The Coen Brothers Didn’t Like Woody Harrelson’s Script Changes | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

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since cheers you've both gone on and played all these different parts which the blessing is I think it'd be difficult for some people to move on from an iconic sitcom like that and both of you it's been it's from my perspective been a cakewalk like you've both just taken on all these very different roles and handled it beautifully and found all kinds of other playgrounds to play in and I I I know that there's some luck involved but clearly that's also uh gift and craft can you guys handle that compliment yeah I can very would very much yeah that was good I think that went down a little too easy I saw no struggle we are expecting something a little I felt like a vacuum with that compliment you just sucked it right up I um what was your can I ask Woody what his first movie was after playing Woody boy first movie after after Born Killers talking about changing the subject about a 180 yeah yeah that was astounding true I also I talked to you about this Woody but I love love love I'm a big c Brothers fan but I love No Country for all men the scene you have where your character knows it's over and you're you're sitting in your chair talking to uh an assassin who you know is going to kill you and it's this fidgety mixture of I accept this and I'm going to try and talk my way out of it at the same time and I just I love that performance and I thought you know for both of you you've had a chance to have these these moments where you get to really play these different shadings and do these different things that you would never would have gotten to do on Cheers as to that scene like I was shooting another somewhat forgettable movie in Vegas at the same time so I was going back and forth and that was in New Mexico the one uh no country so I came back and I got this stuff out of the book because it was a book no country and I so I I got these things out of the book that I thought would were kind of cool in the scene and but I'd heard they don't like to change much in terms of the script the con Brothers but anyway I I there's these things are so good so I added these elements rewrote the scene rewrote it well you know I just typed it yeah anyway I come in I get a hold of Javier who's the other character in the scene Javier bam Javier bardam and then I we we meet over at the his hotel room and we rehearse rehearse come in the next morning rehearse it again and then they come into my trailer and then me and Javier perform the newly newly written scene for the for the brothers and they and at the end of it they're like um oh we like it the way it was it's good didn't change a word did you both laugh did you laugh you remember I think we laughed right at that moment we' done a lot of work to try to but anyway later of course they turned out to be right you know probably right then they were right yeah they would if we got them on the line they would say no no at that moment we were right those guys man they're incredible but um I was thinking about Ted for if you look at I mean you have obviously Becker damages but then the good place I thought was such a talk about a a show where you were allowed to inhabit all these different realities that were fantastic it almost felt like a children's morality play you know it had that quality to it it's one of the things I'm most proud that I was part of it wasn't easy no I wouldn't think so shoot the the language was so elevated you just had to work your ass off together Mike sh uh brilliant uh showrunner Creator there's a moment at the end of uh the first season of the good place where for anyone who hasn't watched the show you need to binge watch it but there's a there's a huge Oh Henry twist at the end of the first season which I did not see coming and it all hinges on your face because your face you you're busted on something and your face has to we have to find out who you really are and you transform in that moment and I was like one of the best things I've seen on TV in memory it was great that's cool it went that whole kind of ending went viral at the same time that Netflix p it up to to run it on on their on Netflix and it just catapulted us and it's great way all of a sudden people are going back and watching the whole season by the way I we are all but sworn to secrecy about the ending naturally even before we started shooting I blew it I I I no yeah don't give me a secret if it's really important I'll keep wait this is on on which on on the ending of the whole series or the or the ending of the first episod this moment that well I didn't blow it but I I did have loose lips yes I was talking to my friend John krinski and uh I was telling he said what are you doing next I said oh I'm working with your friend Mike sure um you know it's it takes place it's in the afterlife and I start telling him what it's about and I can see him go the office but in heaven in you know in his head I no no no no wait a minute you don't get it see what happens at the end is blah blah blah blah blah and I gave away the whole whole secret into a megaphone and then had to pretend in front of everybody and all these kind of cast meetings of let's let's keep this private please don't blow this I go yeah no no yeah you're absolutely right the lead in that you want to stand up and go this is really important guys listen up listen up cuz someone's been squawking to Kinski who I'm not a fan of and don't talk to he's like he's literally like one degree of separation from every he knows every soul yeah and of course Larry David you work with Larry David uh you've been such a big part of CRI your worked with Larry you were on this year weren't you yeah you were I got to be on one yeah what was your bit on the show well um thanks for you know watching it but but you you weren't in it so I don't expect you would but no did watch mine Woody did you watch my episode yours was great um what was your favorite moment about did you like me as a magician that was some top so know the thing with the scars man all the scars I wasn't a magician scars I tricked you wow but uh yeah what was your episode I I do a thing where it was funny uh because I'm I'm I'm supposed to I play myself but I'm going on I'm getting an Academy Award and I'm and I'm then I do this whole thing where I talk about mistreatment of cows right and so then I'm and and then you know he wants to do a show with me so I go over and I meet with him and then he's like well you know pitching at the thing or something and then I'm like oh this milk you have is that milk and he goes and he remembers because he saw the he oh oh no no that's that's from my my cow on my farm and well anyway so I'm like we should go out there and see the course yes and anyway so things go bad out in the farm and in the end and then and in the end of it I'm like throwing cherries at him or something and I'm saying uh dead dancing was right about you I'm always the on his show you know what's funny but I improvised that that wasn't his idea oh once again yeah yeah again the Coen brothers were wrong you wanted toow you wanted to throw cherries at Javier bar down in this emotionally packed scene can I can I tell you why how wounded I have been over the years because of he's gonna horribly wounded I once panted him in front of a full audience and he decid he was his day of going commando or something so it was very effective and it pissed him off but later a year later because he he's like a killer he waits and he waits and he waits and he uh he invited me to his uh premiere of his movie it was Doc Hollywood Hollywood with uh yeah Michael and uh he's kind of a hick in the movie and then at the end all the pardon the slang Hicks come to Hollywood and they're sitting around watching but he comes to me and he says Ted I really want you to come to my movie the premiere I so respect what you think and it would mean a lot to me and he just laid it on and I was just so chuffed I felt of course so happy my my new friend loved me this much and I and I show up and he says Dad Dad over here sit right behind me right I got a great seat i s i sitting right behind him God bless Woody harlson I love him so much the end of theie movie comes and all the Hicks are sitting around this coffee shop in Hollywood and you hear the last two lines are are oh there's there's a movie star and then was it you said no no that's Ted dancing the whole audience roared with laughter and I had to deep it was deep beautifully done beautifully done revenge is a dish best served oh
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 280,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team coco podcasts, team coco podcast, podcast, conan obrien needs a friend, conan needs a friend, conan o’brien needs a friend, needs a friend, conan o’brien podcast, conan o’brien needs a friend podcast, celebrity interview, comedy podcast, conan podcast, matt gourley, sona movsesian, summer s’mores, chill chums, ted danson, woody harrelson, the good place, the coen brothers, joel coen, ethan coen, curb your enthusiasm
Id: 9lPydEZz31A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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