  have begun to accept our illusions as the truth.  The Russians were very active last night and  tonight. That was, in the real sense of the word,   a hell of a thing. Two days now we are digging  dugouts and trenches and building positions at   a breakneck pace. On the other hand, they  did not protect us from artillery and a lot   of Russian mortars. Unfortunately,  three men are out of service again.  October 10. There was a big Russian   offensive late yesterday evening. Our forces were  under heavy fire from artillery and mortars. The   Russian infantry never showed themselves at  all, while our soldiers behaved very nervously   and fired like crazy even when there was nothing  in sight. This foolish habit had been instilled   in them by previous orders in the battalion. I  was forced to crawl from dugout to dugout to at   least give some sense and calm to the soldiers. There is a spirited artillery activity today   towards Zaporozhye. People say we began  to blow up everything there and we gave   away our fortification before the bridge.  Oh, not again! In that case our situation   here will be even more critical. And where  will we end up in the winter? After all,   the potential of the attacking enemy must end up  somewhere, and it must happen here, on the Dnepr! October 15. I had an encounter with Massenbach yesterday  morning, since I did not want to carry out   any unnecessary reconnaissance. I reported to him  all my observations about the Russian positions,   but he wanted more confirmation. In the end  we decided to send a reconnaissance with my   participation. When I brought him to our  last positions, he gave the order to send   the reconnaissance without my participation.  I was furious because I had to obey him. And   that with my "green novices. My preparations  were most thorough and against my will I sent   them out. I kept an eye out with a machine gun  for further events. They soon found themselves   under enemy fire, as I had expected and  predicted. My best machine gunner fell,   seriously wounded, the rest of them ran back.  Nothing you can do about the recruits...  Today at 2 a.m. the 2nd battalion's assault  operation happened in front of my Company's area.   We were providing fire support. It continued  for a good and a half hour and failed again.   Similar stories only cause unnecessary losses,  which we no longer allow ourselves to make. The   people's credibility is rapidly lost. Besides,  any operation with soldiers of the fifth year   of the war is very dangerous. They do not have a  good fight; they are almost unable to be forced   to attack. They are very demoralized.  Zaporozhye is given up. Our situation   has become extremely worse. Now the Russian has  even more guns and mortars to relieve. They are   already very restless. If only I could have  at least one good non-commissioned officer! October 18. From the day before yesterday I am in charge of  both my unit and the neighboring Company on our   right. With the heavy losses we suffered, the lack  of officers feels very much ... Unfortunately,   I do not have any non-commissioned  officers except those who are useless.   So, I have to do everything by myself. I have  one, a Feldfebel, who has to be persuaded when   firing starts, another, an attendant, and  is transferred only because of a misconduct.   Among my three non-commissioned officers,  one is a master-at-arms, another a clerk,   and the third was in the administration in Poznan  for four years of the war. Within a few days the   Russians slowly moved the front forward and  now they are settling in a cornfield, about   200 meters away from us. They are continuously  pulling up new forces and reinforcing themselves.   Therefore, it would be high time to remove  the fortification in front of the bridge   again. But it does not look like that  at all for now. Their artillery and   mortars are very powerful again. The noise of  tanks on this shore is already being heard.  October 22. At our neighboring units on the right the Russians   managed to break through. To liquidate this  breakthrough, it was necessary for me to engage my   last reserves. Sadly, it was not without losses. The neighboring Company, given to me,   causes a lot of trouble because not only are  there not enough non-commissioned officers,   but the soldiers are extremely apathetic and  lazy. Even during a big advance, I could only make   some of them act. Certainly, I cannot think of  sleeping at night under such circumstances either.  According to the deserters, there are about five  Russian divisions on our fortification in front   of the bridge, and they are now reinforced and  are going to advance again. They are wasting   endless ammunition and bombarding us from dawn  to dusk such that we cannot put our heads out   of our trenches. As we hear it, there is no  hope of removing the fortification this year.   The losses we suffer each day, we can estimate  when our unit will be completely wiped out. From   the early morning until late night, I run around  the positions, pushing and encouraging the men.   We have to make it through, and we will make it  through. But how we will escape from this wood,   my mind is almost blank.… October 23. At 11 a.m., after several hours of preparation,  which we tried to prevent while observing it,   the Russians began a big offensive... At the neighboring units on the right side,   they managed to break through on a wide front. The  right half of the Company given to me also began   to give up their positions. The Russians were  advancing in tight lines. Some of our machine guns   were out of service due to continuous shooting. Some of the soldiers were scared and fled. The   Russians ran into our woods in crowds until  I and 2 or 3 soldiers managed to stop it. We   suddenly realized also that there were Russians  in front of us, no further than 30-50 meters   ahead of us. Covered by the tanks they were  digging trenches and shelters desperately.   The following situation was critical. The only  thing I was glad of was that I was able to get   to my right flank at that decisive moment and  begin to act. With scolding and screaming I   managed to get some of the men into the dugouts,  so we held at least the edge of the forest.  Our neighboring Company was not so fortunate.  Their right flank was still bared. The Russians   had broken through the right flank on  a wide front. To make matters worse,   we got about a hundred Russians in the rear. To  the east and to the south there is the Dnepr,   the road to the west is blocked. We cannot rely  on big counterattacks - we do not have sufficient   reserves. So, the motherland moves away from us  more and more. The night is very black again. I   hope the Russian is not going to advance any  more. We have just received an order to drop   everything we cannot take with us as soon  as possible. That means another offensive!  Poor Germany! There is too much. Impossible  to bear it any longer. All has its limits. Oh,   those stupid politicians who, in the fifth year of  the war, make our people and army suffer so badly!   What exhausting it is, and how  much it costs to sacrifice again!  The diary is interrupted. His fate  is unknown: was he killed, captured,   or missing. We unfortunately have no such details. This is all for today! 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Keywords: audiobook, mark, felton, productions, dark, tech, Eastern, front, skies, seas, ww, ww2, wwll, world war II, war, wehrmacht, ss, ss troops, red, army, tanks, world of tanks, Ukraine, fighting in ukraine, Russia, Russia and Ukraine, history, military, club, TV, radio, news, education, interesting, storming berlin, battle of Kursk, second, world, wwii, historical, division, Germany, Soviet, union, stalin, hitler, infantry, panzer, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, invasion, operation, barbarossa, blau, stalingrad, Moscow
Id: a1QB0voUsxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 59sec (3659 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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